AWS Remote Jobs

1197 Results


Strong Junior Product Analyst at HolyWater

GenesisУкраїна Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Strong Junior Product Analyst at HolyWater


Holy Water засуджує війну росії проти України й допомагає державі. На початку повномасштабної війни ми запустили продаж NFT-колекції про події в Україні, щоб зібрати 1 млн доларів на потреби української армії, а також долучилися до корпоративного благодійного фонду Genesis for Ukraine. Команда фонду закуповує необхідне спорядження, техніку й медикаменти для співробітників та їхніх родичів, що захищають країну на передовій, крім того, ми постійно донатимо на ЗСУ.


Ви будете працювати в Holy Water — це стартап в сфері ContentTech, який займається створенням та паблішингом книжок, аудіокнижок, інтерактивних історій та відео серіалів. Ми будуємо синергію між ефективністю AI та креативністю письменників, допомагаючи їм надихати своїм контентом десятки мільйонів користувачів у всьому світі.

HolyWater була заснована в 2020 році в екосистемі Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 90 спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх категоріях в США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

За допомогою нашої платформи, ми даємо можливість будь-якому талановитому письменнику вийти на мільйону аудиторію користувачів наших додатків та надихати їх своїм історіями. Нашими продуктами користуються вже більше 10 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу.


1. Наш додакток з інтерактивними історіями 3 місяці ставав топ 1 за завантаженнями у світі у своїй ніші.
2. Наш додаток з книжками, Passion, в грудні став топ 1 в своїй ніші в США та Європі.
3. Ми запустили платформу з відео серіалами на основі наших книжок та зробили перший успішний пілотний серіал.
4. Кількість нових завантажень та виручка зросли майже в 2 рази в порівнянні з 2022.

Основна цінність HolyWater - це люди, які працюють з нами. Саме тому ми прикладаємо всі зусилля, щоб створити такі умови, де кожен співробітник зможе реалізувати свій потенціал наповну та досягнути найамбітніших цілей.


У своїй роботі команда спирається на шість ключових цінностей: постійне зростання, внутрішня мотивація, завзятість і гнучкість, усвідомленість, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

Зараз команда шукає Strong Junior Product Analyst, котрий стане новим гравцем команди аналітиків.


  • Генерацію гіпотез росту та запуск A/B тестів разом з продуктовою командою.
  • Підтримку аналітичних процесів під час проведення A/B-тестувань для оптимізації продуктових рішень.
  • Пошук точок зростання в продукті та маркетингу.
  • Взаємодію з продакт менеджерами, розробниками та маркетологами для безпосереднього впливу на продукт.
  • Автоматизацію процесів підготовки звітів для ефективного моніторингу показників.


  • Досвід роботи на посаді Data Analyst / Scientist від 1-го року.
  • Досвід роботи з column-oriented storages (BigQuery, AWS Athena, etc.).
  • Навички роботи з SQL на професійному рівні.
  • Досвід розробки та візуалізації даних техніками BI (Tableau).
  • Досвід роботи з Amplitude, Firebase, AppsFlyer.
  • Відповідальність та проактивність.
  • Проєктне та логічне мислення.


  • Розуміння основ Python для аналітики.
  • Досвід роботи з Google Cloud Platform.
  • Досвід роботи з B2C мобільними застосунками.


  • Ви будете частиною згуртованої команди професіоналів, де зможете обмінюватися знаннями та досвідом, а також отримувати підтримку та поради від колег.
  • Гнучкий графік роботи, можливість працювати віддалено з будь-якої безпечної точки світу.
  • Можливість відвідувати офіс на київському Подолі. В офісах можна не турбуватися про рутину: тут на вас чекають сніданки, обіди, безліч снеків та фруктів, лаунжзони, масаж та інші переваги ????
  • 20 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік, необмежена кількість лікарняних.
  • Медичне страхування.
  • Є можливість звернутися за консультацією до психолога.
  • Уся необхідна для роботи техніка.
  • У компанії ми активно застосовуємо сучасні інструменти та технології, такі як BigQuery, Tableau, Airflow, Airbyte і DBT. Це дасть вам можливість працювати з передовими інструментами та розширити свої навички в галузі аналітики.
  • Онлайн-бібліотека, регулярні лекції від спікерів топрівня, компенсація конференцій, тренінгів та семінарів.
  • Професійне внутрішнє ком’юніті для вашого кар’єрного розвитку.
  • Культура відкритого фідбеку.


1. Первинний скринінг. Рекрутер ставить декілька запитань (телефоном або в месенджері), аби скласти враження про ваш досвід і навички перед співбесідою.
2. Тестове завдання.
Підтверджує вашу експертизу та показує, які підходи, інструменти й рішення ви застосовуєте в роботі. Ми не обмежуємо вас у часі та ніколи не використовуємо напрацювання кандидатів без відповідних домовленостей.
3. Співбесіда з менеджером.
Всеохопна розмова про ваші професійні компетенції та роботу команди, в яку подаєтесь.
4. Бар-рейзинг.
На останню співбесіду ми запрошуємо одного з топменеджерів екосистеми Genesis, який не працюватиме напряму з кандидатом. У фокусі бар-рейзера — ваші софт-скіли та цінності, аби зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви зможете зростати разом з компанією.

Якщо ви готові прийняти виклик і приєднатися до нашої команди, то чекаємо на ваше резюме!

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    DevOps/ Devsecops Engineer

    SmartDevCầu Giấy, Viet Nam, Remote

    SmartDev is hiring a Remote DevOps/ Devsecops Engineer

    Job Description

    • Building and setting up new development tools and infrastructure
    • Understanding the needs of stakeholders and conveying this to developer
    • Working on ways to automate and improve development and release processes
    • Ensuring that systems are safe and secure against cybersecurity threat
    • Identifying technical problems and developing software updates and ‘fixes
    • Working with software developers and software engineers to ensure that development follows established processes and works as intended
    • Planning out projects and being involved in project management decision
    • Deploy updates and fixes
    • Build tools to reduce occurrences of errors and improve customer experience
    • Develop software to integrate with internal back-end systems
    • Perform root cause analysis for production errors
    • Investigate and resolve technical issues
    • Develop scripts to automate visualization
    • Design procedures for system troubleshooting and maintenance


    • BSc in Computer Science, Engineering or relevant field
    • Good knowledge and experience of Computer Networking
    • Good knowledge of Operating System (Window/Linux/Mac)
    • Good knowledge of performance, security, load balancing, and system troubleshooting;
    • Has experienced with Cloud base systems (AWS);
    • Proficient with git and git workflows
    • Problem-solving attitude and collaborative team spirit

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    Senior/Principal Python Developer (AdTech)

    Sigma SoftwareKyiv, Ukraine, Remote

    Sigma Software is hiring a Remote Senior/Principal Python Developer (AdTech)

    Job Description

    • Writing clean, efficient, and maintainable code in Python 
    • Implementing APIs and integrating external systems 
    • Designing, optimizing, and managing SQL database modules 
    • Performance improvement and code optimization 
    • Covering code with unit tests 


    • 6+ years of experience with Python
    • 2+ years of experience with FAST API 
    • Good knowledge of JavaScript (TypeScript, React) 
    • Experience with AWS 
    • Ability to work independently 
    • At least an Upper-Intermediate level of English 
    • Focus on simplicity and quality 
    • Excellent problem-solving skills 
    • Good communication skills 


    • Experience in the AdTech domain 
    • Experience with Facebook Ads/Zemanta/Taboola 

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    Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

    Daisy GroupHome Based, United Kingdom, Remote

    Daisy Group is hiring a Remote Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)

    Job Description

    What does a day look like for you here? 

    • Use the key practices of SRE to provide operational support to customers.
    • Work with the customer to establish the SLO/I/A and appropriate monitoring process to support these service levels.
    • Manage the release of new features/components against the pre-agreed error budget.
    • Work with the customer to establish an effectiveness process for Pre-Production Reviews
    • Spend approximately 50% of time Developing tools and automation to streamline deployment, monitoring, and maintenance processes.
    • Support the engineering team in developing automated operational tests to demonstrate a reliability baseline.
    • Interface directly with the Change Squad to address poorly performing services.
    • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to identify and address performance bottlenecks and reliability issues.
    • Conduct regular performance analysis and capacity planning to ensure optimal system performance and resource utilisation.
    • Implement and maintain monitoring, alerting, and logging solutions to proactively identify and address issues.
    •  Serve as a technical point of contact for clients, providing guidance on their infrastructure, technology selection, and best practices.
    •  Participate in client meetings and project discussions to understand business objectives and requirements and aligning technical solutions accordingly.
    • Provide ongoing support and troubleshooting assistance to address clients' technical issues and concerns (including out-of-hours support where required)


    So, what are we looking for?  

    • Proven experience as a customer facing Site Reliability Engineer (SRE).
    • Experience working with IaC tools such as Terraform, Git, and CI/CD.
    • Working knowledge of a configuration manager such as Azure DevOps.
    • Experience in implementing and managing monitoring and logging solutions.
    • Experience in implementing and automating solutions on Public Cloud platforms (Azure, GCP, AWS).
    • Exposure to containerisation technologies such as Docker and container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes.
    • Understanding of security, networking, cloud computing, and distributed systems concepts.

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    Analista de Desenvolvimento de Software Java Sênior

    ExperianSão Paulo, Brazil, Remote

    Experian is hiring a Remote Analista de Desenvolvimento de Software Java Sênior

    Job Description

    Área:Marketing Services Development

    Como será o seu dia a dia?

    •  Irá atuar em uma squad, participando efetivamente de cerimonias, discussões, apoio nas tomadas de decisões e resolução de conflitos;
    • Irá atuar na co-criação de novas soluções em conjunto com nosso time de produtos;
    • Será responsável por assegurar a qualidade e segurança do software entregue;
    • Comunicar o design de uma forma que os outros membros da equipe compreendam;
    • Integrar o sistema com os novos componentes de software produzidos ou alterados.

    Quais serão suas principais entregas?

    • Desenvolver softwares para atendimento das necessidades internas;
    • Atuar na manutenção de soluções existentes e propor melhorias nas mesmas;
    • Participar de discussões técnicas para criar softwares de alta qualidade e alto desempenho;
    • Ajudar na concepção e arquitetura das aplicações de software;
    • Implementar as melhores práticas técnicas com qualidade e segurança;
    • Realizar testes unitários, teste funcionais e automação de testes das soluções desenvolvidas;
    • Seguir as orientações da arquitetura de referência;
    • Promover boas práticas e aprendizado contínuo;
    • Documentar os projetos de software;
    • Reutilização de componentes.


    O que estamos buscando em você!

    • Experiência e conhecimentos avançados em Java;
    • Experiência na arquitetura de micro-serviços;
    • Experiência na Stack Spring (Spring Framework 4.0+, SpringBoot, Spring Data, etc);
    • Experiência com bancos de dados relacionais (Postgres e MySQL);
    • Experiência com soluções e recursos AWS;
    • Experiência com Maven;
    • Experiência em controle de versionamento com Git;
    • Experiência com filas;
    • Experiência com CI/CD (Jenkins);
    • Conhecimento de testes automatizados;
    • Conhecimento em Veracode;
    • Conhecimento/Experiência com frameworks ágeis (Scrum, Kanban, Lean);
    • Familiaridade com containerização (Docker, Kubbernets);
    • Familiaridade com monitoramento (Grafana, Kibana);
    • Familiaridade com desenvolvimento responsivo;
    • Boa comunicação escrita e verbal;
    • Pessoa antenada às novidades da área, curiosa e responsável.

    Desejável conhecimento em:

    • Ferramentas/soluções para Marketing;
    • Bancos de dados NOSQL (MongoDB e Elasticsearch);
    • Spark e/ou Scala 2;
    • Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce, Spark, Hive, Hbase);

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    Senior Unix Systems Administrator

    ExperianHeredia, Costa Rica, Remote

    Experian is hiring a Remote Senior Unix Systems Administrator

    Job Description

    The Systems Administrator Senior will be responsible for documentation, deployment and troubleshooting of the complete IT Unix environment including, but not limited to: AIX, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux Enterprise Server. Core competencies include but are not limited to: Linux and AIX operating systems, x86 hypervisors, scripting-automation, and x86 hardware solutions, IBM P series hardware, Ansible, Patching, Security Hardening.

    Work with a team of Unix engineers, acts as Subject Matter Expert for area of responsibility and provide support for Experian Unix Environment, including BAU OS support tickets, incidents, vulnerability remediation, compute and storage changes. Follow change management process. Liaison to other teams within the department for expert advice in the area of servers, high availability, security, virtualization and operating systems technology.

    Summary of Primary Responsibilities

    • Leads and-or participates in the design, development, and implementation of complex system engineering activities involving cross-functional technical support, systems programming and data center capabilities.
    • Responsible for components of highly complex engineering and-or analytical tasks and activities
    • Viewed as a technology subject matter expert; able to provide and communicate complex technology solutions across differing audiences including technical, managerial, business executives, and-or vendors
    • Will have responsibility for multiple, complex projects.


    • Information Technology degree and-or technology certifications preferred or substantial equivalent experience.
    • 5-8 years of systems engineering experience
    • Strong customer and communication skills to interact with team members, customers, vendors and leadership team.
    • Senior level Experience with Redhat Linux OS
    • Senior level Experience with SUSE Linux
    • Advanced Shell scripting and IaC automation skills with Ansible and Terraform
    • Familiarity with tools like BladeLogic, DNT, ESM, vsphere client is a huge plus
    • Experience with IBM AIX OS is desired.
    • Familiarity with pSeries AIX server models, HMC Consoles
    • Familiarity with AIX, VIO, microcode, and firmware upgrades
    • Ability to lead projects and be a leader on distributed team
    • Knowledge of AWS is desired
    • Provide Operating System technical and break-fix level support
    • Strong Experience in RedHat Linux administration on RHEL6, RHEL7, RHEL8, RedHat Clustering, VMware and ESX
    • Ability to handle multiple tasks and adapt to a constantly changing environment
    • Knowledge of SAN based disk solutions and their configurations
    • Ability to work independently but also must be strong in team partnership
    • Work a flexible schedule, with 24 hour oncall pager and weekend overnight work expected
    • Strong verbal and written communication skills. Excellent organization skills

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    Sr. Machine Learning Engineer

    ExperianCosta Mesa, CA, Remote

    Experian is hiring a Remote Sr. Machine Learning Engineer

    Job Description

    The Senior ML Engineer is primarily responsible for high-quality Python and SQL scripts needed to bring machine learning solutions to life. As a key team member, you will work with 1-3 other developers and engineers to gather project requirements, collaborate on solution design and strategy, identify essential architectural components, organize tasks, and contribute directly to all parts of the codebase. As a senior member of a highly professional team, you will work on all aspects of the project lifecycle encompassing everything from data discovery to performance monitoring and executive communications.


    • Organize project tasks, requirements, documentation and progress through Jira and Confluence.
    • Work with stakeholders to gather requirements, communicate status and share insights.
    • Build high-quality Tableau dashboards to help end users engage with model output and understand recommendations.
    • Perform data discovery and analysis to explore and define new use cases.
    • Use applied mathematics and quantitative skills as needed for modeling tasks, impact analysis, scenario planning, forecasting etc.
    • Develop, train, and deploy statistical and machine learning models for revenue, campaign optimization, customer LTV, click propensity, action sequencing, personalization, and segmentation.
    • Maintain an organized code base using GitHub, Jira and Confluence.
    • Develop solution modules and subsystems for preprocessing, measurement, drift, error handling, and anomaly detection.
    • Develop data pipelines by creating efficient data models, writing high-quality ETL/SQL, building Alteryx workflows, managing tickets, and collaborating with partners.


    • High proficiency in Python with 5+ years of development experience in modeling or data engineering
    • Excellent knowledge of SQL with 5+ years of experience in database and data validation
    • Working knowledge of Tableau with 2+ years of experience using BI tools for analysis and presentation
    • Working knowledge of Alteryx
    • Hands-on experience with deep learning architecture, e.g. transformers, LSTMs and convolutions
    • 2+ years of experience working with DL frameworks like PyTorch and Tensorflow
    • Wide familiarity and experience with statistical and mathematical concepts, esp. probability, systems of equations (LA), and optimization theory
    • Firm understanding of model containerization with some experience using Docker
    • Familiarity with the AWS ecosystem preferred: Redshift, S3, EC2, Sagemaker and Lambda
    • Strong track record communicating with partners and stakeholders at all levels
    • Independent, organized, accountable and proactive

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    Especialista Cientista de dados

    ExperianBrasília, Brazil, Remote

    Experian is hiring a Remote Especialista Cientista de dados

    Job Description

    Área: DA-Regions
    Subárea: Governance & Risk Management

    Nós construímos soluções para melhoria de nossos produtos através das técnicas de análise de dados, descoberta de conhecimento, business intelligence e modelos de machine learning para a prevenção de fraudes dos nossos produtos.

    Quais serão suas principais entregas?

    • Criação e manutenção de pipeline de dados para o Lakehouse;
    • Análise e visualização de dados para Business Intelligence;
    • Criação e implantação de modelos de Machine Learning;
    • Processamento distribuído utilizando ferramentas de Big Data.


      O que estamos buscando em você!

      • Experiência de programação, principalmento com Pyhton;
      • Conhecimento em estrutura de dados, algoritmos, orientação à objetos e padrões de projeto;
      • Experiência com bancos NoSQL;
      • Experiência com ferramentas de processamento de streaming;
      • Experiência com Airflow ou outra ferramenta de workflow;
      • Experiência com AWS (EMR, SageMaker, Athena, Glue, S3);
      • Experiência com Spark;
      • Experiência com TensorFlow;
      • Experiência com Linux, Git e Docker;
      • Inglês intermediário.


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            Sr. Technical Marketing Engineer

            CloudflareRemote US

            Cloudflare is hiring a Remote Sr. Technical Marketing Engineer

            About Us

            At Cloudflare, we have our eyes set on an ambitious goal: to help build a better Internet. Today the company runs one of the world’s largest networks that powers approximately 25 million Internet properties, for customers ranging from individual bloggers to SMBs to Fortune 500 companies. Cloudflare protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare all have web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company. 

            We realize people do not fit into neat boxes. We are looking for curious and empathetic individuals who are committed to developing themselves and learning new skills, and we are ready to help you do that. We cannot complete our mission without building a diverse and inclusive team. We hire the best people based on an evaluation of their potential and support them throughout their time at Cloudflare. Come join us! 

            Available Locations - San Francisco and or US Remote

            Sr. Technical Marketing Engineer, Developer/AI

            Cloudflare is looking for a passionate technical marketer to lead our program for Developer/AI solution area. This is a high-impact, results-oriented role, where you will work directly with developers, Product Management, Technical Enablement and Marketing to effectively demonstrate our current products/platform and take new ones to market. You will also identify our technical differentiators and develop stories (and supporting technical assets) that position us against our competitors and aid our sales team. 

            Cloudflare Developer Platform consists of our Compute, Storage, Developer tooling, and our recently announced AI solutions, that together deliver serverless applications and services needed to deploy full-stack and AI applications. We are ranked highest in Forrester Wave for Edge Development Platform with the highest market presence. 

            You will have a drive to understand developers’ needs, dig into product details, and elevate our messaging to deliver solution-oriented, breakthrough initiatives. You will enjoy this role if you like working with fast-paced teams and having autonomy to drive your initiatives. 

            Top candidates for this role will have a strong technical background, experience with developer eco-system in a cloud-first environment, want to learn about leading trends like AI, and feel comfortable in a fast-paced, cloud-native organization. You show the ability to quickly understand our customers, the developers’ ecosystem, and the solutions that customers need in an increasingly Internet-connected world.


            • Evangelize and demonstrate Cloudflare products to analysts, prospects, and customers—in meetings, webinars, conferences and trade shows.
            • Identify ideal use cases for current and future developer customers; help promote our solution
            • Be the voice of the product to the entire marketing team. Be the voice of the marketing team to product management, Engineering and CTO organization.
            • Develop technical assets (including apps and scripts) that prove Cloudflare’s differentiation. 
            • Track major competitors, understand and exploit their weaknesses, and create appropriate assets for the field to use against them.
            • Lead the development and dissemination of compelling competitive knowledge through presentations, battle cards, 3rd-party tests.
            • Work with Developers Relations, Product Marketing and Management, and Solution Engineering to create technical artifacts such as reference architectures, design guides, deployment guides, integration guides, etc.
            • Provide feedback to Product Management and Engineering to adjust future product direction and strategy.
            • Provide deal support for the field sales teams as needed for competitive sales opportunities
            • Design, deliver, and train field sales on value-based demonstration of Cloudflare products and solutions.
            • Create and maintain the official demo and video library of the Cloudflare product portfolio.
            • Be a speaker for Cloudflare Developer Platform.
            • Partner with demand generation and expansion marketing teams to generate pipeline and revenue for the related product lines.
            • Partner with our Analyst Relations team to establish Cloudflare as a leader in this space.


            Must have multiple of the following skills:

            • 4+ years of experience as developer with major languages, ideally JavaScript. 
            • An excellent understanding of developer workflows, CI/CD pipelines, and IDE/GitHub/GitLab integrations.
            • Experience with developer-centric cloud computing environments (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.)
            • Experience with some or all the following foundational technologies and products: SaaS/Cloud or hybrid cloud deployments, Cloudflare Developer Platform, AWS Cloudfront/Lambda@Edge, Fastly Compute@Edge, Akamai Edge Development, Microsoft Azure Arc/AKS Hybrid.
            • Experience positioning technical products to both technical users and economic decision makers
            • Self-starter who truly enjoys working in a fast-paced, innovative cloud services company.
            • Good analytical and debugging skills

            Good to have, additional skills:

            • Ideally 3+ years of experience in technical marketing/product marketing/product management/solutions engineering.
            • Experience in B2B technology marketing with a keen understanding of the Internet ecosystem,  Application Security landscape, and Artificial Intelligence.
            • BS/BA degree in Engineering, Computer Science/EE, or related field

            What Makes Cloudflare Special?

            We’re not just a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company. We’re a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company with a soul. Fundamental to our mission to help build a better Internet is protecting the free and open Internet.

            Project Galileo: We equip politically and artistically important organizations and journalists with powerful tools to defend themselves against attacks that would otherwise censor their work, technology already used by Cloudflare’s enterprise customers--at no cost.

            Athenian Project: We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration.

            Path Forward Partnership: Since 2016, we have partnered with Path Forward, a nonprofit organization, to create 16-week positions for mid-career professionals who want to get back to the workplace after taking time off to care for a child, parent, or loved one.

   We released help fix the foundation of the Internet by building a faster, more secure and privacy-centric public DNS resolver. This is available publicly for everyone to use - it is the first consumer-focused service Cloudflare has ever released. Here’s the deal - we don’t store client IP addresses never, ever. We will continue to abide by our privacy commitmentand ensure that no user data is sold to advertisers or used to target consumers.

            Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? We’d love to hear from you!

            This position may require access to information protected under U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Please note that any offer of employment may be conditioned on your authorization to receive software or technology controlled under these U.S. export laws without sponsorship for an export license.

            Cloudflare is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.  We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all people and place great value in both diversity and inclusiveness.  All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to their, or any other person's, perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, or any other basis protected by law.We are an AA/Veterans/Disabled Employer.

            Cloudflare provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, changing the application process, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.  If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job, please contact us via e-mail athr@cloudflare.comor via mail at 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107.

            See more jobs at Cloudflare

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            Fullstack Software Engineer

            Jochen Schweizer mydays GroupMünchen, Germany, Remote

            Jochen Schweizer mydays Group is hiring a Remote Fullstack Software Engineer

            Job Description

            ​​​​​​​We are seeking a dynamic individual to join our team as a Fullstack Software Engineer, where you'll play a pivotal role in crafting and enhancing our customer-facing products, elevating the shopping experience to new heights. You'll be at the forefront of innovation, collaborating closely with software engineers, product owners, and UI/UX designers to deliver end-to-end solutions that exceed expectations. If you're passionate about building scalable, high-performance applications and thrive in a collaborative, agile environment, we want to hear from you.

            • Design, implement, and maintain customer-facing products to enhance the shopping journey
            • Enhance custom tooling and libraries to streamline development processes
            • Collaborate with software engineers, product owners, and UI/UX designers to deliver end-to-end solutions
            • Passion for crafting solutions that exceed customer expectations
            • Promote knowledge sharing and mentorship, fostering a collaborative team environment
            • Solve problems with an agile mindset and full-stack approach

            Specialization in Frontend:

            • Develop mobile-first, user-centric frontend applications prioritizing search engine visibility and performance
            • Build robust, maintainable frontend applications and REST interfaces
            • Proficiency in React or similar declarative UI frameworks

            Specialization in Backend:

            • Architect and develop microservices and self-contained applications
            • Foster a polyglot persistence environment focusing on scalability and cloud readiness
            • Utilize event-driven and hexagonal architectures


            • Experience designing and implementing customer-facing products
            • Strong collaboration skills with software engineers, product owners, and UI/UX designers
            • Proficiency in agile methodologies
            • Ability to thrive in a collaborative, agile environment
            • Proficiency in frontend development
            • Experience with React or similar frameworks
            • Familiarity with AWS or other cloud environments

            See more jobs at Jochen Schweizer mydays Group

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            Data Engineer


            Legalist is hiring a Remote Data Engineer

            Intro description:

            Legalist is an institutional alternative asset management firm. Founded in 2016 and incubated at Y Combinator, the firm uses data-driven technology to invest in credit assets at scale. We are always looking for talented people to join our team.

            As a highly collaborative organization, our data engineers work cross-functionally with software engineering, data science, and product management to optimize growth and strategy of our data pipeline. In this position, you will be joining the data engineering team in an effort to take our data pipeline to the next level.

            Where you come in:

            • Design and develop scalable data pipelines to collect, process, and analyze large volumes of data efficiently.
            • Collaborate with cross-functional teams including data scientists, software engineers, and product managers to understand data requirements and deliver solutions that meet business needs.
            • Develop ELT processes to transform raw data into actionable insights, leveraging tools and frameworks such as Airbyte, BigQuery, Dagster, DBT or similar technologies.
            • Participate in agile development processes, including sprint planning, daily stand-ups, and retrospective meetings, to deliver iterative improvements and drive continuous innovation.
            • Apply best practices in data modeling and schema design to ensure data integrity, consistency, and efficiency.
            • Continuously monitor and optimize data pipelines and systems for performance, availability, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.

            What you’ll be bringing to the team:

            • Bachelor’s degree (BA or BS) or equivalent.
            • A minimum of 2 years of work experience in data engineering or similar role.
            • Advanced SQL knowledge and experience working with a variety of databases (SQL, NoSQL, Graph, Multi-model).
            • A minimum of 2 years professional experience with ETL//ELT, data modeling and Python.
            • Familiarity with cloud environments like GCP, AWS, as well as cloud solutions like Kubernetes, Docker, BigQuery, etc.
            • You have a pragmatic, data-driven mindset and are not dogmatic or overly idealistic about technology choices and trade-offs.
            • You have an aptitude for learning new things quickly and have the confidence and humility to ask clarifying questions.

            Even better if you have, but not necessary:

            • Experience with one or more of the following: data processing automation, data quality, data warehousing, data governance, business intelligence, data visualization.
            • Experience working with TB scale data.

            See more jobs at Legalist

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            Senior Oracle Data Integration Engineer (Oracle PL/SQL) - Remote Job.

            Bertoni SolutionsMorrisvile, North Carolina, Remote

            Bertoni Solutions is hiring a Remote Senior Oracle Data Integration Engineer (Oracle PL/SQL) - Remote Job.

            Job Description

            We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior Oracle Data Integration Engineer to join our dynamic IT team. The successful candidate will be responsible for designing, developing, integrating, and maintaining Oracle database solutionsto support our client's organization's critical business applications.

            The Senior Oracle Data Engineer will collaborate with cross-functional teams to analyze requirements, design efficient integration solutions, database structures, write complex SQL queries, optimize performance, and ensure data integrity. This role requires strong technical expertise in Oracle database development especially around data integrations with other systems, excellent problem-solving skills, and the ability to work independently as well as part of a team.


            • Collaborate with business analysts and stakeholders to understand application requirements and translate them into efficient database designs and integration solutions.
            • Write complex SQL queries, stored procedures, ETL’s, functions, triggers, and packages to implement business logic. Optimize database performance by analyzing query execution plans, indexing strategies, and tuning SQL statements.
            • Ensure data integrity and security by implementing appropriate data validation rules and access controls.
            • Perform database migrations, upgrades, and patching as required.
            • Develop and maintain technical documentation including data models, schema diagrams, and standard operating procedures.
            • Stay up to date with the latest Oracle technologies and best practices.
            • Review and validate solution design and ensure it covers all the technical aspects. 
            • Coordinate with the offshore teams on the development activities and participate in solution design discussions.


            IMPORTANT: This opportunity is available only for candidates located in Central and South America.This is a Nearshore position (offshore candidates will not be considered).

            • Proven experience as an Oracle data engineer/developer or similar role. Implementing Rest web services to fetch and push data.
            • Experience dealing with large data and developing complex application and have understanding creating data model, DDL and using Oracle Database 19c.
            • Experience with data warehousing/data lake and ETL processes.
            • Evaluate and validate solution interfaces, integration points and dependencies.
            • Liaising with the engineering team for project completion, Reviewing ongoing operations and rectifying any issues.
            • Understanding project requirements and developing detailed structure.
            • Implementing best practices and coding standards
            • Proficiency in performance tuning techniques and query optimization
            • Advanced written and spoken English.
            • Technologies: REST API’s, PL SQL,  Oracle APEX, Microsoft Azure, OCI, AWS, Node JS, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, JQUERY and AJAX.

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            EyeControl | Fullstack Web Developer

            SD SolutionsWarsaw, PL Remote

            SD Solutions is hiring a Remote EyeControl | Fullstack Web Developer

            On behalf of EyeControl, SD Solutions is looking for a talented Full-stack Web Developerto join the technical department.

            SD Solutions is a staffing company operating globally. Contact us to get more details about the benefits we offer.


            • As a full-stack web developer, you will develop, debug, deliver, and maintain a highly-complex system, that is the core of our company's growth.
            • Using the latest software stacks and cloud technologies, you will work on our entire technological stack, from client to server side.
            • We expect you to drive improvements to code quality, web client performance and team processes.
            • Ability to work IL time.


            • 5+ years of relevant experience (focusing on backend development)
            • Experience with HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, SASS, and modern JavaScript frameworks like React (including state management with Redux or similar).
            • Proficiency in Node.JS (NestJS) and working with databases (MongoDB, DynamoDB, or MySQL).
            • Hands-on experience with AWS cloud services, including IoT, Lambdas, SAM, CloudFormation, and SQS.
            • Knowledge of Docker containerization.
            • Familiarity with CI/CD practices.
            • Experience with Linux environments.
            • Familiarity with Bitbucket and CodePipeline.
            • Excellent written and verbal English communication skills.
            • BSc/MSc in Computer Science (or equivalent).
            • Excellent team player with the ability to work effectively both independently and collaboratively.
            • Strong self-learning capabilities to adapt to new technologies independently.
            • Highly motivated and wants to make a meaningful impact.


            • The abilitytowork Sunday-Thursday will be a plus.

            About the company:

            EyeControl has developed an eye-tracking wearable and smart platform that empowers communication between patients who cannot speak, their families, and medical teams.

            By applying for this position, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Policy, and make sure you understand its contents. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.

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            Security Engineer (Software Development + Cloud Security + K8s)

            AcquiaRemote - India

            Acquia is hiring a Remote Security Engineer (Software Development + Cloud Security + K8s)

            Job Title:  Security Engineer

            Job Location: Remote, India


            Does the challenge of finding security flaws in custom application code get your mind racing? Can you think like an attacker to misuse and break cloud services? Do you have an interest in compliance and simplifying the process for achieving it? Join Acquia and help enhance the security of the largest sites and brands on the planet, whose Drupal apps are powered by our PaaS platform and SaaS services built on top of many thousands of AWS EC2 instances.  


            Acquia runs one of the world's largest Platform as a Service (PaaS) offerings. Our Drupal optimized cloud runs on over 10,000 AWS instances and delivers billions of page views monthly for our clients, running some of the largest and most mission-critical websites in the world. We are seeking passionate application security engineers with a strong security mindset who are willing to take the initiative to tackle important problems across multiple products at Acquia, with a focus on our cloud hosting platform. 

            Our cloud engineering team utilizes a variety of programming languages and technologies to tackle many interesting architecture and scalability challenges. Although we run PHP & MySQL at a massive scale for our Drupal customers, on the backend we’re building scalable systems, automation and stack enhancements in everything from Ruby to Go, and storing data in everything from MySQL to DynamoDB.

            At Acquia we work on a variety of exciting projects ranging from running massive microservice infrastructures, to building highly available database clusters using the latest technologies, to building streaming log pipelines and ultimately being the best place in the world to run Drupal websites. We’re one of Amazon’s largest partners and run our workloads in 9 AWS regions.


            Job Description:

            • Be a Security Champion in an agile Security Engineering team owning and operating the services you build
            • Research, specify, and test cloud hosting architectures leveraging your web, database, and OS knowledge
            • Debug the toughest distributed systems production issues

            Job Requirements:

            • 3+ years of related experience in Security Engineering 
            • Cloud security and compliance experience using AWS (e.g., Firewalls, IDS/IPS systems, DDOS prevention and PCI-DSS, HIPAA, FedRAMP, etc.)
            • Strong software development background using any general programming language
            • Understanding of Kubernetes
            • Passion for websites and website delivery architecture
            • Deep, working knowledge of LAMP stack--OS, web server, and database systems (Linux, Apache, and MySQL preferred)
            • Linux packages (e.g., Debian or RPM packages); RHEL and Ubuntu experience
            • Networking (e.g., TCP/IP, Routing, DNS, load balancing, HTTP caching, clustering, VPN, etc.)
            • Holistic understanding of the Internet and hosting from the network layer up through the application layer.
            • Excellent organizational and communication skills, both verbal and written
            • BS in Computer Science or equivalent experience
            • Ability to work effectively across multiple teams and drive results

            Extra Credit:

            • Software development using Python or Go
            • Experience with threat modeling, especially for web application and web APIs
            • Configuration management (e.g., Terraform, CloudFormation, etc.)
            • Containerization:  Docker, LXC, etc.
            • Kubernetes: Hands-on, working experience securing K8s deployments according to “hard multi-tenancy” guidelines and methods.  

            Acquia is an equal opportunity (EEO) employer. We hire without regard to age, color, disability, gender (including gender identity), marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law.

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            AI Prototyping Engineer - fully remote (m/f/d)


            JobLeads is hiring a Remote AI Prototyping Engineer - fully remote (m/f/d)

            Your Crew

            We are seeking a highly motivated and creative individual to join our team as an AI Prototyping Engineer. In this role, you will have the exciting opportunity to explore and harness the potential of generative AI, utilizing cutting-edge APIs and open-source models to develop innovative prototypes and support our teams in integrating AI-generated insights into production-ready applications.

            The ideal candidate should possess a strong passion for AI and a self-driven desire to experiment with the latest models, tools, and frameworks in the rapidly evolving field of generative AI. You should be able to find and exploit capabilities of models through hands-on experience and apply them to domains that have not yet been fully recognized or utilized. While a solid software engineering background is a plus, we value your enthusiasm and willingness to dive into this transformative paradigm of software development above all else.


            Your Course - and what we expect from you

            • Collaborate with strategists, product managers, and cross-functional teams to identify opportunities for leveraging AI in our products.
            • Accelerate innovation by rapidly prototyping and validating AI-powered features, selecting the most suitable models and tools for each task, and embracing the "fire, ready, aim" workflow to move faster than traditional ML approaches.
            • Support our development operations engineers in shaping and refining our AI / prompt-ops environment, and work with code generation agents and other tools to harness AI effectively.
            • Stay up to date with the latest advancements in the AI market, evaluating and selecting emerging models, technologies, and approaches for each use case, considering factors such as performance, scalability, and cost-effectiveness.
            • Assist teams in continuously improving the performance and reliability of released AI-powered features through iterative development and testing.


            Your Equipment

            • Hands-on experience in applying AI models and tools, whether for personal experimentation or solving real-world problems, and the ability to find and exploit capabilities of models through hands-on experience.
            • Familiarity with popular AI frameworks and libraries, such as Hugging Face, LangChain, Llamaindex, and LMStudio.
            • Basic proficiency in Python or JavaScript, and an understanding of the growing importance of human-written code in orchestrating and supplanting LLM power.
            • Understanding of fundamental software engineering best practices, including version control, testing, and deployment.
            • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to think creatively.
            • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively in a cross-functional team.
            • Curiosity and a genuine passion for AI and a strong interest in its potential applications.

            Bonus points for this role:

            • If you have any experience with fine-tuning or working with production-ready RAG systems, that's a plus!
            • Familiarity with productionizing AI models and integrating them into user-facing applications is a nice-to-have.
            • While not required, exposure to cloud platforms like AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, and their AI services, can be beneficial.
            • If you have any contributions to open-source AI projects or a portfolio of personal AI projects on GitHub, we'd love to see them!

            Whether you are an experienced professional or a motivated starter, if you are passionate about harnessing the power of AI to build groundbreaking products and have some hands-on experience in software engineering, we would love to hear from you. Join our team and help us push the boundaries of what's possible with AI!

            What you can expect on board:

            Besides that and meaningful daily challenge, the following awaits you when joining JobLeads:

            • An international and diverse team of currently 70+ talented, passionate people
            • An amazing team spirit and the passion to improve our product every day
            • Flexible working hours and absolutely no bureaucracy
            • A fully remote workplace with high flexibility - work-life-balance is not just a buzzword
            • Challenging tasks, fruitful interactions with your colleagues as well as plenty opportunities to bring in your own ideas
            • Budget for conferences, training and more
            • Virtual team lunches, regular team events and most importantly our annual JobLeads Sailing-Week in the Mediterranean - already in planning for 2024 :-)

            See more jobs at JobLeads

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            Maania Consultancy Services is hiring a Remote ForgeRock Engineer/Developer With Secret

            ForgeRock Engineer/Developer With Secret - Maania Consultancy Services - Career Page

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            AI Engineer

            Informa MarketsLondon, United Kingdom, Remote

            Informa Markets is hiring a Remote AI Engineer

            Job Description

            The AI Engineer position will be responsible to shape, create and integrate AI solutions with particular focus on Natural Language Processing, Large Language Models and Multi-Modal Generative AI. The candidate will be working alongside other members of the CoE, Divisional Colleagues and Data Engineering teams to further drive AI development and innovation. The AI Engineer will work closely with data scientists, delivery leads, product managers, content matter experts, and technology teams to develop, automate and scale-up advanced AI solutions to address key customer problems whilst also helping to develop methodologies and reusable solutions.

            As the CoE AI Engineer, you will be responsible for providing technical expertise and leadership across all aspects of AI engineering process, from data acquisition, tagging, embedding, protection and storage.

            Your Role:

            • Prepare and preprocess data to ensure it is ready for use by machine learning models and AI solutions. Work with a variety of data types including PDFs, Word documents, Excel files, HTML, audio, video, and text, as well as various databases.
            • Build LLM applications including RAG applications, fine tuning LLMs and embedding models, agent/reasoning applications.
            • Deploy LLM applications to cloud infrastructure (on AWS is plus)
            • Manage production-grade LLM application involving RAG evaluation and improvements (RAGAS, advanced retrieval techniques), monitoring and visibility tooling and scaling LLM applications (Amazon SageMaker)
            • Stay Current with Emerging Technologies: Keep up-to-date with the latest developments in data engineering, machine learning, and AI technologies to continually enhance data capabilities.


            • Strong understanding and hands-on experience in various ML techniques and algorithms, including RAG, fine-tuning models and working with large language models.
            • Mastery in Langchain and Python programming languages, essential for AI development and data manipulation tasks.
            • Proficiency in handling and processing large datasets, ensuring data quality and accessibility, including expertise in vectorized datasets. Experience with Data Integration Tools: Proficiency in ETL/ELT tools and practices.
            • Competency in deploying and managing AI solutions on AWS cloud infrastructure. Experience with containerization technologies like Docker.
            • Understanding and application of MLOps practices for efficient model lifecycle management.
            • Knowledge of data security and privacy practices.
            • Effective problem-solving skills to address challenges encountered in AI development projects.
            • Strong collaboration and communication skills for effective teamwork and conveying technical concepts clearly to stakeholders.
            • Knowledge and experience in MarTech preferred, applied in AI development projects.
            • Willingness to continuously learn and adapt to new technologies and methodologies in AI and data engineering.

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            Software Engineer, Backend (EMR)


            hims & hers is hiring a Remote Software Engineer, Backend (EMR)

            Hims & Hers Health, Inc. (better known as Hims & Hers) is the leading health and wellness platform, on a mission to help the world feel great through the power of better health. We are revolutionizing telehealth for providers and their patients alike. Making personalized solutions accessible is of paramount importance to Hims & Hers and we are focused on continued innovation in this space. Hims & Hers offers nonprescription products and access to highly personalized prescription solutions for a variety of conditions related to mental health, sexual health, hair care, skincare, heart health, and more.

            Hims & Hers is a public company, traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol “HIMS”. To learn more about the brand and offerings, you can visit and, or visit our investor site. For information on the company’s outstanding benefits, culture, and its talent-first flexible/remote work approach, see below and visit


            About the job:

            Hims and Hers is seeking a Software Engineer to help build a fast, reliable, and frictionless telemedicine experience. The person hired into this role will work on a fast-moving, growing, distributed team that works on the software that connects our patients to our medical providers. This software allows Clinicians to communicate with patients, see their medical history and any relevant information to make an informed decision for treatment. Our stack consists of Kotlin and Postgres along with a (growing) list of AWS services. Alongside helping build out new functionality and supporting the growth of the business, this role would be responsible for reviewing teammates’ contributions to the code base and making time to help mentor others.


            • Build backend services that power our telehealth platform
            • Brainstorm features with product managers and designers and guide decisions based on your knowledge of the codebase
            • Review code and have your code reviewed
            • Mentor and be mentored by other engineers
            • Actively participate in retrospectives and help drive continuous improvement in our process and culture

            Experience and Skills:

            • Have 3+ years as a software engineer, shipping production code
            • Proficiency in writing distributed services using Java, Kotlin, and/or PostgreSQL

            We are focused on building a diverse and inclusive workforce. If you’re excited about this role, but do not meet 100% of the qualifications listed above, we encourage you to apply

            Our Benefits (there are more but here are some highlights):

            • Competitive salary & equity compensation for full-time roles
            • Unlimited PTO, company holidays, and quarterly mental health days
            • Comprehensive health benefits including medical, dental & vision, and parental leave
            • Employee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP)
            • Employee discounts on hims & hers & Apostrophe online products
            • 401k benefits with employer matching contribution
            • Offsite team retreats



            Outlined below is a reasonable estimate of H&H’s compensation range for this role for US-based candidates. If you're based outside of the US, your recruiter will be able to provide you with an estimated salary range for your location.

            The actual amount will take into account a range of factors that are considered in making compensation decisions including but not limited to skill sets, experience and training, licensure and certifications, and location. H&H also offers a comprehensive Total Rewards package that may include an equity grant.

            Consult with your Recruiter during any potential screening to determine a more targeted range based on location and job-related factors. We don’t ever want the pay range to act as a deterrent from you applying!

            An estimate of the current salary range for US-based employees is
            $110,000$145,000 USD

            We are focused on building a diverse and inclusive workforce. If you’re excited about this role, but do not meet 100% of the qualifications listed above, we encourage you to apply.

            Hims is an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetics or any other basis forbidden under federal, state, or local law. Hims considers all qualified applicants in accordance with the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance.

            Hims & hers is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at Please do not send resumes to this email address.

            For our California-based applicants – Please see our California Employment Candidate Privacy Policy to learn more about how we collect, use, retain, and disclose Personal Information. 

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            Software Support Engineer (Second Shift)

            LaserficheRemote States, United States

            Laserfiche is hiring a Remote Software Support Engineer (Second Shift)


            Do you thrive in a fast-paced environment using your expertise and creativity to solve problems for people? Do you want to work in a growing organization supporting people on software that's used—and loved—by organizations around the world? Are you an afternoon/evening person that enjoys working a 2nd shift schedule? If so, we may be looking for you to join our Product and Customer Support team!
            As a Software Support Engineer, you will be communicating with our Solution Providers and customers in a variety of industries—such as financial services, government, and education—and working with them to address any type of issue that arises from using Laserfiche software in both SaaS and self-hosted environments. Additionally, you will help expedite issue resolution, and enhance our DevOps processes for our fast-growing SaaS system. As part of our 24/7 support team, you will also help maintain our cloud system, provide post-issue analysis, and serve as a program resource for delivering SLAs that impact system availability, scalability, reliability, and security for our SaaS cloud service. If you have strong technical skills and enjoy tackling challenging support cases through problem-solving and effective communications, come join our team!
            Eligible States for Remote Work: Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Washington DC, West Virginia and Wisconsin

            About the Role - Essential Functions                                   
            • Work with Solution Providers and customers to provide technical support by identifying, troubleshooting, resolving, and documenting Laserfiche technical issues
            • Use third party or Laserfiche tools to check Laserfiche Cloud system diagnostics, investigate system performance issues, monitor availability, and document issues as appropriate
            • Facilitate timely and relevant communication of escalated incidents to impacted stakeholders
            • Engage in post-issue analysis to examine incident response performance, identify areas for service improvement, and monitor progress of implementing recommendations
            • Work with software engineering teams to troubleshoot more complex issues
            • Collaborate with software engineering teams to refine in-application diagnostics (e.g., error logging and reporting) and consolidate data across cloud-based services
            • Develop strong working relationships with Solution Providers, customers and Laserfiche teams


            About You - Essential Qualifications
            • 4-year degree (BA, BS) required or equivalent industry experience
            • Must be able to work the second shift schedule (3:00 PM to 12:00 AM US Pacific Time)
            • Preferably experienced and certified at working with AWS
            • Experienced in systems troubleshooting, including database systems, TCP/IP-based networking, web applications, and Windows and Linux system administration
            • Preferably skilled at scripting/programming in one or more of the following: PowerShell, Bash, Python, C#, JavaScript, and Ruby.
            • 2-5 years of software support experience in a customer facing role, and working with ticketing systems
            • Exceptional problem-solving, analytical, communication and customer service skills
            • Ability to learn quickly and adapt to changing environments
            • Ability to communicate in Spanish is a plus
            The salary range varies, and pay is based on several factors including but not limited to education, certifications (if applicable), candidate's geographic region, job-related knowledge, skills, and years of experience among other factors.                                
            • Range: $60,000 - $75,000 plus a 5% shift premium for second shift hours
            Perks & Benefits at a Glance                                  
            • Generous time off:
              • 15 Days of Vacation
              • 3 Floating Holidays
              • 2 Paid Volunteer Days
              • 9 Paid Holidays
              • 4-day Year-end Closure
            • Hybrid Work Environment
            • Free Parking: covered and EV charging stations
            • Various 401 (k) Investment Options and Generous Company Match
            • HMO and PPO Medical Care Options (Employees are fully covered under HMO)

            About Us
            Laserfiche is the leading global provider of intelligent content management and business process automation. The Laserfiche® platform enables organizations in more than 80 countries to transform into digital businesses. Customers in every industry—including government, education, financial services, and manufacturing—use Laserfiche® to boost productivity, scale their business and deliver digital-first customer experiences. Our employees in offices around the world are committed to the company’s vision of empowering customers and inspiring people to reimagine how technology can transform lives.
            Learn more about our team here

            Laserfiche complies with all Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action regulations. Laserfiche makes all employment decisions – such as recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, professional development practices, discipline and termination – without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, sex, pregnancy, age, creed, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic characteristic, marital status, veteran status, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law, except as may be permitted by law.                                  
            Laserfiche provides reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities upon request. For more information please contact Talent Acquisition at or 562-988-1688.   

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            Senior Devops Engineer (GCP)

            EurofinsBarcelona, Spain, Remote
            7 years of experienceagileBachelor's degree3 years of experienceterraformDesignansibleazurekubernetesubuntulinuxAWS

            Eurofins is hiring a Remote Senior Devops Engineer (GCP)

            Job Description

            In a nutshell

            As a Senior Devops Engineer, you will join a challenging and unique large-scale Transformation Program with high impact and visibility. Your primary focus will be  the engineering, configuration, installation, and maintenance of public and private cloud, Linux OS and CI/CD; in addition to code maintenance. 

            Where will you be based and what business will you support?

            Based in Barcelona; you will support project engineering functions within EMEA Infrastructure for the Agroscience, Pharma, Genomic Services and Technologies Business Units

            How can you help us? 

            You will:

            Deliver insights and guidance as we design, build, and operate a state-of-the-art multi-cloud “greenfield” infrastructure by bringing ideas and solutions through an informed viewpoint, as you collaborate with a cross-functional team to develop real-world IT service.

            Your primary focus will be:

            • To build, configure and operate Google Cloud Platform (GCP) plus Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE), Containers and Kubernetes Clusters (GKE) as code.
            • To Design, build and maintain CICD pipelines, GitFlow, orchestration, etc.
            • To research, evaluate and recommend resources for the CI/CD platform and GCP.
            • To develop, debug, improve and/or code refactoring to deliver infrastructure (Terraform) and configuration (Ansible) lifecycle, automation and innovation initiatives, ability to drive automation initiatives independent of automation tools.
            • Image management as code using Packer.
            • To develop and implement agile and scalable infrastructure solutions, with advanced monitoring and alerting, while establishing best practice tools, frameworks, and processes
            • To perform daily system checks, verifying the integrity and availability of development, testing, staging, and production environments.
            • To identify, diagnose, and resolve connection, reliability, or performance issues.
            • To contact vendor technical support for Priority 1 incidents and requests.


            Your additional focus areas will be:

            • Specific Azure DevOps experience is a plus.
            • Team members are expected to grow their expertise in other systems engineer areas to provide support for the entire IT infrastructure landscape through formal training, job shadowing, service transition and documentation.
            • Evaluate, recommend, manage, and operate compute and storage resources on Cloud and CI/CD platforms.


            Core IT Infrastructure Technology / Engineering Duties:

            • Partner with other infrastructure Team Members to learn, develop and enhance the skills needed to support software-based infrastructure.
            • Ensure that IT Services are delivered effectively to business customers. This includes the execution of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), management of IT Incidents/Problems and IT Changes as per well-defined ITIL processes, as implemented in the ITSM system (ServiceNow)
            • Contribute to the reference documents to establish consistency and shared knowledge of Operations best practices and delivery methods.
            • Deliver quality documentation allowing smooth day-to-day operations.
            • Perform system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of infrastructure resources; Ensure that performance, scalability, and security is maintained and optimized.
            • Identify opportunities to innovate, extend and enhance service delivery wherever possible.
            • Participate in disaster recovery plans and practicing recovery operations.
            • Consult with senior peers to learn through experience.
            • Partner with key vendors to maintain an understanding of modern technology and leading practices.
            • Cooperate closely with other Zone / Regional / Group IT Infra resources.
            • Provide after-hours on-call support (rotation) and participate with solution implementation (upgrades, new releases, …), patching and deployment activities after hours as needed.


            Are you our kind of extraordinary?

            You have:

            • A Bachelor's degree in computer science / comparable fields or equivalent working experience
            • Minimum 3-7 years of experience working with: Google Cloud Platform environments, building and managing CI/CD pipelines (AzDO), developing Terraform code, and Linux Servers (RHEL and/or Ubuntu).
            • Minimum 1-3 years of experience working with: Ansible, Packer, managing containers and Kubernetes Clusters.


            What else should I know? 


            Certifications in any of the following or similar technologies are a plus:

            • Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, Hashicorp Terraform, and Linux (RHEL and/or Ubuntu).
            • ITIL Foundation      

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