Firebase Remote Jobs

34 Results


Web Analytics & Data Tracking Manager

Nile BitsCairo, Egypt, Remote

Nile Bits is hiring a Remote Web Analytics & Data Tracking Manager

Job Description

Key Responsibilities

  • Take ownership of all tag implementations in GTM and Server side GTM to feed data to tools and partners such as Snowplow, Google Analytics, Firebase, Criteo, Epsilon.
  • Working closely with Marketing teams to ensure efficient and well structured tracking code
  • Devising and owning new tracking specifications to be implemented
  • Managing all project correspondence with stakeholders
  • Experience of managing tracking implementation projects
  • Set the direction of our digital analytics strategy and enforce best practices
  • Audit the existing client-side/server-side data collection setup, identifying gaps in tracking and processes, identify inefficiencies and opportunities to improve the richness and quality of data collection at every step of the process
  • Responsible for the end to end delivery of tracking projects, this encapsulates data capture, testing/validating results and surfacing data in the data warehouse
  • Maintaining and creating documentation of tracking and processes
  • Maintaining our tracking architecture to ensure we follow best practices and reduce tech debt
  • Set up tracking monitoring processes to ensure we minimize downtime and preserve high quality data
  • Administration and maintenance of various tracking related tools including -but not limited to- Snowplow, GA4, GTM, OneTrust


The Deal Breakers

  • Expert technical knowledge of Google Tag Manager and its ecosystem
  • Proven experience setting up and managing complex, large-scale implementations across web and mobile
  • Experience implementing or working with clickstream data
  • Some experience with SQL
  • Comfortable with exploring large datasets, with an emphasis on event data to ensure our tracking is meeting downstream requirements
  • Good understanding of the flow of data from data collection to reporting and insights and the impacts tracking can have on business processes
  • Highly competent in translating and presenting complex technical information to a less informed audience


And you are…

  • A doer! Willing to step outside your comfort zone to broaden your skills and learn new technologies
  • Meticulous when it comes to devising processes, documentation and QA work
  • Proactive and highly organized, with strong time management and planning skills
  • Approachable personality, happy to help resolve ad-hoc unscheduled problems
  • Proactive, self-starter mindset; identifying elegant solutions to difficult problems and being able to suggest new and creative approaches
  • Great time management skills with the ability to identify priorities


Nice to have

  • Experience working with Snowplow or other event-level analytics platform is a big plus
  • Experience setting up Server Side Google Tag Manager to reduce page load times
  • Exposure to cloud based data warehousing and modelling
  • Experience setting up analytics integrations with AB testing platforms (we use Optimizely)
  • Knowledge or experience of server-side tracking implementation
  • An engineering mindset looking to leverage modern tools and technologies to drive efficiencies
  • Exposure to Python/R or similar procedural programming language


Our data stack

We collect data from dozens of data sources, ranging from transactional data, availability data, payments data, customer event-level data, voice-of-customer data, third party data and much much more. Our historical data runs into tens of billions of records and grows at a rate of tens of millions of records every day. Our data is extremely varied, some being very finely-grained, event-level data, other being already aggregated to various degrees. It also arrives on different schedules!

Our tracking infrastructure contains tools such as GTM, SS GTM, Snowplow, GA4.

Our data stack is Python for the data pipeline, Airflow for orchestration and Snowflake is our data warehousing technology of choice. On top of our warehouse we have Tableau to assist with standardized reporting and self service, there is also a Tableau embedding within Salesforce.

Our wider ecosystem of tools and partners includes Iterable, Docker, Branch, GA4, Salesforce, Tableau. Everything runs in AWS.

Our team culture

The data platform team is an enthusiastic group who are passionate about our profession. We are continuously maintaining our team culture via things like retrospective meetings, weekly socials, open door mentality and cross profession knowledge sharing. We adopt a fail fast mentality that promotes a safe environment for our team to upskill comfortably. Our team make up reflects the company ethos of inclusion and diversity, we are made up of a collection of different people/genders/backgrounds and celebrate our differences. Ultimately we are a team and we work as one together as one, no individual is solely responsible for any area of our pipeline, our successes and failures are shared.


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Android Developer (Promova)

GenesisUkraine - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Android Developer (Promova)

Boosters — це українська продуктова компанія. Ми створюємо продукти в сферах EdTech та life-improvement, які несуть цінність для30 мільйонів людей в усьому світі. Наші додатки регулярно потрапляють в ТОПи рейтингів в своїх категоріях.

Можливо ти вже бачив(ла) JustDone чи Promova.

Наша головна перевага — це люди. Ми працюємо з тими, хто щодня прагне до самовдосконалення та ставить собі за мету перемагати разом з нами. В команді вже більше 100 людей, і ми не плануємо зупинятися.

Наразі ми шукаємо Android Developer'aв командуPromova. Основна мета цієї ролі — допомагати команді Android розробки досягати цілей, монетизувати цей напрямок та ініціювати/впроваджувати рішення, які покращують процес та швидкість розробки.

Promova — платформа для вивчення мов, яка складається із мобільного застосунку, веб-сайту, групових курсів та індивідуальних уроків з репетиторами, а також медіа та соціальних мереж. Застосунок завантажили вже більше16 мільйонів раз,а користувачі пройшли разом з нами 35 мільйонів уроків.Ціль команди на наступні 2 роки — зайняти топ-5 позицію серед онлайн-сервісів з вивчення іноземних мов. А впродовж наступних 5 років ми хочемо досягнути статусу компанії-єдинорога з українським корінням.

Твоя зона впливу:

  • Участь у проєктуванні функціоналу застосунку, зокрема в рамках R&D скводу;
  • Використання UI/UX рішень у зв'язці з дизайнером;
  • Пошук та впровадження оптимальних технічних рішень (якість/швидкість);
  • Реалізація A/B тестів для монетизації продуктів;
  • Розробка рішень які дозволять скоротити "time to market".

Для цього тобі знадобиться:

  • 2-3 роки досвіду в ролі Android Developer;
  • Хороші знання Kotlin, Android SDK;
  • Знання та практика використання ООП, структур даних, шаблонів та принципів проєктування (SOLID, Clean Architecture);
  • Досвід використання одного з MVVM / MVI / Redux підходів;
  • Досвід роботи з Coroutines, Flow;
  • Досвід розробки нестандартних інтерфейсів та анімацій, в тому числі з використанням Jetpack Compose;
  • Досвід роботи з іншими популярними бібліотеками - Jetpack Components, Retrofit, Firebase etc.

Бажані навички:

  • Досвід роботи з Billing бібліотекою (великий плюс), рекламними SDK;
  • Базові технічні знання та досвід роботи з аудіо / відео;
  • Базове розуміння RxJava;
  • Досвід написання тестів, покращення CI/CD процесів.

Ми пропонуємо:

  • Роботу в команді професіоналів та з аудиторією більше одного мільйону в місяць;
  • Філософію та умови для твого постійного росту та розвитку;
  • Робота з реальними користувачами і прямий вплив на продукт і його метрики.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • Компенсація додаткового навчання на зовнішніх тренінгах і семінарах та Business і Management School для співробітників;
  • Велика електронна бібліотека та доступ до платних онлайн-курсів і конференцій, внутрішні бесіди і воркшопи, курси англійської;
  • Корпоративний лікар та медичне страхування.

Процес інтервʼю:

  • Pre-screen з рекрутером (30 хвилин);
  • Тестове завдання;
  • Інтервʼю з Android developer (1,5 години);
  • Bar-raising (1,5 години).

Залишай своє резюме і давай створювати юнікорни разом!????

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Backend Developer

MLMid LevelFull TimeagileDesignFirebasemobilemongodbapiMySQLpythonAWSbackend

Glints is hiring a Remote Backend Developer

Backend Developer - Glints - Career Page var DV_RESPONSIVE_LAYOUT = true; var DV_JOB_BOARD_CODE = 'oDQcpMUe5q'; var doc = document.documentElement;

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Junior Manual QA (PlantIn)

GenesisUkraine - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Junior Manual QA (PlantIn)

PlantIn — це найбільша у світі спільнота любителів рослин та один з найбільших бізнесів в екосистемі продуктових IT компаній Genesis.

Наш мобільний додаток об’єднує понад 30 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу. Наша команда створила власні AI та ML розробки, що допомагають користувачам розпізнавати близько 25,000 видів рослин, отримувати план догляду за ними, звернутися до професійних експертів за індивідуальними рекомендаціями і приєднатися до Plant Enthusiasts ком’юніті ????

Як з’явилась і розвивається компанія можна прочитати тут.

PlantIn на ринку вже близько трьох років і за цей час ми досягли класних показників:

  • Зайняли 1 місце в категорії Education USA (iOS/Android);
  • Більше 30 млн. зареєстрованих користувачів;
  • Понад 11 млн. рослин знаходяться під контролем нашого AI.

Зараз ми шукаємо Junior Manual QA Engineer, який допоможе нам підвищувати якість наших застосунків.

Тобі точно до нас, якщо ти хочеш:

  • Експериментувати. Ми революціонували сферу догляду за рослинами, створивши найбільше у світі комʼюніті любителів рослин. Для подальшого космічного розвитку нам потрібні круті ідеї і сміливі рішення.
  • Вдосконалювати процеси, а не тільки виконувати поточні завдання. Стануть в нагоді аналітичний розум і творчий підхід.
  • Отримувати професійний фідбек. Пряма комунікація з фаундерами продукту.
  • Професійно розвиватися. PlantIn — проєкт, що швидко зростає. Ми шукаємо спеціаліста, який готовий вдосконалюватися як самостійно, так і разом з продуктом.

Твої майбутні завдання:

  • Тестування мобільних застосунків та сайту (регресійне, функціональне та нефункціональне);
  • Тестування API сервісів;
  • Аналіз вимог, написання тест-кейсів і ведення тестової документації;
  • Складення баг-репортів;
  • Супровід та підготовка до релізів;
  • Взаємодія з командами розробки та дизайну.

Що ми очікуємо від тебе?

  • Від 1 року комерційного досвіду в мануальному тестуванні мобільних додатків (Android, iOS) та WEB;
  • Досвід тестування API;
  • Досвід роботи з Jira, Postman, Proxyman, Testrail;
  • Вміння створювати та підтримувати тестову документацію;
  • Знання англійської мови на рівні Intermediate;
  • Проактивність, вміння працювати на результат.

Буде перевагою:

  • Досвід роботи з аналітичними сервісами: Amplitude, Firebase;
  • Досвід роботи з Xcode, Android Studio.

Що ми пропонуємо?

  • Роботу в амбітній команді над суспільно важливим продуктом у сфері екології. Відчути нашу атмосферу в команді можна в Instagram та TikTok.
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей та впливу на продукт;
  • Гнучкий графік роботи — з 9:00 до 11:00 ми починаємо робочий день;
  • Можливість працювати у гібридному форматі в затишному офісі у Києві на Подолі (м. Контрактова площа) з безкоштовними сніданками та ланчем. А також кава, кола, снеки, свіжі фрукти зроблять твій робочий процес максимально комфортним та приємним;
  • Турботу про співробітників – 20 робочих днів відпустки, 100% оплату лікарняних, медичне страхування та безкоштовні онлайн-консультації з корпоративним лікарем;
  • Компенсація навчання — курси англійської мови, доступи до корпоративної бібліотеки та різноманітних курсів. Ми підтримуємо прагнення колег до навчання та розширення своєї експертизи.

Cтавай частиною команди PlantIn!

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Digital Analytics Manager

Nile BitsCairo, Egypt, Remote

Nile Bits is hiring a Remote Digital Analytics Manager

Job Description

We’re looking for a hands-on, highly technical and analytically minded individual who can work cross-functionally with the product team, tech team, marketing team and data team to:

  • Identify what and how we should be collecting data (client-side, server-side) to support deep understanding of customer behavior
  • Devise the technical specifications for data collection, writing and QA-ing code where needed
  • Oversee the tracking implementation and QA-ing process end to end
  • Implement processes to ensure tracking stays robust and up to date
  • Maintain compliance and ethical values with regards to user behavioral tracking
  • Ensure our data collection keeps up with the business!

Key Responsibilities

  • Take ownership of all tag implementations in GTM and Server side GTM to feed data to tools and partners such as Snowplow, Google Analytics, Firebase, Criteo, Epsilon.
  • Working closely with Marketing teams to ensure efficient and well structured tracking code
  • Devising and owning new tracking specifications to be implemented
  • Managing all project correspondence with stakeholders
  • Experience of managing tracking implementation projects
  • Set the direction of our digital analytics strategy and enforce best practices
  • Audit the existing client-side/server-side data collection setup, identifying gaps in tracking and processes, identify inefficiencies and opportunities to improve the richness and quality of data collection at every step of the process
  • Responsible for the end to end delivery of tracking projects, this encapsulates data capture, testing/validating results and surfacing data in the data warehouse
  • Maintaining and creating documentation of tracking and processes
  • Maintaining our tracking architecture to ensure we follow best practices and reduce tech debt
  • Set up tracking monitoring processes to ensure we minimize downtime and preserve high quality data
  • Administration and maintenance of various tracking related tools including -but not limited to- Snowplow, GA4, GTM, OneTrust


The Deal Breakers

  • Expert technical knowledge of Google Tag Manager and its ecosystem
  • Proven experience setting up and managing complex, large-scale implementations across web and mobile
  • Experience implementing or working with clickstream data
  • Some experience with SQL
  • Comfortable with exploring large datasets, with an emphasis on event data to ensure our tracking is meeting downstream requirements
  • Good understanding of the flow of data from data collection to reporting and insights and the impacts tracking can have on business processes
  • Highly competent in translating and presenting complex technical information to a less informed audience


And you are…

  • A doer! Willing to step outside your comfort zone to broaden your skills and learn new technologies
  • Meticulous when it comes to devising processes, documentation and QA work
  • Proactive and highly organized, with strong time management and planning skills
  • Approachable personality, happy to help resolve ad-hoc unscheduled problems
  • Proactive, self-starter mindset; identifying elegant solutions to difficult problems and being able to suggest new and creative approaches
  • Great time management skills with the ability to identify priorities


Nice to have

  • Experience working with Snowplow or other event-level analytics platform is a big plus
  • Experience setting up Server Side Google Tag Manager to reduce page load times
  • Exposure to cloud based data warehousing and modelling
  • Experience setting up analytics integrations with AB testing platforms (we use Optimizely)
  • Knowledge or experience of server-side tracking implementation
  • An engineering mindset looking to leverage modern tools and technologies to drive efficiencies
  • Exposure to Python/R or similar procedural programming language


Our data stack

We collect data from dozens of data sources, ranging from transactional data, availability data, payments data, customer event-level data, voice-of-customer data, third party data and much much more. Our historical data runs into tens of billions of records and grows at a rate of tens of millions of records every day. Our data is extremely varied, some being very finely-grained, event-level data, other being already aggregated to various degrees. It also arrives on different schedules!

Our tracking infrastructure contains tools such as GTM, SS GTM, Snowplow, GA4.

Our data stack is Python for the data pipeline, Airflow for orchestration and Snowflake is our data warehousing technology of choice. On top of our warehouse we have Tableau to assist with standardized reporting and self service, there is also a Tableau embedding within Salesforce.

Our wider ecosystem of tools and partners includes Iterable, Docker, Branch, GA4, Salesforce, Tableau. Everything runs in AWS.

Our team culture

The data platform team is an enthusiastic group who are passionate about our profession. We are continuously maintaining our team culture via things like retrospective meetings, weekly socials, open door mentality and cross profession knowledge sharing. We adopt a fail fast mentality that promotes a safe environment for our team to upskill comfortably. Our team make up reflects the company ethos of inclusion and diversity, we are made up of a collection of different people/genders/backgrounds and celebrate our differences. Ultimately we are a team and we work as one together as one, no individual is solely responsible for any area of our pipeline, our successes and failures are shared.

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Python Software Engineer (remote, full-time, with flexible schedule)

CareAcrossAthens,Attica,Greece, Remote

CareAcross is hiring a Remote Python Software Engineer (remote, full-time, with flexible schedule)

The Role

Our company is growing and our solutions are expanding, leading to interesting technical and product challenges.
Although the current infrastructure is based on Ruby on Rails, you will focus on expanding through Pythonand other technologies. Your goal will be to build a complex infrastructure of services, also encompassing Artificial Intelligence, to enhance our solutions for patients, clinicians, researchers, hospitals, as well as the industry.

Your contribution will be central to the company’s evolution, as we enhance our digital therapeutics services for patients, remote patient monitoring solutions for clinicians, as well as offerings of predictive analytics, decision support, and more.

Beyond mastering your technical skills, this role offers a unique path for career advancement. As our company continues to grow, there's ample opportunity to step into more senior roles, including team leadership positions. While proficiency in technical skills and problem solving is crucial, we value strong communication and mentorship abilities. If you envision not just excelling in coding but also guiding and inspiring others, this role could help you grow personally and professionally, while delivering unprecedented value to cancer patients globally.

What you will be working on (short-term)

  • Build new services (following a microservice architecture) using Python 
  • Collaborate with at least one more team member managing our Ruby on Rails infrastructure
  • Enhance the capabilities of our mobile app for patients and clinicians
  • Lead the architecture of our Python-based services infrastructure and its integration with number of components, services and microservices
  • Help with hiring at least one more team member
  • Manage the new hire end-to-end

What you will be working on (medium-term)

  • Lead the end-to-end services architecture 
  • Manage the software development plan and release cycles
  • Collaborate with the Product team to deliver new services and solutions
  • Collaborate with the Operations team to ensure smooth performance
  • Orchestrate the evolution of the infrastructure that already contains technologies such as Heroku, Redis, ElasticSearch, GitHub & Git, Sentry, Amazon Web Services, Firebase etc


  • At least 2 years experience with Python within an MVC framework
  • At least 2 years experience with relational databases and SQL technologies (ideally PostgreSQL)
  • Solid understanding of HTTP and RESTful web service design, implementation, and maintenance.
  • Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Ability to plan work, prioritise tasks independently and efficiently, in order to meet deadlines
  • Passion for high-quality output and ability to inspire and lead other software engineers towards the same aspiration.


  • At least 2 years experience with Ruby on Rails, or another MVC framework beyond those based on Python (which is a must-have).
  • Experience with Cloud-based services such as Heroku
  • Exposure to microservices, web services, etc
  • Knowledge of CI, CD as well as microservices orchestration.

Grow and Learn: Innovate and learn something new every day.

Fully remote role: Save time for things other than commuting.

Build your own work/life balance: Working full-time does not mean that you cannot be flexible. Create a schedule that suits your needs.

Have an impact: Affect the lives of thousands of cancer patients globally.

As part of our dedication to the diversity of our workforce, CareAcross is committed to Equal Employment Opportunities without regard for race, colour, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or religion.

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Middle/Senior React Native Developer | HOLYWATER

GenesisКиїв, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle/Senior React Native Developer | HOLYWATER

HOLYWATER— технологічна медіакомпанія, що створює персоналізовані світи для 20+ мільйонів користувачів, поєднуючи креативність авторів з ефективністю штучного інтелекту.


My Drama – платформа вертикальних відеосеріалів з оригінальними епізодами по хвилині кожен, заснована на наших найпопулярніших книгах та інтерактивних історіях, №1 серед європейських та американських гравців у цій ніші.

My Passion – додаток для романтичних книг, №1 у понад 10 країнах.

AI Companion – цілий світ, де оживають улюблені персонажі. З AI Companion ви можете спілкуватися з улюбленими героями та героїнями наших книг, серіалів та інтерактивних історій.

У вас буде можливість переймати досвід команд, які забезпечили високі метрики і досягнення у наших продуктах:

  • Понад 20 млн. встановлень наших додатків.
  • Географія налічує користувачів з 190+ країн, включаючи усі країни tier-1.
  • Щомісяця до нас приєднується більше 1 млн. нових користувачів.
  • Наші продукти утримують ТОП-позиції у своїх нішах в США та Європі.


HOLYWATER була заснована в 2020 році в групі компаній Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 120+ спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх нішах у США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

У інтервʼю СЕО Богдана Несвіта для The Recursive ви можете дізнатись про шлях компанії та виклики, які були на ранніх етапах. А зі статей у HackerNoon та TechCrunch - про My Drama, AI Companion і нішу вертикальних серіалів. Більше інформації про компанію шукайте у нашому LinkedIn.

Нещодавно ми запустили проєкт «ПИШИ» - масштабний open-call для українських авторів та авторок у жанрі романтики для видавництва та популяризації їх на міжнародному ринку та в Україні.

Усі 4 роки ми активно формуємо компанію так, щоб наші співробітники могли реалізувати свій потенціал на максимум та досягнути своїх найамбітніших цілей. У цьому нам допомагають шість ключових цінностей, які викристалізувались з нашого досвіду і підходів до роботи: усвідомленість, постійне зростання, cамомотивація, наполегливість і гнучкість, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

Ми допоможемо інтегруватися у наше середовище і на власних діях навчимо вас втілювати ці цінності в життя, щоб разом з нами ви змогли розкрити свій потенціал.

Кого ми шукаємо в команду

Ми шукаємо досвідченого розробника React Native, який приєднається до нашої команди для розробки телевізійного додатку на платформах tvOS та Android TV.

Задачі, над якими вам треба буде працювати:

  • Розробка та оптимізація телевізійного додатку для платформ tvOS та Android TVна основі React Native.
  • Повторне використання та адаптація коду нашого мобільного додатку для відповідності вимогам ТВ-платформ.
  • Забезпечення безперебійної інтеграції з Firebase, Amplitude та AppsFlyer.
  • Співпраця з командою для досягнення функціональної відповідності ТВ-додатку з мобільною версією.

Очікування до вашого досвіду і навичок:

  • Глибокі знання React Native та TypeScript.
  • Досвід роботи з розробкою для TVOS та Android TVз використанням React Native.
  • Досвід інтеграції з Firebase.
  • Знання Amplitude для відстеження івентів та AppsFlyer для атрибуції.
  • Вміння оптимізувати продуктивність та UX для великих екранів.

    Буде плюсом
  • Досвід роботи з відеострімінговими або медіа-орієнтованими додатками
  • Розуміння специфіки роботи з відеофункціями та UX-патернами для великих екранів.

Бенефіти, які ми пропонуємо:

  • Професійну команду, у якої ви зможете переймати досвід та отримувати фідбек, що забезпечить ваш швидкий розвиток. За результатами останнього Satisfaction & Engagement опитування наші співробітники оцінили можливості для розвитку у 91%.
  • Цікаві челенджі і глибокий досвід. Компанія активно розвивається – ми запускаємо нові продукти і масштабуємо існуючі, будуємо процеси і впроваджуємо ініціативи з нуля. Ви зможете робити це разом з нами – наші співробітники оцінюють вплив їхніх результатів на роботу компанії у 96%.
  • Атмосферу довіри, відкритості та свободи. Наш eNPS показник останні 2 роки тримається на рівні 75-85%, а 94% опитаних співробітників хочуть залишатися з нами протягом наступних 1,5 року.
  • Широкі можливості навчання. У вас буде доступ до онлайн-бібліотеки, регулярних лекцій від спікерів топ-рівня, профільних шкіл, воркшопів, хакатонів. Також ми компенсуємо навчання англійської мови та участь у профільних заходах.
  • Доступ до професійного ком’юніті на сотні учасників. Ви зможете підтримувати професійні звʼязки з широким колом професіоналів з 20+ компаній Genesis.
  • Гнучкий графік роботи. Ми вам довіряємо, тому ви працюєте у тому графіку, який для вас зручний. Є бізнес-години, в які ми очікуємо, що ви будете доступні, але часом роботи ви керуєте самостійно.
  • Віддалена робота або можливість відвідувати офісна київському Подолі. Офіс – це безперебійна зона для роботи. Він обладнаний генераторами, безперебійним інтернетом, та надійним, спеціально обладнаним укриттям, розташованим на трьох поверхах під землею. А також ми забезпечуємо вас їжею (сніданки, обіди, снеки, напої, фрукти, солодощі) протягом усього дня.
  • Сучасну техніку, сервіси та інструменти для роботи.
  • Відпустку 20 робочих днів на рік, а також відпочинок у державні свята.
  • Послуги корпоративного лікаря, а після випробувального терміну покриваємо вам медичне страхування.Також кожен співробітник має необмежену кількість лікарняних.
  • Компенсацію членства в спортивних клубах та доступ до спортивних секцій.
  • Компенсацію за підтримку ментального здоровʼя та заняття з психологом.

Етапи відбору, які ми проходимо разом з вами:

1. Первинний скринінг.Наш спеціаліст з рекрутингу поставить декілька запитань (під час розмови або в месенджері), аби зрозуміти ваш досвід і навички перед співбесідою.
2. Тестове завдання.Ви отримуєте завдання, яке буде схоже на вашу майбутню роботу. Для вас це можливість більш глибинно продемонструвати свій досвід та отримати фідбек, який допоможе вашому розвитку. А для нас – можливість познайомитись з вашим способом мислення, та оцінити підходи, інструменти й рішення, що ви застосовуєте в роботі.
3. Співбесіда з наймаючим менеджером. На цьому етапі ви поспілкуєтесь зі своїм майбутнім менеджером. Ми обговоримо вашу експертизу і навички, а також детальніше розповімо про нашу позицію, команду, виклики та завдання, які вас очікують, та відповімо на всі ваші запитання.
4. Бар-рейзинг.Це спілкування з топ-менеджером групи компаній Genesis, який не працюватиме з вами безпосередньо. У фокусі бар-рейзера – ваші софт-скіли та цінності, щоб зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви будете зростати разом з нами. Це чудова можливість для вас побачити найсильніших гравців нашої екосистеми і задати їм питання, які вас цікавлять.

Відгукуйтесь на нашу позицію і ми обіцяємо, що це буде крута і корисна подорож!

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Développeur Android Kotlin (H/F)

CITECHFos-sur-Mer, France, Remote

CITECH is hiring a Remote Développeur Android Kotlin (H/F)

Description du poste

???????? Vous aurez donc les missions principales suivantes : ????????

Mise en place d'une application Mobile qui permettra la création d'une fiche d'expression du besoin pour un échafaudage et le suivi du cycle de vie d'un échafaudage sur le terrain par les agents et les donneurs d’ordre.

???? Architecturer les applications mobiles Android en respectant les bonnes pratiques de codage et d’optimisation du code
???? Développer le code des applications mobiles en Kotlin
???? Utiliser l’environnement de développement des applications mobiles : Kotlin, Android Studio, API REST, SQLite (Room), Git, Firebase
???? Réaliser les tests (unitaire, intégration, recette)
???? Réaliser les livraisons intermédiaires
???? Mettre en service l’application
???? Rédiger la documentation pour l’application mobile
???? Réaliser la correction de bugs détectés à la suite des livraisons intermédiaires


????Vous justifiez d’une expérience solide et réussie sur un même type de poste.

⚙️ Les compétences attendues sont les suivantes :

✔️ Vous êtes un expert sur Android Studio et Kotlin.
✔️ Vous avez une pratique de l’outil de gestion de configuration Git ainsi que de Firebase.

☑️ Vous appréciez le travail en équipe, vous êtes passionné par la technique et l'informatique, vous avez goût à l'industriel (secteur complètement différent par rapport au tertiaire tel que le secteur banque et assurance).
☑️ Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes possédant le statut RQTH.

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Middle Product Manager (E-Com)

GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle Product Manager (E-Com)

Шукаємо Middle Product Manager-а в 6037 на продукт Title — #1 платформа для шопінгу з персональними стилістами, якою вже скористалися мільйони жінок з усього світу.

Завдяки інтегрованій системі консультацій з професійними стилістами, наш продукт допомагає користувачам створювати унікальні та стильні образи, враховуючи їхні особисті вподобання.

Наразі ми створюємо власний e-Commerce простір та шукаємо людину, яка розвиватиме даний напрямок продукту, покращуватиме шлях користувача від персоналізованих рекомендацій до отримання замовлення.

Про продукт:

  • Продукт пропонує унікальний користувацький досвід, поєднуючи зручність онлайн-шопінгу з індивідуальними рекомендаціями від стилістів. Ти будеш працювати над продуктом, який має реальне значення для людей.
  • Платформа знаходиться на перетині технологій та моди, що робить її одним із найцікавіших і швидкозростаючих сегментів ринку. Індустрія персоналізованого шопінгу активно розвивається, і ти будеш працювати над продуктом, що знаходиться на передовій цього розвитку.
  • Продукт передбачає роботу з великими обсягами даних користувачів для покращення рекомендацій та персоналізації. Ти зможеш створювати більш ефективний продукт та покращувати користувацький досвід на основі даних.

Твої майбутні виклики:

  • Участь у розробці стратегії продукту шляхом визначення його можливостей через аналіз ринкових тенденцій, показників продукту, відгуків користувачів та змін в індустрії.
  • Генерація та валідація гіпотез на підвищення продуктових та монетизаційних метрик через ongoing процес проведення а/б тестів.
  • Контроль процесу продуктової розробки на всіх етапах від ідеї до аналізу.
  • Проведення комплексного дослідження ринку, користувачів та конкурентів для пошуку точок росту продукту.

Переваги позиції:

  • Наша команда розділяє прозору комунікацію, відкритий фідбек, швидке впровадження ідей та досягення фантастичних результатів. Ми прагнемо зробити цінний та якісний продукт, про котрий знає увесь світ і котрим користуються рідні.
  • Ми гарантуємо швидку прокачку у продакт менеджменті – з нами ти зможеш спробувати всі напрями цієї позиції за короткий проміжок часу та вирости до Product Lead → Head of Product.

Що для нас важливо:

  • Від 2 років комерційного досвіду на позиції Product Manager, Category Manager, CRO Manager або E-Commerce Manager.
  • Особисті досягнення в складі продуктової команди, у тому числі кількісних цілей продукту.
  • Високі аналітичні здібності та логічне мислення, вміння інтерпретувати складні дані та робити практичні висновки.
  • Досвід роботи з потребами та проблемами користувачів: проведення та аналіз user interview, створення user journey, аналіз поведінки всередині продукту.
  • Досвід роботи з продуктовими інструментами, такими як Amplitude, Firebase, Figma.
  • Вільне спілкування англійською на рівні Upper Intermediate.

Буде перевагою:

  • Досвід роботи з e-commerce платформами.
  • Досвід роботи з наступними метриками: CR2Cart, AOV, Cart Abandonment Rate, Repeat Purchase Rate, Time to Purchase.
  • Досвід пошуку точок росту продукту та валідація гіпотез а/б тестами, дослідженнями, іншими даними.
  • Глибоке розуміння принципів дизайну.

Про нас:

6037 — венчурне партнерство, що інвестує в перспективні продукти на ранніх етапах і перетворює їх на працюючі стійкі бізнеси за допомогою власної маркетингової, аналітичної та операційної експертизи.

Наша місія — трансформувати Україну з аутсорс хабу на державу-продукт, побудувавши портфель з 20+ B2C SAAS продуктів — лідерів у своїх нішах.

Наші цінності:

  • Оптимізм. Ми живемо, щоб бути щасливим і знаємо, що провал більшості спроб - єдиний шлях до цілі.
  • Відповідальність. Ми ставимося до бізнесу, як до власного, та приймаємо й оцінюємо рішення в такій парадигмі.
  • Ретельність. Ми не знаємо абсолютної більшості речей, але маємо енергію і терпіння досконально розібратися в декількох.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • 6037
    • Можливість стати Партнером 6037 — ми вважаємо, що поодинці люди не створюють великі продукти та великі компанії. Будь-яке суттєве досягнення в корпоративному світі — реалізація сильної пристрасті групи вмотивованих професіоналів. Ми віримо, що залучення, розвиток і мотивація в довгу таких людей сьогодні не цікава і не можлива без сутності Партнерства.
    • All-inclusive офіс — ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі. Ми робимо все, щоб кожному було комфортно у затишному офісі в Києві або Львові — сніданки, обіди, масажний кабінет — це далеко не все, що чекає на тебе в нашому спейсі.
    • Anniversary Benefits — ми вдячні за відданість та внесок кожного члена команди, тому за кожну річницю компенсуємо до 2000$ за wellness або спорт: спа, персональні тренування, косметолог — будь-що, що приносить тобі радість та користь.
  • Genesis
    • Розвиток українського — можливість долучитись до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни.
    • Карʼєрне зростання — культура навчання сприяє швидкому розвитку колег. У середньому за рік у нас в команді зростає до 10 менеджерів. На тебе чекають великі профільні комʼюніті, за допомогою яких ти зможеш покращити свої hard skills, компенсація навчання, доступ до Genesis Academy.
    • Одні з кращих умов на ринку компаній в Україні — конкурентна винагорода, 20 робочих днів оплачуваної перерви, співпраця в рамках Дія Сіті, 100% оплату лікарняних, медичне страхування та безкоштовні онлайн-консультації з корпоративним лікарем.

Якщо ти не шукаєш роботу, але маєш друзів або знайомих, які в пошуку — рекомендації вітаються. За рекомендацію на цю позицію ти отримаєш бонус $1000 + $1000 ми задонатимо у будь-який фонд підтримки ЗСУ за твоїм вибором!

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Senior Flutter Engineer

AJ BellHybrid - WFH/Bristol, United Kingdom

AJ Bell is hiring a Remote Senior Flutter Engineer

Job Description

The Touch team is developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. 

The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible. We're building a mobile first investment  app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their Smartphone. 

The day to day responsibilities 

  • Engage in the full software development lifecycle: requirements gathering with stakeholders, working as a team to build and test features, managing deployment and supporting the service in production. 
  • Work as part of a distributed team made up of self-motivated and collaborative individuals. Much of our communication is remote and async so good communication skills are key. 
  • Iteratively make improvements to a new product while aligning to our mutually agreed design and architectural principles. 
  • Always looking for ways we can improve our product, processes and practices. We don’t like friction and waste. 
  • Automated testing, continuous integration and continuous deployment. We are huge proponents of automation. 
  • Working outside of your specialism when needed. While all our team members have a specialism, we don’t let that restrain us. Our engineers jump in to help get things done even in technologies out of their core competency. 

Your skills and attributes 

  • Excellent programming and problem solving skills 
  • Understanding of relevant software design patterns and paradigms, such as OOAD, DDD, MVC, microservices, containers/orchestration or event-driven architecture 
  • Experience in creating performant, scalable, secure and well tested code. 
  • You take ownership of tasks and problems, clearing roadblocks and pulling in other people to help when needed. 
  • Experience working with Investment or Pensions platforms would be an advantage 

Our tools and technologies 

The below are all things that we are either currently using or have found to be a useful  foundation when joining our team. Prior knowledge of them is not essential but would be  beneficial to the role: 

  • Flutter (including Dart) - we can provide training to experienced native iOS or Android engineers who haven’t used Flutter before. 
  • Firebase, Riverpod with Hooks, Provider, Deeplinking 
  • gRPC/proto 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • Docker 

Other technologies we use include:  

  • TypeScript and Vue 
  • Go 

About Touch by AJ Bell:

Touch are developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible.

We're building a mobile first investment app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their smartphone.

We originally founded the company (then Adalpha Ltd) in 2018, before being acquired in 2021 by AJ Bell, one of the UK's largest investment platforms and part of the FTSE 250 Index, to support the development of their digital services.

About AJ Bell:

AJ Bell is one of the fastest-growing investment platform businesses in the UK offering an award-winning range of solutions that caters for everyone, from professional financial advisers, to DIY investors with little to no experience. We have over 528,000 customers using our award-winning platform propositions to manage assets totalling more than £83.7 billion. Our customers trust us with their investments, and by continuously striving to make investing easier, we aim to help even more people take control of their financial futures.

Having listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in December 2018, AJ Bell is now a FTSE 250 company.

Headquartered in Manchester with offices in central London and Bristol, we now have over 1,400 employees and have been named one of the UK's 'Best 100 Companies to Work For’ for six consecutive years.

At AJ Bell you can expect a friendly working environment with a strong sense of teamwork, we have a great sense of pride in what we do, and this is reflected in our guiding principles.

Our perks and benefits:

  • Starting salary of £55,000 - £80,000 (Depending on experience)
  • Starting holiday entitlement of 25 days, increasing up to 31 days with length of service
  • Holiday buy and sell scheme
  • A choice of pension schemes with matched contributions up to 6%
  • Discretionary bonus scheme
  • Annual free share awards scheme
  • Buy As You Earn (BAYE) Scheme
  • Health Cash Plan – provided by Medicash
  • Discounted private healthcare scheme and dental plan
  • Free gym membership
  • Employee Assistance Programme
  • Bike loan scheme
  • Sick pay+ pledge
  • Enhanced maternity, paternity, and shared parental leave
  • Loans for travel season tickets
  • Death in service scheme
  • Dedicated time for proof-of-concepts and assessing new tech
  • Support to attend conferences, events, and meet-ups
  • Paid time off for volunteer work
  • Charitable giving opportunities through salary sacrifice
  • Calendar of social events, including monthly payday drinks, annual Christmas party, summer party and much more
  • Personal development programmes built around you and your career goals, including access to personal skills workshops
  • Ongoing technical training
  • Professional qualification support
  • Talent management programmes
  • Peer recognition scheme, with rewards including restaurant and shopping vouchers or time off
  • Monthly leadership breakfasts and lunches
  • Casual dress code
  • Access to a range of benefits from our sponsorship deals

Hybrid working:

At AJ Bell, our people are the heart of our culture. We believe in building strong connections by working together. That's why we offer a hybrid working model, where you’ll spend a minimum of 50% of your working time per month in the Bristol office. For new team members, an initial period will be full-time in the office to help you immerse yourself in our business and build valuable relationships with your colleagues.

AJ Bell is committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and all employees are empowered to bring their whole self to work.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, religion, physical and mental disability, marital status and any other characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. All decisions to hire are based on qualifications, merit and business need.

If you like the sound of the above, or just want to know more about the company and the role, we'd love to speak to you.


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Lead Offensive Security Engineer (IoT)

PraetorianRemote within United States
Ability to travelFirebasemobileazurec++dockerkuberneteslinuxAWS

Praetorian is hiring a Remote Lead Offensive Security Engineer (IoT)

Company Overview:

At Praetorian, we are bringing together the world's brightest minds in pursuit of solving the cybersecurity problem by reducing the friction of security and enabling the next wave of technological innovation. From projects that range from cryptocurrency exchanges to autonomous vehicles and from medical device platforms to space telescopes, we apply expertise and engineering to help secure our customers. 

Checkout our new hire survival guide for more information on Praetorian's mission, vision, values, and culture as well as our benefits and perks here

Career Opportunity:

  • Join an industry with massive socio, economic, and political importance in the 21st century
  • Work alongside some of the best and the brightest minds in the security industry
  • Work with prominent clients and help them solve hard security problems
  • Leave an indelible mark on a company where individual input has real impact
  • Align your career trajectory with a hyper growth company that is on the move

Core Responsibilities:

  • Lead the technical execution of challenging offensive security projects focused on IoT Security for our customers
  • Identify nuanced vulnerabilities in advanced systems
  • Develop custom methodologies, payloads, exploits, and tools to ensure project success
  • Develop documentation for novel mitigation strategies to emerging or undocumented security risks identified in client environments
  • Develop comprehensive reports and presentations for our customers
  • Serve as a mentor to other engineers in their technical and professional development
  • Collaborate with the security community to develop novel attack techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) through Praetorian’s Security Blog and other forms of community engagement

Desired Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated passion for cybersecurity
  • 5+ years of IoT security experience in one or more cross-functional areas: hardware or software reverse engineering, firmware analysis, embedded cryptography, wireless protocols, glitching/side-channel analysis, or IoT PaaS security
  • Additional experience in at least 3 of the following:
    • Product Security Testing (Application, Mobile, LLM)
    • Network Security Testing and/or Red Team
    • Web Application Penetration Testing
    • Cloud Security (AWS, Azure, GCP)
    • Secure Code Review
    • Reverse Engineering 
    • Vulnerability Research/ Exploit Development
  • Understanding of threat models, attack paths and intelligence considerations within the scoping of technical projects 
  • Ability to write technical reports and present technical findings both internally and externally
  • Experience with startup and/or high-tech companies

+1 Qualifications:

  • Prior security consulting experience
  • Software or web application development experience in multiple languages
  • Experience with cutting edge technology stacks and modern security technologies
  • Advanced technical knowledge in any of the following:
    • Exploit development beyond Windows and for MacOS X or Linux 
    • Reverse engineering malware, data obfuscators, or ciphers
    • Software maturity models such as OpenSAMM, BSIMM, and SDL
    • Identity technologies for Azure AD, Auth0, Firebase, OKTA, or Google Identity
    • Secrets management such as Hashicorp Vault and cloud native KMSs
    • Containerization technologies such as Docker and registry platforms such as DockerHub, ACR, ECR, & GCR
    • Orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes and cluster management platforms such as AKS, EKS, & GKE
    • Command and control channel frameworks and deployment
    • Automotive security, ICS/SCADA, Network device security, Medical device security, Home automation security, and/or cryptocurrency wallet security
    • Hardware RE, software RE, firmware analysis, embedded cryptography, wireless protocols, Software-defined radio, glitching, side-channel analysis, and/or IoT PaaS and similar technologies
  • Capture-the-flag, CCDC, CPTC or other security related competitions
  • Ranked achievements on testing platforms such as Hack the Box, Tryhackme, Portswigger, Proving Ground and similar 
  • Pursuit of advanced learning opportunities via security training courses, conferences, personal projects and similar 
  • Track record in vulnerability research and CVE assignments
  • Security community experience via presentations, conference attendance, blogs, white papers and similar 
  • OSCE, OSEP, OSED, CRTO, cloud certifications and similar 
  • Ability to travel up to 20% to support client engagements

Desired Behaviors:

  • Fanatical passion for cybersecurity and the challenges it presents
  • Customer centric focus with an obsessive need to wow and delight each client
  • Ability to maintain high levels of output and work ethic
  • Personable individual who enjoys working in a team-oriented environment
  • Self-starter and independent learner that is able to spin up quickly
Compensation & Benefits:
  • Competitive salary
  • Equity Incentive Plan, offering ownership stakes in the company
  • Continuous learning opportunities through our internal Learning & Development (L&D) program, including training, certifications, and conferences to support your career growth
  • Recognition and rewards for speaking engagements at industry events and conferences
  • Comprehensive health and dental insurance coverage
  • Immediate 401(k) matching
  • Paid maternity and paternity leave

In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire. 

We are committed to an inclusive and diverse Praetorian.  We are an equal opportunity employer.  We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status, or any other legally protected status.

We believe in clarity and fairness from the start. For candidates based in California, Colorado, Washington, and New York, the estimated base salary range for this role is $135,000-$200,000. The final offer will be thoughtfully determined based on various factors, including your unique skills, experience, and location. At Praetorian, we recognize that great talent comes with diverse backgrounds—and we’re committed to ensuring each offer reflects the value you bring to our team.

See more jobs at Praetorian

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Lead Offensive Security Engineer (Cloud)

PraetorianRemote within United States, Canada, Singapore, Poland and UAE
DevOPSAbility to travelFirebasemobileazurec++dockerkuberneteslinuxAWS

Praetorian is hiring a Remote Lead Offensive Security Engineer (Cloud)

Company Overview:

At Praetorian, we are bringing together the world's brightest minds in pursuit of solving the cybersecurity problem by reducing the friction of security and enabling the next wave of technological innovation. From projects that range from cryptocurrency exchanges to autonomous vehicles and from medical device platforms to space telescopes, we apply expertise and engineering to help secure our customers. 

Checkout our new hire survival guide for more information on Praetorian's mission, vision, values, and culture as well as our benefits and perks here

Career Opportunity:

  • Join an industry with massive socio, economic, and political importance in the 21st century
  • Work alongside some of the best and the brightest minds in the security industry
  • Work with prominent clients and help them solve hard security problems
  • Leave an indelible mark on a company where individual input has real impact
  • Align your career trajectory with a hyper growth company that is on the move

Core responsibilities:

  • Lead the technical execution of challenging offensive security projects focused on Cloud Security for our customers
  • Identify nuanced vulnerabilities in cloud environments
  • Develop custom methodologies, payloads, exploits, and tools to ensure project success
  • Develop documentation for novel mitigation strategies to emerging or undocumented security risks identified in client environments
  • Develop comprehensive reports and presentations for our customers
  • Serve as a mentor to other engineers in their technical and professional development
  • Collaborate with the security community to develop novel attack techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) through Praetorian’s Security Blog and other forms of community engagement

Desired qualifications:

  • Demonstrated passion for cybersecurity
  • BS in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics or equivalent experience
  • 5+ years of Cloud Security experience in AWS, Azure and/or GCP
  • Additional experience in at least 3 of the following:
    • Product Security Testing (Application, Mobile, LLM)
    • Network Security Testing and/or Red Team
    • Web Application Penetration Testing
    • IoT Security (Embedded, Firmware, Wireless)
    • Secure Code Review
    • Reverse Engineering 
    • Vulnerability Research/ Exploit Development
  • Understanding of threat models, attack paths and intelligence considerations within the scoping of technical projects 
  • Ability to write technical reports and present technical findings both internally and externally
  • Experience with startup and/or high-tech companies
  • Familiarity with container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes
  • OSCP, AWS Security Specialty, Azure Security AZ-500, GCP Pro Security,  GCP Pro DevOps, Azure AZ-400, AWS DevOps Pro, CKA, CKS OSCE, OSEE, or OSWE certifications

+1 Qualifications:

  • Prior security consulting experience
  • Software or web application development experience in multiple languages
  • Experience with cutting edge technology stacks and modern security technologies
  • Advanced technical knowledge in any of the following:
    • Exploit development beyond Windows and for MacOS X or Linux 
    • Reverse engineering malware, data obfuscators, or ciphers
    • Software maturity models such as OpenSAMM, BSIMM, and SDL
    • Identity technologies for Azure AD, Auth0, Firebase, OKTA, or Google Identity
    • Secrets management such as Hashicorp Vault and cloud native KMSs
    • Containerization technologies such as Docker and registry platforms such as DockerHub, ACR, ECR, & GCR
    • Orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes and cluster management platforms such as AKS, EKS, & GKE
    • Command and control channel frameworks and deployment
    • Automotive security, ICS/SCADA, Network device security, Medical device security, Home automation security, and/or cryptocurrency wallet security
    • Hardware RE, software RE, firmware analysis, embedded cryptography, wireless protocols, Software-defined radio, glitching, side-channel analysis, and/or IoT PaaS and similar technologies
  • Capture-the-flag, CCDC, CPTC or other security related competitions
  • Ranked achievements on testing platforms such as Hack the Box, Tryhackme, Portswigger, Proving Ground and similar 
  • Pursuit of advanced learning opportunities via security training courses, conferences, personal projects and similar 
  • Track record in vulnerability research and CVE assignments
  • Security community experience via presentations, conference attendance, blogs, white papers and similar 
  • OSCE, OSEP, OSED, CRTO, cloud certifications and similar 
  • Ability to travel up to 15% to support client engagements

Desired Behaviors:

  • Fanatical passion for cybersecurity and the challenges it presents
  • Customer centric focus with an obsessive need to wow and delight each client
  • Ability to maintain high levels of output and work ethic
  • Personable individual who enjoys working in a team-oriented environment
  • Self-starter and independent learner that is able to spin up quickly
Compensation & Benefits:
  • Competitive salary
  • Equity Incentive Plan, offering ownership stakes in the company
  • Continuous learning opportunities through our internal Learning & Development (L&D) program, including training, certifications, and conferences to support your career growth
  • Recognition and rewards for speaking engagements at industry events and conferences
  • Comprehensive health and dental insurance coverage
  • Immediate 401(k) matching
  • Paid maternity and paternity leave

In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire. 

We are committed to an inclusive and diverse Praetorian.  We are an equal opportunity employer.  We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status, or any other legally protected status.

We believe in clarity and fairness from the start. For candidates based in California, Colorado, Washington, and New York, the estimated base salary range for this role is $135,000-$200,000. The final offer will be thoughtfully determined based on various factors, including your unique skills, experience, and location. At Praetorian, we recognize that great talent comes with diverse backgrounds—and we’re committed to ensuring each offer reflects the value you bring to our team.

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iOS Engineer (Associate, Intermediate or Senior)

CAVISTALagos, Nigeria, Remote
agileMaster’s DegreeDesignFirebaseswiftmobileiosUXc++

CAVISTA is hiring a Remote iOS Engineer (Associate, Intermediate or Senior)

Job Description

iOS Engineer

A Native Mobile Application Developer passionate about advancing mobility to construct elegant, effective and exceptional native mobile code, through self-motivation and collaboration. 


  • Strategize by helping define product features alongside product management, UX design, and engineering to enable quality home health solutions.
  • Work in an agile atmosphere to drive the system architecture, implement, test and deploy the next generation of mobile features for iOS applications.
  • Spearhead the best practices in progressive code design and reviews; identify and address performance bottlenecks; recommend changes and enhancements to existing code to extend the reach of existing applications, timely.
  • Contribute to a repository of highly reusable organization-focused artefacts such as libraries, demonstrations, documentation amongst many more.




  • Bachelors or Master’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering (or related field)   
  • Experience building complex native iOS applications that have been successfully delivered to customers
  • Involvement in publishing mobile applications for the App store 
  • Proficient with iOS SDK, Swift, Objective-C, Cocoa, Xcode, and OO programming and design.
  • Noteworthy experience utilizing RESTful APIs.  
  • Functional knowledge of the iOS Human Interface Guidelines.
  • Knowledge of professional software engineering practices and best practices for the full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations
  • Ability to take a project feature from scoping requirements through actual launch of the feature.
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, project management and time management skills with emphasis on product performance, user experience and scalability.
  • Ability to solve software problem or workflow and decompose a problem into clear software APIs and UX design actions.
  • Communication skills across different teams and technical backgrounds highly valued
  • Experience with third-party libraries/frameworks like Realm, IGListKit, Alamofire and Firebase is a plus

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Senior Staff Fullstack Engineer, Solo

MozillaRemote Canada
OpenAI5 years of experienceDesignFirebaseuiapic++typescriptjavascriptbackendNode.js

Mozilla is hiring a Remote Senior Staff Fullstack Engineer, Solo

Why Mozilla?

Mozilla Corporation is the non-profit-backed technology company that has shaped the internet for the better over the last 25 years. We make pioneering brands like Firefox, the privacy-minded web browser, and Pocket, a service for keeping up with the best content online. Now, with more than 225 million people around the world using our products each month, we’re shaping the next 25 years of technology and helping to reclaim an internet built for people, not companies. Our work focuses on diverse areas including AI, social media, security and more. And we’re doing this while never losing our focus on our core mission – to make the internet better for people.

The Mozilla Corporation is wholly owned by the non-profit 501(c) Mozilla Foundation. This means we aren’t beholden to any shareholders — only to our mission. Along with thousands of volunteer contributors and collaborators all over the world, Mozillians design, build and distributeopen-sourcesoftware that enables people to enjoy the internet on their terms.

About this team and role:

As a Senior Staff Full-Stack Engineer on the Solo team, you will work within a very small engineering team for Solo AI Website Creator. The stack includes a React front-end with Netlify, Firebase and GCP on the backend, BigQuery for data as well as a range of 3rd party services. 

You should be comfortable operating in a scrappy environment, researching as required, writing technical specs, reviewing PRs, investigating customer support issues and mostly writing code. The role may evolve to becoming the Technical Lead within the team and possibly assuming some planning and/or light-weight project management duties. You will be working closely with the Head of Solo to execute at a fast cadence and much like a startup, directly influence the shape and future of Solo, an early-stage product.

For background, Solo is at its first inflection point within Mozilla and has the opportunity to become a serious disruptor in an entrenched category. This team very much operates like a startup, mostly synchronous with work sometimes carrying into weekends. The ideal candidate thrives in this startup-like environment, wants to learn and enjoys building and shipping quickly to win.

What you’ll do...

  • Build back-end infra atop Google Cloud and assist on front-end experiences for a new product ideas within the Innovation Studio.
  • Enable integrations with a variety of services including Google, Firebase, OpenAI and others.
  • Work cross-functionally with other engineers, design and product management.
  • Participate in code/design/architecture reviews; clearly communicate alternative viewpoints.
  • Engage in team and project retrospectives so that you and your team can learn from mistakes and avoid them in the future.
  • May lead daily standup with very light-weight project management as required

What you’ll bring...

Cloud application architecture and building blocks expertise with in-depth knowledge about compute, storage and interfaces with GCP.

  • Advanced knowledge of React and associated frameworks (eg Next.js), Typescript / Javascript and node.js ecosystem.
  • Experience building advanced React controls and components. Familiarity with React context state management APIs. 
  • Comfortable writing and maintaining unit tests
  • At least 5 years of experience with full-stack development including front-end on production applications with 100s of K to millions of users.
  • Have integrated with Firebase and are familiar with Firebase authentication. 


  • Experience in SEO, domain provisioning, online payment systems and scheduling systems.
  • Prior experience with website scraping
  • Familiar with Bootstrap-like UI frameworks. 
  • Experience with REST and OAuth API integrations into popular web services (eg AI services, calendar services, analytics services)

What you’ll get:

  • Generous performance-based bonus plans to all eligible employees - we share in our success as one team
  • Rich medical, dental, and vision coverage
  • Generous retirement contributions with 100% immediate vesting (regardless of whether you contribute)
  • Quarterly all-company wellness days where everyone takes a pause together
  • Country specific holidays plus a day off for your birthday
  • One-time home office stipend
  • Annual professional development budget
  • Quarterly well-being stipend
  • Considerable paid parental leave
  • Employee referral bonus program
  • Other benefits (life/AD&D, disability, EAP, etc. - varies by country)

About Mozilla 

Mozilla exists to build the Internet as a public resource accessible to all because we believe that open and free is better than closed and controlled. When you work at Mozilla, you give yourself a chance to make a difference in the lives of Web users everywhere. And you give us a chance to make a difference in your life every single day. Join us to work on the Web as the platform and help create more opportunity and innovation for everyone online.

Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

Mozilla understands that valuing diverse creative practices and forms of knowledge are crucial to and enrich the company’s core mission.  We encourage applications from everyone, including members of all equity-seeking communities, such as (but certainly not limited to) women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations,gender identities, and expressions.

We will ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, as appropriate. Please contact us at to request accommodation.

We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race (including hairstyle and texture), religion (including religious grooming and dress practices), gender, gender identity, gender expression, color, national origin, pregnancy, ancestry, domestic partner status, disability, sexual orientation, age, genetic predisposition, medical condition, marital status, citizenship status, military or veteran status, or any other basis covered by applicable laws.  Mozilla will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics or any other unlawful behavior, conduct, or purpose.

Group: C


Req ID: R2643

Hiring Ranges:

Canada Tier 1 Locations
$165,000$239,000 CAD
Canada Tier 2 Locations
$149,000$216,000 CAD

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Manager Mobile Solutions - XT Android

Publicis SapientBengaluru, India, Remote

Publicis Sapient is hiring a Remote Manager Mobile Solutions - XT Android

Job Description

Publicis Sapient is looking for Manager/Architect Mobile Solutions. You will play a key role in delivering award winning, interactive experiences to our clients. You will drive the translation and construction of clients’ business problems into innovative technology solutions by creating and owning the technical vision of a project to ensure that the vision is achieved with a high level of quality. You will be responsible for solution design and architecture delivery – providing technical direction to teams and implementing architectural strategy. You will elaborate design options, encourage innovation, drive technical strategy, and ensure that solutions meet functional and non-functional requirements. You will contribute to delivery capability by educating and mentoring developers, using a variety of design techniques and ensuring that good design practices are followed.  

  • Analyze software requirements and map them to Android architecture or extend the architecture in order to support the new requirements.
  • Responsible for designing app architecture and integration design to various external systems
  • Document and communicate architectural decisions and designs
  • Responsible for choosing the needed technology stack based on the functional, non-functional requirements and based on other factors like client drivers, environment and feasibility
  • Provide direction, guidance, and expert advice to the App development and delivery teams
  • Develop prototypes, proof of concepts, and feasibility analysis.
  • Interact with 3rd party providers to integrate additional services into the platform
  • Cooperate with project and product management to scope, estimate, and plan new efforts
  • Stay up to date on Android releases and trends in Android development and architecture
  • Follow best practices using Android Guidelines
  • Drive code quality, code coverage, unit testing, best practices and Continuous integration/Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Constantly research and adopt new technologies / best practices
  • Strong and innovative approach to problem solving and finding solutions
  • Drive Performance Tuning, Clean coding and Security guidelines



  • Overall, 10 years experience(minimum) in developing complex and advanced mobile applications on Android.
  • At least 1 year of Kotlin experience
  • Deep understanding and Hands on experience of core Android concepts and best implementation practices
  • Hands on development experience is a must and must be able to create boilerplate code (architecture implementation) before the development starts
  • Deep understanding of MVC, MVVM, VIPER and other patterns
  • Deep understanding of Factory, Adapter, Observer, Singleton and other behavior patterns
  • Deep understanding of Object-Oriented Programming, data structures, and design patterns Proficiency in Java application development
  • Have published at least 5 Android apps on Play Store
  • Must possess knowledge on App Security and Cryptography
  • Must have worked on Offline Sync, Caching, Local Storage, Realm/Room/SQLLite databases
  • Good exposure to API Caching and defining NFRs (Non-Functional Requirements) for mobile application
  • Good working knowledge of tools such as Git, JIRA and Jenkins or any tools that are similar to these.
  • Must have worked with Agile Methodologies
  • Good communication skills and fluent in English
  • Hands on experience with Reactive frameworks such RxJava or custom framework ● Hands on experience with Retrofit and/or volley
  • Hands on experience on Mock frameworks such as Mockito or any other similar framework for unit testing
  • Must have experience in Performance Tuning the app
  • Must have experience using Android Profiler and ability to diagnose any memory leaks and crashes
  • Implementation understanding of multi-threading, asynchronous concepts
  • Must have experience in complex integrations such as CRM, CMS, Push Notifications, Identity Management, SSO, Social Integrations to the App
  • Experience integrating third party frameworks using Android Gradle.
  • Worked with logging and capturing user navigation and app usage to Google Firebase and Crashlytics for understanding the most used features by users
  • Deep understanding of Analytics, tagging, accessibility and performance engineering
  • Must have experience working on Localization/multi language support
  • Must have architecture experience on complex/large consumer facing apps.

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Data Engineer

BrushfireFort Worth, TX, Remote
DevOPSBachelor's degreetableausqlFirebaseazurec++typescriptkubernetespython

Brushfire is hiring a Remote Data Engineer

Job Description

The primary responsibility of this position is to manage our data warehouse and the pipelines that feed to/from that warehouse. This requires advanced knowledge of our systems, processes, data structures, and existing tooling. The secondary responsibility will be administering our production OLTP database to ensure it runs smoothly and using standard/best practices.

The ideal candidate for this position is someone who is extremely comfortable with the latest technology, trends, and favors concrete execution over abstract ideation. We are proudly impartial when it comes to solutions – we like to try new things and the best idea is always the winning idea, regardless of the way we’ve done it previously.

This is a full-time work-from-home position.


The following characteristics are necessary for a qualified applicant to be considered:

  • 3+ years of experience working with data warehouses (BigQuery preferred, Redshift, Snowflake, etc)

  • 3+ years of experience working with dbt, ETL (Fivetran, Airbyte, etc), and Reverse ETL (Census) solutions 

  • 3+ years of experience with Database Administration (Azure SQL, Query Profiler, Redgate, etc)

  • 1+ years of experience with BI/Visualization tools (Google Data/Looker Studio, Tableau, etc)

  • Experience with PubSub databases, specifically Google Cloud Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database

  • Experience with Github (or other similar version control systems) and CI/CD pipeline tools like Azure Devops and Github actions

  • Ability to communicate fluently, pleasantly, and effectively—both orally and in writing, in the English language—with customers and co-workers.

  • Concrete examples and evidence of work product and what role the applicant played in it

The following characteristics are not necessary but are highly desired:

  • Experience with Kubernetes, C#, TypeScript, Python

  • Bachelor's degree or higher in computer science or related technical field

  • Ability to contribute to strategic and planning sessions around architecture and implementation

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Lead Offensive Security Engineer (Product)

PraetorianRemote within United States or Canada
Ability to travelFirebasemobileazurec++dockerkuberneteslinuxAWS

Praetorian is hiring a Remote Lead Offensive Security Engineer (Product)

Company Overview:

At Praetorian, we are bringing together the world's brightest minds in pursuit of solving the cybersecurity problem by reducing the friction of security and enabling the next wave of technological innovation. From projects that range from cryptocurrency exchanges to autonomous vehicles and from medical device platforms to space telescopes, we apply expertise and engineering to help secure our customers. 

Checkout our new hire survival guide for more information on Praetorian's mission, vision, values, and culture as well as our benefits and perks here

Career Opportunity:

  • Join an industry with massive socio, economic, and political importance in the 21st century
  • Work alongside some of the best and the brightest minds in the security industry
  • Work with prominent clients and help them solve hard security problems
  • Leave an indelible mark on a company where individual input has real impact
  • Align your career trajectory with a hyper growth company that is on the move

Core Responsibilities:

  • Lead the technical execution of challenging offensive security projects for our customers
  • Identify nuanced vulnerabilities in advanced systems
  • Develop custom methodologies, payloads, exploits, and tools to ensure project success
  • Develop documentation for novel mitigation strategies to emerging or undocumented security risks identified in client environments
  • Develop comprehensive reports and presentations for our customers
  • Serve as a mentor to other engineers in their technical and professional development
  • Collaborate with the security community to develop novel attack techniques, tactics, and procedures (TTPs) through Praetorian’s Security Blog and other forms of community engagement

Desired Qualifications:

  • Demonstrated passion for cybersecurity
  • PNPT, BSCP, OSCP, or OSWE certifications
  • BS in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics or equivalent experience
  • 5+ years of experience in at least four of the following:
    • Product Security Testing (Application, Mobile, LLM)
    • Cloud Security (AWS, Azure, GCP)
    • Web Application Penetration Testing
    • IoT Security (Embedded, Firmware, Wireless)
    • Secure Code Review
    • Reverse Engineering 
    • Vulnerability Research/ Exploit Development
  • Experience developing payloads, exploits or tools
  • Understanding of threat models, attack paths and intelligence considerations within the scoping of technical projects 
  • Ability to write technical reports and present technical findings both internally and externally
  • Experience with startup and/or high-tech companies

+1 Qualifications:

  • Prior security consulting experience
  • Software or web application development experience in multiple languages
  • Experience with cutting edge technology stacks and modern security technologies
  • Advanced technical knowledge in any of the following:
    • Exploit development beyond Windows and for MacOS X or Linux 
    • Reverse engineering malware, data obfuscators, or ciphers
    • Software maturity models such as OpenSAMM, BSIMM, and SDL
    • Identity technologies for Azure AD, Auth0, Firebase, OKTA, or Google Identity
    • Secrets management such as Hashicorp Vault and cloud native KMSs
    • Containerization technologies such as Docker and registry platforms such as DockerHub, ACR, ECR, & GCR
    • Orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes and cluster management platforms such as AKS, EKS, & GKE
    • Command and control channel frameworks and deployment
    • Automotive security, ICS/SCADA, Network device security, Medical device security, Home automation security, and/or cryptocurrency wallet security
    • Hardware RE, software RE, firmware analysis, embedded cryptography, wireless protocols, Software-defined radio, glitching, side-channel analysis, and/or IoT PaaS and similar technologies
  • Capture-the-flag, CCDC, CPTC or other security related competitions
  • Ranked achievements on testing platforms such as Hack the Box, Tryhackme, Portswigger, Proving Ground and similar 
  • Pursuit of advanced learning opportunities via security training courses, conferences, personal projects and similar 
  • Track record in vulnerability research and CVE assignments
  • Security community experience via presentations, conference attendance, blogs, white papers and similar 
  • OSCE, OSEP, OSED, CRTO, cloud certifications and similar 
  • Ability to travel up to 15% to support client engagements

Desired Behaviors:

  • Fanatical passion for cybersecurity and the challenges it presents
  • Customer centric focus with an obsessive need to wow and delight each client
  • Ability to maintain high levels of output and work ethic
  • Personable individual who enjoys working in a team-oriented environment
  • Self-starter and independent learner that is able to spin up quickly
Compensation & Benefits:
  • Competitive salary
  • Employee stock option plan
  • Annual budget for training, certifications, and conferences
  • Competitive coverage on health, dental, and vision insurance premiums
  • 4% company 401K matching vested immediately 

In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire. 

We are committed to an inclusive and diverse Praetorian.  We are an equal opportunity employer.  We do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status, or any other legally protected status.

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Mobile Software Engineer

AJ BellHybrid - WFH/Bristol, United Kingdom

AJ Bell is hiring a Remote Mobile Software Engineer

Job Description

The Touch team is developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. 

The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible. We're building a mobile first investment  app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their Smartphone. 

The day to day responsibilities 

  • Engage in the full software development lifecycle: requirements gathering with stakeholders, working as a team to build and test features, managing deployment and supporting the service in production. 
  • Work as part of a distributed team made up of self-motivated and collaborative individuals. Much of our communication is remote and async so good communication skills are key. 
  • Iteratively make improvements to a new product while aligning to our mutually agreed design and architectural principles. 
  • Always looking for ways we can improve our product, processes and practices. We don’t like friction and waste. 
  • Automated testing, continuous integration and continuous deployment. We are huge proponents of automation. 
  • Working outside of your specialism when needed. While all our team members have a specialism, we don’t let that restrain us. Our engineers jump in to help get things done even in technologies out of their core competency. 

Your skills and attributes 

  • Excellent programming and problem solving skills 
  • Understanding of relevant software design patterns and paradigms, such as OOAD, DDD, MVC, microservices, containers/orchestration or event-driven architecture 
  • Experience in creating performant, scalable, secure and well tested code. 
  • You take ownership of tasks and problems, clearing roadblocks and pulling in other people to help when needed. 
  • Experience working with Investment or Pensions platforms would be an advantage 

Our tools and technologies 

The below are all things that we are either currently using or have found to be a useful  foundation when joining our team. Prior knowledge of them is not essential but would be  beneficial to the role: 

  • Flutter (including Dart) - we can provide training to experienced native iOS or Android engineers who haven’t used Flutter before. 
  • Firebase, Riverpod with Hooks, Provider, Deeplinking 
  • gRPC/proto 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • Docker 

Other technologies we use include:  

  • TypeScript and Vue 
  • Go 

About Touch by AJ Bell:

Touch are developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible.

We're building a mobile first investment app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their smartphone.

We originally founded the company (then Adalpha Ltd) in 2018, before being acquired in 2021 by AJ Bell, one of the UK's largest investment platforms and part of the FTSE 250 Index, to support the development of their digital services.

About AJ Bell:

AJ Bell is one of the fastest-growing investment platform businesses in the UK offering an award-winning range of solutions that caters for everyone, from professional financial advisers, to DIY investors with little to no experience. We have over 528,000 customers using our award-winning platform propositions to manage assets totalling more than £83.7 billion. Our customers trust us with their investments, and by continuously striving to make investing easier, we aim to help even more people take control of their financial futures.

Having listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in December 2018, AJ Bell is now a FTSE 250 company.

Headquartered in Manchester with offices in central London and Bristol, we now have over 1,400 employees and have been named one of the UK's 'Best 100 Companies to Work For’ for six consecutive years.

At AJ Bell you can expect a friendly working environment with a strong sense of teamwork, we have a great sense of pride in what we do, and this is reflected in our guiding principles.

Our perks and benefits:

  • Starting salary of £55,000 - £80,000 (Depending on experience)
  • Starting holiday entitlement of 25 days, increasing up to 31 days with length of service
  • Holiday buy and sell scheme
  • A choice of pension schemes with matched contributions up to 6%
  • Discretionary bonus scheme
  • Annual free share awards scheme
  • Buy As You Earn (BAYE) Scheme
  • Health Cash Plan – provided by Medicash
  • Discounted private healthcare scheme and dental plan
  • Free gym membership
  • Employee Assistance Programme
  • Bike loan scheme
  • Sick pay+ pledge
  • Enhanced maternity, paternity, and shared parental leave
  • Loans for travel season tickets
  • Death in service scheme
  • Dedicated time for proof-of-concepts and assessing new tech
  • Support to attend conferences, events, and meet-ups
  • Paid time off for volunteer work
  • Charitable giving opportunities through salary sacrifice
  • Calendar of social events, including monthly payday drinks, annual Christmas party, summer party and much more
  • Personal development programmes built around you and your career goals, including access to personal skills workshops
  • Ongoing technical training
  • Professional qualification support
  • Talent management programmes
  • Peer recognition scheme, with rewards including restaurant and shopping vouchers or time off
  • Monthly leadership breakfasts and lunches
  • Casual dress code
  • Access to a range of benefits from our sponsorship deals

Hybrid working:

At AJ Bell, our people are the heart of our culture. We believe in building strong connections by working together. That's why we offer a hybrid working model, where you’ll spend a minimum of 50% of your working time per month in the Bristol office. For new team members, an initial period will be full-time in the office to help you immerse yourself in our business and build valuable relationships with your colleagues.

AJ Bell is committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and all employees are empowered to bring their whole self to work.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, religion, physical and mental disability, marital status and any other characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. All decisions to hire are based on qualifications, merit and business need.

If you like the sound of the above, or just want to know more about the company and the role, we'd love to speak to you.


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Software Development Engineer III (Node.js)

Live PersonHyderabad, Telangana, India (Remote)

Live Person is hiring a Remote Software Development Engineer III (Node.js)

LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success, nd reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about.


LivePerson Tenfold is a state-of-the-art, born-in-the-cloud SaaS offering. Our Cloud platform is a multi-tenanted solution hosted on GCP using a modern technology stack. Most of our cloud software is deployed as microservices written in Node.JS on top of a NoSQL DB stack (MongoDB, Firebase, ElasticSearch). Our telephony connector layer is a mixture of ASP/.Net and Java code.

The customer facing app is written in TypeScript using the modern Angular framework. It is deployed in several different contexts including as a Chrome extension, Electron desktop applications for both Windows and Mac, and embedded in a number of CRMs (including Salesforce) in an iFrame.

You will be working directly with the customer facing application. As a Software Developer you will build components of the LivePerson Tenfold product with a focus on stability and innovation. You will be adding new features, creating new APIs, and working to delight our customers.

You Will

  • Architect, Design and implement business software and underlying APIs
  • Work with Product Management to create delightful user experiences
  • Create platform-independent code that can be run on multi-browser, multi-OS environments
  • Play a critical role in all architecture, coding, testing, and deployment decisions.
  • Produce engineering specifications, delivery estimates, and implement solutions based on product requirements.
  • Provide technical documentation for the solutions that you implement
  • Collaborate with peers on specifications, code reviews, and testing.
  • Write unit and automated end-to-end tests to improve code quality and maximize code coverage for new and existing features.
  • Meet KPIs for engineering team and be responsible for them on a weekly basis
  • Communicating with customers and partners to be able to provide business value and engineering value to the problems at hand. 
  • Participate in daily standups, sprint planning sessions, grooming sessions, and retrospectives.

You Have

  • 8+ years of Software development experience.
  • Experience writing code with TypeScript, Javascript, Node.js or equivalent frameworks.
  • Experience building applications using MongoDB.
  • Experience with data aggregation models for multiple data sources.
  • Experience building Enterprise class Multi-tenant SaaS application platform
  • Experience working with Google Cloud Platform, AWS, or Microsoft Azure.
  • Experience with frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Nock.
  • Experience instrumenting code for gathering production performance metrics.
  • Experience with Agile development methodology. 
  • Preference to candidates with experience integrating telephony, CRM, or CTI applications.
  • Preference to candidates with MEAN stack experience.
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.


  • Health: Medical, Dental, and Vision
  • Time away: Vacation and holidays
  • Development: Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Equal opportunity employer

Why You’ll Love Working Here

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace.

Belonging At LivePerson
We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.

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Software Development Engineer II (Angular)

Live PersonHyderabad, Telangana, India (Remote)

Live Person is hiring a Remote Software Development Engineer II (Angular)

LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success, nd reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about.


LivePerson Voice is a state-of-the-art, born-in-the-cloud SaaS offering. Our Cloud platform is a multi-tenanted solution hosted on GCP using a modern technology stack. Most of our cloud software is deployed as microservices written in Node.JS on top of a NoSQL DB stack (MongoDB, Firebase, ElasticSearch). Our telephony connector layer is a mixture of ASP/.Net and Java code.

The customer facing app is written in TypeScript using the modern Angular framework. It is deployed in several different contexts including as a Chrome extension, Electron desktop applications for both Windows and Mac, and embedded in a number of CRMs (including Salesforce) in an iFrame.

You will be working directly with the customer facing application. As a Software Developer you will build components of the LivePerson Voice  product with a focus on stability and innovation. You will be adding new features, creating new UX, and working to delight our customers.

You Will

  • Work with Product Management and UX designers to create delightful user experiences
  • Create platform-independent code that can be run on multi-browser, multi-OS environments
  • Produce engineering specifications, delivery estimates, and implement solutions based on product requirements.
  • Provide technical documentation for the solutions that you implement
  • Collaborate with peers on specifications, code reviews, and testing.
  • Write unit and automated end-to-end tests to improve code quality and maximize code coverage for new and existing features.
  • Meet KPIs for engineering team and be responsible for them on a weekly basis
  • Communicating with customers and partners to be able to provide business value and engineering value to the problems at hand. 
  • Participate in daily standups, sprint planning sessions, grooming sessions, and retrospectives.

You Have

  • 4+ years experience writing code with TypeScript, Angular or equivalent frameworks.
  • Familiarity with either Chrome extension development and/or Electron framework development is a plus.
  • Exposure to reactive programming (i.e. RxJS)
  • Candidates with experience integrating telephony, CRM or CTI applications is a plus.
  • Experience with Agile development methodology 
  • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.


  • Health: Medical, Dental, and Vision
  • Time away: Vacation and holidays
  • Development: Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Equal opportunity employer

Why You’ll Love Working Here

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace.

Belonging At LivePerson
We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.

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