freelance Remote Jobs

151 Results

Valnet Freelance is hiring a Remote TheRichest - Content Specialist

TheRichest - Content Specialist - Valnet Freelance - Career Page

Valnet Freelance is hiring a Remote Game Rant | Video Guide Producer

Game Rant | Video Guide Producer - Valnet Freelance - Career Page

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Senior Marketing Consultant - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Senior Marketing Consultant - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet
Customlytics ist die führende App Marketing Beratungsagentur in der DACH-Region. Wir machen Apps erfolgreich und professionalisieren die App-Branche, da wir mit allen relevanten App-Unternehmen im Markt zusammenarbeiten. Kannst du dir eine Welt ohne Apps vorstellen? Wir auch nicht!

Als Senior Marketing Consultant in unserem Projektmanagement-Team trägst du direkt zum Erfolg unserer Kunden und damit auch zu unserem Fortschritt bei. Du bist die treibende Kraft hinter Projekten, die sich über alle Disziplinen des Mobile Marketings erstrecken. Du bist der Ansprechpartner unserer Kunden, ziehst im Hintergrund die Fäden im Projektmanagement und arbeitest mit den besten Experten der App Marketing Industrie in den jeweiligen Spezialisten-Teams zusammen. Dabei betreust du die großen Namen der Industrie wie Audible und die Deutsche Telekom. Gleichzeitig ermöglichen wir dir in kürzester Zeit top-aktuelles Fachwissen zu all den Bereichen aufzubauen, mit denen wir bei Customlytics zu tun haben (App Store Optimierung, Marketingtechnologie, Tracking, Data Analytics, Paid Marketing, CRM,…).
Dein Beitrag
  • Du organisierst und koordinierst intern sowie extern umfangreiche Kundenprojekte als Project Lead
  • Du wirst Teil eines interdisziplinären Teams aus Marketing Consultants, Paid Media Specialists, CRM Specialists, Data Analysts und Designern, mit denen du gemeinsam die Umsetzung deiner Kundenprojekte ausarbeitest
  • Du identifizierst Growth Opportunities, entwickelst Kundenprojekte, führst Kundenberatung über den initialen Auftrag hinaus und bindest den Kunden langfristig
  • Du konzipierst, erstellst und hältst professionelle Präsentationen und Workshops
  • Training & Weiterentwicklung von Teammitgliedern
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Strukturierte Arbeitsweise
  • Schnelle Auffassungsgabe
  • Selbstständige Organisation & Management von Team Deadlines
  • Hohes Maß an Engagement und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  • Verhandlungssicheres Deutsch und Englisch in Wort und Schrift
  • Mehrjährige Erfahrung in einem der folgenden Bereichen: Marketing, Kundenservice, Projektmanagement oder Sales
  • Flexibilität, Leidenschaft, Kommunikationsstärke und Teamfähigkeit
Was wir bieten
Schließ dich unserem Team in Berlin an und erlebe einen Arbeitsplatz, der deine Individualität schätzt und tolle Vorteile bietet. Genieße flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit, von unserem Büro in Berlin, von zu Hause oder außerhalb Deutschlands zu arbeiten. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Corporate Benefits, und für Eltern finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung für ihre nicht schulpflichtigen Kinder. 

Wir setzen uns für Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit für alle ein und heißen Personen jeden Geschlechts, Alters, Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung oder sexueller Orientierung herzlich willkommen. Wenn du kreativ, lösungsorientiert und leidenschaftlich im Bereich App-Marketing bist, freuen wir uns von dir hören. Komm in unser Team und sei du selbst, in einer Umgebung, in der Vielfalt gefeiert und geschätzt wird.

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Senior Performance Marketing Manager - Remote (m/w/d) (German speaking)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Senior Performance Marketing Manager - Remote (m/w/d) (German speaking)

Was Dich erwartet
Wir sind Customlytics, die führende App Marketing Beratungsagentur in Europa mit Büros im lebhaften Berlin-Friedrichshain sowie im wunderschönen Posen. Unseren zahlreichen Kunden aus allen Verticals bieten wir Consulting und Hands-on-Support rund um ASO, Mobile CRM, Performance Marketing und Mobile Marketing Technologie. Kannst du dir eine Welt ohne Apps vorstellen? Wir auch nicht!

Du überprüfst regelmäßig die Wirksamkeit und Zweckmäßigkeit unserer Werbeprojekte und Kampagnen. Gleichzeitig dokumentierst du Erfolge und bist stets auf der Suche nach effizienteren, ressourcensparenden Mitteln für die Verbesserung der einzelnen Online-Werbekampagnen. Dabei betreust du Big Player wie zum Beispiel die Deutsche Telekom.
Dein Beitrag
  • Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Paid Media-Strategien auf Unternehmensebene.
  • Verantwortung für die Performance und Ergebnisse aller Paid Media-Kampagnen, einschließlich der Überwachung und Optimierung der Budgets, der Kampagnenstrategie und der Performance-Indikatoren.
  • Verantwortung für die Auswahl und Implementierung neuer Paid Media-Kanäle.
  • Entwicklung und Durchführung von Tests und Experimenten zur Verbesserung der Kampagnenleistung sowie erstellen von Best Practises
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Abteilungen, ( CRM / DESIGN / ASO / Martech).
  • Entwicklung von Performance-Reports und -Analysen auf Unternehmensebene und Präsentation von Ergebnissen für Kunden und interne Stakeholder.
  • Entwicklung von Trainingsprogrammen (internes Wiki) für das Team, aber auch externe Stakeholder.
  • Führung von Junior/Mid lvl-Paid-Media-Spezialisten und Unterstützung bei deren Weiterentwicklung.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Im Kern zählst du mit deinen individuellen Kompetenzen, aufgabenbezogenen Erfahrungen und Fähigkeiten!
  • Dabei brauchen wir dein Wissen im Bereich Kampagnenmanagement und Online-Marketing-Tools (z.B. Facebook Business Manager, Google Ads, Apple Search Ads oder andere Performance Kanäle).
  • Dazu zählen Performance Monitoring und Analyse von Cross-Channel Online Marketing KPIs.
  • Du arbeitest sehr selbstständig sowie systematisch und teilst gerne dein Wissen im Team.
  • Wir sind sehr international aufgestellt, daher solltest du sicher im Umgang mit der englischen Sprache und offen für Diversität sein.
Was wir bieten
Schließ dich unserem Team in Berlin an und erlebe einen Arbeitsplatz, der deine Individualität schätzt und tolle Vorteile bietet. Genieße flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit, von unserem Büro in Berlin, von zu Hause oder außerhalb Deutschlands zu arbeiten. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Corporate Benefits, und für Eltern finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung für ihre nicht schulpflichtigen Kinder. 

Wir setzen uns für Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit für alle ein und heißen Personen jeden Geschlechts, Alters, Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung oder sexueller Orientierung herzlich willkommen. Wenn du kreativ, lösungsorientiert und leidenschaftlich im Bereich App-Marketing bist, freuen wir uns von dir hören. Komm in unser Team und sei du selbst, in einer Umgebung, in der Vielfalt gefeiert und geschätzt wird.

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Performance Marketing Manager in Berlin (German speaking - m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Performance Marketing Manager in Berlin (German speaking - m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet

Wir sind Customlytics, die führende App Marketing Beratungsagentur in Europa mit Büros im lebhaften Berlin-Friedrichshain sowie im wunderschönen Posen. Unseren zahlreichen Kunden aus allen Verticals bieten wir Consulting und Hands-on-Support rund um ASO, Mobile CRM, Performance Marketing und Mobile Marketing Technologie. Kannst du dir eine Welt ohne Apps vorstellen? Wir auch nicht!
Als Teil eines kundenspezifischen Projektteams wirst du eigenständig Performance-Kampagnen für unsere Kunden planen, umsetzen, durchführen, messen und auswerten. Du kannst sowohl mit großen Marken (Telekom, Audible, HVV, SEAT) als auch mit Startups (Taxfix, CodeCheck) zusammenarbeiten und schnell Verantwortung übernehmen.

Dein Beitrag
  • Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Paid Media-Strategien, einschließlich Kampagnenstrategien, Zielgruppenauswahl und Budgetplanung.
  • Verwaltung und Überwachung von Paid Media-Budgets und Durchführung von Prognosen und Analysen, um sicherzustellen, dass Budgets effektiv eingesetzt werden.
  • Verantwortung für die Koordination der Marketing Initiativen (erstellen von einem Marketing Plan )
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Designteam, um kreative Anzeigen und Landing Pages zu entwickeln, die die Performance der Kampagnen verbessern.
  • Identifizierung von neuen Paid Media-Kanälen und -Technologien
  • Analyse von Daten und Entwicklung von Erkenntnissen zur Verbesserung der Kampagnenleistung sowie Ableitung von Empfehlungen für zukünftige Kampagnen.
  • Entwicklung und Präsentation von Performance-Reports und -Analysen für Kunden und interne Stakeholder.
  • Führung und Mentoring von Junior-Paid-Media-Spezialisten und Unterstützung bei deren Weiterentwicklung.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Du besitzt gutes Grundwissen in SEO oder ASO und kennst dich im Campaign Management aus, inkl. Facebook, Google Ads, Apple Search Ads und weiteren Performance Marketing Kanälen.
  • Unser Team und unsere Kunden sind international, daher sind fließende Deutsch- als auch Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift wichtig für diese Rolle.
  • Eine strukturierte Arbeitsweise und ein Gefühl für Time Management sind für dich selbstverständlich
  • Sowie ein hohes Maß an Engagement und Verantwortungsbewusstsein
  • Unser Team und unsere Kunden sind international, daher sind fließende Deutsch- als sowie Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift wichtig für diese Rolle.
Was wir bieten
Schließ dich unserem Team in Berlin an und erlebe einen Arbeitsplatz, der deine Individualität schätzt und tolle Vorteile bietet. Genieße flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit, von unserem Büro in Berlin, von zu Hause oder außerhalb Deutschlands zu arbeiten. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Corporate Benefits, und für Eltern finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung für ihre nicht schulpflichtigen Kinder. 

Wir setzen uns für Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit für alle ein und heißen Personen jeden Geschlechts, Alters, Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung oder sexueller Orientierung herzlich willkommen. Wenn du kreativ, lösungsorientiert und leidenschaftlich im Bereich App-Marketing bist, freuen wir uns von dir hören. Komm in unser Team und sei du selbst, in einer Umgebung, in der Vielfalt gefeiert und geschätzt wird.

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Senior Mobile CRM - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Senior Mobile CRM - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet
Customlytics is the leading app marketing agency & consultancy in the DACH region. We make apps successful and professionalize the app industry, working with every relevant app business in the market. Can you imagine a world without apps? Neither can we!

As a CRM expert, you design campaign strategies with our customers, set up the technical requirements for them and bring the campaigns live yourself. You create the texts for push messages or e-mail newsletters and create all the graphic materials you need with the help of our design team. In addition to designing and creating the campaigns, you will interpret reports and carry out A/B tests to optimize the customers' CRM campaigns. You contribute directly to the success of our customers by optimally accompanying their users along the customer journey with your campaigns. You will support big names in the industry such as Audible and Deutsche Telekom. At the same time, we enable you to build up cutting-edge expertise in the CRM field in a very short space of time.
Dein Beitrag
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive CRM strategy that aligns with the overall marketing plan and drives customer engagement, loyalty, and retention.
  • Create and execute targeted push notifications, and in-app and email campaigns that drive user engagement and conversions for our clients‘ apps.
  • Analyze customer data and provide insights to inform marketing and product teams and drive growth decisions.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including product, design, copywriting, and data analytics to deliver a seamless customer experience.
  • Stay up-to-date on industry trends and new technologies to continuously improve our CRM services.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • 5+ years of experience in CRM, email marketing, or mobile marketing.
  • Proven track record of developing and executing successful CRM campaigns.
  • Experience with marketing automation platforms and mobile CRM systems (e.g. Braze, MoEngage, Clevertap, Batch, Airship, Iterable, etc.).
  • Strong project management skills and the ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Strong data analysis skills and the ability to use data to inform marketing decisions
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Fluency in English is a must-have, German language skills are a nice plus.
Was wir bieten
Join our team in Berlin and experience a workplace that values your individuality and provides exceptional benefits. Enjoy flexible working hours, and the option to work from our Berlin office, from home, or remotely from your country of residence. Furthermore we offer corporate benefits and, for parents, childcare support for their non-school-age children. 

We're committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all, welcoming individuals of any gender, age, origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. If you're creative, problem-solving, and passionate about app marketing, we'd love to hear from you. Join us and be yourself, in an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and embraced.

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Marketing Consultant - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Marketing Consultant - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet

Customlytics ist die führende App Marketing Beratungsagentur in der DACH-Region. Wir machen Apps erfolgreich und professionalisieren die App-Branche, da wir mit allen relevanten App-Unternehmen im Markt zusammenarbeiten. Kannst du dir eine Welt ohne Apps vorstellen? Wir auch nicht!

Als Consultant in unserem Projektmanagement-Team trägst Du direkt zum Erfolg unserer Kunden und damit zu unserem Erfolg bei. Du bist der Kopf hinter Projekten, die alle Disziplinen des mobilen Marketings umfassen. Du bist das Gegenüber unserer Kunden, ziehst im Hintergrund die Fäden im Projektmanagement und arbeitest mit den besten Experten der App-Marketing-Branche zusammen. Du betreust Branchengrößen wie Audible und die Deutsche Telekom. Gleichzeitig ermöglichen wir Dir, in kürzester Zeit topaktuelles Know-how in allen Bereichen aufzubauen, mit denen wir uns bei Customlytics beschäftigen (z.B. App-Store-Optimierung, Marketing-Technologie, Tracking, Data Analytics, Paid Marketing, CRM).

Remote: Du arbeitest in Berlin, von zu Hause, deutschlandweit oder fast weltweit. Wie es zu Dir passt!

Dein Beitrag
  • Du arbeitest zusammen mit unseren spezialisierten Teams von Projektmanagern*innen und Grafikdesignern*innen bei der Planung und Umsetzung innovativer mobiler Marketinglösungen, die den individuellen Bedürfnissen unserer Kunden entsprechen.
  • Du managst die Kundenkommunikation und -beziehungen während der Arbeit an Projekten, um strategische Empfehlungen für App-Marketingprojekte zu geben.
  • Planung und Durchführung von Mobile-Marketing-Aktivitäten, unter Verwendung des gesamten Spektrums an Lösungen (ASO, Tracking, mCRM, Performance Marketing, ...) gehört zu Deinem Aufgabenprofil.
  • Deine Aufgaben umfassen auch das Durchführen von Analysen, um Erkenntnisse darüber zu gewinnen, wie die verschiedenen Marketingkanäle auf die kosteneffizienteste Weise optimiert und weiterentwickelt werden können.
  • Du entwickelst und setzt ganzheitliche (Online-)Marketingstrategien zur Förderung der Produkte unserer Kunden um.
  • Dabei hältst Du Dich über die neuesten Entwicklungen in allen App-relevanten Themen wie App Store-Optimierung, Tracking oder Retention-Strategien auf dem Laufenden.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Du hast großes Interesse an technischen Problemlösungen und Lust, die Funktionsweise von Apps tiefergehend zu verstehen.
  • Dabei bringst du solide IT-Kenntnisse mit (Google Drive + Google/Microsoft Office-Anwendungen) und die Fähigkeit, Dich schnell an verschiedene neue Online-Tools von Drittanbietern zu gewöhnen.
  • In einem schnelllebigen Arbeitsumfeld kannst Du effektiv und selbstorganisiert an mehreren Projekten arbeiten. Wenn es dir Freude bereitet, umso besser :) 
  • Du kannst deine Begeisterung für die mobile App-/Technologie-Branche zum Ausdruck bringen - das ist für uns viel wichtiger als irgendein ausgefallener Abschluss oder jahrelange Erfahrung in irgendeinem Fachbereich.
  • Um intern und mit unseren Kunden gut kommunizieren zu können, solltest du solide in Deutsch und Englisch sein.
  • Du bringst lösungsorientiertes und logisches Herangehen an Probleme mit und besitzt eine organisierte und selbständige Arbeitsweise mit einem Auge für Details.
Was wir bieten
Schließ dich unserem Team in Berlin an und erlebe einen Arbeitsplatz, der deine Individualität schätzt und tolle Vorteile bietet. Genieße flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Möglichkeit, von unserem Büro in Berlin, von zu Hause oder außerhalb Deutschlands zu arbeiten. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Corporate Benefits, und für Eltern finanzielle Unterstützung bei der Kinderbetreuung für ihre nicht schulpflichtigen Kinder. 

Wir setzen uns für Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit für alle ein und heißen Personen jeden Geschlechts, Alters, Herkunft, Religion, Behinderung oder sexueller Orientierung herzlich willkommen. Wenn du kreativ, lösungsorientiert und leidenschaftlich im Bereich App-Marketing bist, freuen wir uns von dir hören. Komm in unser Team und sei du selbst, in einer Umgebung, in der Vielfalt gefeiert und geschätzt wird.

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Mid-Level ASO / SEO - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Mid-Level ASO / SEO - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet
Customlytics is the leading app marketing agency & consultancy in the DACH region. We make apps successful and professionalize the app industry, working with every relevant app business in the market. Can you imagine a world without apps? Neither can we!

As part of a customer-specific project team, you will independently analyze and optimize our customers' App Store and Play Store presences. You will identify potentials for improvement within the App Store and Play Store presences of our customers and help them achieve their goals. We work with both big brands (Telekom, HVV, SEAT) and startups (Taxfix, CodeCheck). With us, you will quickly take on responsibility for your own projects - expect a steep learning curve. 

Do you have a knack for app marketing? Are you always up to date with the latest technologies, and do you want to take on projects independently?
Dein Beitrag
  • As part of a cross-functional project team, you will work on ASO projects for our clients.
  • You make strategic recommendations to improve the App Store presence and implement the improvements hands-on.
  • You make strategic recommendations to improve the App Store presence and implement the improvements hands-on.
  • You perform A/B tests and implement keyword optimizations in your projects.
  • Within the project team, you are the contact person for all ASO-related issues.
  • You create briefings for the Design team to implement screenshots, videos and app icons.
  • You create reports on keyword rankings, download rates, and effectiveness of A/B testing, as well as other ASO KPIs.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Experience in ASO or SEO field
  • German native speaker and professional English in spoken and written language
  • Understanding of Google Play Store and Apple App Store
  • Text design for ASO or SEO/SEA optimization
  • Structured way of working and a good sense of time management
  • High level of commitment and responsibility
Was wir bieten
Join our team in Berlin and experience a workplace that values your individuality and provides exceptional benefits. Enjoy flexible working hours, and the option to work from our Berlin office, from home, or remotely from your country of residence. Furthermore we offer corporate benefits and, for parents, childcare support for their non-school-age children.  

We're committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all, welcoming individuals of any gender, age, origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. If you're creative, problem-solving, and passionate about app marketing, we'd love to hear from you. Join us and be yourself, in an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and embraced.

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Mid-Level Mobile CRM - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re
4 years of experienceDesignfreelancemobile

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Mid-Level Mobile CRM - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet
Customlytics is the leading app marketing agency & consultancy in the DACH region. We make apps successful and professionalize the app industry, working with every relevant app business in the market. Can you imagine a world without apps? Neither can we!

As a Mid-Level CRM Specialist, you will design campaign strategies with our customers, set up the technical requirements for them and bring the campaigns live yourself. You create the texts for push messages or e-mail newsletters and create all the graphic materials you need with the help of our design team. In addition to designing and creating the campaigns, you will interpret reports and carry out A/B tests to optimize the customers' CRM campaigns. You contribute directly to the success of our customers by optimally accompanying their users along the customer journey with your campaigns. You will support big names in the industry such as Audible and Deutsche Telekom. At the same time, we enable you to build up cutting-edge expertise in the CRM field in a very short time.
Dein Beitrag
  • Conception of campaigns
  • Creation & coordination of creatives
  • Texts of emails, push notifications & in-app messages
  • Automation of CRM campaigns
  • Evaluation of reportings & A/B tests
  • Optimization of campaign performance
  • Advise the customer on CRM campaigns
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • 1-4 years of experience in email marketing, CRM, or front-end development
  • First touchpoints with CRM tools such as Braze, Clevertap, Leanplum or Moengage
  • High affinity for mobile technologies
  • Base knowledge of HTML
  • Structured way of working and rapid understanding
  • Independent organization & adherence to deadlines
  • High level of commitment and responsibility
  • Fluency in German & English in word & writing
  • Flexibility, passion, communication skills, and teamwork
Was wir bieten
Join our team in Berlin and experience a workplace that values your individuality and provides exceptional benefits. Enjoy flexible working hours, and the option to work from our Berlin office, from home, or remotely from your country of residence. Furthermore we offer corporate benefits and, for parents, childcare support for their non-school-age children. 

We're committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all, welcoming individuals of any gender, age, origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. If you're creative, problem-solving, and passionate about app marketing, we'd love to hear from you. Join us and be yourself, in an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and embraced.

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Senior ASO / SEO - Remote (m/w/d)

Customlytics GmbH+14 more Germany - Berlin, Poland - remote, Spain (Barcelona) - remote, Portugal - remote, Greece - remote, Germany - Bavaria - remote, Italy - remote, Germany - Baden-Württemberg - remote, Germany - Schleswig-Holstein - remote, Germany - Saarland - re

Customlytics GmbH is hiring a Remote Senior ASO / SEO - Remote (m/w/d)

Was Dich erwartet
Customlytics is the leading app marketing agency & consultancy in the DACH region. We make apps successful and professionalize the app industry, working with every relevant app business in the market. Can you imagine a world without apps? Neither can we!

As a Senior Expert, you are the go-to person behind all customer projects in the app store optimization area and contribute directly to the success of our customers and thus to our progress. Team ASO implements improvements and new ideas to help us take our customers' app store appearance to the next level. You will support big names in the industry such as Audible and Deutsche Telekom.
Dein Beitrag
  • You coordinate projects with the Client Services Team (Paid Media, CRM, BI, Design & Marketing Tech).
  • You provide strategic recommendations to improve our customers' app store presence and implement them with a hands-on mindset.
  • You conduct audits of our customers' app store appearance to identify optimization potential and fulfill them for our customers.
  • You perform A/B tests and implement keyword optimizations in your projects.
  • You create briefings for the design team on how to implement screenshots, videos, app icons, and other design elements.
  • You also take care of meaningful reports of keyword rankings, conversion rates, and the effectiveness of our ASO measures.
Deine Fähigkeiten sind gefragt
  • Several years of experience in the field of app store optimization
  • Proficient negotiation skills in written & spoken German & English
  • Deep understanding of the mobile app ecosystem as well as the mechanics of the App Store & Google Play Store.
  • Flexibility & passion, strong communication skills and ability to work in a team
  • Structured way of working & quick comprehension
  • Independent organization & management of deadlines & management of deadlines
  • High level of commitment and responsibility
Was wir bieten
Join our team in Berlin and experience a workplace that values your individuality and provides exceptional benefits. Enjoy flexible working hours, and the option to work from our Berlin office, from home, or remotely from your country of residence. Furthermore we offer corporate benefits and, for parents, childcare support for their non-school-age children. 

We're committed to diversity and equal opportunity for all, welcoming individuals of any gender, age, origin, religion, disability, or sexual orientation. If you're creative, problem-solving, and passionate about app marketing, we'd love to hear from you. Join us and be yourself, in an atmosphere where diversity is celebrated and embraced.

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Webflow Developer (Remote)

ManyPixelsPhilippines Remote
3 years of experienceDesignfreelancecss

ManyPixels is hiring a Remote Webflow Developer (Remote)


ManyPixels provides graphic design services to SMEs, agencies, and marketing teams all around the world. For a monthly fee, our customers get direct access to our team of talented designers and we help them with a large range of projects: digital graphics, web design, illustrations, branding, etc.

Our team is fully distributed across Asia and Europe.

We are growing fast as we are solving a very common and painful problem: finding a talented, affordable, and reliable freelance designer is hard.

Check out our website at


The Webflow Developer specializes in using Webflow and will work alone or with other design team members to build, design, and launch responsive websites for customers. This role requires a combination of design and technical skills.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Design and develop websites and digital assets using Webflow.
  • Maintain and update existing websites, prioritizing performance and security.
  • Implement responsive designs to optimize web assets for various devices.
  • Collaborate closely with client and design teams to ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
  • Innovate and implement solutions to elevate user experience and site functionality.
  • Apply SEO best practices to enhance website visibility and rankings.
  • Integrate third-party services and APIs for enhanced functionality, as required.
  • Stay updated with the latest web design and development trends and best practices.
  • Efficiently manage time and prioritize tasks to meet project deadlines.
  • Follow internal processes and ask for clarification as needed. Remain in constant contact with team members to ensure tasks are executed as required.
  • Strong English communication skills.


  • At least 3 years of experience as a Webflow Developer.
  • Must be proficient and experienced in using Webflow for web design and development.
  • Strong command of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Experience in cross-browser compatibility and responsive design.
  • Familiar with web performance optimization techniques.
  • Ability to translate design mock-ups into interactive digital experiences.
  • Efficient, decisive, and has good time management and coordination skills
  • Professional, and a good communicator in the pipeline/workflow during shift operations.
  • A robust portfolio of previous Webflow projects is a plus.


  • Work remotely
  • 20 days of paid time off
  • Work with cool people all around the globe
  • Join a cool startup with a lot of potential
  • Competitive salary, depending on skills and level of experience

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Valnet Freelance is hiring a Remote GiveMeSport - Premier League Freelance Writer

GiveMeSport - Premier League Freelance Writer - Valnet Freelance - Career PageSee more jobs at Valnet Freelance

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UI/UX Designer (freelance or permanent) - fully remote (m/f/d)

figmaB2CDesignUI/UX designfreelancemobileUX

JobLeads is hiring a Remote UI/UX Designer (freelance or permanent) - fully remote (m/f/d)

Your Crew

After successfully helping millions of people to find the right jobs for them in recent years and growing rapidly, we now want to take our UX to the next level. Join us on this journey and become part of our cross-functional product teams. Create real added value for our customers and make their daily interactions with our products more valuable and meaningful.

Your Role

As a UI/UX Designer (m/f/d), you will conceptualize and design complex digital B2C job search products. To achieve this, you will work closely with our customers and use the latest research methods to understand their problems and needs.

Your Course - and what we expect from you

  • You are responsible for the UI/UX design for desktop and mobile view of our platform .

  • You identify options to make our products more valuable, meaningful, and frictionless.

  • You use user research to analyze and understand customer pains and needs.

  • You design customer-centred experiences and evaluate concepts iteratively with the help of prototypes at different stages of development.

  • You will find solutions to complete customer jobs with less friction, communicate content more clearly and make the user experience more emotional.

  • You support your Figma designs in delivery by providing product managers and engineers with clear input as part of daily collaboration.

  • You will further develop our design system in a team with other product designers and continuously optimize our design processes.

Your Equipment

  • You bring your own mix of skills from more than 3 years of design and research experience. We are looking forward to your meaningful portfolio!

  • An iterative and explorative approach, empathy with our users, quantitative as well as qualitative analysis are part of your repertoire.

  • You can clearly explain your approach to design, research and analysis and thus enrich our design rounds.

  • You have good experience in responsive design and a deep understanding of UI/UX design and design systems to ensure outstanding functionality on various devices.

  • You are proactive and enjoy contributing your own ideas and driving things forward.

  • You are experienced in the further development of design systems.

  • You are proficient in English. If you also speak German - great.



Would you like to work full-time in a permanent position? Awesome. You are very welcome. Or would you prefer to work at least 3 days a week as a freelancer? That's also possible. Let's talk about it.


What you can expect on board:

  • Become part of one of the fastest growing global job portals that takes UX to the next level for our customers. Develop yourself optimally in this exciting environment by working with experienced colleagues and through coaching.
  • A close-knit international crew that fosters a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
  • Competitive compensation package, commensurate with your skills and expertise.
  • Flexible working hours and remote work, giving you the freedom to steer your work-life balance.
  • Opportunities for professional growth and development, with support for attending conferences and acquiring new skills.
  • Exciting projects that push the boundaries of web development and offer the opportunity to leave a lasting impact.
  • Outstanding team events like our annual JobLeads Sailing-Week in the Mediterranean and regular team meet-ups at interesting locations across Europe.
  • Extraordinary blend of the safety and professionalism of an established company and the agility and speed of a startup.

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Talent Inc. is hiring a Remote Freelance Writer/Translator- German

Freelance Writer/Translator- German - Talent Inc. - Career PageSee more jobs at Talent Inc.

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Talent Inc. is hiring a Remote Freelance Resume Writer

Freelance Resume Writer - Talent Inc. - Career Page

See more jobs at Talent Inc.

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Talent Inc. is hiring a Remote Freelance Writer/Translator- Hungarian

Freelance Writer/Translator- Hungarian - Talent Inc. - Career PageSee more jobs at Talent Inc.

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Cobalt Core Pentester - US Remote-Only

Cobalt.ioRemote - US (Freelancer Part Time)
freelancemobileapiiosandroidAWS is hiring a Remote Cobalt Core Pentester - US Remote-Only

Who We Are

The Cobalt Core is a community of highly skilled security pentesters who are passionate about what they do and strive to deliver quality work. This curated community is made up of security professionals with years of experience as well as talented pentesters who are eager to hone their trade and showcase their skills. They all have a strong drive to keep up-to-date on the latest vulnerabilities and exploits, and the tools and methodologies to find them. 

Cobalt Core members believe that sharing ideas and collaborating with peers is the best way to achieve great results. 

If you believe you would be a good fit to join the Cobalt Core, and are eager to contribute to the community and participate in the pentests running on the Cobalt platform, please apply.

Who You Are

  • Based in the USA
  • Minimum of 3+ years of Pentesting or similar experience (mid-level)
  • Professional demeanor
  • Respectful towards others
  • Take pride in the work you produce
  • Strong work ethic with attention to detail
  • Desire to be an expert within your field
  • Deep understanding of application security
  • Ability to communicate effectively
  • Collaborative spirit

What You'll Do

  • Perform manual penetration testing of web applications, APIs, internal and external networks, iOS and Android mobile applications
  • Work as a member of a pentest team, collaborating and engaging directly with the client
  • Document in detail the results of assessments, audits, tests, and verification activities
  • Perform manual validation of vulnerabilities
  • Perform mobile and web app pentesting for OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities.
  • The following certifications are a plus:
  • Please note that this is a freelance, part-time position available only to Pentesters residing within the USA.

Why You Should Join Us

  • Work with and learn from other highly skilled security researchers
  • Get to work on many different interesting projects and applications
  • Flexible work hours
  • Make the internet more secure - one application at a time
  • Professional and career development
  • Get compensated for your time and effort

Application Process

  1. Application - Becoming part of the Cobalt Core is a highly selective process, and only the best applicants will be invited to next steps in the on boarding process. Preference will be given to applicants who come referred by other Cobalt Core pentesters. 
  2. Chat with a Cobalt representative - Get to know about Cobalt and how we work. We will also want to know about you, your experience, strengths and what drives you. If we all think it's a great fit, we will explore how we can work together!
  3. Technical Skills Assessment to demonstrate your technical acumen and reporting. 
  4. Getting setup on the Cobalt platform + Background Check & ID Verification - In this step we will make sure you are all set up for success, and we will also ask you to pass a Background Check & ID Verification.
  5. Start working on cool projects!

Applicants need apply only once, applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.

Please note that this is a freelance, part-time position available only to Pentesters residing within the USA.  Applicants outside of the US will not be considered if you apply through this job posting. 

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Supply Planning Contractor

GlossierRemote (USA)

Glossier is hiring a Remote Supply Planning Contractor


Glossier is a people-first beauty company on a mission to give everyone a voice through beauty. We create physical, digital and offline experiences inspired by our community that foster connection, inspire a sense of belonging and invite people to participate in Glossier.  We are inclusive, customer-devoted, curious, courageous, discerning and results-driven.

Reporting directly into the Sr. Manager of Supply Chain Planning, your role will be pivotal in optimizing and managing the end-to-end supply chain for Glossier.  As a Supply Planning Contractor you aid in managing real time accuracy of the company’s inventory levels.  This includes but is not limited to analyzing data, identifying areas for improvement, implementing strategies to enhance efficiency and ensure a seamless flow of products from Glossier to customers. The ideal candidate will be analytically inclined, possess exceptional critical thinking skills as well as a concise communication style.

Job Responsibilities  

  • Develop working knowledge of Glossier’s catalog of products and global supply chain 
  • Execute day-to-day systematic transactions to optimize inventory control
    • Investigate and resolve inconsistencies or negative inventory levels 
    • Audit inventory counts across all locations to improve inventory visibility
    • Maintain accurate inventory counts at co-manufacturer & supplier locations
  • Develop monthly supply planning forecasts based on demand plan - considering production capacities, lead times inventory constraints; aid in the communication of monthly supply planning forecasts to contract manufacturers in a timely manner, ensuring alignment with production schedules inventory management
  • Support and execute in monthly Open to Buy (OTB) cycle through the execution of PO placement & management
  • Track and help maintain defined supply chain performance metrics and KPIs and drive continuous improvement initiatives in the following areas:
    • Quarterly Product Lead Time Refresh
    • WIP Inventory
    • Safety Stock
    • On Time In Full (OTIF)
  • Maintain efficient inventory control measures of finished goods, components and WIP to ensure they stay within planned levels to support Glossier’s inventory and revenue goals 
  • Analyze supply chain data to monitor excess and obsolete inventory 


  • Recent graduate with bachelor’s degree in supply chain, merchandising or other business related field
  • Strong knowledge of supply chain and planning logic
  • Advanced user in Excel or/and Google Sheets building complex models and analyzing ambiguous data sets; exceptional analytical and conceptual-thinking skills
  • A proactive team player who is comfortable working in a fast-paced environment, willing to learn, ask questions, seek solutions, active problem solve and push for change
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent organizational and time management skills
  • A proven track record of following through on commitments
  • Part time - 20 hours per week

In accordance with the applicable law, the following represents a good faith estimate of the minimum and maximum compensation range for this position: The estimated pay range for this role is $30.00 - $40.00 per hour.Compensation for the role will be determined based on permissible, non discriminatory factors such as a candidate’s qualifications, skills, and experience. 

NOTE: Glossier requires all newly-hired employees whose job responsibilities require them to work from a Glossier office or retail location or require them to travel, work in person with vendors or others or participate in creative productions to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Glossier is an equal opportunity employer and will provide reasonable accommodation to those individuals who are unable to be vaccinated consistent with federal, state or local law.

Click here to view the candidate privacy policy under FAQ's

We are an Equal Employment Opportunity (“EEO”) Employer. It has been and will continue to be a fundamental policy of Glossier not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, pregnancy, marital status, partnership status, domestic violence victim status, sexual orientation, age, national origin, alienage or citizenship status, veteran or military status, disability, medical condition, genetic information, caregiver status, unemployment status or any other characteristic prohibited by federal, state and/or local laws. This policy applies to all aspects of employment, including hiring, promotion, demotion, compensation, training, working conditions, transfer, job assignment, benefits, layoff, and termination. 


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Spanish Language Arts Content Writer (Freelance)

IXL LearningRemote

IXL Learning is hiring a Remote Spanish Language Arts Content Writer (Freelance)

IXL Learning, a leading EdTech company with products used by 14 million students in the United States, is seeking creative, motivated Spanish-language writers to join our content development team.

As a Spanish Language Arts Content Writer at IXL, you will create exceptional K-5 Spanish language arts content to support native Spanish-speaking students in U.S. classrooms as well as students learning Spanish in dual-language programs. You will write engaging and interactive passages and questions and collaborate with curriculum designers and editors to bring your content to life.

This is a remote, 1099 consulting role for three months with a possible extension.


  • Researching informational topics of interest to a Kindergarten-5th Grade Spanish-speaking audience (ages 5 through 11)
  • Writing sentences, paragraphs, and longer passages for use in online activities
  • Crafting questions, answers, and explanations based on guidelines and samples 
  • Adhering to conventions from our in-house Spanish style guide
  • Accepting and implementing feedback, which may be provided in English or Spanish


  • BA/BS degree, preferably in creative writing, Spanish literature or linguistics, or a related field
  • Exceptional writing skills, including a finely tuned sense of Spanish grammar and usage
  • Strong critical-thinking, research, and problem-solving skills
  • The ability to be efficient and organized while working on multiple projects
  • Previous professional writing experience (educational or children's content preferred)
  • Proficiency in English, including the ability to read instructions and feedback in English


  • Your resume (in English or Spanish)
  • A cover letter (in Spanish)
  • A sample of your writing (in Spanish) highlighting your ability to write for a K-5 audience


IXL Learning is the country's largest EdTech company. We reach millions of learners through our diverse range of products. For example:

  • 1 in 4 students in the United States uses
  • Rosetta Stone provides an immersive learning experience for 25 languages
  • Wyzant is the nation's largest community of tutors, covering 300+ subjects
  • Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT) is a comprehensive marketplace for millions of educator-created resources

Our mission is to create innovative products that will make a real, positive difference for learners and educators and we're looking for passionate, mission-minded people to join us in achieving this goal. We have a unique culture at IXL that fosters collaboration and the open exchange of ideas. We value our team and treat one another with kindness and respect. We approach our work with passion, tenacity, and authenticity. We find it immensely satisfying to develop products that impact the lives of millions and we are eager to have you join our team.

At IXL, we value diversity in age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, political and religious beliefs, and life experience, and we are proud to promote a work environment where everyone, from any background, can do their best work. IXL Learning is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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Valnet Freelance is hiring a Remote TheThings - Evening News Writer

TheThings - Evening News Writer - Valnet Freelance - Career Page

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