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TechSoup Europe is the European division of TechSoup, headquartered in San Francisco and led by Fundacja TechSoup, an independent Polish Foundation. In the last 33 years, TechSoup has connected over 1.2 million nonprofits and delivered technology tools and philanthropic services from over 100 corporate and foundation partners all over the world. TechSoup Europe together with over 40 partner organizations representing many different areas: capacity building, media literacy, civic engagement, social innovation, or digital inclusion, helps nonprofits including grassroots, small, local organizations in 53 European countries and territories build their capacity. We equip changemakers with transformative technology products, knowledge, and services so they may benefit from technology and focus on their mission. Be a part of a fast-paced, growing team that provides a solid work-life balance helping our nonprofit customers. Our team of mission-focused tech professionals is passionate about moving the social sector forward with transformative applications of technology. As a Service Desk Engineer, you will work closely with our customers assisting with new technology projects and support.