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Inter IKEA Group

Interogo Foundation, based in Liechtenstein and established in 1989, is the ultimate owner of Inter IKEA Group and Interogo Holding. Interogo Foundation is an Enterprise Foundation (Unternehmensstiftung) with legal personality under Liechtenstein law. Interogo Foundation’s main purpose is to secure the independence and longevity of the IKEA Concept, and to own and govern Inter IKEA Group. Interogo Foundation shall also hold a financial reserve for rainy days for when the IKEA Concept at some time in the future were to face serious challenges. Interogo Holding, the investment business, provides the financial reserves required to secure independence and longevity.

Inter IKEA Group is hiring a Remote Inżynier/ka Projektu- MDC Zbąszyń (projekt 2 lata)

Opis oferty pracy

Twoim głównym zadaniem będzie tworzenie i aktualizacja rysunków oraz modeli 3D produktów z aktualnego asortymentu oraz wsparcie fabryk przy tworzeniu struktur produktów. Będą to zadania które będziesz priorytetyzować i dostarczać  w programach SolidWorks i Windchill.  

W ramach tej roli będziesz: 

  • Aktualizować modele 3D CAD 
  • Aktualizować dokumentację 2D 
  • Brać udział w różnych spotkaniach zespołowych 


  • Znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie min. B1 – nie musisz być ekspertem, ale komunikacja jest kluczem!
  • Znajomości SolidWorks lub innego programu CAD 3D – jeżeli masz inne doświadczenia, chętnie o nich posłuchamy!
  • Znajomość MS Office
  • Wiedza o procesach produkcji mebli (mile widziana)
  • Doświadczenie w budowaniu struktur produktu? Super, ale jeśli dopiero zaczynasz, nauczymy Cię wszystkiego! :)

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Inter IKEA Group is hiring a Remote Projekt Inżynier- Stażysta/ka (PLM)

Opis oferty pracy

Jako stażysta/ka PLM będziesz częścią zespołu wspierającego i realizującego wdrożenie PLM. Kiedy nabędziesz odpowiednie doświadczenie  w swojej roli, Twoje obowiązki będą łączyć praktyczne operacje z zadaniami doradczymi ekspertów. Od czasu do czasu konieczne będą podróże. Otrzymasz kompleksowe szkolenie w zakresie praktyk najnowocześniejszego cyfrowego systemu informacyjnego. 


  • pasja do inżynieringu, 
  • znajomość języka angielskiego (minimum B1), 
  • doświadczenie w 3D CAD lub innych narzędziach do cyfrowego rozwoju produktów (mile widziane), 

Poszukujemy również talentów, które nie mają żadnego wcześniejszego doświadczenia, ale wykazują głód nauki, ciekawość, komunikatywność i pasję do cyfryzacji i technologii.

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Inter IKEA Group is hiring a Remote Thesis, Design a Performance Indicator for Product Development

Job Description

The objective of this assignment is to explore and develop a customized Performance Indicator (PI) tailored for evaluating product development at IKEA Components AB.
Drawing from both internal and external knowledge tasks may include: 

•    conducting a literature review 
•    benchmarking 
•    situational analysis to identify performance indicators and their significance 

Subsequently, a customized PI will be designed and developed, followed by testing through stakeholder feedback and pilot study. 
The final deliverable, a customized Performance Indicator for IKEA Components AB's product development, including a framework for usage, will enhance decision-making and continuous improvement, ultimately contributing to a better everyday life for many people while respecting planetary limits.  


Right now we are hiring two students!

We are looking for two curious, motivated, and self-led engineering students with knowledge of Product Development and the Product Development process. 
You should have experience researching in complex topics and be able to communicate research in simple way. We expect you to undertake the thesis during the spring term of 2025 with start in January.

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Inter IKEA Group is hiring a Remote Thesis - Object Segmentation Techniques in Volumetric Rendering for 3D Scene Understanding

Job Description

The main objective of the thesis is to analyze object segmentation techniques in volumetric rendering for 3D scene understanding. The main tasks are as follows:

  • Literature study of the object segmentation in volumetric rendering
  • Reproduce existing SOTA work of segmenting volumetric rendering
  • Experimentation with custom data and compare results
  • Write a report and present work to the lab


You should be enrolled in a master degree and have big interests in 3D and computer vision/deep learning.

We see that you have a curious mind and that are self-motivated and eager to learn about artificial intelligence and digital home furnishing.

And of course we hope that you share the same vision that we at IKEA have and that is to create a better everyday for the many people.

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Inter IKEA Group is hiring a Remote Master Thesis, Green AI: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Automated Testing

Job Description

Right now, we are looking for one or two master’s students for a thesis project in Spring 2025. 

This opportunity offers an inspiring environment to work with Inter IKEA, one of the industry leaders in the global supply chain and logistics sector. 

As a master’s Thesis Student, you will engage in pioneering research, experiment with state-of-the-art technologies, and explore the dynamic field of AI-driven test automation with a focus on sustainability. 

Our mission is to develop innovative methods for reducing the carbon footprint of AI-driven test automation tools. 
This research aims to identify best practices, robust methodologies, and effective strategies that can help organizations leverage AI for automation while minimizing their environmental impact. 


If you are a master's student in a specialized field of Computer science, engineering, artificial intelligence, or a related area it can be advantageous. If you are eager to gain a deep understanding of AI and are committed to improving efficiency and reducing the overall carbon footprint, this thesis opportunity is perfect for you. 

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