postgres Remote Jobs

168 Results


Senior Developer Advocate - AM & ML

snowflakecomputingRemote Bay Area, CA, USA
MLDevOPS7 years of experiencepostgresslackrubyjavac++kubernetespythonjavascript

snowflakecomputing is hiring a Remote Senior Developer Advocate - AM & ML

Build the future of data. Join the Snowflake team.

Snowflake is a developer platform for building data-intensive applications. As a Senior Developer Advocate, you’ll help create and grow the developer community. You will engage with developers and create authentic and compelling resources such as open source demos, code samples, documentation, how-to guides, and blog posts around topics such as data engineering, app development, LLMs, AI/ML, DevOps, and more. 


  • Build awareness and motivate developers to build applications, data pipelines, and data science workflows on Snowflake
  • Be hands-on. Develop and maintain resources for developers, such as open source demos and software tools, code samples, documentation, how-to guides, and tutorials
  • Engage external communities like Stack Overflow, GitHub, Slack, Reddit, and Discord to identify new resources that should be created and own the delivery of those pieces 
  • Participate in the developer data ecosystem and community, building strong relationships with engineers, architects, product managers, and founders
  • Define and own metrics to measure the success of our developer content and outreach efforts and initiatives
  • Speak at conferences, contribute to events, and engage in communities like Stack Overflow and GitHub.
  • Communicate developer requirements and provide input to product management on feature enhancements and future product direction


  • 7 years of experience in developer education, developer relations, and technical writing 
  • Working knowledge of platforms and tools such as: Huggingface, Llama2, mistral, Pinecone, Weaviate, LlamaIndex, and Langchain.
  • You have a working knowledge of data platforms like Kubernetes, PyTorch, Kafka, Postgres; developer tools like SDKs, APIs, LLMs, and have experience of writing code sample projects, demos, or tutorials for two of these languages: JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, Go, or Ruby
  • Experience of working within cross-functional teams (product management, marketing, product engineering, support, customer success, etc).
  • Scrappy & has a mindset that done is better than perfect. 

Every Snowflake employee is expected to follow the company’s confidentiality and security standards for handling sensitive data. Snowflake employees must abide by the company’s data security plan as an essential part of their duties. It is every employee's duty to keep customer information secure and confidential.

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Middle Node.js Backend developer at HolyWater

GenesisКиїв, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle Node.js Backend developer at HolyWater


Holy Water засуджує війну росії проти України й допомагає державі. На початку повномасштабної війни ми запустили продаж NFT-колекції про події в Україні, щоб зібрати 1 млн доларів на потреби української армії, а також долучилися до корпоративного благодійного фонду Genesis for Ukraine. Команда фонду закуповує необхідне спорядження, техніку й медикаменти для співробітників та їхніх родичів, що захищають країну на передовій, крім того, ми постійно донатимо на ЗСУ.


Ви будете працювати в Holy Water — це стартап в сфері ContentTech, який займається створенням та паблішингом книжок, аудіокнижок, інтерактивних історій та відео серіалів. Ми будуємо синергію між ефективністю AI та креативністю письменників, допомагаючи їм надихати своїм контентом десятки мільйонів користувачів у всьому світі.

HolyWater була заснована в 2020 році в екосистемі Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 90 спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх категоріях в США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

За допомогою нашої платформи, ми даємо можливість будь-якому талановитому письменнику вийти на мільйону аудиторію користувачів наших додатків та надихати їх своїм історіями. Нашими продуктами користуються вже більше 10 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу.


1. Наш додакток з інтерактивними історіями 3 місяці ставав топ 1 за завантаженнями у світі у своїй ніші.
2. Наш додаток з книжками, Passion, в грудні став топ 1 в своїй ніші в США та Європі.
3. Ми запустили платформу з відео серіалами на основі наших книжок та зробили перший успішний пілотний серіал.
4. Кількість нових завантажень та виручка зросли майже в 2 рази в порівнянні з 2022.

Основна цінність HolyWater
- це люди, які працюють з нами. Саме тому ми прикладаємо всі зусилля, щоб створити такі умови, де кожен співробітник зможе реалізувати свій потенціал наповну та досягнути найамбітніших цілей.


У своїй роботі команда спирається на шість ключових цінностей: постійне зростання, внутрішня мотивація, завзятість і гнучкість, усвідомленість, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

Ми наразі активно розширюємо команду для масштабування наших існуючих та нових застосунків. І тому шукаємо в команду амбітного Middle Node.js Backend developer, який підсилить і пришвидшить розробку нового та покращення існуючого функціоналу на backend.


  • Реалізацію нового функціоналу.
  • Підтримку та рефакторинг існуючого коду.
  • Розробку автоматизованих тестів для забезпечення надійності та якості коду.


  • Досвід роботи як Backend developer від 3-х років.
  • Гарне розуміння та робота з реляціними (Postgres) та нереляціними (DynamoDB, Redis) БД, TypeORM.
  • Високий рівень володіння TypeScript.
  • Знання та досвід роботи з GraphQL (Apollo).
  • Досвід використання NestJS.
  • Розуміння та досвід використання контейнерізації з Docker, а також вміння працювати з AWS сервісами, як ECS, ECR, S3, CloudFront.
  • Розуміння процесів CI/CD.
  • Бажання працювати у продуктовому стартапі.
  • Вміння швидко адаптуватися.
  • Сприймання фідбеку та орієнтація на результат.


  • Ви будете частиною згуртованої команди професіоналів, де зможете обмінюватися знаннями та досвідом, а також отримувати підтримку та поради від колег.
  • Гнучкий графік роботи, можливість працювати віддалено з будь-якої безпечної точки світу.
  • Можливість відвідувати офіс на київському Подолі. В офісах можна не турбуватися про рутину: тут на вас чекають сніданки, обіди, безліч снеків та фруктів, лаунжзони, масаж та інші переваги.
  • 20 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік, необмежена кількість лікарняних.
  • Послуги корпоративного лікаря, а після випробного терміну — медичне страхування в Україні.
  • Є можливість звернутися за консультацією до психолога.
  • Уся необхідна для роботи техніка.
  • Онлайн-бібліотека, регулярні лекції від спікерів топрівня, компенсація конференцій, тренінгів та семінарів.
  • Професійне внутрішнє ком’юніті для вашого кар’єрного розвитку.
  • Культура відкритого фідбеку.


    1. Первинний скринінг. Рекрутер ставить декілька запитань в месенджері, аби скласти враження про ваш досвід і навички перед тестовим завданням.
    2. Тестове завдання.
    Підтверджує вашу експертизу та показує, які підходи, інструменти й рішення ви застосовуєте в роботі. Ми не обмежуємо вас у часі та ніколи не використовуємо напрацювання кандидатів без відповідних домовленостей.
    3. Співбесіда з HR. Цей етап фокусується на розкритті вашої мотивації, софт скілів та культурної відповідності. Обговорення охоплює ваші професійні інтереси, досвід та очікування від роботи, а також інформація про цінності та процеси в компанії.
    4. Співбесіда з менеджером. Всеохопна розмова про ваші професійні компетенції та роботу команди, в яку подаєтесь.
    5. Бар-рейзинг.
    На останню співбесіду ми запрошуємо одного з топменеджерів екосистеми Genesis, який не працюватиме напряму з кандидатом. У фокусі бар-рейзера — ваші софт-скіли та цінності, аби зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви зможете зростати разом з компанією.

    Хочеш стати частиною сильної команди? Відправляй своє резюме ????.

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    Database Performance Engineer - Query Tuning - Postgres - Federal

    ServiceNowVienna, Virginia, Remote

    ServiceNow is hiring a Remote Database Performance Engineer - Query Tuning - Postgres - Federal

    Job Description

    Please Note:  
    This position will include supporting our US Federal customers.

    This position requires passing a ServiceNow background screening, USFedPASS (US Federal Personnel Authorization Screening Standards). This includes a credit check, criminal/misdemeanor check and taking a drug test.  Any employment is contingent upon passing the screening.  Due to Federal requirements, only US citizens, US naturalized citizens or US Permanent Residents, holding a green card, will be considered.

    Our Database SWAT (Software Action Team) ensures the production stability of our customer application(s) and infrastructure services from an operations perspective. Our engineers are responsible for production stability and "champions at all service levels” and act as the last level of support for our customers (internal and external). 

    The ideal candidate for this position is an engineer with a strong background in database technologies, performance tuning, and strong troubleshooting skills. The candidate must have a passion for chasing issues of complex systems running under dynamic, real-world loads. You will work in a fast-paced, innovative environment that allows direct influence on the organization and all our customers. In this role, you will support the infrastructure by learning the platform from end to end.

    What you get to do in this role

    • ​​Become an SME in production triage, gain broad knowledge across ServiceNow's application and codebase, and work with all the groups within Engineering/Operations, and groups outside of Operations (e.g. Customer Support).
    • Learn how to identify bugs and solve challenging performance issues quickly. SWAT provides an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a well-rounded problem and performance analyst.
    • Develop automation tools to facilitate and improve day-to-day operations



    To be successful in this role you have:

    • 4+ years of experience with performance and stress testing tools and approaches for driving realistic customer simulations in large datasets for Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB environment.
    • 4+ years of database management experience building indexes and analyzing execution plans and optimizing queries.
    • Identify defects in MariaDB / Postgres by reviewing crash core dump and stack traces.
    • Experience supporting or testing large-scale web-based distributed applications on containers such as Apache/Tomcat, and Web Sphere in a Unix environment
    • Experience supporting applications on a SaaS, PaaS Cloud Infrastructure product/solution
    • Proven experience with concurrency, multithreading, and distributed system architectures
    • Exposure to Unix platform variants at the sysadmin level
    • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with an aptitude for learning new technologies developing and deploying mission-critical software
    • Eagerness to learn everything about the ServiceNow Platform
    • Supporting federal customers on the isolated stack and being on-call weekly support 24x7 on a rotation basis
    • Working as a team lead and reviewing Postgres source code is a plus


    For positions in the Bay Area, we offer a base pay of $121,500 to $206,500, plus equity (when applicable), variable/incentive compensation and benefits. Sales positions generally offer a competitive On Target Earnings (OTE) incentive compensation structure. Please note that the base pay shown is a guideline, and individual total compensation will vary based on factors such as qualifications, skill level, competencies and work location. We also offer health plans, including flexible spending accounts, a 401(k) Plan with company match, ESPP, matching donations, a flexible time away plan and family leave programs.  Compensation is based on the geographic location in which the role is located, and is subject to change based on work location.

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    Lead IAM Engineer (d/f/m) | Hybrid or Remote in: Germany, the United Kingdom

    Personio+1 more Munich, Remote Germany, London, Remote UK, Berlin, Remote Berlin

    Personio is hiring a Remote Lead IAM Engineer (d/f/m) | Hybrid or Remote in: Germany, the United Kingdom

    The Role: How you'll make an impact at Personio
    This position can be office-based, hybrid or fully remote from one of the following countries: Germany, and the United Kingdom.

    At Personio, your work transforms the way millions of people experience work every day. Join our Product & Technology team, where we drive our customers’ outcomes by designing, developing, and delivering innovative and high-quality products. Be empowered to take ownership of your areas and make an impact on your team, our product, and our customers. 

    The Identity and Access Management (IAM) teams are at the core of Personio, providing capabilities that enable secure, scalable and intuitive controls for managing user identity and access rights across the product. Our customers rely on our products to securely access data and collaborate across the product, while internal teams rely on our platform capabilities to deliver a secure experience to our customers. 

    As a core platform team that owns the complete vertical, including customer-facing experiences, we are looking for an experienced engineer who is passionate about the intersection of product and platform capabilities, deeply cares about customer impact and is experienced in building highly scalable and secure systems. 
    Role Responsibilities: What you'll do
    • Collaborate: Collaborate across functions (product, design and engineering) to holistically define problems, research options and implement robust, scalable solutions. 
    • Drive Execution: Hands-on work across the team and organisation to create exceptional customer value.
    • Community: Implement best practices for platform features, high availability, reliability and more, creating a centre of technical excellence. 

    How you’ll go about it:
    • ‘'Platform as a product" mindset with strategic thinking about the product roadmap.
    • Strong track record of technical leadership to continuously create customer impact.
    • Experience designing and building scalable software to handle 10x load increases and 100x peak traffic spikes.
    • Collaborative approach to the work environment with team members, stakeholders, and management that effectively brings people together, and resolves conflicts as necessary to accomplish hard goals.
    • Ability to navigate technical debates and drive technical alignment across the organisation.
    Role Requirements: What you need to succeed
    • Previous experience as a Tech Lead or a Senior, building and designing highly scalable and resilient systems
    • Industry experience with Identity and Access management technologies, practices and standards.
    • Proven track record of technical leadership, mentoring engineers, and hiring. 
    • Excellent problem-solving and communication skills.
    • Strong proficiency in at least one backend programming language.
    • Strong expertise in the following technologies: Kubernetes (k8s), Postgres, Redis and AWS technologies like SQS/SNS, DynamoDB, S3 and more. 
    • Willingness to work hands-on as a developer focused on complex problems with high-impact.
    Why Personio
    Personio is an equal opportunities employer, committed to building an integrative culture where everyone feels welcomed and supported. We embrace uniqueness and understand that our diverse, values-driven culture makes us stronger. We are proud to have an inclusive workplace environment that will foster your development no matter your gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, education level, or race.

    Aside from our people, culture, and mission, check out some of the other benefits that make Personio a great place to work:

    • Receive a competitive reward package – reevaluated each year – that includes salary, benefits, and pre-IPO equity
    • Enjoy 28 days of paid vacation, plus an additional day after 2 and 4 years (because we love what we do, but we also love vacation!)
    • Make an impact on the environment and society with 2 (fully paid) Impact Days –  one for an individual project of your choice and one for a company-wide initiative
    • Receive generous family leave, child support, mental health support, and sabbatical opportunities with PersonioCares
    • Find your best way to work with our office-led, remote-friendly PersonioFlex! Most teams offer a roughly 50% remote, 50% in-office working framework
    • Invest in your development with an annual personal development budget to use on professional memberships, external certifications, conferences, and more
    • Connect with your fellow Personios at regular company and team events like All Company Culture Week and local year-end celebrations
    • Engage in a high-impact working environment with flat hierarchies and short decision-making processes
    About us
    Bring your best. Make your mark. We’re using technology to revolutionize the way HR operates so that we can transform the way millions of people experience work every day. We move fast, challenge the status quo, and support our people as they shape their careers.

    With over 10,000 customers and a team of 2,000 in eight offices around the world, now is the perfect time to join! We believe in hiring driven people who want to make an impact. So bring your best, and let’s build the future of HR technology together.

    Discover our Personio Principles, that guide our mindset, behaviours, and the ways we work together:

    Exceed Customer Expectations: We anticipate, prioritize, and solve for the needs of our customers.
    Deliver Exceptional Results: We dream big and move with urgency to make great things happen.
    Elevate One Another: We work together as trusted partners to amplify our collective impact.
    Care to Challenge: We care personally and challenge directly to unlock our full potential.
    Ignite Positive Momentum: We embrace the challenge with a positive mindset and celebrate our wins together.

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    Engineering Manager, Database

    BrazeRemote - Ontario
    SalesredisBachelor's degreepostgresmongodbrubypostgresqlkubernetes

    Braze is hiring a Remote Engineering Manager, Database

    At Braze, we have found our people. We’re a genuinely approachable, exceptionally kind, and intensely passionate crew.

    We seek to ignite that passion by setting high standards, championing teamwork, and creating work-life harmony as we collectively navigate rapid growth on a global scale while striving for greater equity and opportunity – inside and outside our organization.

    To flourish here, you must be prepared to set a high bar for yourself and those around you. There is always a way to contribute: Acting with autonomy, having accountability and being open to new perspectives are essential to our continued success. Our deep curiosity to learn and our eagerness to share diverse passions with others gives us balance and injects a one-of-a-kind vibrancy into our culture.

    If you are driven to solve exhilarating challenges and have a bias toward action in the face of change, you will be empowered to make a real impact here, with a sharp and passionate team at your back. If Braze sounds like a place where you can thrive, we can’t wait to meet you.

    Braze operates at a massive scale with over 4 billion monthly active users across our customers, collecting hundreds of billions of data points each month and sending billions of messages to end-users daily. We use a diverse technology stack rooted in Ruby on Rails, MongoDB, Redis, Kafka, Kubernetes, and more. The Database Reliability Engineering team (DBRE) at Braze will be responsible for keeping the database systems that power Braze's platform running smoothly. DBRE is a blend of traditional database administration and software engineering that applies best-in-class engineering principles, operational discipline, software development, and automation to the databases infrastructure at Braze (primarily MongoDB and PostgreSQL).

    As an Engineering Manager at Braze, you will be responsible for building the team and products that continuously improve the performance, availability, infrastructure, and tooling that are critical to Braze's database infrastructure. Your leadership and experience will guide your team in improving automation and infrastructure reliability. Your decisions will empower Braze’s other engineering teams to leverage the data products and platforms you manage.


    • Partner with Braze’s engineering teams on architecting products to effectively utilize infrastructure platforms in a scalable, reliable manner.
    • Ensure that Braze can meet our strict enterprise-grade SLAs with customers by building products that can beat those SLAs
    • Participate in an on-call rotation to command incidents within your product scope and provide support for other engineers.
    • Manage projects via our standard project management process
    • Work on small technical changes/improvements outside the blocking path
    • Foster an environment where team members thrive, and the team executes well


    • 5+ years of DevOps/SRE/DBRE Management (or related experience with an increasing set of responsibilities)
    • 5+ years of experience running MongoDB or PostgreSQL at scale 
    • Proven ability in people management, strategic planning, cost optimization, and management of multiple concurrent projects with competing priorities and overlapping resources
    • History of growing and mentoring team members with a wide range of experience levels
    • Demonstrated success in ensuring risk and change management, observability, and maintaining service level objectives
    • Strong cross-functional collaboration skills, relationship-building skills, and the ability to achieve results across reporting chains
    • High level of ownership and accountability for high-quality work and documentation, both personally and at a team level
    • Comfortable with resource allocation and Strong technical background with MongoDB, Redis, Kafka, Postgres, or similar data technologies



    Details of these benefits plan will be provided if a candidate receives an offer of employment. Benefits may vary by location.

    From offering comprehensive benefits to fostering flexible environments, we’ve got you covered so you can prioritize work-life harmony.

    • Competitive compensation that may include equity
    • Retirement and Employee Stock Purchase Plans
    • Flexible paid time off
    • Comprehensive benefit plans covering medical, dental, vision, life, and disability
    • Family services that include fertility benefits and equal paid parental leave
    • Professional development supported by formal career pathing, learning platforms, and tuition reimbursement
    • Community engagement opportunities throughout the year, including an annual company wide Volunteer Week
    • Employee Resource Groups that provide supportive communities within Braze
    • Collaborative, transparent, and fun culture recognized as a Great Place to Work®


    Braze is a leading customer engagement platform that powers lasting connections between consumers and brands they love. Braze allows any marketer to collect and take action on any amount of data from any source, so they can creatively engage with customers in real time, across channels from one platform. From cross-channel messaging and journey orchestration to Al-powered experimentation and optimization, Braze enables companies to build and maintain absolutely engaging relationships with their customers that foster growth and loyalty.

    Braze is proudly certified as a Great Place to Work® in the U.S., the UK and Singapore. We ranked #3 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2024 Best Workplaces (Large), #3 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces for Wellbeing (Medium), #4 on Great Place to Work’s 2023 Best Workplaces in Europe (Medium), #10 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces for Women (Large), #19 on Fortune’s 2023 Best Workplaces in New York (Large). We were also featured in Built In's 2024 Best Places to Work, U.S. News Best Technology Companies to Work For, and Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces in Tech.

    You’ll find many of us at headquarters in New York City or around the world in Austin, Berlin, Chicago, Jakarta, London, Paris, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo – not to mention our employees in nearly 50 remote locations.


    At Braze, we strive to create equitable growth and opportunities inside and outside the organization.

    Building meaningful connections is at the heart of everything we do, and that includes our recruiting practices. We're committed to offering all candidates a fair, accessible, and inclusive experience – regardless of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, maternity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a protected veteran. When applying and interviewing with Braze, we want you to feel comfortable showcasing what makes you you.

    We know that sometimes different circumstances can lead talented people to hesitate to apply for a role unless they meet 100% of the criteria. If this sounds familiar, we encourage you to apply, as we’d love to meet you.

    Please see ourCandidate Privacy Policy for more information on how Braze processes your personal information during the recruitment process and, if applicable based on your location, how you can exercise any privacy rights.

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    Senior Python/ Back-end Engineer

    TideDelhi NCR, Remote

    Tide is hiring a Remote Senior Python/ Back-end Engineer


    Who are Tide:

    At Tide, we’re on a mission to save businesses time and money. We’re the leading provider of UK SME business accounts and one of the fastest-growing FinTechs in the UK. Using the latest tech, we design solutions with SMEs in mind and our member-driven financial platform is transforming the business banking market. Not only do we offer our members business accounts and related banking services, but also a comprehensive set of highly connected admin tools for businesses. 

    Tide is about doing what you love. We’re looking for someone tojoin us on our exciting scale up journey and be a part of something special. We want passionate Tideans to drive innovation and help build a best-in-class platform to support our members. You will be comfortable in ambiguous situations and will be able to navigate the evolving FinTech environment. Imagine shaping how millions of Tide members discover and engage with business banking platforms and building this on a global scale. 

    We’re the UK’s leading provider of smart current accounts for sole traders and small companies. We’re also on a mission to save business owners time and money on their banking and finance admin so they can get back to doing what they love - for too long, these customers have been under-served by the big banks.

    Funding Options joined the Tide family in early 2023 to lead their Partner Credit Services offering. Through their panel of 120 leading lender partners, Funding Options supports UK SMEs to get the right finance in place so they can trade, plan and grow with confidence. Through their multi award-winning platform, Funding Cloud, they can effectively match customers to the right lender and finance product that best suits their needs in minutes with funding decisions in as little as 20 seconds, giving every customer a 5 Star experience whether successful or not, through our sheer professionalism and outstanding standard of customer service.

    Our offices are in London - UK, Sofia - Bulgaria, Belgrade - Serbia and Hyderabad - India, where our teams are dedicated to our small business members; revolutionising business banking for SMEs. 

    We’re scaling at speed with a focus on hiring talented individuals with a growth mindset and ownership mentality, who are able to juggle multiple and sometimes changing priorities. Our values show our commitment to working as one team, working collaboratively to take action and deliver results. Member first, we are passionate about our members and put them first. We are data-driven, we make decisions, creating insight using data.

    We’re also one of LinkedIn’s top 10 hottest UK companies to work for.

    What we’re looking for:

    We’re looking for an experienced Backend Engineer with excellent programming skills and a passion for developing applications or improving existing ones, we would like to meet you. 

    As an Engineer at Tide, you’ll report directly to the People Manager and Staff Engineer (Functional) and work in a team of highly skilled Engineers.

    You’ll work closely with our tech team to ensure system consistency and improve user experience. Ultimately, you should be able to develop and maintain functional and stable web applications to meet both the company’s and our customer’s needs.

    We work in an agile fashion, small cross functional squads,  grouped under common domains owning the full lifecycle of some microservices in Tide’s service catalogue.

    You’ll bring new ideas, and become an integral part of the process of continuously improving our product.  Outside of working in your squad you will discuss technical challenges, in our differentCommunities of Practice.

    Our stack includes - Python, AWS (including Lambda, Fargate, EKS, SQS, SNS, SES and S3), Postgres, Google BigQuery, Terraform and Sentry.

    As a Senior Python Engineer you’ll be: 

    • Defining, owning and maintaining the services your team owns from our service catalogue that fall in one of our domains (you design it, you build it, you run it, you scale it globally)
    • Working with the product team to select technology partners
    • Work with backend engineers across multiple agile teams carefully dividing your time between design/refinement, implementation and mentoring other team members
    • Regularly aligning your team’s vision and roadmap with the target architecture within your domain and to ensure the success of complex multi domain initiatives 
    • Working closely with product owners, mobile & web engineers, data scientist and other business members to translate requirements into well-engineered solutions
    • Making key contributions to our Community of Practice. You will apply your extensive experience on our problem domain and existing guidelines to become a true beacon of best practices among your fellow engineers 
    • Career progression is as important to us as it is for you, and we, therefore, have put in place a Tide Growth Framework to guide you. With our expanding teams and business, we will encourage you to outgrow your initial responsibilities, if you so desire

    What makes you a great fit: 

    • Proven work experience as a Python Developer (working with this as a primary language)
    • Basic understanding of software engineering fundamentals (SOLID, ACID, Testing)
    • Hands-on experience with AWS and frameworks such as: Django, FastAPI and Flask
    • Extensive experience integrating with or creating REST APIs
    • (Desirable) Experience working with event driven microservice or message queues
    • (Desirable) An understanding of Salesforce integrations
    • Experience working in Scrum and following Agile development practises
    • Teamwork skills with a problem-solving attitude
    • You’re passionate about learning every day and sharing your knowledge and experience every day
    • Genuinely excited about supporting small businesses, in the UK and in global markets

    What you’ll get in return: 

    Make work, work for you! We are embracing new ways of working and support flexible working arrangements. With our Working Out of Office (WOO) policy our colleagues can work remotely from home or anywhere in their home country. Additionally, you can work from a different country for up to 90 days a year. Plus, you’ll get:

    • Competitive salary 
    • Self & Family Health Insurance
    • Term & Life Insurance
    • OPD Benefits
    • Mental wellbeing through Plumm
    • Learning & Development Budget
    • WFH Setup allowance
    • 25 Annual leaves
    • Family & Friendly Leaves


    Tidean Ways of Working 

    At Tide, we’re Member First and Data Driven, but above all, we’re One Team. Our Working Out of Office (WOO) policy allows you to work from anywhere in the world for up to 90 days a year. We are remote first, but when you do want to meet new people, collaborate with your team or simply hang out with your colleagues, our offices are always available and equipped to the highest standard. We offer flexible working hours and trust our employees to do their work well, at times that suit them and their team.

    Tide is a place for everyone

    At Tide, we believe that we can only succeed if we let our differences enrich our culture. Our Tideans come from a variety of backgrounds and experience levels. We consider everyone irrespective of their ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, veteran, neurodiversity status or disability status. We believe it’s what makes us awesome at solving problems! We are One Team and foster a transparent and inclusive environment, where everyone’s voice is heard.




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    Lead Data Analyst

    SalesFull TimetableaupostgressqlgitpythonAWS

    Protecht is hiring a Remote Lead Data Analyst

    Lead Data Analyst - Protecht - Career PageSee more jobs at Protecht

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    Senior Software Engineer

    SpongeRemote and Hybrid options available
    DjangoredisagileBachelor's degreeterraformpostgresDesigndockerkuberneteslinuxpythonAWSbackend

    Sponge is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

    The team at Sponge has built a global reputation for pushing boundaries on what is possible in the digital learning space.  From international organisations focused on global change to companies whose products you probably use every day, we design learning applications that are effective, engaging and focused on making a difference to the lives of all our learners.  

    As a Senior Software Engineer at Sponge, you will be working within a cross-functional agile team of product, engineering and DevOps. While this role will primarily focus on backend development, it’s important to have a firm grasp of the full stack and how things work end-to-end across the applications.  

    So, what do our Senior Software Engineers do?  

    The role is part of the Product and Engineering team, reporting to the Lead Software Engineer. The software engineers work as part of a team on a number of eLearning applications in the portfolio, with the major one being our learning management platform.  

    You will be proactively shaping the engineering roadmap, evolve the way we develop and help take engineering to the next level, with focus on accelerating delivery, grow adoption of best practices, improve quality, and all with an enthusiastic and practical attitude.  

    Technologies we work with:  

    • Python, using frameworks including Django and FastAPI 
    • Postgres , Redis,  
    • Sentry, Grafana  
    • Docker, Kubernetes  
    • Terraform 
    • AWS/GCP 
    • GitHub 
    • Linux (Debian/Alpine preferable)  
    • Build pipelines (GitHub Actions)  

    We’re looking for people who have experience with:  

    • At least 5 years of proven experience as a Python developer  
    • Django, Flask or similar frameworks  
    • Continuous integration and deployment tools and techniques  
    • Designing, planning and leading development on sets of related stories
    • Writing clean, testable, maintainable code
    • Designing and development of RESTFul APIs
    • Performance tuning and optimisation
    • Designing and using relational databases to store and query complex data
    • Handling large datasets and designing for scalability
    • Finding ways to improve system robustness, resilience and stability  

    We’re looking for people who can demonstrate:  

    • Logical thinking and problem solving  
    • Aptitude and keenness to learn new tech and processes  
    • Good communication skills (written and verbal) to work as part of a close-knit team  
    • Willingness to coach and mentor more junior colleagues  
    • Ability to constructively peer review other people’s code  
    • Understanding of the importance of security and how to engineer secure systems  
    • Ability to understand whole systems and how their various parts fit together  
    • User-centric design  

    Qualifications needed:  

    Minimum of Bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or related field.  

    What we will give you:  

    Our software engineering teams are crucial to the work we do at Sponge, so what would you get in return for joining them? You would have the opportunity to work for a forward-thinking company focused on success, well-being and career development. The opportunity to work with and learn from a team of exceptionally talented people whist working in a supportive and creative environment.  

    Location  - Hybrid and Remote opportunities available for this role.

    Our new headquarters is in the Bristol area (The Paintworks) we offer flexible working hours, and there are remote and hybrid options for this position to suit your preferences.

    We offer a mix of home and office working because we believe both are necessary for a high performing team. We know you need some time to concentrate and avoid constant commuting, so homeworking is essential and we are happy to tailor this to suit the individual offering hybrid or remote working options.

    We currently have main offices in the UK in Bristol  and in Europe in Berlin and Brussels.

    Be you, with us!  

    At Sponge, we are all different. And that’s what makes us great! We hire talented people with different and diverse backgrounds, stories, and perspectives not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger.   

    We are actively working and committed to increasing diversity in our teams and management positions. It’s our ambition to create an inclusive environment where we can all be ourselves together.   

    What’s next?  

    If this sounds like you, then you’re on your way to joining a forward-thinking industry leader and a team of like-minded, exceptionally talented people. Simply send us your CV, and we will be in touch.  

    We can’t wait to hear from you!  

    See more jobs at Sponge

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    Lead Software Engineer

    SpongeRemote and Hybrid options available
    DjangoredisagileBachelor's degreeterraformpostgresDesigndockerkuberneteslinuxpythonAWSbackend

    Sponge is hiring a Remote Lead Software Engineer

    The team at Sponge has built a global reputation for pushing boundaries on what is possible in the digital learning space.  From international organisations focused on global change to companies whose products you probably use every day, we design learning applications that are effective, engaging and focused on making a difference to the lives of all our learners.  

    As a Lead Software Engineer at Sponge, you will be working within a cross-functional agile team of product, engineering and DevOps. While this role will primarily focus on backend development, it’s important to have a firm grasp of the full stack and how things work end-to-end across the applications.  

    So, what do our Lead software engineers do? 

    The role is part of the Product and Engineering team, reporting to the Head of Technology. The software engineers work as part of a team on a number of eLearning applications in the portfolio, with the major one being our learning management platform.  

    You will be proactively shaping the engineering roadmap, evolve the way we develop and help take engineering to the next level, with focus on accelerating delivery, grow adoption of best practices, improve quality, and all with an enthusiastic and practical attitude. 

    Technologies we work with: 

    • Python, using frameworks including Django and FastAPI 
    • Postgres , Redis,  
    • Sentry, Grafana  
    • Docker, Kubernetes  
    • Terraform 
    • AWS/GCP 
    • GitHub 
    • Linux (Debian/Alpine preferable)  
    • Build pipelines (GitHub Actions)  

    We’re looking for people who have experience with: 

    • At least 5 years of proven experience as a Python developer  
    • Django, Flask or similar frameworks  
    • Continuous integration and deployment tools and techniques  
    • Designing, planning and leading development on sets of related stories
    • Writing clean, testable, maintainable code
    • Designing and development of RESTFul APIs
    • Performance tuning and optimisation
    • Designing and using relational databases to store and query complex data
    • Handling large datasets and designing for scalability
    • Finding ways to improve system robustness, resilience and stability  

    We’re looking for people who can demonstrate: 

    • Logical thinking and problem solving  
    • Aptitude and keenness to learn new tech and processes  
    • Good communication skills (written and verbal) to work as part of a close-knit team  
    • Willingness to coach and mentor more junior colleagues  
    • Ability to constructively peer review other people’s code  
    • Understanding of the importance of security and how to engineer secure systems  
    • Ability to understand whole systems and how their various parts fit together  
    • User-centric design  

    Qualifications needed: 

    Minimum of Bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering, or related field.  

    Location  - Hybrid and Remote opportunities available for this role.

    Our new headquarters is in the Bristol area (The Paintworks) we offer flexible working hours, and there are remote and hybrid options for this position to suit your preferences.

    We offer a mix of home and office working because we believe both are necessary for a high performing team. We know you need some time to concentrate and avoid constant commuting, so homeworking is essential and we are happy to tailor this to suit the individual offering hybrid or remote working options.

    We currently have main offices in the UK in Bristol  and in Europe in Berlin and Brussels.

    What we will give you: 

    Our software engineering teams are crucial to the work we do at Sponge, so what would you get in return for joining them? You would have the opportunity to work for a forward-thinking company focused on success, well-being and career development. The opportunity to work with and learn from a team of exceptionally talented people whist working in a supportive and creative environment.  

    Be you, with us! 

    At Sponge, we are all different. And that’s what makes us great! We hire talented people with different and diverse backgrounds, stories, and perspectives not just because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes us stronger.   

    We are actively working and committed to increasing diversity in our teams and management positions. It’s our ambition to create an inclusive environment where we can all be ourselves together.   

    What’s next? 

    If this sounds like you, then you’re on your way to joining a forward-thinking industry leader and a team of like-minded, exceptionally talented people. Simply send us your CV, and we will be in touch.  

    We can’t wait to hear from you! 

    See more jobs at Sponge

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    Oracle EBS DBA

    Mid LevelFull TimepostgresoracleDesign

    Diligent Consulting Inc is hiring a Remote Oracle EBS DBA

    Oracle EBS DBA - Diligent Consulting Inc - Career PageSee more jobs at Diligent Consulting Inc

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    Application Performance Engineer - Java - Tomcat - JDBC- Federal

    ServiceNowSan Diego, California, Remote

    ServiceNow is hiring a Remote Application Performance Engineer - Java - Tomcat - JDBC- Federal

    Job Description

    Please Note:  
    This position will include supporting our US Federal customers.

    This position requires passing a ServiceNow background screening, USFedPASS (US Federal Personnel Authorization Screening Standards). This includes a credit check, criminal/misdemeanor check and taking a drug test.  Any employment is contingent upon passing the screening.  Due to Federal requirements, only US citizens, US naturalized citizens or US Permanent Residents, holding a green card, will be considered.

    Our Database SWAT (Software Action Team) ensures the production stability of our customer application(s) and infrastructure services from an operations perspective. Our engineers are responsible for production stability and "champions at all service levels” and act as the last level of support for our customers (internal and external). 

    The ideal candidate for this position is an engineer with a strong background in database technologies, performance tuning, and strong troubleshooting skills. The candidate must have a passion for chasing issues of complex systems running under dynamic, real-world loads. You will work in a fast-paced, innovative environment that allows direct influence on the organization and all our customers. In this role, you will support the infrastructure by learning the platform from end to end.

    What you get to do in this role

    • ​​Become an SME in production triage, gain broad knowledge across ServiceNow's application and codebase, and work with all the groups within Engineering/Operations, and groups outside of Operations (e.g. Customer Support).
    • Learn how to identify bugs and solve challenging performance issues quickly. SWAT provides an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a well-rounded problem and performance analyst.
    • Develop automation tools to facilitate and improve day-to-day operations


    To be successful in this role you have:

    • 4+ years of experience with performance and stress testing tools and approaches for driving realistic customer simulations in large datasets for Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB environment.
    • 4+ years supporting Java web applications using Tomcat and JDBC
    • 4+ years analyzing memory usage and Java web application crash analysis
    • 4+ years of database management by building indexes and analyzing execution plans and optimizing queries.
    • 4+ years of experience supporting or testing large-scale web-based distributed applications on containers such as Apache/Tomcat, and Web Sphere in a Unix environment
    • 3+ years of experience supporting applications on a SaaS, PaaS Cloud Infrastructure product/solution
    • Proven experience with concurrency, multithreading, and distributed system architectures
    • Exposure to Unix platform variants at the sysadmin level
    • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with an aptitude for learning new technologies developing and deploying mission-critical software
    • Eagerness to learn everything about the ServiceNow Platform
    • Supporting federal customers on the isolated stack and being on-call weekly support 24x7 on a rotation basis
    • Working as a team lead and reviewing Postgres source code is a plus


    For positions in California (outside of the Bay Area), we offer a base pay of $109,400 - $185,900 plus equity (when applicable), variable/incentive compensation and benefits. Sales positions generally offer a competitive On Target Earnings (OTE) incentive compensation structure. Please note that the base pay shown is a guideline, and individual total compensation will vary based on factors such as qualifications, skill level, competencies and work location. We also offer health plans, including flexible spending accounts, a 401(k) Plan with company match, ESPP, matching donations, a flexible time away plan and family leave programs.  Compensation is based on the geographic location in which the role is located, and is subject to change based on work location. For individuals who will be working in the Bay Area, there is a pay enhancement for positions located in that geographical area; please contact your recruiter for additional information.



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    Senior Software Engineer

    Default PortalLondon, GB Remote

    Default Portal is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

    Senior Full Stack Engineer

    Location:Remote – Must be UK based

    Work Pattern:Full Time/Permanent

    Security Clearance:BPSS

    The Company

    At Amber Labs, we are a cutting-edge UK and European technology consultancy that prioritises empowering autonomy, promoting experimentation, and facilitating rapid learning to provide exceptional value to our clients. Our company culture is centred around collaboration, where all colleagues, regardless of their role, work together to minimise risk and shorten delivery times. Our team consists of highly-skilled cross-functional consultants, analysts, and support staff.

    You will have a working level knowledge of modern web development stacks, web standards, user experience, progressive enhancement, performance, accessibility, browser compatibility, tooling and pipelines.

    You will also work with cross-functional teams to integrate with back-end services

    Your responsibilities will include but are not restricted to, the following:

    Work as part of a multi-disciplinary Agile team responsible for turning concepts into production-ready user-centred services.
    Building accessible and performant interfaces across multiple devices and browsers.
    Work within a test-driven development (TDD) environment using modern frameworks and development techniques.
    Integrating into Back-end services, working with cross-functional teams and ensure services are built to high standards.
    Ensuring that the design and implementation of services is consistent, both internally and with the rest of wider UK government services, and contributing back to existing government frameworks.
    Undertaking training to upskill on Front-end development techniques, methods and tools to further develop knowledge and skills.
    Essential Criteria


    Ability to build and test simple interfaces, or can work on more complex integration as part of a wider team.
    An understanding and experience of a range of user-centred practices.
    Recent experience of Java and Springboot
    Developing on cloud-based environments like AWS.
    SQL, and noSQL database applications such as Postgres, MySQL, and MongoDB.
    The skills to build up a useful, robust automated test suite to support continuous integration.
    Knowledge and experience of APIs, RESTful services and Microservice Architectures.
    Containerisation – tools such as Docker and Kubernetes.
    The skills to build up a useful, robust automated test suite to support continuous integration.
    Knowledge and experience of APIs, RESTful services and Microservice Architectures.


    • Join a rapidly expanding startup where personal growth is a part of our DNA.
    • Benefit from a flexible work environment focused on deliverable outcomes.
    • Receive private medical insurance through Aviva.
    • Enjoy the benefits of a company pension plan through Nest.
    • 25 days of annual leave plus UK bank holidays.
    • Access Perkbox, a global employee rewards platform offering discounts, perks, and wellness resources.
    • Participate in a generous employee referral program.
    • A highly collaborative and collegial environment with opportunities for career advancement.
    • Be encouraged to take bold steps and embrace a mindset of experimentation.
    • Choose your preferred device, PC or Mac.

    Diversity & Inclusion:

    Here at Amber Labs, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion includes:

    • Valuing the unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of all employees and creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.
    • Prohibiting all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimisation and promoting a culture of dignity and respect for all.
    • Educating all new hires on our Diversity and Inclusion policies and ensuring they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
    • By taking these steps, we are dedicated to building a workplace that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our employees and communities.

    This role at Amber Labs is a permanent position, and all employees are required to meet the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). Please be advised that, at this time, we are unable to consider candidates who require sponsorship or hold a visa of any type.

    What Happens Next?

    Our Talent Acquisition Team will be in touch to advise you on the next steps. We have a two-stage interview process for most of our consultants. In certain cases, we may include a third and final stage, which is a conversation with the company Partners. This will only be considered if deemed necessary.

    See more jobs at Default Portal

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    Lead Full Stack Engineer

    Default PortalLondon, GB Remote

    Default Portal is hiring a Remote Lead Full Stack Engineer

    Lead Full Stack Engineer

    Location:Remote – Must be UK based

    Work Pattern:Full Time/Permanent

    Security Clearance:BPSS

    The Company

    At Amber Labs, we are a cutting-edge UK and European technology consultancy that prioritises empowering autonomy, promoting experimentation, and facilitating rapid learning to provide exceptional value to our clients. Our company culture is centred around collaboration, where all colleagues, regardless of their role, work together to minimise risk and shorten delivery times. Our team consists of highly-skilled cross-functional consultants, analysts, and support staff.

    As a Front-end Developer you will build accessible user interfaces for services which work effectively across multiple devices and browsers.

    You will have a working level knowledge of modern web development stacks, web standards, user experience, progressive enhancement, performance, accessibility, browser compatibility, tooling and pipelines.

    You will also work with cross-functional teams to integrate with back-end services

    Your responsibilities will include but are not restricted to, the following:

    Work as part of a multi-disciplinary Agile team responsible for turning concepts into production-ready user-centred services.
    Building accessible and performant interfaces across multiple devices and browsers.
    Work within a test-driven development (TDD) environment using modern frameworks and development techniques.
    Integrating into Back-end services, working with cross-functional teams and ensure services are built to high standards.
    Ensuring that the design and implementation of services is consistent, both internally and with the rest of wider UK government services, and contributing back to existing government frameworks.
    Undertaking training to upskill on Front-end development techniques, methods and tools to further develop knowledge and skills.
    Essential Criteria


    Ability to build and test simple interfaces, or can work on more complex integration as part of a wider team.
    An understanding and experience of a range of user-centred practices.
    Recent experience of Java, NodeJS or Springboot
    Developing on cloud-based environments like AWS and Azure.
    SQL, and noSQL database applications such as Postgres, MySQL, and MongoDB.
    The skills to build up a useful, robust automated test suite to support continuous integration.
    Knowledge and experience of APIs, RESTful services and Microservice Architectures.
    Containerisation – tools such as Docker and Kubernetes.
    The skills to build up a useful, robust automated test suite to support continuous integration.
    Knowledge and experience of APIs, RESTful services and Microservice Architectures.


    • Join a rapidly expanding startup where personal growth is a part of our DNA.
    • Benefit from a flexible work environment focused on deliverable outcomes.
    • Receive private medical insurance through Aviva.
    • Enjoy the benefits of a company pension plan through Nest.
    • 25 days of annual leave plus UK bank holidays.
    • Access Perkbox, a global employee rewards platform offering discounts, perks, and wellness resources.
    • Participate in a generous employee referral program.
    • A highly collaborative and collegial environment with opportunities for career advancement.
    • Be encouraged to take bold steps and embrace a mindset of experimentation.
    • Choose your preferred device, PC or Mac.

    Diversity & Inclusion:

    Here at Amber Labs, we are dedicated to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Our commitment to diversity, equality, and inclusion includes:

    • Valuing the unique experiences, perspectives, and backgrounds of all employees and creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, respected, and valued.
    • Prohibiting all forms of harassment, bullying, discrimination, and victimisation and promoting a culture of dignity and respect for all.
    • Educating all new hires on our Diversity and Inclusion policies and ensuring they are aware of their rights and responsibilities to create a safe and inclusive workplace.
    • By taking these steps, we are dedicated to building a workplace that reflects and celebrates the diversity of our employees and communities.

    This role at Amber Labs is a permanent position, and all employees are required to meet the Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS). Please be advised that, at this time, we are unable to consider candidates who require sponsorship or hold a visa of any type.

    What Happens Next?

    Our Talent Acquisition Team will be in touch to advise you on the next steps. We have a two-stage interview process for most of our consultants. In certain cases, we may include a third and final stage, which is a conversation with the company Partners. This will only be considered if deemed necessary.

    See more jobs at Default Portal

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    DevOps Engineer

    BugcrowdRemote US

    Bugcrowd is hiring a Remote DevOps Engineer

    We are Bugcrowd. Since 2012, we’ve been empowering organizations to take back control and stay ahead of threat actors by uniting the collective ingenuity and expertise of our customers and trusted alliance of elite hackers, with our patented data and AI-powered Security Knowledge Platform™. Our network of hackers brings diverse expertise to uncover hidden weaknesses, adapting swiftly to evolving threats, even against zero-day exploits. With unmatched scalability and adaptability, our data and AI-driven CrowdMatch™ technology in our platform finds the perfect talent for your unique fight. We aim to create a new era of modern crowdsourced security that outpaces threat actors. Unleash the ingenuity of the hacker community with Bugcrowd, visit Based in San Francisco, Bugcrowd is supported by Rally Ventures, Costanoa Ventures, Blackbird Ventures, Triangle Peak Partners, and others.

    You can imagine that managing the infrastructure for our platform is challenging since our own security is always front and center. Are you an experienced DevOps Engineer that has experience with various certification processes and are you excited to move our platform forward while keeping it safe and secure? Are you lazy enough to want to automate everything to make your own job easier, reduce developer friction and optimize the software development life cycle? Is security a second nature for you - either offensive or defensive (e.g., red or blue team experience)? We’d love to talk with you!

    We are looking for somebody who’s either remote in the US or San Francisco-based for our growing agile infrastructure team. You’ll be part of an international, highly engaged and technical group that is well-versed in building enterprise-ready and extremely secure software systems. Our core values of “simple is strong, respect is king, build it like you own it and think like a hacker” should resonate with you. Furthermore, you should have:

    • At least 5+ years of professional DevOps experience
    • Experience with building infrastructure that complies with various certifications and either driving or assisting with those certification efforts
    • Fluent in AWS and Terraform
    • Experience with GovCloud
    • Experience with Linux administration, CI/CD pipelines, containers and virtualization

    We use a lot of different technologies, so the more of the following list you know, the better. In no particular order: AWS, Docker, ECS, git, GitHub, CloudWatch, DataDog, Node.js, Python, Bash, Terraform, Kafka, Postgres, Sagemaker. Ruby, Go, Javascript and Kotlin are languages you'll typically encounter here, so feeling comfortable with at least one of those will help a lot.

    What you’ll be doing

    • Support our engineering teams to deploy and run successfully in our service-oriented architecture; focussed on security and compliance.
    • Monitor and maintain our infrastructure to ensure continuous availability of our platform
    • Create and maintain instances of our platform stack in different environments (specifically GovCloud)


    Working Conditions

    The ideal candidate must be able to complete all physical requirements of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.

    Sitting and/or standing - Must be able to remain in a stationary position 50% of the time

    Carrying and /or lifting - Must be able to carry / move laptop as needed throughout the work day.

    Environment - remote, work-from-home 100% of the time.

    ADA Statement

    Bugcrowd is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified individuals. In keeping with our commitment, Bugcrowd will take the steps to assure that people with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations. Accordingly, if reasonable accommodation is required to fully participate in the job application or interview process, to perform the essential functions of the position, and/or to receive all other benefits and privileges of employment, please contact HR at



    • At Bugcrowd, we understand that diversity in the workplace is vital to a company’s success and growth. We strive to make sure that people are included and have a sense of being part of making Bugcrowd not only a great product but a great place to work.
    • We regularly hear from both customers and researchers that Bugcrowd feels like a family, and we strive to maintain that internally as well.
    • Our team consists of a broad range of people: musicians, adventure sports junkies, nature lovers, parents, cereal enthusiasts, night owls, cyclists, artists—you get the point.

    At Bugcrowd, we are solving security threats and vulnerabilities that are relevant to everyone, therefore we believe solving these problems takes all kinds of backgrounds. We value the perspectives and experiences people from underrepresented backgrounds bring. We are a supportive & collaborative team who understand that reaching Bugcrowd’s potential depends on the happiness of the employee.


    Pay Range Disclosure

    At Bugcrowd, we strive for fairness, equality and to create an environment that allows our people to perform at their very best. Our compensation philosophy is to foster a collaborative community that rewards, attracts and retains the best possible talent.

    The provided salary details are based on US national averages and we retain the flexibility to tailor to the needs of the business. The national estimate for the current base range for the DevOps Engineer position is $121,000 - $145,200.


    Background Checks

    The company is authorized to obtain background checks for employment purposes under state and federal law. Background checks will be conducted for positions that involve access to confidential or proprietary information (including trade secrets). 

    Background checks may include identity verification, prior employment verification, personal and professional references, educational verification, and criminal history. Applicants with conviction histories will not be excluded from consideration to the extent required by law.

    A supportive, collaborative group of people who understand that success depends on the team.

    Bugcrowd is an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other classification protected by federal, state, or local law.



    This position has access to highly confidential, sensitive information relating to the technologies of Bugcrowd. It is essential that the applicant possess the requisite integrity to maintain the information in the strictest confidence.

    The company is authorized to obtain background checks for employment purposes under state and federal law. Background checks will be conducted for positions that involve access to confidential or proprietary information (including trade secrets).

    Background checks may include Social Security verification, prior employment verification, personal and professional references, educational verification, and criminal history. Applicants with conviction histories will not be excluded from consideration to the extent required bylaw.

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Bugcrowd is EOE, Disability/Age Employer. 

    Individuals seeking employment at Bugcrowd are considered without regards to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. 

    Apply at:

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    Lead Technical Architect (Remote Opportunity)

    VetsEZArlington, VA Remote
    CypressagileBachelor's degreejirapostgressqlDesigngitjavadockercsskubernetesangularpythonjavascriptreduxNode.js

    VetsEZ is hiring a Remote Lead Technical Architect (Remote Opportunity)

    VetsEZ is seeking an Lead Technical Architectto be a part of a remote team to support the Department of Veterans Affairs. This candidate should have extensive experience and knowledge of designing, coding, testing, debugging and documenting software in a variety of programming languages. They will also have a knowledge of the latest programming languages and techniques along with extensive experience in creating strategies for developing IT systems and applications.


    • Participate in all aspects of Agile software development, including design, implementation, and deployment.
    • Has experience in evaluating alternative approaches and selecting optimal approaches.
    • Collaborate with Business Analyst and UX/UI designers to translate visual concepts into functional online experiences.
    • Ensure web pages are optimized for performance and cross-browser compatibility.
    • Implement front end solutions using HTML, CSS, JS - preferably with ReactJS. Experience with Redux for state management and Nginx servers.
    • Basic scripting language and frameworks (JavaScript, Angular, React, Node.js, etc.)
    • Experience with back-end languages such as Java 17 and Python and utilizing Java Spring Boot for microservices and APIs.
    • Basic knowledge of containers using Docker, experience in Kubernetes and EKS is a plus. Managing containers using Rancher.
    • Experience in Git Hub Actions and knowledge of the workflows is a must have.
    • Managing Databases with Postgres and extensive SQL knowledge.
    • Working alongside testers, knowledge in both Cypress and JUnit is useful.
    • Maintain and enhance existing web application based on user feedback and business requirements.
    • Adhere to best practices in web design, development, and security.
    • Participate in code reviews and contribute to team knowledge sharing.
    • Lead the development team and production support team to ensure the applications are working as expected.
    • Work with the project manager to provide updates and progress on development projects.
    • Ability to Lead architecture enhancements by supporting enterprise and maintenance releases.
    • Engage with external team members and business owners to explain the existing and new applications or functionalities.
    • Maintain and assist in documenting processes to support other development efforts.


    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or related field.
    • Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role, with a minimum of 8 years of experience.
    • Experience leading a dev team including developers and testers.
    • Experience working under a Solutions Architect for planning future roadmap.
    • Experience in Git Hub, especially Git Hub actions for the CI CD.
    • Experience with JIRA and Confluence within a GOV Space.
    • Proficiency in all areas of full stack, including front and back end and database.
    • Strong understanding of web development best practices and web security measures.
    • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
    • Ability to work effectively in a team and communicate clearly with non-technical stakeholders.
    • Familiarity with agile development methodologies, preferably SAFe Agile.
    • Ability to obtain a government clearance.


    • Medical/Dental/Vision
    • 401k with Employer Match 
    • PTO + Federal Holidays  
    • Corporate Laptop 
    • Training opportunities
    • Remote Opportunity

    Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or protected veteran status.

    Sorry, we are unable to offer sponsorship at this time.

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    Experienced/Senior DevOps Engineer (REF2693D)

    Deutsche Telekom IT SolutionsBudapest, Debrecen, Szeged, Pécs, Hungary, Remote

    Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions is hiring a Remote Experienced/Senior DevOps Engineer (REF2693D)

    Job Description

    We are an Engineering Team, we deploy, integrate and operate critical enterprise applications for a multitude of customers with modern concepts of SRE and DevOps in various cloud environments. If you would like to work in a proactive team with a lot of opportunities to learn modern cloud technologies, (and quite a few technical challenges) then please apply.

    Your tasks will be:

    • Conception, implementation, operation and documentation for cloud projects, solutions and products
    • Perform health checks, optimize monitoring and executing deployments in cloud environments
    • Customer consulting on cloud architecture and intensive collaboration with developers and internal departments of customers around agile DevOps and operational processes
    • Collaboration in DevOps / agile methods (Sprints, etc.)
    • Automation with Infrastructure-as-Code and configuration management tools
    • Conception, enhancements and optimization for continuous integration / continuous delivery
    • Improvement of availability and performance
    • Support for simple programming tasks (Python, Java)
    • create structured documentation
    • Presentation of concepts and solutions for the customer



    • Experience in cloud environment / cloud technologies and their architecture concepts (Azure or AWS or GCP or comparable Private Cloud)
    • Extensive experience in microservice architectures, container and container orchestration (Kubernetes, OpenShift, Docker/OCI, Helm)
    • Experience with monitoring and logging tools (Prometheus, Grafana, Thanos, Loki, Graylog, ELK/EFK, OpenSearch)
    • Experience with databases in container deployments (Postgres, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis or others)
    • Experience with other open source, cloud native technologies/concepts such as (Secret Management, Container Repositories, Ingress/Egress, Service Mesh)
    • Declarative languages (YAML, JSON)
    • Experience automation CI/CD and GitOps (ArgoCD or Flux)
    • Experience in DevOps environment (git, Jenkins/GitLab, GitHub)
    • English language skills in min. B2

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    Java Application SRE - JDBC-Postgres - Federal

    ServiceNowSan Diego, California, Remote

    ServiceNow is hiring a Remote Java Application SRE - JDBC-Postgres - Federal

    Job Description

    Please Note:  
    This position will include supporting our US Federal customers.

    This position requires passing a ServiceNow background screening, USFedPASS (US Federal Personnel Authorization Screening Standards). This includes a credit check, criminal/misdemeanor check and taking a drug test.  Any employment is contingent upon passing the screening.  Due to Federal requirements, only US citizens, US naturalized citizens or US Permanent Residents, holding a green card, will be considered.

    Our Database SWAT (Software Action Team) ensures the production stability of our customer application(s) and infrastructure services from an operations perspective. Our engineers are responsible for production stability and "champions at all service levels” and act as the last level of support for our customers (internal and external). 

    The ideal candidate for this position is an engineer with a strong background in database technologies, performance tuning, and strong troubleshooting skills. The candidate must have a passion for chasing issues of complex systems running under dynamic, real-world loads. You will work in a fast-paced, innovative environment that allows direct influence on the organization and all our customers. In this role, you will support the infrastructure by learning the platform from end to end.

    What you get to do in this role

    • ​​Become an SME in production triage, gain broad knowledge across ServiceNow's application and codebase, and work with all the groups within Engineering/Operations, and groups outside of Operations (e.g. Customer Support).
    • Learn how to identify bugs and solve challenging performance issues quickly. SWAT provides an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a well-rounded problem and performance analyst.
    • Develop automation tools to facilitate and improve day-to-day operations


    To be successful in this role you have:

    • 4+ years supporting Java web applications using JDBC
    • 4+ years analyzing memory usage and Java web application crash analysis
    • 4+ years of experience with performance and stress testing tools and approaches for driving realistic customer simulations in large datasets for Postgres/MySQL/MariaDB environment.
    • 4+ years of database management by building indexes and analyzing execution plans and optimizing queries.
    • 4+ years of experience supporting or testing large-scale web-based distributed applications on containers such as Apache/Tomcat, and Web Sphere in a Unix environment
    • 3+ years of experience supporting applications on a SaaS, PaaS Cloud Infrastructure product/solution
    • Proven experience with concurrency, multithreading, and distributed system architectures
    • Exposure to Unix platform variants at the sysadmin level
    • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with an aptitude for learning new technologies developing and deploying mission-critical software
    • Eagerness to learn everything about the ServiceNow Platform
    • Supporting federal customers on the isolated stack and being on-call weekly support 24x7 on a rotation basis
    • Working as a team lead and reviewing Postgres source code is a plus


    For positions in California (outside of the Bay Area), we offer a base pay of $109,400 - $185,900 plus equity (when applicable), variable/incentive compensation and benefits. Sales positions generally offer a competitive On Target Earnings (OTE) incentive compensation structure. Please note that the base pay shown is a guideline, and individual total compensation will vary based on factors such as qualifications, skill level, competencies and work location. We also offer health plans, including flexible spending accounts, a 401(k) Plan with company match, ESPP, matching donations, a flexible time away plan and family leave programs.  Compensation is based on the geographic location in which the role is located, and is subject to change based on work location. For individuals who will be working in the Bay Area, there is a pay enhancement for positions located in that geographical area; please contact your recruiter for additional information.



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    Desarrollador e integrador Office 365 (100% Remoto)

    CONFISA INTERNATIONAL GROUPLa Paz, Bolivia, Plurinational State Of, Remote

    CONFISA INTERNATIONAL GROUP is hiring a Remote Desarrollador e integrador Office 365 (100% Remoto)

    Descripción del empleo

    Desarrollo de un Sistema Integrado de Gestión - Cuenta con varios módulos. El proyecto se

    encuentra a un 80% de avance y es un desarrollo que nosotros estamos haciendo para el cliente final.

    Descripción del producto que precisamos: El Sistema que se está construyendo tiene que estar

    integrado con Office 365 (solución que el cliente tiene actualmente para sus correos electrónicos). Para

    esta integración precisamos que en ciertos lugares del sistema se abra el correo electrónico, se lea

    adjuntos y, mediante nuestro sistema, se envíen también correos y se reciban notificaciones. El

    consultor deberá entregar el código fuente y capacitar a alguien de nuestro equipo para posterior



    Debe tener conocimientos sólidos en Java Springboot Angular y Base de

    datos Postgres y experiencia en integración con Office 365 usando Microsoft Graph

    Tipo de trabajo: 100% remoto por producto


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    Senior Software Engineer

    Red SparkRemote
    MLFull TimegolangredispostgresansiblejavadockerMySQLcsslinuxpythonAWSjavascriptfrontendPHP

    Red Spark is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

    Senior Software Engineer - Red Spark - Career Page

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    Senior Software Engineer - Java

    Full TimeagileBachelor's degreepostgressqlRabbitMQDesignazurejavaMySQLlinuxangularpythonAWSjavascript

    Rivers Agile is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer - Java

    Senior Software Engineer - Java - Rivers Agile - Career Page

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