Jest Remote Jobs

78 Results


Mid-Senior FullStack ( C#.NET/JavaScript) Engineer (m/w/d).

IESF AGBasel, Switzerland, Remote

IESF AG is hiring a Remote Mid-Senior FullStack ( C#.NET/JavaScript) Engineer (m/w/d).


Die Position:

Du erweiterst und verbesserst die bestehenden Produkte oder entwickelst neue, innovative Lösungen für die vielfältigen Kunden aus den Bereichen Banking, Retail oder Government. 
Dich erwartet eine kollegiale Atmosphäre und eine tolle Arbeitsplatzkultur!


•    Unterstützung bei der Analyse, Konzeption und der Umsetzung von Projekten mit Fokus Frontend
•    Mitarbeit bei technischen Lösungskonzepten sowie Abwicklung von Beratungsmandaten im Web-Front-end-Umfeld
•    Durchführung von projektvorbereitenden Tätigkeiten, Reviews, Requirements Engineering, Prototypen, etc.


Dein Profil:

•    (Fach-) Hochschulabschluss in Informatik
•    Stilsicheres Deutsch und Englisch in Wort und Schrift
•    Flexibilität, Einsatzbereitschaft und Interesse am Umgang mit Kunden und Mitarbeitenden
•    Ausgewiesene Berufserfahrung
•    Mehrjährige Erfahrung in Konzeption, Design und Umsetzung von Front-end-Lösungen mittels modernen Web-Technologien (HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript/TypeScript)
•    Erfahrung in der Umsetzung von grafischen Entwürfen für unterschiedliche Ausgabemedien (Desktop und mobile Endgeräte, Responsive Webdesign)
•    Fähigkeit, Kompatibilität für die verschiedenen Web-Browser sicherzustellen
•    Profunde Kenntnisse in mindestens einem JavaScript-Framework wie React oder Angular
•    Erfahrung mit Build-Tools wie Webpack oder Grunt
•    Erfahrungen und Know-how mit CSS-Precompilern wie SASS/SCSS, Stylus oder LESS
•    Erfahrung mit Unit- und e2e-Testing Tools wie Jest, Karma, Jasmine, Protractor oder ähnlichen Tools
•    Erfahrung in .NET-Technologien mit Schwerpunkt C#

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AUTENTI Sp. z o.o. is hiring a Remote Customer Support Specialist (qes Specialist)

Opis oferty pracy

Na czym polegać będzie Twoja praca:

Posiadasz już pierwsze doświadczenie w obsłudze Klienta? To świetnie! Z nami możesz wejść na kolejne poziomy obsługi Klienta biznesowego, poprzez codzienne wspieranie użytkowników naszych rozwiązań (wsparcie drogą mailową lub telefoniczną).

  • Twoim głównym zadaniem będzie prowadzenie procesu certyfikacji podpisu elektronicznego - wideoweryfikacja w języku polskim oraz angielskim. Nie wymagamy wiedzy o podpisie elektronicznym - wszystkiego Cię nauczymy! Mamy dla Ciebie przygotowane: profesjonalny onboarding, materiały szkoleniowe oraz wsparcie lidera zespołu.
  • Z kolei bieżąca obsługa infolinii i udzielanie informacji odnośnie certyfikatów kwalifikowanych to zadanie, które sprawi, że twoje umiejętności zdecydowanie wzrosną, a my ze swojej strony odpowiednio Cię do niego przygotujemy. 
  • Chcesz także używać swoich analitycznych umiejętności? Chętnie Ci to umożliwimy. Będziesz odpowiadać także za badanie przyczyn występowania zgłaszanych problemów oraz współpracę z zespołem nad usunięciem ich źródła.


  • Swobodne posługiwanie się j. angielskiego na poziomie min. B2
  • Samodzielność w wykonywaniu powierzonych zadań
  • Chęć przyswajania nowej wiedzy oraz wykorzystywania jej w praktyce

Dodatkowym wymaganiem jest przedstawienie zaświadczenie o niekaralności

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React Developer

Lynx SolutionsCluj-Napoca, Romania, Remote

Lynx Solutions is hiring a Remote React Developer

Job Description


  • Developing new user-facing features using React.js
  • Building reusable components and front-end libraries for future use
  • Translating designs and wireframes into high quality code
  • Optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers


  • Experience with JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3 and responsive interface composition
  • Thorough understanding of React.js and its core principles
  • Dynamic CSS preprocessors such as SASS/SCSS or LESS
  • Experience with popular React.js workflows (such as Flux or Redux)
  • Experience building complex, well-structured, single page web apps
  • Familiarity with RESTful APIs and/or GraphQL
  • Understanding of networking and browsers
  • Familiarity with code versioning tools such as Git, Gitlab
  • Experience with common front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack, NPM, etc.

Good to have:

  • Working experience in Continuous Integration/Deployment is a plus
  • Experience with react-native, PWA (progressive web apps) and animations in ReactJS
  • Experience with testing: Jest
  • Previous working experience with Docker

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Android Developer

Yellow Brick RoadWarszawa, Poland, Remote

Yellow Brick Road is hiring a Remote Android Developer

Opis oferty pracy

Projekty, w które będziesz zaangażowany:

Firma działa jak klasyczny software house, specjalizujący się w rozwiązaniach mobilnych dla klientów polskich i zagranicznych. Do portfolio należy jedna z najwyżej ocenianych polskich aplikacji mobilnych, którą pewnie poznałeś. Zdarzają się też mniej ekscytujące projekty, ale generalnie jest ciekawie :).

Oczekiwania w stosunku do Ciebie:

  • samodzielność

  • praca w dobrym (nie ekstremalnym) tempie 

  • kod, który solidnie będzie przechodził przez review

Jeśli sprawnie “zdejmujesz tematy z backlogu” i realizujesz zadania tak, że nikt z zespołu nie ma uwag do tempa pracy i komunikacji, wszystko jest OK.

Mój klient pomoże Ci zrealizować oczekiwania:

  • przez indywidualne podejście do potrzeb szkoleniowych: jeśli znajdziesz szkolenie, materiały albo inną formę edukacji, która pomoże w bieżącej pracy, firma zapłaci lub dołoży się do jej realizacji.
  • przez regularny transfer wiedzy w zespole, złożonym w dużej mierze z seniorów. 
  • przez atmosferę współpracy i dbałość o dobre relacje.


Jeśli spełnisz oczekiwania, czekają Cię następujące możliwości:

Choć struktura firmy jest płaska i raczej nie ma managerskich ścieżek kariery, możliwy jest rozwój ekspercki, oraz wejście na poziom team leadera. Liderzy zespołów wyłaniają się naturalnie - kto najwięcej umie, od tego inni chcą się uczyć.



  • minimum 3 lata doświadczenia w pisaniu aplikacji mobilnych na system Android
  • znajomość Kotlin
  • dobry angielski

See more jobs at Yellow Brick Road

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Yellow Brick Road is hiring a Remote Senior Project Manager (Software Development)

Opis oferty pracy

Projekty, w które będziesz zaangażowany:


Firma działa jak klasyczny software house, specjalizujący się w rozwiązaniach mobilnych dla klientów polskich i zagranicznych. Do portfolio należy jedna z najwyżej ocenianych polskich aplikacji mobilnych, którą pewnie poznałeś. Zdarzają się też mniej ekscytujące projekty, ale generalnie jest ciekawie :).


Oczekiwania w stosunku do Ciebie:


  • duża samodzielność

  • praca z klientem oraz z zespołami developerskimi, zapewnienie, że projekt będzie dostarczony w ustalonych ramach (czas, budżet)

  • zespół dostarczy kod, który solidnie będzie przechodził przez review


Mój klient pomoże Ci zrealizować oczekiwania:


  • przez indywidualne podejście do potrzeb szkoleniowych: jeśli znajdziesz szkolenie, materiały albo inną formę edukacji, która pomoże w bieżącej pracy, firma zapłaci lub dołoży się do jej realizacji.
  • przez zapewnienie regularnego transferu wiedzy w zespole, złożonym w dużej mierze z seniorów. 
  • przez atmosferę współpracy i dbałość o dobre relacje.




  • 5 lat doświadczenia w prowadzeniu projektów rozwoju software
  • znajomość cyklu rozwoju oprogramowania
  • znajomość metodyk zwinnych
  • umiejętność dobrej komunikacji, zarówno z zespołami developerskimi jak i z klientami
  • bardzo dobry angielski

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Test Automation Engineer

Yellow Brick RoadWarszawa, Poland, Remote

Yellow Brick Road is hiring a Remote Test Automation Engineer

Opis oferty pracy

Projekty, w które będziesz zaangażowany:


Firma działa jak klasyczny software house, specjalizujący się w rozwiązaniach mobilnych dla klientów polskich i zagranicznych. Do portfolio należy jedna z najwyżej ocenianych polskich aplikacji mobilnych, którą pewnie poznałeś. Zdarzają się też mniej ekscytujące projekty, ale generalnie jest ciekawie :).


Oczekiwania w stosunku do Ciebie:


  • samodzielność

  • praca w dobrym (nie ekstremalnym) tempie 


Jeśli sprawnie realizujesz zadania tak, że nikt z zespołu nie ma uwag do tempa pracy i komunikacji, wszystko jest OK.

Zadania można realizować różnymi zestawami narzędzi, najistotniejsze jest zrozumienie procesu wytwarzania aplikacji mobilnych z back-endami spinającymi różne API  i mikroserwisy tworzone przez klienta i pochodzące od zewnętrznych dostawców. 


Mój klient pomoże Ci zrealizować oczekiwania:


  • przez indywidualne podejście do potrzeb szkoleniowych: jeśli znajdziesz szkolenie, materiały albo inną formę edukacji, która pomoże w bieżącej pracy, firma zapłaci lub dołoży się do jej realizacji.
  • przez regularny transfer wiedzy w zespole, złożonym w dużej mierze z seniorów. 
  • przez atmosferę współpracy i dbałość o dobre relacje.


Jeśli spełnisz oczekiwania, czekają Cię następujące możliwości:


Choć struktura firmy jest płaska i raczej nie ma managerskich ścieżek kariery, możliwy jest rozwój ekspercki, oraz wejście na poziom team leadera. Liderzy zespołów wyłaniają się naturalnie - kto najwięcej umie, od tego inni chcą się uczyć.


  • minimum 3 lata doświadczenia w testach automatycznych
  • umiejętność programowania (bardzo dobrze jeśli jest to język Python)
  • bardzo mile widziane jest doświadczenie ze stosem technologicznym używanym w firmie:  natywne technologie mobilne (Swift, Kotlin), React i Angular (front-end) oraz Python i Node.js (back-end) 
  • bardzo dobra znajomość języka angielskiego

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iOS Developer (mid/senior)

Yellow Brick RoadWarszawa, Poland, Remote

Yellow Brick Road is hiring a Remote iOS Developer (mid/senior)

Opis oferty pracy

Projekty, w które będziesz zaangażowany:

Firma działa jak klasyczny software house, specjalizujący się w rozwiązaniach mobilnych dla klientów polskich i zagranicznych. Do portfolio należy jedna z najwyżej ocenianych polskich aplikacji mobilnych, którą pewnie poznałeś. Zdarzają się też mniej ekscytujące projekty, ale generalnie jest ciekawie :).

Oczekiwania w stosunku do Ciebie:

  • samodzielność

  • praca w dobrym (nie ekstremalnym) tempie 

  • kod, który solidnie będzie przechodził przez review

Jeśli sprawnie “zdejmujesz tematy z backlogu” i realizujesz zadania tak, że nikt z zespołu nie ma uwag do tempa pracy i komunikacji, wszystko jest OK.

Mój klient pomoże Ci zrealizować oczekiwania:

  • przez indywidualne podejście do potrzeb szkoleniowych: jeśli znajdziesz szkolenie, materiały albo inną formę edukacji, która pomoże w bieżącej pracy, firma zapłaci lub dołoży się do jej realizacji.
  • przez regularny transfer wiedzy w zespole, złożonym w dużej mierze z seniorów. 
  • przez atmosferę współpracy i dbałość o dobre relacje.

Jeśli spełnisz oczekiwania, czekają Cię następujące możliwości:

Choć struktura firmy jest płaska i raczej nie ma managerskich ścieżek kariery, możliwy jest rozwój ekspercki, oraz wejście na poziom team leadera. Liderzy zespołów wyłaniają się naturalnie - kto najwięcej umie, od tego inni chcą się uczyć.


- doświadczenie w programowaniu na iOS: mid 2 lata, senior 4 lata

- znajomość SWIFT

- dobry angielski

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Business Analyst

Yellow Brick RoadWarszawa, Poland, Remote

Yellow Brick Road is hiring a Remote Business Analyst

Opis oferty pracy

Projekty, w które będziesz zaangażowany:


Firma działa jak klasyczny software house, specjalizujący się w rozwiązaniach mobilnych dla klientów polskich i zagranicznych. Do portfolio należy jedna z najwyżej ocenianych polskich aplikacji mobilnych, którą pewnie poznałeś. Zdarzają się też mniej ekscytujące projekty, ale generalnie jest ciekawie :).

Oczekiwania w stosunku do Ciebie:

  • samodzielność

  • dobra komunikacja z klientem i zespołami developerskimi

  • sprawne zbieranie wymagań i budowanie wykonalnego backlogu


Mój klient pomoże Ci zrealizować oczekiwania:


  • przez indywidualne podejście do potrzeb szkoleniowych: jeśli znajdziesz szkolenie, materiały albo inną formę edukacji, która pomoże w bieżącej pracy, firma zapłaci lub dołoży się do jej realizacji.
  • przez regularny transfer wiedzy w zespole, złożonym w dużej mierze z seniorów. 
  • przez aktywne tworzenie atmosfery współpracy i dbałość o dobre relacje.


  • 3 lata doświadczenia jako analityk biznesowy w zespołach piszących software
  • doświadczenie współpracy przy tworzeniu aplikacji mobilnych jest mile widziane
  • bardzo dobre zdolności komunikacyjne
  • bardzo dobry angielski

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Mid-senior full stack developer

OmniCalculatorKraków, Poland, Remote

OmniCalculator is hiring a Remote Mid-senior full stack developer

Opis oferty pracy

Aktualnie rozwijamy nasz zespół developerski i chcemy zaprosić do niego chcemy dwóch mid-senior fullstack JavaScript developerów. Tym sposobem team urośnie do 6 osób pracujących zarówno nad frontendem jak i backendem naszych nowych funkcjonalności. W dalszych etapach w planie mamy:

… wielofrontowe prace nad performancem i optymalizacją wydajności działania serwisu o dużym ruchu

… internacjonalizację (przystosowanie usługi do tłumaczenia na kolejne języki)

… budowę apki mobilnej


… współpracę na podstawie kontraktu B2B ze stawką 60-90zł netto/h 

… sprzęt do pracy

… przyjazne środowisko pracy bez zbędnej struktury i hierarchii (jakoś tak wychodzi, że nam nikt z tej pracy nie odchodzi…)

… pracę w scrumie

… elastyczne godziny pracy wraz z możliwością pracy w modelu hybrydowym

… masę innych drobiazgów (multisport, brak dress code, międzynarodowe środowisko, integracje firmowe, itd.)

… przede wszystkim pracę nad czymś, czemu warto poświęcić kilka kolejnych lat życia.


JavaScript, React.js, Node.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo, PostgreSQL, Redis, Jest, CI/CD, GIT, Heroku, SSR.

Nice to have: 
React Native, Python, AWS


… min. 2 letniego doświadczenia komercyjnego w React i Node.js z większym naciskiem na ten pierwszy,

… bardzo dobrej znajomości TypeScript ponieważ to już 80% naszego systemu,

… umiejętności pisania testów w Jest,

… komunikatywnej znajomości języka angielskiego na poziomie B2 aby swobodnie komunikować się z resztą zespołu,

… zaangażowanej postawy w budowę czegoś co realnie wpływa na życie coraz większej grupy ludzi na świecie, a możemy to udowodnić,

… chęci współpracy z otwartym, sympatycznym i bardzo zgranym zespołem cechującym się współpracą, wsparciem i pasją do rzeczy użytecznych.

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Senior UI Developer (Vue Storefront Mandatory)

McFadyen DigitalKochi, India, Remote
DevOPSJestagileBachelor's degreeB2BDesignvuemobileuicssjavascriptbackendfrontendNode.js

McFadyen Digital is hiring a Remote Senior UI Developer (Vue Storefront Mandatory)

Job Description


Are you passionate about building best-in-class solutions with Vue Storefront? 

Can you partner with a team of developers to deliver quality project deliverables? 

Can you help Fortune 500 retailers navigate the next generation of digital commerce, marketplace, and platform business strategies?  

Are you skilled in a variety of retail and distribution functional areas?  

As a Sr developer, you will be responsible for ensuring the success of our retail and B2B customers by applying your coding expertise and domain knowledge. 


Top five Responsibilities: 

  1. Work closely with the onshore teams and clients while running and being responsible for multiple projects at the offshore development center 
  2. Create reusable and clean UI pattern framework that application developers can use to plug and play 
  3. Collaborate closely with designers, technical leads, application architects, software developers, DevOps engineers, and business stakeholders to deliver the optimal solution 
  4. Guide, review code and facilitate the fellow developers. 
  5. Provide production support for all implemented changes. 

Additional Responsibilities: 

  • Extensive practical knowledge of designing sophisticated web applications  

  • Integrate web-based applications with multiple systems for efficient data exchange. 

  • Knowledge of large-scale JavaScript application architecture as well as design patterns  

  • Collaborate with delivery teams throughout the design and development phases to guarantee compliance with UI architectural standards and best practises  

  • Develop and manage a set of performance standards for all development projects, in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.  

  • Build reusable components and front-end libraries for future use  

  • Browser performance auditing and tuning. Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability  

  • Design and develop proof of concept prototypes for advanced features and designs  

  • Responsive design implementation across devices, platforms, screens, etc.  

  • Providing technical oversight and performing code reviews for multiple development efforts  

  • Adhere to code standards and ensure consistency throughout projects. 

  • Work in a small, fast paced, team-oriented environment 

  • Collaborate closely with onsite counterparts to drive product advancements. 

  • Handle customer expectations on challenging projects 

  • Understand the impact of frontend changes on overall user experience.



  • Bachelor's degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field (or equivalent experience). 

  • Overall 6+ years of experience in frontend development. 

Technical Skills: 

  1. Proficient in Vue.js and Vue Storefront development. 

  1. Strong understanding of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and related web technologies. 

  1. Experience with state management libraries such as Vuex. 

  1. Knowledge of RESTful APIs and integrating front-end applications with backend services. 

  1. Familiarity with code versioning tools, such as Git. 

  1. Experience with responsive web design principles and mobile-first development. 

  1. Proficiency in using debugging and testing tools for web development. 

  1. Knowledge of server-side technologies such as Node.js and Express.js (preferred). 

  1. Familiarity with e-commerce platforms and concepts (preferred). 

  1. Experience with unit testing frameworks such as Jest or Mocha (preferred). 

  1. Understand implement SEO and Accessibility compliance to the developed applications 

  1. Willing to mentor and lead design and development initiatives. 

  1. Understanding of build tools like web pack, grunt, gulp  

  1. Good exposure to eCommerce is preferred, and understanding of Agile development methodologies and working in an Agile team environment is a plus.  

What we can offer you: 

  • A career with thought leaders who literally wrote the book on Marketplace Best Practices 

  • A career in the fast-paced world of retail eCommerce, digital marketplaces and platform businesses  

  • A career with first-movers who are deploying new business models and strategies worldwide 

  • A career in a flat management structure without a rigid hierarchy and bureaucracy 

  • A career in a culture that rewards creativity and innovation, risk-taking and teamwork  

See more jobs at McFadyen Digital

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Intermediate Software Developer (Nova)

VidyardRemote, Canada

Vidyard is hiring a Remote Intermediate Software Developer (Nova)

At Vidyard, we make life easier for sellers, marketers and corporate communicators. Our video messaging tools, AI tools, and other products are used by Microsoft, LinkedIn, and thousands of other companies. We're passionate about elevating our customers, our teammates, our communities, and ourselves.

About the Role

Vidyard is seeking a Full Stack Intermediate Software Developer to join our innovative Nova Team, a pivotal force behind our cutting-edge AI Avatar feature and experimental functionalities. As a key player in this team, you will contribute to the development and enhancement of our AI video creation capabilities, enabling users to easily create AI videos of themselves and others by providing just a text script. This role is instrumental in shaping the advanced features and experimental projects that define Vidyard's offerings to our valued customers.

Reporting directly to the Software Development Manager, you'll collaborate with a cross-functional team of developers, a designer, and a product manager to address customer challenges and deliver exceptional software solutions. 

This is a remote role open to candidates located inCanada. 

About the Team

Our Nova Team is composed of five developers, a designer, a product manager, and a software development manager. We are dedicated to creating and enhancing Vidyard’s AI Avatar feature, continually improving and expanding its functionality. Additionally, we are focused on implementing more experimental features into our product in the future.

What You’ll Bring to this Role and Your New Team:

  • A solid background in software engineering—you have had 3+ years of experience shipping user-facing, scalable web products.
  • The ability to work across the software stack as a generalist while bringing experience to either front-end or back-end development.
  • A history of success delivering on different initiatives in an agile, iterative environment.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills—you strive for clarity and understanding and can navigate discussions around risks and tradeoffs.
  • The desire to drive improvements to our quality, reliability, and performance standards.
  • Lean thinking and an experimental, metrics-driven mindset.
  • A high tolerance for ambiguity and a recognition that action is sometimes the best path to discovery.
  • Eager to share knowledge among other developers and mentor junior developers on your team.

Our Tech Stack

  • Version control - e.g. Git
  • Testing frameworks such as RSpec, Jest, Mocha
  • Modern front-end stacks - e.g. Vue.js, React.js
  • Server technologies such as Node.js, Bun and Ruby on Rails
  • Relational Databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL
  • Nice to have experience architecting microservice infrastructures 
  • Distributed computing concerns such as message queues and pub/sub
  • Operational concerns such as monitoring and logging
  • Familiarity with AI and machine learning technologies is a plus

Our engineering team consists of generalists with expertise leaning toward either front-end or back-end development, all maintaining a comprehensive understanding of the full stack. Join us in shaping the future of Vidyard's core offerings and delivering unparalleled value to our customers.

Job descriptions can be overwhelming. At Vidyard we are motivated todrive change togetherand deeply value the unique experiences, abilities and opinions you possess, so if this role sounds like your next adventure, but you don’t feel entirely qualified, apply! We value candidates whoown it,and if you’rerelentlessly resourcefultoo, you might be exactly who we are looking for. 

As we also valueuser obsession, we prioritize our users, customers and community so you can expect to hear from our team even if you are not selected to move forward.

What You’ll Love about Vidyard:

  • Competitive pay
  • Comprehensive, flexible benefits on day one
  • Wellness allowance to spend on what's important to you 
  • Flexible hours + unlimited vacation + programs to support travel while working, enabling you to live your best life
  • Access to Inkblot, a digital mental health platform + $1,500/person/year for mental health coverage*
  • Allowance to support your ongoing growth and development
  • Parental leave top-up
  • Paid volunteer hours
  • Employee resource groups to empower and drive change at Vidyard and in our communities
  • RRSP match
  • Stock options
  • Flexible holiday program
  • Home office stipend 
  • Flexibility to work in the place that brings out your best: whether you thrive in the comfort of your home office, or are local to, and prefer the energy of our collaboration space in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, there is flexibility for all. Although we default to remote-first there will be occasional in-person meetings/events purposefully designed for connection and collaboration.

Vidyard is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants who require reasonable accommodation to complete the application and/or interview process should notify us at
Unsolicited resumes from Agencies will not be accepted.

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SGS is hiring a Remote Specjalista / Specjalistka ds. Deklaracji Celnych (zespół TransitNet)

Opis oferty pracy

Jakie zadania czekają na Ciebie na tym stanowisku?

  • wprowadzanie danych do systemu
  • obsługa klienta w zakresie dokumentów tranzytowych w różnych rodzajach transportu
  • rozwijanie i utrzymywanie kontaktów z partnerami zagranicznymi
  • zarządzanie obiegiem dokumentacji w aplikacji internetowej


Ta rola jest idealna dla Ciebie, jeżeli:

  • znasz j. angielski na poziomie min. B2
  • masz doświadczenie lub wykształcenie zdobyte w branży TSL (Transport- Spedycja- Logistyka)
  • posiadasz umiejętność nawiązywania pozytywnych relacji z klientami
  • jesteś dostępnny/a do pracy w systemie zmianowym 24/7 (głównie zmiany dzienne w dni robocze)

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Sr. Design Engineer, Creative


hims & hers is hiring a Remote Sr. Design Engineer, Creative

Hims & Hers Health, Inc. (better known as Hims & Hers) is the leading health and wellness platform, on a mission to help the world feel great through the power of better health. We are revolutionizing telehealth for providers and their patients alike. Making personalized solutions accessible is of paramount importance to Hims & Hers and we are focused on continued innovation in this space. Hims & Hers offers nonprescription products and access to highly personalized prescription solutions for a variety of conditions related to mental health, sexual health, hair care, skincare, heart health, and more.

Hims & Hers is a public company, traded on the NYSE under the ticker symbol “HIMS”. To learn more about the brand and offerings, you can visit and, or visit our investor site. For information on the company’s outstanding benefits, culture, and its talent-first flexible/remote work approach, see below and visit

​​About the Role:

We’re seeking a Senior Design Engineer to join our Product Design Team. Like us, you believe user-centered design and experiences can be used to form defensible moats and competitive advantages in our mission to make Healthcare seamless and accessible to everyone while doing the most important work of your career.

As a Senior Design Engineer at Hims & Hers, you will be instrumental in developing, extending, and maintaining the code and platform of our design systems and libraries. Your work will enable our broader engineering organization to deliver high-impact, high-visibility, delightful, and polished user-centric experiences. You’ll work closely with a dynamic team of designers and frontend engineers. You'll leverage your expertise in design, engineering, and motion to bring innovative ideas from inception to execution swiftly and independently. You are obsessed with pixel perfect designs. You’re fluent in writing complex JavaScript and CSS, as well as using current JavaScript libraries such as React and styled-components. You have a proven history of innovative user interface design and development.

You Will:

  • Develop, optimize, and maintain scalable, reusable JavaScript code
  • Collaborate with design, marketing, and engineering teams to achieve project goals in a team-focused environment
  • Create best-in-class, visually appealing end-user experiences for complex problems
  • Rapidly prototype design concepts and new user experiences
  • Take ownership of projects, demonstrating strong problem-solving skills to enhance usability and user experience
  • Utilize, maintain, and expand design systems to ensure consistency and user satisfaction
  • Effectively present and communicate ideas, managing stakeholders with strong storytelling skills
  • Integrate design and engineering efforts innovatively, prioritizing both aesthetic appeal and usability

You Have:

  • 6+ years of UI/UX engineering experience
  • Are adept at building client side applications using technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, TypeScript
  • Experience with motion & storytelling such as CSS animations and transitions, easing, Rive/Lottie, etc
  • A good understanding of the formal elements of design, not just limited to the web, but also including typography, layout, balance, proportion, etc
  • Experience building design systems that scale globally
  • Experience writing clear, elegant code, and collaborating in a team environment
  • A passion for creating beautiful, user-centric designs prioritizing usability and accessibility
  • Cross-browser development
  • Experience with JavaScript unit testing frameworks such as Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, etc
  • Experience with Design System tooling such as Storybook, Chromatic, etc
  • Experience in design (layout, typography, color, Figma)
  • Experience with React Native
  • Experience engineering solutions focused on internal enablement
  • A relentless drive for perfection

Our Benefits (there are more but here are some highlights):

  • Competitive salary & equity compensation for full-time roles
  • Unlimited PTO, company holidays, and quarterly mental health days
  • Comprehensive health benefits including medical, dental & vision, and parental leave
  • Employee Stock Purchase Program (ESPP)
  • Employee discounts on hims & hers & Apostrophe online products
  • 401k benefits with employer matching contribution
  • Offsite team retreats



Outlined below is a reasonable estimate of H&H’s compensation range for this role for US-based candidates. If you're based outside of the US, your recruiter will be able to provide you with an estimated salary range for your location.

The actual amount will take into account a range of factors that are considered in making compensation decisions including but not limited to skill sets, experience and training, licensure and certifications, and location. H&H also offers a comprehensive Total Rewards package that may include an equity grant.

Consult with your Recruiter during any potential screening to determine a more targeted range based on location and job-related factors.

An estimate of the current salary range for US-based employees is
$170,000$190,000 USD

We are focused on building a diverse and inclusive workforce. If you’re excited about this role, but do not meet 100% of the qualifications listed above, we encourage you to apply.

Hims is an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, orientation, national origin, age, disability, genetics or any other basis forbidden under federal, state, or local law. Hims considers all qualified applicants in accordance with the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance.

Hims & hers is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or an accommodation due to a disability, you may contact us at Please do not send resumes to this email address.

For our California-based applicants – Please see our California Employment Candidate Privacy Policy to learn more about how we collect, use, retain, and disclose Personal Information. 

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Intermediate Software Developer - Developer Platform Team

VidyardRemote, Canada

Vidyard is hiring a Remote Intermediate Software Developer - Developer Platform Team

At Vidyard, we make life easier for sellers, marketers and corporate communicators. Our video messaging tools, AI tools, and other products are used by Microsoft, LinkedIn, and thousands of other companies. We're passionate about elevating our customers, our teammates, our communities, and ourselves.

About the Role

Vidyard is looking for an Intermediate Software Developerto join our Developer Platform team. In this role, you'll be working closely with an awesome team of developers and a product manager, all under the guidance of an Engineering Manager. Your goal? To use your skills to simplify and enhance the day-to-day experience of our developers so that they can deliver on our mission. 

This is a remote role open to candidates located Canada.

About the Team

Our Developer Platform team is where innovation meets expertise in two dynamic pillars:

  • Infrastructure: This pillar is dedicated to building the foundational infrastructure for the microservices that drive our business. Developers in this stream are at the forefront of defining and implementing best-in-class scalability and availability. They ensure our services thrive in Kubernetes clusters, manage deployments through ArgoCD, and maintain a strong focus on observability (metrics, logging, distributed tracing).
  • Developer Experience: This pillar focuses on empowering and unblocking product teams with state-of-the-art developer tooling. This includes maintaining cloud development environments, implementing advanced CI/CD tooling (build, test, deploy), rolling out GenAI tools, creating golden paths, enhancing documentation, and running enablement sessions. Our goal is to streamline the developer journey through efficient processes and practices such as onboarding, code review, CI/CD, debugging, and observability.

By ensuring our infrastructure is robust and our developers are well-supported, our Developer Platform team plays a crucial role in enabling our business to thrive and innovate.

What You’ll Work On

As an Intermediate Developer focusing on Developer Experience, you will be instrumental in enhancing the productivity and efficiency of our product teams. Your responsibilities will include:

  • Accelerating Coding: Introduce and build AI-powered tools to enhance the coding experience. Offer a seamless debugging experience within our cloud development environment (CDE - Playground).
  • Optimizing Code Review and CI/CD Processes: Make code review processes more efficient by integrating AI-powered tools. Improve CI/CD pipelines (build, test) using tools like GitHub Actions Runners and Trunk. Implement strategies to reduce flaky tests.
  • Enablement and Documentation: Create and run enablement sessions to empower developers. Improve and maintain comprehensive documentation to facilitate easier onboarding and efficient processes.
  • Developer Support Rotation: Participate in a rotation program to support developers with questions and issues related to internal tools, ensuring smooth operations.
  • Framework Application: Identify issues through quarterly surveys, developer interviews, and industry trends. Create opportunities to address the most significant pain points (toil), design and experiment with solutions, evaluate success using selected success metrics and guardrails, roll out successful solutions, and iterate as needed.

What You’ll Bring to this Role and Your New Team

  • Technical Expertise:3+ years of experience in software development and a strong understanding of cloud development environments and CI/CD practices, with practical experience using tools like GitHub Actions and other CI integration tools (e.g., Merge Queue, code coverage, etc.).
  • AI Integration: Experience with or strong interest in integrating AI-based tools to enhance developer workflows.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Ability to identify and address pain points in the developer workflow, implementing effective solutions.
  • Communication Champion: Strong written and verbal communication skills to create clear documentation and facilitate enablement sessions.
  • Feedback-Driven Approach: Eagerness to learn from developer feedback through surveys and interviews, and apply these insights to drive improvements.
  • Industry Awareness: Knowledge of industry trends and best practices in developer experience and tooling.
  • Collaboration Across Teams: Ability to work collaboratively with product teams to understand their needs and ensure smooth, efficient development processes.
  • Adaptability: Willingness to iterate on solutions based on feedback and success measurements, maintaining a cycle of continuous improvement.
  • Supportive Attitude: Commitment to supporting fellow developers through participation in the rotation program, addressing their questions and issues effectively.

Our Tech Stack

  • Version Control & Collaboration: Git, Trunk, VS Code editor plugins, Slack bot
  • Build Tooling: GitHub Actions Runners
  • GenAI tools: ChatGPT, Langchain
  • Automated Testing: Rspect, Jest, Cypress
  • Container Orchestration: AWS ECS, Kubernetes (AWS EKS)
  • Infrastructure as Code: Terraform
  • Front-end Technologies: Webpack, Babel, Vue.js, React.js
  • Server Technologies: Node.js, Ruby on Rails

Job descriptions can be overwhelming. At Vidyard we are motivated to drive change togetherand deeply value the unique experiences, abilities and opinions you possess, so if this role sounds like your next adventure, but you don’t feel entirely qualified, apply! We value candidates who own it, and if you’re relentlessly resourceful too, you might be exactly who we are looking for. 

As we also value user obsession, we prioritize our users, customers and community so you can expect to hear from our team even if you are not selected to move forward.

What You’ll Love about Vidyard:

  • Competitive pay
  • Comprehensive, flexible benefits on day one
  • Wellness allowance to spend on what's important to you 
  • Flexible hours + unlimited vacation + programs to support travel while working, enabling you to live your best life
  • Access to Inkblot, a digital mental health platform + $1,500/person/year for mental health coverage
  • Allowance to support your ongoing growth and development
  • Parental leave top-up
  • Paid volunteer hours
  • Employee resource groups to empower and drive change at Vidyard and in our communities
  • RRSP match
  • Stock options
  • Flexible holiday program
  • Home office stipend 
  • Flexibility to work in the place that brings out your best: whether you thrive in the comfort of your home office, or are local to, and prefer the energy of our collaboration space in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, there is flexibility for all. Although we default to remote-first there will be occasional in-person meetings/events purposefully designed for connection and collaboration.

Vidyard is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants who require reasonable accommodation to complete the application and/or interview process should notify us Unsolicited resumes from Agencies will not be accepted.

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Software Development Manager - Solutions

Marex SpectronLondon, GB - Remote - Hybrid

Marex Spectron is hiring a Remote Software Development Manager - Solutions

Marex is a diversified global financial services platform, providing essential liquidity, market access and infrastructure services to clients in the energy, commodities and financial markets.

The Group provides comprehensive breadth and depth of coverage across four core services: Market Making, Clearing, Hedging and Investment Solutions and Agency and Execution. It has a leading franchise in many major metals, energy and agricultural products, executing around 50 million trades and clearing 205 million contracts in 2022. The Group provides access to the world’s major commodity markets, covering a broad range of clients that include some of the largest commodity producers, consumers and traders, banks, hedge funds and asset managers.

Marex was established in 2005 but through its subsidiaries can trace its roots in the commodity markets back almost 100 years. Headquartered in London with 36 offices worldwide, the Group has over 1,800 employees across Europe, Asia and America.

For more information visit

Marex Solutions specializes in bespoke financial derivative products, providing customized investment solutions through its proprietary trading platform, Agile. We offer a wide range of services, including hedging and investment solutions, tailored to meet the needs of private banks, wealth managers, and other financial institutions.

Solutions prides itself on innovation in the field of Structured Products. The platform covers over 1000 underlying assets across Commodities, Credit, Cryptocurrency, Equities, Fixed Income, FX and funds, enabled by technology and the Agile web platform.

For more information, see the homepage:

We are seeking a Full-Stack JavaScript tech lead who will help the business realise its objectives to become the most advanced provider of Structured Products globally.

A key component of their tech stack is the Sales and Clients Web Platform (aka ‘Agile’). This sophisticated application enables sales traders, brokers, and external clients to price and book live trades through a ReactJS web-based interface and suite of NodeJS and C# services that connect the back-end ecosystem of booking, execution, finance, and risk platforms.

In this role, you will have the unique opportunity to work directly with the Head of Derivatives Trading and their team - the product leaders for the app - and provide technical leadership for a diverse team of 10 developers and testers based in London and Ukraine. We are looking for candidates who are not only passionate about best practices, good software design principles, and a DevOps mindset, but also thrive in a collaborative and dynamic environment.


• Architecture and design of the technology created and maintained by the delivery team.
• Line manage the team, and optimise its structure to continuously deliver value to the business.
• Collaborate with the Head of Derivatives Trading on the direction of the application.
• Define roadmap and strategy with Head of Development and other development leads.
• Oversee projects to ensure they are run efficiently and delivered on time and on budget.
• Liaise with business users and BA/QAs; define business requirements and provide updates.
• Ensure production grade systems and proper documentation.
• Define software development best practices and processes; ensure they are followed.
• Lead the planning and breakdown of sprints and user stories. Provide demos for stakeholders and SMEs.
• Work with stakeholders to prioritise and prepare stores and bugs for sprint planning. Ensure stores are well-formed, testable deliverables that can be delivered iteratively with testable acceptance criteria.
• Resolving support issues in a professional and timely manner
• Foster cross-team collaboration and willingness to participate in cross-team shared initiatives (e.g., agreeing service and API contracts, contributing to common DevOps templates and reference architectures).


• A collaborative team player, approachable, self-efficient and influences a positive work environment
• Demonstrates curiosity
• Resilient in a challenging, fast-paced environment
• Excels at building relationships, networking and influencing others
• Strategic collaborator with insight and agility, able to anticipate future challenges, ensuring operational effectiveness

Skills and Experience:

• Strong full-stack JavaScript coding skills with NodeJS, TypeScript, ReactJS, jest, expressJS, GraphQL
• Able to preside over backend .NET development with C#.
• Basic level understanding of Infrastructure as Code (IaC), Terraform or equivalent.
• Building, distributing, and running applications using Docker images.
• Familiar with real-time messaging integration patterns with RabbitMQ, Kafka, Redis pub/sub or equivalent.
• Understanding of modern CI/CD and DevOps practices, and how to introduce them into the delivery workflow
• Agile and scrum development methodologies.
• Team leadership and ability to set the technical direction for a team.
• Application of software architecture and design principles and patterns and experience employing the right design choices for a given project.
• Relational and non-relational databases.
• Thought leadership, and the ability to oversee the introduction of new technologies, patterns or practices that benefit business outcomes.
• Team leadership and line management experience.

If you’re forging a career in this area and are looking for your next step, get in touch!

Marex is fully committed to being an inclusive employer and providing an inclusive and accessible recruitment process for all. We will provide reasonable adjustments to remove any disadvantage to you being considered for this role. We value the differences that a diverse workforce brings to the company. We welcome applications from candidates returning to the workforce. Also, Marex is committed to avoiding circumstances in which the appearance or possibility of conflicts of interest may exist within the hiring process.

If you would like to receive any information in a different way or would like us to do anything differently to help you, please include it in your application.


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Senior Front End Engineer

Hack TheAlimos,Attica,Greece, Remote Hybrid

Hack The is hiring a Remote Senior Front End Engineer

Ready to embark on the quest of joining Hack The Box?

At the end of this thrilling journey, you'll become a proud member of Hack The Box, with the ultimate mission to help redefine cybersecurity expertise. Get ready for an exciting adventure into the world of cybersecurity! ????????????

✨The core mission of the Senior Front end engineer:

Work on one of our HTB platforms, Talent Search, responsible for connecting HTB users with companies. In this role, you will have the opportunity to work on the enhancement of the platform and the development of new features. You will play a crucial role in the shaping of a new era in the Talent Search platform. What’s more, this platform has a direct impact on the cybersecurity professional ecosystem and you will be a big part of this.

????The fellowship you’ll be joining:

As a Front end developer you will work closely with designers and fellow developers to create an amazing user experience for HTB users. You will be an integral part of HTB development team aspiring to build world’s largest hacker community. You have outstanding visual aesthetic, great programming skills and a thirst for learning, collaborating and staying up to date with the ever-evolving Frontend Development world.

⚔️ Tools & weapons you’ll be using:

Javascript, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vite, Vuex / Pinia, Jest, JIRA

???? Interesting resources you should check:

????The adventures that await you after becoming Senior Front end Engineer at Hack The Box:

  • Develop new features using languages like javascript and Vue framework to create user-friendly web pages
  • Work closely together with UX, designers and product team to transform requirements and mockups into new functionalities and platform features
  • Build and maintain web UIs with performance and quality in mind. Generate clean, safe, reusable and scalable code of high quality (dev tested, unit tested, reviewed) 
  • Contribute in analysis and estimation of Stories / Tasks 
  • Pickup bug-fixes, perform root cause analysis and suggest future improvements
  • Perform code reviews
  • Contribute to architectural and software design decisions
  • Contribute and maintain technical documentation and specifications
  • Collaborate with other engineers to ensure that work gets properly delivered (integration BE / FE, release to dev, staging, prod), platform and process improvements
  • Contribute to platform improvements including tech debts and package updates
  • Ensure high-quality graphic standards and brand consistency
  • Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies

????Skills, knowledge, and experience points required to unlock the role of Sr. Frontend Engineer at Hack The Box:

  • Working experience as a Front-end developer, using one of the main frameworks (Vue, React, Angular)
  • Previous experience in Nuxt.js
  • Good knowledge and understanding of HTML5, CSS3
  • Familiarity with a modern front-end building tool such as Webpack or Vite
  • Experience with state management libraries like Vuex, Pinia, Redux
  • Working experience with FE apps using Server Side Rendering (SSR)
  • Experience with secure coding principles and Front end unit testing such as Jest or Vitest
  • Familiarity with browser testing and debugging
  • An ability to perform well in a fast-paced dynamic environment
  • Excellent analytical and multitasking skills
  • Experience with DevOps practices and containerization technologies will be considered a plus
  • BSc degree in Computer Science or relevant field or equivalent experience

????️What your Hack The Box adventure will have in store: 

  • ????You'll have the exhilarating opportunity to contribute to a product that is highly appreciated by users and the cybersecurity community at large.
  • ???? You'll experience a highly supportive and caring environment, fostering growth, flexibility, and autonomy.
  • ???? You'll embark on an exciting journey of continuous learning and problem-solving, leveling up as our organization grows.
  • ???? Most importantly, you'll have a blast at HTB ???? because fun is an essential ingredient in our recipe for success! Just wait until you see our global meet-ups! 

???? The gems you’ll be enjoying as Senior Front end Engineer:

  • Private insurance
  • 25 annual leave days
  • Dedicated budget for training and professional development, participation in conferences
  • State-of-the-art equipment (Macbook, iPhone, and mobile plan)
  • Free lunch & snacks at the office
  • Full access to the Hack The Box lab offerings; so you can learn how to hack
  • Flexible/Hybrid working

????️ The Quest of Becoming Hack The Box’s Senior Front end Engineer: 

  • Level 1: Like in any game, you start as a Noob. Level one’s objective: submit your application.
  • Level 2: After applying, you unlock the Script Kiddie rank! This level’s objective: pass the screening process. 
  • Level 3: Now you’re officially ranked as Hacker and you’re ready to meet the Talent Acquisition team. Level’s objective: highlight your past achievements, ambitions, and values.
  • Level 4: As a Pro-Hacker at level 4, you’ll unlock the “boss level”, which involves meeting the hiring manager. Level’s objective: connect with the hiring manager and share with them your achievements. 
  • Level 5: Now you’re an Elite Hacker! Level’s objective: complete an assignment that aligns with day-to-day job-related tasks and responsibilities.
  • Level 6: Congratulations, you're now a Guru! Not many reach this level ????. Level’s objective: have a constructive, final conversation with senior leadership to explore the role and your future at HTB. 
  • Level 7: You've achieved the Omniscient rank and officially received an offer from HTB! To complete the last level and the Quest, all you need to do is accept the offer. 
  • Quest complete. Congratulations, you’re officially one of us ????????????Your next quest: complete the onboarding. 

Hack Your Career, Today. Join us in this epic adventure of cybersecurity at Hack The Box! ????????????

At Hack The Box, we are on a quest to find the most exceptional and enthusiastic talent to join our team. Whether or not you consider yourself a gamer, we value what makes you unique and want to know more about you. This job post provides just a glimpse of the incredible gamified experience our business and consumer customers enjoy through our platforms. So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of growth and adventure, we can't wait to meet you!

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Frontend Developer I Shiji Enterprise Platform

Shiji GroupKatowice, Poland, Remote

Shiji Group is hiring a Remote Frontend Developer I Shiji Enterprise Platform

Job Description


Enterprise Platform

Your job will be to develop a part of a distributed system that serves the hospitality industry. It is a solution that allows hotel employees or hotel managers to handle various activities such as managing reservations, payments and hotel services within the hotel or between hotels. The system consists of many domain-oriented microservices developed under a few cross-functional teams.


  • getting requirements about functionalities, developing and maintaining software features based on visual mockups and UX descriptions in scrum manner (sprints, grooming, planning, retrospective sesssions)
  • working with the newest technologies, best practices and patterns in software development
  • delivering high-quality code, which is both functional and performant
  • writing tests
  • code reviewing
  • contributing to the infrastructure that the team leverages for development
  • contributing in design of solutions with team members
  • sharing knowledge with other developers
  • working with microfrontends and microservices in multi-region environment


Our Daily Work


  • we work in iterations with refinements, plannings and retrospective meetings
  • we use Gitlab to sync the code with develop and master branches, and create feature branch for each User Story
  • we commit daily and use CI/CD using Gitlab/Jenkins
  • we open merge requests and wait for review for other team members before merge
  • we use docker and docker compose for local development and deployment of all microservices
  • we use teams to communicate and or participate in meetings with other team members
  • we cooperate with UI/UX department to provide user the best possible looks and feel of application
  • we create NPM internal packages to share work with others, create design systems and avoid repetitions


Technologies we use:


  • React ecosystem
  • SASS
  • Web Components, Stencil
  • Jest, Testing Library, Enzyme, QUnit
  • Webpack, Babel
  • TypeScript
  • Gitlab
  • Docker and Docker Compose
  • Design patterns and clean code practices (OOP, SOLID)
  • Ember




  • minimum 4 years’ experience as JavaScript, React Developer or Front-End Developer
  • advanced understanding of JavaScript ES6/TypeScript
  • good knowledge of HTML5, CSS3
  • experience in work with or contribute to a JavaScript based build system (e.g., Babel, Webpack)
  • experience with React ecosystem (React hooks)
  • interest in testing, review and code quality
  • familiar with Git
  • SOLID understanding of best practices, processes and design patterns
  • open mind, contribution in discussions and good communication, especially inside of the team
  • participation in designing solutions
  • readiness to share knowledge and help team members
  • self-reliance in daily work but also willingness for asking for help
  • good English, both written and spoken


Nice to have:


  • basics of linux, docker
  • experience with form libraries
  • knowledge of Functional Programming and Object Oriented Programming
  • ember


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Business Partner Marketing Coordinator

Storware Sp. z o.o.Warszawa, Poland, Remote

Storware Sp. z o.o. is hiring a Remote Business Partner Marketing Coordinator

Opis oferty pracy


Warunki zatrudnienia:wynagrodzenie 9 000 zł netto na B2B. Praca zdalna lub hybrydowa. 

Poza klasycznymi benefitami, mamy również customowe rozwiązania! Pogadajmy, co jest dla Ciebie ważne, a na pewno się dogadamy. ????

Kolejna osoba do naszego szalonego i szybko rozwijającego się Zespołu Marketingu! Masz w sobie pasję do IT, doświadczenie w projektach marketingowych z Partnerami handlowymi sektora B2B i otwartość na nowe wyzwania? Szukamy energicznej i kreatywnej osoby, z poczuciem obowiązku i samodzielnością. Jeśli lubisz aktywnie pracować, redagować, kreować i dbać o dobre relacje z międzynarodowym środowiskiem IT – zapraszamy do nas!

Sprawdź co oferujemy, bo coś nam się wydaje, że czekamy właśnie na Ciebie!

  • Współpraca z Partnerami/Dystrybutorami w zakresie działań marketingowych
  • Planowanie, koordynacja, raportowanie i analiza budżetów marketingowych na działania z Partnerami handlowymi
  • Dbanie o wizerunek firmy Storware na stronach internetowych / marketplace Partnerów handlowych
  • Przygotowanie materiałów marketingowych do działań co-marketing
  • Koordynacja szkoleń dla partnerów handlowych z zespołem sprzedaży/przedsprzedaży (online / offline)
  • Budowanie silnych i długotrwałych relacji z zespołami marketingu na całym świecie
  • Poszukiwanie wydarzeń, w których Storware może być Sponsorem/Partnerem
  • Wspieranie Partnerów w ich lokalnych działaniach marketingowych
  • Tworzenie case studies z partnerami handlowymi / klientami Storware


  • Kwalifikacje

  • Minimum 2-letniego doświadczenia zawodowego na stanowisku specjalisty ds. marketingu w zakresie współpracy z partnerami B2B, najlepiej w branży IT lub pokrewnej.
  • Płynnego posługiwania się językiem angielskim w mowie i piśmie (dobrze widziane C1).
  • Znajomość zasad i specyfiki działań co-marketing i budżetów MDF
  • Bardzo dobre zdolności interpersonalne (praca z partnerami handlowymi na całym świecie)
  • Zamiłowanie do badań rynku i zdolności analityczne
  • Doświadczenie w zarządzaniu projektami
  • Dobra organizacja pracy I samodzielność
  • Znajomości paneli reklamowych oraz narzędzi analitycznych w zakresie mediów społecznościowych będzie dodatkowym atutem

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