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Aviso Wealth

A financial services company.
Aviso Wealth is a national financial services company with approximately $90 billion in assets under administration and management. Aviso Wealth is owned by the credit union Centrals, The Co-operators/CUMIS and Desjardins. Aviso Wealth provides a comprehensive, integrated suite of wealth solutions for individual Canadians and for financial organizations across Canada.

Headquarter Location:
Toronto, Canada

Superviseur(e), Négociations

Aviso WealthMontreal,Quebec,Canada, Remote Hybrid

Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Superviseur(e), Négociations

Aviso :

À Aviso, nous nous consacrons à l’amélioration du bien-être financier des Canadiennes et des Canadiens. À titre d’organisation de gestion de patrimoine de premier plan, nous nous engageons à faire preuve de leadership, d’innovation et de responsabilité ainsi qu’à miser sur le partenariat et la communauté. En travaillant avec des professionnels talentueux et énergiques qui incarnent nos valeurs au quotidien, vous constaterez rapidement que ce sont nos employés et notre culture « uneaviso » dynamique qui nous démarquent des autres sociétés. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un emploi intéressant et stimulant au sein d’une entreprise centrée sur son personnel, découvrez ce que Aviso peut vous offrir en consultant le site


Nous sommes à la recherche d’un(e) superviseur(e), Négociations, Centre d’appels Qtrade pour notre équipe de Qtrade Investissement direct.

Relevant du directeur principal, Équipe des solutions clients, le (la) superviseur(e), Négociations, Centre d’appels Qtrade est chargé(e) de diriger les représentants en placement de Qtrade et d’assurer l’excellence du service à la clientèle. Cela comprend la conduite d’examens de la qualité du service et de l’exactitude des opérations, l’encadrement et le perfectionnement de votre équipe de représentants en placement, l’identification des occasions de formation, de perfectionnement et d’avancement professionnel, ainsi que la reconnaissance et la motivation de votre équipe. Nous sommes à la recherche de leaders au service des autres qui comprennent qu’ils sont responsables de l’expérience employé(e) et, par conséquent, de l’expérience exceptionnelle pour les investisseurs. Vous collaborerez avec d’autres gestionnaires et superviseur(e)s de Qtrade pour vous assurer que l’équipe Qtrade est alignée sur les objectifs et les livrables. Il s’agit d’un rôle essentiel pour aider Qtrade à maintenir et à améliorer sa réputation d’excellence en matière de service à la clientèle.

Qui vous êtes:

  • Service— vous tenez compte des parties prenantes internes ainsi qu’à l’extérieur de l’entreprise et vous manifestez une volonté de faire passer les besoins des clients en premier. Vous privilégiez la qualité du service et cherchez à fournir des solutions. Vous développez activement des partenariats stratégiques qui contribuent à la réputation d’Aviso Wealth en tant que conseiller et partenaire de confiance.
  • Exécution — vous êtes déterminé(e) à atteindre vos objectifs et à réussir. Cela signifie notamment se consacrer à « faire avancer les choses », ainsi qu’à reconnaître et mettre à profit les possibilités au fur et à mesure qu’elles se présentent. Vous recherchez continuellement des moyens d’améliorer votre potentiel personnel et valorisez l’amélioration continue. Vous acceptez la responsabilité de vos actions et vous tirez les leçons de vos erreurs.
  • Collaboration — vous avez un esprit d’équipe et travaillez en collaboration avec les autres dans le but commun d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats. Faire des contributions significatives à votre équipe pour atteindre les objectifs de l’organisation est pour vous une priorité. Vous favorisez de manière proactive la collaboration, vous inspirez confiance et l’inclusion, et vous vous efforcez d’établir des relations efficaces tant à I'interne qu’à l’extérieur de I'organisation.
  • Leadership —vous dirigez votre équipe et donnez des instructions. Vous offrez des conseils, un encadrement et vous motivez régulièrement votre équipe, tout en vous efforçant d’obtenir les meilleures performances de vos collaborateurs. Vous les aidez à surmonter tout obstacle en leur fournissant des ressources supplémentaires, en éliminant les contraintes et en leur offrant le degré de soutien dont ils ont besoin pour réussir. Vous déléguez et communiquez un retour fondé sur la compréhension approfondie de chacun des membres de votre équipe.

À quoi ressemble votre journée:

  • Former une équipe de représentants en placement exceptionnels pour ce qui est du service à la clientèle.
  • Aider à s’assurer que les gens savent où ils en sont et que les efforts mesurés soutiennent les objectifs de l’organisation
  • Tirer des leçons des échecs rapidement
  • Offrir de l’encadrement et du perfectionnement à l’équipe au moyen de discussions régulières et d’une approche de tableau de bord équilibré à l’aide d’outils comme les indicateurs de rendement clés (IRC), les valeurs de l’entreprise, la surveillance de la qualité, le sondage La voix du client et la rétroaction des pairs pour fournir une vue d’ensemble du rendement global
  • Promouvoir une philosophie de service d’amélioration continue. Établir la norme de manière à toujours avoir un service à la clientèle de calibre mondial et mettre votre équipe et vos pairs au défi de respecter la norme, ce qui améliore nos résultats des sondages La voix de l’employé et La voix du client.
  • Collaborer avec l’équipe Contrôle des négociations pour communiquer avec les clients qui rencontrent des problèmes ou qui transmettent un problème à un échelon supérieur

Expérience et compétences demandées :

  • Inscription à titre de superviseur(e) auprès de l’OCRI et de responsable des contrats d’options
  • Réussite des exigences pour le perfectionnement professionnel et la conformité de chaque cycle de formation de l’OCRI
  • Au moins trois ans d’expérience très pertinente à titre de représentant(e) en placement ou dans un rôle de première ligne dans un centre d’appels de négociation
  • Deux ans d’expérience comme superviseur(e), idéalement
  • Excellente connaissance du marché : systèmes de négociation, gestion des ordres, opérations stratégiques sur le capital
  • Encadrement et gestion du personnel : savoir comment faire ressortir le meilleur de votre équipe
  • Excellentes compétences en service à la clientèle et pratiques exemplaires de centre d’appels
  • La maîtrise de l’anglais est requise et celle du français constitue un atout
  • Grande importance accordée aux mesures et capacité à les utiliser pour renforcer la voix de nos clients

Pourquoi Aviso Wealth ?

Chez Aviso Wealth, vous trouverez une culture dynamique et inclusive qui valorise l’innovation et met en valeur les réussites de ses employés.

Quelques traits qui nous distinguent :

  • Un programme de rémunération concurrentiel qui récompense et valorise les contributions de chacun.
  • Des prestations de santé, soins dentaires et une assurance de premier plan pour satisfaire les divers besoins de nos employés
  • Des vacances généreuses, des bénéfices de santé et de conditionnement physique, des options complémentaires au congé parental.
  • Des cotisations complémentaires pour notre programme de retraite.
  • Un engagement à l’amélioration continue de notre personnel au moyen de l’apprentissage et du développement ainsi que d’un programme de soutien à la formation.
  • Des événements sociaux organisés régulièrement pour favoriser le travail d’équipe.

Politique d’égalité d’accès à l’emploi

Aviso Wealth accueille et encourage les candidatures de toutes les personnes qualifiées, y compris les candidats/titulaires handicapés. Si vous nécessitez un accommodement, nous travaillerons avec vous pour répondre à vos besoins à toutes les étapes du processus d’embauche.

Nous remercions tous les candidats de leur intérêt, cependant, seules les candidatures retenues pour une étude plus approfondie seront contactées.

Aucun recruteur ou agence, s’il vous plaît.

Aperçu de la société

Fort d’un actif total sous administration et sous gestion de plus de 130 milliards de dollars, et d’un effectif de plus de 1 000 employés, Aviso est un important fournisseur de services de gestion de patrimoine et de placement pour le secteur financier canadien. Nous bâtissons un écosystème complet de services de gestion de patrimoine à la fine pointe de la technologie et axé sur les clients. Nos clients comprennent nos partenaires, les conseillers et les investisseurs. Nous sommes un partenaire de confiance pour presque toutes les coopératives d’épargne et de crédit au Canada, en plus de l’être pour un large éventail de gestionnaires de portefeuille, de courtiers en placement, de compagnies d’assurance, de sociétés de fiducie et de courtiers remisiers. Nos partenaires comptent sur Aviso pour leur offrir des solutions bien précises qui leur procurent un avantage concurrentiel dans un secteur en pleine évolution et hautement compétitif. Notre courtier en placement, notre courtier en épargne collective et nos services d’assurance soutiennent des milliers de conseillers en placement. Notre gestionnaire d’actifs est Placements NEI, dont la spécialisation est d’investir de façon responsable. Notre service de courtage en ligne, Qtrade Investissement directMD, renforce le pouvoir des investisseurs autonomes, et notre service de placement entièrement automatisé, Portefeuilles accompagnés QtradeMD, est au service des investisseurs qui préfèrent une approche passive. Partenaires des correspondants Aviso offre des services de garde de biens et de courtier chargé de compte à un large éventail de sociétés. Nous avons des bureaux à Toronto, Vancouver, Montréal et Winnipeg. Aviso est soutenue par la force collective de ses propriétaires : les centrales de caisses de crédit, Co-operators/CUMIS et Desjardins. Nous sommes fiers de propulser les entreprises qui renforcent le pouvoir des investisseurs.

Faire carrière à Aviso, c’est faire partie d’un groupe de professionnels talentueux et énergiques qui vivent leurs valeurs au quotidien, et appartenir à une organisation qui se consacre à votre réussite et au développement de votre carrière. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un travail intéressant et stimulant au sein d’une société soucieuse de son personnel, postulez pour faire partie de notre équipe!


L’échelle salariale prévue de ce poste est de 80 000 $ à 95 000 $ CA par année. Les conditions de rémunération individuelles sont basées sur divers facteurs propres à chaque candidat et aux exigences du poste.

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Senior Manager, Client Solutions

Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Senior Manager, Client Solutions

Aviso Wealth:

At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

The Opportunity:

We’re looking for a Senior Manager, Service Centre to join the Service Centre team.

Reporting to the Director, Customer Service Experience, the Senior Manager, Client Solutions is responsible for managing the leaders of the Investment Representatives team to lead the optimization of policies and procedures on an inter-departmental basis (SOCON), optimization of team efforts for quality service delivery, and coordinate training and development programs for the Service Centre team. The Senior Manager, Service Centre will liaison with the Senior Manager of Client Engagement and Senior Manager of Product and CU Wealth peers to develop strategy to enhance the Service Centre offering.

Who you are:

  • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
  • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
  • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization
  • Leadership – You lead your team and provide regular direction, guidance, coaching, and motivation, all while striving for peak performance. You assist them in overcoming obstacles through additional resources, removal of roadblocks, and providing the level of support required for their success. You delegate and deliver feedback based on the in-depth understanding of your individual team members

What your day looks like:

  • Actively work with the non-contact team for metrics, quality, workforce management, and training delivery to your team.
  • Ensure effective implementation of a service quality and process efficiency program to optimize client onboarding and client experience resulting in higher NPS scores and SQM Survey results and other ranking agency scores
  • Work directly with Managers and Senior Managers in Operations and Compliance to find scalability and efficiency in processes
  • Coordinate onboarding and ongoing development programs for reps in conjunction with the non-contact team
  • Ensure top quartile delivery of service to Premier clients and ongoing expansion of that client base
  • Ensure a continuous improvement culture whereby the manager and supervisor project a client first focus for their reps

Your experience and skills:

  • Post-Secondary degree – business/management area preferred
  • Canadian Securities Course (preferred).
  • 5 years’ experience in service and operations within the financial services sector within IIROC/MFDA
  • 5+ years of service leadership experience
  • Knowledge of performance evaluation and customer service metrics
  • Excellent organizational and leadership skills with the ability to effectively problem solve
  • Team-first mentality
  • Excellent oral/written communication and interpersonal skills (influence, negotiation conflict resolution
  • Ability to use metrics to strengthen the voice of our clients and partners
  • Industry knowledge on Contact Centre best practices
  • Strong commitment to customer service
  • Demonstrates creativity and innovation while solving problems quickly and efficiently
  • Ability to adapt to and work effectively within a variety of situations, and with various individuals or groups
  • Ability to forge strong relationships and influence peers
  • Fluent communication skills in English are required and bilingual skills in French are an asset

Why Aviso Wealth?

At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
Here are a few things that set us apart:

  • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
  • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
  • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
  • Matching contributions to our retirement program
  • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
  • Regular social events to foster teamwork

Equal Employment Opportunity

Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

No recruiters or agencies, please.

Company Overview:

Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


This position is posted with an expected salary range of $103,000 - $131,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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Oracle Database Administrator -IT-24-264

Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Oracle Database Administrator -IT-24-264

Aviso Wealth:

At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

The Opportunity:

We’re looking for an Oracle Database Administrator to join our IT team.

Reporting to the Director, IT Systems, the Database Administrator is responsible for the design standards, implementation, maintenance and disaster recovery of our enterprise database systems.  This role will also be supporting other database platforms including SQL and Azure.

Who you are:

  • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
  • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
  • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization

What your day looks like:

  • Work with Data Management team to develop database architecture, coding standards, QA standards as well as service standards
  • Plan and coordinate system implementation and testing, identifying and resolving the more complex problems encountered
  • Research and remain current with industry trends in database, business intelligence and data warehousing tools, standards and processes
  • Assist with the design, development, implementation, maintenance and support of database and business intelligence systems
  • Assist in establishing appropriate end user database access controls and be knowledgeable in job compliance with all security controls
  • Assist with streamlining reporting to optimize efficiency and ensure data consistency across reports and reporting applications
  • Work with DB Architect to ensure effective and efficient reconciliation and audit mechanisms are in place to guarantee data integrity in databases, data warehouses and BI systems
  • Provide DBA support to development/implementation teams doing installs, database loading, conversions and testing as required
  • Troubleshoot database and server incidents, apply patches, assist in resolution of application data base issues, provide technical support as necessary
  • Provide day to day support for production systems as required, which may involve weekend and after hours support, as required
  • Troubleshoot BI tools, systems and software; optimize and performance-tune these applications as necessary
  • Manage daily database, data warehouse and BI system activities including problem logs, maintenance and change requests, and performance of routine maintenance including rebuilds, re-indexing, expansion and archiving
  • Assist data solution and decision support teams with service requests for extracts, reports and data feeds
  • Foster and encourage a team environment with the necessary depth of commitment to respond to dynamic and often unpredictable deadlines and priorities

Your experience and skills:

  • College diploma or university degree in computer science, business, finance, information technology or equivalent combination of experience
  • 5 years’ experience in an IT role such as systems analyst, technical support or database administrator
  • Advanced level experience with Oracle product suites, including GoldenGate 19
  • Strong knowledge of reporting and query tools and practices
  • Direct, hands-on experience with data analytics tools
  • Experience necessary in understanding of reconciliations and audits in ETL process to ensure accuracy of processes
  • Experience with data processing flowcharting techniques
  • Securities & Mutual Funds Related: Understanding of investment sales and dealer operations an asset
  • Excellent communication skills both written and oral and strong technical documentation ability
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with various levels of management, staff and external client
  • Fluent communication skills in English are required and bilingual skills in French are an asset

Why Aviso Wealth?

At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
Here are a few things that set us apart:

  • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
  • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
  • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
  • Matching contributions to our retirement program
  • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
  • Regular social events to foster teamwork

Equal Employment Opportunity

Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

No recruiters or agencies, please.

Company Overview:

Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


This position is posted with an expected salary range of $95,000 - $120,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Vice President, Sales, NEI Investments, Edmonton

Aviso Wealth:

At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

The Opportunity:

We’re looking for a VP, Sales to join the NEI Investments, Asset Management team.

This is a remote role, based in Edmonton, Alberta.

Reporting to the Regional VP Sales, the VP, Sales will focus on developing the specified region in terms of sales and asset growth. These will be achieved through assigned sales targets along with specified activity goals. Key activities include the development of annual territory sales plans and budgets; working directly with investment advisors to promote the application of Aviso’s solutions to meet needs of their investors.

Who you are:

  • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
  • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
  • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization

What your day looks like:

  • To learn and utilize a consultative sales process developed by our sales management team to focus on the needs of the Investment Advisor
  • Drive sales results for designated mutual fund suite of products within the assigned territory
  • Develop annual territory sales plan and budget to meet corporate objectives based on market and client data, including industry and regional trends, market factors, and sales process activities
  • Develop and maintain highest level professional relationships with advisors and intermediaries
  • Lead branch presentations, investor seminars, and other public speaking event
  • Develop and share ongoing best practices, sales, marketing and business development ideas and strategies with peers and advisors
  • Travel is a requirement of the job. This requirement can include multiples days away at a time, including evenings and weekends.

Your experience and skills:

  • Post-secondary degree/diploma in Business Administration or related field
  • CSC is required, and preference will be given to candidates who have CFA and MBA
  • 5+ years of investments sales experience
  • Energetic, and friendly individual with self-management skills
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Results-oriented individual that can continuously prospect to build and grow the assigned territory
  • Builds strategic relationships with the ability to handle difficult situations
  • Highly professional confident image with superior influencing skills
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills

Other Requirements:

  • A suitable and reliable vehicle is required

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.



    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $103,000 - $131,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

    See more jobs at Aviso Wealth

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    Supervisor, Trading, Qtrade, Contact Center

    Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Supervisor, Trading, Qtrade, Contact Center

    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We’re looking for a Supervisor, Trading, Qtrade, Contact Center to join our Qtrade Direct Investing team.

    Reporting to the Senior Manager, Client Solutions, the Supervisor is responsible for leading the Qtrade Investment Representatives (IR), ensuring delivery of customer service excellence.  This includes conducting quality service and trade accuracy reviews, coaching and development of your team of IRs, identifying training & development opportunities, career growth opportunities as well as ensuring recognition and motivation of your team.  We look for servant leaders, who understand that you are responsible for both your employee experience, and in turn, our exceptional investor experience. You will work alongside other Qtrade Managers and Supervisors to ensure the Qtrade team is aligned on goals and deliverables. This is a critical role in helping Qtrade to maintain, and improve, our reputation for great customer service.

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization
    • Leadership – You lead your team and provide regular direction, guidance, coaching, and motivation, all while striving for peak performance. You assist them in overcoming obstacles through additional resources, removal of roadblocks, and providing the level of support required for their success. You delegate and deliver feedback based on the in-depth understanding of your individual team members

    What your day looks like:

    • Cultivate a team of customer service experience Investment Representative superstars
    • Help to ensure that people know how they are doing, and that the effort being measured supports the goals of the organization
    • Fail fast and learn even faster
    • Coach and develop the team through regular discussions with a balanced scorecard approach using tools such as KPI’s, company values, quality monitoring, Voice of the Customer (VoC) and peer feedback to provide a well-rounded view of one’s overall performance
    • Champion a continuous improvement service philosophy.  Sets the standard to always have World Class customer service and challenges your team and peers to live up to the standard, thereby increasing our Voice of the Employee (VoE) and Voice of the Customer (VoC) results
    • Work with Trade Control to reach out to clients who encounter issues or who escalate

    Your experience and skills:

    • Registered as an IIROC Supervisor and Options Supervisor
    • Completion of the Professional Development and Compliance Requirements of each IIROC education cycle
    • Minimum 3 years of high performing experience as an Investment Representative/frontline trade contact centre role
    • Ideally 2 years of experience as a supervisor
    • Strong Market knowledge – trading systems, order management, corporate actions
    • Coaching and people management – know how to get the best out of your team
    • Excellent customer service skills and Contact Centre best practices
    • Fluent communication skills in English are required and bilingual skills in French are an asset
    • Large focus and ability to use metrics to strengthen the voice of our clients

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $70,000 - $85,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.


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    Service Designer, Temporary

    Aviso WealthVancouver,British Columbia,Canada, Remote Hybrid

    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Service Designer, Temporary

    Aviso Wealth:

    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We're looking for a Service Designer to join our Client Experience, Brand and Digital (CXBD) team for 12 months.

    Reporting to the Director, Service Design, the Service Designer is responsible for planning and delivering initiatives to understand user needs and map end-to-end user journeys. You are a consultative team player who will work collaboratively and influence across the organization to continuously iterate and improve employee and customer experiences. You understand the business value of being customer-centric and apply design methodologies to identify problems, build empathy, and explore future state experiences.

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization

    What your day looks like:

    • Lead end-to-end research initiatives including planning, performing, and analyzing generative research to understand current state experiences: recruit participants, create research plans, facilitate sessions, analyze and triangulate data, and form actionable insights
    • Present research findings and insights to all levels of stakeholders in the form of design artifacts such as personas, ecosystem maps, summary videos, experience maps, and service blueprints
    • Lead and facilitate ideation and prioritization activities with a cross-functional group of designers and stakeholders
    • Explore and evaluate future state experiences through service prototyping, concept validation, usability testing and other evaluative research methods
    • Contribute to improving service design operations through maintaining a digital research repository, managing an experience inbox, updating participant panels, developing templates, reviewing tools, and tracking incentives
    • Support the CXBD team in increasing customer centricity and design maturity across the organization
    • Provide research and design subject matter expertise to other internal departments as required

    Your experience and skills:

    • A Bachelor’s degree in Design, Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Psychology, or a related area is required. Graduate degree is preferred
    • 3 – 5 years of experience working in Service Design, User Research, or Design Strategy roles, or a similar field is required
    • Subject matter expertise in user-centered design process, design thinking, and service design is required
    • Proven skills in fundamental service design methods conducting in-depth interviews, contextual inquiries, diary studies, job shadowing, workshops, and concept testing is required
    • Proficiency with design and research tools such as TheyDo, Dovetail, UserTesting, Trend Watching, Figma, Miro, Adobe Creative Suite is required
    • Proven experience discovering, synthesizing and socializing actionable insights that have influenced business decisions and product roadmaps is required
    • Strong storytelling and presentation skills are required
    • Strong stakeholder management at the leadership level and influencing skills are required
    • Strong organizational skills and the ability to adapt to shifting priorities are required
    • Self-motivation and comfortable working in a complex, dynamic organization is required
    • Fluent communication skills in English are required and bilingual skills in French are an asset
    • Service design experience in the financial or wealth management industry is an asset

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $75,000 - $90,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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    Manager, Business Management

    Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Manager, Business Management

    Aviso Wealth:

    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We’re looking for a Manager, Business Management to join our Business Management team.

    Reporting to the Director, Business Management the Manager, is responsible for understanding & coordinating Dataphile releases, including enhancements, regulatory implementations & configuration changes with the Service, Operations and Compliance teams. The Manager will advocate for SOCON requirements & ensure that downstream impacts are understood and will be a key partner collaborate with internal and external stakeholders. The Manager will ensure all aspects of all Dataphile changes will be understood, documented and tested prior to deployment and that SOC Teams are prepared for the changes.

    The Manager is required to independently problem solve and make scope/priority decisions, the result of which will have a direct impact on our partners and internal operations.

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization
    • Leadership – You lead your team and provide regular direction, guidance, coaching, and motivation, all while striving for peak performance. You assist them in overcoming obstacles through additional resources, removal of roadblocks, and providing the level of support required for their success. You delegate and deliver feedback based on the in-depth understanding of your individual team members

    What your day looks like:

    • Actively ensure multi-team collaboration for system releases which includes stakeholder engagement, documentation and delivery
    • Coordinate and support internal and external teams with prioritization of critical issues and releases and drive responsibilities required for successful planned releases and hot fixes
    • Develop version control processes, policies and procedures working with Content Specialist & SOC L&D
    • Develop and maintain formal release records to track release content and history for systems across multiple lines of business
    • Coordinate SOCON resources with all aspects of deployment, including testing and communication
    • Work closely with Technology Solutions Partners and SOCON teams on identifying and resolving risks related to Dataphile deployments
    • Provide updates for knowledge management resources on releases
    • Coordinating with stakeholders for requirements, testing and release calendar of necessary components
    • Liasing with stakeholders and teams to ensure timely and successful delivery of releases
    • Forward plan the release window and cycles
    • Build SOC implementation plan for each release
    • Provide visibility to roadmap status and escalate issues/risks
    • Liaise with internal and external partners and stakeholders to analyze, define, document, and transform technical documentation into SOP/business requirements
    • Other duties as required

    Your experience and skills:

    • Post-secondary education in computer science, engineering, or related field, or related experience
    • 5+ years of release and/or project management experience
    • 5+ years of Dataphile experience
    • Working knowledge of software development cycles
    • Possess the ability to work under pressure, meet deadlines and be accountable for performance
    • Strong facilitation, negotiation skills, time management and organization skills with the ability to monitor and manage a variety of tasks simultaneously and to meet strict deadlines
    • Strong problem-solving skills with the ability to proactively identify issues, understand the business impact, identify solutions and provide recommendations
    • Excellent verbal, written and interpersonal communication skills. Fluent communication skills in English are required, and bilingual skills in French are an asset
    • Must be a self-motivator and self-starter
    • Proven record of high performance and achievement in past positions
    • Ability to multitask and successfully operate in a face paced team environment
    • Embrace change and successfully set and adjust priorities as needed
    • Proficient in Microsoft Office

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $90,000 - $100,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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    Tax Administrator

    Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote Tax Administrator

    Aviso Wealth:
    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We’re looking for a Tax Administrator to join our Operations team.

    Reporting to the Senior Manager, Tax, the Tax Administrator is primarily responsible for ensuring all Aviso Financial tax receipt audits are completed as per schedule deadlines. The Tax Administrator processes all tax monthly withholding tax remittances and delivered within SLA, CRA, MRQ and IRS filing deadlines. The Tax Administrator will ensure that all trustee and government regulatory requirements are met, and their knowledge is current on these requirements. They will work closely with the Reconciliation, Processing and Corporate Actions Department and will be responsible for tax slip production and delivery of the files to our print vendor. The Tax Administrator will participate in regular tax related industry conferences or group sessions and will work closely with the Manager of Tax to ensure all defined and documented processes are reviewed regularly.

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization

    What your day looks like:

    Duties and Regulatory Responsibilities

    • Ensure scheduled tax audits are processed and completed within deadlines
    • Ensure any transaction corrections are corrected and completed before tax production
    • Ensure all tax related requests received via the tax inbox and Creatio are addressed and completed within SLA deadlines
    • Responsible for Tax Slip Production and submission of files to DOXIM
    • Reviews all vendor portals before their deadlines to ensure all instructions are correct and current
    • Escalates any tax related issues that require management review and intervention
    • Stay current on both CRA, and IRS Qualified Intermediary/FATCA rules/CRS rules and regulations through the review of legislation, press releases, and industry information bulletins
    • Perform quality control on the daily duties of the junior tax reporting associates
    • Prepare and/or review year-end tax reporting forms for Plan and Non-Plan client accounts
    • Monitor CRA, MRQ, IRS, CIRO (formerly MFDA and IIROC) websites regularly for tax changes and share the information with the team update the manual accordingly
    • Gather information for the internal and external auditors
    • Offer operations support and service

    Audits and Risk Control

    • Review current process of monthly tax audits of tax reporting
    • Performs data validation checking tax reports against accounts in our internal system
    • Identify outstanding items and resolve these in a timely manner
    • Proactively identify and implement process improvements
    • Research and promptly resolve escalated issues
    • Ensure all discrepancies in clients accounts are escalated to the processing area to be address in a timely manner

    Tax Reconciliation and Remittance

    • Performs payroll tax remittances to CRA, MRQ and IRS and balancing of the tax internal control accounts vs CRA, MRQ and IRS payroll accounts
    • Process monthly withholding tax remittances to CRA, MRQ and IRS within deadline
    • Ensure accurate and timely charging and remittance of non-resident and back-up withholding taxes as required by regulation for both resident and non-resident clients

    Document Analysis and Maintenance

    • Maintain and document departmental procedures
    • Recommend and implement procedures to streamline workflow

    Your experience and skills:

    • Post-secondary education in accounting, business and/or financial administration
    • 4-6 years of experience in the financial services industry, preferably in tax reporting
    • Industry knowledge of CRA, and CIRO (formerly MFDA and IIROC) rules and regulations
    • Successful completion of the Canadian Securities Course or IFIC Operations Course would be an asset
    • Excellent communication skills. Fluent communication skills in English are required and bilingual skills in French are an asset
    • Ability to work independently and in a team
    • Excellent time management and organizational skills
    • Pro-active and superior problem solving abilities and strong analytical skills
    • Excellent customer service orientation
    • Extremely detail oriented and accurate
    • Ability to work well under pressure and meet time constraints
    • Intermediate computer skills in Word & Outlook; advanced skills in Excel and Access

    At Aviso, you’ll find a dynamic, entrepreneurial culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success. We offer a competitive compensation package, career enrichment, and regular social events to foster teamwork. Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $55,000 - $65,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote VP, Partnerships and Business Development, Direct Investing

    Aviso Wealth:

    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We’re looking for a Vice President, Partnerships & Business Development, Direct Investing to join our Direct Investing team.

    Reporting to SVP, Head of Direct Investing, the Vice President, Partnerships & Business Developments, Direct Investing will focus on generating and supporting sales within our distribution networks. As ambassador for Direct Investing business in the partner community, success is measured by delivering strong sales results, building long-lasting relationships, acting as exemplary sales coach, and having a genuine passion for reaching new heights. The Vice President, Partnerships & Business Development, Direct Investing will enhance existing partner relationships and seek new prospects to build the business. The incumbent is the sales coach and leader of our national Direct Investing sales team. This team provides sales support for Aviso’s Award Winning online brokerage platform Qtrade Direct Investing, and our robo-advice business Qtrade Guided Portfolio to a variety of Credit Union partners, wealth management firms, insurance companies and MGAs, which offer these services to their members/clients.

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization
    • Leadership – You lead your team and provide regular direction, guidance, coaching, and motivation, all while striving for peak performance. You assist them in overcoming obstacles through additional resources, removal of roadblocks, and providing the level of support required for their success. You delegate and deliver feedback based on the in-depth understanding of your individual team members

    What your day looks like:

    • Sales leader to National Sales team of business development specialists. As part of a comprehensive National sales and activity plan, the successful candidate will oversee, coach and assist sales team members with sales strategy development and implementation to assist in achieving sales goals and territory reassignment
    • Drive and seek out new institutional prospects to grow the National Accounts channel, directly bringing in new business
    • Provide leadership to the overall business and build strong relationships with Aviso business unit leaders to identify cross-opportunities
    • Develop and execute a comprehensive Sales plan to meet and exceed sales targets, consistent with Aviso’s overall business strategies and provide monthly reporting on sales activities and results
    • Manage the onboarding process for new partners and provide ongoing support of partner objectives
    • Develop a prospect plan to identify market opportunities for our online brokerage platform Qtrade Direct Investing, and our robo-advice business Qtrade Guided Portfolio
    • Take a consultative approach with our partners to provide value-add defined strategies to help grow their business
    • Proactive contributions to Aviso’s Direct Investing business initiatives and roadmap
    • Establish and build relationships with senior leadership of Aviso’s largest partner financial institutions, positioning the benefits of Direct Investing to their organization and client base
    • Identify partner concerns and related solutions. Lead and manage the issue resolutions internally to arrive at desired results
    • Work with Service Center to ensure partner service standards are met
    • Champion partner needs for enhancements to digital products and services, and ensure follow-through
    • Recruit, train and coach Direct Investing Sales Team. With the support of our People & Culture team, lead the recruitment, interview process, selection and training of new sales team members
    • Promote Aviso’s investment management and insurance offerings as opportunities arise
    • Leadership role in the ongoing development of sales materials and presentations
    • Involved in special projects as required
    • Manage expenses and those of your team members within an approved budget

    Your experience and skills:

    • Proven sales leadership as a sales coach/motivator and in the B2B space is an asset
    • Minimum 15 years experience as sales leader and in wealth management sector
    • Ability to think strategically and execute tactically with brilliance
    • Strong knowledge of sales management and coaching principles with a track record of applying the knowledge
    • Effective negotiator, with the ability to manage complex and critical issues
    • Deep knowledge of wealth management specifically in the areas of online brokerage and robo-advice businesses, financial planning and investment management
    • Strong business acumen in business development, relationship management, cross functional teams, entrepreneurial mindset and a bottom-line orientation
    • Extensive and meaningful relationships within the Canadian investment and wealth management industry particularly amongst credit unions and has strong relationships in the industry
    • Excellent verbal and written communication skills, presentation skills, and inter-personal skills
    • Successful at building long-lasting respected relationships with senior leaders
    • Demonstrated and proved experience in developing new business opportunities with potential partner companies and a hunter mentality
    • Effective influencer and builds quick credibility with external and internal partners
    • Proficiency in Salesforce, PowerPoint, Excel and Word
    • Ability to Travel

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $130 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $195,000 - $210,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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    HR Systems Lead - Workday

    Aviso WealthToronto,Ontario,Canada, Remote Hybrid

    Aviso Wealth is hiring a Remote HR Systems Lead - Workday


    At Aviso, we are dedicated to improving the financial well-being of Canadians. As a leading wealth management organization, we are committed to leadership, innovation, partnership, responsibility, and community. Working with talented and energetic professionals who exemplify our values every day, you will quickly notice that our people and dynamic ‘oneaviso’ culture sets us apart. If you are looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, find out more about what Aviso has to offer at

    The Opportunity:

    We’re looking for a HR Systems Lead (Workday) to join our .Total Rewards and HR Systems team.

    Reporting to the Director, Total Rewards & HR Systems, the HR Systems Lead will be responsible for strategy, implementation, support, and maintenance of HR systems. This role will analyze HRIS (Workday) performance, ensure data and integrations are maintained, and resolve system issues. This role will ensure system audits and control processes are put in place, as well as lead technical and functional requirements and configuration. The position will lead training sessions for end users and lead/support projects as required.  

    Who you are:

    • Service – You consider both internal and external stakeholders and demonstrate intent of understanding and putting the clients’ needs first. You advocate service excellence and work to deliver solutions that meet the needs. You proactively develop strategic partnerships that allow Aviso Wealth to become a trusted advisor and partner
    • Execution – You are committed to achieving your goals and to succeed. This includes focusing on “getting things done”, as well as recognizing and taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. You are consistently looking for ways to improve your personal best and see value in continuous improvement. You take accountability for your actions and learn from mistakes
    • Collaboration – You work collaboratively with others with the common goal of driving positive results. Making meaningful contributions to your team to achieve organizational goals is a priority. You proactively encourage collaboration, build trust and inclusion, and work to establish effective relationships both inside and outside of the organization
    • Leadership – You lead your team and provide regular direction, guidance, coaching, and motivation, all while striving for peak performance. You assist them in overcoming obstacles through additional resources, removal of roadblocks, and providing the level of support required for their success. You delegate and deliver feedback based on the in-depth understanding of your individual team members

    What your day looks like:

    • Responsible for the following main areas of accountability:
    1. Security assignments, access permissions and controls
    2. Functional requirements stemming from business processes
    3. Technical requirements stemming from integrations, security needs and data management
    4. Configuration of the system based on business need and end-user experience
    5. Training of end users to support adoption and usage
    6. Reporting
    • Manage projects to continually enhance and improve end-user adoption and experience
    • Oversee and manage all system maintenance, including the review, testing and implementation of releases, upgrades in partnership with the Information Technology (IT) department
    • Workday tenant management (Production, Sandboxes, Customer Central) including UAT support, release impact analysis and management, configurations, user settings and security assignments
    • Cross-functional collaboration between subject matter experts within HR, as well as IT to ensure proper design and operations of HR technology ecosystem
    • Analyzing downstream impacts of configurations and release updates to all Workday modules, non-Workday products and their touchpoints
    • Manage big data sets including Workday EIB (Enterprise Interface Builder) for mass loading and extraction of data from the system to support business process changes, cyclical HR programming, and auditing/quality control of organizational data
    • Conduct research to remain knowledgeable of industry standards, trends, and emerging HR technologies with a focus on product and service development, delivery and support.
    • Provide change management, training and engagement support for new functionality across systems
    • Monthly reporting on employee demographic information, vacation liability reporting, user adoption, usage statistics and value realization

    Your experience and skills:

    • Post-Secondary Degree/Diploma in Computer Science, Human Resources, Data Analytics, Information Systems Management, or related disciplines coupled with 5-7 years progressive experience in HRIS management
    • Intermediate to advanced proficiency in Human Capital Management (HCM) applications, recruitment and modules required (Workday, ADP), Power BI (preferred), and modular inter-connected system setups
    • Experience with system configuration, touchpoint analysis, release/update impact analysis, and business process maintenance
    • Experience in data validation and auditing techniques
    • Understanding of HR data analytics and reporting requirements
    • Project management principles and practices
    • Solid analytical and critical thinking skills including the ability to prepare, work with and consolidate large, multiple tab, linked worksheets and derive meaningful interpretations from multiple data sources
    • Highly resilient and comfortable in a fast-paced environment and can calmly navigate change
    • Exceptional collaboration and communication skills with a passion for providing exceptional client service and a focus on end-user experience
    • Demonstrated ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality and handle sensitive information
    • Experience in all phases of the implementation lifecycle in HR systems projects

    Why Aviso Wealth?

    At Aviso Wealth, you will find a dynamic and inclusive culture that rewards innovation and celebrates success.
    Here are a few things that set us apart:

    • Competitive compensation package that rewards and recognizes individual contributions
    • Excellent health, dental and insurance benefits to meet the diverse needs of our employees
    • Generous vacation time, fitness benefit, parental leave top-up options
    • Matching contributions to our retirement program
    • Commitment to the continuous improvement of our staff through learning & development and an education assistance program
    • Regular social events to foster teamwork

    Equal Employment Opportunity

    Aviso Wealth welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals including persons with disabilities. If you require an accommodation, we will work with you to meet your needs in all stages of the hiring process.

    We thank all applicants for their interest, however, only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

    No recruiters or agencies, please.

    Company Overview:

    Aviso is a leading wealth management and investment services provider for the Canadian financial industry, with over $125 billion in total assets under administration and management, and over 1,000 employees. We’re building a comprehensive, technology-enabled, client-centric wealth services ecosystem. Our clients include our partners, advisors, and investors. We’re a trusted partner for nearly all credit unions across Canada, in addition to a wide range of portfolio managers, investment dealers, insurance and trust companies, and introducing brokers. Our partners depend on Aviso for specific solutions that give them a competitive edge in a rapidly evolving, highly competitive industry. Our investment dealer and mutual fund dealer and our insurance services support thousands of investment advisors. Our asset manager, NEI Investments, specializes in investing responsibly. Our online brokerage, Qtrade Direct Investing®, empowers self-directed investors, and our fully automated investing service, Qtrade Guided Portfolios®, serves investors who prefer a hands-off approach. Aviso Correspondent Partners provides custodial and carrying broker services to a wide range of firms. We have offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, and Winnipeg. Aviso is backed by the collective strength of our owners: the credit union Centrals, Co-operators/CUMIS, and Desjardins. We’re proud to power businesses that empower investors.

    A career with Aviso means being part of a group of talented, energetic professionals who live their values every day, and belonging to an organization dedicated to your success and career development. If you’re looking for interesting and challenging work, at a company committed to its people, apply to join our team.


    This position is posted with an expected salary range of $100,000 - $120,000 CAD annually. Individual compensation packages are based on various factors unique to each candidate and the requirements of the position.

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