B2C Remote Jobs

111 Results


Middle Product Designer | 6037

GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle Product Designer | 6037

Шукаємо Middle Product Designer в 6037 до нашого продукту Title — #1 платформи для шопінгу з персональним стилістом, якою вже скористалися мільйони жінок з усього світу. Так, ми робимо жінок стильнішими та щасливішими!

Ми розробили мобільний застосунок та вебплатформу, і наразі активно їх розвиваємо. Завдяки інтегрованій системі консультацій з професійними стилістами, наш продукт допомагає користувачам створювати унікальні та стильні образи, враховуючи їхні особисті вподобання.

Твої майбутні виклики:

  • Створювати ефективні дизайн-рішення для різних користувацьких флоу, фокусуючись на зонах активації та утримання.
  • Адаптувати дизайн під різні платформи та канали (iOS, Admin Panel, Web Platform, корпоративний сайт, email-розсилки), забезпечуючи консистентність.
  • Генерувати різноманітні варіації дизайнів для A/B тестів на основі проведених досліджень і аналізу ринку, з метою підвищення ключових метрик.
  • Підтримувати та вдосконалювати дизайн-систему для забезпечення єдиного стилю та підходу до продукту.
  • Проводити інтерв'ю з користувачами англійською мовою, аналізувати їх потреби та будувати гіпотези, які в подальшому імплементуватимеш у продукт.

Переваги позиції:

  • Можливість впливати на продукт. Ми працюємо з тисячами користувачів і це відкриває величезний простір для експериментів.
  • Розвиток. За пів року роботи у нашій команді можна дізнатися в 10 разів більше, ніж в іншому місці. Ми активно ділимося експертизою та сприяємо розвитку команди.
  • Втілення своїх ідей в життя. Ми завжди відкриті до нових ідей та охоче допоможемо в їх реалізації.

Що для нас важливо:

  • Від 2 років корпоративного досвіду на позиції UI/UX Designer.
  • Досвід роботи з Figma та Photoshop.
  • Глибоке знання авто-лейаутів, компонентів і технічних аспектів iOS та веб-платформ.
  • Досвід проведення юзер-інтерв’ю англійською мовою. Володіння англійською на рівні Upper-Intermediate.
  • Відповідальність, готовність приймати рішення, а також надавати та приймати фідбек.
  • Уважність до деталей, проактивність і орієнтація на результат.

    Буде перевагою:

    • Досвід створення дизайн-системи.
    • Досвід проведення немодерованих та модерованих тестувань.

    Про нас:

    6037 — венчурне партнерство, що інвестує в перспективні продукти на ранніх етапах і перетворює їх на працюючі стійкі бізнеси за допомогою власної маркетингової, аналітичної та операційної експертизи.

    Наша місія — трансформувати Україну з аутсорс хабу на державу-продукт, побудувавши портфель з 20+ B2C SAAS продуктів — лідерів у своїх нішах.

    Наші цінності:

    • Оптимізм. Ми живемо, щоб бути щасливим і знаємо, що провал більшості спроб - єдиний шлях до цілі.
    • Відповідальність. Ми ставимося до бізнесу, як до власного, та приймаємо й оцінюємо рішення в такій парадигмі.
    • Ретельність. Ми не знаємо абсолютної більшості речей, але маємо енергію і терпіння досконально розібратися в декількох.

    Корпоративні бенефіти:

    • 6037
      • Можливість стати Партнером 6037 — ми вважаємо, що поодинці люди не створюють великі продукти та великі компанії. Будь-яке суттєве досягнення в корпоративному світі — реалізація сильної пристрасті групи вмотивованих професіоналів. Ми віримо, що залучення, розвиток і мотивація в довгу таких людей сьогодні не цікава і не можлива без сутності Партнерства.
      • All-inclusive офіс — ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі. Ми робимо все, щоб кожному було комфортно у затишному офісі в Києві або Львові — сніданки, обіди, масажний кабінет — це далеко не все, що чекає на тебе в нашому спейсі.
      • Anniversary Benefits — ми вдячні за відданість та внесок кожного члена команди, тому за кожну річницю компенсуємо до 2000$ за wellness або спорт: спа, персональні тренування, косметолог — будь-що, що приносить тобі радість та користь.
    • Genesis
      • Розвиток українського — можливість долучитись до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни.
      • Карʼєрне зростання — культура навчання сприяє швидкому розвитку колег. У середньому за рік у нас в команді зростає до 10 менеджерів. На тебе чекають великі профільні комʼюніті, за допомогою яких ти зможеш покращити свої hard skills, компенсація навчання, доступ до Genesis Academy.
      • Одні з кращих умов на ринку компаній в Україні — конкурентна винагорода, 20 робочих днів оплачуваної перерви, співпраця в рамках Дія Сіті, 100% оплату лікарняних, медичне страхування та безкоштовні онлайн-консультації з корпоративним лікарем.

    Якщо ти не шукаєш роботу, але маєш друзів або знайомих, які в пошуку — рекомендації вітаються. За рекомендацію на цю позицію ти отримаєш бонус $600 + $600 ми задонатимо у будь-який фонд підтримки ЗСУ за твоїм вибором!

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    Middle Product Manager (E-Com)

    GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

    Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle Product Manager (E-Com)

    Шукаємо Middle Product Manager-а в 6037 на продукт Title — #1 платформа для шопінгу з персональними стилістами, якою вже скористалися мільйони жінок з усього світу.

    Завдяки інтегрованій системі консультацій з професійними стилістами, наш продукт допомагає користувачам створювати унікальні та стильні образи, враховуючи їхні особисті вподобання.

    Наразі ми створюємо власний e-Commerce простір та шукаємо людину, яка розвиватиме даний напрямок продукту, покращуватиме шлях користувача від персоналізованих рекомендацій до отримання замовлення.

    Про продукт:

    • Продукт пропонує унікальний користувацький досвід, поєднуючи зручність онлайн-шопінгу з індивідуальними рекомендаціями від стилістів. Ти будеш працювати над продуктом, який має реальне значення для людей.
    • Платформа знаходиться на перетині технологій та моди, що робить її одним із найцікавіших і швидкозростаючих сегментів ринку. Індустрія персоналізованого шопінгу активно розвивається, і ти будеш працювати над продуктом, що знаходиться на передовій цього розвитку.
    • Продукт передбачає роботу з великими обсягами даних користувачів для покращення рекомендацій та персоналізації. Ти зможеш створювати більш ефективний продукт та покращувати користувацький досвід на основі даних.

    Твої майбутні виклики:

    • Участь у розробці стратегії продукту шляхом визначення його можливостей через аналіз ринкових тенденцій, показників продукту, відгуків користувачів та змін в індустрії.
    • Генерація та валідація гіпотез на підвищення продуктових та монетизаційних метрик через ongoing процес проведення а/б тестів.
    • Контроль процесу продуктової розробки на всіх етапах від ідеї до аналізу.
    • Проведення комплексного дослідження ринку, користувачів та конкурентів для пошуку точок росту продукту.

    Переваги позиції:

    • Наша команда розділяє прозору комунікацію, відкритий фідбек, швидке впровадження ідей та досягення фантастичних результатів. Ми прагнемо зробити цінний та якісний продукт, про котрий знає увесь світ і котрим користуються рідні.
    • Ми гарантуємо швидку прокачку у продакт менеджменті – з нами ти зможеш спробувати всі напрями цієї позиції за короткий проміжок часу та вирости до Product Lead → Head of Product.

    Що для нас важливо:

    • Від 2 років комерційного досвіду на позиції Product Manager, Category Manager, CRO Manager або E-Commerce Manager.
    • Особисті досягнення в складі продуктової команди, у тому числі кількісних цілей продукту.
    • Високі аналітичні здібності та логічне мислення, вміння інтерпретувати складні дані та робити практичні висновки.
    • Досвід роботи з потребами та проблемами користувачів: проведення та аналіз user interview, створення user journey, аналіз поведінки всередині продукту.
    • Досвід роботи з продуктовими інструментами, такими як Amplitude, Firebase, Figma.
    • Вільне спілкування англійською на рівні Upper Intermediate.

    Буде перевагою:

    • Досвід роботи з e-commerce платформами.
    • Досвід роботи з наступними метриками: CR2Cart, AOV, Cart Abandonment Rate, Repeat Purchase Rate, Time to Purchase.
    • Досвід пошуку точок росту продукту та валідація гіпотез а/б тестами, дослідженнями, іншими даними.
    • Глибоке розуміння принципів дизайну.

    Про нас:

    6037 — венчурне партнерство, що інвестує в перспективні продукти на ранніх етапах і перетворює їх на працюючі стійкі бізнеси за допомогою власної маркетингової, аналітичної та операційної експертизи.

    Наша місія — трансформувати Україну з аутсорс хабу на державу-продукт, побудувавши портфель з 20+ B2C SAAS продуктів — лідерів у своїх нішах.

    Наші цінності:

    • Оптимізм. Ми живемо, щоб бути щасливим і знаємо, що провал більшості спроб - єдиний шлях до цілі.
    • Відповідальність. Ми ставимося до бізнесу, як до власного, та приймаємо й оцінюємо рішення в такій парадигмі.
    • Ретельність. Ми не знаємо абсолютної більшості речей, але маємо енергію і терпіння досконально розібратися в декількох.

    Корпоративні бенефіти:

    • 6037
      • Можливість стати Партнером 6037 — ми вважаємо, що поодинці люди не створюють великі продукти та великі компанії. Будь-яке суттєве досягнення в корпоративному світі — реалізація сильної пристрасті групи вмотивованих професіоналів. Ми віримо, що залучення, розвиток і мотивація в довгу таких людей сьогодні не цікава і не можлива без сутності Партнерства.
      • All-inclusive офіс — ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі. Ми робимо все, щоб кожному було комфортно у затишному офісі в Києві або Львові — сніданки, обіди, масажний кабінет — це далеко не все, що чекає на тебе в нашому спейсі.
      • Anniversary Benefits — ми вдячні за відданість та внесок кожного члена команди, тому за кожну річницю компенсуємо до 2000$ за wellness або спорт: спа, персональні тренування, косметолог — будь-що, що приносить тобі радість та користь.
    • Genesis
      • Розвиток українського — можливість долучитись до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни.
      • Карʼєрне зростання — культура навчання сприяє швидкому розвитку колег. У середньому за рік у нас в команді зростає до 10 менеджерів. На тебе чекають великі профільні комʼюніті, за допомогою яких ти зможеш покращити свої hard skills, компенсація навчання, доступ до Genesis Academy.
      • Одні з кращих умов на ринку компаній в Україні — конкурентна винагорода, 20 робочих днів оплачуваної перерви, співпраця в рамках Дія Сіті, 100% оплату лікарняних, медичне страхування та безкоштовні онлайн-консультації з корпоративним лікарем.

    Якщо ти не шукаєш роботу, але маєш друзів або знайомих, які в пошуку — рекомендації вітаються. За рекомендацію на цю позицію ти отримаєш бонус $1000 + $1000 ми задонатимо у будь-який фонд підтримки ЗСУ за твоїм вибором!

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    E-Commerce Executive | 6037

    GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

    Genesis is hiring a Remote E-Commerce Executive | 6037

    Title is the world’s #1 styling service platform for women. We empower confidence by creating unique wardrobes through a wide range of personal shopping services. Powered by data and technology, our professional stylists deliver tailored, ready-to-purchase outfits for millions of women worldwide.

    We have set up our styling operations and are now looking for an E-Commerce Executive to lead the rollout of Title’s proprietary shopping platform and the establishment of our own apparel brands to create a vertically integrated fashion retailer.

    You will lead the entire e-commerce division, focusing on three key metrics during the first 18–36 months.

    1. Total GMV.
    2. Share of GMV attributable to own or partners’ brands.
    3. IOS and Web Apps CVRs.

    Future Challenges:

    • Ensuring the stable operation and efficiency of the e-commerce platform's subsystems, including assortment, recommendations, payment, delivery, and customer support.
    • Developing own apparel & accessories brands with overseas production and fulfillment.
    • Building a dedicated continuous CRO process with consistent delivery of CVRs uplift.

    Position Advantages:

    • Own a business division and build your team of 20+ employees with absolute freedom to make strategic and operational decisions.
    • Benefit from your leadership and responsibilities with an additional Profit-Sharing Plan for division financial performance.
    • Leverage existing multi-million audience and respective marketing budget to deliver the GMV from day 1 of the rollout stage.
    • Create meaningful social impact for Ukraine: we plan to promote Ukrainian brands worldwide through our production and strategic partnerships.

    Product and Market Insights:

    At Title, we leverage data and technology to deliver efficient onboarding and activation experiences, resulting in acquisition costs that are 2–3 times lower than those of our industry peers. Our target CVRs exceed benchmarks up to 4 times due to granular customization and efficient supply operations.

    The online clothing market is valued at approximately $150 billion in the US alone and is growing at an average of 10% annually, having already recovered from the COVID-19 downturn. Having witnessed the recent successes of e-commerce-only apparel shops, which today constitute the major part of the market, we launched operations in 2022 and have already surpassed the mark of 10 million+ registrations just in the US.

    Candidate Profile:

    • 5+ years of Corporate experience with 2+ years in a large e-commerce assuming n-1 role.
    • Distinctive experience in hiring, managing, and coordinating teams to deliver complex projects.
    • Strong analytical mindset and advanced business acumen.
    • Proficiency in e-commerce CRO processes as well as business operations.
    • Deep understanding of cross-border apparel supply chains.
    • C1 English level, allowing for full autonomy in a native English-speaking country.

    Additional Preferred Qualifications:

    • Knowledge of crucial B2C SaaS product metrics and their interrelationships.
    • Genuine interest in the e-commerce apparel market.
    • Experience in launching e-commerce projects in different markets.

    About Us:

    6037 is a Venture Partnership that invests in promising early-stage products, transforming them into sustainable businesses through our marketing, analytical, and operational expertise.

    Our mission is to transform Ukraine from an outsourcing hub to a product-driven nation by building a portfolio of 20+ top-notch niche B2C SaaS products.

    Our Values:

    • Optimism. We believe that failure is a necessary step towards success.
    • Ownership. We treat the business as our own and make decisions accordingly.
    • Diligence. We may not know everything, but we have the energy and patience to master a few things completely.


    • 6037
      • Partnership Opportunity: We believe great products and companies are built by passionate teams, not individuals. Through partnerships, we aim to attract, develop, and motivate such people.
      • All-Inclusive Office: You can work remotely, but we welcome you to our cozy offices in Kyiv or Lviv, complete with breakfasts, lunches, and a massage room.
      • Anniversary Benefits: We appreciate loyalty and contribution, offering up to $2000 annually for wellness or sports.
    • Genesis
      • Support Ukrainian Products: Join us in creating Ukrainian products and boosting our country's economy.
      • Career Growth: Our learning culture promotes rapid development, with an average of 10 managers advancing each year. Enjoy professional communities, compensated learning, and access to Genesis Academy.
      • Top Market Conditions: Competitive compensation, 20 working days of paid leave, cooperation within Diia City, 100% sick leave coverage, medical insurance, and free online consultations with a corporate doctor.

    If you're not looking for a job but know someone who is, referrals are welcome! For a referral, you’ll receive a $3000 bonus + $3000 donation to any support fund for the Armed Forces of Ukraine of your choice!

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    Instacart is hiring a Remote Group Product Manager, Enterprise

    We're transforming the grocery industry

    At Instacart, we invite the world to share love through food because we believe everyone should have access to the food they love and more time to enjoy it together. Where others see a simple need for grocery delivery, we see exciting complexity and endless opportunity to serve the varied needs of our community. We work to deliver an essential service that customers rely on to get their groceries and household goods, while also offering safe and flexible earnings opportunities to Instacart Personal Shoppers.

    Instacart has become a lifeline for millions of people, and we’re building the team to help push our shopping cart forward. If you’re ready to do the best work of your life, come join our table.

    Instacart is a Flex First team

    There’s no one-size fits all approach to how we do our best work. Our employees have the flexibility to choose where they do their best work—whether it’s from home, an office, or your favorite coffee shop—while staying connected and building community through regular in-person events. Learn more about our flexible approach to where we work.



    About the role -In this role you take a leading role shaping Instacart’s enterprise eCommerce  solutions for retailers - aka how we enable retailers to have Owned & Operated experiences on par with what we offer customers directly through the Instacart App.  This area is a company-wide priority, and you will be expected to wear a “GM” hat coordinating efforts across all tech teams, and representing those efforts externally.


    About the Team -This role will partner closely with a dedicated team of engineers, designers and data scientists. Beyond the direct team, this role will help drive priorities across all teams at Instacart who develop platform capabilities relevant to our Enterprise solution.


    About the Job 

    • You will win the product strategy for Instacart’s enterprise eCommerce solutions.
    • You will lead a small product team focused on features and functionality specific to our enterprise eCommerce solutions.
    • You will work closely with product teams and retailer facing teams from across the company to define and execute on a roadmap that spans the entire company.
    • You will be the one of the primary  faces of Instacart’s enterprise eCommerce solutions with retailers.
    • You will define processes and incentives that ensure teams across IC are developing Enterprise grade solutions. 

    About You

    Minimum Qualifications

    • Proven track record of delivering Enterprise products.
    • Previous experience managing PMs.
    • Strong product strategy skills - you have crafted product strategies that have spanned multiple teams and which delivered company level impact spanning multiple  years.
    • Experience working directly with external partners as part of product delivery.
    • 5+ years of experience as a product manager.

    Preferred Qualifications

    • Experience leading product teams or mentoring more junior PMs.
    • B2C or B2B2C experience, preferably in the eCommerce space.
    • Experience working in early stage / hyper growth focused companies.
    • Experience leading processes spanning product teams beyond your own (e.g., roadmapping).
    • Previous experience in consulting, or other strategy focused roles.

    Instacart provides highly market-competitive compensation and benefits in each location where our employees work. This role is remote and the base pay range for a successful candidate is dependent on their permanent work location. Please review our Flex First remote work policyhere.

    Offers may vary based on many factors, such as candidate experience and skills required for the role.Additionally, this role is eligible for a new hire equity grant as well as annual refresh grants. Please read more about our benefits offeringshere.

    For US based candidates, the base pay ranges for a successful candidate are listed below.

    CA, NY, CT, NJ
    $243,000$270,000 USD
    $233,000$259,000 USD
    OR, DE, ME, MA, MD, NH, RI, VT, DC, PA, VA, CO, TX, IL, HI
    $223,000$248,000 USD
    All other states
    $202,000$224,000 USD

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    Digital Guest Experience Manager

    VAWAAUnited States - Remote

    VAWAA is hiring a Remote Digital Guest Experience Manager

    About VAWAA

    At VAWAA.com(Vacation With An Artist), we are on a mission to offer immersive, one-on-one creative experiences with master artists from around the world. In an increasingly digital world, VAWAA provides a unique opportunity to connect with global artists, learn traditional crafts, and experience local cultures first-hand. Our goal is to honor and celebrate craft while helping master artists pass down their knowledge to future generations, making a small but meaningful contribution to preserving these timeless traditions. We’ve curated over 150 artists across 35 countries, offering life-changing travel experiences that feed creativity and nourish the soul.

    We are assembling a team of agile, culturally fluent, entrepreneurial-minded talent to craft the vision strategy and tactics to help scale the brand.

    Role Overview

    The Digital Guest Experience Manager is a dynamic opportunity for a people-driven, entrepreneurial individual to shape exceptional end-to-end experiences for VAWAA guests globally. Working closely with the Founder and team, you’ll play a key role in facilitating transformative creative journeys for our customers. Your focus will be on converting online inquiries into bookings, offering personalized guidance, and managing communications from pre- to post-VAWAA. This includes processing bookings, handling payments, and providing follow-up support. The ideal candidate will bring a blend of sales expertise, creativity, cultural fluency, and business acumen to deliver a seamless, world-class service to our guests.

    What we're looking for

    • Experience: You’ve spent at least 2 years in a B2C digital customer service role at an early-stage or fast-growing startup.
    • World Traveler: You’ve traveled solo, navigate new places and languages with ease, and make friends wherever you go. Unexpected challenges? You handle them like a pro.
    • Lifelong Learner: You're constantly signing up for immersive experiences and driven by creating exceptional moments for others.
    • Customer Advocate: You intuitively understand the hesitations around booking big trips online and know how to guide, motivate, and reassure people through the decision-making process.
    • Clear Communicator: You have the ability to convey complex information simply and accurately, while adapting tone to diverse guest needs. You write persuasively and with precision.
    • Tech-Savvy: A digital native, you leverage technology to work smarter, engage online, and solve problems efficiently.
    • Problem Solver: You anticipate issues before they arise and can confidently tackle unexpected challenges with resourcefulness.
    • Detail-Oriented: Ultra-organized with a strong operational mindset. You create systems to streamline tasks and never miss a detail—balancing quality and speed effortlessly.
    • Cultural Knowledge: You’re familiar with global arts, design, crafts, and cultural trends.
    • Work Ethic: Self-starter, hardworking, and impact-driven. No complainers here—we want someone ready to step up and make things happen.
    • Flexibility: With customer inquiries driving our 7-day-a-week business, you're willing to cover as needed and committed to timely responses.

      What you'll do

      • Facilitate life-changing travel and creative experiences across the globe.
      • Leverage your sales skills to convert inquiries into bookings, providing personalized guidance and follow-ups throughout the decision-making process.
      • Manage communications with multiple customers at various stages—from initial inquiry to post-experience—using smart tools to ensure timely, accurate responses without missing any details.
      • Coordinate booking-related communication with artists across time zones, ensuring seamless collaboration.
      • Process, confirm, and manage all customer bookings, payments, refunds, rescheduling, cancellations, promo codes, and gift cards with precision through our backend systems.
      • Identify upsell opportunities to maximize customer value.
      • Prepare customers with essential pre-travel information and resolve any individual issues that arise.
      • Collect and organize post-experience feedback, photos, and reviews to foster repeat customers and referrals.
      • Surpass customer expectations, consistently delivering an extraordinary experience.
      • Build lasting relationships within the VAWAA community, creating loyal, long-term customers.
      • Collaborate with the Marketing Manager to showcase customer stories and highlight positive experiences.
      • Monitor key metrics, providing feedback and actionable insights to improve customer experience and operational efficiency.
      • Optimize the booking flow to minimize friction and scale operations while maintaining human and personalized touches.
      • Work efficiently with daily tools such as Slack, Streak, Customer.io, Notion, Google Documents, Trello, and Mailchimp.

        What you can expect

        • Mission-Driven: We are leading the way in crafting the best creative experiences. Growth will be thoughtful but urgent.
        • Core Team Impact: You’ll be part of the core team shaping VAWAA’s future and direction.
        • Curiosity & Creativity: Our culture values curiosity, creative thinking, and constant learning—fostering an environment of excellence.
        • Ownership & Accountability: We lead with optimism, tenacity, and courage—taking ownership at every level.
        • Perks & Benefits: Health and dental benefits, a complimentary VAWAA experience each year, and company swag.
        • Global Community: Be part of a creative, global community of artists, makers, and diverse thinkers.
        • Compensation: $55K–$65K based on experience, plus stock options. For experienced candidates, we can discuss additional equity compensation.

        We are based in New York, but open to remote applications from within the US.

        Tip: Cover Letters that include a link to a short 5 min video explaining why you are the best person for this role will be given preference.


        As a Equal Opportunity Employer, VAWAA will consider all qualified applicants regardless of color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital or family status, disability, gender identity or expression, veteran status, actual or presumed belonging to an ethnic group, or any other legally protected status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know.

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        Catering Director


        sweetgreen is hiring a Remote Catering Director

        The Catering Directorwill enable future digital growth of sweetgreen by meeting the customer where they are and how they want to order.

        Key Responsibilities:

        • Operations - lead daily operations across team to execute successful deliveries and support with partners and Logistics cross functionally. 
        • Cross Functional Partnership -partner with internal teams including logistics, marketing, sales, operations, customer support to drive growth.
        • Relationship Management - Manage key external partner relationships, both big and small, ensuring mutually beneficial terms and channel growth. Explore new partnerships with b2b partners as well as expand our existing relationships including EZCater and Fooda.
        • Marketing- partner with Marketing to execute strategies for marketing to various customers to drive additional revenue and improve the experience of catering customers along with packaging ideas.
        • Sales - Drive new sales through lead generation and sales team enablement.
        • Problem Solving - use your diverse background to impact a high growth opportunity in whatever way possible. Each day will be different and the project will be unique and you thrive from that culture and challenge.
        • Do the dirty work - enjoy taking a partner call as much as setting strategy, brainstorming a new marketing opportunity and pitching new ideas internally.


        • 10+ years experience in account management, partner support or sales/marketing service, ideally in a startup environment where you experienced growth from small to large and you made an impact leading to significant directly-attributable revenue growth, building and leading diverse teams.
        • Experience hiring, managing and leading diverse teams
        • Knowledge of sales, growth marketing strategy and operational know-how within B2B and/or B2C startups
        • Experience with the selling a product at the intersection of the physical and digital
        • Proven leader who can grow stretch from key individual contributor to cross functional lead depending on the task at hand 
        • Proven expertise in cross-functional communication and representation of the company externally with partners
        • Outstanding communication skills rooted in clarity and factual analysis
        • Experience with data-driven decisioning and A/B testing frameworks
        • Passion for the fusion of food and technology
        • Experience with restaurants, retail or hospitality preferred

        This job posting is for a remote role and may be performed in states where Sweetgreen has locations. The pay range for this position may be narrower than that displayed, depending on where the role is performed.

        What you'll get:

        • Highly competitive pay + bonus plan
        • Three different medical plans to suit your and your family's needs
        • Dental and Vision insurance
        • Flexible PTO plan
        • 401k program
        • Employee HSA and FSA
        • Complimentary greens
        • An opportunity to make a real impact on the people around you, both by growing them and by connecting them to real food
        • To live the sweetlife and celebrate your passion + purpose
        • A collaborative team of people who live our core values and have your back
        • A clear career path with opportunities for development, both personally and professionally
        • Free sweetgreen swag


        Come join the sweetlife!

        About sweetgreen

        sweetgreen is on a mission to build healthier communities by connecting people to real food. We passionately believe that real food should be convenient and accessible to everyone. Every day in each sweetgreen, our 3,500 team members make food from scratch, using fresh ingredients and produce delivered that morning. And in our local communities, we’re committed to leaving people better than we found them. We’re in the business of feeding people, and we’re out to change what that means.

        sweetgreen provides equal opportunities for everyone that works for us and everyone that applies to join our team, without regard to sex or gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, any service, past, present, or future, in the uniformed services of the United States (military or veteran status), or any other consideration protected by federal, state, or local law.

        sweetgreen participates in the federal government's E-Verify program to determine employment eligibility. To learn more about the E-Verify program, please click here.

        Salary range for this role:
        Starting salary range based on experience
        $150,000$160,000 USD
        sweetgreen provides equal opportunities for everyone that works for us and everyone that applies to join our team, without regard to sex or gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, race, religious creed, color, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, any service, past, present, or future, in the uniformed services of the United States (military or veteran status), or any other consideration protected by federal, state, or local law.
        California residents: Review our applicant privacy notice HERE.
        sweetgreen participates in the federal government's E-Verify program to determine employment eligibility. To learn more about the E-Verify program, please click here.

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        Senior Product Manager, Monetization

        GrammarlyUnited States; Hybrid

        Grammarly is hiring a Remote Senior Product Manager, Monetization

        Grammarly is excited to offer aremote-first hybrid working model. Grammarly team members in this role must be based in San Francisco and, depending on business needs, they must meet in person for collaboration weeks, traveling if necessary to the hub(s) where their team is based.

        This flexible approach gives team members the best of both worlds: plenty of focus time along with in-person collaboration that fosters trust and unlocks creativity.

        About Grammarly

        Grammarly is the world’s leading AI writing assistance company, trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 professional teams daily. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly’s product offerings help people at 96% of the Fortune 500 get their point across—and get results. Grammarly has been profitable for over a decade because we’ve stayed true to our values and built an enterprise-grade product that’s secure, reliable, and helps people do their best work—without selling their data. We’re proud to be one of Inc.’s best workplaces, a Glassdoor Best Place to Work, one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Companies, and one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in AI.

        The Opportunity

        We’re seeking a Senior Product Manager to join our Monetization team within Growth and help us achieve our ambitious goals. This person will be critical in leading and executing our company’s strategy to drive paid customer retention.

        As a Senior Product Manager on the Monetization team, you will partner closely with our cross-functional teams to optimize our paid retention funnel and drive renewal rates for Grammarly. Your work will reach millions of paid customers each week as they engage with the product and make subscription decisions. Your goal is to create a compelling cancellation and win-back experience to drive paid user renewal.

        Candidates must have a proven track record of successfully driving monetization objectives in one or more of the following areas: conversion, expansion, and retention.

        In this role, you will:

        • Develop a vision, strategy, and roadmap for paid customer renewal for students, professionals, and teams.
        • Employ user testing, quantitative analysis, and experimentation to inform decisions, test hypotheses, and measure the impact of projects. Influence the roadmap of our Data & Analytics teams, ensuring we have the necessary information for product decisions readily available.
        • Partner with engineers, product designers, content designers, data scientists, marketers, and user researchers to develop comprehensive paid renewal strategies
        • Own a significant portion of Grammarly’s growth goals in 2024/2025. Present progress, insights, and recommendations for these goals to senior leadership on a regular basis.


        • Has experience with one or more of the following - B2B and/or B2C Growth, conversion, expansion, and renewals journey.
        • Has proven success in driving key monetization metrics, such as upgrade rates, bookings, and renewal rates. Geeks out on growth strategy, user psychology, and monetization goals.
        • Is strongly data-oriented, using metrics and experimentation to drive decisions whenever possible. Can uplevel how the XFN team thinks about data.
        • Demonstrates the ability to drive projects in close partnership with cross-functional teams.
        • Is highly strategic but also hands-on when needed. Can see and plan for both the near- and long-term. Connects team priorities to the company and product vision, translating them into an actionable roadmap.
        • Embodies our EAGER values — is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.
        • Is inspired by our MOVE principles, which are the blueprint for how things get done at Grammarly: move fast and learn faster, obsess about creating customer value, value impact over activity, and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.
        • Can collaborate in person 2-3 weeks per quarter, traveling if necessary to the San Francisco hub where the team is based.

        Compensation and Benefits

        Grammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: 

        • Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)
        • Disability and life insurance options
        • 401(k) and RRSP matching 
        • Paid parental leave
        • 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and flexible sick time 
        • Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)
        • Annual professional development budget and opportunities

        Grammarly takes a market-based approach to compensation, which means base pay may vary depending on your location. Our US locations are categorized into two compensation zones based on proximity to our hub locations.

        Base pay may vary considerably depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The expected salary ranges for this position are outlined below by compensation zone and may be modified in the future.

        San Francisco: 
        Zone 1: $240,000 – $270,000/year (USD)

        For more information about our compensation zones and locations where we currently support employment, please refer to this page. If a location of interest is not listed, please speak with a recruiter for additional information. 

        We encourage you to apply

        At Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada). 




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        Experimental Paid Media Analyst (Creative Strategy & Testing)

        mllnnlBrooklyn, New York, Remote

        mllnnl is hiring a Remote Experimental Paid Media Analyst (Creative Strategy & Testing)

        Job Description

        We are seeking an Experiential Designer & Analyst to spearhead creative performance analysis and testing across paid social media platforms like Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn, and others. In this role, you will be responsible for both analyzing data and formulating creative testing strategies to improve campaign outcomes. You will be a key player in interpreting performance metrics, proposing creative optimizations, and ensuring data-driven decisions lead to successful campaigns.

        Key Responsibilities

        • Creative Testing & Strategy: Design and implement creative tests, including A/B testing and multivariate testing, to optimize performance for paid social campaigns.

        • Data-Driven Analysis: Serve as the primary analyst responsible for reviewing creative performance metrics (e.g., CTR, CPA, engagement rates). Use these insights to make recommendations for creative improvements and new test proposals.

        • Performance Reporting:Regularly report on the effectiveness of creative assets and campaign tests, identifying patterns and areas for optimization.

        • Conceptual Proposals: Lead the ideation and proposal of new creative concepts based on data analysis, working closely with design and media teams.

        • Trend Analysis:Stay ahead of industry trends, particularly on Meta, LinkedIn, and TikTok, to introduce innovative creative formats and experiences.

        • Collaboration:Work with media buyers and creative teams to align creative strategies with overall media and business goals, ensuring continuous performance improvements.

        • End-to-End Ownership: Own the full lifecycle of creative performance analysis, from initial data collection and hypothesis formulation to testing and optimization.


        • 3-5+ years in a role focused on paid social media, creative strategy, and performance analysis, preferably with Meta and LinkedIn.

        • Proficiency in paid social media platforms (Meta Ads Manager, LinkedIn Campaign Manager) with a deep understanding of how creative impacts performance.

        • Strong data analysis skills, with experience interpreting metrics and translating them into actionable insights.

        • Expertise in A/B testing, multivariate testing, and performance tracking for digital campaigns.

        • Proven ability to propose creative optimizations based on performance insights.

        • Analytical mindset with creative problem-solving capabilities.

        • Strong communication and presentation skills to articulate data insights and creative recommendations.

        • Ability to work independently and manage multiple testing and optimization initiatives simultaneously.

        Preferred Skills

        • Experience with Google Analytics and other performance tracking tools.

        • Background in performance marketing, with experience in both B2B and B2C environments.

        Salary Range

        • Depending upon experience, salary range is between $80,000 - $100,000. 

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        Privacy Analyst

        GrammarlyUnited States; Hybrid

        Grammarly is hiring a Remote Privacy Analyst

        Grammarly team members in this role must be based in San Francisco, New York or Seattle and they must be able to collaborate in person 2 to 3 days per week.

        About Grammarly

        Grammarlyis the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 teams. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly helps people at 96% of the Fortune 500 and teams at companies like Atlassian, Databricks, and Zoom get their point across—and get results—with best-in-class security practices that keep data private and protected. Founded in 2009, Grammarly is No. 14 on the Forbes Cloud 100, one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Companies, one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in AI, and one of Inc.’s Best Workplaces.

        The Opportunity 

        To achieve our ambitious goals, we are seeking a Privacy Analyst to become a vital part of our Legal team, collaborating on exciting privacy and data protection projects. This role involves tackling novel legal and technical issues related to privacy and data protection and contributing to building a world-class legal team. At the core of this position is a remarkable opportunity to make a significant impact by ensuring Grammarly maintains the trust of millions of daily users. This role will work cross-functionally with our Engineering, Product, Marketing, Compliance, Trust, and Communications teams. 

        As a Privacy Analyst, you’ll excel by analyzing our privacy compliance posture and participating in privacy and data protection projects at the intersection of law, business, and technology. As a member of the Grammarly Legal Team, you will also help develop the team’s culture through exemplary care for others and a solid commitment to finding creative solutions to complex questions. This role reports to the Head of Product, Privacy, and Policy.

        In this role, you will:

        • Manage Grammarly's vendor privacy review process, including running diligence on vendors’ privacy practices and reviewing Data Processing Agreements, Data Transfer Agreements, etc.
        • Collaborate in performing data protection impact assessments and guiding different Grammarly teams across Engineering, Product, and Design with legal and technical privacy recommendations.
        • Draft and update playbooks and self-serve resources to educate and empower our partner teams
        • Participate as needed alongside Legal counsel in calls with sales prospects and existing customers.
        • Participate in the ISO, SOC 2, and other privacy controls management processes and audits.
        • Maintain Grammarly's privacy records and establish best practices for scale.
        • Lead privacy and data protection training.
        • Help with program development, improving privacy work intake and triage, and building our privacy tech stack.


        • Has the ability to manage multiple projects, stakeholders, priorities, and deadlines.
        • Is comfortable working with cross-functional teams and advising senior leaders on risk mitigation to ensure we take the optimal path.
        • Communicates clearly and empathetically both face-to-face and in writing.
        • Demonstrates strong analytical skills and proficiency in privacy and data protection laws, frameworks, and standards with the ability to translate complex issues into actionable legal guidance.
        • Passionate about privacy and data protection and how it intersects with technology, law, and business.
        • 4+ years of experience in a privacy role at a high-growth company, advising on legal and technical privacy issues.
        • Experience with B2B and B2C SaaS.
        • CIPP/E, CIPP/US, CIPT, or similar certification preferred.
        • Embodies our EAGER values—is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.
        • Is inspired by our MOVE principles, which are the blueprint for how things get done at Grammarly: move fast and learn faster, obsess about creating customer value, value impact over activity, and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.

        Compensation and Benefits

        Grammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: 

        • Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)
        • Disability and life insurance options
        • 401(k) and RRSP matching 
        • Paid parental leave
        • 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and flexible sick time
        • Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)
        • Annual professional development budget and opportunities.
        Zone 1: $123,000 – $169,000/year (USD)

        We encourage you to apply

        At Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).



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        Manager, Retention Marketing

        Purple CarrotChicago,Illinois,United States, Remote Hybrid

        Purple Carrot is hiring a Remote Manager, Retention Marketing

        About Purple Carrot

        Purple Carrot started with just a seed of an idea in 2014. Our vision is a world where plant-based eating is at the core of living well. Every day, on this mission, we’re breaking boundaries with plant-based eating. We value learning from customers, an ownership mindset, integrity, winning together, and being bold. We need your expertise on our team to make things happen!

        Purple Carrot’s irresistible, globally-inspired meal-kit recipes and prepared meals using fresh ingredients are available in the U.S. and Japan. We are a team of collaborative individuals who drive for results, strive for doing better, make good choices quickly, and embrace a growth mindset to win or learn. Here’s what you’re up for!


        We are looking for a Manager of Retention Marketing to join our mission-driven team. As an integral part of a Marketing department, you will join forces with the Assoc. Director of Retention and Loyalty (to whom you will also report) in our continued effort to inspire people to eat more plants! 

        We are looking for candidates who have a knack for turning emails, push notifications, SMS and in-app messages into captivating customer experiences. You are passionate about the customer journey and know how to create campaigns that keep customers craving more of our plant-based products. This position will play an important role in building lasting connections with our customers through timely, relevant, and targeted campaigns that help shape personalized experiences across our diverse customer base.

        As the Manager of Retention Marketing you will be focused on developing and executing retention strategies across email, push, SMS, and in-app messages. You’ll work closely with cross-functional teams to build an engaging customer journey using a fail or learn mentality to fine-tune strategies and amplify campaign effectiveness. 

        We greatly thank all applicants, however only those under serious consideration will be contacted.


        • This role will work out of the Chicago office and will work in a hybrid model (2 days onsite) 

        On the Plate 

        • Lead end-to-end development and execution of recurring omnichannel campaigns to drive retention and increase LTV, ensuring campaigns are executed flawlessly and that milestones are met on time.
        • Understand and own the data and events that trigger our programs, building in checks and automating processes to streamline and work more efficiently.
        • Champion a culture of customer-centricity within the organization, promoting a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences across the customer lifecycle.
        • Identify opportunities for audience segmentation to drive specific actions and enhance how we connect with customers.
        • Spearhead efforts to increase the sophistication of our program through an understanding – and implementation – of industry best practices, current trends, and new technologies.
        • Own the testing roadmap for retention channels, delivering a test and learn agenda around customer segmentation, offer and creative formats, and continual optimization of programs.

        Main Ingredients for the Role 

        • 6+ years B2C, DTC industry experience with a focus on campaign management.
        • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, or related field, or equivalent experience.
        • Demonstrated record of executing large-scale, complex, B2C email/sms/push/in-app campaigns.
        • Ability to translate strategy and vision into capability requirements for product/tech teams.
        • Experience developing actionable creative briefs and provided constructive feedback on creative work.
        • Braze experience and comfortability building campaigns utilizing html and liquid logic.
        • Experience designing and implementing A/B, holdout, and multivariate tests.
        • Comfortability using Google Analytics, Business Intelligence Tools, SQL.
        • Deep understanding of how to cross-functionally coordinate in a growing marketing department.
        • A customer-centric mindset with experience using customer insights (qual and quant) to inform business strategy and day-to-day decision-making.
        • Strategic thinking. You think with a vision and can balance between the big picture and immediate action.

        Extra Special Sauce

        • Strong sense of ownership and entrepreneurial spirit
        • Strong collaboration and problem solving skills
        • Relentlessly high standards and meticulous attention to detail


        We love our staff, and show it with benefits (including but not limited to medical, dental, vision, FSA, and life insurance), matching retirement plan, unlimited paid time off, Purple Carrot box allowance, professional development, and the opportunity to work in collaboration with teammates who are passionate about food!

        Final Touches

        Purple Carrot’s top priority is protecting the health and wellbeing of our team and candidates. The majority of our interviews and assessments occur virtually. If there is a need to interview onsite, we follow COVID-19 guidance from the CDC, WHO, and any state guidelines .

        We are committed to a safe and inclusive work environment, free of discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, genetics, national origin, ancestry, age, medical condition, mental or physical disability, handicap, veteran status, or marital status.

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        Foreign Exchange Digital Marketing Analyst

        NextRollSydney office or Australia Remote
        Sales2 years of experienceB2CDesign

        NextRoll is hiring a Remote Foreign Exchange Digital Marketing Analyst

        As a Digital Marketing Analyst for AdRoll, you'll dive deep into the rapidly expanding Foreign Exchange and Cryptocurrency verticals, driving insights and trends that empower our Account Managers to thrive. You’ll have a direct impact on helping clients unlock growth in these high-energy, constantly evolving markets.

        This role is all about combining your knowledge of foreign exchange (FX) and crypto markets with your passion for digital marketing to fuel online engagement and help our clients win big. You'll be the go-to expert, turning trends into actionable insights, creating powerful customer-facing resources, and enabling our account management team to crush their retention and growth goals. By bridging the gap between AdRoll’s innovative tools and our Account Managers, you'll be crafting compelling stories that leverage both internal and external data trends.

        This is a 6-month temporary position with the potential to convert to a full-time permanent position in 2025.

        This role is open in Sydney or Australia Remote.

        Unsure that you check all the boxes? You should still apply! We’ll review your application for other opportunities. We're always on the lookout for talented people and we're committed to developing each employee's career with over 1,800 training classes offered every year.

        The impact you’ll make: 

        • Market Analysis: Monitor online trends, economic indicators, and geopolitical events that impact FX markets to identify marketing opportunities.
        • AdRoll analysis: use internal tools to provide insights on key metrics for current FX customers and merge this with findings from market analysis for a concise and polished client facing product
        • Digital Strategy: Advise on recommended digital marketing strategies tailored to the FX market, focusing on SEO, PPC, social media, email marketing, and content marketing.
        • Content Creation: Produce high-quality, relevant content (slides and one pagers) that educates and engages our key customers about FX trends and strategies, in AdRoll branding
        • Reporting: Prepare detailed reports on digital marketing performance, market trends, and campaign ROI, presenting insights and recommendations to stakeholders. Report this to AMs, and track usage and uplift of this collateral
        • Attribution expert: has experience in attribution challenges and stay across industry trends and resources in this area, and join meetings to deliver this to the customer.

        Skills you’ll bring:

        • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Finance, Economics, Digital Media, or a related field. Professional certification (e.g., Google Analytics, Google Ads) is a plus
        • Minimum of 1-2 years of experience in digital marketing
        • Knowledge of FX trading and financial markets, including regulatory requirements
        • Experience translating data into polished, customer facing content (slides, one-pagers, etc) using Adobe Creative Suite or other graphic design tools
        • Strong analytical skills and experience with digital marketing analytics tools
        • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
        • Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
        • Strong organizational and project management skills
        • A deep understanding of online marketing principles and practices
        • Ability to think strategically and creatively to solve marketing challenges
        • Detail-oriented with a strong focus on delivering measurable results
        • Support APAC and EMEA teamswith their resources and training, may need to work flexibly between time zones, one or two days a week

        Benefits and perks:

        • Great salary, equity, and a health insurance subsidy
        • One month of paid time off and work/life balance
        • 6 months of paid family leave
        • Join a community of fellow Rollers as a member of one of our Employee Resource Groups 
        • Ample opportunities to volunteer with local organizations with NextRoll Gives Back
        • For additional benefits not mentioned, visit our Careers page

        About AdRoll:

        AdRoll is a marketing and advertising platform that helps B2C businesses grow revenue and optimize multi-channel campaign performance. Make web ads, social ads, and email work together and more effectively run, measure, and optimize your marketing efforts. Powered by industry-leading automation and personalization, the AdRoll platform’s machine learning analyses real-time advertising data to drive traffic and sales. AdRoll helps customers generate more than $246 billion in sales annually and has been used by over 140,000 brands since 2006. AdRoll is a division of NextRoll, Inc. Get started today at www.adroll.com.

        We are committed to building diverse teams of “Rollers” and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Learn more about our DEI impact via our DEI Annual Report on our Culture page. All applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, ancestry, sex, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, citizenship, genetics, disability, age, veteran status or other characteristics. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.  To request reasonable accommodation, contact candidateacommodations@nextroll.com.


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        Senior Director of Marketing, Europe


        Mozilla is hiring a Remote Senior Director of Marketing, Europe

        To learn the Hiring Ranges for this position, please select your location from the Apply Now dropdown menu.

        To learn more about our Hiring Range System, please click this link.

        Why Mozilla?

        Mozilla Corporation is the non-profit-backed technology company that has shaped the internet for the better over the last 25 years. We make pioneering brands like Firefox, the privacy-minded web browser, and Pocket, a service for keeping up with the best content online. Now, with more than 225 million people around the world using our products each month, we’re shaping the next 25 years of technology and helping to reclaim an internet built for people, not companies. Our work focuses on diverse areas including AI, social media, security and more. And we’re doing this while never losing our focus on our core mission – to make the internet better for people. 

        The Mozilla Corporation is wholly owned by the non-profit 501(c) Mozilla Foundation. This means we aren’t beholden to any shareholders — only to our mission. Along with thousands of volunteer contributors and collaborators all over the world, Mozillians design, build and distributeopen-sourcesoftware that enables people to enjoy the internet on their terms. 

        About this team and role:

        We are seeking an expert marketeer to lead our marketing efforts in Europe, aligning with our global strategy while tailoring approaches to the diverse consumer and community demands of some of Mozilla’s focus markets particularly Germany, UK and France. This role will also help to develop market entry strategies in the future and partner closely with the VP Marketing, Europe in supporting and operationalizing international expansion efforts to drive growth in new and existing markets. This role requires a deep understanding of the marketing landscape, a creative mind who is capable of translating vision into plans, and driving outstanding results. The Senior Marketing Director will play a pivotal role in crafting the future of Mozilla in Europe, guiding an impactful team, and influencing cross-functional initiatives across the organization.

        What you’ll do: 

        1.Strategic Leadership:

        • Partner with senior management to develop and implement strategic marketing plans for Europe that align with Mozilla's overall objectives.
        • Lead the development of Europe-specific marketing strategies that drive brand growth, user acquisition, and engagement across diverse markets.
        • Provide expertise to the organization on market dynamics, competitive landscapes, and emerging opportunities to inform decision-making.

        2 . Execution & Operational Excellence:

        • Lead all aspects of the execution of marketing strategies, ensuring alignment with business goals, budget constraints, and timelines.
        • Implement planning, staffing, and budgeting processes to optimize prioritisation and increase return on investment.
        • Lead cross-functional collaboration, ensuring seamless integration of marketing efforts with product, business development, and other key teams.
        1. Team Leadership & Development:
        • Lead and mentor a diverse marketing team of marketing managers, encouraging a culture of innovation, accountability, and dedication.
        • Establish clear performance expectations, conduct timely evaluations, and support the professional growth of team members.
        • Drive talent acquisition and retention efforts, ensuring the team is equipped with the skills and expertise to meet future challenges.
        • Provide strategic feedback for development of global marketing strategy as part of the marketing leadership team
        1. Innovation & Thought Leadership:
        • Stay ahead of industry trends, continuously seeking opportunities to innovate and differentiate Mozilla's brand in the market.
        • Champion the development and promotion of new ideas, demonstrating knowledge of marketing science, technology, and business.
        • Serve as a leader with vision within the organization, providing insights and influencing the direction of the global marketing team

        What you’ll bring: 

        • 12+ years of professional experience in international marketing within B2C corporate or startup environments, with a focus on the European markets, particularly Germany, the UK, and France.
        • 6+ years of leadership experience, including hiring, managing, and developing talent within large teams with multifaceted strengths.
        • Consistent track record of developing and implementing successful go-to-market strategies that drive product adoption and brand growth.
        • Extensive experience in senior marketing roles, with the ability to navigate complex technological developments, regulatory environments and cultural nuances.
        • Strong analytical and decision-making abilities, passionate about delivering measurable business outcomes.
        • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills, with a talent for influencing at all levels of the organization.
        • A thoughtful storyteller who excels in crafting compelling narratives that resonate with diverse audiences.
        • Motivated Self-starter with an entrepreneurial attitude, capable of working in agile environments and leading rapid change optimally.
        • Proficient in English, with proficiency in additional European languages highly desirable.
        • Commitment to our values:
          • Welcoming differences
          • Being relationship-minded
          • Practicing responsible participation
          • Having grit

        What you’ll get:

        • Generous performance-based bonus plans to all eligible employees - we share in our success as one team
        • Rich medical, dental, and vision coverage
        • Generous retirement contributions with 100% immediate vesting (regardless of whether you contribute)
        • Quarterly all-company wellness days where everyone takes a pause together
        • Country specific holidays plus a day off for your birthday
        • One-time home office stipend
        • Annual professional development budget
        • Quarterly well-being stipend
        • Considerable paid parental leave
        • Employee referral bonus program
        • Other benefits (life/AD&D, disability, EAP, etc. - varies by country)

        About Mozilla 

        Mozilla exists to build the Internet as a public resource accessible to all because we believe that open and free is better than closed and controlled. When you work at Mozilla, you give yourself a chance to make a difference in the lives of Web users everywhere. And you give us a chance to make a difference in your life every single day. Join us to work on the Web as the platform and help create more opportunity and innovation for everyone online.

        Commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging

        Mozilla understands that valuing diverse creative practices and forms of knowledge are crucial to and enrich the company’s core mission.  We encourage applications from everyone, including members of all equity-seeking communities, such as (but certainly not limited to) women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of all sexual orientations,gender identities, and expressions.

        We will ensure that qualified individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment, as appropriate. Please contact us at hiringaccommodation@mozilla.com to request accommodation.

        We are an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race (including hairstyle and texture), religion (including religious grooming and dress practices), gender, gender identity, gender expression, color, national origin, pregnancy, ancestry, domestic partner status, disability, sexual orientation, age, genetic predisposition, medical condition, marital status, citizenship status, military or veteran status, or any other basis covered by applicable laws.  Mozilla will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics or any other unlawful behavior, conduct, or purpose.

        Group: B


        Req ID: R2647

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        Founder's Associate (eSIM)

        GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

        Genesis is hiring a Remote Founder's Associate (eSIM)


        We are looking for an ambitious Founder's Associate who will work directly with the founder of the new B2C product (as part of Genesis ecosystem) in the travel & telecommunication market. This is a unique opportunity for someone who is passionate about technology, startups, and making a real impact in the telecommunications industry.

        Work format:Possibility to work fully remotely or from our offices in Warsaw or Kyiv.

        Please indicate your salary expectations in the application form

        About us:

        • We are a mobile and web application (Web, iOS, Android) that enables easy and fast purchases of mobile data packages in any country in the world, leveraging eSIM technology;
        • Our product allows seamless use of internet services while travelling at rates much lower than roaming and without having to search for local operators or purchase physical SIM cards.

        Your tasks:

        • Work closely with the founder to drive the strategic direction and operational execution of the business;
        • Assist in developing strategies to drive user acquisition and revenue growth;
        • Support in financial modelling and pricing, A/B testing of different price variants and price/subscription configurations;
        • Managing Special Projects: Conduct research, analyse data, and present findings to support strategic decision-making, market launches, product enhancements, or process improvements;
        • Collaborate closely with product, engineering, marketing, and customer support teams to ensure seamless execution of initiatives.

        About you:

        • 2+ years of experience in a startup, management consulting, investment banking, or similar role;
        • In-depth knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint;
        • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills;
        • Highly organized individual with strong attention to detail;
        • Strong motivation and diligence;
        • Willingness to have ownership over topics;
        • Advanced English level (all work communication in English).

        Nice to have:

        • Experience in Figma, Tableau, SQL, BigQuery.

        Why to join us:

        • Direct impact on the newly developed business (we are still before the official release);
        • You will play a pivotal role in shaping the growth and success of our platform;
        • Steep learning curve (work directly with experienced CEO with 4+ years at BCG, and access to all Genesis resources, expertise, and networking opportunities);
        • We build product-driven application with a strong emphasis on UX/UI.

        We look forward to welcoming a dynamic individual to our team who is poised to make a significant impact in this exciting new venture. Join us in reshaping the future of connectivity.

        See more jobs at Genesis

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        Product Manager

        Mid LevelFull TimeagileBachelor's degreeremote-firstB2CB2B

        OnlineMedEd is hiring a Remote Product Manager

        Product Manager - OnlineMedEd - Career PageSee more jobs at OnlineMedEd

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        Product Manager

        Offensive SecurityRemote; Anywhere
        Sales2 years of experienceagileBachelor's degree3 years of experiencejirafigmaB2CB2BDesignc++linux

        Offensive Security is hiring a Remote Product Manager

        About Offensive Security

        Founded in 2007 by the creators of Kali Linux, OffSec (formerly known as Offensive Security) is the leading provider of continuous professional and workforce development, training, and education for cybersecurity practitioners. OffSec’s distinct pedagogy and practical, hands-on learning help organizations fill the infosec talent gap by training their teams on today’s most critical skills.

        Become a part of our global presence and work from anywhere.

        With team members in over 40 countries, we believe in inspiring people of all backgrounds and communities. The OffSec team is composed of diverse, internationally published authors, conference speakers, and seasoned information technology professionals from both the private sector and governments worldwide.

        Excited about our mission and what we do? Apply and join us!

        About the Job

        Hi Product Managers! We have a growing distributed team of project & product management, and software web developers located throughout North America and Europe.  We are designing and building our web platform that  is the foundation for the day-to-day sales, marketing and student learning activities.  It will be a high-traffic, consumer-facing, e-commerce web platform employing all the new modern software development technology, processes, and tools. Are you passionate about building a platform to help deliver the world’s best cybersecurity training, striving to close the talent gap in cybersecurity today? Are you looking to work in a culture where people treat each other like family and love what they do? Are you excited about being scrappy, always innovating to find creative, practical, and efficient solutions? This might be for you! 

        Our team is growing and needs individuals with the grit to inspire, craft, and execute amazing new visions for our training product portfolio. Come be a partner with our  engineering, sales, marketing and customer success teams, help create the future of cybersecurity workforce development, training and education products, automate the mundane, embrace the creative, and deliver delightful learning experiences for our learners and customers..

        Excited about our mission and what we do? Apply and join us!

        Duties and responsibilities

        • Understand company and product strategy and develop roadmap for your team to achieve the product strategy
        • Gain a deep understanding of values we want to deliver to our learners and customers, and translate those values via great user experience and delightful, functional and efficient features.
        • Understand business results to achieve, and use that information to develop detailed product requirements, including documents like MRDs or PRDs to clearly articulate the problems the product is solving, and how it is differentiated vs. competition.  Leverage best practices and industry standards wherever appropriate. 
        • Understand business outcomes sufficiently well in your product line to be able to prioritize roadmap items to drive the biggest business results
        • Builds, edits and maintains the product specs consisting of user stories, business rules.  Defines user stories (including pre-conditions and acceptance criteria) and provides clarifications necessary to assist the team with their story estimates and sequencing
        • Reviews and prioritizes the product backlog as part of the preparation work for iteration or sprint planning, including coordination of dependencies with other product managers, if the case. During the planning meeting, the product manager communicates story detail and priorities and ensures the team agrees on the plan 
        • Collaborates with their team and any other stakeholders in the sprint / iteration demo
        • Collaborates on execution plans with technical leads, product managers, other product managers and project managers for each sprint, based on in-depth understanding of the product roadmap, technology needs, and development, testing, and deployment lifecycles
        • Participates in all phases of software development (from concept to design to test to deploy to monitor to defect resolution)
        • Cultivates an environment where team members are empowered and demonstrates a strong sense of ownership
        • Communicates effectively, written, verbal, structured and unstructured to keep all the stakeholders in the loop on project status
        • Develops, measures and monitors key metrics to know how the team is doing, the projects are progressing, and quality of the deliverables and code
        • Encourages sharing of knowledge and leads by example
        • Demonstrates an unwavering commitment to excellence, team culture, and living the OffSec values


        • Good business acumen in understanding business outcomes and how to deliver business impact through products
        • Minimum of 2 - 3 years of experience as product manager for a high growth B2B or B2C ecommerce products, experience with SaaS products, LMS, online training products highly desired.
        • Minimum of 2 years of experience working in agile software development teams playing role of product managers
        • Experience working at fast-paced, high growth companies
        • Good sense for product design and user experience and Figma experience a +
        • Good understanding of the software development life cycle
        • Good knowledge of tools for managing software development (ie. ticketing and documentation systems as Jira and Confluence, prototyping tools such as Moqups, Balsamique, Adobe XD or similar)
        • Good cross-disciplinary collaboration experience between engineering, product management, project management, technical operations, and internal stakeholders
        • Experience with working with a software team following the agile development lifecycle
        • Experience with e-learning platform, management consulting, and business school education highly appreciated
        • Exceptional verbal and written communication skills, influencing skills
        • Solid emotional intelligence and people skills
        • Exceptional attention to detail and follow-up
        • Results-oriented, self-motivated, proactive self-starter with a passion for delivering high quality software in a high-performance team environment

        Working conditions

        • This position is remote and will be performed from a home office; preferably in the Eastern to European time zones. 
        • Team members are located throughout North America and Europe.
        • This position requires accessibility to Offensive Security systems and interfaces, and adherence to all security protocols and policies.


        OffSec provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local laws.

        This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training.


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        Senior Policy Counsel

        GrammarlyUnited States; Hybrid

        Grammarly is hiring a Remote Senior Policy Counsel

        Grammarly team members in this role must be based in San Francisco, New York or Seattle and they must be able to collaborate in person 2 to 3 days per week.
        About Grammarly

        Grammarlyis the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 teams. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly helps people at 96% of the Fortune 500 and teams at companies like Atlassian, Databricks, and Zoom get their point across—and get results—with best-in-class security practices that keep data private and protected. Founded in 2009, Grammarly is No. 14 on the Forbes Cloud 100, one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Companies, one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in AI, and one of Inc.’s Best Workplaces.

        The Opportunity 

        To achieve our ambitious goals, we are seeking a Senior Policy Counsel to become a vital part of our Legal team, helping build a new global public policy and regulatory affairs function. This role involves monitoring and engaging with the evolving technology regulatory and policy landscape to build customer trust, accelerate our business, and foster responsible technology adoption. At the core of this position is a remarkable opportunity to make a significant impact by ensuring Grammarly maintains the trust of our users. This role will cross-functionally with our Trust, Marketing, Product, and Executive teams.

        As a Senior Policy Counsel, you’ll excel by shaping the legal and regulatory framework for ethical AI innovation at a pivotal moment at the intersection of law, business, and technology. This expansive role goes far beyond legislative detection and analysis - you’ll drive our global legislative and regulatory strategy for Grammarly products, help develop a best-in-class trust narrative for technologies we develop, and lead an engagement strategy to support our thought leadership.

        As a member of the Grammarly Legal team, you will also help develop the team’s culture through exemplary care for others and a solid commitment to finding creative solutions to complex questions. This role reports to the Head of Product, Privacy, and Policy.

        In this role, you will:

        • Identify and analyze the latest legislative proposals in technology regulation worldwide that impact Grammarly’s company strategy, providing substantive and effective engagement.
        • Communicate regulatory compliance requirements and offer guidance to other teams, including Engineering, Trust, Communications, Product, and other teams within the Legal department.
        • Represent Grammarly in conversations with elected officials and other policymakers.
        • Collaborate with industry groups and regulators to determine relevant requirements, negotiate, and advocate for thoughtful interpretations and rule adoption.
        • Collaborate with our Communications team to build an engagement strategy that ensures our stakeholders - customers, users, regulators, and beyond - understand and trust Grammarly’s products.
        • Develop a deep understanding of new technologies (especially open source and AI) and how they operate in the real world to ensure we have a best-in-class trust story to share with policymakers and the public.
        • Draft and update playbooks and self-serve resources to educate and empower our partner teams at scale.


        • Demonstrated record of success focusing on legislative and regulatory issues and the interest, desire, and experience to lead the development of a comprehensive policy and community strategy.
        • Demonstrates strong analytical skills and proficiency in laws, regulatory frameworks, industry standards, and bureaucratic processes with the ability to translate complex issues into actionable guidance.
        • Excellent problem-solving capabilities, judgment, communication (written and verbal) and interpersonal skills.
        • Ability to think both tactically and strategically.
        • Ability to set priorities and respond to changing demands from multiple internal and external sources under demanding deadlines.
        • Is comfortable working with cross-functional teams and advising senior leaders on grey areas to ensure we take the optimal path.
        • Passionate about Grammarly’s products and the intersection of technology, law, and business.
        • Experience with B2B and B2C SaaS.
        • JD degree from an accredited law school (or foreign equivalent) with membership in good standing in a US state bar.
        • 8+ years practicing law.
        • Embodies our EAGER values—is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.
        • Is inspired by our MOVE principles, which are the blueprint for how things get done at Grammarly: move fast and learn faster, obsess about creating customer value, value impact over activity, and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.

        Compensation and Benefits

        Grammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: 

        • Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)
        • Disability and life insurance options
        • 401(k) and RRSP matching 
        • Paid parental leave
        • 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and flexible sick time 
        • Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)
        • Annual professional development budget and opportunities
        Zone 1: $264,000 – $363,000/year (USD)

        We encourage you to apply

        At Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all to apply—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).



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        Lifecycle Marketing Manager, Self Serve Conversion

        GrammarlyUnited States; Hybrid

        Grammarly is hiring a Remote Lifecycle Marketing Manager, Self Serve Conversion

        Grammarly team members in this role must be based in the United States or Canada, and they must be able to collaborate in person 2 weeks per quarter, traveling if necessary to the hub(s) where the team is based.

        This flexible approach gives team members the best of both worlds: plenty of focus time along with in-person collaboration that fosters trust and unlocks creativity.

        About Grammarly

        Grammarly is the world’s leading AI writing assistance company trusted by over 30 million people and 70,000 teams. From instantly creating a first draft to perfecting every message, Grammarly helps people at 96% of theFortune 500 and teams at companies like Atlassian, Databricks, and Zoom get their point across—and get results—with best-in-class security practices that keep data private and protected. Founded in 2009, Grammarly is No. 14 on the Forbes Cloud 100, one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Companies, one of Fast Company’s Most Innovative Companies in AI, and one of Inc.’s Best Workplaces.

        The Opportunity

        To achieve our ambitious goals, we’re looking for a Lifecycle Marketing Manager to join our lifecycle marketing monetization team. This role will significantly grow the business by enabling essential renewal, win-back, and retention-focused campaigns and programs, driving process improvement, understanding performance data, and prioritizing experimentation and program optimization. You’ll also lead, execute, and optimize email and in-product marketing programs supporting Grammarly’s Lifecycle Marketing strategies.

        As a Lifecycle Marketing Manager focused on monetizing our freemium user base, you will be crucial in building and optimizing foundational programs to help us increase new paying subscribers and customer lifetime value (CLTV) through offers, upsell, and expansion strategies. 

        In this role, you will:

        • Contribute to the strategy and initiatives to deliver impact to critical outcomes.
        • Own the day-to-day execution of email, in-app, and push campaigns, including building, scheduling, and testing.
        • Coordinate cross-functional projects and campaigns between marketing, product, engineering, support, and analytics teams.
        • Work across various channels, stakeholders, and projects to build models, analyze data, advise channel managers, and set up experiments.
        • Curate marketing processes and reporting.
        • Establish an operational center of excellence within Lifecycle and be a thought leader.


        • Owns the daily execution of email, in-app, and push campaigns, including building, scheduling, and testing.
        • Use data insights to create high-impact programs with a bias for experimentation.
        • Collaborates cross-functionally with marketing, product, engineering, and analytics teams to unlock new opportunities for large-scale efficiency and productivity.
        • Prioritize, manage multiple projects and deadlines, and execute ruthlessly; demonstrates both short-term and long-term thinking.
        • Collaborates concisely and communicates results and strategic plans with leaders and team members.
        • Pull and analyze data and report on campaigns and experiments. 
        • Builds and executes strategies to upsell and convert freemium B2C and B2B SaaS users to paying subscribers. 
        • Embodies our EAGER values—is ethical, adaptable, gritty, empathetic, and remarkable.
        • Is inspired by our MOVE principles, which are the blueprint for how things get done at Grammarly: move fast and learn faster, obsess about creating customer value, value impact over activity, and embrace healthy disagreement rooted in trust.
        • Is able to collaborate in person 2 weeks per quarter, traveling if necessary to the hub where the team is based.

        Compensation and Benefits

        Grammarly offers all team members competitive pay along with a benefits package encompassing the following and more: 

        • Excellent health care (including a wide range of medical, dental, vision, mental health, and fertility benefits)
        • Disability and life insurance options
        • 401(k) and RRSP matching 
        • Paid parental leave
        • 20 days of paid time off per year, 12 days of paid holidays per year, two floating holidays per year, and unlimited sick days 
        • Generous stipends (including those for caregiving, pet care, wellness, your home office, and more)
        • Annual professional development budget and opportunities

        Grammarly takes a market-based approach to compensation, which means base pay may vary depending on your location. Our US locations are categorized into two compensation zones based on proximity to our hub locations. 

        Base pay may vary considerably depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. The expected salary ranges for this position are outlined below by compensation zone and may be modified in the future. 

        United States: 
        Zone 1: $138,000  –  $169,000/year (USD)
        Zone 2: $125,000  –  $152,000 /year (USD)

        For more information about our compensation zones and locations where we currently support employment, please refer to this page. If a location of interest is not listed, please speak with a recruiter for additional information. 

        We encourage you to apply

        At Grammarly, we value our differences, and we encourage all—especially those whose identities are traditionally underrepresented in tech organizations—to apply. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, gender expression or identity, sexual orientation, ancestry, national origin, citizenship, age, marital status, veteran status, disability status, political belief, or any other characteristic protected by law. Grammarly is an equal opportunity employer and a participant in the US federal E-Verify program (US). We also abide by the Employment Equity Act (Canada).




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        Senior UX Designer

        McFadyen DigitalFlorianópolis, Brazil, Remote
        agilefigmaB2CB2BDesignUI/UX designPhotoshopmobileuihtml5UX

        McFadyen Digital is hiring a Remote Senior UX Designer

        Job Description

        We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced UI/UX designer with a strong passion for crafting exceptional user experiences. As a Senior UI/UX Designer, you will play a critical role in shaping the visual and interactive aspects of our digital commerce platform. You will work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and other stakeholders, to create intuitive and visually stunning user interfaces that meet the needs of our users and business objectives.

        The ideal candidate should possess a deep understanding of the latest design trends and technologies in the world of ecommerce and marketplace. They should have a proven track record of delivering high-quality designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. Additionally, they should be able to work effectively in a fast-paced environment, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and communicate effectively with team members and stakeholders.

        This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced UI/UX designer to shape our digital commerce platform. If you're passionate about creating exceptional user experiences and possess the necessary skills, we encourage you to apply and contribute to our business's growth and success.


        Top five Responsibilities

        1. Conducting user research and gathering insights to inform design decisions.
        2. Creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs that meet user needs and business goals.
        3. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, and other designers
        4. Presenting designs and design rationale to stakeholders and incorporating feedback into iterations
        5. Communicating effectively with team members and stakeholders throughout the design process, including providing regular updates on progress and timelines.

        Additional Responsibilities

        • Design wireframes, interactive prototypes, and visual designs for e-commerce and digital marketplace interfaces.
        • Participate in workshops, interviews, and design sessions to gather and document business requirements, wireframe UI, and improve work products for clients' applications.
        • Collaborate with senior developers to ensure high-quality website responsiveness.
        • Create Design systems for UX rich project.


        • Good experience with highly scalable applications.
        • Strong knowledge and hands-on experience in Adobe Creative Suite programs (e.g., Figma, XD, Photoshop, Illustrator) to mock-up UI elements.
        • Understanding and hands-on experience in responsive design concepts.
        • Proficiency in designing and implementing microinteractions in UX.
        • Ability to manage time effectively and exceed project delivery commitments.
        • Leadership skills for ideation sessions and fostering creative problem-solving.
        • Familiarity with user research, usability testing, and integrating social actions through APIs.
        • Experience in designing visual aids (wireframes, storyboards, UI flow charts) and staying up-to-date with UI/UX design trends.
        • Knowledge of product development design, website designing, SEO for single-page apps.
        • Practical knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and familiarity with JavaScript.
        • Proficient in Adobe XD, Figma, InVision serving as the primary design tool, and adept with other design/prototyping tools of choice.
        • Advanced English skills are mandatory

        Expected ecommerce and digital marketplace interface designing skills:

        • Experience in designing complex user interfaces for B2B and/or B2C e-commerce platforms, including mobile and native applications.
        • Strong understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices in the e-commerce and digital marketplace domains.
        • Knowledge of information architecture and interaction design specific to e-commerce platforms, including product catalogs, search functionality, shopping carts, checkout processes, and payment gateways.
        • Ability to conduct user research, analyze data, and translate insights into actionable design improvements for e-commerce experiences.
        • Familiarity with usability testing methodologies and the ability to gather user feedback to iterate and optimize e-commerce experiences.
        • Knowledge of accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure inclusive design for users with disabilities.

        Desired Characteristics in Candidates:

        • Effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences.
        • Analytical and proven problem-solving skills.
        • High emotional intelligence (EQ).
        • Embraces challenges.
        • Team-oriented mindset.

        Basic Qualifications

        • Minimum 8-10 years of professional experience in UX roles, with a preference for senior-level positions.
        • Demonstrated proficiency in designing and elevating design systems.
        • Exceptional system thinking capabilities.
        • High standards for visual craft and UI design.
        • Effective written and verbal communication skills.
        • Proven leadership in designing end-to-end product experiences, from concept to launch.
        • Ability to thrive in a highly agile and rapidly iterative environment.

        See more jobs at McFadyen Digital

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        Senior Associate, DTC/Omnichannel Promotions and Pricing

        SalesFull TimeB2Cc++

        Saatva is hiring a Remote Senior Associate, DTC/Omnichannel Promotions and Pricing

        Senior Associate, DTC/Omnichannel Promotions and Pricing - Saatva - Career PageS

        See more jobs at Saatva

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        Principal Agency Account Executive


        NextRoll is hiring a Remote Principal Agency Account Executive

        AdRoll, a division of NextRoll, Inc., is seeking an experienced Principal New Business Account Executive to join our Agency Sales team. Our team is currently based across the US and this position will be remote or hybrid with the expectation to travel 50% of the time. In this role, you are responsible for evangelizing our full-funnel performance marketing platform and building strong relationships to win net-new logos on our Agency Sales Team. We’re looking for someone with strong industry relationships, can think strategically, is collaborative, and has the aim to succeed. We are industry leaders and the team you'll be surrounded by is smart, driven, and friendly! This is a Senior Sales role on our team and encourage this person to bring experience and successful processes to help drive sales impact. Our team is passionate about tackling new challenges together and supporting each other along the way.

        This role is open in San Francisco, New York City, orRemotelocations.The role requires 50% travel.

        Unsure that you check all the boxes? You should still apply! We’ll review your application for other opportunities. We're always on the lookout for talented people and we're committed to developing each employee's career with over 1,800 training classes offered every year.

        The impact you’ll make: 

        • Leverage your extensive sales acumen to proactively identify, engage, and close high-value agency partnerships through targeted prospecting, compelling sales calls and in-person visits.
        • Partner closely with Product Specialists and Solutions Teams to aggressively promote and sell AdRoll and our ever growing suite of features and products, showcasing our unique value proposition to agency partners and driving rapid adoption.
        • Serve as a conduit between advertisers and product development, synthesizing invaluable feedback to tailor solutions that resonate with agency partners, ultimately driving sales growth.
        • Harness your deep industry expertise to deliver consultative sales experiences, offering strategic insights and customized solutions that address the specific needs and challenges of each agency partner.
        • Take charge of the proposal development processes, ensuring a smooth transition from agency prospect to agency partner and delivering compelling proposals that demonstrate the immense value of partnering with us.

        Skills you’ll bring:

        • Minimum of 8+ years of agency or channel sales experience in the Adtech industry or related experience
        • A strong understanding of online marketing and programmatic advertising, especially selling to agencies or channel partners
        • Strong analytical and reporting skills; preferably with Excel/Sheets, and Salesforce
        • You are curious to learn ‘why’ and ‘how’ and have a roll-up-your-sleeves, self-starter personality
        • Consistently achieving quarterly sales quotas for new agency customer acquisition
        • You have unquestioned ethics and clarity around doing the right thing for our customers, for your co-workers, and for the company
        • Experience having worked on the demand side of a Programmatic platform is preferred

        Benefits and perks:

        • Competitive salary and equity
        • 100% employee coverage for medical, dental and vision premiums
        • Short and long term disability benefits at no cost to the employee
        • Basic life and AD&D insurance at no cost to the employee
        • 401K Plan (Pre-tax and Roth)
        • 4 weeks of paid time off and work/life balance
        • Up to 12 weeks of paid family leave (care for a family member, bond with a new child, etc.)
        • Up to 6 weeks of paid disability leave (up to 12 weeks for pregnancy disability leave)
        • Join a community of fellow Rollers as a member of one of our Employee Resource Groups 
        • Ample opportunities to volunteer with local organizations with NextRoll Gives Back
        • For additional benefits not mentioned, visit our Careers page

        Additional Information:

        Minimum base salary of $131,000 to maximum salary of $161,700 + commission + equity + benefits.

        On-target earnings are 100% of base (50/50 split) and will be paid quarterly based on achievement of sales targets.

        The range provided is NextRoll’s reasonable estimate of the base compensation for this role. The actual amount will be based on job-related and non-discriminatory factors such as location, experience, training, skills, and abilities. Consult with your Recruiter during the initial call to determine a more targeted range based on these job-related factors

        About AdRoll:

        AdRoll is a marketing and advertising platform that helps B2C businesses grow revenue and optimize multi-channel campaign performance. Make web ads, social ads, and email work together and more effectively run, measure, and optimize your marketing efforts. Powered by industry-leading automation and personalization, the AdRoll platform’s machine learning analyses real-time advertising data to drive traffic and sales. AdRoll helps customers generate more than $246 billion in sales annually and has been used by over 140,000 brands since 2006. AdRoll is a division of NextRoll, Inc. Get started today at www.adroll.com.

        We are committed to building diverse teams of “Rollers” and are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. Learn more about our DEI impact via our DEI Annual Report on our Culture page. All applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, ancestry, sex, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, citizenship, genetics, disability, age, veteran status or other characteristics. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment.  To request reasonable accommodation, contact candidateacommodations@nextroll.com.

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