redis Remote Jobs

161 Results


Sr. Frontend Developer (React/Typescript)

DeskproWimbledon,London,United Kingdom, Remote Hybrid

Deskpro is hiring a Remote Sr. Frontend Developer (React/Typescript)

We're looking for a senior frontend engineer to help us build our SaaS and on-premise helpdesk product. If you love working on products used by thousands of people and want to work in a small but quickly growing company, then read on!

At Deskpro, we make helpdesk software and we have customers of all shapes and sizes from across the globe, including Vodafone, Microsoft, NHS, and Panasonic. Deskpro is a large product with a large variety of features and modules, from email, chat, and voice, to blog posts, knowledgebase, and guides, and everything in between. There's always something new to build.

We have a Wimbledon office but remote opportunities are available for UK-based candidates who can't commute in.

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What you will do as a senior frontend developer

As a senior frontend developer, you will help build new features and modules, you'll be involved in shaping our underlying product frameworks and our internal processes like code reviews and deployment, and you'll get to participate in feature planning and have real input on the direction we take the product and the company as a whole.

You'll be joining a small team where your specific experience will have great impact. You will have a lot of autonomy over your own work and you will get to use your expertise to lead by example.

Deskpro is a small company, and that means you will sometimes be expected to dip in and out of various roles as needs arise. You will learn a lot through the varied work, and you will get satisfaction in shipping software that gets used by thousands.

Technology we use and where we're going

Our frontend is built with React and Typescript. Our product has a GraphQL backend and we use codegen to generate fully typed Typescript interfaces. We love our types!

If you're also interested in the backends, here's some other tech we use: PHP, NodeJS, Docker, Elastic, Redis, and all the services offered by AWS. We have tools and services written in a variety of languages including Javascript, Kotlin, and Go.

We're big fans of using the right tool for the job!

Why should you be interested?

  • You'll get to use and learn about many different products, APIs and technologies. Deskpro is the central hub for a lot of companies, and we're always adding new features and modules and integrations.
  • You'll get to work with real customers and get a peek into how other businesses operate their businesses.
  • You'll get to learn about scaling software as well as scaling the SaaS platform as a whole.
  • You'll get to try out new technology. We are constantly updating our stack and are always on the lookout for tools that will help us be more productive.

Examples of projects we've been working on lately

  • AI -- Agent productivity tools and chat agents powered by cutting-edge AI features.
  • Messenger -- A cross-platform instant messaging tool with advanced automation features.
  • Social / Multi-channel messaging -- we are building out generic data structures with flexible ingress APIs to allow connecting Deskpro to any messaging channel including social sites like Twitter and Facebook, but we also envision integrations with systems like eBay messages or Apple/Google app stores. We'll be able to process any kind of communication.

And we have a lot more projects coming up including asset tracking, enhanced reporting tools, approvals, and so much more.

  • Experience building web apps with React and Typescript
  • A solid understanding of GraphQL. Prior experience with React Apollo GraphQL and codegen are a bonus.
  • Experience with Javascript and the Javascript ecosystem. For example, you know how to bootstrap a new product or library.
  • You should be a fast learner. We often venture into unknown territory so you should be a Google-fu master and have experience-driven intuition.
  • You should have a strong understanding of software architecture with opinions on "the right way" to do things.
  • You should be a "do-er". You will have a lot of autonomy over your own work, and you will be expected to work with the team to make sure your projects get shipped.
  • You work well with others and enjoy sharing your knowledge and leading by example.
  • You should love the colour green. We're putting a big focus on delivering well-tested and super solid software!
  • Competitive Salary
  • Varied work. Both in terms of what product features you will be working on, but you'll also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in other aspects of the company such as product planning, customer support, etc.
  • A mixture of autonomy over your own work and real responsibilities to the team and business.
  • Your choice of equipment (most of our devs like Macbook's with two 4k monitors).
  • We encourage self-improvement: Company-sponsored server/hosting for your side projects; books; conferences; courses. Just ask!.
  • 2 minute walk from shops, restaurants, pubs and gyms.
  • Lovely new offices, BBQs in the summer, Monday team breakfasts and Friday lunches. Unlimited coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks with beers for Friday afternoon.
  • BUPA Private Healthcare & Cash Scheme, Pension Scheme, Bike Storage, Season ticket loans, Reduced gym membership.

No recruiters or agencies please

View our careers page

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Lead Back-End Developer

GenesisКиїв, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Lead Back-End Developer

Ми шукаємо Lead Back-End Developer, який підсилить нашу команду і допоможе покращити продукт для наших користувачів.

Наш продукт – це найпопулярніший новинний та розважальний портал в Казахстані з більш ніж 13 мільйонами унікальних користувачів. Кожна третя людина в країні користується нашим продуктом. Ми не тільки підтримуємо високі стандарти протягом 14 років, але й постійно вдосконалюємося та охоплюємо все більшу аудиторію. Вже 9 років поспіль ми отримуємо нагороду як найкраще незалежне ЗМІ в Казахстані та входимо до ТОП-3 інтернет-видань країни.

Наша місія - створити основу для позитивних змін в суспільстві за допомогою якісного контенту та медіа-продуктів. На даний момент понад 70 сильних фахівців наполегливо працюють над реалізацією нашої місії.

Наші цінності:

– команда, яка горить спільною метою, має спільне бачення та цінності;

– глибокі знання та навички щодо швидкості роботи сайту та сервісів, оптимального використання ресурсів, телеметрії послуг (метрики та логування);

– ми не обмежуємо себе конкретними технологіями, ми пробуємо нові, якщо це необхідно, тому що технології для нас - це лише інструмент;

– ми біжимо марафон, а не спринт. Тому ми працюємо на якість, а не на швидкість.

Вам варто подаватися, якщо ви

– маєте досвід роботи з мовою програмування NodeJS від 5 років;

– маєте досвід управління командою від 2 років;

– працювали з базами даних MongoDB / MySQL / Redis;

– маєте досвід із RESTful API;

– використовували TypeORM;

– знайомі із unit testing;

– маєте розуміння клієнт-серверної архітектури (WEB) HTTP, cookies, caching, etc;

– розумієтеся у паттернах дизайну;

– навички Debugging & Profiling;

– знаєте сильні і слабкі сторони технологій вказаних вище.

Буде плюсом:

– досвід роботи із NestJS, Python;

– досвід роботи із Docker, k8s.

Ми очікуємо, що ви будете

– брати участь у всьому життєвому циклі додатку, розробляючи нову функціональність та удосконалюючи продукт у безпечний, добре протестований та ефективний спосіб;

– планувати архітектуру та співпрацювати з командами (включаючи команду Data Science) для постановки задач та розробки більш функціональних сервісів для покращення користувацького досвіду;

– будувати сильну команду, організовуючи процеси, направляючи, мотивуючи та надаючи пропозиції, щоб допомогти вашій команді досягти поставлених цілей.

Ми, в свою чергу, будемо

– надавати вам постійний зворотній зв'язок та допомагатимемо вдосконалювати свої навички;

– забезпечувати вас всіма ресурсами, необхідними для ефективного виконання вашої роботи;

– надавати вам і вашій команді автономію, адже ми ненавидимо мікроменеджмент та бюрократію;

– надавати можливість працювати в сильній команді професіоналів.

Етапи найму

– Primary screening. Рекрутер ставить кілька запитань (телефонний дзвінок або Google Meet), щоб скласти враження про ваш досвід і навички перед співбесідою.

– Технічна співбесіда. Розмова з Tech Lead Back-End Engineer з сусіднього проєкту та Head of Engineering.

– Співбесіда із ТОП менеджерами – розмова із CTO та Head of Engineering.

– Фінальна співбесіда. Розмова із HR BP про ваші професійні компетенції та команду, в яку ви претендуєте.

– Job offer. У разі успішного проходження співбесіди ви отримаєте пропозицію про роботу. В іншому випадку ви отримаєте зворотній зв'язок протягом 1-2 днів.

Про Genesis

Genesis, роботодавець №1 за версією DOU, - українська компанія-співзасновник, яка будує глобальні технологічні бізнеси разом з видатними підприємцями з Центральної та Східної Європи. Бізнес-екосистема Genesis налічує понад 25 проектів, які працюють у 4 напрямках - мобільні додатки, онлайн-медіа, оголошення та R&D. Наші додатки завантажили понад 300 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу, а основними ринками компанії є США, Європа та Африка.

Корпоративні переваги

дбайливий онбординг;

– можливість працювати віддалено або в офісі, гнучкий графік роботи;

– конкурентна заробітна плата;

– повне покриття професійного навчання (курси, мітапи, сертифікації);

– оцінка ефективності роботи двічі на рік;

– медичне страхування та корпоративний лікар;

– 20 днів оплачуваної відпустки, необмежена кількість оплачуваних лікарняних;

– безкоштовні сніданки та обіди в офісі;

– компенсація на заняття спортом;

– техніку Apple.

Підтримуємо Україну

Genesis засуджує війну Росії проти України та допомагає нашій країні на економічному, інформаційному та кібернетичному фронтах. На початку повномасштабної війни ми заснували корпоративний благодійний фонд "Genesis for Ukraine". Крім того, ми постійно жертвуємо кошти на потреби Збройних Сил, а кілька додатків, створених в екосистемі Genesis, стали безкоштовними для українців. Детальніше про наше протистояння читайте тут і тут.

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Back-End Control System Developer (Réf 19-13 S)

1perTInent incMontréal, Canada, Remote

1perTInent inc is hiring a Remote Back-End Control System Developer (Réf 19-13 S)

Description du poste

A Back-End Control System Developer at our client leverages experience and skills in software development to provide solutions for control systems in the themed entertainment industry. This cutting-edge position offers the opportunity to work on projects of all sizes. The role involves developing custom, client-tailored software solutions.

  • Provide the company and its clients with software control solutions, monitoring dashboards and interfaces, and custom GUIs for Audio/Visual/Lighting installations.
  • Develop custom equipment drivers, control methodologies & architectures, and custom control software.
  • Develop and test software (end-to-end development cycle).
  • Develop web-based applications, back-end services, and modules in collaboration with other team members.
  • Write specifications and design narratives.
  • Balance multiple projects/assignments with alacrity while aggressively meeting deadlines and expectations.
  • Self-manage assignments and work autonomously when necessary.
  • Be highly collaborative and focused on sharing details routinely and consistently with team members.
  • Demonstrate a persistent optimism and ability to navigate challenges in a way that produces value, exceeds expectations, and promotes company success.


  • Experience with back-end development; front-end development a plus.
  • Proficient in Go, JavaScript, Typescript, JSON, XML.
  • Proficient and knowledgeable in ReactJS or VueJS frameworks a plus.
  • Experience with any of these is a plus: Node.JS, Lua, Node-RED, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Redis, Docker
  • Knowledgeable with agile methods, development life cycle tools, Gitlab/Jira/Git.
  • Understanding of RESTful API,, database concepts.
  • Experience with utilizing APIs to communicate with devices or software using a defined protocol
  • Knowledge of A/V systems, equipment, concepts, and technologies a plus
  • Office365 suite including Teams, Outlook, Word, and Excel


  • Detail-oriented and self-motivated
  • Ability to work autonomously and remotely
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills • Exhibits a positive attitude and establishes professional relations with others
  • Good organizational, work management, and time management skills
  • Strong problem-solving and technical troubleshooting skills
  • Desire to work on unique and challenging projects across different markets and locations
  • Ability to switch work context and be adaptive

Training / Education

  • 5+ years of work experience in software development
  • Bachelor’s degree in applicable field preferred

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Java Developer

Full TimeDevOPSredisDesignazureuijavadockerMySQLjenkinspythonAWSjavascript

Glints is hiring a Remote Java Developer

Java Developer - Glints - Career PageBachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology,

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Software Engineer (SDE II)

Live PersonBulgaria (Remote)

Live Person is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (SDE II)

LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.  

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success and reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about. 


Engineering at LivePerson is an inspired, customer-obsessed organization dedicated to building solutions that redefine the Conversational AI industry. We work in small, collaborative, agile, and mission-driven teams with a clear mission empowering quality, continuous feedback, testing, monitoring, and end-to-end ownership. 

Our engineering teams make some of the most significant decisions and at scale. Do you want to be part of the next stage of innovation and growth? As a Software Developer - you will be part of a Messaging Engine team and play a vital role in development and maintenance of the company core messaging platform. We are a globally distributed business unit spread across EMEA and the Americas.

In this role, you will be working across many internal teams, external partners, and large customers to deliver agent matching and routing solutions. We are a remote organization, but we value the opportunity to bring our teams together for offsite events, team collaboration, and training sessions. Therefore, we are looking for candidates who are based in Germany or Bulgaria and are willing to come into the office for these activities. If this aligns with your situation and preferences, we encourage you to apply for this role.

You will: 

  • Improve and optimize existing functionality of the messaging platform.
  • Implement new features using Java and Spring.
  • Assist in migrating the service to cloud-native solutions.
  • Use the latest technologies to solve unique problems for our customers at scale.
  • Work and collaborate with great engineers with experience in varieties of fields.
  • Maintain >99.999% uptime of mission-critical messaging service.
  • Contribute to the team’s on-call rotation and improve rapid-response coverage.

Some of the technologies we are using:

  • Java 8/11/17, Spring
  • Couch base, Redis, Elasticsearch, Hadoop
  • Apache Kafka
  • Kubernetes, Docker, Puppet
  • GCP, AWS, and On-Premises infrastructure (Hybrid)
  • TeamCity, Jenkins
  • Vault, Terraform, OAuth2.0 Provider, and many more

You have:

  • 3+ years of backend development- MUST
  • Solid understanding and knowledge of Java, concepts of multithreading, OO concepts and design patterns, etc.
  • Experience with GCP - advantage.
  • Experience building REST APIs, preferably with Java.
  • Experience with websocket - advantage.
  • Experience with mission-critical distributed microservices architecture.
  • Willingness to own all stages of development process: from design and implementation to deployment and maintenance
  • Ability to work quickly while maintaining strong attention to detail and accuracy
  • Deal well with ambiguous/undefined problems
  • Ability to effectively articulate and drive technical solutions to various challenges
  • Strong communication and organizational skills
  • Being a team player
  • Experience with globally distributed teams in multiple time zones is a plus.

Note: You will have to be located in Bulgaria OR Germany for this position with a valid work permit.



  • Health: medical, dental, and vision
  • Time away: vacation and holidays
  • Development: Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Equal opportunity employer

Why you’ll love working here: 

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace. 

Belonging at LivePerson:

We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.


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Senior Software Engineer

Full Timeredis3 years of experienceDesignrubyMySQLpython

Mailprotector is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer - Mailprotector - Career Page var DV_DEPUTY = ""; var DV_APP_ROOT = ""; var DV_ID = "X1SwFyJdmJ"; var DV_SUBDOMAIN = ""; var DV_CUSTID = ""; var DV_USER_FIRSTNAME = ""; var DV_USER_LASTNAME = ""; var DV_USER_EMAIL = ""; var DV_USER_ID = ""; var DV_PAGE_TITLE = "JazzHR"; var DV_GA_ID = ""; var DV_LOCATION = 'app'; var DV_WEBSITE_URL_HTTP = "http://

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Software Development Engineer II (Java)

Live PersonHyderabad, Telangana, India (Remote)
redisBachelor's degreepostgresDesignvueuiapigitjavadockerelasticsearchMySQLkubernetesangularjenkinsjavascriptbackend

Live Person is hiring a Remote Software Development Engineer II (Java)

LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success, nd reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about.


In this role as a Software Development Engineer II - Full stack or BE, you will be a highly contributing member of a core engineering team working to build the LivePerson Voice offering expertly integrating it into the existing LivePerson offering and different contact center solutions. In this role, you will be exposed to new technologies and architectures, will work with Principal engineers and architects to design and execute new solutions. You must be a team player, motivated, ambitious and eager to grow through build and successful delivery of industry-shifting products.

You Will

  • Learn new technologies and architectures, including work with LivePerson’s award winning Voice AI solution, Integrations with contact center providers like Avaya, Cisco, Amazon Connect, voice based telephony, and new product development. 
  • Work with Product Management and leadership to bring your engineering experience to the table and ideate new features and functionality
  • Help to create reliable, scalable, high performance software solutions deployed in a public cloud environment using the latest software, automations and testing tools available.
  • Work on complex system software, is customer-centric, and feels strongly about building good software as well as making software achieve its operational goals.
  • Develop Java based backend services
  • If full stack, Develop UI using Vue, Angular

You Have

  • 6+ years of software development experience
  • 4+  Experience with programming languages: Java
  • 3+ years of experience in development of Microservices, RESTful API, backend systems and successful production software systems
  • Strong Object Oriented design and implementation experience, strong knowledge of web protocols, and knowledge of distributed systems architectures.
  • Solid understanding of Data Structures and Algorithm Design
  • Experience with one of the following: Kafka, Elasticsearch, Redis
  • Experience in databases technologies like MySQL, Postgres, Firestore
  • Experience with Git, Jenkins, and other Development tools
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Advocating and executing on automated testing strategies in all developed code and helping to ensure code quality and consistency for your team. 
  • Experience working on large scale deployments and performance tuning
  • Experience developing cloud software services and an understanding of design for scalability, performance and reliability
  • Good to have Development experience with Unix, Docker, and Kubernetes infrastructure on GCP/GKE
  • Good to have 2+ years of experience in building UI using web frameworks like Vue, Angular or other JavaScript
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or related field


  • Health: Medical, Dental, and Vision
  • Time away: Vacation and holidays
  • Development: Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Equal opportunity employer

Why You’ll Love Working Here

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace.

Belonging At LivePerson
We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.

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Software Development Engineer III (Full-Stack/Java)

Live PersonHyderabad, Telangana, India (Remote)
redisBachelor's degreepostgresDesignvueuiapigitjavadockerelasticsearchMySQLkubernetesangularjenkinsjavascriptbackend

Live Person is hiring a Remote Software Development Engineer III (Full-Stack/Java)

LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success, nd reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about.


In this role as a Software Development Engineer III - Full stack or BE, you will be a highly contributing member of a core engineering team working to build the LivePerson Voice offering expertly integrating it into the existing LivePerson offering and different contact center solutions. In this role, you will be exposed to new technologies and architectures, will work with Principal engineers and architects to design and execute new solutions. You must be a team player, motivated, ambitious and eager to grow through build and successful delivery of industry-shifting products.

You Will

  • Learn new technologies and architectures, including work with LivePerson’s award winning Voice AI solution, Integrations with contact center providers like Avaya, Cisco, Amazon Connect, voice based telephony, and new product development. 
  • Work with Product Management and leadership to bring your engineering experience to the table and ideate new features and functionality
  • Help to create reliable, scalable, high performance software solutions deployed in a public cloud environment using the latest software, automations and testing tools available.
  • Work on complex system software, is customer-centric, and feels strongly about building good software as well as making software achieve its operational goals.
  • Develop Java based backend services

You Have

  • 8+ years of experience building successful large scale production software systems
  • 5+ years of experience in Java programming - MUST
  • 2+ years of experience integrating with third-party APIs  - MUST
  • 3+ years Experience debugging/testing distributed microservice applications - MUST
  • 3+ year of experience with  technologies such as Kafka, Redis and NoSql - MUST
  • 3+ years of Experience building RESTful microservices  - MUST
  • Experience building voice applications is a plus
  • 3+ years of experience in Kubernetes (cluster, load balancer), Google Kubernetes  
  • Experience in Cloud Computing Technologies like GCP, AWS is a plus


  • Health: Medical, Dental, and Vision
  • Time away: Vacation and holidays
  • Development: Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Equal opportunity employer

Why You’ll Love Working Here

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace.

Belonging At LivePerson
We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.

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Senior Software Engineer - Passport

PindropUS - Remote

Pindrop is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer - Passport

Senior Software Engineer - Passport

US Remote
Who we are

Are you passionate about innovating at the intersection of technology and personal security? At Pindrop, we recognize that the human voice is a unique personal identifier, increasingly susceptible to sophisticated fraud, including the threat of deepfakes. We're leading the way in developing cutting-edge authentication, fraud prevention, and deepfake detection. Our mission is to provide seamless and secure digital experiences, safeguarding the most personal aspect of our identity: our voice. Here, you'll be part of a team driven by values of Innovation, Customer Advocacy, Excellence, and Impact. We're not just creating a safer digital landscape by fortifying trust and integrity with those we serve, we’re also building a dynamic, supportive workplace where your contributions make a real difference.

Headquartered in Atlanta, GA, Pindrop is backed by world-class investors such as Andreessen-Horowitz, IVP, and CapitalG

What you’ll do 

  • Design, develop, test, deploy, and monitor high-performance services and APIs.
  • Develop applications in Golang and Python on top of a modern cloud focused platform.
  • Develop and maintain services using AWS native products such as Kinesis, DynamoDB, and S3 as well as GCP native products
  • Deliver production ready code from start to finish.
  • Review code to maintain quality with an eye towards performance, scale, and security.
  • Work in a cross-functional environment, composed of software engineers, test engineers, research scientists, and product managers.
  • Identify and evaluate new technologies for implementation.
  • Contribute to improving software engineering best practices.

Who you are

  • You have strong verbal and written communication skills.
  • You enjoy working within a collaborative environment across multiple departments.
  • You love solving hard problems and finding ways to improve the efficiency of processes.
  • You have a proven track record of providing stable and secure code in production environments.
  • You are able to contribute to the feature development in the platform/product with minimal supervision.
  • You can deliver production ready code from start to finish with an eye towards performance, scale and security and with an understanding of how code could impact cloud scalability
  • You are resilient in the face of challenges, change, and ambiguity
  • You are optimistic and believe that you can make a problem into a solution
  • You are resourceful, excited to uncover innovative solutions and teach yourself something new when needed
  • You take accountability, do the things you say you’ll do, under-promise and over-deliver
  • You are nimble and adaptable when priorities change and continue to see the “forest through the trees”
  • You are happy in a role in which a week in the life might include context switching between application diagnostic troubleshooting using industry standard tools such as Prometheus and Grafana, triaging production issues using tools such as Google Logging and Cloud Trace, troubleshooting regression tests in different environments, designing new product solutions, improving current product features, and coding

Your skill-set

  • 5-7 years of software development experience.
  • Experience with designing and implementing highly scalable cloud based APIs.
  • Experience with multiple programming languages such as Python and Go.
  • Expertise in Data Structures, Algorithms and Concurrency.
  • 2+ years of experience in DevOps practices towards deployment of SaaS services, including hands on experience with Jenkins, Github Actions, implementing and maintaining CI/CD pipelines, as well as experience with managing and maintaining applications in a multi-container environment, such as Kubernetes 
  • Knowledge of different Data Storage technologies such as Redis, MySQL, etc.
  • Knowledge of Docker and container orchestration frameworks such as Kubernetes.
  • Experience developing and maintaining services using AWS native products such as Kinesis, DynamoDB, and S3.
  • Linux Proficiency.

What’s in it for you

As a Pindropper, you join a rapidly growing company making technology more human with the power of voice. You will work alongside some of the best and brightest. We’re a passionate group committed to excellence - but that doesn’t stop us from enjoying the journey as a team with chess and poker tournaments, catered lunches and happy hours, wellness programming, and more. Because we take our jobs seriously, we add in time for rest with Unlimited PTO, Focus Thursday, and Company-wide Rest Days. 

Within 30 days you’llUnderstand and know the product architecture as well as system design

  • Ramp up on development process 
  • Build relationships with others on the team
  • Participate in the grooming and planning meetings
  • Pick up a small bug fix or code implementation/testing project
  • Complete onboarding and attend New Employee Orientation sessions with other new Pindroppers

Within 60 days you’ll Actively participate in the team meetings 

  • Start working on a bigger project/feature
  • Deliver small code changes going through the complete SDLC

Within 90 days you’ll Able to pick up any tasks coming out of the planning meetings

  • Drive some of the task breakdown in grooming and planning meetings
  • Deliver a major feature design or implementation
  • Teach us something new

What we offer 

As a part of Pindrop, you’ll have a direct impact on our growing list of products and the future of security in the voice-driven economy. We hire great people and take care of them. Here’s a snapshot of the benefits we offer:

  • Competitive compensation, including equity for all employees
  • Unlimited Paid Time Off (PTO)
  • 4 company-wide rest days in 2024 where the entire company rests and recharges!
  • Generous health and welfare plans to choose from - including one employer-paid “employee-only” plan!
  • Best-in-class Health Savings Account (HSA) employer contribution
  • Affordable vision and dental plans for you and your family
  • Employer-provided life and disability coverage with additional supplemental options
  • Paid Parental Leave - Equal for all parents, including birth, adoptive & foster parents
  • Identity protection through Norton LifeLock
  • One Time home office allowance
  • Remote first environment - meaning you have flexibility in your day!
  • Company holidays
  • Annual professional development and learning benefit
  • Pick your own Apple MacBook Pro
  • Retirement plan with competitive 401(k) match
  • Wellness Program including Employee Assistance Program, 24/7 Telemedicine

What we live by

At Pindrop, our Core Values are fundamental beliefs at the center of all we do. They are our guiding principles that dictate our actions and behaviors. Our Values are deeply embedded into our culture in big and small ways and even help us decide right from wrong when the path forward is unclear. At Pindrop, we believe in taking accountability to make decisions and act in a way that reflects who we are. We truly believe making decisions and acting with our Core Values in mind will help us to achieve our goals and keep Pindrop a great place to work:    

  • Audaciously Innovate - We continue to change the world, and the way people safely engage and interact with technology. As first principle thinkers, we challenge standards, take risks and learn from our mistakes in order to make positive change and continuous improvement. We believe nothing is impossible.
  • Evangelical Customers for Life - We delight, inspire and empower customers from day one and for life. We create a partnership and experience that results in a shared passion.   We are champions for our customers, and our customers become our champions, creating a universal commitment to one another. 
  • Execution Excellence - We do what we say and say what we do. We are accountable for making the tough decisions and necessary tradeoffs to deliver quality and effective solutions on time.
  • Win as a Company - Every time we win, we win as a company. Every time we lose, we lose as a company. We break down silos, support one another, embrace diversity and celebrate our successes. We are better together. 
  • Make a Difference - Every day we have the opportunity to make a positive impact. We operate with dedication, passion, and uncompromising integrity, creating a safer, more secure world.

Not sure if this is you?

We want a diverse, global team, with a broad range of experience and perspectives. If this job sounds great, but you’re not sure if you qualify, apply anyway! We carefully consider every application and will either move forward with you, find another team that might be a better fit, keep in touch for future opportunities, or thank you for your time.

Pindrop is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Here at Pindrop, it is our mission to create and maintain a diverse and inclusive work environment. As an equal opportunity employer, all qualified applicants receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, age, religion, sex, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetic information, disability, marital and/or veteran status.



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PHP Engineer (Senior and Intermediate)

CAVISTAWork from Anywhere, Nigeria, Remote

CAVISTA is hiring a Remote PHP Engineer (Senior and Intermediate)

Job Description

Who we are looking for...

A PHP Engineer seeking an opportunity to develop and create cutting-edge solutions for our products and services, while being part of something extraordinary.

What you will do...

  • Develop new web applications using customized, open-source, and off-the-shelf applications and components.
  • Maintain and enhance existing web applications and all internal integrated systems.
  • Deliver new functionality and change requests for existing applications.
  • Participate in the ongoing development of applications that meet the needs of our customers.
  • Design and implement user-driven templates, databases and interfaces (for ease of use).
  • Develop database-driven web interfaces for rapid, real-time information sharing.
  • Develop external web portals allowing users to input and retrieve accurate information.



What you bring?

  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science, MIS, or related discipline.
  • 3+ years PHP development experience
  • Recent versions of PHP (7.x preferred)
  • Relational database setup and use (MySQL 5.6 or later)
  • Hands-on front-end development utilizing HTML, CSS (or SCSS/SASS/LESS), client-side JavaScript and jQuery
  • Git version control knowledge and experience
  • Experience with RESTful API usage and implementation; experience creating/documenting an API is a plus
  • Experience with Redis (or other NoSQL key-value store) is a plus
  • Server and site performance optimization experience is a plus
  • Preferred full-stack developer, but willing to mentor on needed areas

Additional preferred skills   

  • Laravel 5.x framework (or other similar MVC)
  • Knowledge and use of Single Page Application design and implementation, including use of front-end tools such as CanJS, Vue, Aurelia, or Angular JS
  • Experience with queues/workers in a distributed workload system (e.g. Beanstalkd, RabbitMQ,, Amazon SQS) is a plus
  • Experience with Composer, NPM, Gulp, Grunt, or other tools in the build pipeline
  • Experience with WordPress, Hooks, Theming and Plugins
  • Troubleshoot issues with web server, database, security, network, and web technologies
  • Customize, compile, install, configure, monitor and debug server instances, especially on NGINX
  • Reporting, maintenance, and test automation tools in PHP (e.g. PHPUnit)
  • Create and enhance in-house tools for website operations, support hardware & software issues
  • Experience with customer & end-user support of online products; web, graphic and usability design

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Data Engineer (Intermediate)

SecurityScorecardRemote (Canada)
redisagileBachelor's degreescalanosqlairflowpostgressqlDesignc++jenkinsAWS

SecurityScorecard is hiring a Remote Data Engineer (Intermediate)

About SecurityScorecard:

SecurityScorecard is the global leader in cybersecurity ratings, with over 12 million companies continuously rated, operating in 64 countries. Founded in 2013 by security and risk experts Dr. Alex Yampolskiy and Sam Kassoumeh and funded by world-class investors, SecurityScorecard’s patented rating technology is used by over 25,000 organizations for self-monitoring, third-party risk management, board reporting, and cyber insurance underwriting; making all organizations more resilient by allowing them to easily find and fix cybersecurity risks across their digital footprint. 

Headquartered in New York City, our culture has been recognized by Inc Magazine as a "Best Workplace,” by Crain’s NY as a "Best Places to Work in NYC," and as one of the 10 hottest SaaS startups in New York for two years in a row. Most recently, SecurityScorecard was named to Fast Company’s annual list of theWorld’s Most Innovative Companies for 2023and to the Achievers 50 Most Engaged Workplaces in 2023 award recognizing “forward-thinking employers for their unwavering commitment to employee engagement.”  SecurityScorecard is proud to be funded by world-class investors including Silver Lake Waterman, Moody’s, Sequoia Capital, GV and Riverwood Capital.

About the Team

The Data Analytics Engineering team is responsible for developing and managing the core data platform for ratings infrastructure, architecting and implementing business-critical data solutions and pipelines, and enabling data-driven decisions within the organization and for our customers.

About the Role

As a Senior Data Engineer - you will work alongside outstanding engineers to implement new products and features focused on meeting the evolving needs of our customers, while refining requirements with product management and collaborating cross-team. All our team members actively participate in product definition, technical architecture review, iterative development, code review, and operations. Along with this, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with customers to ensure their needs are met.You will be working in a high-performance, fast-paced environment, and contribute to an inclusive work environment.


  • Lead and collaborate with engineers to deliver projects from inception to successful execution
  • Write well-crafted, well-tested, readable, maintainable code
  • Participate in code reviews to ensure code quality and distribute knowledge
  • Share engineering support, release, and on-call responsibilities for an always-on 24x7 site
  • Participate in Technical Design Review sessions, and have the ability to explain the various trade-offs made in decisions
  • Maintain existing APIs and data pipelines, contribute to increasing code-coverage 
  • Understand requirements, build business logic and demonstrate ability to learn and quickly adopt 
  • Automate and improve existing processes to sustainably maintain the current features and pipelines
  • Analyze our internal systems and processes, and locate areas for improvement/automation


  • BS/MS in computer science or equivalent technical experience, and must have worked in Data engineering space for 3+ years
  • Must have experience in full software development life cycle, including coding standards, code reviews, source control management, build processes, testing, and operations 
  • Technical requirements:
    • Must have 2+ years experience in building and maintaining big data pipelines using Scala with Spark, Airflow, Hive, Presto, Redis
    • Must have 2+ years experience with NoSQL databases, preferably Cassandra / Scylla and Clickhouse; and SQL databases, preferably Postgres
    • Must have 2+ years experience in developing batch/real-time data streams 
    • Worked with CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins
    • Experience with cloud environments, preferably AWS
    • Worked with variety of data (structured/unstructured), data formats (flat files, XML, JSON, relational, parquet)
  • Worked in Agile methodology


We offer a competitive salary, stock options, a comprehensive benefits package, including health and dental insurance, unlimited PTO, parental leave, tuition reimbursements, and much more!

SecurityScorecard is committed to Equal Employment Opportunity and embraces diversity. We believe that our team is strengthened through hiring and retaining employees with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, ideas, and perspectives. We make hiring decisions based on merit and do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex or gender (including pregnancy) gender identity or expression (including transgender status), sexual orientation, age, marital, veteran, disability status or any other protected category in accordance with applicable law. 

We also consider qualified applicants regardless of criminal histories, in accordance with applicable law. We are committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in our job application procedures. If you need assistance or accommodation due to a disability, please contact

Any information you submit to SecurityScorecard as part of your application will be processed in accordance with the Company’s privacy policy and applicable law. 

SecurityScorecard does not accept unsolicited resumes from employment agencies.  Please note that we do not provide immigration sponsorship for this position. #LI-DNI

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Senior Software Engineer

Full TimeS3LambdaredisagileRabbitMQDesignrubyc++dockerelasticsearchMySQLbackend

Snapsheet is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineer - Snapsheet - Career PageSee more jobs at Snapsheet

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Software Engineer II

FlywireAdelaide or Brisbane or Australia Remote, Australia, Remote
Djangoredis5 years of experienceDesignhtml5dockerpostgresqlpythonAWSjavascript

Flywire is hiring a Remote Software Engineer II

Job Description

The Opportunity:

We, at Flywire, are looking for an experienced Software Engineer II, ideally with a background in EdTech/FinTech. Your primary responsibility will be to build and maintain the StudyLink Connect product we’ve developed into the leading, cloud-based student admissions solution used by most of Australia’s universities and TAFEs and a fast-growing number of international institutions. The StudyLink product team is driven by a passion to enable people everywhere to achieve their goals in education by creating technology that improves choice and decisions.

You will be joining a team in charge of designing new functionalities and improving the current capabilities to improve features, speed, cost and scalability of our product. Thus, a commitment to collaborative problem solving, pragmatic design, building quality products and to convey the sensation that the product is the responsibility of all the team is essential.

  • Write clean, high quality, testable, secure, maintainable and extendable code
  • Solve items such as challenging bugs and production issues within the development environment
  • Work on complex issues where analysis of situations or data requires an in-depth evaluation of variable factors.
  • Exercise judgment in selecting methods, techniques and evaluation criteria for obtaining results
  • Design, build, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable code
  • Drive change and improvement in all phases of the development lifecycle
  • Work collaboratively with teams across the globe being able to understand their needs and role context


Here’s What We’re Looking For:

  • 2-5 years of experience in web application development 
  • Strong understanding of object-oriented fundamentals 
  • Familiarity with relational databases 
  • Fluent in English, as it is the company’s working language 
  • Experience in EdTech, FinTech or the payment industry will be appreciated
  • The ability to deliver high quality code and learn quickly
  • Outstanding verbal and written communication skills and the ability to collaborate with cross functional teams including product and support
  • Front end development expertise highly desirable

Technologies We Use:

  • Python, CFML (Lucee)
  • Django, Flask
  • React
  • Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, Amazon Aurora
  • JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3
  • Docker, Amazon ElastiCache (Redis), EventBridge
  • Desktop: Mac
  • Cloud platform: AWS

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Developer Experience Engineer

GustoDenver, CO;San Francisco, CA;New York, NY;Atlanta, GA;Austin, TX;Chicago, IL;Los Angeles, CA;Miami, FL;Seattle, WA;United States - Remote

Gusto is hiring a Remote Developer Experience Engineer


About Gusto

Gusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.

Our mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about ourTotal Rewards philosophy

About this Role

This role will be a part of our Developer Experience Team at Gusto! The Developer Experience Team is a small but growing engineering team that empowers the 200+ Product Engineers at Gusto. Gusto Product Engineers move tens of billions of our customers’ dollars every year and the Developer Experience Team helps them work efficiently, securely, and enjoyably.

The ideal Senior Software Engineer will be able to understand the needs of Gusto Product Engineers, and build the appropriate tools and services. As part of the Developer Experience team you are engaged at all phases of the Software Development Lifecycle, building tools to increase efficiency during feature development, ensuring our continuous integration and continuous deployment process is efficient and delivers fast feedback, and provide observability tools to help engineers understand the behavior of our software in production.

Here’s what you’ll do (and we’ll support you so you’re great at it):

  • Ensure our services communicate with each other seamlessly, have minimal downtime, and recover quickly.
  • Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team on coming up with best practices for writing, maintaining and running reliable services.
  • Improve our infrastructure setup and deployment strategies.
  • Impact the productivity and happiness of our entire team with the tools you build. You'll be the daily recipient of hugs and high-fives from our engineering and support teams.
  • Collaborate with the tools development team to improve our deploy pipeline.
  • Pager-duty rotation: Never fear! Most issues occur during work hours.
  • Work with our product engineering teams to ensure high performance of our services.

You'll know you're a good fit for this role if you have:

  • 10+ years of experience in a Platform, SRE, or DevOps role using a Ruby/Kubernetes/AWS stack or similar technologies
  • 10+ years of experience coding in Ruby, Golang, or similar
  • 5+ years of experience w/ Buildkite or similar to design and implement sophisticated Release and Deploy tooling on Kubernetes
  • Experience developing best practices to build out and maintain secure infrastructure, CI systems, service oriented applications, and more
  • Enjoys working and deploying technologies such as Kubernetes, AWS, Ruby, Rails, MySql, and Redis
  • Loves building tools enabling engineers to move faster, while maintaining security
  • Understands the importance of security and compliance when working with personal data
  • Tests infrastructure changes thoroughly and likes to double and triple check everything

Learn more about the team:

Our cash compensation amount for this role is targeted at $147,000-$206,000 in Denver & most remote locations, and $178,000-$243,000 for San Francisco & New York. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including candidate experience and expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.


Gusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately 2-3 daysper week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.

Note: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. 

When approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.

Our customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. 

Gusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you require assistance in filling out a Gusto job application, please reach out to

Gusto takes security and protection of your personal information very seriously. Please review our Fraudulent Activity Disclaimer.

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Principal Software Engineer - Messaging

Live PersonGermany - Remote

Live Person is hiring a Remote Principal Software Engineer - Messaging

 LivePerson (NASDAQ: LPSN) is the global leader in enterprise conversations. Hundreds of the world’s leading brands — including HSBC, Chipotle, and Virgin Media — use our award-winning Conversational Cloud platform to connect with millions of consumers. We power nearly a billion conversational interactions every month, providing a uniquely rich data set and safety tools to unlock the power of Conversational AI for better customer experiences.  

At LivePerson, we foster an inclusive workplace culture that encourages meaningful connection, collaboration, and innovation. Everyone is invited to ask questions, actively seek new ways to achieve success and reach their full potential. We are continually looking for ways to improve our products and make things better. This means spotting opportunities, solving ambiguities, and seeking effective solutions to the problems our customers care about. 


The Messaging team consists of mission-critical services that enable messaging and conversations at scale. We are the heart of LivePerson’s offering with at least 99.999% (five-nines) SLA for internal and external stakeholders. This high standard underscores our commitment to excellence and reliability.

You will: 

As part of the Messaging team you will work on:

  • High-Performance Systems: Developing and optimizing services that handle billions of messages and conversations, ensuring low latency and high throughput.
  • Horizontal Scaling: Designing and implementing horizontally scaled, stateless container architectures running on Kubernetes, leveraging technologies like Redis.
  • Cloud Migration: Leading the transition from on-premises infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP), aiming to reduce hardware footprint and enhance scalability.
  • Agent Routing and Lifecycle Management: Managing the lifecycle of conversations, including agent and bot assignments, surveys, and reporting events.
  • Reliability & Availability: Implementing best practices for reduced MTTR and achieving five SLAs by proactive monitoring, incident management, and performance tuning.
  • Hands-on coding:Solving complex engineering problems at scale and producing well-documented code that is easier to understand.
  • Collaboration: Working bottom-to-bottom, dealing with stakeholders, and mentoring thriving engineers.

Our team thrives on collaboration, innovation, and a shared commitment to delivering world-class messaging solutions.

You have:

  • 3+ years of experience working as a Staff or Principal engineer on mission-critical, high-frequency systems, in a product-driven environment.
  • 6-8+ years of experience with large-scale distributed microservices architecture.
  • In-depth knowledge of the Public and Private Clouds.
  • Working proficiency in English - crisp communication skills to collaborate with globally distributed teams.
  • Ability to tell stories, lead by example, mentor fellow engineers, and can-do attitude.
  • A bachelor’s degree (or higher) in computer science or a related discipline would be a plus.

Some of the technologies we're using:

  • Java (8/11/17), JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Spring, Spring Boot, and Quarkus
  • GraphQL and gRPC
  • Docker, Kubernetes, and Puppet
  • Apache Kafka, Google Pub/sub, Redis, Hazelcast
  • MySQL, Couchbase, Cassandra, Elasticsearch
  • Microservices, event-driven architecture
  • Hybrid cloud infrastructure (GCP and On-Premises)
  • Vault, OAuth2.0 Provider, and much more


  • Time away: Vacation, public holidays and care days.
  • Financial: Pension, deferred pension and ESPP.
  • Family: Parental leave.
  • Development:  Generous tuition reimbursement and access to internal professional development resources.
  • Additional: Exclusive perks and discounts.

Why you’ll love working here: 

As leaders in enterprise customer conversations, we celebrate diversity, empowering our team to forge impactful conversations globally. LivePerson is a place where uniqueness is embraced, growth is constant, and everyone is empowered to create their own success. And, we're very proud to have earned recognition from Fast Company, Newsweek, and BuiltIn for being a top innovative, beloved, and remote-friendly workplace. 

Belonging at LivePerson:

We are proud to be an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to age, ancestry, color, family or medical care leave, gender identity or expression, genetic information, marital status, medical condition, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws, regulations and ordinances. We also consider qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state, and local law.

We are committed to the accessibility needs of applicants and employees. We provide reasonable accommodations to job applicants with physical or mental disabilities. Applicants with a disability who require reasonable accommodation for any part of the application or hiring process should inform their recruiting contact upon initial connection.


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Software Engineer

Mid LevelFull TimeredisDesignrubyMySQLpython

Mailprotector is hiring a Remote Software Engineer

Software Engineer - Mailprotector - Career PageHave designed, developed, or maintained large-scale Ruby on Rails produ

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Software Engineering Manager


Signify Health is hiring a Remote Software Engineering Manager

How will this role have an impact?

This role requires a talented engineer who is versatile and creative.  One who can not only lead and influence groups of teams, but be an integral part of a small tight team that will build out the next generation of software solutions offered by Signify Health.    

If you’re passionate about application engineering, want to help shape the direction of our next generation features and products for Signify Health’s partners in episodic care, and to make a significant impact on the health and lives of hundreds of thousands of people, then we have the perfect position for you!  

TheManager, Software Engineeringwill work with multiple SCRUM teams developing highly scalable enterprise applications and web services that are a key part of Signify Health's ecosystem. The Senior Software Engineer will design and implement software that solves complex business problems.  This person will identify risks and unnecessary complexity, and incorporate non-functional aspects into their software design. 

What will you do?

  • Engineer highly scalable, distributed web services & applications
  • Work on enterprise services and applications
  • Be responsible for the security and privacy of all protected health information that may be accessed during everyday work activities
  • Deliver high-quality code to production
  • Suggest paradigms, toolsets, frameworks, or third party solutions and work to establish consistency in terms of process and approach.
  • Support team members and drive: 
    • Partnership with and execution of product direction across the group.
    • Adoption of new technology and best practices.
    • Fostering a security mindset, helping to train and implement code security best practices within the team.
    • Aggregating and reviewing engineering performance and application uptime KPIs.
    • Strong mentorship and coaching to junior software engineers leading software design and implementation of most projects.
    • Identifying opportunities for improvement across dependent services and teams.

We are looking for someone with:

  • 8+ years of experience in the engineering field as a software engineer
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or a related field or equivalent work experience
  • 8+ years of work experience in .NET framework, .Net Core, C#, Web API 2 and RESTful web services
  • Working knowledge of front-end technologies such as Angular, NgRx, React, CSS3, HTML and Node
  • Strong SQL skills.
  • Exposure to caching patterns and technologies is a plus(Redis, Couchbase, etc.)
  • Exposure to Document Databases is preferred
  • Experience with TDD and familiarity with Unit testing frameworks is preferred
  • Familiarity with messaging technologies like Kafka, Akka.Net, NServiceBus or RabbitMQ is a plus
  • Experience doing Agile spikes on new ideas, and once decisions are made helping to carry out the implementation.
  • Experience with multi-layer architecture, architectural patterns and Dependency Injection frameworks. Experience with Mediator pattern, Domain Driven Design and ORMs strongly desired
  • Strong understanding of service oriented architecture principles and techniques, object-oriented design principles, and database design and implementation
  • Experience with application containerization and container management is a plus
  • Experience with Scrum/Agile development methodologies
  • Experience with version control software such as GIT or TFS
  • Experience with Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) is a plus

The base salary hiring range for this position is $108,900 to $189,700. Compensation offered will be determined by factors such as location, level, job-related knowledge, skills, and experience. Certain roles may be eligible for incentive compensation, equity, and benefits.
In addition to your compensation, enjoy the rewards of an organization that puts our heart into caring for our colleagues and our communities.  Eligible employees may enroll in a full range of medical, dental, and vision benefits, 401(k) retirement savings plan, and an Employee Stock Purchase Plan.  We also offer education assistance, free development courses, paid time off programs, paid holidays, a CVS store discount, and discount programs with participating partners.  

About Us:

Signify Health is helping build the healthcare system we all want to experience by transforming the home into the healthcare hub. We coordinate care holistically across individuals’ clinical, social, and behavioral needs so they can enjoy more healthy days at home. By building strong connections to primary care providers and community resources, we’re able to close critical care and social gaps, as well as manage risk for individuals who need help the most. This leads to better outcomes and a better experience for everyone involved.

Our high-performance networks are powered by more than 9,000 mobile doctors and nurses covering every county in the U.S., 3,500 healthcare providers and facilities in value-based arrangements, and hundreds of community-based organizations. Signify’s intelligent technology and decision-support services enable these resources to radically simplify care coordination for more than 1.5 million individuals each year while helping payers and providers more effectively implement value-based care programs.

To learn more about how we’re driving outcomes and making healthcare work better, please visit us at

Diversity and Inclusion are core values at Signify Health, and fostering a workplace culture reflective of that is critical to our continued success as an organization.

We are committed to equal employment opportunities for employees and job applicants in compliance with applicable law and to an environment where employees are valued for their differences.

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Senior Backend Engineer

JustParkLondon,England,United Kingdom, Remote Hybrid

JustPark is hiring a Remote Senior Backend Engineer


About JustPark

JustPark, established in 2006, is the UK’s favourite parking app, parking a car every 2 seconds and processing £100m+ of parking income for our partners each year. With 13 million drivers and more than 250,000 spaces, we’re proud to work with some of the UK’s biggest Local Authorities, hotel chains and car park operators. JustPark markets and monetises both unused residential driveways and under-utilised car park capacity, benefitting drivers and creating revenue for space owners. 

Uniquely in the industry, we focus on both the driver and the operator experience to make parking better for all stakeholders. In addition to working with traditional parking real-estate,  we also work with 10,000s of independent landlords and small businesses. We pride ourselves in our ability to provide exceptional service, a smooth onboarding process and being on the cutting edge of innovation. 

About ParkHub

Founded in 2010, ParkHub is the US’s leading event parking technology provider powering the largest venues and stadiums. This includes over 70% of pro-sports teams and managing over $3bn in revenue on their platform. ParkHub is optimising the world’s journeys by providing cutting-edge enterprise technology to support  the global parking industry. The company’s products offer contactless payment options, real-time  operational data, robust performance analytics, and leading integrations with ticketing and parking reservation providers.

Our merged organisation

Following the merger in April 2024, JustPark and ParkHub now form one of the largest parking organisations globally, serving over 20 million drivers and more than 500 B2B customers, with a combined booking volume exceeding $1 billion. 

Whereas before, JustPark was purely an expert in consumer parking reservations and on-demand payments, as a combined business we are now also market leaders in providing best-in-class venue and event parking management services and business intelligence. This makes 2024 a hugely exciting time to join our business and we are looking for new team members that will help us execute on the opportunity now in front of us. 


This position is all about building a backend that delivers new tools and products to 10 million users, building solutions that ensure our customers experience a world-class service from our products.

As a senior engineer, you will get to contribute to key architectural decisions that shape the future of the stack at scale. You’ll also be expected to take charge of technical delivery and guide the more junior members of the team around you as we work together daily.


We use Laravel 10 and PHP 8.1 as our daily drivers. Our current architecture is fairly monolithic, predominantly sat in Laravel as our main API and remnants of legacy desktop. We have a bunch of surrounding services written in Go, Java, Python and Node also, state is held in Redis, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Primarily the surrounding microservices are written in Go (around 25) with some legacy Java/Python services.

We operate in a cloud environment, utilising Google Cloud, and our infrastructure is cloud native - our entire production, staging and development stack is kubernetes and docker. 

We work to agile methodologies. Peer review of work is expected from all engineers, and we work in a test driven fashion as often it allows, but understand sometimes we might need to kick some code about for a bit before we’ve got the right implementation then refactor and pin in test. We are big on pair programming and encourage it wherever possible.


To give you more of an idea of the kind of projects you’ll be working on, here are just some of the initiatives our backend and platform teams have delivered recently

  • Refactored our pricing service to standardise on one algorithm
  • Introduced pricing surges for large scale events
  • Updated our automated pricing algorithm to earn more money for our space owners
  • We migrated to MySQL 8 from MySQL 5.7 with no downtime
  • We’ve implemented CI/CD and in the process of introducing canary releases/automated rollback
  • Written our own pricing engine, that can handle any car parks pricing structure
  • Implemented multiple multi-million pound sub-products to support our core service

This is the right role for you if:

  • You have experience with Laravel & PHP
  • You're comfortable testing your code and are familiar with TDD best practices
  • You want to share your knowledge, and have a track record of mentoring junior engineers
  • You want to build a career working on a market-leading product with a talented team of engineers
  • You want to work on a product that has to scale to a large number of bookings per second 
  • You want to work on a product that has a 99.99% uptime and high traffic volume 
  • You have a performance and platform mindset
  • You have experience breaking down projects and stories into small, incremental, shippable releases

About you

We’re looking for someone who can bring their tried and tested experience to JustPark to help us shape our Engineering team. Even with all that experience, though, we don’t expect you to be an expert on our systems or code base from day one! 

We value people who are smarter than us and can teach us something new. You’ll be able to stand up for something you believe is right, and challenge when you see something that could be better. And you’ll welcome the challenge from your team when they do the same, because we’re all working towards a common goal.

We’re here to deliver a solution that makes life better for our customers. To do that you’ll need to see beyond just your role and understand how our business fits together to see the impact we all have on one another. You’ll seek out people here at JustPark and in the wider engineering community who inspire you, educate you and show you new ways of working.

We care about quality, and we expect the same from every person in the team. We laugh at our mistakes, but we don’t make them more than once. When things go wrong, we focus on finding a solution, support each other to make it right again and learn from it to do better in the future.

We trust you to know what’s needed to get the job done. That's why we work on a hybrid basis (with 2/3 days in the office and Tuesdays & Thursdays being our 'anchor days'), and we’ll work with you to make sure you have the right kit and the right environment for you to succeed. Plus we know it's not all about work! Check out some of the great benefits to joining the JustPark team below:

Investment in YOU and your wellbeing:

  • Private Medical Insurance in partnership with Vitality. You’ll gain access to their rewards platform with discounts to top retailers including Apple, Peloton and more!
  • Life Assurance in partnership with YuLife
  • Gym membership discounts and fitness rewards
  • Employee Assistance Provider - offering you (and your family) free confidential support and advice (e.g. counselling, legal or financial advice) for when you need it most
  • 24/7 virtual GP access

Simplifying journeys so YOU can breathe easier:

  • Cycle to Work scheme - a highly tax efficient way to purchase your new bike!
  • £50 per month parking credit

Recharge your batteries:

  • FREE restaurant-quality lunch cooked by our very own chef and longest-standing employee (Julie!). Take time out to enjoy lunch with the wider team and check out her repertoire HERE 
  • Taking time off work to relax and recharge is important, that's why we have a generous holiday policy in place of 25 days, plus bank holidays PLUS your line manager has the ability to grant an additional 5 days (prorated)!

We look out for your family:

  • Childcare benefit in partnership with Koru Kids (up to £100 a month!)
  • Enhanced Maternity and Paternity policies, plus a host of other family-friendly policies

Look after the pennies to grow the £££’s!:

  • A salary exchange pension scheme, helping to look out for ‘the future you’
  • A generous ‘refer a friend’ scheme of £1000 per successful recommendation. Great people tend to know great people, so why not refer them to join for the ride!

Success is best when it’s shared!

  • We love sharing in the success, therefore the whole company goes away once a quarter to learn about our goals and have an afternoon of fun team building
  • Each department gets a budget of £50 per head every 6 months - relax and enjoy some time out of work with your colleagues

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Technical Lead with Java

MobicaRemote, Poland
S3LambdaredisagileMaster’s Degree3 years of experiencekotlinsqlDesignmongodbazureapijavaswaggerpostgresqltypescriptpythonAWS

Mobica is hiring a Remote Technical Lead with Java

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled Technical Lead to focus on IT e-Mobility Solutions Architecture and development for one of our major Customers. This role involves improving, extending, and ultimately migrating to the global enterprise architecture concept. The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in IT development, particularly with Java, and will be mainly responsible for understanding business drivers and translating them into feasible technical solutions.


  • Understand business drivers and capabilities, current state and future needs within the e-Mobility domain.
  • Translate business needs into feasible architectural blueprints, considering a broad scope of products, projects, services, systems, and non-functional needs.
  • Lead the design of solutions in close cooperation with other Architects, Product Owners, and Developers.
  • Document solutions architecture designs.
  • Engage in coding tasks (~40-50% of the time).
  • Hybrid mode of working - with the presence in the Warsaw office at least 1 or 2 days per week (depending on the candidate's place of residence)


Must have skills:

  • Master’s degree in computer science, IT, engineering, system analysis, or a related study
  • Minimum 7 years of experience in IT Industry Development
  • Minimum 3 years of experience as a Java software developer,  including Java 16+ versions, Groovy
  • Ability to speak English at C1 level
  • Communicative Polish, both written and spoken - level B2
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Experience in multiple, diverse technologies, platforms, and processing environments
  • Good understanding of Product Management, Agile principles, and Development Methodologies
  • Practical knowledge in:
    • Event Driven Architecture and Domain Driven Design
    • Lombok for Java Spring Boot applications.
    • SQL and no-SQL databases (PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Dynamo, Redis)
    • CI/CD tools (e.g., SONAR, GitHub)
    • Build automation tools like Gradle
    • Cloud storage solutions including S3 on AWS and Azure Blob Storage.
    • Open-Api (Swagger) for applications with API documentation

Nice to have skills:

  • Experience in working in retail
  • Microservice Architecture
  • Understanding of Business Process Management
  • Understanding of Event-Driven Architecture and Domain-Driven Design
  • Experience with Vendor Management
  • Skilled in using TypeScript, Python or JavaScript/Node.js on AWS Lambda
  • Experience with Python on AWS Lambda
  • Knowledge of Kotlin for application development
  • Knowledge of Open-Api (Swagger) for applications with API documentation

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Senior Software Engineer, Messaging Components

BrazeRemote - British Columbia
SalesredisagileBachelor's degreeDesignmongodbrubyjavatypescript

Braze is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer, Messaging Components

At Braze, we have found our people. We’re a genuinely approachable, exceptionally kind, and intensely passionate crew.

We seek to ignite that passion by setting high standards, championing teamwork, and creating work-life harmony as we collectively navigate rapid growth on a global scale while striving for greater equity and opportunity – inside and outside our organization.

To flourish here, you must be prepared to set a high bar for yourself and those around you. There is always a way to contribute: Acting with autonomy, having accountability and being open to new perspectives are essential to our continued success. Our deep curiosity to learn and our eagerness to share diverse passions with others gives us balance and injects a one-of-a-kind vibrancy into our culture.

If you are driven to solve exhilarating challenges and have a bias toward action in the face of change, you will be empowered to make a real impact here, with a sharp and passionate team at your back. If Braze sounds like a place where you can thrive, we can’t wait to meet you.


We're looking for a Senior Full Stack Engineer for our Messaging Components team, which is the team responsible for building, maintaining, and evolving Canvas, our flagship product. That means supporting sending messages for clients worldwide, which utilizes billions of asynchronous jobs, tens of billions of queries on MongoDB and Redis, and infrastructure spanning cloud providers across the globe.

You’ll be a key engineering contributor and help us evolve critical components of our systems, building and optimizing for a massive scale. You will tackle significant engineering challenges in a highly collaborative and skilled team. Taking projects from concept to production, you will be working on building critical components of Braze’s high-scale infrastructure. 


  • 5+ years of full-stack development experience
  • Experienced technical leader that drives architectural decisions
  • Strong understanding of design, data structures, and algorithms
  • A self-starter with great communication and organizational skills who has worked in a team environment before
  • Bonus:
    • Professional experience building software at scale
    • Professional experience with Ruby on Rails, React, TypeScript, Java, MongoDB, microservice architecture, distributed systems
    • Experience with agile processes
    • Passionate about user experience


Details of these benefits plan will be provided if a candidate receives an offer of employment. Benefits may vary by location.

From offering comprehensive benefits to fostering flexible environments, we’ve got you covered so you can prioritize work-life harmony.

  • Competitive compensation that may include equity
  • Retirement and Employee Stock Purchase Plans
  • Flexible paid time off
  • Comprehensive benefit plans covering medical, dental, vision, life, and disability
  • Family services that include fertility benefits and equal paid parental leave
  • Professional development supported by formal career pathing, learning platforms, and tuition reimbursement
  • Community engagement opportunities throughout the year, including an annual company wide Volunteer Week
  • Employee Resource Groups that provide supportive communities within Braze
  • Collaborative, transparent, and fun culture recognized as a Great Place to Work®


Braze is a leading customer engagement platform that powers lasting connections between consumers and brands they love. Braze allows any marketer to collect and take action on any amount of data from any source, so they can creatively engage with customers in real time, across channels from one platform. From cross-channel messaging and journey orchestration to Al-powered experimentation and optimization, Braze enables companies to build and maintain absolutely engaging relationships with their customers that foster growth and loyalty.

Braze is proudly certified as a Great Place to Work® in the U.S., the UK and Singapore. We ranked #3 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2024 Best Workplaces (Large), #3 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces for Wellbeing (Medium), #4 on Great Place to Work’s 2023 Best Workplaces in Europe (Medium), #10 on Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces for Women (Large), #19 on Fortune’s 2023 Best Workplaces in New York (Large). We were also featured in Built In's 2024 Best Places to Work, U.S. News Best Technology Companies to Work For, and Great Place to Work UK’s 2023 Best Workplaces in Tech.

You’ll find many of us at headquarters in New York City or around the world in Austin, Berlin, Chicago, Jakarta, London, Paris, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo – not to mention our employees in nearly 50 remote locations.


At Braze, we strive to create equitable growth and opportunities inside and outside the organization.

Building meaningful connections is at the heart of everything we do, and that includes our recruiting practices. We're committed to offering all candidates a fair, accessible, and inclusive experience – regardless of age, color, disability, gender identity, marital status, maternity, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or status as a protected veteran. When applying and interviewing with Braze, we want you to feel comfortable showcasing what makes you you.

We know that sometimes different circumstances can lead talented people to hesitate to apply for a role unless they meet 100% of the criteria. If this sounds familiar, we encourage you to apply, as we’d love to meet you.

Please see ourCandidate Privacy Policy for more information on how Braze processes your personal information during the recruitment process and, if applicable based on your location, how you can exercise any privacy rights.

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