ios Remote Jobs

223 Results


Senior Design Quality Assurance Engineer


Glooko is hiring a Remote Senior Design Quality Assurance Engineer

This position is responsible for developing, establishing, and maintaining quality and compliance programs, policies, processes, procedures, and controls ensuring that performance and quality of products conform to established standards, agency regulations, Glooko’s Quality Policy, Quality Objectives, and Quality Manual.


About the Role: 

  • Support and assure FDA and ISO 13485 Design Controls requirements on the development processes for Glooko products on cross-functional teams
  • Ensure compliance to the elements of Design Controls including Planning, Design Input, Design Output, Design Review, Design Verification, Design Validation, Design Transfer, Design Changes, and Design History File
  • Lead the medical device risk management activities, include FDA cybersecurity requirements, across the global organization
  • Facilitate the risk management and dFMEA/sFMEA processes among stakeholders in Engineering, Verification, Clinical, Product and Regulatory
  • Lead risk evaluation for pre-market and post-market issues for product safety, including completion of the risk documentation and the risk management file
  • Identify potential quality issues in products and processes and deliver guidance on developing effective remediation for addressing them
  • Exercise independent judgment in evaluating complex processes, procedures and systems against written regulatory requirements and company procedures
  • Collaborate and guide with cross-functional team members and stakeholders to ensure implementation of Design Controls and Quality Systems
  • Manage the change control process by monitoring all types of changes that can influence product reliability and quality
  • Create Quality and Risk Management Plans for product development projects and manage the plans throughout the development process
  • Participate in the CAPA process and work with CAPA owners to address and close CAPAs in a timely manner
  • Support Externals Audits from FDA, ISO 13485 and Partners including documentation and follow-up on the action items for audit issues
  • Support Internal Audits to document and follow-up on audit issues and assist teams with resolution of the issues
  • Prepare documentation required by the FDA and assist in maintaining the Glooko Quality System


About You: 

  • BS or MS degree in Software Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Electical Engineering, Computer Science, Regulatory Affairs or another scientific discipline
  • Minimum 6-8 years Quality System and Design Assurance experience in the FDA-regulated medical device industry with specific experience working directly with medical device software development teams
  • Direct experience with FDA 21 CFR 820, ISO 13485, ISO 14971, IEC 62034, IEC 82304, and FDA Cybersecurity expectations
  • Strong understanding and responsibility for compliance to Design Control Requirements
  • In-depth knowledge of Medical Device Risk Management practices according to ISO 14971 including application of Risk Management to all the stages of software development including dFMEA/sFMEA. 
  • A lengthy track record in effective application of Design Control best practices to medical device software development teams
  • Knowledgeable of AAMI Technical Information Reports including: TIR80002-1 – Guidance on the application of ISO14971 to Medical Device Software, TIR45 - Using Agile in Medical Device Software Development and TIR36 - Validation Of Software For Regulated Processes
  • In-dept experience in all general FDA and ISO 13485 Quality System processes including: Management Review, Document Control, Training, CAPA, Audits, Complaints, Supplier Management, SOPs, etc.
  • Ability to lead and manage various Regulatory activities and meetings including CAPA, risk analysis, documentation and audit meetings
  • Detail oriented and well organized with excellent skills in written and verbal communications and analytical and strategic thinking
  • Ability to work independently and to collaborate effectively on teams
  • Experience working on diabetes-related product desired


The Company: 

Each year, diabetes, obesity, and other cardiometabolic diseases cause the highest incidence of death, disability, and healthcare system costs. At Glooko, we make it simpler for people with these illnesses to connect with their physicians and care teams.  Glooko is the universal platform for providing an FDA-cleared, HIPAA-compliant, EU MDR-certified Web and Mobile (iOS and Android) application for people with clinicians who treat them.

Glooko accelerates research and improves care by making it simpler for people to collect and share their health data with physicians and researchers. The platform seamlessly unifies and visualizes data from over 210 devices, including blood glucose meters, insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitors, activity trackers, and biometric devices.  Connecting to these devices allows Glooko to deliver insights that improve personal and clinical decision support. Patients and providers have one place to view their health management information, including medications, food intake, exercise, and biometrics.  The platform makes it easier for physicians to monitor and deliver more personalized care remotely.

Glooko’s mobile app and web dashboard enable patients to track and proactively manage their diabetes care easily. Glooko’s Population Tracker and APIs offer diabetes-centric analytics and insightful reports that enable clinicians to identify at-risk patients. Clinicians can send pattern-triggered notifications to patients, health systems, and payers.

Our proprietary platforms enable clinical trial conduct and acceleration by leveraging advanced patient selection and site identification tools as well as remote device and e-PRO data collection capabilities.  This platform's capabilities support the rapid development and iteration of digital companion and therapeutic applications.

Launched in 2010, Glooko is funded and managed by visionary technologists and leaders in healthcare.


***NOTE: Only the job postings listed below are legitimate Glooko, Inc. job postings. All current job postings are listed on, LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor under “Glooko.” Any domain that links to this page that references a position not listed here is not a legitimate Glooko job posting.

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Développeur full-stack .NET / Flutter (H/F)

Business & DecisionBordeaux, France, Remote

Business & Decision is hiring a Remote Développeur full-stack .NET / Flutter (H/F)

Description du poste

Créativité ou #expertise : pourquoi choisir ? Touchez à tout !

Au sein de la Direction Produits d'Orange, nous recherchons pour notre site de Bordeaux (Pessac) un Développeur Application Mobile Flutter F/H pour renforcer notre équipe de développement produit. Vous rejoindrez la communauté Flutter d'Orange Business Service qui intervient sur de nombreux projets / produits depuis maintenant plus de 2 ans. Vous travaillerez notamment sur 2 produits d'Orange Business Service dans le domaine des Smart Cities et du Smart Office.

Ces différentes applications mettent en jeux de nombreuses technologies (Navigation indoor, NFC, Cartographie 3D). Les problématiques de compatibilité WEB avec Flutter font également partie des enjeux actuels.

Vos principales missions seront les suivantes :

  • Développer des applications mobiles et des Progressive Web App avec Flutter,
  • Concevoir des solutions et proposer des architectures logicielles,
  • Rédiger et valider les documentations techniques projet,
  • Appliquer les règles de qualité de développement en vous appuyant sur les outils internes (forge logicielle, intégration continue, outil de reporting ...),
  • Participer aux chiffrages et aux avant-ventes,
  • Participer à la veille technologique autour de Flutter,
  • Participer à la formation des collaborateurs.

Vous devez également être en mesure d'expliquer les différents choix techniques et présenter l'architecture logicielle choisie.

Vous rejoignez une équipe passionnée de 20 personnes composée de Dev, PO, Ops qui est fière d'assurer un haut de niveau de services autour d'une solution performante et en constante évolution.


Vous êtes de formation Bac+5 minimum et êtes passionné par le développement et les nouvelles technologies web et mobiles.

  • Vous êtes autonome, dynamique, rigoureux, curieux et savez être force de proposition. Vous disposez de plusieurs expériences dans le domaine mobile natif (iOS ou Android),
  • Vous pensez que Flutter est une technologie performante et productive,
  • Vous avez une connaissance de l'écosystème Flutter et suivez avec intérêt ses évolutions,
  • Aujourd'hui, vous êtes en capacité de concevoir les architectures de projet et proposer les solutions adéquates,
  • Vous souhaitez intervenir sur des projets à forte valeur ajoutée et des applications mobiles Grand Public,
  • Vous êtes attaché(e) à la qualité de vos livrables. Vous souhaitez évoluer vers de l'expertise.
  • Vous disposez d'un bon niveau en anglais.

Compétences :

  • Technologie : iOS ou Android, Flutter, Web,
  • Industrialisation : Tests unitaires, Tests automatiques, Intégration continue,
  • Culture mobile : connaissance du domaine technique iOS, Android.

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Genesis is hiring a Remote Експерт з підтримки клієнтів в Obrio (Англійська A1+)

OBRIO — продуктова IT-компанія з екосистеми бізнесів Genesis. Наша команда складається з понад 120 талановитих професіоналів, чиї амбіції та прагнення до успіху допомагають нам створювати найкращі продукти на ринку. Наші офіси є у Києві та Варшаві.

Ми розвиваємо Nebula — найбільший бренд у ніші духовного самопізнання. У Nebula понад 45 мільйонів користувачів з усього світу. Продукт неодноразово ставав додатком №1 в Apple Store та Play Market у США, Канаді та Австралії. Nebula доступна на iOS, Android та Web.

Місія нашого продукту — робити людей щасливішими, покращуючи якість їхніх стосунків.

Трішки досягнень, якими ми хотіли б поділитись з тобою:

  • Nebula — №1 продукт у своїй ніші за кількістю завантажень та показниками доходу;
  • 45 мільйонів користувачів з усього світу;
  • Користувачі з 50+ країн;
  • 4.8 — середній рейтинг в AppStore (з більш ніж 215 тисяч оцінок).

Кого ми шукаємо?

Оскільки ми швидко зростаємо, ми завжди в пошуку відповідальних експертів з підтримки клієнтів. Приєднавшись до нашої команди, ти матимеш змогу працювати в нічну зміну з 00.00-8.00.

    Патерн роботи ти зможеш обирати самостійно (3 робочі зміни - 2 вихідні / 2 робочі зміни - 2 вихідні).

    Будь ласка, зверни увагу, що вся комунікація щодо процесу відбору на цю посаду буде здійснюватися електронною поштою. Тому, будь ласка, не забувайте регулярно перевіряти свою електронну пошту (в т.ч. кошик “спам”).

    Чим займається команда експертів?

    Ми розвиваємо платформу для консультацій у сфері астрології та “wellbeing”. Наші фахівці роблять суспільно корисну справу. Людям часто не вистачає спілкування, впевненості в завтрашньому дні, підтримки та мотивації. Час від часу вони просто хочуть вилити душу і почути, що все буде добре. Ми допомагаємо людям з усього світу справлятися з різними життєвими ситуаціями за допомогою астрології, духовних практик та інструментів коучингу.

    Наші консультації допомагають людям подивитися на ситуацію по-іншому, дають їм простір для роздумів. Отримавши інсайти, людина може знайти сенс там, де раніше його не помічала. Наші консультації додають оптимізму та нового сенсу в життя людей, адже для багатьох людей розмова - це чудовий спосіб впоратися з психоемоційним напруженням. Крім того, наші консультації підвищують самооцінку клієнтів, що чудово впливає на їхнє повсякденне життя.

    Твої задачі:

    • Надання консультацій клієнтам веб-сайту через live-чат з використанням інструментів астрології, таро, езотерики, коучингу та духовних практик;
    • Надання чуйного та оперативного сервісу для задоволення потреб наших користувачів;
    • Робити свій внесок у досягнення команди та цілей компанії.

    Про тебе:

    • Ти володієш англійською мовою на рівні A2 або B1;
    • Цікавишся астрологією, таро, езотерикою, майндфулнес та лайф-коучингом, а також знаєшся на них. Всі ці знання використовуються для якісної комунікації з нашими користувачами. Якщо ти відчуваєш, що твоїх знань недостатньо, ми надаємо навчання, базу знань з описаними потоками для різних кейсів і гайди по всіх інструментах, а наші експерти та ментори проконсультують і супроводжуватимуть тебе на перших етапах.
    • Маєш відмінні навички комунікації та високий рівень емоційного інтелекту;
    • Впевнено користуєшся ПК та комп'ютерними програмами;
    • Швидко друкуєш – 35 слів за хвилину;
    • Ти проявляєш уважність, наполегливість та відповідальність у роботі.

    Буде чудово, якщо у тебе є:

    • Досвід комерційної/волонтерської роботи в кол-центрах, службах психологічної підтримки, соціальній роботі, на посадах операторів чату;
    • Сертифікат лайф-коуча/освіту в галузі психології;
    • Знання та/або досвід роботи з вразливими людьми, які потребують підтримки;
    • Впевненість, ентузіазм та вміння керувати робочим навантаженням;
    • Бажання розвивати свої знання та навички.

    Робота в OBRIO – це:

    • Чудова можливість розпочати кар'єру в ІТ з нуля;
    • Хороша компенсація, яка дозволяє зосередитися на розвитку проєкту та професійному зростанні до рівня Shift Lead або Team Lead;
    • Гнучкий графік роботи;
    • Сильна професійна команда – у тебе буде можливість ділитися знаннями з колегами та отримувати новий досвід;
    • Можливість покращити знання англійської мови, а також навчатися та розвиватися професійно;
    • Цікаві та складні завдання. Ми любимо тих, хто не боїться виходити за рамки ????.

    Нумо досягати зірок разом!

    Більше про нас в соцмережах: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok.

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    Genesis is hiring a Remote Customer Guidance Specialist – B2+ English (OBRIO)

    OBRIO is an IT company with Ukrainian roots inside Genesis business ecosystem. Our team consists of more than 120 talented professionals whose ambitions and striving for success help us build the best products on the market. We have offices in Kyiv and Warsaw.

    We are developing Nebula – the biggest brand in the spiritual niche. Nebula has over 45 million users worldwide and has been ranked as the № 1 lifestyle app of the day in the Apple Store and Play Market in the USA, Canada, and Australia several times. Nebula is available on iOS, Android, and Web.

    Our mission is to make people happier by improving the quality of their relationships.

    Here are some details we would like to share with you:

    • Nebulais #1 in its niche in terms of downloads and revenue targets;
    • 45 million users worldwide;
    • Users from 50+ countries;
    • 4.8 - our average AppStore rating (with more than 215 thousand ratings).

    Who we are looking for?

    As we are scaling rapidly, we are always looking for responsibleCustomer Guidance Specialists to join our team. You will work ona shift schedule - night shift 00.00-08.00. You can choose the working pattern yourself (3 work shifts - 2 days off / 2 work shifts - 2 days off).

    Please note that all communication regarding the selection process for this position will be conducted via email. Therefore, please do not forget to check your EMAIL regularly.

    What does the online chat management team do?

    We are developing a platform for consultations in the field of astrology and wellbeing. Our experts do socially valuable work. People often lack communication, confidence in the future, support and motivation. Often people just want to pour their heart out and hear that everything will be alright. We help people from all over the world to cope with different life situations using astrology, spiritual practices, emotional intelligence as well as coaching tools.

    In fact, our consultations help people to look at the situation differently, giving them space for reflection. After receiving insights, a person can find meaning where they had not noticed it before. Our counseling adds optimism and new meaning to people's lives, since for many people, talking is a great way to cope with psycho-emotional tension. In addition, our consultations increase clients' self-esteem, which has a wonderful effect on their everyday life.

    Your impact:

    • Providing consultations for customers of the WEB-site via live chat using the tools of astrology, tarot, esotericism, coaching and spiritual practices;
    • Providing empathetic and responsive service to meet the needs of our customers;
    • Contribute to the team achievements and company goals.

    About you:

    • You have strong B2 English proficiency or higher;
    • You are interested in and knowledgeable about astrology, tarot, esotericism, mindfulness, and life coaching.They are all used for quality communication with our users.If you feel that your knowledge is insufficient, we provide training, a knowledge base with described flows for different cases and guides on all tools, and our experts and mentors will consult and accompany you in the early stages.
    • You have excellent communication and emotional intelligence skills;
    • You are confident in using PC and computer programs;
    • You can type in English quickly – 35 words per minute;
    • You are attentive, persistent, and responsible.

    It will be great if you have:

    • Commercial/volunteer work experience in call centers, psychological support services, social work fields, chat operator positions;
    • Life coaching certification/education in a field of psychology;
    • Knowledge and/or experience working with vulnerable individuals requiring support;
    • Confidence, enthusiasm, and ability to manage work load;
    • Desire to develop knowledge and skills.

    Working at OBRIO is:

    • A great opportunity to start your IT career from scratch;
    • A good compensation that allows you to focus on project development and your professional growth to Shift Lead or Team Lead;
    • A flexible work schedule;
    • A strong professional team – you will have the opportunity to share knowledge with colleagues and gain new experience;
    • The opportunity to improve your English language skills and also learn and develop professionally;
    • Interesting and challenging tasks. We love those who are not afraid to step out of the box ????

    Let's team up and reach for the stars together!

    More about us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok.

    Discover our job openings, refer friends, and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at OBRIO by joining our Telegram.

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    Senior iOS Developer

    Full TimeDesignswiftmobileios

    DefineX Consulting Inc. is hiring a Remote Senior iOS Developer

    Senior iOS Developer - DefineX Consulting Inc. - Career Page { "@context": "http:\/\/\/", "@type": "JobPosting", "url": "https:\/\/\/apply\/TaxYKjMmyZ\/Senior

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    Senior Mobile Engineer LATAM

    SezzleColombia, Remote
    SalesgolangBachelor's degreeDesignmobileiosjavatypescriptpythonjavascriptbackendfrontend

    Sezzle is hiring a Remote Senior Mobile Engineer LATAM

    This is a remote role for candidates based in Latin America.

    About the Role: 

    Sezzle has an incredible opportunity to make an impact within a growing FinTech company. As a Senior Software Engineer focused on our mobile app, you will be responsible for solving challenges in our highest-traffic applications, with your work having a direct impact on our product and the millions of customers using it.

    About Sezzle:

    Sezzle is a cutting-edge fintech company whose long-standing mission is to financially empower the next generation. Only one in three millennials own a credit card, and the vast majority of millennials possess a subprime credit score or no score at all. To address these problems, Sezzle has built a payment platform that increases purchasing power for consumers by offering interest-free installment plans at online stores. This increase in purchasing power for consumers leads to increased sales and basket sizes for the numerous eCommerce merchants that currently work with Sezzle.

    As the first and only B-Corp in the payments space, Sezzle’s goal is to help everyone pursue financial freedom, and to invest in social good and ethical initiatives that shape a better world. 

    At Sezzle, we’re committed to putting purpose alongside profitability. We work hard to maintain rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency to build a better world. The employees at Sezzle lean into significant societal and cultural shifts, ensuring internal and external focus on positive impacts that benefit our community.

    Key Role Responsibilities: 

    • Help own and build out new features within our cross-platform TypeScript React Native app, and Golang backend APIs.
    • Manage our releases, using tools like cohorting, feature flags, and app-store infrastructure to ensure a safe rollout to our millions of active users.
    • Maintain a strong working relationship with product, design, and the business to ensure stakeholder needs are being evaluated and met.
    • Work with the team to continuously build clean, scalable, robust, and testable code.
    • Develop a deep working knowledge of your application, data domain, and KPIs.

    Minimum Requirements: 

    • 6+ years experience solving technical problems as part of a team.
    • Experience developing and delivering a mobile application to Apple and Google’s mobile app stores.
    • Strong familiarity with modern Frontend Development, Javascript or Typescript, and building applications with React Native, or similar cross-platform framework.
    • Understanding of relational databases like MySQL.

    Preferred Knowledge and Skills:

    • Knowledgeable in writing automated tests for applications (unit, integration, end-to-end), and implementing them in a CI environment.
    • Ability to solve problems with backend-focused languages like Go, Python, Java or similar.
    • Familiarity with typical microservice architecture composed of HTTP APIs.
    • Experience working with native code on iOS, Android.

    About You: 

    • A+ character. We are team-first here at Sezzle. 
    • A hard-working mentality. It’s early and there is still a lot to build. 
    • An excellent communicator. 
    • Ownership. You aren’t afraid to take on new responsibilities and you act like an owner in everything you do.
    • A fun attitude. Life’s too short. We can have fun while we work hard on cool things. 
    • Smarts. We need people that are smart enough to make decisions on their own and also smart enough to know when they need input from others. 

    What Makes Working at Sezzle Awesome? 

    At Sezzle, we are more than just brilliant engineers, passionate data enthusiasts, out-of-the-box thinkers, and determined innovators; we are skilled musicians, yogis, cyclists, chefs, golfers, dog-lovers, and rock-climbers. We believe in surrounding ourselves with not only the best and the brightest individuals, but those that are unique and purpose-driven in all that they do. Our culture is not defined by a certain set of perks designed to give the illusion of the traditional startup culture, but rather, it is the visible example living in every employee that we hire. 


    The compensation range for the role is as follows:

    4,600 - 7,500 USD Monthly

    Equal Employment Opportunity: Sezzle Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees. We do not discriminate based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other legally protected status. Sezzle recognizes and values the importance of diversity and inclusion in enriching the employment experience of its employees and in supporting our mission.


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    Backend Engineer (Java/Kotlin, Spring, AWS) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Chariot SolutionsFort Washington, PA, Remote

    Chariot Solutions is hiring a Remote Backend Engineer (Java/Kotlin, Spring, AWS) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Job Description

    We are looking for engineers with practical development experience and drive. 

    • Work on a wide array of projects, from strategy and architecture engagements to a full life-cycle development, systems integration, performance tuning, training and mentoring. 

    • Comfort with one or more application development frameworks: Spring, Express or HAPI, Django or Flask, etc.

    • Design and development of cloud-native applications (compute, database, storage, managed services).

    • Containerization and Deployment (Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, CloudFormation, Terraform).


    • You MUST have 5+ years of experience with Java/Kotlin or Node.js, Spring, and AWS.

    • Fluency with SQL and/or NoSQL databases.

    • Knowledge of networking (VPC, subnets, availability zones) and security (IAM roles and policies).

    • Bonus points for front-end experience with skills such as Javascript, Typescript, frameworks like Angular, React, or VueJS and styling with CSS. 

    • Bonus points for having Go, Clojure, Scala, Apache Spark, Hadoop, Stream Processing, Mobile technologies: iOS (Swift/Objective-C), and Android (Kotlin/Java) native applications. 

    • Bonus points for being involved in the Tech community (i.e. run user group, tech meetings, posts on social media).

    • Analytical, good energy, solid communications skills. 

    • Excellent problem-solving, communication and analytical skills. 

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    Senior IOS Developer (Swift/Objective-C & REST) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Chariot SolutionsFort Washington, PA, Remote

    Chariot Solutions is hiring a Remote Senior IOS Developer (Swift/Objective-C & REST) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Job Description

    We are looking for a Senior IOS Developer with practical development experience, drive, and who has great experience with all aspects of native mobile application development.

    • Contribute to the design and development of new features.
    • Design, build and maintain high performance IOS applications.
    • Use the latest tools and frameworks for native IOS development.
    • Writing and troubleshooting code in a multi-threaded environment.
    • Apply pertinent design patterns to mobile application architectures.
    • Work with mobile data persistence frameworks like CoreData, Realm, Firebase, etc.


    • You MUST have 5+ years of experience with Swift/Objective-C and REST/Web Services using JSON, XML.

    • Significant experience with all aspects of native mobile application development on IOS (Swift/Objective-C).

    • Experience with developing software that communicates with back-end servers via REST/Web Services using JSON, XML.
    • Worked with data persistence frameworks like CoreData, Realm, Firebase, etc.

    • Ability to clearly articulate complex issues and technologies.

    • Excellent problem-solving, communication and analytical skills.

    • Bonus points for: AWS experience, Android development skills.

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    Backend Engineer (Python/Django & AWS) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Chariot SolutionsFort Washington, PA, Remote

    Chariot Solutions is hiring a Remote Backend Engineer (Python/Django & AWS) | $120-150K | Exciting IT Consulting Firm

    Job Description

    We are looking for engineers with practical development experience and drive. 

    • Work on a wide array of projects, from strategy and architecture engagements to a full life-cycle development, systems integration, performance tuning, training and mentoring. 

    • Comfort with one or more application development frameworks: Spring, Express or HAPI, Django or Flask, etc.

    • Design and development of cloud-native applications (compute, database, storage, managed services).

    • Containerization and Deployment (Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, CloudFormation, Terraform).


    • You MUST have 5+ years of experience with Python/Node.js or Java, Django, and AWS.

    • Fluency with SQL and/or NoSQL databases.

    • Knowledge of networking (VPC, subnets, availability zones) and security (IAM roles and policies).

    • Bonus points for front-end experience with skills such as Javascript, Typescript, frameworks like Angular, React, or VueJS and styling with CSS. 

    • Bonus points for having Go, Clojure, Scala, Apache Spark, Hadoop, Stream Processing, Mobile technologies: iOS (Swift/Objective-C), and Android (Kotlin/Java) native applications. 

    • Bonus points for being involved in the Tech community (i.e. run user group, tech meetings, posts on social media).

    • Analytical, good energy, solid communications skills. 

    • Excellent problem-solving, communication and analytical skills. 

    See more jobs at Chariot Solutions

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    Senior iOS Engineer

    MonzoCardiff, London or Remote (UK)

    Monzo is hiring a Remote Senior iOS Engineer

    ???? We’re on a mission to make money work for everyone.

    We’re waving goodbye to the complicated and confusing ways of traditional banking. 

    With our hot coral cards and get-paid-early feature, combined with financial education on social media and our award winning customer service, we have a long history of creating magical moments for our customers!

    We’re not about selling products - we want to solve problems and change lives through Monzo ❤️

    Hear from our team about what it's like working at Monzo


    ????London/ UK remote | ???? £95,000 - £150,000 base salary per year ➕ share options | Benefits | Technology 

    About our Mobile Engineering Practice

    Our mobile engineers have a variety of different backgrounds

    There are ~30 iOS engineers at Monzo and we’re looking for more to join the team. We have several non-graduates; only some of us studied Computer Science; some of us have worked in huge companies; some have only ever worked in startups; others are former consultants. As long as you enjoy learning new things, we’d love to talk to you.

    We are actively creating an equitable environment for all of our engineers to thrive

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we are making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. We provide a sponsorship framework in Engineering for women and people of colour; all of our leaders are trained on privilege awareness and we are creating partnerships with organisations dedicated to supporting underrepresented groups.

    We encourage an open and transparent working environment

    You can get involved in any aspect of the business you are interested in and, following Stripe’sexample, all emails in the company are visible in an email archive. We default to transparency and prefer to communicate openly in Slack rather than by email or in DMs. Our blogis an excellent place to learn even more about what we do!

    Monzo works in project-based sprints in small, interdisciplinary teams

    We have 300+ engineers out of roughly 3,800 people in total - and we have big ambitions. There are many interesting challenges ahead, and we're happy for people to move between teams or to specialise, whatever you prefer. As an engineer here you'd be able to work directly with anyone across the company, and we run regular knowledge-sharing sessions so you’ll learn heaps about everything from how banks work to effective communication.

    Your day-to-day

    We’re searching for a product-awareSenior iOS engineerswith a passion for great UI and UX to join our team. You understand the need for tested, resilient code balanced against the need to move fast and iterate.

    You’ll be working on a product that is a part of day to day life for more than 6 million people already, and your work here will shape the way that people interact with their finances.

    This role is all about collaborating across disciplines to test hypotheses and make a difference to customers. As an iOS engineer at Monzo you'll work in a small, autonomous product squad alongside Android Engineers, Backend Engineers, User Researchers, Product Designers, Product Managers, QA Testers, Data Scientists and Business Analysts.

    Your mission will depend on the squad, but currently mobile engineers are working on the core personal banking experience, paid products, lending products, business banking and internal operations. We also have a small squad dedicated to enabling other mobile engineers to move faster.

    You and your team will be responsible for an overall company goal, rather than building a specific feature - you'll have the opportunity to have impact on bothwhatwe build, andhowwe build it.

    Every week we meet as a discipline to discuss tools, techniques, problems we're encountering across the company and work together to improve our codebase and processes.

    You'll report to an engineering manager who will meet with you every 2 weeks 1:1, their mission is to help you develop and grow as an engineer.

    Our iOS app

    At Monzo, you'll get to work with industry standard tools and technologies - and help us define what great looks like for iOS engineers.

    Our app is 100% Swift, built using a Model, View, View-Model architecture (MVVM). We use Coordinators to ensure we can re-use screens wherever possible, and avoid tightly coupling one screen to another. We make heavy use of protocols and extensions throughout our app.

    Our networking stack is built upon Alamofire, using a generic interface to easily de-serialise objects of a certain type, and we mirror our backend micro-service architecture by building individual services to house our API logic.

    We persist objects using Realm when we need to.

    Our testing stack comprises of unit tests for business logic, stubbed API tests for pseudo-integration tests, snapshot tests for UI, and XCUITest for testing user input and sequencing.

    We've published some talks and blog posts about how we work:


    Our open roles are for Senior iOS Engineers at present.

    • You'll care about the impact your work has on our customers, and optimise for impact rather than the number of lines of code you output
    • You are excited about and have experience in programming in Swift
    • You’ve shipped and iterated on at least one app in the App Store
    • You have a product mindset: you care about customer outcomes and you want to make data-informed decisions
    • You love turning excellent design into beautiful products
    • You’re comfortable working in a team that deals with ambiguity
    • You have an understanding of the principles of computer science

    The Interview Process:

    Our interview process involves three main stages: 

    1. Initial Call 
    2. Take home task or pair coding exercise 
    3. Final interview including a system design and a behavioural interview 

    Our average process takes around 2-3 weeks but we will always work around your availability. 

    You will have the chance to speak to our recruitment team at various points during your process but if you 

    do have any specific questions or want to talk through reasonable adjustments ahead of or during application please us at any point on 

    Please also use that email to let us know if there's anything we can do to make your application process easier for you, because of disability, neurodiversity or any other personal reason

    One of our engineers has written a detailed blog on their experience through this process, for extra details, hints and tips please see here.

    What's in it for you

    ???? £95,000 - £150,000 base salary per year ➕ plus stock options + Benefits, we also provide all of our engineers with the latest MacBook Pro.

    ✈️ We can help you relocate to the UK 

    ✅ We can sponsor visas but please note we aren't able to support remote working outside of the UK at the moment

    ???? This role can be based in our London office, but we're open to distributed working within the UK (with ad hoc meetings in London)

    ⏰ We offer flexible working hours and trust you to work enough hours to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team

    ????Learning budget of £1,000 a year for books, training courses and conferences

    ➕ And much more, see our full list of benefitshere

    If you prefer to work part-time, we'll make this happen whenever we can - whether this is to help you meet other commitments or strike a great work-life balance.



    Equal opportunities for everyone

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we’re making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. At Monzo, we’re embracing diversity by fostering an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of making money work for everyone. You can read more in our blog, 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report and 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.

    We’re an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to age, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, or veteran, neurodiversity or disability status.

    If you have a preferred name, please use it to apply. We don't need full or birth names at application stage ????

    See more jobs at Monzo

    Apply for this job


    Senior Android Engineer

    MonzoCardiff, London or Remote (UK)

    Monzo is hiring a Remote Senior Android Engineer

    ???? We’re on a mission to make money work for everyone.

    We’re waving goodbye to the complicated and confusing ways of traditional banking. 

    With our hot coral cards and get-paid-early feature, combined with financial education on social media and our award winning customer service, we have a long history of creating magical moments for our customers!

    We’re not about selling products - we want to solve problems and change lives through Monzo ❤️

    Hear from our team about what it's like working at Monzo


    ????London / UK Remote | ???? £95,000 - £150,000 + Share Options | Benefits|Technology 

    About our Mobile Engineering Team:

    There are over 20 Android engineers at Monzo and we’re looking for one more to join the team. We have several non-graduates; only some of us studied Computer Science; some of us have worked in huge companies; some have only ever worked in startups; others are former consultants. As long as you enjoy learning new things, we’d love to talk to you.


    What you’ll be working on: 

    At Monzo, you'll get to work with industry standard tools and technologies - and help us define what great looks like for Android engineers.

    Our app is almost 100% Kotlin, built using MVVM (Model View ViewModel) and Coordinators, and modularised by product feature.

    We use RxJava, Retrofit and Moshi for API calls and Dagger for dependency injection. Room is our choice for persistence, and Repositories for interacting with them. We have built out our design system in Compose. 

    We use GitHub Pull Requests to do code reviews, and write unit tests for our ViewModels, Coordinators, and any other classes which contain logic. We write tests for all of our Compose screens and snapshot test them with Happo. We also use Espresso to test flows, which are executed through Firebase Test Lab and Circle CI.

    We’ve previously written about building Monzo Chat on Android, which goes into detail on some of these elements.

    Your day-to-day:

    This role is all about collaborating across disciplines to test hypotheses and make a difference to customers. As an Android engineer at Monzo you'll work in a small, autonomous product squad alongside iOS Engineers, Backend Engineers, User Researchers, Product Designers, Product Managers, QA Testers, Data Scientists and Business Analysts.

    Your mission will depend on the squad, but currently mobile engineers are working on the core personal banking experience, paid products, lending products, business banking and internal operations. We also have a small squad dedicated to enabling other mobile engineers to move faster.

    You and your team will be responsible for an overall company goal, rather than building a specific feature - you'll have the opportunity to have impact on both what we build, and how we build it.

    Every week we meet as a discipline to discuss tools, techniques, problems we're encountering across the company and work together to improve our codebase and processes.

    You'll report to an engineering manager who will meet with you every 2 weeks 1:1, their mission is to help you develop and grow as an engineer.


    You should apply if:

    We're looking for Android engineers with strong product sensibilities. You'll care about the impact your work has on our customers, and optimise for impact rather than the number of lines of code you output.

    You should apply if:

    • You’ve shipped and iterated on at least one app in the Play Store
    • You have a product mindset: you care about customer outcomes and you want to make data-informed decisions
    • You love turning excellent design into beautiful products
    • You’re comfortable working in a team that deals with ambiguity
    • You have an understanding of the principles of computer science

    The Interview Process:

    Our interview process involves three main stages: 

    1. Initial Call 
    2. Take home task or pair coding exercise 
    3. Final interview including a system design and a behavioural interview 

    Our average process takes around 2-3 weeks but we will always work around your availability. 

    You will have the chance to speak to our recruitment team at various points during your process but if you 

    do have any specific questions or want to talk through reasonable adjustments ahead of or during application please us at any point 

    Please also use that email to let us know if there's anything we can do to make your application process easier for you, because of disability, neurodiversity or any other personal reason

    One of our engineers has written a detailed blog on their experience through this process, for extra details, hints and tips please seehere.


    What’s in it for you:

    ???? £95,000 - £150,000 + Share Options + Benefits 

    ✈️We can help you relocate to the UK 

    ✅We can sponsor visas.

    ????This role can be based in our London office, but we're open to distributed working within the UK (with ad hoc meetings in London).

    ⏰ We offer flexible working hours and trust you to work enough hours to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team.

    ????Learning budget of £1,000 a year for books, training courses and conferences

    ➕ And much more, see our full list of benefitshere


    Equal Opportunity Statement

    We are actively creating an equitable environment for every Monzonaut to thrive.

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we are making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. At Monzo, embracing diversity in all of its forms and fostering an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of making money work for everyone. You can read more in ourblog,  2022 Diversity and Inclusion Reportand 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.

    We’re an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to age, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, or veteran, neurodiversity or disability status.



    Equal opportunities for everyone

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we’re making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. At Monzo, we’re embracing diversity by fostering an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of making money work for everyone. You can read more in our blog, 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report and 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.

    We’re an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to age, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, or veteran, neurodiversity or disability status.

    If you have a preferred name, please use it to apply. We don't need full or birth names at application stage ????

    See more jobs at Monzo

    Apply for this job


    Android Engineer

    MonzoCardiff, London or Remote (UK)

    Monzo is hiring a Remote Android Engineer

    ???? We’re on a mission to make money work for everyone.

    We’re waving goodbye to the complicated and confusing ways of traditional banking. 

    With our hot coral cards and get-paid-early feature, combined with financial education on social media and our award winning customer service, we have a long history of creating magical moments for our customers!

    We’re not about selling products - we want to solve problems and change lives through Monzo ❤️

    Hear from our team about what it's like working at Monzo


    ????London / UK Remote | ???? £78,000 - £110,000 +Benefits|Technology- Engineering  

    About us: 

    We’re here to make money work for everyone and we're doing things differently. For too long, banking has been obtuse, complex and opaque.

    We want to change that and build a bank with everyone, for everyone. Our amazing community suggests features, test the app and give us constant feedback so we can build something everyone loves.

    We're focused on solving problems, rather than selling financial products. We want to make the world a better place and change people's lives through Monzo.


    About our Mobile Engineering Team:

    There are over 20 Android engineers at Monzo and we’re looking for one more to join the team. We have several non-graduates; only some of us studied Computer Science; some of us have worked in huge companies; some have only ever worked in startups; others are former consultants. As long as you enjoy learning new things, we’d love to talk to you.


    What you’ll be working on: 

    At Monzo, you'll get to work with industry standard tools and technologies - and help us define what great looks like for Android engineers.

    Our app is almost 100% Kotlin, built using MVVM (Model View ViewModel) and Coordinators, and modularised by product feature.

    We use RxJava, Retrofit and Moshi for API calls and Dagger for dependency injection. Room is our choice for persistence, and Repositories for interacting with them. We have built out our design system in Compose. 

    We use GitHub Pull Requests to do code reviews, and write unit tests for our ViewModels, Coordinators, and any other classes which contain logic. We write tests for all of our Compose screens and snapshot test them with Happo. We also use Espresso to test flows, which are executed through Firebase Test Lab and Circle CI.

    We’ve previously written about building Monzo Chat on Android, which goes into detail on some of these elements.

    Your day-to-day:

    This role is all about collaborating across disciplines to test hypotheses and make a difference to customers. As an Android engineer at Monzo you'll work in a small, autonomous product squad alongside iOS Engineers, Backend Engineers, User Researchers, Product Designers, Product Managers, QA Testers, Data Scientists and Business Analysts.

    Your mission will depend on the squad, but currently mobile engineers are working on the core personal banking experience, paid products, lending products, business banking and internal operations. We also have a small squad dedicated to enabling other mobile engineers to move faster.

    You and your team will be responsible for an overall company goal, rather than building a specific feature - you'll have the opportunity to have impact on both what we build, and how we build it.

    Every week we meet as a discipline to discuss tools, techniques, problems we're encountering across the company and work together to improve our codebase and processes.

    You'll report to an engineering manager who will meet with you every 2 weeks 1:1, their mission is to help you develop and grow as an engineer.


    You should apply if:

    We're looking for Android engineers with strong product sensibilities. You'll care about the impact your work has on our customers, and optimise for impact rather than the number of lines of code you output.

    You should apply if:

    • You’ve shipped and iterated on at least one app in the Play Store
    • You have a product mindset: you care about customer outcomes and you want to make data-informed decisions
    • You love turning excellent design into beautiful products
    • You’re comfortable working in a team that deals with ambiguity
    • You have an understanding of the principles of computer science

    The Interview Process:

    Our interview process involves three main stages: 

    1. Initial Call 
    2. Take home task or pair coding exercise 
    3. Final interview including a system design and a behavioural interview 

    Our average process takes around 2-3 weeks but we will always work around your availability. 

    You will have the chance to speak to our recruitment team at various points during your process but if you 

    do have any specific questions or want to talk through reasonable adjustments ahead of or during application please us at any point 

    Please also use that email to let us know if there's anything we can do to make your application process easier for you, because of disability, neurodiversity or any other personal reason

    One of our engineers has written a detailed blog on their experience through this process, for extra details, hints and tips please seehere.


    What’s in it for you:

    ???? £78,000 - £110,000 base salary➕ plus stock options 

    ✈️We can help you relocate to the UK 

    ✅We can sponsor visas.

    ????This role can be based in our London office, but we're open to distributed working within the UK (with ad hoc meetings in London).

    ⏰ We offer flexible working hours and trust you to work enough hours to do your job well, at times that suit you and your team.

    ????Learning budget of £1,000 a year for books, training courses and conferences

    ➕ And much more, see our full list of benefitshere

    Equal Opportunity Statement

    We are actively creating an equitable environment for every Monzonaut to thrive.

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we are making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. At Monzo, embracing diversity in all of its forms and fostering an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of making money work for everyone. You can read more in ourblog,  2022 Diversity and Inclusion Reportand 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.

    We’re an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to age, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, or veteran, neurodiversity or disability status.



    Equal opportunities for everyone

    Diversity and inclusion are a priority for us and we’re making sure we have lots of support for all of our people to grow at Monzo. At Monzo, we’re embracing diversity by fostering an inclusive environment for all people to do the best work of their lives with us. This is integral to our mission of making money work for everyone. You can read more in our blog, 2023 Diversity and Inclusion Report and 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report.

    We’re an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to age, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, or veteran, neurodiversity or disability status.

    If you have a preferred name, please use it to apply. We don't need full or birth names at application stage ????

    See more jobs at Monzo

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    Senior Mobile Engineer (iOS)

    YoyoPort Louis, Mauritius, Remote

    Yoyo is hiring a Remote Senior Mobile Engineer (iOS)

    Job Description

    Are you passionate about all things iOS, Swift, and also have an eye for detail? Do you enjoy working in a cross-functional team, alongside Android Engineers, Backend Engineers, Designers and Product Managers?

    As part of our team, you will take ownership of the specification and delivery of technical projects and development of new features. Your work will change the relationship millions of customers have with their favourite brands across Europe: from University bars to high street stores we’ve got it all covered.

    Working at Yoyo, you’ll gain an understanding of our component library and style guide, developed in collaboration with our designers which allows us to reuse code and have a consistent look and feel throughout all apps.

    Key skills and experience

    • Good knowledge of Swift and UIKit
    • Experience working with a component library and style guide
    • Good understanding of SOLID principles
    • Experience with Functional Reactive Programming (FRP), particularly RxSwift and/or Combine
    • Experience consuming RESTful APIs, and collaborating in their design
    • Experience with unit testing (XCTest) and, equally important, writing testable code
    • Experience with Git and Github
    • Comfortable working with CI/CD processes
    • Familiarity with the process of creating and shipping apps (provisioning profiles, certificates, App Store Connect, TestFlight, etc)
    • Familiarity with common architectural patterns (MVC, MVVM, etc)


    • Develop innovative new features: evaluate user journeys, design implementations from product specifications, write great code and collaborate with your team to deliver features
    • Contribute technical ideas to improve our products and refine our development process, we have a well defined roadmap for technical improvements on our iOS codebase
    • Translate designs into efficient, maintainable and reusable code and tests
    • Participate in code review to integrate changes with the existing codebase
    • Use performance metrics to build a delightful experience for our users. Allow data to drive decisions about what to refactor
    • Use your time effectively and take ownership of your work. Support other members of the team, communicate and participate
    • Participate in our engineering culture. Attend daily stand-ups, plan with your team and share knowledge


    See more jobs at Yoyo

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    Developer Fullstack

    EatwithParis, France, Remote

    Eatwith is hiring a Remote Developer Fullstack

    Job Description


    • participer au développement et à la maintenance applicative de la plateforme

    • influer sur les choix et évolutions techniques

    • stabiliser la plateforme et améliorer l’expérience utilisateur

    • contribuer à l’automatisation des process et des outils

    La tech

    La plateforme est composée de plusieurs API NodeJS/Express propulsant différents frontend dont une webapp principale en React/NextJS et des apps mobiles (iOS & Android) ou plus spécifiques (Wechat miniprogram).

    Les évolutions futures envisagées incluent une migration du backend vers Elixir/Phoenix.


    Les compétences recherchées

    Développeur senior (avec +5 ans d’expériences à temps plein minimum). Tu es désireux de mettre à profit ta curiosité et ta créativité pour participer à l'élaboration technique et fonctionnelle du produit. Tu souhaites également directement influer sur son évolution en étant force de proposition.

    Hard skills

    • Javascript

    • HTML/CSS …

    • React/Next

    • NodeJS/Express

    • SQL

    • Tests automatisés

    • Automatisation (CI/CD etc)

    Soft skills

    • proactif

    • indépendant/autonome

    • curieux

    • créatif

    See more jobs at Eatwith

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    Managed Services Engineer (Telecom/Network) - Nicaragua

    AireSpringManagua, Nicaragua, Remote

    AireSpring is hiring a Remote Managed Services Engineer (Telecom/Network) - Nicaragua

    Job Description


    The Managed Services Engineer will be responsible for successfully managing, creating, designing, implementing and turning up AireSpring’s services that include, but are not limited to:·

    • Data & Voice Services
    • Hosted/Cloud PBX/VoIP
    • Manage IP enhancements and procedures to support the Operations Department. Focus is on new technologies, products and processes. Providing management with expert advice for short and long-term department objectives. Acting as liaison to Operations to achieve these goals. Strong customer service skills and ability to manage multiple projects.
    • Fortinet NSE 6 or 7 currently certified



    Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

    • Strong background, experience and working knowledge with the routing and switching protocols Border Gate protocol (BGP), Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP), Open Short Path First (OSPF), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP), Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP), Virtual Routing Redundant Protocol (VRRP), Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP) and familiar with Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) design
    • Knowledge and experience monitoring BGP connections with internet peers and reviewing core network stability and usage. 
    • Maintaining and creating resiliency for the core network with HSRP, VRRP, GLBP protocols.
    • Network security and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) management.
    • Configuration and installation of Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) (routers and switches and firewalls) and customer network infrastructure in support of VOIP and Data Network Services (DNS).
    • Perform IP site outage troubleshooting: Hardware failure, Circuit failure, Hardware reboot, Software issues ( IP Routing, Switching, Internet Operating System (IOS), DNS, VOIP)
    • QoS monitoring hosted services.
    • Develop and manage any related/required infrastructure documentation.
    • Participate in management meetings for projects related to the infrastructure.
    • Advises and helps design new build outs of the infrastructure.
    • Develops and conducts testing procedures for new infrastructure projects as required.
    • Strongly self-motivated and willing to tackle challenging problem
    • Required to work with our customers, vendors and other departments at Airespring to ensure on-time and proper delivery of our services, meeting the needs of our customers and our company’s standards.
    • Create, write and maintain processes and procedures



    Education and Experience:

    Graduation from an accredited program, a four‑year college or university with a degree in B.S Computer Engineering, desirable  M.S in Network Engineering 

    5-7 years of experience in Telecommunications and Networking, or 

    Any equivalent combination of education and experience.


    • Must possess excellent management and technical problem & resolution skills with the ability to work independently while meeting demanding time lines.
    • Network Management, routing protocols and Security
    • Adtran or Cisco CPE and configuration knowledge
    • Voice Over IP knowledge of SIP (HPBX and trunking) and deployment of VoIP systems
    • Experience with Sansay and Metaswitch SBCs is a plus
    • Metro Ethernet Technologies
    • Hardware / Software Troubleshooting
    • LAN/WAN Optimization
    • Experience with Cisco, Polycom, Grandstream and Aastra (Mitel) phones
    • Project Management

    See more jobs at AireSpring

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    Senior Mobile Engineering Manager

    NextivaCanada (Remote)
    Full Timeagile3 years of experiencekotlinDesignUI/UX designswiftmobileazureiosqaflutterandroidAWS

    Nextiva is hiring a Remote Senior Mobile Engineering Manager

    Redefine the future of customer experiences. One conversation at a time.

    We’re changing the game with a first-of-its-kind, conversation-centric platform that unifies team collaboration and customer experience in one place. Powered by AI, built by amazing humans.

    Our culture is forward-thinking, customer-obsessed and built on an unwavering belief that connection fuels business and life; connections to our customers with our signature Amazing Service®, our products and services, and most importantly, each other. Since 2008, 100,000+ companies and 1M+ users rely on Nextiva for customer and team communication.

    If you’re ready to collaborate and create with amazing people, let your personality shine and be on the frontlines of helping businesses deliver amazing experiences, you’re in the right place. 

    Build Amazing - Deliver Amazing - Live Amazing - Be Amazing


    Nextiva is currently seeking bright and talented individuals for a Senior Engineering Manager (Mobile) position to join our expanding development team. As a Senior Engineering Manager, you will lead the technical strategy, development of our current and future Mobile platform ecosystem. You will play a critical role in shaping the future of our product portfolio, working closely with cross-functional teams to deliver a product that exceeds user expectations. Your expertise in mobile application development, coupled with a passion for creating scalable, high-quality solutions, will drive the success of this pivotal project. 

    Key Responsibilities: 

    Technical Leadership and Innovation: 

    • Leading the development and delivery of the mobile application(s), ensuring high performance, reliability, and scalability. 
    • Staying abreast of the latest mobile technologies, frameworks, and best practices to keep the application ahead of the curve. 
    • Making key architectural and technology stack decisions, balancing innovation with practicality. 

    Team Building and Management: 

    • Hiring, mentoring, and developing a high-caliber mobile engineering team, fostering a culture of excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement. 
    • Setting clear expectations and goals, providing regular feedback, and conducting performance reviews. 
    • Encouraging a collaborative and inclusive team environment where members can learn from each other and grow. 

    Product Strategy and Vision: 

    • Collaborating with product management, design, and other stakeholders to define the product roadmap and strategy. 
    • Ensuring the team's work aligns with the company's goals and customer needs, adjusting as needed based on feedback and market trends. 
    • Championing the mobile product internally and externally, understanding user needs, and advocating for solutions that meet those needs. 

    Project Management: 

    • Planning and managing the mobile engineering team's projects and timelines, ensuring efficient workflows andtimelydelivery of features and updates. 
    • Implementing agile methodologies and continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices to streamline development and deployment processes. 
    • Managing risks,anticipatingpotential issues, and implementing contingency plans to mitigate impacts on project timelines and quality. 

    Quality Assurance: 

    • Overseeing the development of automated testing frameworks to ensure the application's quality, performance, and security. 
    • Working closely with the QA team to prioritize and fix bugs, improving the overall user experience. 
    • Establishing andmonitoringkey performance indicators (KPIs) for app performance and user satisfaction. 


    • 8+ years of experience in mobile application development, with a proven track record of leading successful launch for moderate to complex product use-cases. 
    • 5+ years of experience of leading and managing teams with people management function.  
    • Demonstrated experience with atleast two major product launches, showcasing your ability to lead a project from conception through to market release with significant impact. Include specifics about your role in these launches, the challenges faced, and how they were overcome. 
    • Deep understanding of mobile app architecture, design patterns (e.g., MVC, MVVM), and mobile app lifecycle. 
    • Extensive experience with mobile development languages (e.g., Swift for iOS, Kotlin for Android) and frameworks. 
    • Knowledge of mobile app security best practices, performance optimization, and cross-platform development tools (e.g., React Native, Flutter). 
    • Excellent leadership and communication skills, with the ability to inspire and mentor team members. 
    • A portfolio of released applications on the App Stores 

    Preferred Experience 

    • Thrive in environments of ambiguity, demonstrating flexibility and a proactive approach to tackling challenges and driving projects to completion. 
    • Experience with cloud services (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and integrating mobile apps with cloud-based systems and APIs. 
    • Familiarity with UI/UX design principles and customer-centric development. 
    • Contributions to open-source projects or public GitHub repositories. 

    What We Offer: 

    • Competitive salary and benefits package. 
    • Flexible working hours and remote work options. 
    • A dynamic and inclusive work environment where your contributions directly impact the company's success. 
    • Opportunities for professional growth and development, including access to learning resources. 
    • A chance to work on cutting-edge projects with a talented and passionate team. 

    Nextiva Core Competencies / DNA:

    • Drives Results:  The successful candidate will be action oriented, with a passion for solving problems.  They will bring clarity and simplicity to ambiguous situations.  This individual will challenge the status quo; asking what we can do differently and finding ways to create and build more success.  They are a change agent, prepared to lead and drive changes as we transform. 
    • Critical Thinker:  The successful candidate is fact based and data driven, able to understand and articulate the “why,” identifying key drivers and learning from the past.  They are forward-thinking, anticipating problems before they arise.  They’ll recommend and action well thought out solutions, understanding the risks and dependencies. 
    • Right Attitude:  The successful candidate will be team-oriented, collaborative and competitive with a winning mindset; they’re resilient and able to easily bounce back from setbacks.  They will be able to zoom in / out, willing to be hands-on to help solve important problems while being a motivating figure for the team along the way.  They will embrace a culture of service and learning with a focus on caring, supporting and respecting our customers and team members.

    Compensation, Rewards & Benefits:

    Nextiva provides a comprehensive employee benefits package that includes supplemental medical insurance (including prescription coverage, mental health support, and a range of medical services and supplies), dental, vision, disability, life insurance, an Employee Assistance Plan, Flexible Time Off (FTO) for salaried employees, an RRSP employee long-term savings plan through CanadaLife with Nextiva matching, comprehensive employee wellness programs and loads of learning and development opportunities which are coupled with career paths to last a lifetime.

    Established in 2008 and headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona, Nextiva secured $200M from Goldman Sachs in late 2021, valuing the company at $2.7B. To check out what’s going on at Nextiva, check us out on Instagram, Instagram (MX), YouTube, LinkedIn, and the Nextiva blog

    #LI-JG1 #LI-Remote

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    (Khmer- Language Interpreter- Work from Home)

    Two95 InternationalCyberjaya,Selangor,Malaysia, Remote

    Two95 International is hiring a Remote (Khmer- Language Interpreter- Work from Home)

    Position : Language Interpreter (English & Khmer)

    Period of Employment: 12 months Contract / Renewable

    Working Hours: 8 hours per day with 1 hour break in between / 40 hours per week / based on schedule / night shift

    Working Time : starts anytime from 8 pm/9pm/10pm/11pm/12am and will shift every 3 months

    Salary: RM30/ hour (Minimum RM30 x160 hours= RM4800) + Socso + EPF + OT pay

    Benefits : 14 days paid sick leave, 12 days annual leave, and some Malaysia & US Public holidays

    3-weeks training provided in the daytime (Monday to Friday) with a Training allowance

    Job Description :

    As an interpreter, your primary role is to facilitate communication between parties who speak different languages. In the example you mentioned about a live call from 911, your main responsibility would be to accurately interpret the conversation between the caller(native language) and the emergency operator(English). Your role is to convey the message in the preferred language of the caller and ensure that both parties understand each other. A work from home Language Interpreter works from his/her home office. It is essential to ensure a quiet and secure environment. This position is open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia . The calls may involve simple or complex, non-technical or technical subjects in Healthcare, Government, Insurance, Finance, Utilities, Travel and Hospitality, 911 emergency services, Law Enforcement and General Business

    Job Requirements :

    Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

    Fluent in Khmer (Read & Write & Speak )

    Must be working from home

    Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

    Own laptop with updated version

    Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

    They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

    Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

    See more jobs at Two95 International

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    (Tamil- Language Interpreter-Work from home)

    Two95 InternationalCyberjaya,Selangor,Malaysia, Remote

    Two95 International is hiring a Remote (Tamil- Language Interpreter-Work from home)

    Position : Language Interpreter (English & Tamil)

    Period of Employment: 12 months Contract / Renewable

    Working Hours: 8 hours per day with 1 hour break in between / 40 hours per week / based on schedule / night shift

    Working Time : starts anytime from 8 pm/9pm/10pm/11pm/12am and will shift every 3 months

    Salary: RM30/ hour (Minimum RM30 x160 hours= RM4800) + Socso + EPF + OT pay

    Benefits : 14 days paid sick leave, 12 days annual leave, and some Malaysia & US Public holidays

    3-weeks training provided in the daytime (Monday to Friday) with a Training allowance

    Job Description :

    As an interpreter, your primary role is to facilitate communication between parties who speak different languages. In the example you mentioned about a live call from 911, your main responsibility would be to accurately interpret the conversation between the caller (Tamil) and the emergency operator(English). Your role is to convey the message in the preferred language of the caller and ensure that both parties understand each other. A work from home Language Interpreter works from his/her home office. It is essential to ensure a quiet and secure environment. This position is open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia . The calls may involve simple or complex, non-technical or technical subjects in Healthcare, Government, Insurance, Finance, Utilities, Travel and Hospitality, 911 emergency services, Law Enforcement and General Business

    Job Requirements :

    Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

    Fluent in Tamil (Read & Write & Speak )

    Must be working from home

    Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

    Own laptop with updated version

    Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

    They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

    Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

    See more jobs at Two95 International

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    Senior Product Designer (Consumer)

    HandshakeSan Francisco, CA (Hybrid - 3 days)

    Handshake is hiring a Remote Senior Product Designer (Consumer)

    Everyone is welcome at Handshake. We know diverse teams build better products and we are committed to creating an inclusive culture built on a foundation of respect for all individuals. We strongly encourage candidates from non-traditional backgrounds, historically marginalized or underrepresented groups to apply.

    Design at Handshake

    At Handshake we create opportunities for all college students and recent graduates to have equal access to meaningful jobs and internships, and we believe design plays a crucial role in the pursuit of this mission. We work collaboratively as designers and user experience researchers to help students, employers, and career centers.

    We take a student-first approach to how we design and build products, and we strive to deeply understand our users and their true goals. We believe that great products and experiences are made great by the combination of how they work and how they look. One without the other is not enough, and while we're not perfect, we strive to excel in both and are committed to going the extra mile.

    Great products are built by teams — and teams are built by people who communicate and collaborate well. A culture of openness, honesty, and the ability to provide and receive constructive feedback is important to us.

    We also believe that great teams are inclusive. Being surrounded by a diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives brings out the best in everyone, and leads to higher quality products and experiences.

    Your Impact

    We are seeking a Senior Designer to help us deliver a world-class consumer experience. More than half of college students in the US have a profile on Handshake, but they primarily use the platform as a transactional job board. To fully realize our mission and goals, we need to better engage students through content and community—and in this role, you will be critical to ensuring this.

    Ultimately, we believe Handshake can give every student access to the career-defining power of a supportive community and we need your help to make that happen!

    This role will require you to span from strategy to execution, bringing a talent for creating seamless user experiences informed by data and user insights. Collaborating with product managers, researchers, content designers, and engineers, you will be a crucial player in driving the future of community building and democratizing information on Handshake.

    This hybrid role is based in the San Francisco Bay Area and will be onsite 3 days a week in our SF office.

    Your Role

    • Work from concept to delivery to inform product strategy to help more college students and career switchers get jobs

    • Partner with product, research, content, data science, and engineering to ensure projects are well-defined, high impact, and successfully executed

    • Develop and improve a shared product design language across all surfaces reflective of our brand

    • Establish design processes so we can scale efficiently and effectively

    Your Experience

    • User-focused: You deeply understand and advocate for your users, grounding your approach in data and research.

    • Craft leader: Your expertise in visual and interaction design transforms the products you touch, resulting in high-quality experiences that resonate with users.

    • Detail-oriented: You strive for perfection in every aspect, delivering a flawless and user-friendly product.

    • Consumer experience: 4-7 years of designing consumer experiences across multiple platforms, including web, iOS, and Android.

    • Complex problem solver: You navigate, define, and drive complex design challenges, balancing user needs with business goals.

    • Data-informed: Comfortable using quantitative and qualitative data for tactical and strategic decision-making, as well as rapid iteration.

    Compensation Range


    For cash compensation, we set standard ranges for all U.S.-based roles based on function, level, and geographic location, benchmarked against similar stage growth companies. In order to be compliant with local legislation, as well as to provide greater transparency to candidates, we share salary ranges on all job postings regardless of desired hiring location. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors, including geographic location as well as candidate experience and expertise, and may vary from the amounts listed above.

    About us

    Handshake is the #1 place to launch a career with no connections, experience, or luck required. The platform connects up-and-coming talent with 750,000+ employers - from Fortune 500 companies like Google, Nike, and Target to thousands of public school districts, healthcare systems, and nonprofits. In 2022 we announced our $200M Series F funding round. This Series F fundraise and valuation of $3.5B will fuel Handshake’s next phase of growth and propel our mission to help more people start, restart, and jumpstart their careers.

    When it comes to our workforce strategy, we’ve thought deeply about how work-life should look at Handshake. With our hybrid-work model, employees benefit from collaboration and shared team experiences three days per week in our vibrant offices, and enjoy the flexibility of remote work two days per week. Handshake is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in New York, London, and Berlin.

    What we offer

    At Handshake, we'll give you the tools to feel healthy, happy and secure.

    Benefits below apply to employees in full-time positions.

    • ???? Equity and ownership in a fast-growing company.
    • ???? 16 Weeks of paid parental leave for birth giving parents & 10 weeks of paid parental leave for non-birth giving parents.
    • ???? Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision policies including LGTBQ+ Coverage. We also provide resources for Mental Health Assistance, Employee Assistance Programs and counseling support.
    • ???? Handshake offers $500/£360 home office stipend for you to spend during your first 3 months to create a productive and comfortable workspace at home.
    • ???? Generous learning & development opportunities and an annual $2,000/£1,500/€1,850 stipend for you to grow your skills and career.
    • ???? Financial coaching through Origin to help you through your financial journey.
    • ???? Monthly internet stipend and a brand new MacBook to allow you to do your best work.
    • ???? Monthly commuter stipend for you to expense your travel to the office (for office-based employees).
    • ???? Free lunch provided twice a week across all offices.
    • ???? Referral bonus to reward you when you bring great talent to Handshake.

    (US-specific benefits, in addition to the first section)

    • ???? 401k Match: Handshake offers a dollar-for-dollar match on 1% of deferred salary, up to a maximum of $1,200 per year.
    • ???? All full-time US-based Handshakers are eligible for our flexible time off policy to get out and see the world. In addition, we offer 8 standardized holidays, and 2 additional days of flexible holiday time off. Lastly, we have a Winter #ShakeBreak, a one-week period of Collective Time Off.
    • ???? Lactation support: Handshake partners with Milk Stork to provide a comprehensive 100% employer-sponsored lactation support to traveling parents and guardians.

    (UK-specific benefits, in addition to the first section) 

    • ???? Pension Scheme: Handshake will provide you with a workplace pension, where you will make contributions based on 5% of your salary. Handshake will pay the equivalent of 3% towards your pension plan, subject to qualifying earnings limits.
    • ???? Up to 25 days of vacation to encourage people to reset, recharge, and refresh, in addition to 8 bank holidays throughout the year.
    • ???? Regular offsites each year to bring the team together + opportunity to travel to our HQ in San Francisco.
    • ????️ Discounts across various high street retailers, cinemas and other social activities exclusively for Handshake UK employees.

    (Germany-specific benefits, in addition to the first section)

    • ???? 25 days of annual leave + 5 days of a winter #ShakeBreak, a one-week period of Collective Time Off across the company.
    • ???? Regular offsites each year to bring the team together + opportunity to travel to our HQ in San Francisco once a year.
    • ???? Urban sports club membership offering access to a diverse network of fitness and wellness facilities.
    • ????️ Discounts across various high street retailers, cinemas and other social activities exclusively for Handshake Germany employees.

    For roles based in Romania: Please ask your recruiter about region specific benefits.

    Looking for more? Explore our mission, values and comprehensive US benefits at

    Handshake is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our recruitment processes for candidates with disabilities, sincerely held religious beliefs or other reasons protected by applicable laws. If you need assistance or reasonable accommodation, please reach out to us at

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    Language Interpreter(Work from Home)

    Two95 InternationalMalaysia, Remote

    Two95 International is hiring a Remote Language Interpreter(Work from Home)


    (open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia )

    Position : Language Interpreter (French,Thai,Somali,Burmese,Urdu,Pashto,Khmer,Uzbek,Bengali) & English

    Period of Employment: 12 months Contract / Renewable

    Working Hours: 8 hours per day with 1 hour break in between / 40 hours per week / based on schedule / night shift

    Working Time : starts anytime from 8 pm/9pm/10pm/11pm/12am and will shift every 3 months

    Salary: RM30/ hour (Minimum RM30 x160 hours= RM4800) + Socso + EPF + OT pay

    Benefits : 14 days paid sick leave, 12 days annual leave, and some Malaysia & US Public holidays

    3-weeks training provided in the daytime(Monday to Friday) with a Training allowance

    Job Description :

    As an interpreter, your primary role is to facilitate communication between parties who speak different languages.

    In the example you mentioned about a live call from 911, your main responsibility would be to accurately interpret the conversation between the caller(native language) and the emergency operator(English).

    Your role is to convey the message in the preferred language of the caller and ensure that both parties understand each other. A work from home Language Interpreter works from his/her home office.

    It is essential to ensure a quiet and secure environment. This position is open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia .

    The calls may involve simple or complex, non-technical or technical subjects in Healthcare, Government, Insurance, Finance, Utilities, Travel and Hospitality, 911 emergency services, Law Enforcement and General Business

    Job Requirements :

    Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

    Fluent in Native Language (Read & Write & Speak )

    Must be working from home

    Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

    Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

    They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

    Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

    If you're interested, send us your resume at +60143205906

    Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

    Fluent in Native Language (Read & Write & Speak )

    Must be working from home

    Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

    Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

    They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

    Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

    See more jobs at Two95 International

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