figma Remote Jobs

212 Results


Associate Director, User Experience

MuteSixChicago, IL, Remote
Bachelor's degree10 years of experiencefigmaDesignmobileuiUX

MuteSix is hiring a Remote Associate Director, User Experience

Job Description

We are seeking an experienced Associate Director, User Experienceto join our dynamic team focused on driving innovative digital transformations. As a leader in UX, you will bring over 10 years of experience to shape engaging, user-centered designs that elevate the overall experience. The ideal candidate will have a proven track record of leading high-impact design projects, creating intuitive and compelling user interfaces, and fostering collaboration across teams. If you are passionate about transforming digital experiences and crafting seamless customer journeys, we want to hear from you.


Key Responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with Creative Directors, UI Design and UX Leads, to craft best-in-class digital experiences across web and mobile platforms.
  • Conduct research into competitive and industry-leading designs to inform strategic user experiences.
  • Define user experiences including user flows, wireframes and interaction design, from initial concepts to dev-ready assets.
  • Refine user experience designs based on insights including customer feedback, quantitative data and usability findings.
  • Effectively communicate and present the rationale behind experience design decisions to clients.
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure technical feasibility, meet project requirements, and achieve client satisfaction.
  • Build trusted relationships with clients, showcasing a deep understanding of their challenges and delivering innovative solutions that exceed expectations.
  • Provide guidance and mentorship to junior UX designers, offering direction to enhance the quality and effectiveness of their work.


  • 10+ years of experience in User Experience Design or related field.
  • 2+ years in an ACD, UX or UX Lead role.
  • Bachelor's degree in User Experience Design, Human Factors, Interaction Design, or a related discipline.
  • A robust portfolio demonstrating exceptional UX design and user-centered thinking that has successfully driven business results.
  • Agency or consultancy experience focused on digital, interactive, or customer experience design preferred.
  • Expertise in UX tools, particularly Figma and FigJam.
  • Extensive experience with complex design systems and the ability to scale them effectively.
  • Strong leadership skills, with the ability to inspire and mentor creative teams.
  • Passion for pushing design boundaries and delivering cutting-edge user experiences.
  • Experience working in the automotive industry is a plus!

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Junior Graphic Designer | HOLYWATER

GenesisКиїв, UA - Remote
figmaDesignGraphic DesignerPhotoshopc++

Genesis is hiring a Remote Junior Graphic Designer | HOLYWATER

HOLYWATER — технологічна медіакомпанія, що створює персоналізовані світи для 20+ мільйонів користувачів, поєднуючи креативність авторів з ефективністю штучного інтелекту.


My Drama – платформа вертикальних відеосеріалів з оригінальними епізодами по хвилині кожен, заснована на наших найпопулярніших книгах та інтерактивних історіях, №1 серед європейських та американських гравців у цій ніші.

My Passion – додаток для романтичних книг, №1 у понад 10 країнах.

AI Companion – цілий світ, де оживають улюблені персонажі. З AI Companion ви можете спілкуватися з улюбленими героями та героїнями наших книг, серіалів та інтерактивних історій.

У вас буде можливість переймати досвід команд, які забезпечили високі метрики і досягнення у наших продуктах:

  • Понад 20 млн. встановлень наших додатків.
  • Географія налічує користувачів з 190+ країн, включаючи усі країни tier-1.
  • Щомісяця до нас приєднується більше 1 млн. нових користувачів.
  • Наші продукти утримують ТОП-позиції у своїх нішах в США та Європі.


HOLYWATER була заснована в 2020 році в групі компаній Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 120+ спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх нішах у США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

У інтервʼю СЕО Богдана Несвіта для The Recursive ви можете дізнатись про шлях компанії та виклики, які були на ранніх етапах. А зі статей у HackerNoon та TechCrunch - про My Drama, AI Companion і нішу вертикальних серіалів. Більше інформації про компанію шукайте у нашому LinkedIn.

Нещодавно ми запустили проєкт «ПИШИ» - масштабний open-call для українських авторів та авторок у жанрі романтики для видавництва та популяризації їх на міжнародному ринку та в Україні.

Усі 4 роки ми активно формуємо компанію так, щоб наші співробітники могли реалізувати свій потенціал на максимум та досягнути своїх найамбітніших цілей. У цьому нам допомагають шість ключових цінностей, які викристалізувались з нашого досвіду і підходів до роботи: усвідомленість, постійне зростання, cамомотивація, наполегливість і гнучкість, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

Ми допоможемо інтегруватися у наше середовище і на власних діях навчимо вас втілювати ці цінності в життя, щоб разом з нами ви змогли розкрити свій потенціал.

Кого ми шукаємо в команду

Компанія зростає, тому у нас відкрилася позиція Graphic Designer, з основним фокусом на створенні CPP, лендингів та playable для рекламних кампаній на різноманітну аудиторію.

Задачі, над якими вам треба буде працювати:

  • Створювати візуальні рішення, які викликатимуть захоплення та покращуватимуть взаємодію з нашими продуктами.
  • Підкреслювати унікальні переваги наших продуктів через творчі і привабливі візуальні матеріали, які будуть бачити мільйони потенційних користувачів в App Store та Google Play.
  • Розробляти дизайни інноваційних та ефективних лендингів, які допоможуть нашій аудиторії легше зрозуміти переваги наших продуктів.

Очікування до вашого досвіду і навичок:

  • Досвід роботи на посаді Graphic designer від 6 місяців.
  • Володіння Figma на професійному рівні.
  • Базові навички роботи в Adobe Photoshop.
  • Прагнення до нових знаньі розвитку.
  • Орієнтація на результат.
  • Прагнення до розвитку і пізнання.
  • Вміння приймати та надавати зворотний зв'язок.

Бенефіти, які ми пропонуємо:

  • Професійну команду, у якої ви зможете переймати досвід та отримувати фідбек, що забезпечить ваш швидкий розвиток. За результатами останнього Satisfaction & Engagement опитування наші співробітники оцінили можливості для розвитку у 91%.
  • Цікаві челенджі і глибокий досвід. Компанія активно розвивається – ми запускаємо нові продукти і масштабуємо існуючі, будуємо процеси і впроваджуємо ініціативи з нуля. Ви зможете робити це разом з нами – наші співробітники оцінюють вплив їхніх результатів на роботу компанії у 96%.
  • Атмосферу довіри, відкритості та свободи. Наш eNPS показник останні 2 роки тримається на рівні 75-85%, а 94% опитаних співробітників хочуть залишатися з нами протягом наступних 1,5 року.
  • Широкі можливості навчання. У вас буде доступ до онлайн-бібліотеки, регулярних лекцій від спікерів топ-рівня, профільних шкіл, воркшопів, хакатонів. Також ми компенсуємо навчання англійської мови та участь у профільних заходах.
  • Доступ до професійного ком’юніті на сотні учасників. Ви зможете підтримувати професійні звʼязки з широким колом професіоналів з 20+ компаній Genesis.
  • Гнучкий графік роботи. Ми вам довіряємо, тому ви працюєте у тому графіку, який для вас зручний. Є бізнес-години, в які ми очікуємо, що ви будете доступні, але часом роботи ви керуєте самостійно.
  • Віддалена робота або можливість відвідувати офісна київському Подолі. Офіс – це безперебійна зона для роботи. Він обладнаний генераторами, безперебійним інтернетом, та надійним, спеціально обладнаним укриттям, розташованим на трьох поверхах під землею. А також ми забезпечуємо вас їжею (сніданки, обіди, снеки, напої, фрукти, солодощі) протягом усього дня.
  • Сучасну техніку, сервіси та інструменти для роботи.
  • Відпустку 20 робочих днів на рік, а також відпочинок у державні свята.
  • Послуги корпоративного лікаря, а після випробувального терміну покриваємо вам медичне страхування.Також кожен співробітник має необмежену кількість лікарняних.
  • Компенсацію членства в спортивних клубах та доступ до спортивних секцій.
  • Компенсацію за підтримку ментального здоровʼя та заняття з психологом.

Етапи відбору, які ми проходимо разом з вами:

1. Первинний скринінг.Наш спеціаліст з рекрутингу поставить декілька запитань (під час розмови або в месенджері), аби зрозуміти ваш досвід і навички перед співбесідою.
2. Тестове завдання.Ви отримуєте завдання, яке буде схоже на вашу майбутню роботу. Для вас це можливість більш глибинно продемонструвати свій досвід та отримати фідбек, який допоможе вашому розвитку. А для нас – можливість познайомитись з вашим способом мислення, та оцінити підходи, інструменти й рішення, що ви застосовуєте в роботі.
3. Співбесіда з наймаючим менеджером. На цьому етапі ви поспілкуєтесь зі своїм майбутнім менеджером. Ми обговоримо вашу експертизу і навички, а також детальніше розповімо про нашу позицію, команду, виклики та завдання, які вас очікують, та відповімо на всі ваші запитання.
4. Бар-рейзинг.Це спілкування з топ-менеджером групи компаній Genesis, який не працюватиме з вами безпосередньо. У фокусі бар-рейзера – ваші софт-скіли та цінності, щоб зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви будете зростати разом з нами. Це чудова можливість для вас побачити найсильніших гравців нашої екосистеми і задати їм питання, які вас цікавлять.

Відгукуйтесь на нашу позицію і ми обіцяємо, що це буде крута і корисна подорож!

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Senior Product Designer (Ohayu)

GenesisPoland - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Senior Product Designer (Ohayu)

Hi there!
We’re looking for a highly ambitious and self-driven Senior Product Designer to join our growing team and help us shape the future of global travel through innovative design.

About us:

  • We are a mobile and web application (Web, iOS, Android) that enables easy and fast purchases of mobile data packages in any country in the world, leveraging eSIM technology.
  • Our product allows seamless use of internet services while traveling at rates much lower than roaming and without the need to search for local operators or purchase physical SIM cards.
  • With grand ambitions, we aim to evolve our services into a comprehensive travel app that caters to all travel-related needs, making every journey smoother.

Your responsibilities will be:

  • Own and lead the end-to-end design process, from initial ideation to final implementation, for new product experiences.
  • Collaborate closely with the product team, developers, and other stakeholders to create user-centric designs that solve complex problems.
  • Create user flows, customer journeys, and interactive prototypes to effectively communicate and validate design concepts and ideas.
  • Champion a user-first approach, distilling user needs and pain points to inform design decisions and product strategy.
  • Use qualitative and quantitative data to refine and iterate on designs, ensuring we deliver the best user experience possible.

About you:

  • 4+ years of hands-on product design experience with a strong digital portfolio showcasing your work.
  • Strong analytical mindset, with the ability to leverage data to inform design decisions and iterate on solutions.
  • Deep knowledge of design strategy, principles, and methods, including HIG/Material design guidelines.
  • Proficiency in design tools such as Figma, Sketch, and others.
  • At least upper-intermediate English level (all work communication is in English).
  • Strategic thinking: ability to drive design and business goals forward through short-term and long-term roadmaps.
  • Experience conducting and/or participating in quality product research (usability testing, user surveys, etc.).

Why Join Us?:

  • Opportunity to take ownership and make a significant impact on a product that’s shaping the future of travel.
  • Be part of a dynamic, innovative team that values creativity, autonomy, and the power of design.
  • Flexible, remote-friendly work environment with a collaborative and supportive culture.

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UI/UX Designer (Justdone)

GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote UI/UX Designer (Justdone)

Boosters — це українська продуктова компанія. Ми створюємо продукти в сферах EdTech та life-improvement, які несуть цінність для22 мільйонів людей в усьому світі. Наші додатки регулярно потрапляють в ТОПи рейтингів в своїх категоріях.

Можливо ти вже бачив(ла) Avrora, Manifest чи Promova.

Наша головна перевага — це люди. Ми працюємо з тими, хто щодня прагне до самовдосконалення та ставить собі за мету перемагати разом з нами. В команді вже більше 100 людей, і ми не плануємо зупинятися.

Наразі ми шукаємо UI/UX Designerв наш новий продукт — SaaS платформуAI Content Generator, JustDone. Основна мета цієї ролі — розробка дизайну веб-воронок та веб-сайту для Justdone, генеруючи рішення, які забезпечуватимуть потреби користувачів та підвищуватимуть ключові показники продукту.

Твоя зона впливу:

  • Створення нових та покращення поточних веб-воронок та лендингів для підтримки маркетингових активностей та залучення нових юзерів;
  • Розробка нового функціоналу та підвищення маркетингових метрик за допомогою дизайну.

Для цього тобі знадобиться:

  • 1.5 - 2 роки досвіду у веб-дизайні;
  • Досвід роботи з Figma;
  • Досвід роботи в команді розробників;
  • Рівень англійської – intermediate та вище;
  • Розуміння основ композиції/кольору;
  • Робота з аналітикою (HotJar / Clarity) для аналізу ефективності дизайну.

Ми пропонуємо:

  • Роботу в команді професіоналів та з аудиторією більше одного мільйону в місяць;
  • Філософію та умови для твого постійного росту та розвитку;
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей і впливу на продукт.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • Компенсація додаткового навчання на зовнішніх тренінгах і семінарах та Business і Management School для співробітників;
  • Велика електронна бібліотека та доступ до платних онлайн-курсів і конференцій, внутрішні бесіди і воркшопи, курси англійської;
  • Корпоративний лікар та медичне страхування.

Процес інтервʼю:

  • Pre-screen з рекрутером (30 хвилин);
  • Тестове завдання;
  • Інтервʼю з наймаючий менеджером (1 година);
  • Bar-raising (1 година).

Залишай своє резюме і давай створювати юнікорни разом!????

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TruebillSan Francisco, CA, Washington, D.C., New York City, NY, Remote (USA)

Truebill is hiring a Remote Producer


Rocket Money’s mission is to empower people to live their best financial lives. Rocket Money offers members a unique understanding of their finances and a suite of valuable services that save them time and money – ultimately giving them a leg up on their financial journey.


As a Producer and reporting to the Director of Video Creative on the Growth team, you will join a team of enthusiastic, creative individuals, charged with making Rocket Money stand-out amidst a competitive, crowded fintech space. Focusing primarily on direct response digital advertising, you will take everything from rough concepts to clearly defined ideas and transform them into highly creative packages that entertain, educate, and convert users across multiple digital platforms. Your work will become part of a weekly cadence that uses data to understand performance, iterating on previous work while simultaneously producing and testing new content. Your work will not be limited to simply scheduling and directing shoots but include bringing fresh ideas to life with creativity and a unique voice. You will be responsible for building on and maintaining Rocket Money’s quality and aesthetic as well as being encouraged to express your creative voice and push the limits of what drives performance and acquires users.

Specifically, you will:

  • Work hand-in-hand with our in-house team to produce and shoot effective, direct-response ads catered to various user personas across multiple social media channels as well as broadcast
  • Support the production team in managing integrated production projects from conception to delivery
  • Liaise with internal teams, production teams, external vendors, actors and talent
  • Participate in the creative ideation process, bringing new ideas to the table while offering a fresh perspective to pre-existing themes and concepts
  • Contribute to story-boarding with a keen eye for detail and a clear vision for final results
  • Follow creative briefs and planned storyboards to convert raw digital assets into cohesive stories that drive engagement
  • Iterate on existing ideas and projects to finely tune creative output for optimal results, pertaining to specific channels and platforms
  • Build streamlined workflows for production and delivery, while maintaining and contributing to asset library structure and organization
  • Assist in overall production by tracking projects, interfacing with vendors, identifying efficiencies, and sharing your creative voice
  • Juggle multiple projects simultaneously while constantly tracking to target completion date
  • Demonstrate swift turnaround times


  • You love producing for direct response and predicting how users comprehend the ad with special consideration as to how your decisions can impact that
  • You believe that data can inform creativity, not limit it
  • Comfortable on a production set and understand the needs of all steps of production from pre to post
  • Able to envision and edit many different visual scenarios using only one set of raw video assets
  • Comfortable with creating budgets and timelines, identifying and hiring third party vendors, and managing costs associated with production
  • Comfortable with Premiere Pro and AfterEffects
  • Strong design sensibilities and experience with Figma and Adobe Photoshop a plus
  • Skilled at presenting complex technical information in a clear and engaging format
  • Excellent time management skills with the ability to understand project scope and accurately assess time availability
  • Strong project management skills
  • Ability to express ideas clearly and communicate well with others
  • Clear understanding of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok with ability to tweak one set of raw assets many different ways to best fit each platform's audience


  • 2-3 years experience producing/editing professional grade content
  • Highly motivated team player. Collaborates effortlessly with co-workers, while shouldering solo project responsibilities and executing flawlessly
  • Knowledge of video cameras and interfaces, lighting, and audio equipment
  • Storyteller at heart, with ability to craft clear and beautiful narratives that expertly inform as well as entertain
  • Thinks beyond their own experience and sensibilities to craft content that resonates with a wide range of viewers consuming media in a multitude of ways
  • Self starter who is excited by a challenge. Jumps on new opportunities and is always looking for ways to improve
  • Stylistically flexible. Beginner’s mind approach to everything
  • A strong desire to contribute to the creation of a diverse body of work that moves the needle within an exciting, fast growing company


  • Health, Dental & Vision Plans
  • Competitive Pay
  • 401k Matching
  • Unlimited PTO
  • Lunch daily (in-office only)
  • Snacks & Coffee (in-office only)
  • Commuter benefits (in-office only)

Additional information: Salary range of $80,000 - $100,000. Base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skill, and experience.

*Note: Disclosure as required by sb19-085(8-5-20), however, base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience.
Rocket Money, Inc. is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.

Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.


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TruebillSan Francisco, CA, Washington, D.C., New York City, NY, Remote (USA)

Truebill is hiring a Remote Editor


Rocket Money’s mission is to empower people to live their best financial lives. Rocket Money offers members a unique understanding of their finances and a suite of valuable services that save them time and money – ultimately giving them a leg up on their financial journey.


As an Editor and reporting to the Director of Video Creative on the Growth team, you will join a team of enthusiastic, creative individuals, charged with making Rocket Money stand-out amidst a competitive, crowded fintech space. Focusing primarily on direct response digital advertising, you will take everything from rough concepts to clearly defined ideas and transform them into highly creative and tightly edited packages that entertain, educate, and convert users across multiple digital platforms. Your work will become part of a weekly cadence that uses data to understand performance, iterating on previous work while simultaneously producing and testing new content. Your work will not be limited to simply cutting and arranging pre-existing video clips but include composing motion graphic explainers and sourcing new content to scale creative output. You will be responsible for building on and maintaining Rocket Money’s quality and aesthetic as well as being encouraged to express your creative voice and push the limits of what drives performance and acquires users.

Specifically, you will:

  • Work hand-in-hand with our in-house team to edit effective, direct-response ads catered to various user personas across multiple social media channels as well as broadcast
  • Increase weekly creative output by releasing multiple variations of various concepts in a wide range of sizes
  • Support the production team in managing integrated production projects from conception to delivery
  • Liaise with internal teams, production teams and external vendors
  • Participate in the creative ideation process, bringing new ideas to the table while offering a fresh perspective to pre-existing themes and concepts
  • Contribute to story-boarding with a keen eye for detail and a clear vision for final results
  • Follow creative briefs and planned storyboards to convert raw digital assets into cohesive stories that drive engagement
  • Iterate on existing ideas and projects to finely tune creative output for optimal results, pertaining to specific channels and platforms
  • Format new and existing assets to properly fit all media platform best practices
  • Build streamlined workflows for production and delivery, while maintaining and contributing to asset library structure and organization
  • Assist in overall production by tracking projects, interfacing with vendors, identifying efficiencies, and sharing your creative voice
  • Juggle multiple projects simultaneously while constantly tracking to target completion date
  • Demonstrate swift turnaround times


  • You love editing for direct response and predicting how users comprehend the ad with special consideration as to how your editing decisions can impact that
  • You believe that data can inform creativity, not limit it
  • Able to envision and edit many different visual scenarios using only one set of raw video assets
  • Wizard with Premiere Pro and AfterEffects
  • Strong design sensibilities and experience with Figma and Adobe Photoshop a plus
  • Understanding of all steps of production from pre to post
  • Skilled at presenting complex technical information in a clear and engaging format
  • Excellent time management skills with the ability to understand project scope and accurately assess time availability
  • Strong project management skills
  • Ability to express ideas clearly and communicate well with others
  • Clear understanding of Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, and TikTok with ability to tweak one set of raw assets many different ways to best fit each platform's audience


  • 2-3 years experience producing/editing professional grade content
  • Highly motivated team player. Collaborates effortlessly with co-workers, while shouldering solo project responsibilities and executing flawlessly
  • Understanding of editing theory, digital assets, and asset management
  • Storyteller at heart, with ability to craft clear and beautiful narratives that expertly inform as well as entertain
  • Thinks beyond their own experience and sensibilities to craft content that resonates with a wide range of viewers consuming media in a multitude of ways
  • Self starter who is excited by a challenge. Jumps on new opportunities and is always looking for ways to improve
  • Stylistically flexible. Beginner’s mind approach to everything
  • A strong desire to contribute to the creation of a diverse body of work that moves the needle within an exciting, fast growing company


  • Health, Dental & Vision Plans
  • Competitive Pay
  • 401k Matching
  • Unlimited PTO
  • Lunch daily (in-office only)
  • Snacks & Coffee (in-office only)
  • Commuter benefits (in-office only)

Additional information: Salary range of $80,000 - $100,000. Base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skill, and experience.

*Note: Disclosure as required by sb19-085(8-5-20), however, base pay offered may vary depending on job-related knowledge, skills, and experience.
Rocket Money, Inc. is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or protected veteran status and will not be discriminated against on the basis of disability.

Pursuant to the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance, we will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records.


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Lead, Product Designer

AcquiaRemote - India
9 years of experience6 years of experienceagile3 years of experiencefigmasketchdrupalDesign

Acquia is hiring a Remote Lead, Product Designer

Acquia empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to create digital customer experiences that matter. With open source Drupal at its core, the Acquia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) enables marketers, developers, and IT operations teams at thousands of global organizations to rapidly compose and deploy digital products and services that engage customers, enhance conversions, and help businesses stand out.

Headquartered in the U.S., Acquia is a Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM company in India, is listed as one of the world’s top software companies by The Software Report, and is positioned as a market leader by the analyst community. We are Acquia. We are building for the future and we want you to be a part of it!

About Role...
Acquia is seeking a Lead Product Designer dedicated to crafting engaging digital experiences through simple, clear, and systematic design. You will journey through various stages of fidelity, from the initial problem statement and concept exploration to delivering design specifications developed into functional, reliable, and delightful user interfaces. You will collaborate and engage closely with product design, product, and engineering teams to deliver exceptional user-focused value.

You will join a talented and diverse team of designers, researchers, content strategists, and service designers dedicated to helping Acquia grow its product portfolio.


  • Team Leadership: Ensure design colleagues have the information they need to complete projects.
  • Design Feedback: Provide feedback and on-the-job training to design team members. 
  • Quality Assurance: Ensure that all project deliverables are delivered on time and to quality standards.
  • Design Integration: Support design efforts throughout Acquia’s product and service portfolio.
  • Proactive Contribution: Take on tasks proactively without needing direction from leadership.
  • Team Environment: Demonstrate a commitment to improving the team environment.
  • Artifact Creation: Produce a variety of design artifacts (user stories, journeys, wireframes, prototypes, testing summaries, and dev specifications) to guide product teams.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate cross-functional working and feedback sessions with Product Managers, Engineers, and other stakeholders.
  • User Advocacy: Champion user needs for usability and accessibility within cross-functional teams.
  • Design Methods: Promote human-centered design methods and best practices.
  • User Research Collaboration: Work with design researchers to fully understand customer needs and advocate for designs that address them.
  • Impact Measurement: Collaborate with Product teams to understand user problems, define requirements, and measure user satisfaction and impact.
  • Research Identification: Work with the broader team to identify research needs and customer experience improvement opportunities.
  • Prototype Testing: Create, collaborate, and run prototype tests to gather user data and mitigate bias.

Required skills

  • Experience: 5+ years of experience with Product (UX/UI or other adjacent forms of) design; other relevant experience in adjacent fields considered.
  • Design Understanding: Thorough understanding of design thinking, user-centered design, interaction design, and heuristics.
  • Software Proficiency: Proficiency in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar tools.
  • User Engagement: Experience in prototype testing, user interviews, usability studies, or remote field studies.
  • Presentation Skills: Ability to effectively present the value of design solutions to various stakeholders.
  • Accessibility Awareness: Familiarity with accessibility standards and considerations.
  • Design Systems: Experience with or contribution to a design system.
  • Continuous Learning: Willingness to learn and embrace emerging technologies and approaches.
  • Attention to Detail: Strong attention to detail and clear communication skills.

Extra Credit

  • SaaS Design: Experience designing SaaS products or services.
  • Development Practices: Familiarity with agile software development best practices and cloud architecture.
  • Enterprise Experience: Experience with enterprise software design/development.
  • Atomic Design: Experience with Atomic design.

Acquia is proud to provide best-in-class benefits to help our employees and their families maintain a healthy body and mind. Core Benefits include: competitive healthcare coverage, wellness programs, take it when you need it time off, parental leave, recognition programs, and much more!

Individuals seeking employment at Acquia are considered without regard to race, color, religion, caste, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Whatever you answer will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter.

See more jobs at Acquia

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Product Designer

AcquiaRemote - India
9 years of experience6 years of experienceagile3 years of experiencefigmasketchdrupalDesign

Acquia is hiring a Remote Product Designer

Acquia empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to create digital customer experiences that matter. With open source Drupal at its core, the Acquia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) enables marketers, developers, and IT operations teams at thousands of global organizations to rapidly compose and deploy digital products and services that engage customers, enhance conversions, and help businesses stand out.

Headquartered in the U.S., Acquia is a Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM company in India, is listed as one of the world’s top software companies by The Software Report, and is positioned as a market leader by the analyst community. We are Acquia. We are building for the future and we want you to be a part of it!

At Acquia, we're revolutionizing digital experiences. As an innovator in the tech industry, our platform built around Drupal empowers the most ambitious brands to embrace innovation, creating meaningful customer interactions. We thrive on community and collaboration, giving our clients the tools and freedom to shape the future on their terms. Recognized as one of North America’s fastest-growing software companies by Deloitte and Inc. Magazine, and consistently rated as a top workplace by the Boston Business Journal, Acquia is building tomorrow’s web today.

About the Role...
Acquia is seeking a Product Designer dedicated to crafting engaging digital experiences through simple, clear, and systematic design. You will journey through various stages of fidelity, from the initial problem statement and concept exploration to delivering design specifications developed into functional, reliable, and delightful user interfaces. You will collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to deliver exceptional user-focused value.

You will join a talented and diverse team of designers, researchers, content strategists, and service designers dedicated to helping Acquia grow its product portfolio.


  • Design Integration: Support design efforts throughout Acquia’s product and service portfolio.
  • Artifact Creation: Produce a variety of design artifacts (user stories, journeys, wireframes, prototypes, testing summaries, and dev specifications) to guide product teams.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate cross-functional working and feedback sessions with Product Managers, Engineers, and other stakeholders.
  • User Advocacy: Champion user needs for usability and accessibility within cross-functional teams.
  • Design Methods: Promote human-centered design methods and best practices.
  • User Research Collaboration: Work with design researchers to fully understand customer needs and advocate for designs that address them.
  • Impact Measurement: Collaborate with Product teams to understand user problems, define requirements, and measure user satisfaction and impact.
  • Research Identification: Work with the broader team to identify research needs and customer experience improvement opportunities.
  • Prototype Testing: Create, collaborate, and run prototype tests to gather user data and mitigate bias.
  • Proactive Contribution: Take on tasks proactively without needing direction from leadership.
  • Team Environment: Demonstrate a commitment to improving the team environment.

Required skills

  • Experience: 3+ years of experience with Product (UX/UI or other adjacent forms of) design; other relevant experience in adjacent fields considered.
  • Design Understanding: Thorough understanding of design thinking, user-centered design, interaction design, and heuristics.
  • Software Proficiency: Proficiency in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar tools.
  • User Engagement: Experience in prototype testing, user interviews, usability studies, or remote field studies.
  • Presentation Skills: Ability to effectively present the value of design solutions to various stakeholders.
  • Accessibility Awareness: Familiarity with accessibility standards and considerations.
  • Design Systems: Experience with or contribution to a design system.
  • Continuous Learning: Willingness to learn and embrace emerging technologies and approaches.
  • Attention to Detail: Strong attention to detail and clear communication skills.

Extra Credit

  • SaaS Design: Experience designing SaaS products or services.
  • Development Practices: Familiarity with agile software development best practices and cloud architecture.
  • Enterprise Experience: Experience with enterprise software design/development.
  • Atomic Design: Experience with Atomic design.

IAcquia is proud to provide best-in-class benefits to help our employees and their families maintain a healthy body and mind. Core Benefits include: competitive healthcare coverage, wellness programs, take it when you need it time off, parental leave, recognition programs, and much more!

Individuals seeking employment at Acquia are considered without regard to race, color, religion, caste, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Whatever you answer will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter

See more jobs at Acquia

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Associate Product Designer

AcquiaRemote - India
1 year of experience9 years of experience6 years of experience3 years of experiencefigmasketchdrupalDesign

Acquia is hiring a Remote Associate Product Designer

Acquia empowers the world’s most ambitious brands to create digital customer experiences that matter. With open source Drupal at its core, the Acquia Digital Experience Platform (DXP) enables marketers, developers, and IT operations teams at thousands of global organizations to rapidly compose and deploy digital products and services that engage customers, enhance conversions, and help businesses stand out.

Headquartered in the U.S., Acquia is a Great Place to Work-CertifiedTM company in India, is listed as one of the world’s top software companies by The Software Report, and is positioned as a market leader by the analyst community. We are Acquia. We are building for the future and we want you to be a part of it!

About Role...
Acquia is seeking an Associate Product Designer dedicated to crafting engaging digital experiences through simple, clear, and systematic design. You will journey through various stages of fidelity, from the initial problem statement and concept exploration to delivering design specifications developed into functional, reliable, and delightful user interfaces. You will collaborate closely with product and engineering teams to deliver exceptional user-focused value.

You will join a talented and diverse team of designers, researchers, content strategists, and service designers dedicated to helping Acquia grow its product portfolio.


  • Design Integration: Support design efforts throughout Acquia’s product and service portfolio.
  • Artifact Creation: Produce a variety of design artifacts (user stories, journeys, wireframes, prototypes, testing summaries, and dev specifications) to guide product teams.
  • Collaboration: Facilitate cross-functional working and feedback sessions with Product Managers, Engineers, and other stakeholders.
  • User Advocacy: Champion user needs for usability and accessibility within cross-functional teams.
  • Design Methods: Promote human-centered design methods and best practices.
  • User Research Collaboration: Work with design researchers to fully understand customer needs and advocate for designs that address them.
  • Impact Measurement: Collaborate with Product teams to understand user problems, define requirements, and measure user satisfaction and impact.
  • Research Identification: Work with the broader team to identify research needs and customer experience improvement opportunities.
  • Prototype Testing: Create, collaborate, and run prototype tests to gather user data and mitigate bias.
  • Proactive Contribution: Take on tasks proactively without needing direction from leadership.
  • Team Environment: Demonstrate a commitment to improving the team environment.

Required skills

  • Experience: 1 year of experience with Product (UX/UI or other adjacent forms of) design; other relevant experience in adjacent fields considered. Will accept entry level applicants. 
  • Design Understanding: Understanding of design thinking, user-centered design, interaction design, and heuristics.
  • Software Proficiency: Skilled in Figma, Sketch, Adobe XD, or similar tools.
  • User Engagement: Understanding of prototype testing, user interviews, usability studies, or remote field studies.
  • Presentation Skills: Ability to present the value of design solutions to various stakeholders.
  • Accessibility Awareness: Familiarity with accessibility standards and considerations.
  • Design Systems: Experience with or contribution to a design system.
  • Continuous Learning: Willingness to learn and embrace emerging technologies and approaches.
  • Attention to Detail: Strong attention to detail and clear communication skills.

Acquia is proud to provide best-in-class benefits to help our employees and their families maintain a healthy body and mind. Core Benefits include: competitive healthcare coverage, wellness programs, take it when you need it time off, parental leave, recognition programs, and much more!

Individuals seeking employment at Acquia are considered without regard to race, color, religion, caste, creed, national origin, age, sex, marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, veteran status, gender identity, or sexual orientation. Whatever you answer will not be considered in the hiring process or thereafter

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Associate Product Designer

NarvarHybrid - Bangalore
Bachelor's degreefigmasketchDesignui

Narvar is hiring a Remote Associate Product Designer

Narvar is growing! We’re looking for a Product Designer to help our team build the future of the retail experience. Explore and grow your knowledge and expertise in user experience and product design to help guide a platform that touches millions of lives. You will develop collaborative relationships to drive strong user adoption and excellent retention rates for Narvar’s solutions, demonstrating value every step of the way. Our clients include some of the most iconic brands in the world and they expect the highest level of consumer journeys for their customers.


  • Reimagine the future of retail with the world’s most beloved brands
  • Work with other designers, product managers, and design researchers to create intuitive user experiences and product features flexible enough to fit a large range of business and customer needs
  • Research UI design and development techniques to find innovative and elegant solutions to new, complex problems
  • Communicate your designs through wireframes, comps, prototypes, and detailed documentation
  • Research and evaluate existing user experiences to identify areas for improvement
  • Use and help to expand our componentized design systems
  • Champion excellent user experience and design at every opportunity
  • Work with other designers to improve our processes and shape our culture

What we’re looking for

  • At least 3+ years experience working as a UI/UX/Product Designer
  • An online portfolio with examples of visual and interaction design
  • Interest in launching products or multi-phased web projects
  • Interest in supporting customer research and usability sessions
  • Experience designing for e-commerce applications a plus
  • Excellent communication and writing skills
  • The ability to prototype with motion and interactivity
  • Experience using Figma, Sketch, Adobe Creative Suite, and other design software

Bonus points

  • You love working with beautiful products and amazing brands
  • You’re “On it!” There is no task too big or small
  • Variety is the spice of your life
  • You live design but engineering, strategy and brand fluently
  • You love exploration and leave no stone unturned in your search for answers
  • You arrive with a point-of-view and seek to leave with new perspectives
  • Your to-do list is a piece of art – you have an eye for detail and obsession with craft

Why Narvar?

We're on a mission to simplify the everyday lives of consumers. Post-purchase is a critical phase of the customer journey. That's why we created Narvar - a platform focused on driving customer loyalty through seamless post-purchase experiences that allow retailers to retain, engage, and delight customers. If you've ever bought something online, there's a good chance you've used our platform!

From the hottest new direct-to-consumer companies to retail’s most renowned brands, Narvar works with GameStop, Neiman Marcus, Sonos, Nike, and 1300+ other brands. With hubs in San Francisco, Atlanta, London, and Bangalore, we've served over 125 million consumers worldwide across 10+ billion interactions, 38 countries, and 55 languages.

Pioneering the post-purchase movement means navigating into the unknown. Our team thrives on this sense of adventure while nurturing a mindset of innovation. We're a home for big hearts and we leave our egos at the door. We work hard but we always make time to celebrate professional wins, baby showers, birthday parties, and everything in between.

We are an equal-opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.



Please read our Privacy Policy to learn what personal information we collect in connection with your job application, and how we may use and share it. 

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Product Designer, Widget Library

Stay22Montréal, QC - Remote - Hybrid
4 years of experiencejirafigmaDesign

Stay22 is hiring a Remote Product Designer, Widget Library

Job Title: Product Designer, Widget Library

Location: Montreal (hybrid, preference 2 days in office per week)

About Stay22

Stay22 is a fast-growing and profitable Travel Tech scale-up based in Montreal. We empower content creators to monetize their content more effectively while enhancing the travel experience for their users through innovative solutions. Our technology simplifies the search for travel-related services, reaching over 100 million unique users monthly via top travel discovery pages and platforms. Our Discovery team oversees greenfield projects aiming to build a new vertical. Join us to push the boundaries of predictive modeling and AI in Travel Tech.

Position Overview

The Widgets Squad is on a mission to revolutionize how our partners engage their users. We create dynamic, high-impact widgets and tools that seamlessly integrate into websites and social networks, enhancing user experiences and making them unforgettable.

As a Product Designer, you’ll be at the forefront of identifying innovative solutions for our customers to help them make their content even more engaging and generate more revenues than ever before.

What You'll Do

  • Cross-team collaboration:
    • Work hand in hand with Product Managers, Engineers, and other stakeholders to define product requirements and translate them into intuitive user interfaces.
    • Create and maintain detailed design documentation and specifications for team members, ensuring proper implementation.
    • Assist in the handoff of designs to engineering teams, ensuring seamless collaboration.

  • Iterative & user-centric approach:
    • Perform user interviews, surveys, usability tests, and analyze data to inform design decisions.
    • User flows
    • Continuously improve designs based on user feedback, data-driven insights, and testing outcomes.

  • Technical skills:
    • Ability to create and maintain components in a Design System in Figma, ensuring consistency across the product by standardizing design patterns, components, and styles.
    • Familiar with advanced features like Figma auto-layout, variables, and styles.
    • Know the best practices about responsive design.

  • Ownership:
    • Take ownership of projects or features, from concept to execution, with minimal supervision.
    • Provide input on the product roadmap, ensuring that design decisions align with broader business goals.
    • Help identify opportunities for innovation and improvement, suggesting features or enhancements based on user and market needs.

  • Empower design:
    • Collaborate and contribute to the overall design team culture and processes.
    • Engage in design critiques to offer feedback and receive insights from peers.
    • Contribute to the Stay22 Design System.

What You Bring

  • 3-4 years of experience in product design.
  • You’re proficient with Figma.
  • Nice to have but not mandatory: skills in creating interactive prototypes using Figma, Rive, Framer, etc.
  • Advocate for our user needs throughout the product development process while understanding the business vision and needs.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to articulate design concepts and rationale to influence stakeholders at all levels.
  • Have an MVP mindset, keeping the end vision in mind while taking multiple small steps and validating as we go.
  • Familiarity with Project Management Tools like Jira, Asana, Trello, etc.

Why Join Stay22?

  • Support Travel Creators: Be part of a team that empowers travel creators to explore the world by increasing their passive income potential.
  • Empower Your Growth: We hire champions and give them the opportunity to excel, skipping levels and honing their superpowers.
  • Lead with Impact: We empower our team members to take charge and make a real impact in the Stay22 universe.
  • Location, Location, Location: Enjoy our bright and vibrant office in the heart of Montreal’s Plateau Mont-Royal, surrounded by the best shops and restaurants.
  • Be Yourself: Embrace a come-as-you-are dress code and a flexible work schedule.
  • Comprehensive Benefits: We offer health & dental benefits, retirement plans, learning & development opportunities, and social & team-building activities, including exciting retreats (while we can't share all the details about our upcoming winter retreat, let's just say we hope it's smooth sailing. ????????.)

(Stay22 is an equal-opportunity employer. All qualified applicants are given consideration. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please contact us at careers at

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Customer Marketing Manager

Modern HealthRemote - US

Modern Health is hiring a Remote Customer Marketing Manager

Modern Health 

Modern Healthis a mental health benefits platform for employers. We are the first global mental health solution to offer employees access to one-on-one, group, and self-serve digital resources for their emotional, professional, social, financial, and physical well-being needs—all within a single platform. Whether someone wants to proactively manage stress or treat depression, Modern Health guides people to the right care at the right time. We empower companies to helpalltheir employees be the best version of themselves, and believe in meeting people wherever they are in their mental health journey.

We are a female-founded company backed by investors like Kleiner Perkins, Founders Fund, John Doerr, Y Combinator, and Battery Ventures. We partner with 500+ global companies like Lyft, Electronic Arts, Pixar, Clif Bar, Okta, and Udemy that are taking a proactive approach to mental health care for their employees. Modern Health has raised more than $170 million in less than two years with a valuation of $1.17 billion, making Modern Health the fastest entirely female-founded company in the U.S. to reach unicorn status. 

We tripled our headcount in 2021 and as a hyper-growth company with a fully remote workforce, we prioritize our people-first culture (winning awards including Fortune's Best Workplaces in the Bay Area 2021). To protect our culture and help our team stay connected, we require overlapping hours for everyone. While many roles may function from anywhere in the world—see individual job listing for more—team members who live outside the Pacific time zone must be comfortable working early in the morning or late at night; all full-time employees must work at least six hours between 8 am and 5 pm Pacific time each workday. 

We are looking for driven, creative, and passionate individuals to join in our mission. An inclusive and diverse culture are key components of mental well-being in the workplace, and that starts with how we build our own team. If you're excited about a role, we'd love to hear from you!

The Role- 

We're seeking a dynamic and driven Customer Marketing Manager to be the go-to marketer for the Client Success team, focusing on driving user engagement of the Modern Health app. This vital role will involve understanding both client and user needs, working with CSMs to develop user engagement plans for client accounts, and executing on those plans by developing custom user engagement materials (i.e. flyers, slides, email newsletters, and more). You’ll also work cross-functionally with product, marketing, sales, and executive teams to ensure alignment and integration of user engagement strategies across the organization.

The ideal candidate is a curious, adaptable, and action-oriented individual who thrives in a fast-paced environment. You are organized, capable of managing projects with some level of autonomy, and have a knack for building and maintaining strong relationships. You are user-obsessed and a strong writer who knows how to distill complex (clinical/technical) information into digestible resources using an approachable tone. Mental health is a topic that can be uncomfortable for some, so this role involves knowing how to connect with the audience about mental health in a way that feels approachable and welcoming.

This position is not eligible to be performed in Hawaii.

What You’ll Do-

  • You will be one of the go-to marketing managers for our Client Success team
  • Develop user engagement resources (including flyers, emails, slides, videos, etc.) to help our employer clients promote adoption of Modern Health to their employees
  • Collaborate with our mental health providers and care team to rapidly develop approachable, digestible, and impactful resources for users on topics important to them (i.e. burnout, work-life balance, parenting stress, relationships, etc.) on a regular cadence
  • Partner with Product Marketing and Product teams to ensure latest product updates are included in our marketing assets 
  • Develop and maintain user engagement resources on our client portal to scale the breadth and depth of support we offer to our employer clients 
  • Support the goal of ensuring our relationships with customers are deep and broad, to support cross-sell, up-sell and stickiness
  • Partner with Client Success to identify and build impactful and compelling customer stories, testimonials, and videos; own logo usage and press rights by client; manage private and public reference programs
  • Be the user expert with a deep understanding of user goals, behaviors and motivations, develop personas to effectively communicate insights to Client Success

Who You Are-

  • 5+ years in marketing with at least 2 years in a user engagement marketing role
  • Experience developing user engagement materials (i.e. flyers, slides, emails, posters, videos, direct mail, etc.)
  • Excellent writing skills, particularly in the context of end user communication and engagement
  • Strong attention to detail and project management skills
  • Experience in building marketing campaigns from the ground up, with a focus on driving customer behaviors at key points in the customer journey
  • Ability to think big picture and simultaneously execute on projects across different clients and Customer Success stakeholders
  • Experience in analyzing data and engagement metrics to measure success of campaigns and find insights 
  • Passion for listening, understanding, and sharing end user customer stories
  • Understanding of trends in the marketing space
  • Experience writing about mental health / wellness is a plus
  • Healthcare industry experience is a plus
  • Fluency with design tools (Figma, Webflow, Adobe) is a plus



  • 100% coverage for Medical / Dental / Vision / Disability / Life Insurance (and dependents covered at 50%)
  • High deductible health plan option with health savings account
  • Modern Health product or equivalent cost of external care
  • Flexible PTO
  • Company-wide mental health days
  • Unlimited career growth opportunity

Family Support:

  • Childcare 
  • Parental leave policy 
  • Family Forming Benefit through Carrot

Professional Development:

  • Professional Development Stipend

Financial Wellness:

  • 401k
  • Financial planning through Origin

But wait there’s more…! 

  • Cell Phone Reimbursement 
  • WFH Equipment Stipend 
  • Natural Disaster Relief Stipend 
  • Mod Squad Community:  Virtual events like active ERGs, holiday themed activities, team-building events and more!

Equal Pay for Equal Work Act Information

Please refer to the ranges below to find the starting annual pay range for individuals applying to work remotely from the following locations for this role.

Compensation for the role will depend on a number of factors, including a candidate’s qualifications, skills, competencies, and experience and may fall outside of the range shown. Ranges are not necessarily indicative of the associated starting pay range in other locations. Full-time employees are also eligible for Modern Health's equity program and incredible benefits package. See our Careers page for more information.

Depending on the scope of the role, some ranges are indicative of On Target Earnings (OTE) and includes both base pay and commission at 100% achievement of established targets.

San Francisco Bay Area
$101,500$119,400 USD
All Other California Locations
$91,350$107,500 USD
$81,200$95,500 USD
New York City
$101,500$119,400 USD
All Other New York Locations
$91,350$107,500 USD
$91,350$107,500 USD
All Other Washington Locations
$91,350$107,500 USD

Below, we are asking you to complete identity information for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). While we are required by law to ask these questions in the format provided by the EEOC, at Modern Health we know that gender is not binary, and we recognize that these categories do not reflect our employees' full range of identities.

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Technical Writer II - Help Center

AddeparRemote, Canada

Addepar is hiring a Remote Technical Writer II - Help Center

Who We Are

Addepar is a global technology and data company that helps investment professionals provide the most informed, precise guidance for their clients. Hundreds of thousands of users have entrusted Addepar to empower smarter investment decisions and better advice over the last decade. With client presence in more than 45 countries, Addepar’s platform aggregates portfolio, market and client data for over $6 trillion in assets. Addepar’s open platform integrates with more than 100 software, data and services partners to deliver a complete solution for a wide range of firms and use cases. Addepar embraces a global flexible workforce model with offices in Silicon Valley, New York City, Salt Lake City, Chicago, London, Edinburgh and Pune.

The Role

In this role, you'll shape the future of help and training at Addepar, reimagining how clients and employees learn about our products and services. You'll work with Product, Support, and Services teams to create and refine a library of guides, how-to articles, and more. You’ll research, author, edit, proofread, format, and publish the content following Addepar’s style guidelines.

Our Help Center is in an exciting growth stage, undergoing a redesign and scaling up to support Addepar’s multi-product platform. Our ideal candidate is a strong technical writer and editor with a keen eye for detail. You promote innovation, strategic decision-making, and thoughtful risk-taking. You’re eager to join our team, roll up your sleeves, and do great work.

You’ll report to the Content Design Manager for the Help Center.

What You’ll Do

  • Develop a deep understanding of our users, products, and unique challenges.
  • Write clear, easy-to-follow help articles and guides.
  • Manage and prioritize incoming requests for new articles and updates.
  • Partner with SMEs to determine the best flow and structure of your content.
  • Facilitate productive meetings and working sessions.
  • Run content reviews at key milestones, and participate in peer content reviews.
  • Audit existing articles for out-of-date information, typos, and broken links.
  • Track article engagement and address user feedback.
  • Recommend new ways of grouping, classifying, and labeling help content.
  • Learn and gain expertise in our design and operational tools.
  • Help evolve the voice and tone of self-guided support.

Who You Are

  • 2+ years of technical writing experience.
  • An inspiring portfolio that showcases how you approach help content. Must include writing samples.
  • Fantastic writing (American English), editing, and proofreading skills.
  • Familiar with design systems and editorial style guides.
  • Familiar with Figma, Zendesk, Confluence, and Jira.
  • Experience working with or in a customer support organization is a huge plus.
  • Able to work independently, communicating across multiple time zones.
  • High emotional intelligence. People enjoy working with you!

Our Values 

  • Act Like an Owner -Think and operate with intention, purpose and care. Own outcomes.
  • Build Together -Collaborate to unlock the best solutions. Deliver lasting value. 
  • Champion Our Clients -Exceed client expectations. Our clients’ success is our success. 
  • Drive Innovation -Be bold and unconstrained in problem solving. Transform the industry. 
  • Embrace Learning -Engage our community to broaden our perspective. Bring a growth mindset. 

In addition to our core values, Addepar is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We seek to bring together diverse ideas, experiences, skill sets, perspectives, backgrounds and identities to drive innovative solutions. We commit to promoting a welcoming environment where inclusion and belonging are held as a shared responsibility.

We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodation to participate in the job application or interview process, to perform essential job functions, and to receive other benefits and privileges of employment. Please contact us to request accommodation.

PHISHING SCAM WARNING: Addepar is among several companies recently made aware of a phishing scam involving con artists posing as hiring managers recruiting via email, text and social media. The imposters are creating misleading email accounts, conducting remote “interviews,” and making fake job offers in order to collect personal and financial information from unsuspecting individuals. Please be aware that no job offers will be made from Addepar without a formal interview process. Additionally, Addepar will not ask you to purchase equipment or supplies as part of your onboarding process. If you have any questions, please reach out to

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Principal Software Engineer Full -Stack, Digital and Omni Channel Sales

BrightspeedCharlotte, NC, Remote
SalesMaster’s DegreejirafigmaDesignjqueryuiqagitjavatypescriptcssangularjavascript

Brightspeed is hiring a Remote Principal Software Engineer Full -Stack, Digital and Omni Channel Sales

Job Description

Brightspeed has an exciting opportunity for a Principal Software Engineer Full Stack, Digital and Omni Channel Sales. You’ll have the challenge and the opportunity to re-envision customer sales journeywith cutting edge technologies.

We are looking to hire someone who has enterprise grade experience and is willing to take up a new challenge to make an incredible impact on our digital and omni channel sales platform.

As Principal Software Engineer Full-Stack, Digital and Omni Channel Sales, your primary responsibilities will include:

  • Execute software development, architectural design, and decision making for seamless omnichannel experience
  • Define standards and guidelines for project implementation
  • Conceive and design new UI/UX flows and develop coding, testing, debugging, and implementation standards
  • Review, evaluate, and prioritize new feature requests from business partners and stakeholders
  • Identify areas for expansion and improvement, applying omnichannel principles to new applications
  • Research, evaluate, and recommend new infrastructure solutions and enhancements
  • Perform proof of concepts and present proposals to senior management
  • Define functional and technical architecture for digital and omnichannel sales strategy
  • Participate in business and system requirements sessions to understand complex business and compliance needs
  • Drive automation implementation to optimize digital and omnichannel sales technologies
  • Assist UX/UI developers in building robust user experiences across web and native apps
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure efficient development, QA, and testing
  • Translate business requirements into full-stack solutions for digital and omnichannel sales
  • Troubleshoot production platform to address customer touchpoint issues
  • Conduct Root Cause Analysis and recommend solutions
  • Demonstrate existing digital and omnichannel sales flows functionality
  • Participate in business control development and testing
  • Work closely with business leaders to match technology to changing business demands
  • Drive addition of features to digital and omnichannel sales platform
  • Position will be headquartered in Charlotte, NC, and allows for telecommuting from various unanticipated worksites throughout the United States.




  • Master’s degree or foreign equivalent in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related field,
  • Two (2) years post-baccalaureate experience as a Front-End Developer, Software Engineer, or related role.
  • Experience must include developing client-side web applications; utilizing client-side programming languages including JavaScript TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and Java; developing comprehensive JavaScript tests and leveraging JavaScript testing frameworks; and creating code documentation, design documents, and user guides.
  • Experience must also include leveraging the following tools and technologies: jQuery, ES6, Bootstrap, Material UI, Figma, Angular, React, Express, Node, CouchDB GIT, Jira, Confluence, and AWS.
  • Position will be headquartered in Charlotte, NC, and allows for telecommuting from various unanticipated worksites throughout the United States.

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Designer graphique

VoskerMontreal, Canada, Remote

Vosker is hiring a Remote Designer graphique

Description du poste


  • Tu conçois des visuels publicitaires percutants ;
  • Tu fais de la retouche d'image et du "photo editing" ; 
  • Tu veilles à la qualité et à la cohérence des rendus des visuels ;
  • Pour certains gros projets, tu assures le volet scénarisation et storyboarding des différents projets ;
  • Tu agis en tant qu’ambassadeur de l’équipe design et tu accompagnes les demandeurs tout au long de la créa ;
  • Tu déclines dans les différents formats (web et print).



  • Tu détiens 5 ans d’expérience dans un poste similaire ;
  • Tu maîtrises PSD, AI, INDD et Figma ;
  • Tu as le sens de l’initiative, tu es autonome et tu prônes le travail d’équipe ;
  • Tu aimes entreprendre plusieurs projets à la fois, tout en cernant les priorités ;
  • Tu as une bonne capacité d’adaptation et tu es d’esprit ;
  • Si tu as de l'expérience en agence de publicité/communication, c'est un atoût ;
  • Tu maîtrises le français (écrit/verbale), l'anglais est un atout (contacts fréquents hors Québec).

IMPORTANT : Merci d'inclure également ton portfolio à ton CV !

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Senior Product Designer

GenesisPoland - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Senior Product Designer

Hi there!
We’re looking for a highly ambitious and self-driven Senior Product Designer to join our growing team and help us shape the future of global travel through innovative design.

About us:

  • We are a mobile and web application (Web, iOS, Android) that enables easy and fast purchases of mobile data packages in any country in the world, leveraging eSIM technology.
  • Our product allows seamless use of internet services while traveling at rates much lower than roaming and without the need to search for local operators or purchase physical SIM cards.
  • With grand ambitions, we aim to evolve our services into a comprehensive travel app that caters to all travel-related needs, making every journey smoother.

Your responsibilities will be:

  • Own and lead the end-to-end design process, from initial ideation to final implementation, for new product experiences.
  • Collaborate closely with the product team, developers, and other stakeholders to create user-centric designs that solve complex problems.
  • Create user flows, customer journeys, and interactive prototypes to effectively communicate and validate design concepts and ideas.
  • Champion a user-first approach, distilling user needs and pain points to inform design decisions and product strategy.
  • Use qualitative and quantitative data to refine and iterate on designs, ensuring we deliver the best user experience possible.

About you:

  • 4+ years of hands-on product design experience with a strong digital portfolio showcasing your work.
  • Strong analytical mindset, with the ability to leverage data to inform design decisions and iterate on solutions.
  • Deep knowledge of design strategy, principles, and methods, including HIG/Material design guidelines.
  • Proficiency in design tools such as Figma, Sketch, and others.
  • At least upper-intermediate English level (all work communication is in English).
  • Strategic thinking: ability to drive design and business goals forward through short-term and long-term roadmaps.
  • Experience conducting and/or participating in quality product research (usability testing, user surveys, etc.).

Why Join Us?:

  • Opportunity to take ownership and make a significant impact on a product that’s shaping the future of travel.
  • Be part of a dynamic, innovative team that values creativity, autonomy, and the power of design.
  • Flexible, remote-friendly work environment with a collaborative and supportive culture.

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Publicis Media - (Senior) Product Designer (m/f/d)

Publicis SapientDüsseldorf, Germany, Remote

Publicis Sapient is hiring a Remote Publicis Media - (Senior) Product Designer (m/f/d)

Job Description

  • You are responsible for ensuring that our users have a delightful product interaction whenever they engage with it. 
  • Work closely with product management to : 
    • Understand user needs 
    • help the whole team to understand what problems we need to solve and why 
    • Design elegant solutions 
  • Design responsive web experiences, utilizing tools such as Figma and Sketch to produce expertly crafted wireframes, prototypes, concept sketches, and user flows
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including designers, developers, and product managers to create user-friendly digital products and services 
  • Structured creativity - make intelligent design decisions backed up by quantitative and qualitative insights  
  • Fail successfully - design experiments (prototypes, lean features) that allow us to learn quickly so that we focus our resources on what works 
  • Iterate and improve - measure the success of your work and push for the best possible user experience. 
  • Inspire - motivate the team with the vision of what the future might look like 
  • Lead Discovery and Product Design efforts, guiding teams through the end-to-end design process from framing challenges to implementation, including collaboration with technical teams for a seamless handover 
  • Demonstrate proficiency in agile methodology, working with agile teams, and producing comprehensive design documentation 


  • Several years of experience as a Digital Product Designer. 
  • First experience in leading workstreams/ design initiatives, with 
  • Proven track record in assessing and defining Customer Journeys for high-complexity projects and programs 
  • Ability to define research and usability briefs, validate research approaches, and translate outcomes into clear and feasible design iterations 
  • Fluent in English and B1 / B2 German, with excellent communication skills to engage with stakeholders and effectively communicate design choices to various audiences

Nice to have:

  • Experience in a startup environment, starting at 0. 
  • Experience in the media industry 

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UI/UX Designer

SinchPerth,Western Australia,Australia, Remote Hybrid

Sinch is hiring a Remote UI/UX Designer

ClickSend is a global leader in business communication solutions. Our reputation is built on technical expertise, industry experience, quality support and service reliability. We are a business communications software company that provides companies of all shapes and sizes the ability to easily send and receive SMS, MMS, Rich Media, Email, Voice and even Post worldwide via web, app, or API. From bulk marketing to mission-critical solutions, we provide the telecommunications glue that connects the world.

We’re a small team based in Perth, Western Australia, but we’re a global brand with offices in the US, UK and Philippines. We’re creative problem solvers and we get stuff done but in a relaxed environment that’s not big on overly structured hierarchies. We’re part of the MessageMedia Group (based in Melbourne) and have all the benefits of being part of a larger group but we retain our ‘start-up’ mentality.  We maintain a spectacular work life balance and try to mix a little fun and music into our days. MessageMedia Group is proudly part of Sinch, a leading global Communication Platform as a Service (CPaaS) provider, offering messaging, voice and video communication solutions to a large global customer base.


We are looking for a passionate and pragmatic UX/UI Designer who is eager to join a fun, collaborative team in a newly created role. You’ll be working closely with product managers to enhance our flagship messaging platform. This role will suit someone who finds hands-on work really fulfilling. You’ll be experienced in creating user flow diagrams, participating in research and validating ideas, building prototypes and designing intuitive interfaces.  


You’ll be required to understand the business and user’s needs and translate these needs into intuitive experiences with a focus on research, interaction design and technical feasibility. Experience working on SaaS products in an agile environment is highly desirable.


Key responsibilities:

  • Apply a user centred design approach to create optimised experiences for our web products.
  • Work with key partners across the business to develop solutions through ideation, exploration, and user validation.
  • Participate in research and communicating findings, conceptual ideas, detailed designs, and user flows both verbally and visually.
  • Present design solutions to stakeholders, justify design decisions and incorporate feedback into the design cycle.
  • Articulate the “why” and lead discussions around your process, explorations, and conclusions.


The successful candidate will have proven UX, product or interaction design experience in SaaS products. The ability to work collaboratively with product managers and developers to deliver products from ideation through to production. Sound expertise turning complex business problems into intuitive and engaging digital products. You will have a strong command of interaction and visual design and mastery of industry tooling (ideally Figma). Your portfolio will demonstrate a familiarity with user-centered design methods, an eye for detail, the ability to generate intuitive solutions for complex problems and experience with information architecture will be looked upon favorably.


We dream big — for our company, our customers, and our employees — and we hire the best talent worldwide to help us bring our vision to life. We have a local presence in more than 60 countries — probably somewhere near you!


We are committed to building an engaged and talented workforce that represents an environment that is inclusive, supports flexibility and welcomes diversity.


Our values of Dream BigWin TogetherKeep it simple and Make it Happen are the foundation for fostering an environment where diversity of thinking, skills and experiences are embraced, delivering innovation and better business results.


We value our team by offering:

  • WHERE YOU WORK MATTERS: We understand the benefit of a flexible schedule where you can best impact both your personal and work life, so we offer a hybrid working arrangement, work from home set up reimbursement and a global mobility policy.
  • PUT FAMILY FIRST: We know that building a family take priority, therefore we offer a generous parental leave program: 26 weeks salary for primary care giver and 4 weeks salary for secondary care giver
  • CELEBRATE YOURESELF: By providing a day off for your birthday, we want you to take the time to celebrate the year you’ve had with your nearest and dearest.
  • TAKE A BREAK: Enjoy a generous annual leave program. We value balance and understand that performance at work requires time to rest at home and/or rejuvenate on vacation.
  • STAY HEALTHY: Physical wellness supports mental wellness, so we offer a monthly fitness reimbursement allowance and other wellness programs
  • TAKE THE NEXT STEP: Coaching and career development support, including access to a range of online professional development courses
  • CARE FOR YOURSELF: Take advantage of our free virtual counselling resources through our global Employee Assistance Program. Your mental health is as important as your physical health.
  • MAKE AN IMPACT: Support betterment in your community and beyond by taking paid time off to support a volunteer program of your choice.
  • TREAT YOURSELF: Access to Reward+ program that offers a wide range of discounts and deals across retail, entertainment and much more.


If you are looking for the next opportunity in your career and want to work for a people focused, growing tech company, then Apply Now.



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Frontend Developer-Angular

Mid LevelagilefigmaDesignvuejquerysasshtml5scrumgitc++angularjenkinsjavascriptfrontend

Veracity Consulting Group is hiring a Remote Frontend Developer-Angular

Frontend Developer-Angular - Veracity Consulting Group - Career PageA knack for t

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Graphic Designer, Part-Time [Temporary Contract]

StyleSeat100% Remote (U.S. Based)
figmaDesignGraphic DesignerPhotoshopc++

StyleSeat is hiring a Remote Graphic Designer, Part-Time [Temporary Contract]

Graphic Designer [Part-Time, Temporary Contract]  

Project Overview: 

We are looking for a talented part-time graphic designer to temporarily join our team on a contract basis for 10 hours per week. The role will involve creating engaging and visually appealing designs for various purposes, including BAU emails, in-app pop-ups, social media posts, and occasional short-form video content such as reels. The ideal candidate should have a strong portfolio showcasing their skills in graphic design, a good eye for detail, and the ability to work efficiently across multiple design projects. Proficiency in figma and Adobe Creative Suite and a creative approach to problem-solving are essential.

Contract Summary Details:

  • Estimated Duration: 6 Months
  • Location: US Based, 100% Remote
  • Hours: 10 hours per week, availability needed to attend team meetings during company hours (9am-3pm Pacific Time).


  • BAU "Business As Usual" marketing emails
  • In-App pop-ups and content cards
  • Social media posts
  • Smaller video work (ex: lower-lift reels example

Who you are: 

  • Strong portfolio showcasing a range of graphic design skills across various media (email, social media, in-app designs, etc.).
  • Proficiency in design tools, including Figma and Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere Pro, etc.).
  • Experience creating engaging designs for BAU emails, in-app pop-ups, and social media platforms.
  • Ability to produce occasional short-form video content (e.g., Instagram Reels).
  • Excellent eye for detail and ability to deliver high-quality work consistently.
  • Creative problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
  • Strong time-management skills and the ability to meet deadlines while working on multiple design projects.
  • Good communication skills to collaborate effectively with team members and stakeholders.
  • Experience working in a fast-paced, iterative design environment.
  • A passion for staying up-to-date with current design trends and best practices.

Who we are

StyleSeat is the premier business platform for SMBs in the beauty and wellness industry to run and grow their business; and destination for consumers to discover, book and pay. To date, StyleSeat has powered more than 200 million appointments totaling over $12 billion in revenue for small businesses. StyleSeat is a platform and marketplace designed to support and promote the beauty and personal care community. 

Today, StyleSeat connects consumers with top-rated beauty professionals in their area for a variety of services, including hair styling, barbering, massage, waxing, and nail care, among others. Our platform ensures that Pros maximize their schedules and earnings by minimizing gaps and cancellations, effectively attracting and retaining clientele.

StyleSeat Culture & Values 

At StyleSeat, our team is committed to fostering a positive and inclusive work environment. We respect and value the unique perspectives, experiences, and skills of our team members and work to create opportunities for all to grow and succeed. 

  • Diversity - We celebrate and welcome diversity in backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. We believe in the importance of creating an inclusive work environment where everyone can thrive. 
  • Curiosity- We are committed to fostering a culture of learning and growth. We ask questions, challenge assumptions, and explore new ideas. 
  • Community - We are committed to making a positive impact on each, even when win-win-win scenarios are not always clear or possible in every decision. We strive to find solutions that benefit the community as a whole and drive our shared success.
  • Transparency - We are committed to open, honest, and clear communication. We hold ourselves accountable for maintaining the trust of our customers and team.
  • Entrepreneurship - We are self-driven big-picture thinkers - we move fast and pivot when necessary to achieve our goals.

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