android Remote Jobs

283 Results


Language Interpreter(Work from Home)

Two95 InternationalMalaysia, Remote

Two95 International is hiring a Remote Language Interpreter(Work from Home)


(open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia )

Position : Language Interpreter (French,Thai,Somali,Burmese,Urdu,Pashto,Khmer,Uzbek,Bengali) & English

Period of Employment: 12 months Contract / Renewable

Working Hours: 8 hours per day with 1 hour break in between / 40 hours per week / based on schedule / night shift

Working Time : starts anytime from 8 pm/9pm/10pm/11pm/12am and will shift every 3 months

Salary: RM30/ hour (Minimum RM30 x160 hours= RM4800) + Socso + EPF + OT pay

Benefits : 14 days paid sick leave, 12 days annual leave, and some Malaysia & US Public holidays

3-weeks training provided in the daytime(Monday to Friday) with a Training allowance

Job Description :

As an interpreter, your primary role is to facilitate communication between parties who speak different languages.

In the example you mentioned about a live call from 911, your main responsibility would be to accurately interpret the conversation between the caller(native language) and the emergency operator(English).

Your role is to convey the message in the preferred language of the caller and ensure that both parties understand each other. A work from home Language Interpreter works from his/her home office.

It is essential to ensure a quiet and secure environment. This position is open to most locations within Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia & Philippines, Cambodia .

The calls may involve simple or complex, non-technical or technical subjects in Healthcare, Government, Insurance, Finance, Utilities, Travel and Hospitality, 911 emergency services, Law Enforcement and General Business

Job Requirements :

Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

Fluent in Native Language (Read & Write & Speak )

Must be working from home

Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

If you're interested, send us your resume at +60143205906

Fluent in English ( Read & Speak & Write)

Fluent in Native Language (Read & Write & Speak )

Must be working from home

Own Mobile phone with Android 12 and above or IOS 15 and above

Must be willing to work rotating shift for 9 hours anytime following the required schedule by the client within 24 hours (Night Shift)

They will be entitled to 2 days off in a week which will be rotating any day

Must be willing to work on public holidays as the operation is 24/7.

See more jobs at Two95 International

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Senior C++ SDK Developer (WebAssembly & Cross-Platform)

Full TimeagileDesigniosgitc++androidjavascriptfrontend

Devtech is hiring a Remote Senior C++ SDK Developer (WebAssembly & Cross-Platform)

Senior C++ SDK Developer (WebAssembly & Cross-Platform) - Devtech Limited - Career PageSee more jobs at Devtech

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Middle Android (Kotlin) Developer | HOLYWATER

GenesisКиїв, UA - Remote - Hybrid

Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle Android (Kotlin) Developer | HOLYWATER


Ви будете працювати в HOLYWATER — це технологічна медіакомпанія, що створює персоналізовані світи для 20+ мільйонів користувачів, поєднуючи креативність авторів з ефективністю штучного інтелекту.

HOLYWATER створює та публікує книги, аудіокниги, інтерактивні історії та відеосеріали для власних застосунків. Наша місія — розкривати потенціал людей і давати можливість творцям контенту надихати мільйони людей по всьому світу, зосереджуючись на тому, що вони роблять найкраще.

HOLYWATER була заснована в 2020 році в екосистемі Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 90 спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх нішах у США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

За допомогою нашої платформи, будь-який талановитий письменник може досягти мільйонної аудиторії та надихати її своїми історіями. Нашими продуктами користуються вже більше 20 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу.


1. Наш додаток з інтерактивними історіями 3 місяці ставав ТОП-1 за завантаженнями у світі у своїй ніші.
2. Наш додаток з бібліотекою книг, Passion, в грудні став ТОП-1 у своїй ніші в США та Європі.
3. Ми запустили платформу з відеосеріалами на основі наших книг та зробили перший успішний пілотний серіал.
4. Кількість нових завантажень та прибуток зросли майже в 2 рази в порівнянні з 2022.

Основна цінність HOLYWATER
- це люди, які працюють з нами. Саме тому ми прикладаємо всі зусилля, щоб створити такі умови, де кожен співробітник зможе реалізувати свій потенціал наповну та досягнути найамбітніших цілей.


У своїй роботі команда спирається на шість ключових цінностей: постійне зростання, cамомотивація, наполегливість і гнучкість, cамоусвідомлення, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

Ми активно розширюємо команду для масштабування наших існуючих та нових застосунків. І тому шукаємо в команду амбітного Middle Android (Kotlin) Developer, який буде займатись розробкою та підтримкою наших застосунків, як на Android так і на iOS, забезпечуючи високу продуктивність і чудовий користувацький досвід


  • Розробку та підтримку мобільних додатків на Android.
  • Розробку мультиплатформеної бібліотеки на Kotlin під iOS.
  • Реалізацію редизайну застосунків.


    • Комерційний досвід роботи в якості розробника від 3 років та знання Kotlin.
    • Використання Jetpack Compose.
    • Досвід роботи з Firebase.
    • Використання Retrofitабо Graphql, Apollo.
    • Досвід використання аny 'DI' frameworksабо Dagger, Hilt.
    • Уважність до деталей та розбиратись із незнайомими даними.
    • Відповідальність та проактивність.


      • Досвід використання Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP/KMM), Compose Multiplatform.
      • Досвід роботи з Flutter.
      • Розуміння iOS, Xcode, вебу (React).


      • Ви будете частиною згуртованої команди професіоналів, де зможете обмінюватися знаннями та досвідом, а також отримувати підтримку та поради від колег.
      • Гнучкий графік роботи, можливість працювати віддалено з будь-якої безпечної точки світу.
      • Можливість відвідувати офіс на київському Подолі. В офісі можна не турбуватися про рутину: тут на вас чекають сніданки, обіди, безліч снеків, напоїв та фруктів, лаунжзони, масаж та інші бенефіти.
      • 20 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік, необмежена кількість лікарняних.
      • Послуги корпоративного лікаря, а після випробного терміну — компенсація медичного страхування.
      • Можливість звертатися за консультацією до психолога.
      • Компенсацію членства в спортивних клубах та доступ до спортивних секцій, що дозволяє підтримувати фізичне здоров’я та енергію.
      • Уся необхідна для роботи техніка.
      • Онлайн-бібліотека, регулярні лекції від спікерів топ-рівня, компенсація конференцій, тренінгів та зовнішнього навчання.
      • Професійне внутрішнє ком’юніті для вашого кар’єрного розвитку.
      • Культуру відкритого фідбеку.


        1. Первинний скринінг. Рекрутер ставить декілька запитань в месенджері, аби скласти враження про ваш досвід і навички перед тестовим завданням.
        2. Тестове завдання.
        Підтверджує вашу експертизу та показує, які підходи, інструменти й рішення ви застосовуєте в роботі. Ми не обмежуємо вас у часі та ніколи не використовуємо напрацювання кандидатів без відповідних домовленостей.
        3. Співбесіда з менеджером. Всеохопна розмова про ваші професійні компетенції та роботу команди, в яку подаєтесь.
        4. Бар-рейзинг.
        На останню співбесіду ми запрошуємо одного з топменеджерів екосистеми Genesis, який не працюватиме напряму з кандидатом. У фокусі бар-рейзера — ваші софт-скіли та цінності, аби зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви зможете зростати разом з компанією.

        Хочеш стати частиною сильної команди? Відправляй своє резюме ????.

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          Junior Product Manager (OBRIO)

          GenesisUkraine - Remote

          Genesis is hiring a Remote Junior Product Manager (OBRIO)

          OBRIO is an IT company with Ukrainian roots inside Genesis business ecosystem. Our team consists of more than 120 talented professionals whose ambitions and striving for success help us build the best products on the market. We have offices in Kyiv and Warsaw.

          We are developing Nebula – the biggest brand in the spiritual niche. Nebula has over 45 million users worldwide and has been ranked as the № 1 lifestyle app of the day in the Apple Store and Play Market in the USA, Canada, and Australia several times. Nebula is available on iOS, Android, and Web.

          Our mission is to make people happier by improving the quality of their relationships.

          Here are some details we would like to share with you:

          • Nebulais #1 in its niche in terms of downloads and revenue targets;
          • 45 million users worldwide;
          • Users from 50+ countries;
          • 4.8 - our average AppStore rating (with more than 215 thousand ratings).

          We are actively seeking a dynamic JuniorProduct Manager to join our team. In this role, you will be developing new positioning strategies for subscription web funnels. You will work closely with our marketing team to gain insights into our audience, market dynamics, and engagement channels, allowing you to create targeted strategies for diverse user segments.

          You will work alongside three product managers (each having their own area of responsibility), 2 Designers, a Product Analyst, 3 Front End Developers, and a Back End Developer, while closely engaging with the Marketing team.

          Our goal for the next six months is to scale up by 2x, and we are confident that with your help, we will!This position is a perfect match for you if you thrive in a fast-paced environment and enjoy seeing results of your work quickly.

          Your impact:

          • Work closely with marketing, design, and technical teams, ensuring a seamless product cycle. Gather team insights and align them with the overall company strategy;
          • Formulate, test, and validate numerous hypotheses to positively impact key metrics related to subscription monetization;
          • Take charge of product development budgets and timelines, ensuring adherence and delivering exceptional results;
          • Analyze competitors and market changes, communicating our bottlenecks in a timely manner;
          • Continuously seek additional business growth points to fortify Nebula's market dominance.

          About you:

          • Proficient in analyzing product metrics and enhancing them through hypotheses.
          • Knowledgeable in A/B testing;
          • Demonstrated success with effective initiatives yielding measurable results.
          • Upper-Intermediate proficiency in English;
          • Familiarity with collaboration tools like Jira and Confluence;
          • Ability to learn quickly and manage large amounts of information;
          • Flexible and capable of adapting to changing conditions;
          • High level of autonomy in decision-making.


          • Experience with analytical data from platforms such as Amplitude, Heap, Mixpanel, or GA4, as well as Tableau;
          • Background in managing subscriptions and content;
          • Knowledgeable about user acquisition, product marketing, and web development team dynamics.

          Why OBRIO is the best place to work?

          • ???? Innovate and Be Creative: You'll drive new ideas and research, making a real impact on our company's success.
          • ???? Enhance your expertise: Develop skills in managing a high-load product with different monetization models.
          • ⚙️ We prioritize automation of routine processes, allowing you to focus on high-impact initiatives.
          • ???? Supporting your professional growth is our commitment:We provide access to a comprehensive corporate library (including Reforge membership), allocate an annual educational budget per employee, and nurture a networking culture with industry experts.
          • ???????? High degree of autonomy in decision-making:We don’t just give you opportunities for growth and development, we give you maximum autonomy and believe we can’t do without you and your active thinking.

          Our benefits:

          • Work from the comfort of your home or from one of our offices in Kyiv or Warsaw. The choice is yours!
          • Enjoy 20 annual vacation days and unlimited sick leave, all covered by the company;
          • Don't worry about getting the right equipment, we've got you covered if necessary;
          • Stay healthy with access to a corporate doctor online, and health insurance options in Ukraine or a fixed amount towards insurance abroad after your probation period;
          • Keep learning with our extensive corporate library, internal online meetings, and lectures;
          • Grow your skills with our training compensation program;
          • Take advantage of our supportive corporate culture, including assistance with relocation, advice on legal stay abroad, housing support, and help for third-country nationals;
          • Have fun with our online events and team-building activities!

          Here's what our hiring journey looks like: Initial Screening ➡️ Skill Assessment ➡️ Team Interview ➡️ Final Check ➡️ Job Offer.

          Let's team up and reach for the stars together!

          More about us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok.

          Discover our job openings, refer friends, and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at OBRIO by joining our Telegram.

          See more jobs at Genesis

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          Middle User Acquisition Manager (Google ads) | HOLYWATER

          GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote

          Genesis is hiring a Remote Middle User Acquisition Manager (Google ads) | HOLYWATER


          Ви будете працювати в HOLYWATER — це технологічна медіакомпанія, що створює персоналізовані світи для 20+ мільйонів користувачів, поєднуючи креативність авторів з ефективністю штучного інтелекту.

          HOLYWATER створює та публікує книги, аудіокниги, інтерактивні історії та відеосеріали для власних застосунків. Наша місія — розкривати потенціал людей і давати можливість творцям контенту надихати мільйони людей по всьому світу, зосереджуючись на тому, що вони роблять найкраще.

          HOLYWATER була заснована в 2020 році в екосистемі Genesis. З того часу команда зросла з 6 до 90 спеціалістів, а наші додатки неодноразово ставали лідерами в своїх нішах у США, Австралії, Канаді та Європі.

          За допомогою нашої платформи, будь-який талановитий письменник може досягти мільйонної аудиторії та надихати її своїми історіями. Нашими продуктами користуються вже більше 20 мільйонів користувачів по всьому світу.

          НАШІ ДОСЯГНЕННЯ ЗА 2023:

          1. Наш додаток з інтерактивними історіями 3 місяці ставав ТОП-1 за завантаженнями у світі у своїй ніші.
          2. Наш додаток з бібліотекою книг, Passion, в грудні став ТОП-1 у своїй ніші в США та Європі.
          3. Ми запустили платформу з відеосеріалами на основі наших книг та зробили перший успішний пілотний серіал.
          4. Кількість нових завантажень та прибуток зросли майже в 2 рази в порівнянні з 2022.

          Основна цінність HOLYWATER
          - це люди, які працюють з нами. Саме тому ми прикладаємо всі зусилля, щоб створити такі умови, де кожен співробітник зможе реалізувати свій потенціал наповну та досягнути найамбітніших цілей.


          У своїй роботі команда спирається на шість ключових цінностей: постійне зростання, cамомотивація, наполегливість і гнучкість, cамоусвідомлення, свобода та відповідальність, орієнтація на результат.

          Ми активно шукаємо Middle User Acquisition Manager, котрий не тільки успішно запустить та масштабує наші продукти в Google, але й зможе створити та розвинути відділ з нуля.


          • Відповідальність за планування, аналіз та вдосконалення наших маркетингових ініціатив.
          • Оцінку та тестування різних маркетингових матеріалів для визначення найефективніших підходів.
          • Підтримку актуальності та точності всієї документації, пов'язаної з проєктами.
          • Детальний аналіз діяльності конкурентів для розробки конкурентоспроможних стратегій.
          • Розробку та впровадження стратегій залучення користувачів для наших інтерактивних, книжкових та відеопродуктів.
          • Роль наставника для нових співробітників, забезпечуючи їхнє ефективне інтегрування в команду.


          • Досвід роботи як UA manager, Media Buyer, PPC specialist на Google не менше ніж півтора роки.
          • Досвід успішного скейлу продукту з '0' до досягнення щонайменше $100K доходу на місяць.
          • Практичний досвід управління всіма типами UAC-кампаній.
          • Досвід роботи як з Android, так і з iOS.
          • Досвід роботи з Tableau або іншими аналітичними інструментами.
          • Навички роботи з Appsflyer або іншими подібними платформами.
          • Ініціативність та здатність самостійно вирішувати проблеми.
          • Високий рівень відповідальності у виконанні завдань.
          • Здатність швидко реагувати та адаптуватися до змін.


          • Ви будете частиною згуртованої команди професіоналів, де зможете обмінюватися знаннями та досвідом, а також отримувати підтримку та поради від колег.
          • Гнучкий графік роботи, можливість працювати віддалено з будь-якої безпечної точки світу.
          • Можливість відвідувати офіс на київському Подолі. В офісі можна не турбуватися про рутину: тут на вас чекають сніданки, обіди, безліч снеків, напоїв та фруктів, лаунжзони, масаж та інші бенефіти.
          • 20 робочих днів оплачуваної відпустки на рік, необмежена кількість лікарняних.
          • Послуги корпоративного лікаря, а після випробного терміну — компенсація медичного страхування.
          • Можливість звертатися за консультацією до психолога.
          • Компенсацію членства в спортивних клубах та доступ до спортивних секцій, що дозволяє підтримувати фізичне здоров’я та енергію.
          • Уся необхідна для роботи техніка.
          • Онлайн-бібліотека, регулярні лекції від спікерів топ-рівня, компенсація конференцій, тренінгів та зовнішнього навчання.
          • Професійне внутрішнє ком’юніті для вашого кар’єрного розвитку.
          • Культуру відкритого фідбеку.

          ЕТАПИ ВІДБОРУ:

          1. Первинний скринінг. Рекрутер ставить декілька запитань (телефоном або в месенджері), аби скласти враження про ваш досвід і навички перед співбесідою.
          2. Співбесіда з менеджером. Всеохопна розмова про ваші професійні компетенції та роботу команди, в яку подаєтесь.
          3. Тестове завдання. Підтверджує вашу експертизу та показує, які підходи, інструменти й рішення ви застосовуєте в роботі. Ми не обмежуємо вас у часі та ніколи не використовуємо напрацювання кандидатів без відповідних домовленостей.
          4. Бар-рейзинг. На останню співбесіду ми запрошуємо одного з топменеджерів екосистеми Genesis, який не працюватиме напряму з кандидатом. У фокусі бар-рейзера — ваші софт-скіли та цінності, аби зрозуміти, наскільки швидко ви зможете зростати разом з компанією.

          Хочеш стати частиною сильної команди? Відправляй своє резюме чи зв’яжись зі мною через LinkedIn ????

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          Data Engineer (OBRIO)

          GenesisKyiv, UA - Remote - Hybrid

          Genesis is hiring a Remote Data Engineer (OBRIO)

          OBRIO is an IT company with Ukrainian roots inside Genesis business ecosystem. Our team consists of more than 120talented professionals whose ambitions and striving for success help us build the best products on the market. We have offices in Kyiv and Warsaw.
          We are developing Nebula — the biggest brand in the spiritual niche. Nebula has over 45 million users worldwide and has been ranked as the № 1 lifestyle app of the day in the Apple Store and Play Market in the USA, Canada, and Australia several times. Nebula is available on iOS, Android, and Web.

          Our mission is to make people happier by improving the quality of their relationships.

          Here are some details we would like to share with you:

          • Nebulais #1 in its niche in terms of downloads and revenue targets;
          • 45 million users worldwide;
          • Users from 50+ countries;
          • 4.8 — our average AppStore rating (with more than 215 thousand ratings.

          In terms of OBRIO scaling and team processes, we have a need for Data Engineer to strengthen our team and bring his/her talent and technical skills to ensure smooth data operations through building and maintaining a new structure. By joining us, you will be the first Data Engineer, who'll be able to independently form a complete architecture and have the opportunity to influence the process of ETL building. In this position, you will mostly interact with our analysts and back-end team. That is why we would like to share the backstage of team life and introduce you to our Analytics Lead Zhenya???? She joined our team almost 2 years ago and is always open to expertise sharing. That's something we all trust in ????

          Your impact:

          • Reviewing existing ETL processes, their optimizing and constant upgrade;
          • Automating health checks and alerting development;
          • Collecting and updating of documentation;
          • Building a process of communication with analysts and data/dataset transfer with the appropriate review to optimize work with the database;
          • Developing the database architecture and its support;
          • Building dashboards to monitor data quality and data structure;
          • Data collecting from various sources via API (marketing sources/ data from amplitude/ etc.);
          • Preparing datasets for ML models.

          Our technical stack:

          • Vertica;
          • PostgreSQL;
          • MySQL;
          • BigQuery;
          • Python;
          • Git;
          • Our services: Firebase, Amplitude, AppsFlyer, Google Analytics.

          The green flags:

          • Experience of working with data from 1 year;
          • Solid knowledge of Python in the context of creating ETL data pipelines (Pandas);
          • Good Skills of autonomous work with third-party APIs;
          • Excellent SQL skills (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Vertica);
          • Understanding of database architecture construction;
          • Experience with cloud services;
          • Experience with a big data storage and/or processing environment (eg. Apache Spark, Snowflake, BigQuery, and similar);
          • Understanding of process of working with orchestration tools (Kubernetes, Apache Airflow).

          Why OBRIO is the best place to work?

          • Unleash Your Ambitions: Our company was built by ambitious people who never settle for less. By joining OBRIO, you'll have the chance to unleash your own ambitions and achieve your career dreams.
          • We don’t just give you opportunities for growth and development, we give you maximum autonomy and believe we can’t do without you and your active thinking.
          • Innovate and Be Creative: We embrace innovation and creativity at OBRIO, and we encourage our team members to bring their unique ideas to the table. You'll have the chanceto explore new solutions and make a real impact on our company's success.
          • At OBRIO, we’ve gathered influential experts, all of whom are open to sharing their knowledge and ready to help solve issues based on their experience. This is the company where you can quickly reach your potential and advance your career.

          Our benefits:

          • Benefit from the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world;
          • Work from the comfort of your home or from one of our offices in Kyiv or Warsaw. The choice is yours!
          • Enjoy 20 annual vacation days and unlimited sick leave, all covered by the company;
          • Don't worry about getting the right equipment, we've got you covered if necessary;
          • Stay healthy with access to a corporate doctor online, and health insurance options in Ukraine or a fixed amount towards insurance abroad after your probation period;
          • Keep learning with our extensive corporate library, internal online meetings, and lectures;
          • Grow your skills with our training compensation program;
          • Take advantage of our supportive corporate culture, including assistance with relocation, advice on legal stay abroad, housing support, and help for third-country nationals;
          • Have fun with our online events and team-building activities!

          Here's what our hiring journey looks like: Initial Screening ➡️ Team Interview ➡️ Optional Skill Assessment ➡️ Final Check ➡️ Job Offer.

            Let's team up and reach for the stars together!

            More about us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok.

            Discover our job openings, refer friends, and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at OBRIO by joining our Telegram.

            See more jobs at Genesis

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            Digital product designer - Dailymotion Studio - Full remote From France (All Genders)

            DailymotionParis, France, Remote

            Dailymotion is hiring a Remote Digital product designer - Dailymotion Studio - Full remote From France (All Genders)

            Job Description

            Dailymotion is a platform where more than a billion videos are watched every month! And we are building the next big thing. We are creating an incredible user experience with the ambition to reinvent video consumption and distribution and are looking for a Product Designer with 3/5+ years experience to join our talented design team that operates remotely.

            Our B2B product helps our content creators monetize, monitor, and manage their content. You will be joining our B2B design team and be responsible for designing interfaces and interaction models from inception to release. You will help users achieve their goals through an experience that is simultaneously efficient and enjoyable by collaborating with Product, Data, and Engineering talented professionals to help define the product, as well as focusing on the details of interaction components, labels, and flows. You substantially contribute to defining the “what” as well as the “how” by constantly asking “why?”. To quote Jared Spool, "Great designers fall in love with the problem, not their solution.

            Key Responsibilities

            • Manage the balance between best practices and invention to create truly exceptional products
            • Act as a systems thinker, looking closely at every details while simultaneously understanding the big picture.
            • Ability to actively applying human-centered design principles and methods, being a constant advocate for the end-user.
            • Ability to produce solutions that answers user needs while enabling production simplicity.
            • Use a conceptual approach to design that allows you to think from interaction systems, down to pixel-perfect interfaces.
            • Ability to contribute and express Brand design attributes in our product and « web to product » conversion pages.
            • Demonstrate outstanding teamwork, collaboration, and project owning, with the ability to both contribute and motivate.
            • Support user research and usability testing efforts to ensure the interface is useful and extremely easy to use.
            • Use our design framework at its best potential :
            • Actively contribute to the vibrancy of design culture both at Dailymotion and in the larger design community is a plus.


            • Minimum 3-5 years of in-depth knowledge and experience in interface design of digital products across multiple platforms. preferably SAAS products / media / dashboards / data visualization / administration tools
            • Experience applying human-centered design processes including user research methodologies.
            • Proficient in a variety of methods to convey ideas from design sprints, wireframes, journey maps, user, flow, quick mockups, to high-fidelity prototypes.
            • Ability to transform complex problems into relevant, minimalistic, and elegant experiences.
            • Proficiency in Figma, or strong ability to learn new tools.
            • Previous experience using and making evolve a design system.
            • Ease to work with cross-functional teams including engineering, product management, data insight, user research, copy design.
            • Knowledge of web-based technologies and their impact on the feasibility of design solutions.
            • Proficiency in designing across responsive web, iOS, and Android platforms.
            • Experience working within an agile design and development process.
            • Strong influencing, negotiation, and communication skills. (English written, verbal & presentation)
            • Must be very organized, analytical, proactive.
            • Master in Design (Ensci, Ensad, Strate, Gobelins, Nantes Atl…), in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), or equivalent professional experience.
            • English is our main language so candidates must be fluent.
            • French fluency is a plus.

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            Software Engineer (Full-Stack, Python/JS, remote GMT)

            ReincubateUnited Kingdom - Remote

            Reincubate is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (Full-Stack, Python/JS, remote GMT)

            We’re looking for a Software Engineer to join our team responsible for supporting our products’ growth and their development teams. It has a broad remit ranging from maintaining our websites, checkouts and licensing backends to analytics pipelines, monitoring systems, and more. If you have a knack for building practical solutions to problems across a variety of contexts, then this might be the role for you.

            We’re building on the success of Camo (, which helps you easily get great video for meeting, streaming, or recording, and is available on Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, with more platforms in the pipeline. Camo was nominated for an Apple Design Award in 2023 and featured in Microsoft’s Build ‘24 and '23 keynotes. The Verge called it “a solution to all your webcam problems” and users have rated it 4.85/5 on the App Store.

            Reincubate’s customers include teams at Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Amazon, the world’s top universities, VIPs around the world, and plenty of people who just want to look better online. The company’s work has been recognised by HM King Charles III, and users rate Reincubate as one of the UK’s most-loved software companies (

            This role is remote, and fits working in UK hours: that’s GMT. The role is probably right for you if you’re curious and energised by building highly-polished products that just work, and would enjoy working at a values-led, remote, indie business. Here’s Aidan the CEO & founder talking about the role.

            You will:

            • Work on projects and connect with teammates across many different areas of the business
            • Build and maintain delightful experiences for our users as they interact with our products
            • Get the opportunity to explore and build expertise in a range of disciplines and technologies
            • Maintain reliable production sites and services for our teams and users
            • Help further modernise our tooling, architecture and development practices

            We will:

            • Help you get set up and contribute to a comfortable and productive working environment
            • Give you autonomy in your work – we trust you to solve hard problems well
            • Help you settle into your role, manage your responsibilities, and grow as a member of the team
            • Foster a space for you to share and explore your thoughts and ideas with confidence
            • Provide excellent benefits: 25 days’ paid vacation, flexible hours, remote work, share options, healthcare, matched 401(k), and equipment, home-office & professional development allowances

            You might suit this role if you:

            • Are a pragmatic learner, able to apply new knowledge quickly to improve our users’ experience or to unblock your teammates
            • Can devise iterative improvements to existing projects with minimal refactoring or the need for risky migrations
            • Enjoy working as part of a focused team of individual contributors, and can take ownership of projects from initial idea to release
            • Relate to our values: creating delight, “it just works”, sustainability, and integrity
            • Want to create experiences that feel "just right"

            You might not suit this role if you:

            • Aren’t a completer/finisher, or prefer highly predictable environments
            • Want to go deep in a particular area rather than going broad in many
            • Want to pursue venture-backed startups or value growth at any cost
            • Don’t relate to the team’s values

            We're looking for:

            • Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JS, with bonus points for experience with Vue.js specifically
            • Experience building sites and services with an awareness of maintainable design principles
            • Familiarity with at least one common programming language (Python, JavaScript, Ruby, etc.). Bonus points for experience with Python and the Django web framework in particular.
            • Awareness of deployment best-practices and familiarity with hosting and cloud platforms (GCP, Cloudflare, etc.)
            • A proven ability and desire to learn, develop, share and implement your ideas

            You’ll maximize your chances when applying if you:

            • Include a CV that gives us a great idea of who you are and what you’re about
            • Take a time to look at who we are, and what we’re looking for
            • Share examples of you succeeding with the sort of things we’re looking for in your cover letter
            • We recommend not using AI to write your application; this tends to result in similar-looking applications that make it harder for us to learn about you (we don't use AI in screening applicants, a real person reads every application)

            Find out more about Reincubate at

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            Android Engineer, Order Experience

            InstacartCanada - Remote

            Instacart is hiring a Remote Android Engineer, Order Experience

            We're transforming the grocery industry

            At Instacart, we invite the world to share love through food because we believe everyone should have access to the food they love and more time to enjoy it together. Where others see a simple need for grocery delivery, we see exciting complexity and endless opportunity to serve the varied needs of our community. We work to deliver an essential service that customers rely on to get their groceries and household goods, while also offering safe and flexible earnings opportunities to Instacart Personal Shoppers.

            Instacart has become a lifeline for millions of people, and we’re building the team to help push our shopping cart forward. If you’re ready to do the best work of your life, come join our table.

            Instacart is a Flex First team

            There’s no one-size fits all approach to how we do our best work. Our employees have the flexibility to choose where they do their best work—whether it’s from home, an office, or your favorite coffee shop—while staying connected and building community through regular in-person events. Learn more about our flexible approach to where we work.

            About the Role 

            As an Android Engineer at Instacart, you’ll be at the forefront of enhancing the end-to-end ordering and delivery experience. You'll contribute to creating seamless, intuitive interactions from cart to checkout to delivery. Your role is crucial in making the shopping experience inclusive and accessible for the whole household, helping families collaborate on their weekly shopping and expanding their access to food.


            About the Team 

            You’ll be joining the Order Experience team, a pivotal group responsible for ensuring the smooth and efficient final stages of order processing. This team is integral to Instacart’s success, working dynamically with cross-functional teams to deliver a flawless ordering and delivery experience. Specifically, you will focus on family accounts, driving our mission to make Instacart a comprehensive shopping solution for households.


            About the Job 

            In this role, you will:

            • Develop and enhance an Android app used by customers.
            • Optimize the performance of the app to handle scalability and maintain high responsiveness.
            • Employ robust unit testing practices to ensure app reliability and quality.
            • Integrate and maintain advanced features using RxJava, Kotlin coroutines, and Android Jetpack libraries such as Compose, Room, and MVVM.
            • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to define, design, and ship new features.
            • Participate in code reviews to maintain high development standards.

            About You

            Minimum Qualifications

            • 3+ years of Android development experience.
            • Proactive, motivated, and self-driven individual.
            • Strong expertise in performance optimization on Android platforms.
            • Solid proficiency in Android development technologies including Kotlin and Java.Familiarity with RxJava and Kotlin coroutines.
            • Knowledge of Android Jetpack libraries and frameworks: Compose, Room, MVVM.
            • Experience with rigorous unit testing practices.
            • Ability to solve practical problems and dive deep into complex challenges.
            • Effective communication and leadership skills, with the ability to collaborate and influence cross-functional teams.
            • Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field, or equivalent practical experience.

            Preferred Qualifications

            • Experience with embedded Android systems and hardware.
            • Expertise in RxJava and Kotlin coroutines.
            • Experience using monitoring and observability tools like Datadog.
            • Advanced skills in profiling and performance optimization.

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            Senior iOS Engineer

            CareRevRemote- United States

            CareRev is hiring a Remote Senior iOS Engineer

            CareRev is a technology platform empowering healthcare professionals to take control of their careers. CareRev provides a direct line between healthcare facilities and local clinical talent, cutting out the middleman and enabling professionals to work where and when they want. Together, we’re building the local, resilient, flexible healthcare workforce of the future. CareRev serves over 32 major metropolitan areas nationwide at over 70 hospitals and health systems, and over 540 outpatient centers and skilled nursing facilities. More than 22,000 clinical professionals (and growing!) are included in CareRev’s network. For more information, visit or follow us on LinkedIn.

            We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer with expertise in technologies such as Swift, iOS Ruby on Rails and similar. You will play a critical role at CareRev by extending and maintaining our professional facing mobile app, and its integration with our back end. This is a hands-on role that requires seniority; you will be working closely with other senior engineering and product leaders to deliver the infrastructure necessary to change healthcare for the better.

            What You’ll Do

            Work closely with our mobile development team to build a cohesive experience for our users both internally and externally. You will also participate in the full app life-cycle from design, build, deploy, test and release to app store, having a significant impact on our mobile experience. Additionally, you will collaborate with our backend teams to build the endpoints that drive our features.

            What We’re Looking For:

            While you should have many of these skills, not all are required.

            • 5+ years of software development, preferably in a user facing product context
            • 3+ years of native iOS development
            • 2+ years of experience with Ruby on Rails
            • Experience building sound clean code using Swift
            • Deep knowledge of iOS design and development patterns, building from the ground up
            • You have proficiency with MVVM architecture or equivalent
            • Experience with SwiftUI
            • Experience working closely across a variety of teams, including product management, design, and engineering

            Nice to Haves:

            • Any relevant industry certifications or demonstrated continuing education.
            • Experience working in a fast-paced startup environment.
            • Android development experience

            The anticipated salary range for this position is $126,960.00 - $178,250.00. Equity, bonus or commission and benefits may also be provided as part of the total compensation package, depending on the position offered. If given an offer, the exact salary amount offered will ultimately depend on multiple factors, which may include the successful candidate's skills, experience, education and other qualifications as well as the candidate's location of residence.

            Reasons to Consider Us:

            • Fully remote company with flexibility to work from anywhere in the US
            • Self-managed PTO
            • Generous paid holidays, including a winter break between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day
            • Company-wide Summer Fridays: rotation of monthly afternoons off in the summer
            • Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision benefits
            • Supplemental health benefits
            • Life insurance covered by CareRev
            • Short-term disability 100% covered by CareRev and voluntary long-term disability
            • Paid parental leave
            • Pet Insurance
            • 401k plans with company matching
            • Competitive stock options
            • Home office set-up equipment stipend
            • Monthly work-from-home stipend
            • Monthly well-being stipend
            • Work perks discount program
            • Learning reimbursement program

            Physical Requirements: 

            • Prolonged periods of sitting and/or standing at a desk
            • Prolonged periods of working on a computer
            • Repeating motions that may include the wrists, hands, and/or fingers
            • Ability to lift up to 15 pounds of work equipment
            • Ability to set up home office to include desk and chair

            CareRev is committed to the full inclusion of all qualified individuals. In keeping with our commitment, we will take the steps to assure that people with disabilities are provided reasonable accommodations. Accordingly, if reasonable accommodation is required to fully participate in the job application or interview process, to perform the essential functions of the position, and/or to receive all other benefits and privileges of employment, please discuss with your Recruiter.

            We are an equal opportunity employer and will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in an unlawful manner. We celebrate diversity and are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all individuals. CareRev treats all employees and job applicants based on merit, qualifications, and competence without regard to any qualified individuals' sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, gender (including pregnancy, breastfeeding, or related medical condition), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, genetic characteristic or information, marital status, military, and veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by state or federal law. CareRev also considers qualified applicants with criminal histories consistent with applicable local, state, and federal law.

            CareRev participates in E-Verify and will provide the federal government with your Form I-9 information to confirm that you are authorized to work in the U.S. We can only use E-Verify once you have accepted a job offer and completed the Form I-9.

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            Staff Software Engineer (Mobile), Proto

            SquareSan Francisco, CA, Remote

            Square is hiring a Remote Staff Software Engineer (Mobile), Proto

            Job Description

            Bitkey sits within the Proto organization. Proto's purpose is to accelerate the world’s transition to a more open economy by making products that increase access and independence for everyone. The first two initiatives we’ve identified that represent the biggest impact to this purpose are in the Bitcoin space with Bitcoin mining and Bitkey, a self custody Bitcoin wallet. While we’re starting there, we don’t believe the need for tools to increase one’s independence is limited to bitcoin or the financial space. One principle across everything we do in Proto is open development – show and tell. We develop products in the open, you can read more about them at and

            We are growing our small cross-discipline engineering team and are looking for a mobile engineer who has experience architecting Kotlin Multiplatform solutions or deep experience architecting Kotlin-based Android solutions at scale with a strong interest in diving deep into Kotlin Multiplatform. We have blurred the lines of a traditional Android and iOS team by focusing on the right, single solution across multiple platforms. We’re looking for someone to help our team of passionate mobile engineers shape our multiplatform story in a scalable, sustainable, and secure way.

            This role will also include deep feature development work in the Bitkey self-custody wallet with our existing team of mobile and server engineers. After all, the best way to help shape our architecture is to build in it!


            You will:

            • Ship critical features in a non-custodial, hardware-enabled bitcoin wallet to a global audience

            • Collaborate with and help lead an experienced group of mobile engineers to evolve our multi-platform mobile system architecture, advance our testing capabilities and performance, and help iterate on and improve our mobile CI infrastructure 

            • Improve our mobile release pipeline by increasing automation and improving reliability 

            • Work closely with designers and product managers to build user experiences expanding the offerings of Bitkey 

            • Work with a small team of engineers across our Mobile Application (KMP, Kotlin, Swift) and Rust backend on a team responsible for features from ideation through long-term maintenance


            You have:

            • 12+ years of engineering experience with a significant focus on mobile development 

            • Experience architecting Android mobile applications with some experience or interest in Kotlin Multiplatform

            • Experience designing and building APIs between mobile applications and backend services

            • Knowledge of build tooling such as Gradle. 

            • Experience with building new or iterating on existing mobile CI infrastructure

            • Experience working with small cross-functional teams. Bonus points for working on 0->1 features

            • Interest in the opportunities and challenges that come with building a global-first product from the ground up

            • Interest in Bitcoin and expanding financial access to everyone

            Technologies We Use and Teach

            • Mobile Application

              • Kotlin

              • Kotlin Multiplatform

              • Swift

              • SQLite

            • Backend Services

              • AWS

              • DynamoDB

              • Rust

            • Other

              • Github

              • Datadog

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            Android Engineer, Restaurants

            SquareLos Angeles, CA, Remote

            Square is hiring a Remote Android Engineer, Restaurants

            Job Description

            As an Android engineer on the Restaurants team, you’ll work closely with other engineers as well as your designer and product manager to develop and maintain beautiful software on our own custom hardware.  You’ll also be joining Square’s vibrant global community of Android engineers, with a robust open source presence and culture of learning and teaching.

            You will:

            • Design and build robust, scalable client software 

            • Lead complex cross-functional initiatives, often across team boundaries

            • Collaborate closely with product managers, designers, and other engineers

            • Mentor and learn from other engineers

            • Participate in the full lifecycle of product development, from early definition through release and beyond

            • Bring industry-advancing technology to restaurant owners internationally!


            What you bring to the team and to Square:

            • Motivation to build beautiful, intuitive products for the food and drink hospitality industry

            • Ability to mentor other engineers and help teams level up

            • Empathy for your customers and colleagues

            • Eagerness to share your own ideas, and openness to those of others

            • Experience developing, shipping, and maintaining Android apps (Kotlin and/or Java)

            • 5+ years experience in software development

            Technologies we use and teach:

            • Kotlin for development, leveraging Square’s modern open source library, Workflow

            • Espresso and snapshot testing

            • Protocol buffers for network transport

            • Gradle for our build environment

            • Also exposure to RXJava, Dagger, Anvil, LeakCanary, and more

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            Senior Software Engineer, Android (Team Management)

            SquareSan Francisco, CA, Remote

            Square is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer, Android (Team Management)

            Job Description

            We have an incredible team that is on a mission to make commerce easy for all types of businesses. Square Team Management is a comprehensive set of tools to help merchants manage a team of employees. It is an integrated software solution that makes management more manageable. It provides business owners and managers with the tools they need to monitor and manage their employees. This includes providing robust employee permission functionality within Point of Sale and Square Dashboard, authentication onto the Point of Sale via unique passcodes and hardware badges, plus allowing sellers to track their employee’s time with timecards. Team Management helps give our sellers the peace of mind that their business is running smoothly, even if they’re not physically present.

            To learn more about the Team Management product:

            You Will: 

            • Design, build, and test robust, scalable client software complex server, network, and hardware interactions.
            • Design high availability, resilient systems which can operate no matter the network or device conditions.
            • Lead complex cross-functional initiatives, often across team boundaries.
            • Foster a strong culture with team members distributed across several locations.
            • Collaborate with colleagues across engineering, product, design, and operations to deliver end-to-end solutions.
            • Capture and analyze metrics to drive informed decisions.
            • Participate in the full lifecycle of product development, from early definition to planning through release and beyond.


            You Have: 

            • 5+ years of Android development experience, and an excellent command of engineering fundamentals.
            • Be proficient in Java and/or Kotlin for development (we use both).
            • Be proficient in software development for large scale applications including analysis, design, development, implementation, testing, maintenance, and quality assurance is highly desirable
            • Enjoy working on mobile apps at all levels – from networking up to user interfaces and whatever’s in between.
            • Be a team player as well as a self-starter who needs little supervision. Able to use independent judgment to plan, prioritize and organize a diversified workload.
            • Work with product managers and designers to refine and define product scope and design.
            • Mentor other engineers and help teams level up.
            • Have eagerness to share your own ideas, and openness to those of others.
            • Empathize with your customers and colleagues.

            Technologies we use and teach:

            • Kotlin for development
            • Application architecture based on Square’s modern open-source library, Workflow
            • Espresso UI testing
            • Protocol buffers for network transport
            • Gradle for our build environment
            • Open-source libraries like LeakCanary, Jetpack Compose, Dagger, Anvil, Okhttp, and more

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            NoRedInk is hiring a Remote Technical Support Specialist (Contractor)

            It has never been more important that students around the world have the tools and support to learn through digital instruction. NoRedInk helps students become better writers in more than 60% of middle and high schools in the U.S. Our adaptive curriculum engages learners by personalizing exercises to their interests, guiding them step-by-step through the writing process, and boosting their skills through differentiated practice. We’re relentlessly focused on helping all students harness the power of the written word.

            Back-to-school is our busiest period, as millions of teachers and students get started using NoRedInk for the year. We’re looking for an effective, efficient, and empathetic communicator to supplement our small full-time support team during this high-volume period. Working largely independently but with plenty of resources and team check-ins, you’ll craft answers to customer emails and enable our users to have the best possible experience.

            This temporary contract position lasts until October 27, involving 30-35 hours of work per week. Candidates should be available to work shifts between 8 am and 5 pm ET.

            In this role, you will:

            • Provide ongoing support to teachers and students through our email-based ticketing system (Zendesk)
            • Become an expert on our product and serve as our customers' primary point of contact for troubleshooting and general product inquiries
            • Learn and follow NoRedInk’s support guidelines and processes to work efficiently and effectively
            • Identify and escalate user bugs and pain points
            • Attend meetings with other Support team members to norm on and improve our delivery of customer support

            About You

            • You have 1+ years of experience providing email-based customer support for a SaaS company
            • You’re a skilled troubleshooter, able to thoughtfully problem solve, accurately diagnose issues, and thoroughly document information to help us eliminate user pain points
            • You have a strong interest in education and an ability to deeply empathize with teachers and students
            • You have extremely strong written communication skills
            • You’re organized and attentive to detail
            • You’re tech-savvy and familiar with a variety of operating systems, including Windows, Macintosh, Android, and iOS


            Why NoRedInk?

            Our team members care deeply about our core values:

            • Put teachers and students first
            • Relentlessly improve
            • Invest in and take care of each other
            • Act with humility
            • Delight in our work

            We work to model and promote these daily, helping to foster an environment that’s fun, collaborative, and highly engaged. Check out our 2-minute pitch onNBCor read articles about us inThe Washington Post,Wall Street Journal, andForbes.

            NoRedInk is an equal opportunity employer. We know that a diverse workforce is the strongest workforce, and are committed to building and supporting an inclusive environment for all.

            *Note: Agencies or other third-party recruiters may not submit unsolicited candidate resumes or their information to any NoRedInk employee, including a NoRedInk Recruiter, unless a contract is signed and you are given permission by the Talent Acquisition team to work on a job opening.

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            Client Success Manager

            ArkadiumPortugal, Remote

            Arkadium is hiring a Remote Client Success Manager

            At Arkadium our purpose is to have fun while creating fun - and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing for 20 years. We’re the creators behind the world’s most-played games. From the Solitaire that came on your Windows machine, to hundreds of other games you’ve come to know and love - you can find our games on, iOS, Android, and lots of other big sites worldwide.

            As a proud Evergreen business our values of Fierce Drive, Positive Energy and Living Full Lives are the driving force behind how we run and the choices we make.

            We’re privately held (aka stable and reasonable about growth), founder-led (aka passionate about our craft) and we consistently rank as a “Best Place to Work” (aka not your typical games company).

            We’ve been recognised by "Happiness Works 2023" in Portugal, "Crain's Best Places to Work 2022" and "Great Place to Work 2022 and 2023" in New York!

            Interested in becoming an Arkadian? We’d love to hear from you!


            We are seeking a Client Success Manager to join our Sales and Account Management team. This role is pivotal in managing our relationships with tier 1 partners, ensuring their success and satisfaction through strategic collaboration and project oversight. 

            This role is open to candidates based in Portugal and will be 100% remote with in-person events optional.

            For those in Portugal, business hours are 9-18 WEST (UTC+1).


            • Primary Point of Contact:Act as the primary liaison for tier 1 partners, cultivating strong relationships and gaining in-depth understanding of their strategic goals and business needs. 
            • Project Scope and Deliverables:Collaborate closely with partners to define precise growth-based initiatives, deliverables, and timelines, ensuring alignment with partner expectations and company capabilities. 
            • Internal Coordination:Coordinate resources and stakeholders across departments to ensure seamless project execution and timely delivery within defined scope and quality standards. 
            • Project Oversight:Monitor multiple partner’s projects progress, identifying potential risks and proactively implementing solutions to mitigate issues, ensuring projects meet quality standards and deadlines. 
            • Partner Communication:Conduct regular status meetings with partners to review project milestones, deliverables, and address any emerging issues, maintaining transparent communication throughout the partnership. 
            • Strategic Offerings:Recommend solutions to partners that align with mutual  business goals, focusing on revenue generation and mutual benefit  
            • Metrics Analysis:Provide actionable insights and strategic recommendations to partners based on industry trends, market analysis, and best practices to enhance project outcomes and partner satisfaction. 
            • Reporting and Data Management:Track, analyze, and report on key metrics related to partner success, project performance, and ROI, leveraging data to drive continuous improvement and decision-making. 
            • 3-5 years of experience in strategic account management, project management, or a similar role within the tech industry, preferably at a game company, web publisher, or related tech firm. 
            • Proven ability to cultivate and maintain strong relationships with external partners and stakeholders. 
            • Strong project management skills, with experience in defining project scopes, managing timelines, and delivering results within budget. 
            • Excellent communication and negotiation skills, with the ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders. 
            • Analytical mindset with the ability to interpret data, analyze trends, and derive meaningful insights to drive strategic decision-making. 
            • Proficiency in using project management tools and CRM software. 
            • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment and manage multiple priorities effectively. 
            • Experience working with tier 1 partners or large enterprise clients is a strong plus. 
            • Competitive compensation with structured performance and career development check-ins
            • Meaningful supplemental health insurance (medical, dental & vision plans)
            • Meal allowance
            • Additional budget for conferences you are interested in
            • Personal development budget to fuel your passions and desire to learn (Arkadians are taking classes in not only Excel and leadership, but also interior design and even swimming!)
            • Time off from Christmas Eve through New Year's Day so we can all enjoy the holidays
            • A unique culture of transparency, true teamwork and fun
            • Summer Fridays: 4 Fridays off throughout the Summer to have more fun in the sun

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            IT Support Lead

            Phocas SoftwareMelbourne,Victoria,Australia, Remote Hybrid

            Phocas Software is hiring a Remote IT Support Lead

            Have you ever walked into a place and felt right at home? There’s an undeniable energy about the place. People are chatting, laughing and exchanging ideas. No one’s afraid to speak up. And everyone cares – about the work & each other.

            As a high-growth tech company selling software in a competitive global market, the work is not easy. But it’s interesting and super fun. It will test you and stretch you in ways you never expected. Oh, and did we mention it was fun?

            This is a great opportunity to join our global IT support team, to ensure the delivery of excellent technical support, within our business systems for the team here in Australia. Your role will be to quickly resolve requests from our people as well as proactively work on identifying and resolving potential issues before they impact the business. 

            Some of the things you’ll do on your way to world-leading fame:

            • Configure, troubleshoot, and resolve issues within our business systems – Microsoft 365, Entra, Intune, Defender for Endpoint, and core line-of-business SaaS applications. 
            • Lead the delivery of IT projects and initiatives including new systems and enhancements to existing systems. 
            • Triage service requests within agreed service levels and escalated when needed. 
            • Proactively identify and respond to system outages and incidents. 
            • Solve technical problems with application, system, or hardware issues of moderate to high scope and complexity  
            • Administer and configure business applications and integrations to support business processes. 
            • Manage the complete lifecycle of user identities, including provisioning, de-provisioning, and access modifications. Implement and maintain automated workflows for user onboarding and offboarding

            Some of things you’ll need to turn your internal customers into super geniuses:

            • Experience working in internal customer facing IT support roles.
            • Proven understanding of Microsoft 365, Microsoft Intune, Defender, and Entra. 
            • Demonstrated hands-on experience in supporting and troubleshooting issues with end-user devices (Windows 10, macOS, iOS and Android). 
            • Experience with scripting languages; preferably PowerShell. 
            • Experience supporting and troubleshooting line-of-business systems applications. 
            • Understanding of cybersecurity best practices. 
            • Experience troubleshooting office networks and internet issues. 

            A bit about us, in the hope you’ll quit whatever you’re doing and join us.

            We’re a business planning and analytics company on a mission to make people feel good about data. Since 2001, we’ve helped thousands of companies turn complex business data into performance boosting results. Despite our now global status of 300 world-class humans, we’ve held on to our start-up roots. The result is a workplace that’s fast, exciting and designed for fun.

            We know that fun is different for everyone. So, if you want to experiment with tech, lead a project, champion wellness, or dabble in your homebrew side hustle, you’ll have our full support.

            As long as you’re happy, the rest falls into place. Think less stress, higher performance, more energy and all-round nicer human. Your friends and family will be delighted.

            Create your happy place.

            We are a 2024 Circle Back Initiative Employer– we commit to respond to every applicant.

            Phocas is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, colour, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability and protected veterans status or any other characteristic protected by law.

            #LI-EA1 #LI-Hybrid

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            Staff Android Mobile Engineer, Mobile Core

            GustoDenver, CO; San Francisco, CA; New York, NY; Atlanta, GA; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Toronto, Ontario, CAN - Remote

            Gusto is hiring a Remote Staff Android Mobile Engineer, Mobile Core


            About Gusto

            Gusto is a modern, online people platform that helps small businesses take care of their teams. On top of full-service payroll, Gusto offers health insurance, 401(k)s, expert HR, and team management tools. Today, Gusto offices in Denver, San Francisco, and New York serve more than 300,000 businesses nationwide.

            Our mission is to create a world where work empowers a better life, and it starts right here at Gusto. That’s why we’re committed to building a collaborative and inclusive workplace, both physically and virtually. Learn more about ourTotal Rewards philosophy

            About the Role:

            We’re looking for talented and motivated Mobile Android engineers with 8+ years of experience. As a mobile engineer, you’ll be responsible for developing features and functionality, owning and scaling shared services, staying up to date with all things Android while advocating for the best practices, tooling, etc, and working closely with other partner teams such as Payroll, Benefits, HR, identity, security, system design, and infrastructure. If you’re interested in building elegant scalable solutions and a strong mobile team, join us!

            About the Team:

            Gusto is at a meaningful inflection point in our scale. We are launching a native mobile app experience for one of our most important users, the small business owner, and scaling a platform that other teams will use to solve small business problems.  

            Here’s what you’ll do day-to-day:

            • Architect, build, test, and refine Gusto’s native Android app and supporting mobile web-views
            • Build, iterate, and refine product feature offerings that allow employers to perform core business functions such as running payroll, managing expenses, and more.
            • Collaborate with our product management, design, and other partner teams to understand technical and customer pain points, come up with solutions, and then prototype, iterate, and launch
            • Work cross functionally with various product apps, identity, security, design systems and infrastructure to bring world-class experiences to our customers hands
            • Build and scale core services such as push-notification system, localization, etc
            • Improve and maintain Android and Mobile infrastructure such as build-pipelines, testing automation, release process, etc.
            • Build a product that our customers genuinely love. Don't just take our word for it - check out what some customers have to say.

            Here’s what we're looking for:

            • At least 5 years of Kotlin-Android software engineering experience and at least 8 years of Mobile software engineering experience
            • Strong communication and cross-functional partnership skills
            • Self-driven mindset, and the ability to work on green field projects
            • Working knowledge of MVVM
            • Experience with Android testing frameworks and best practices
            • Experience in constructing platform and common components to enhance scalability, consistency, and maintainability throughout the product development lifecycle
            • Strong critical thinking skills, and a keen attention to detail
            • Willingness to learn, and mentor others

            Our cash compensation amount for this role is targeted at $225,000-$245,000 for San Francisco, Seattle & New York and $185,000-$205,000 for Denver. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors including candidate experience and expertise and may vary from the amounts listed above.

            Gusto has physical office spaces in Denver, San Francisco, and New York City. Employees who are based in those locations will be expected to work from the office on designated days approximately 2-3 daysper week (or more depending on role). The same office expectations apply to all Symmetry roles, Gusto's subsidiary, whose physical office is in Scottsdale.

            Note: The San Francisco office expectations encompass both the San Francisco and San Jose metro areas. 

            When approved to work from a location other than a Gusto office, a secure, reliable, and consistent internet connection is required.

            Our customers come from all walks of life and so do we. We hire great people from a wide variety of backgrounds, not just because it's the right thing to do, but because it makes our company stronger. If you share our values and our enthusiasm for small businesses, you will find a home at Gusto. 

            Gusto is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate in hiring or any employment decision based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), marital status, ancestry, physical or mental disability, genetic information, veteran status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other applicable legally protected characteristic. Gusto considers qualified applicants with criminal histories, consistent with applicable federal, state and local law. Gusto is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities and disabled veterans in our job application procedures. If you require assistance in filling out a Gusto job application, please reach out to

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            React Native Developer

            SmartDevCầu Giấy, Viet Nam, Remote

            SmartDev is hiring a Remote React Native Developer

            Job Description

            You will be responsible for but not limited to:

            • Work as a developer in an Agile team. 

            • Listen to the (foreign) customers and get a full understanding of their requirements. 

            • Participate in daily stand ups. 

            • Self-assign tasks and be fully responsible for the quality and timing of the deliveries. 

            • Suggest technical or esthetical improvements. 

            • Deploy the applications in a live environment. 

            • Conduct advanced performance profiling.        


              Skills and Qualifications

              • 4+ year(s) of experience with React Native. 

              • Experience integrating and implementing APIs, understanding of REST APIs, middle wares and offline storage. 

              • Experience with Git for source code management. 

              • Familiar with native build tools, like XCode, Gradle. 

              • Understanding of the Android & iOS ecosystem, their guidelines, configuration and building processes.

              • Fluent English communication. 

              Nice to have: 

              • Experience with Node.js 

              • Experience with JavaScript testing frameworks such as JEST 

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              Data Analyst – Operations (OBRIO)

              GenesisPoland - Remote
              Commercial experiencetableausqliosandroidpython

              Genesis is hiring a Remote Data Analyst – Operations (OBRIO)

              OBRIO is an IT company with Ukrainian roots inside Genesis business ecosystem. Our team consists of more than 120 talented professionals whose ambitions and striving for success help us build the best products on the market. We have offices in Kyiv and Warsaw.

              We are developing Nebula – the biggest brand in the spiritual niche. Nebula has over 45 million users worldwide and has been ranked as the № 1 lifestyle app of the day in the Apple Store and Play Market in the USA, Canada, and Australia several times. Nebula is available on iOS, Android, and Web.

              Our mission is to make people happier by improving the quality of their relationships.

              Here are some details we would like to share with you:

              • Nebulais #1 in its niche in terms of downloads and revenue targets;
              • 45 million users worldwide;
              • Users from 50+ countries;
              • 4.8 - our average AppStore rating (with more than 215 thousand ratings).

              We are seeking a proactive Data Analyst to join our Operations Team.In this role, you will collaborate closely with the Customer Success department, analyzing premium user behavior and generating hypotheses to improve retention and engagement. You will also inform the team about potential user churn.

              Additionally, you will work with the support department to set up, monitor, and alert on billing and risk-related issues. You will analyze the performance of individual agents and the team as a whole, generating and implementing strategies to enhance the quality of the team's work, improve operational efficiency, and reduce costs.

              Our analytics team comprises 10 analysts and an Analytics Team Lead within the product team. Curious about the day-to-day responsibilities of a Data Analyst at OBRIO and the growth opportunities within the company? Click the link to gain insights from Zhenya, our Analytics Team Lead at OBRIO, who is shedding light on these topics and more on the DOU podcast.

              Your impact:

              • Actively participate in planning and estimating analytics activities;
              • Collaborate closely with the Analytics and Operations teams to collect and analyze data for informed decision-making;
              • Maintain and update operations dashboards;
              • Develop hypotheses based on data insights.

                About you:

                • Proficiency in SQL with advanced capabilities in data extraction and manipulation, along with a track record of optimizing queries to enhance performance;
                • Expertise in statistics, with the ability to apply statistical methods to convert data into actionable insights;
                • Proficiency in Tableau or a similar tool, with experience in crafting interactive dashboards and overseeing data sourcing;
                • Commercial experience in the field;
                • Intermediate level of English proficiency and higher;
                • Effective communication skills with a proactive and open approach to new challenges.


                • Strong command of Python, particularly with pandas, for proficient data analysis, processing, visualization, and automation tasks.

                Why OBRIO is the best place to work?

                  • ???????? With us, you'll have the opportunity to directly influence business decisions and see the results of your work.
                  • ???? Gain valuable expertise byworking with transactional monetization model.
                  • ???? We focus on effective communication and teamwork without unnecessary formalities. You can solve any issue quickly, without multi-level approval.
                  • ????Innovate and Be Creative: We embrace innovation and creativity at OBRIO, and we encourage our team members to bring their unique ideas to the table. You'll have the chance to explore new solutions and make a real impact on our company's success.
                  • ☝️ At OBRIO, we’ve gathered influential experts, all of whom are open to sharing their knowledge and ready to help solve issues based on their experience. Moreover, you will be a part of Genesis Analytics Community with tremendous expertise in the field.

                  Our benefits:

                  • Benefit from the flexibility to work from anywhere in the world;
                  • Work from the comfort of your home or from one of our offices in Kyiv or Warsaw. The choice is yours!
                  • Enjoy 20 annual vacation days and unlimited sick leave, all covered by the company;
                  • Don't worry about getting the right equipment, we've got you covered if necessary;
                  • Stay healthy with access to a corporate doctor online, and health insurance options in Ukraine or a fixed amount towards insurance abroad after your probation period;
                  • Keep learning with our extensive corporate library, internal online meetings, and lectures;
                  • Grow your skills with our training compensation program;
                  • Take advantage of our supportive corporate culture, including assistance with relocation, advice on legal stay abroad, housing support, and help for third-country nationals;
                  • Have fun with our online/offline events and team-building activities!

                  Here's what our hiring journey for this position looks like: Initial Screening ➡️ Team Interview ➡️ Skill Assessment ➡️ Final Check ➡️ Job Offer.

                  Let's team up and reach for the stars together!

                  More about us on social media: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok.

                  Discover our job openings, refer friends, and get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at OBRIO by joining our Telegram.

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                  Android Developer

                  BuildingLinkCairo,Cairo Governorate,Egypt, Remote

                  BuildingLink is hiring a Remote Android Developer

                  Position: Android Developer

                  Job Location:Remote


                  Company's Website:

                  About Building Link:

                  BuildingLink, powered by Bregal Sagemount, simplifies and elevates modern working and living in residential communities with inspired solutions, pioneering technology, and dedicated service. We are a rapidly growing SaaS company, providing an incredibly robust, cross-platform suite of products, serving 6,000+ properties and a growing customer base of nearly two million residents across the globe.  As the preferred PropTech solution for condo/co-op and luxury multifamily buildings, we have ambitious plans to become a vital solution for all property management teams by expanding our products and extending our reach. We pride ourselves on excellence and delivering meaningful products of the highest standards that translate to measurable impact on the properties we work with.

                  Job Summary:

                  We are seeking a dedicated Android developer to join our growing company. You will create and implement the source code necessary to develop mobile applications for the Android platform to be sold to various client categories. As an Android developer, you can put your passion for programming and development to create effective and cutting-edge mobile apps that will grow our customer base.


                  - Identify opportunities to develop new Android products and protocols.

                  - Develop APIs to support functionality of Android devices.

                  - Work closely with colleagues in marketing and product development to improve app design and functionality.

                  - Implement testing procedures to identify bugs.

                  - Engage with users to better understand customer needs and opportunities for improvements.

                  - Adapt current web applications for the Android platform.

                  - Bachelor’s degree in computer science or equivalent

                  - Minimum 3-5 years of experience with system design, programming, and data structures

                  - Experience programming in C++, Java, or Kotlin

                  - Proficiency in Android Studio

                  - Familiarity with Firebase

                  - Experience with OOP design principles

                  - Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills

                  - Knowledge of Agile / Scrum methodologies

                  - Proficiency in JavaScript

                  - Experience working in an Agile team environment.

                  - Excellent verbal and written communication skills

                  - Ability to distill complex technical plans into easily understandable concepts for executive reports.

                  -Competitive Monthly Salary paid in USD

                  -Medical Insurance

                  -Experienced International Team

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