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264 Results


Software Engineer (SDE I)

carwow,England,United Kingdom, Remote

carwow is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (SDE I)

About Carwow

We’re Carwow. The car-changing experts for life-changing moments. Whether buying, selling, or (car) window shopping, we aim to give people total confidence in their choice.

We kicked off our journey as the ultimate matchmaker for car reviews, helping everyone pick their perfect ride. But we soon realised this wasn’t the destination - it was just the first leg. Why stop there when we could also help them get a great price?

So we decided we wanted to revolutionise selling cars, just like we did with buying them. That's when we introduced our game-changing 'sell my car' product.

Today, our dedicated team of over 350 experts across the UK, Germany, Spain and Portugal look after over 12 million active users (and an ‘excellent’ Trustpilot rating).

And we’ve got plenty left in the tank.

Working here

So, what does Carwow look like under the hood?

We’re always driving forward, and our people love what they do and love working together. Our goal is to empower our employees to discover their passions, create common ground, and take control of their careers with confidence.

We regularly fine-tune our hiring process to ensure fairness and all Carwowers receive comprehensive DE&I training. Our Diversity Committees, led by our fantastic employees, fuel internal education, help out our local communities, and champion initiatives for our customers.

We’re also Flexa100 nominated and aim to be the go-to place for changing cars. We’re proud to say we’ve got an impressive employee average engagement score of 8.5/10!

Bonding as a team is important to us - whether we're rocking the Carwow Olympics worldwide, playing drag bingo for Pride Month, taking part in beach clean-ups or rallying on the Padel court, there’s always something to bring us together.

Fancy a life-changing career from the car-changing pros? We’d love you to join us on our journey.

About the team  

As a team our mission is to create a technology driven company where we are empowered to use our skills to solve difficult problems and scale the product.

To achieve this, we are looking to hire software developers that are passionate about developing simple solutions for complex problems. Successful candidates will work with our team in a full-stack position.

Our tech stack is primarily Ruby on Rails using PostgreSQL, all hosted on Heroku. We use Terraform to manage our infrastructure and encourage teams to be involved in how we deploy and run our code in Production.

You'll be supported by one of our Engineering Managers who are there to help you with your career progression and ensure that the team you are on are working as well as they can - continuously improving!

We have a career progression framework that means you know what is expected of you and how you can progress through our career ladder and your EM will work with you to make sure you are happy, fulfilled, and doing the best work you can be doing.

About the role

Software engineers at carwow work on cross-functional product teams of product managers, engineers, designers and data analysts. You will work closely with a Product Manager and a Tech Lead on deciding what features to build for customers, break down and build features with the team, review code, mentor engineers, ensure operational excellence, and share knowledge broadly across the engineering organisation.

What you’ll be doing

  • We love solving real-world problems!
  • We work quickly, releasing code into production multiple times daily. You’ll see your code go live continuously.
  • You’d be part of a growing team building a platform that will help define the future of car buying.
  • We’re a curious bunch driven by a common goal of "How can we make it better?
  • We work hard to ensure our people have the right level of autonomy, support and sense of purpose to really flourish in their careers.

What you’ll need

Please note: We know that no candidate will be the perfect match for all we've listed in this posting, so we’d encourage you to apply if you feel you're close to the brief but not an exact match. 

Time spent in software engineering roles is of course important, but we prioritise attitude, aptitude, and the kind of impact you’ve had over years' experience. Ideally you’ll have:

  • For this role, we would consider people who have zero or up to 18 months of experience working in a professional ruby environment
  • Have a good grasp of Ruby, both plain and with frameworks (e.g. Ruby on Rails)
  • Cares about well-testedwell tested code
  • Likes the idea of working on a large, consumer facing site that uses event-driven systems throughout (we use Kafka)
  • Are comfortable using git or other source control system proficiently
  • Wants to work in a metrics driven environment and cares about the outcomes of your work
  • Are self-driven and take responsibility for product outcomes, doing whatever’s necessary to make things happen.
  • Enjoy working in distributed teams and working cross-functionally with Product managers, designers, user researchers and other developers,
  • Write code to be maintained – with good documentation, tests, and structure
  • Are keen to learn continuously, share knowledge, communicate effectively and build a product in close collaboration with others

You’re not expected to be an expert in all of these technologies and tools, we are happy to support your learning journey. If you’re unsure about any of the above, please apply.

What's in it for you 

  • Fully remote working role, with offices in London, Munich, Madrid, and Porto that you can work from
  • 4-5 trips to the London office for social and team bonding events
  • Competitive salary to fund that dream holiday to Bali
  • Matched pension contributions for a peaceful retirement (UK)
  • Share options - when we thrive, so do you!
  • Vitality (UK), Mapfre (ES), Safety Wing (PT) Private Healthcare, for peace of mind, plus eyecare vouchers
  • Life Assurance for (even more) peace of mind (UK)
  • Risk assessment: Quiron Prevencion (ES), SIPRP (PT)
  • Work accident insurance (PT)
  • Monthly coaching sessions with Spill - our mental wellbeing partner
  • Enhanced holiday package, plus bank holidays 
    • 28 days annual leave
    • 1 day for your wedding
    • 1 day off when you move house - because moving’s hard enough without work!
    • On your third year anniversary, you get 30 days of annual leave per year
    • On your tenth year anniversary, you get 35 days of annual leave per year 
    • Option to buy 3 extra days of holiday per year  
  • Work from abroad for a month (due to popular demand, this offer excludes the moon). 
  • Inclusive parental, partner and shared parental leave, fertility treatment and pregnancy loss policies
  • Bubble childcare support and discounted nanny fees for the little ones (UK)
  • Cobee meal, transport and nursery allowance (ES), Coverflex (PT)
  • Andjoy discounted gym membership (ES)
  • The latest tech (Macbook or Surface) to power your gif-sending talents
  • Up to £500/€550 home office allowance for that massage chair you’ve been talking about
  • A generous learning and development budget to help you master your craft
  • Regular social events:, tech lunches, coffee with the exec sessions, book clubs, social events/anything else you pester us for
  • Refer a friend, get paid. Repeat for infinite money
  • Lunch & learns and Carwow Classrooms with expert speakers who are here for a free lunch

Diversity and inclusion is an integral part of our culture. We know that diverse teams are strong teams, so we welcome those with alternative identities, backgrounds, and experiences to apply for this position. We make recruiting decisions based on experience, skills and potential, so all our applicants are treated fairly and equally.

See more jobs at carwow

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Senior Software Engineer (multiple openings) (m/w/d)

carwowMunich,Bavaria,Germany, Remote

carwow is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer (multiple openings) (m/w/d)

Über Carwow

Mit über 4 Millionen monatlichen Website- und Social Media-Besuchen sind wir die führende Neuwagenplattform in Deutschland. Als stolze Partner der renommiertesten Automobilhersteller und Handelsgruppen bieten wir dir eine großartige Karrierechance. Schalte einen Gang höher und werde Teil unseres Teams – gemeinsam gestalten wir die Zukunft der Mobilität!

Als Plattform für Auto-Tests gestartet, ist Carwow heute viel mehr als das: Wir sind Auto-Marktplatz, Media-Partner und Content-Creator in einem. Wir haben einen weltberühmten YouTube-Kanal mit zahllosen Auto-Tests und ermöglichen es unseren Kund:innen, an nur einem Ort ihr neues Auto zu finden und zu kaufen bzw. zu leasen sowie ihren alten Gebrauchten gleich noch zu verkaufen.

Heute kümmert sich unser Team von über 500 motivierten MItarbeiter:innen in Großbritannien, Deutschland, Spanien und Portugal um über 12 Millionen aktive Nutzer:innen (und eine 'exzellente' Bewertung bei Trustpilot).

Und wir haben noch große Ziele vor uns.

Arbeiten bei Carwow

Du willst wissen, wie es bei uns unter der Motorhaube aussieht?

Wir sind immer in Bewegung und lieben nicht nur unsere Arbeit, sondern auch die Zusammenarbeit miteinander. Bei uns kannst du deiner Leidenschaft folgen, neue Talente an dir entdecken und hast die nötige Beinfreiheit, um deine Karriere in die richtige Richtung zu steuern.

Unser Einstellungsprozess kommt regelmäßig ins Fine-Tuning, um möglichst fair zu sein, und alle Menschen, die bei Carwow arbeiten, erhalten umfassende DE&I Schulungen. In diversen Komitees organisieren wir zudem interne Fortbildungsmaßnahmen, unterstützen lokale Projekte und initiieren hilfreiche Aktionen für unsere Kund:innen.

Auf Kununu sind wir das dritte mal in Folge als TOP Company ausgezeichnet und haben ein klares Ziel: Die besten Teams im Markt aufzubauen. Mit einer Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit von 8,5/10 laut Peakon sind wir zwar stolz, ruhen uns aber nicht darauf aus. Wir wollen uns kontinuierlich verbessern und noch mehr Zufriedenheit schaffen. 

Unser Teamspirit ist uns sehr wichtig – ob wir nun weltweit die Carwow-Olympiade rocken, während des Pride-Monat Drag-Bingo spielen oder uns in Spanien am Strand zum Müllsammeln treffen: Wir finden immer was, das uns zusammenbringt.

Hast du Lust, mit uns die Zukunft des Autohandels mitzugestalten? Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du uns auf unserer Reise begleitest.

Über das Team

Als Team ist es unsere Mission, ein technologiegetriebenes Unternehmen zu schaffen, in dem wir in der Lage sind sind, unsere Fähigkeiten einzusetzen, um schwierige Probleme zu lösen und das Produkt zu skalieren. Um dies zu erreichen, suchen wir Softwareentwickler, die leidenschaftlich daran interessiert sind, einfache Lösungen für komplexe Probleme zu entwickeln. Erfolgreiche Kandidaten werden in einer Full-Stack-Position mit unserem Team arbeiten. Unser Tech-Stack besteht hauptsächlich aus Ruby on Rails mit PostgreSQL, gehostet auf Heroku. Wir verwenden Terraform, um unsere Infrastruktur zu verwalten, und ermutigen die Teams, sich daran zu beteiligen, wie wir unseren Code in der Produktion einsetzen. Du wirst von einem unserer Engineering Manager unterstützt, der/dir dir bei deiner beruflichen Weiterentwicklung hilft und sicherstellt, dass sich dein Team kontinuierlich verbessert! Wir haben ein Career Level Framework, das dir zeigt, was von dir erwartet wird und wie du auf unserer Karriereleiter aufsteigen kannst. Dein EM wird mit dir zusammenarbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass du glücklich und erfüllt bist und deine beste Arbeit leisten kannst.

Über die Rolle

Senior Engineers bei carwow arbeiten in funktionsübergreifenden Produktteams aus Produktmanagern, Ingenieuren, Designern und Datenanalysten. Du wirst eng mit einem Produktmanager und einem Tech Lead zusammenarbeiten, um zu entscheiden, welche Funktionen für die Kunden entwickelt werden sollen. Gemeinsam mit dem Team wirst du Funktionen aufteilen und entwickeln, Code überprüfen, Ingenieure betreuen, operative Exzellenz sicherstellen und Wissen breit über die gesamte Engineering-Organisation teilen.

Was du tun wirst

  • Du liebst es, reale Probleme zu lösen!
  • Du arbeitest schnell und bringst täglich mehrfach Code in die Produktion. Du wirst deinen Code kontinuierlich live sehen.
  • Du wirst Teil eines wachsenden Teams sein, das eine Plattform aufbaut, die die Zukunft des Autokaufs definieren wird.
  • Wir sind eine neugierige Gruppe, die von dem gemeinsamen Ziel getrieben wird: "Wie können wir es besser machen?"
  • Wir arbeiten hart daran, sicherzustellen, dass unsere Mitarbeiter das richtige Maß an Autonomie, Unterstützung und Sinn in Ihrer Tätigkeit haben, um wirklich in ihrer Karriere zu gedeihen.

Was du mitbringst

Bitte beachte: Wir wissen, dass kein Kandidat perfekt zu allem passt, was wir in dieser Anzeige aufgelistet haben, daher möchten wir dich ermutigen, dich zu bewerben, wenn du dich mit dem Profil identifizieren kannst, aber nicht genau übereinstimmst.

Die Zeit, die du in Software-Engineering-Rollen verbracht hast, ist natürlich wichtig, aber wir priorisieren Einstellung, Eignung und die Art von Einfluss, den du hattest, über die Anzahl der Jahre an Erfahrung. 

  • Du hast als  Software-Ingenieur mit Ruby on Rails gearbeitet.
  • Du hast Erfahrung mit (einigen der folgenden): TDD, Kafka, Git, JS, Heroku.
  • Du hast bereits in einem kennzahlenorientierten Team gearbeitet und kümmerst eigenständig dich um die Ergebnisse deiner Arbeit.
  • Du hast ein hohes Maß an Eigenmotivation und übernimmst Verantwortung für Produktergebnisse, indem du alles Notwendige tust, um deine Ziele zu erreichen..
  • Du hast bereits Backend-Systeme und APIs entworfen, die hohen Standards in Bezug auf Sicherheit, Zuverlässigkeit und Bedienbarkeit entsprechen, ODER Erfahrung im Aufbau von End-to-End-Websites.
  • Du hast Freude daran, in verteilten Teams zu arbeiten und funktionsübergreifend mit Produktmanagern, Designern, User-Researchern und anderen Entwicklern zusammenzuarbeiten.
  • Du hast Code geschrieben, der gepflegt werden kann – mit guter Dokumentation, Tests und Struktur.
  • Du hast den Wunsch, kontinuierlich zu lernen, Wissen zu teilen, effektiv zu kommunizieren und ein Produkt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit anderen zu entwickeln. Du musst kein Experte in all diesen Technologien und Tools sein, wir unterstützen gerne deine Lernreise. Wenn du dir bei einem der oben genannten Punkte unsicher bist, bewirb dich bitte trotzdem.


  • Attraktives Gehalt
  • Viel Raum, um zu gestalten und zu wachsen, halbjährliche 1on1 Entwicklungsgespräche
  • Option auf Firmenanteile
  • Option auf eine bezuschusste betriebliche Altersvorsorge
  • Lebensversicherung (4 x Grundgehalt)
  • 28 Tage pro Jahr
    • 2 zusätzliche Tage ab dem 3. Jahr Betriebszugehörigkeit
    • Extra-Tag für deine Hochzeit
    • Extra-Tag bei Wohnungswechsel - denn Kisten schleppen ist schon schwer genug!
    • Du kannst dir bis zu 3 zusätzliche Urlaubstage pro Jahr kaufen

Wir bieten und leben „New Work“

  • Innovatives, vielfältiges und lockeres Arbeitsumfeld im Herzen Münchens
  • MacBook oder Windows-Rechner? Du entscheidest, womit du arbeiten willst!
  • Flexible Arbeitszeiten, um Privat- und Berufsleben unter einen Hut zu kriegen
  • Vollständig remote arbeiten mit Büros in London, München, Madrid und Porto
  • Wir machen 4-5 Reisen ins Londoner Büro für Social-Events.
  • Apropos Homeoffice: Du erhältst ein Budget i.H.v. 550 € für deinen Arbeitsplatz zu Hause
  • Kostenloser Zugang zu Sanctus Mental-Coaching-Sitzungen
  • Workation? Klar! Arbeite bis zu 4 Wochen von überall auf der Welt
  • Salary Sacrifice Benefits, wie z.B. ein vergünstigtes Leasing-Fahrrad von Job-Rad
  • Vergünstigte Mitgliedschaft bei Urban Sports Club
  • Eine ehrliche Work-Life-Balance
  • Plus den besten Espresso der Stadt, kostenlose Getränke (nicht nur Bier) sowie gesundes Müsli & Obst

Unsere soziale Verantwortung

Wir bei Carwow sind davon überzeugt, dass eine diverse und integrative Belegschaft Innovationen fördert. Daher begrüßen wir Bewerber:innen mit unterschiedlichen Hintergründen und Erfahrungen. Wir treffen unsere Einstellungsentscheidungen basierend auf Fähigkeiten, Erfahrung und Potenzial, um sicherzustellen, dass alle Bewerberinnen und Bewerber fair und gleich behandelt werden.

Mit über 25 verschiedenen Nationalitäten in unserem Team sind wir auf dem Weg zu einer noch diverseren und integrativeren Belegschaft. Wenn du bereit bist, mit Begeisterung und Leidenschaft an unserer Mission teilzunehmen, dann werde Teil unseres Teams!

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Senior Software Engineer (Backend) - Fleet Management


EquipmentShare is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer (Backend) - Fleet Management

Your role in our team


At EquipmentShare, we believe it’s more than just a job, we invest in our people and encourage you to choose the best path for your career. It’s truly about you, your future and where you want to go.


We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer (backend) to help us continue to build the next evolution of our platform in a scalable, performant and customer-centric oriented architecture.


Our main tech stack includes : AWS, Kubernetes, Python, Kafka, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Kinesis


If you haveproduction scale experience in a different stack (Go, Java, Scala, C#, etc.) and are interested in moving to a new stack, we should chat.


What you'll be doing


We are typically organized into agile cross-functional teams composed of Engineering, Product and Design, which allows us to develop deep expertise and rapidly deliver high value features and functionality.


You’ll be part of a close knit team of Engineers developing the next generation of our T3 Fleet application that enablesend-users  to track, monitor and manage the health of their connected vehicles and deployed assets.


Recent initiatives include building connected camera features so that customers can better monitor safety & compliance in vehicles, and improving geofence experience to offer insights about assets within a boundary.


We'll be there to support you as you become familiar with our teams, product domains, tech stack and processes — generally how we all work together.


As a Senior Software Engineer you will 


  • Help design, build and deliver the services and domains that power the platform and its ecosystem — shaping the product features and platform capabilities.
  • Take ownership for engineeringexcellence within your domain — leading by example to guide quality, scale and process improvements.
  • Partner with peers, staff and principal engineers to contribute to the technical direction of our product and platform domains.
  • Collaborate with Product Managers, Designers and Engineers to take ideas from concept to delivery.  Balancing the desire to ship code with the responsibility to get it right.
  • Contribute to the product, design and engineering culture improving how we deliver as a team.  Helping us to leave things better than we find them and making it easier for us to get stuff done.
  • Support, coach and mentor Engineers within our team by sharing your insight, knowledge and experience as welearn and grow together.

Who you are


You're a hands-on developer who gets stuck in, you enjoy solving complex problems and building impactful solutions.  Most importantly, you care about making a difference.


  • Take the initiative to own outcomes from start to finish — knowing what needs to be accomplished within your domain and how we work together to deliver the best solution.
  • You have a passion for developing your craft — you understand what it takes to build quality, robust and scalable solutions.
  • You’ll see the learning opportunity when things don’t quite go to plan — not only for you, but for how we continuously improve as a team.
  • You take a hypothesis-driven approach — knowing how to source, create and leverage data to inform decision making, using data to drive how we improve, to shape how we evaluate and make platform recommendations.

So, what is important to us?


Above all, you’ll get stuff done. More importantly, you’ll collaborate to do the right things, in the right wayto achieve the right outcomes.


  • 7+ years of relevant development experience building production grade solutions.
  • 5+ years leading design of reliable and scalable APIs.
  • Proficient with a high order object oriented language. (especially Python - open to Go, Java, Scala, C# etc.)
  • Solid exposure to event driven architectures and high volume data processing.
  • Practical exposure of CI/CD pipelines for your production services.
  • Familiarity with public cloud service platforms.
  • Experience partnering and collaborating with remote teams (across different time zones).
  • Proven track record in learning new technologies and applying that learning quickly.
  • Experience building observability and monitoring into applications.

Some of the things that would be nice to have, but not required:


  • Familiar with containerization and Kubernetes.
  • Practical production knowledge of service oriented architectures.
  • Experience with streaming technologies. (AWS Kinesis, Kafka, etc.)

What we will offer you


We can promise that every day will be a little different with new ideas, challenges and rewards.


We’ve been growing as a team and we are not finished just yet— there is plenty of opportunity to shape how we deliver together.


Our missionis to enable the construction industry with tools that unlock substantial increases to productivity. Together with our team and customers, we are building the future of construction.


T3is the only cloud-based operating system that brings together construction workflows & data from constantly moving elements in one place.


  • Competitive base salary and market leading equity package (pre-IPO).
  • Unlimited PTO.
  • Remote first.
  • True work/life balance.
  • Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance coverage.
  • 401(k) + match.
  • Opportunities for career and professional development with conferences, events, seminars and continued education.
  • On-site fitness center at the Home Office in Columbia, Missouri, complete with weightlifting machines, cardio equipment, group fitness space, racquetball courts, a climbing wall, and much more!
  • Volunteering and local charity support that help you nurture and grow the communities you call home through our Giving Back initiative.
  • Stocked breakroom and full kitchen with breakfast and lunch provided daily by our chef and kitchen crew.

We embrace diversity in all of its forms and foster an inclusive environment for all people to do their best work with us. 

We're an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, veteran, neurodiversity status or disability status.


All appointments will be made on merit.


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Lead Software Developer

TherapyNotes.comPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania,United States, Remote
PWAagileDesignsassapic++postgresqltypescriptcssjavascriptNode.js is hiring a Remote Lead Software Developer

About TherapyNotes

TherapyNotes is the go-to superhero for behavioral health Practice Management and EHR software! Our top-notch SaaS solution handles scheduling, billing, documenting, telehealth, and more so clinicians can focus on awesome patient care.

We're a dynamic team of pros who love to innovate and push the envelope, keeping our software cutting-edge. Join us, and let's revolutionize behavioral health software together while making a real difference!


TherapyNotes is seeking a Lead Software Developer to join our growing team. We are looking for a passionate, experienced engineer who wants to work in a highly collaborative, team environment. The right candidate will have significant experience building highly scalable, responsive web applications and web services using technologies such as C#, Web API, TypeScript, and JavaScript.


  • Lead the daily activities of a diverse and distributed team of developers and quality engineering team members
  • Ensure software solutions delivered by the team meet the expectations of all stakeholders
  • Responsible for full development life cycle from planning through successful release and support
  • Full-stack development including front end, business logic, and data access layers
  • Participate in decision making concerning software architecture and design and code reviews
  • Mentor and assist in the training and onboarding of other team members
  • Work closely with other members of the development team and stakeholders
  • Maintain high standards, attention to detail, accuracy and completeness


  • 10 or more years experience developing software in an Agile, team-based environment
  • 7 or more years experience developing responsive web applications
  • 3 or more years functioning as a agile development team lead
  • BS and/or MS in a technical discipline (Computer Science or Software Engineering preferred)
  • Strong understanding of OOP concepts and design patterns
  • Expertise with C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Bootstrap, CSS, and HTML
  • Experience building single page applications (SPA) and progressive web apps (PWA)
  • Strong understanding of web and browser technologies such as web sockets, service workers, LocalStorage, SessionStorage, and W3C manifests
  • Experience with frameworks such as Node.js and React
  • Experience with CSS preprocessors such as SASS or LESS is a plus
  • Experience building RESTful web services using Web API
  • Experience working with PostgreSQL, or other relational databases
  • Excellent problem solving and communication skills


  • Innovation - Displays original thinking and creativity, meets challenges with resourcefulness. generates suggestions for improving work, develops innovative approaches and ideas, and presents ideas and information in a manner that gets others' attention.
  • Problem Solving - Identifies and resolves problems in a timely manner, gathers and analyzes information skillfully, develops alternative solutions, and works well in group problem solving situations. 
  • Adaptability - Adapts to changes in the work environment, manages competing demands, changes approach or method to best fit the situation, and able to deal with frequent change, delays, or unexpected events. 
  • Leadership - Exhibits confidence in self and others, inspires and motivates others to perform well, effectively influences actions and opinions of others, accepts feedback from others, and gives appropriate recognition to others.


    • Competitive salary - $125,000-$155,000
    • Employer sponsored health, dental, vision, life, and disability insurance
    • Retirement plan with company contribution
    • Annual company profit sharing
    • Personal development/training budget
    • Open, collaborative work environment
    • Extensive 2-week onboarding plan
    • Comprehensive mentorship program


TherapyNotes, LLC is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. All candidates whom have been given a conditional offer of employment with TherapyNotes, LLC must also undergo a criminal background check.


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Senior Site Reliability Engineer

CatalystRemote (US & Canada)

Catalyst is hiring a Remote Senior Site Reliability Engineer

Company Overview

Totango + Catalyst have joined forces to build a leading customer growth platform that helps businesses protect and grow their revenue. Built by an experienced team of industry leaders, our software integrates with all the tools CS teams already use to provide one centralized view of customer data.  Our modern and intuitive dashboards help CS leaders develop impactful workflows and take the right actions to understand health, prevent churn, increase adoption, and drive expansion.

Position Overview

As a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Totango + Catalyst, you will help shape our infrastructure and build the foundation our team relies on for the rapid delivery of our product. We’ll depend on you to instill best practices for building scalable distributed systems, emphasizing development experience, observability and fault tolerance. Our current stack consists of technologies such as Ruby on Rails, RDS, Elasticsearch, Java, and Kubernetes, and we are moving towards microservices and serverless.  If you thrive in a growth-stage startup environment and are looking for more ownership and the ability to have a significant impact, we would love to meet you.

This role is opened to candidates working remotely anywhere in Canada and the U.S.

What You’ll Do

  • Manage our AWS infrastructure, with an emphasis on configuration as code.
  • Keep our site and our services up and running, or get it back up and running quickly when a failure occurs
  • Improve monitoring and work with developers to improve performance and reliability
  • Participate in technical design reviews and architecture planning
  • Debugging complex problems across an entire stack and creating solid solutions
  • Collaborate with product managers and developers to evolve our delivery pipeline
  • Working closely with internal partners and teams to ensure that we ship software that meets security, SLA, performance, and budget requirements
  • Help build our on-call policies and runbooks
  • Take ownership of projects and demonstrate a high level of accountability
  • Manage our data infrastructure and pipeline
  • Focus on quality, cost-effective scalability, and distributed system reliability and establish automated mechanisms

Who You Are:

  • You are passionate about learning. Obstacles and challenges don’t deter you, you find these as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • You have a positive demeanor and a go-getter attitude! 
  • You are a strong team player. You collaborate well with others, and want to work together to solve common goals.
  • You are proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and identifying opportunities to improve our processess. 

What You’ll Need

  • 5+ years of experience building and maintaining cloud infrastructure for distributed production systems
  • 1+ year of experience as a backend engineer developing enterprise web applications
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Know your way around a Unix/Linux shell, can write shell scripts, and understands Linux internals
  • Experience debugging complex problems
  • Experience designing, building, and operating large-scale production systems
  • Proficiency in Bash, Python, or other scripting languages
  • Experience in databases and data warehouses
  • Experience with security requirements for SOC2/ISO
  • FinOps experience
  • Strong Project Management skills
  • A strong desire to show ownership of problems you identify
  • Optional CKAD, CKS, CKA Exam, AWS Certified Exams

Technologies You’ll Need

  • Demonstrated experience with configuration and orchestration tools such as Terraform, CloudFormation and Ansible
  • Experience with containers, such as Docker 
  • Experience with administering, securing, and optimizing Kubernetes clusters
  • Experience building monitoring, observability, logging, and developer tooling
  • Experience with Helm, Kustomize, ArgoCD, Grafana, Prometheus, Thanos, VictoriaMetrics, Cilium, Linkerd, Envoy, AWS App Mesh, CoreDNS
  • Experience creating CI/CD Pipelines for different coding languages
  • Experience with one or more: Ruby on Rails, Python, Java, Kotlin, Go, Node.js
  • Experience with version control systems like GitHub
  • Familiarity with AWS services, AWS best practices and securing AWS accounts
  • Experience operating and tuning data stores such as PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch
  • Experience with managing the infrastructure that backs data pipelines and data lakes such as Airflow
  • Experience managing streaming infrastructure such as Kafka or Kinesis

Why You’ll Love Working Here!

  • Work from anywhere!
  • Highly competitive compensation package, including equity 
  • Comprehensive benefits, including up to 100% paid medical, dental, & vision insurance coverage for you & your loved ones
  • Open vacation policy, encouraging you to take the time you need
  • Monthly Mental Health Days and Mental Health Weeks twice per year 
  • Ability to influence and drive key technical and architectural decisions
  • High visibility and impact across the whole company


Your base pay is one part of your total compensation package and is determined within a range. The base salary for this role is from $140,000.00 - $175,000.00 per year. We take into account numerous factors in deciding on compensation, such as experience, job-related skills, relevant education or training, and other business and organizational requirements. The salary range provided corresponds to the level at which this position has been defined.

Totango + Catalyst is an equal opportunity employer, meaning that we do not discriminate based on race, religion, national origin, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, or any other protected class. Diversity is more than just good intentions; we are committed to creating an inclusive environment for all employees

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NDA, Venture | Data Engineer

SD SolutionsWarsaw, PL - Remote
3 years of experiencesqlpostgresqlpythonAWS

SD Solutions is hiring a Remote NDA, Venture | Data Engineer

On behalf of NDA, Venture , SD Solutions is looking for a talented Data Engineer.

SD Solutions is a staffing company operating globally. Contact us to get more details about the benefits we offer.


  • Lead the internal product development, including the product roadmap.
  • Explore new technologies to enrich data and drive conclusions.
  • Own and maintain the current platform while working with diverse tools.
  • Build, enhance, and maintain data pipelines, including sourcing data via scraping and APIs.
  • Potentially build a team from scratch (possibility for offshore).


  • 3 years of experience in hands-on development.
  • Data engineering skills, including SQL, PostgreSQL DB architecture, and complex queries, Python, AWS, and Airflow.
  • Ability to function independently, self-starter and self-driven, with the ability to lead product development, including vision and roadmap.
  • Apply software engineering skills and best practices such as version control, testing, and continuous integration (CI). Also, be familiar with creating and maintaining clean, structured, documented datasets ready for analysis with modern ETL/ELT, and collecting data from the open web and APIs using scraping tools.
  • Fluent English speaker with excellent communication and written skills.


  • Hands on technical experience from the IDF
  • Familiarity with R, and dbt
  • Familiarity with scrapy library in Python
  • Interest in VC and startups
  • BSc in Computer Science or equivalent

About the company:

The company is an international venture capital enterprise established in 2010, specializing in seed-stage technology investments. Emphasizing software, internet services, e-commerce, fintech, AI, and cybersecurity, we assist innovative startups with groundbreaking technologies and scalable business models. They offers not only financial support but also strategic direction, mentorship, and access to its extensive network of experts. We engage actively with portfolio companies, utilizing our experience to help startups overcome challenges and expedite their growth. By identifying high-potential companies and fostering partnerships with robust founding teams, company significantly contributes to the success of emerging technology enterprises.

By applying for this position, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Policy, and make sure you understand its contents. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.

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Systems Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Edge

CloudflareHybrid or Remote

Cloudflare is hiring a Remote Systems Reliability Engineer (SRE) - Edge

About Us

At Cloudflare, we are on a mission to help build a better Internet. Today the company runs one of the world’s largest networks that powers millions of websites and other Internet properties for customers ranging from individual bloggers to SMBs to Fortune 500 companies. Cloudflare protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare all have web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company. 

We realize people do not fit into neat boxes. We are looking for curious and empathetic individuals who are committed to developing themselves and learning new skills, and we are ready to help you do that. We cannot complete our mission without building a diverse and inclusive team. We hire the best people based on an evaluation of their potential and support them throughout their time at Cloudflare. Come join us! 

Available Locations:Lisbon or Remote Portugal; London or Remote UK, Munich or Remote Germany

About the Role

We are looking for talented Systems Reliability Engineers to build and operate our Edge platform running in more than 320 cities in over 120 countries. Our SREs come from diverse technical backgrounds and have built up their knowledge working in different environments, but common factors across all of our reliability-focused engineers include a passion for automation, scalability, and operational excellence. We support our services in a “follow the sun” model with offices in East Asia, Europe and North America.

This is a superb opportunity to join a high-performing team and scale our high-growth network as Cloudflare’s business grows. We live at the boundary between systems, network, and software, and love improving the glue that holds them together. Working with us, you will build tools to constantly improve service availability, performance, and operational velocity. You will nurture a passion for an “automate everything” approach that makes systems failure resistant and ready to scale.

SREs focus on the immediate state and functionality of the Cloudflare platform around the world, leveraging an array of monitoring, alerting and diagnostics tools while developing and enhancing the Cloudflare platform and its capabilities. We own a wide portfolio of applications and services, running a tight feedback loop of developer and operator patterns. The ideal SRE candidate has a passionate curiosity about how the Internet fundamentally works and has a strong knowledge of networking, Linux and TLS along with coding ability in Go or Python.

Requisite Skills

  • Aptitude for identifying problems, owning them and working with others to solve them
  • Linux systems experience
  • 3 years experience in an SRE role or a role with similar functions
  • Software development skills in some programming language such as Go or Python
  • Understanding of distributed software systems and large scale system design tradeoffs
  • Intermediate experience of common network protocols like DNS and HTTP
  • Understanding of routing protocols and concepts such as BGP and IP anycast 

Examples of desirable skills, knowledge and experience

  • Experience with the Linux kernel and Linux software packaging
  • Performance analysis and debugging
  • Configuration management systems such as Saltstack, Chef, Puppet or Ansible
  • Load balancing and reverse proxies such as Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy, Squid or Apache
  • SQL databases
  • Time series databases such as OpenTSDB, Graphite, Prometheus or Grafana
  • Key/Value stores

Bonus Points

  • Experience with continuous / rapid release engineering
  • Strong tooling and automation development experience
  • Experience working in a 24/7/365 service environment
  • Experience working with large scale production distributed systems
  • A history of contributing to Open Source Software

Some tools that we use

  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Docker
  • Prometheus
  • Grafana
  • Consul
  • Nomad
  • Salt


What Makes Cloudflare Special?

We’re not just a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company. We’re a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company with a soul. Fundamental to our mission to help build a better Internet is protecting the free and open Internet.

Project Galileo: We equip politically and artistically important organizations and journalists with powerful tools to defend themselves against attacks that would otherwise censor their work, technology already used by Cloudflare’s enterprise customers--at no cost.

Athenian Project: We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration.

Path Forward Partnership: Since 2016, we have partnered with Path Forward, a nonprofit organization, to create 16-week positions for mid-career professionals who want to get back to the workplace after taking time off to care for a child, parent, or loved one. We released help fix the foundation of the Internet by building a faster, more secure and privacy-centric public DNS resolver. This is available publicly for everyone to use - it is the first consumer-focused service Cloudflare has ever released. Here’s the deal - we don’t store client IP addresses never, ever. We will continue to abide by our privacy commitmentand ensure that no user data is sold to advertisers or used to target consumers.

Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? We’d love to hear from you!

This position may require access to information protected under U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Please note that any offer of employment may be conditioned on your authorization to receive software or technology controlled under these U.S. export laws without sponsorship for an export license.

Cloudflare is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.  We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all people and place great value in both diversity and inclusiveness.  All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to their, or any other person's, perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, or any other basis protected by law.We are an AA/Veterans/Disabled Employer.

Cloudflare provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, changing the application process, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.  If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job, please contact us via e-mail athr@cloudflare.comor via mail at 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107.

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Senior Software Engineer


EquipmentShare is hiring a Remote Senior Software Engineer

EquipmentShare is hiring a Senior Software Engineer 


Your role in our team


At EquipmentShare, we believe it’s more than just a job, we invest in our people and encourage you to choose the best path for your career. It’s truly about you, your future and where you want to go. 


We are looking for a Senior Software Engineer to help us continue to build the next evolution of our platform in a scalable, performant and customer-centric oriented architecture. 


Our main tech stack includes :  AWS, Kubernetes, Python, TypeScript, Kafka, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB, Kinesis, React, Node.js


If you haveproduction scale experience in a different stack (Go, Java, Scala, C#, etc.)and are interested in moving to a new stack, we should chat.


What you'll be doing


We are typically organized into agile cross-functional teams composed of Engineering, Product and Design, which allows us to develop deep expertise and rapidly deliver high value features and functionality to support our rental operations.

As a Senior Software Engineer on the S-Works team, you’ll join a dynamic and fast-moving group of engineers responsible for a platform ecosystem supporting operational workflows across several product domains - including procurement, sales, rentals and service orchestration. This ecosystem enables operational end users in managing the full equipment lifecycle, ensuring that the right equipment is in the right place at the right time for our customers.

Our team excels in rapid prototyping and maintains a strong relationship with stakeholders, allowing us to identify and deliver the most valuable features. We cultivate a culture of psychological safety, where all team members contribute their ideas openly.


By joining the S-Works team, you’ll play a crucial role in providing EquipmentShare’s customers with access to a best-in-class fleet that directly impacts the efficiency and success of their operations.


We'll be there to support you as you become familiar with our teams, product domains, tech stack and processes — generally how we all work together.


As a Senior Software Engineer you will 


  • Help design, build and deliver the services and domains that power the platform and its ecosystem — shaping the product features and platform capabilities.
  • Take ownership for engineeringexcellence within your domain — leading by example to guide quality, scale and process improvements.
  • Partner with peers, staff and principal engineers to contribute to the technical direction of our product and platform domains.
  • Collaborate with Product Managers, Designers and Engineers to take ideas from concept to delivery.  Balancing the desire to ship code with the responsibility to get it right.
  • Contribute to the product, design and engineering culture improving how we deliver as a team.  Helping us to leave things better than we find them and making it easier for us to get stuff done.
  • Support, coach and mentor Engineers within our team by sharing your insight, knowledge and experience as welearn and grow together.

Who you are


You're a hands-on developer who gets stuck in, you enjoy solving complex problems and building impactful solutions.  Most importantly, you care about making a difference.


  • Take the initiative to own outcomes from start to finish — knowing what needs to be accomplished within your platform and how we work together to deliver the best solution.
  • You have a passion for developing your craft — you understand what it takes to build quality, robust and scalable solutions.
  • You’ll see the learning opportunity when things don’t quite go to plan — not only for you, but for how we continuously improve as a team.
  • You take a hypothesis-driven approach — knowing how to source, create and leverage data to inform decision making, using data to drive how we improve, to shape how we evaluate and make platform recommendations.

So, what is important to us?


Above all, you’ll get stuff done. More importantly, you’ll collaborate to do the right things, in the right wayto achieve the right outcomes.


  • 7+ years of relevant development experience building production grade solutions.
  • 5+ years leading design of reliable and scalable APIs.
  • Practical production knowledge of SaaS products.
  • Proficient with a high order object oriented language. (especially Python and TypeScript - open to Go, Java, Scala, C# etc.)
  • Solid exposure to event driven architectures and high volume data processing.
  • Practical exposure of CI/CD pipelines for your production services.
  • Familiarity with public cloud service platforms.
  • Experience partnering and collaborating with remote teams (across different time zones).
  • Proven track record in learning new technologies and applying that learning quickly.
  • Experience building observability and monitoring into applications.

Some of the things that would be nice to have, but not required:

  • Experience with authentication and/or identity management (Auth0 or Okta).
  • Familiar with containerization and Kubernetes.
  • Experience with streaming technologies. (AWS Kinesis, Kafka, etc.)

What we will offer you


We can promise that every day will be a little different with new ideas, challenges and rewards.


We’ve been growing as a team and we are not finished just yet— there is plenty of opportunity to shape how we deliver together.


Our missionis to enable the construction industry with tools that unlock substantial increases to productivity. Together with our team and customers, we are building the future of construction.


T3is the only cloud-based operating system that brings together construction workflows & data from constantly moving elements in one place.


  • Unlimited PTO
  • Remote first
  • True work/life balance
  • Medical, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance coverage
  • 401(k) + match
  • Opportunities for career and professional development with conferences, events, seminars and continued education.
  • On-site fitness center at the Home Office in Columbia, Missouri, complete with weightlifting machines, cardio equipment, group fitness space, racquetball courts, a climbing wall, and much more!
  • Volunteering and local charity support that help you nurture and grow the communities you call home through our Giving Back initiative.
  • Stocked breakroom and full kitchen with breakfast and lunch provided daily by our chef and kitchen crew.

We embrace diversity in all of its forms and foster an inclusive environment for all people to do their best work with us. 

We're an equal opportunity employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, family or parental status, national origin, veteran, neurodiversity status or disability status.

All appointments will be made on merit.


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Senior Engineering Manager, Content

HandshakeSan Francisco, CA (hybrid)

Handshake is hiring a Remote Senior Engineering Manager, Content

Everyone is welcome at Handshake. We know diverse teams build better products and we are committed to creating an inclusive culture built on a foundation of respect for all individuals. We strongly encourage candidates from non-traditional backgrounds, historically marginalized or underrepresented groups to apply.

Your impact

Handshake is looking to hire a Senior Engineering Manager for our Content Team. You will lead, grow, and support the engineers building our customer-facing products. You will work on complex technical challenges and enable millions of students and job-seekers to connect with employers through Handshake’s platform.

You will have opportunities to:

  • Create a direct impact in the world by helping Handshake to democratize the opportunity for our millions of students

  • Work in an impressive innovative environment with many growth and career development opportunities.

  • Grow and scale a team, hiring top talent focusing on DEI

  • Help to define our culture and processes, not only as a team but also as an organization

Your role

  • Build, lead, and successfully develop a team of software engineers from all levels; defining their career development plans, setting specific goals, and motivating them to achieve results as part of their growth

  • Successfully manage performance; mentoring and coaching software engineers, supporting both high and underperforming individuals

  • Partner closely with key stakeholders across Handshake, including Design, Product Management, and strategic business partners to define clear, ambitious, attainable, metric-oriented goals for their team

  • Participate in technical decisions and provide technical coaching, helping tech leads to define and prioritize engineering roadmap

  • Lead with empathy as you help us nurture a culture of growth, inclusion, and belonging

Your experience

  • Build, lead, and develop successfully a team of software engineers from all levels (from junior to senior) defining their career development plans, setting specific goals, and motivating them to achieve results as part of their growth

  • Works cross-functionally to define, drive and track product-level success

  • 4+ years experience managing a technical team, 5+ years in technical leadership roles, 8+ years in software engineering

  • Demonstrated experience working with or across other engineering teams to ship features or technical improvements

  • Experience working as an, and managing, Full-Stack engineer(s), with either web or mobile clients

  • Experience working with any or all of: Ruby/Rails, Go, Python, Javascript/React, and Swift/SwiftUI

  • Experience working with any or all of: ElasticSearch, Redis, PostgresQL, SideKiq, and GCP Pub/Sub, DataFlow, and Spanner

Compensation range

  • $210,000 - $240,000/year

Want to learn more about what it's like to work at Handshake?Check out these interviews from our team members!

For cash compensation, we set standard ranges for all U.S.-based roles based on function, level, and geographic location, benchmarked against similar stage growth companies. In order to be compliant with local legislation, as well as to provide greater transparency to candidates, we share salary ranges on all job postings regardless of desired hiring location. Final offer amounts are determined by multiple factors, including geographic location as well as candidate experience and expertise, and may vary from the amounts listed above.

About us

Handshake is the #1 place to launch a career with no connections, experience, or luck required. The platform connects up-and-coming talent with 750,000+ employers - from Fortune 500 companies like Google, Nike, and Target to thousands of public school districts, healthcare systems, and nonprofits. In 2022 we announced our $200M Series F funding round. This Series F fundraise and valuation of $3.5B will fuel Handshake’s next phase of growth and propel our mission to help more people start, restart, and jumpstart their careers.

When it comes to our workforce strategy, we’ve thought deeply about how work-life should look at Handshake. With our hybrid-work model, employees benefit from collaboration and shared team experiences three days per week in our vibrant offices, and enjoy the flexibility of remote work two days per week. Handshake is headquartered in San Francisco, with offices in New York, London, and Berlin.

What we offer

At Handshake, we'll give you the tools to feel healthy, happy and secure.

Benefits below apply to employees in full-time positions.

  • ???? Equity and ownership in a fast-growing company.
  • ???? 16 Weeks of paid parental leave for birth giving parents & 10 weeks of paid parental leave for non-birth giving parents.
  • ???? Comprehensive medical, dental, and vision policies including LGTBQ+ Coverage. We also provide resources for Mental Health Assistance, Employee Assistance Programs and counseling support.
  • ???? Handshake offers $500/£360 home office stipend for you to spend during your first 3 months to create a productive and comfortable workspace at home.
  • ???? Generous learning & development opportunities and an annual $2,000/£1,500/€1,850 stipend for you to grow your skills and career.
  • ???? Financial coaching through Origin to help you through your financial journey.
  • ???? Monthly internet stipend and a brand new MacBook to allow you to do your best work.
  • ???? Monthly commuter stipend for you to expense your travel to the office (for office-based employees).
  • ???? Free lunch provided twice a week across all offices.
  • ???? Referral bonus to reward you when you bring great talent to Handshake.

(US-specific benefits, in addition to the first section)

  • ???? 401k Match: Handshake offers a dollar-for-dollar match on 1% of deferred salary, up to a maximum of $1,200 per year.
  • ???? All full-time US-based Handshakers are eligible for our flexible time off policy to get out and see the world. In addition, we offer 8 standardized holidays, and 2 additional days of flexible holiday time off. Lastly, we have a Winter #ShakeBreak, a one-week period of Collective Time Off.
  • ???? Lactation support: Handshake partners with Milk Stork to provide a comprehensive 100% employer-sponsored lactation support to traveling parents and guardians.

(UK-specific benefits, in addition to the first section) 

  • ???? Pension Scheme: Handshake will provide you with a workplace pension, where you will make contributions based on 5% of your salary. Handshake will pay the equivalent of 3% towards your pension plan, subject to qualifying earnings limits.
  • ???? Up to 25 days of vacation to encourage people to reset, recharge, and refresh, in addition to 8 bank holidays throughout the year.
  • ???? Regular offsites each year to bring the team together + opportunity to travel to our HQ in San Francisco.
  • ????️ Discounts across various high street retailers, cinemas and other social activities exclusively for Handshake UK employees.

(Germany-specific benefits, in addition to the first section)

  • ???? 25 days of annual leave + 5 days of a winter #ShakeBreak, a one-week period of Collective Time Off across the company.
  • ???? Regular offsites each year to bring the team together + opportunity to travel to our HQ in San Francisco once a year.
  • ???? Urban sports club membership offering access to a diverse network of fitness and wellness facilities.
  • ????️ Discounts across various high street retailers, cinemas and other social activities exclusively for Handshake Germany employees.

For roles based in Romania: Please ask your recruiter about region specific benefits.

Looking for more? Explore our mission, values and comprehensive US benefits at

Handshake is committed to providing reasonable accommodations in our recruitment processes for candidates with disabilities, sincerely held religious beliefs or other reasons protected by applicable laws. If you need assistance or reasonable accommodation, please reach out to us at

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Senior Full-Stack Developer

KamiAuckland, New Zealand, Remote

Kami is hiring a Remote Senior Full-Stack Developer

Job Description

We are looking for talented developers who love to create amazing web experiences to join one of NZ’s fastest-growing startups. They are helping over 30 million teachers and students eliminate printing and scanning and the associated costs and effort - so teachers can spend more of their time on achieving better learning outcomes for the next generation.

As an engineer for this forward-thinking startup, you will not be locked in the backroom implementing specs sheets - you’ll be talking to the customers/teachers who already love their product, and figuring out how to make it work even better for them. This position will suit an Engineer with a good product sense and is comfortable working relatively autonomously but who can also collaborate well both internally and externally.

With the majority of users based in the US, when travel is back to normal, we may travel to attend conferences, trade shows and to visit schools using our software. So ideally you will relish the opportunity to travel and have no passport restrictions.


Technical skills and experience required for the role are:

  • Proficiency with Javascript, HTML, CSS, and experience working with large Single Page Applications (SPAs). Experience with frontend frameworks/libraries, e.g AngularJS, VueJS, React.
  • Strong product sense and ability to work with customers to design bespoke solutions.
  • Experience with developing high-performance front-end code, profiling with Chrome Developer tools.
  • Appetite to learn new languages and technologies.
  • They adopt the latest tech fast, including Service Workers, Native Client, and real-time communication in our app (Most of their users are on evergreen browsers, so we get to use the new web technologies).
  • This is primarily a front-end engineering position, however, they use Ruby, Rails, Java, Kubernetes (with GKE).
  • PostgreSQL and CockroachDB in the backend and experience with them is a bonus.
  • Great communication and engagement skills.
  • A positive, passionate and collaborative approach.

Technologies we use: (Nice to Have)

  • TypeScript
  • Rust

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Site Reliability Engineer (SRE/ DevOps) - Engineering Productivity

AristaPoland-Remote, Poland, Remote
DevOPSagileCommercial experienceDesignansiblec++dockerelasticsearchpostgresqlMySQLkuberneteslinuxjenkinspython

Arista is hiring a Remote Site Reliability Engineer (SRE/ DevOps) - Engineering Productivity

Job Description

Who You'll Work With

Arista Networks is looking for a skilled professional for our Engineering Productivity team to help maintain and support our rapidly expanding infrastructure and internal user base. The ideal candidate is someone who can wear many hats, can be versatile and is enthusiastic about learning new technologies.

As a part of the software engineering team, you will work with other team members to design, build and administer secure, scalable and fault-tolerant tools and infrastructure in a hybrid cloud environment.

What You'll Do

  • Building, integrating and maintaining tools and infrastructure facilitating internal development and testing.
  • Improve maintainability of build system
  • Evaluate new tools
  • Improve speed of information back to the development team within the build systems and processes
  • Troubleshoot and resolve systems and network issues.
  • Adherence to infrastructure-as-code principles.
  • Proactively ensure the highest levels of systems and infrastructure availability.
  • Participate in the design and implementation of new systems and infrastructure projects.


Essential Skills

  • Minimum 4+ years commercial experience in this space as a DevOps / SRE Engineer
  • Solid experience with Jenkins and GitHub, ideally with a background/understanding of the Atlassian stack of products (Confluence/Jira/Bamboo/Bitbucket)
  • UNIX / Linux systems administration (preferably RedHat/CentOS).
  • Scripting with Python or Bash or experience at least one high level language such as Go, C++, etc.. 
  • Experience with containerization and container orchestration (e.g. Docker, Kubernetes).
  • Experience with (CI/CD) orchestration and software configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible, Puppet, Salt, Chef).
  • Ability to work in a fast paced and agile development environment.
  • Excellent communication and documentation skills.
  • Working knowledge/experience with Makefile/make

Desired Skills

  • BS/MS degree in Computer Science or a relevant experience subject.
  • Experience with monitoring systems (e.g. Zabbix, Nagios, Prometheus, DataDog).
  • Experience with relational databases (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • Experience with virtualization technologies (e.g. VMware, XenServer, RHEV, QEMU/KVM).
  • Experience with any of the following: Elasticsearch, InfluxDB, Grafana, Artifactory.
  • Exposure to FPGA build projects
  • Exposure or experience with Vivado (Xilinx)


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Principal Software Engineer (Application Engineer) - Remote

InvisibleTechnologiesSan Francisco, CA, Remote

InvisibleTechnologies is hiring a Remote Principal Software Engineer (Application Engineer) - Remote

Job Description

Principal engineers at Invisible are able to follow multiple paths. Some of our Principal engineers are technical leads of teams and are responsible for people management of those teams. They oversee the technical vision for their area and ensure that there is proper mentorship

Other principal engineers lead through technical initiatives. These engineers oversee broad multi-team technical initiatives and own parts of our software stack (ex. Principal engineers might research and roll out new technical frameworks or might develop a new generation of our UI component library


  • Significant experience developing applications in team environments.
  • Able to work well with Product Managers to develop technical specifications for large projects with complex scope
  • Able to research and synthesize new technologies (frameworks, libraries, techniques) and explain and evangelize them to more junior engineers.
  • Experience using React for frontend development. (We use React, Next.js and Prisma)
  • Backend language experience including Node, Python (Flask/Django/etc.), Ruby on Rails, Symphony, etc.
  • Strong understanding of relational databases (MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.)

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Junior Ruby On Rails Developer

Infakt Sp. z o.o.Kraków, Poland, Remote

Infakt Sp. z o.o. is hiring a Remote Junior Ruby On Rails Developer

Opis oferty pracy

Praca z nami to:

  • na bieżąco aktualizowane wersje Ruby (2.5-2.7), Ruby On Rails (6.0-6.1) i PostgreSQL (11.9)
  • nowoczesne rozwiązania takie jak hosting w AWS, CDN, k8s, GithubActions,, HoneyBadger, ReactJS
  • duże skupienie na bezpieczeństwie aplikacji (regularne audyty, aktualizacje Ruby/Rails/gems, dependabot, szkolenia devefloperów w Niebezpieczniku i Sekuraku)
  • architektura oparta o mikroserwisy i komunikację RabbitMQ/RestAPI,
  • Tech Lead, z którym na co dzień pracujesz, na czele każdego zespołu
  • code review jako kluczowy element wdrażania nowego kodu,
  • bycie częścią 20-osobowego działu IT (5 zespołów po 2-4 developerów + testerzy)
  • spotkania wewnątrz IT, na których rozmawiamy o rozwiązaniach z ostatnich sprintów, ciekawostkach i planach technologicznych
  • LeSS (skalowalny Scrum), gdzie na wspólnym review całej firmy (marketing, sprzedaż, obsługa klienta i IT) pokazujemy, co nowego dostarczyliśmy Klientom
  • poukładane środowisko pracy przyjazne developerom, np. dedykowane środowiska testowe, code review, stale rozwijane testy automatyczne
  • jasno opisana ścieżka rozwoju (poziomy developera inFakt) oraz wdrożenia do zespołu
  • elastyczny czas rozpoczęcia pracy (między 7.00 a 10.00, jak Ci wygodnie) oraz tryb hybrydowy, jeśli chodzi o miejsce pracy (biuro – dom)


Zespół do którego trafisz:

  • rozwija naszą własną aplikację do fakturowania i księgowości, nr 1 na polskim rynku,
  • tworzy rozwiązania używane na co dzień  przez kilkadziesiąt tysięcy polskich przedsiębiorców
  • składa się z dwóch Developerów, Tech Leada, Testera, UX designera, Specjalisty Księgowego i Product Ownera,
  • współpracuje z innymi zespołami Ruby, zespołem mobilnym (iOS, Android) i infrastrukturalnym
  • wdraża funkcjonalności, których finalny kształt uwzględnia feedback od zespołu developerów, więc Twoja opinia ma znaczenie
  • pracuje nad jasnymi celami, które sam określa co kwartał
  • dzieli się wiedzą, wspiera i realizuje cele.


Szukam właśnie Ciebie, jeśli:

  • masz doświadczenie przy tworzeniu aplikacji w Ruby On Rails
  • znasz podstawy Ruby’ego, Railsów, GITa, JavaScript
  • znasz podstawy bezpieczeństwa dla aplikacji www
  • masz chęć szybkiego nauczenia się programowania na wysokim poziomie

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Entrée Capital | Data Engineer

SD SolutionsWarsaw, PL - Remote
3 years of experiencesqlpostgresqlpythonAWS

SD Solutions is hiring a Remote Entrée Capital | Data Engineer

On behalf of Entrée Capital, SD Solutions is looking for a talented Data Engineer.

SD Solutions is a staffing company operating globally. Contact us to get more details about the benefits we offer.


  • Lead the internal product development, including the product roadmap.
  • Explore new technologies to enrich data and drive conclusions.
  • Own and maintain the current platform while working with diverse tools.
  • Build, enhance, and maintain data pipelines, including sourcing data via scraping and APIs.
  • Potentially build a team from scratch (possibility for offshore).


  • 3 years of experience in hands-on development.
  • Data engineering skills, including SQL, PostgreSQL DB architecture, and complex queries, Python, AWS, and Airflow.
  • Ability to function independently, self-starter and self-driven, with the ability to lead product development, including vision and roadmap.
  • Apply software engineering skills and best practices such as version control, testing, and continuous integration (CI). Also, be familiar with creating and maintaining clean, structured, documented datasets ready for analysis with modern ETL/ELT, and collecting data from the open web and APIs using scraping tools.
  • Fluent English speaker with excellent communication and written skills.


  • Hands on technical experience from the IDF
  • Familiarity with R, and dbt
  • Familiarity with scrapy library in Python
  • Interest in VC and startups
  • BSc in Computer Science or equivalent

About the company:

Entrée Capital is a global venture capital firm founded in 2010, specializing in early-stage technology investments. With a focus on software, internet services, e-commerce, fintech, AI, and cybersecurity, we support innovative startups with disruptive technologies and scalable business models. Entrée Capital provides not only financial backing but also strategic guidance, mentorship, and access to their extensive network of experts. We actively collaborate with portfolio companies, leveraging their experience to help startups navigate challenges and accelerate their growth. By identifying high-potential companies and fostering partnerships with strong founding teams, Entrée Capital plays a vital role in shaping the success of emerging technology ventures.

By applying for this position, you agree to the terms outlined in our Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to review our Privacy Policy, and make sure you understand its contents. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.

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Software Engineer (back end)

ThrotleRed Bank, NJ, Remote
Full TimeS3golang3 years of experiencesqloracleDesignmongodbapijavapostgresqlAWSbackend

Throtle is hiring a Remote Software Engineer (back end)

SOFTWARE ENGINEER (Hybrid Position-In Office Tuesday -Thursday)

The Software Engineer will be part of the team responsible for designing, developing, and operating the integrations that make Throtle’s data onboarding solution work.  The ideal candidate can work with teammates in troubleshooting problems, designing solutions, and assessing situations in real time.  Our team is empowered to keep our operations and client-facing systems highly available for our clients and internal teams.
  • Create tools and solutions to manage and monitor external integrations 
  • Be involved in real-time assessment of issues and help develop solutions
  • Automate processes and sub-processes to enable greater scale and speed
  • Maintaining our existing code.  
  • Take part in performance & capacity monitoring and planning
  • At least 2-3 years of experience in backend software development 
  • Significant proficiency in one or more of these languages- Java, Golang
  • Experience in interacting with, and managing external APIs
  • Proficiency in Restful API Development 
  • Experience in containerization and scalable solutions 
  • Management of databases – PostgreSQL, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Experience interacting with AWS CLI, AWS Console, and AWS S3
  • Knowledge of software architecture, data structures, modern design patterns, and network protocols 
  • Ability to identify problems, and effectively communicate solutions to peers and management
  • Hands-on experience with a CI/CD environment
  • Exposure to NoSQL/Big Data: Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, MongoDB
  • Experience with high-volume transaction environments
About Throtle:
Throtle is a leading identity company trusted by the world’s top brands and agencies located in Red Bank, NJ. At Throtle, we empower brands at scale with true individual-based marketing using a data-centric identity and onboarding approach.
Throtle is a company that truly values its employees and their work-life balance. We offer a comprehensive, competitive, and inclusive set of health, financial, and other benefits that support your total well-being:

  • Competitive compensation.
  • Comprehensive benefits include Medical, Dental, and Vision.
  •  Life insurance.
  • Long-Term Disability
  • A generous PTO program.
  • A 401k plan supported by a company match.
  • Half Day Summer Fridays (close at 1 p.m. Memorial Day to Labor Day).
  • Early Fridays (office closes at 3 p.m.). 
  • Hybrid Schedule (Mondays and Fridays WFH)
  • The office is closed between Christmas and New Year.
  • Company-sponsored lunch at least 1x a month. 
    And much MORE!

    Throtle is an equal-opportunity employer that is committed to diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We prohibit discrimination and harassment of any kind based on race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other protected characteristic as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.

Flexible work from home options available.

Compensación: $100,000.00 - $130,000.00 per year

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Lead Database Engineer

TherapyNotes.comBoston,Massachusetts,United States, Remote
DevOPSDesignpostgresqllinux is hiring a Remote Lead Database Engineer

About Us

TherapyNotes is the go-to superhero for behavioral health Practice Management and EHR software! Our top-notch SaaS solution handles scheduling, billing, documenting, telehealth, and more so clinicians can focus on awesome patient care.

We're a dynamic team of pros who love to innovate and push the envelope, keeping our software cutting-edge. Join us, and let's revolutionize behavioral health software together while making a real difference!


TherapyNotes is seeking an experienced database professional to join our growing team. The right candidate will have extensive experience with PostgreSQL databases, both on-premise and in the cloud. They will be comfortable working in a highly collaborative, DevOps culture working across the technology organization.


  • BS degree in Information Systems, Engineering, or equivalent
  • 10+ years experience with relational database administration
  • 3+ years experience administering highly-available PostgreSQL databases
  • Expert in RDBMS principles, database design and normalization
  • Expert in PostgreSQL database architecture, concepts, features, and high-availability technologies
  • Expert in query optimization, indexing knowledge, modeling basics, materialized views and partitioning
  • Expert with PL/PgSQL, triggers, and stored procedure development and optimization in PostgreSQL
  • Proficiency with operating PostgreSQL in a Linux environment


  • Responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining critical database systems (PostgreSQL) which support a growing 24x7 SAAS platform
  • Provides leadership for all policies and procedures that govern data operations, security, management and usage
  • Participates in project management and sprint ceremonies to deliver solutions
  • Mentors, coaches and guides members of the database team
  • Communicates effectively with team members, other teams and stakeholders
  • Ensures the database design and operations support the availability, scalability, and recoverability needs of the business
  • Performs tuning and capacity management to ensure the database meets the performance needs of the business
  • Guides and provides direction to developers and engineers on database development, design principles, query optimization, and index management in a fully automated deployment pipeline
  • Provide support for development and testing including test data setup, automated testing scenarios, and dev/test environment data refreshes
  • Research and evaluate emerging database technologies and trends to enhance the use of data and databases within the organization
  • Accountable for complying with HIPAA security policies within the database platform
  • Provides on-call coverage for production support and manage


  • Competitive salary - $110,000-$150,000
  • Employer provided medical, dental, vision, life, and disability insurance.
  • Retirement plan with company contribution
  • Annual company profit sharing and bonus
  • Personal development/training budget
  • Open, collaborative work environment
  • Extensive 2-week onboarding plan
  • Comprehensive mentorship program

TherapyNotes, LLC is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. All applicants will be considered for employment without attention to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran or disability status. All candidates whom have been given a conditional offer of employment with TherapyNotes, LLC must also undergo a criminal background check.



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Database Engineer / Admin - Postgres / MySQL

ServiceNowHeredia, Costa Rica, Remote

ServiceNow is hiring a Remote Database Engineer / Admin - Postgres / MySQL

Job Description

We are currently seeking a Database Engineer to join our Database SWAT team (Software Action Team).

The Database SWAT Team ensures the production stability of our customer application(s) and infrastructure services from an operations perspective. Our engineers are responsible for production stability and "champions at all service levels” and act as the last level of support for our customers (internal and external). 
The ideal candidate for this position is a database engineer / database admin with a background in database technologies, performance analysis, and troubleshooting skills. The candidate must have a passion for chasing issues of complex systems running under dynamic, real-world loads. You will work in a fast-paced, innovative environment that allows direct influence on the organization and all our customers. In this role you will support the infrastructure by learning the platform from end to end.

What you get to do in this role:

  • Develop automation tools to facilitate and improve day-to-day operations
  • Become an SME in production triage, gain broad knowledge across ServiceNow's application and codebase, work with all the groups within Engineering/Operations, and groups outside of Operations (e.g. Customer Support).
  • Learn how to identify bugs and solve challenging performance issues quickly. SWAT provides an excellent opportunity to learn and grow as a well-rounded problem and performance analyst.


To be successful in this role you have:

  • 4+ years of performance engineering/database experience with PostgreSQL - MySQL - MariaDB
  • 4+ years of experience supporting or testing large-scale web-based distributed applications
  • 4+ years of hands-on experience working on a SaaS, PaaS, or Cloud Infrastructure product/solution
  • Unix skills: including development, navigation, file manipulation, permissions, searching/finding files and text contents, and administrative actions
  • Strong problem-solving and analytical skills with an aptitude for learning new technologies
  • And most importantly, eagerness to learn everything about the ServiceNow Platform

Desired Skills:  

  • Experience with Postgres and MySQL query tuning and database performance optimization
  • Experience with ServiceNow platform, scripting, tuning, and troubleshooting is highly preferred.
  • Scripting: basic shell scripting, Python, Javascript
  • Good understanding of schemas, table spaces, indexing, and database performance optimization
  • Familiarity or knowledge of CentOS/RedHat operating system
  • Formal experience on a DevOps or Performance or support team supporting a Web-Based application is desired

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Développeur FullStack Java/Angular

DevoteamTunis, Tunisia, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Développeur FullStack Java/Angular

Description du poste

???? Notre Environnement Technique

Java 8+ (Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring JPA, Spring Data, Maven, Gradle), J2EE, Hibernate.

JavaScript (TypeScript, Angular 6+), SASS, Karma, Jasmine.

PostgreSQL, DynamoDB. MongoDB, MySQL, MS Server, H2.

AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure.

Git, Docker (Swarm, Rancher, Kubernetes, Compose).

Architecture SOA, WOA, Microservices.

Nous opérons dans un cadre de Devops (CI/CD), de la manière la plus agile possible.

????Nos Missions

En rejoignant cette équipe de passionnés de technologie :

  • Vous interviendrez sur les nombreux projets et problématiques de nos clients,
  • Vous participerez activement aux phases projet (analyse/développement, mise en place et livraison) en proposant des solutions.
  • Vous réaliserez “from scratch” des projets,
  • Vous adresserez les problématiques d’architecture, de testabilité, de maintenabilité en proposant des solutions,
  • Nous partagerons les bonnes pratiques et sujets innovants quotidiennement,
  • Nous apprendrons grâce à vous et vous apprendrez de nous,
  • Vous participerez à la vie du pôle web (BBL, crossDT, soirée technique, …),
  • Nous partagerons des moments conviviaux en fin de journée autour d’un verre.


???? Compétences

De formation Bac+5, d’une École d’Ingénieur ou équivalent, vous êtes non seulement capable d’apprendre et de réaliser des développements en technologies web innovantes mais aussi de comprendre, débugger et maintenir des bases de code moins récentes. Vous savez prendre du recul sur vos réalisations et celles de vos collègues, ainsi que proposer et mettre en place des améliorations.

La qualité, la robustesse, l’optimisation et les performances, ainsi que la précision de l’interface sont des concepts qui comptent pour vous.

Nous recherchons des personnes ayant déjà 4 années d’expérience en développement Java et Angular, ainsi qu’en intégration graphique & responsive design (HTML, CSS), et qui ont l’envie d’intervenir sur des projets ambitieux et de partager leur passion.

Alors si tout ceci vous correspond, si vous souhaitez progresser et produire, apprendre et partager, rejoignez-nous !

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Senior Python Developer

Nile BitsCairo, Egypt, Remote

Nile Bits is hiring a Remote Senior Python Developer

Job Description

  • Writing reusable, testable, and efficient code.
  • Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications.
  • Integration of user-facing elements developed by front-end developers with server side logic.
  • Implementation of security and data protection.
  • Integration of data storage solutions.


  • Proven experience of web application development using Django or similar technologies (e.g. FastAPI or Flask)
  • Proven experience of programming in Python and JavaScript (TypeScript is a plus)
  • Proven experience in working with relational databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL and MSSQL
  • Proven experience of Redis, AWS SQS, Rabbit MQ
  • Front end development skills – Vue.js, CSS, HTML, app state management through Vuex/Pinia, knowledge of NuxtJS is a plus.
  • Experience working with distributed systems and different communication patterns and protocols, e.g. RESTful API, GraphQL, message queue systems, such as Celery
  • Experience with object oriented programming, design patterns and distributed systems design
  • An appreciation for test driven development or willingness to learn

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Software Engineer - Go

AJ BellHybrid - WFH / Bristol, United Kingdom, Remote

AJ Bell is hiring a Remote Software Engineer - Go

Job Description

We're looking for a range of developers at different stages in their career and offer Go training for experienced engineers who haven’t used Go before. 

The Touch team is developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. 

The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible.

We're building a mobile first investment app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their Smartphone. 

What you'll do:

  • Engage in the full software development lifecycle: requirements gathering with stakeholders, working as a team to build and test features, managing deployment and supporting the service in production. 
  • Work as part of a distributed team made up of self-motivated and collaborative individuals. Much of our communication is remote and async so good communication skills are key. 
  • Iteratively make improvements to a new product while aligning to our mutually agreed design and architectural principles. 
  • Always looking for ways we can improve our product, processes and practices. We don’t like friction and waste. 
  • Automated testing, continuous integration and continuous deployment. We are huge proponents of automation. 
  • Working outside of your specialism when needed. While all our team members have a specialism, we don’t let that restrain us. Our engineers jump in to help get things done even in technologies out of their core competency. 

What you'll have:

  • Excellent programming and problem solving skills 
  • Understanding of relevant software design patterns and paradigms, such as OOAD, DDD, MVC, microservices, containers/orchestration or event-driven architecture 
  • Experience in creating performant, scalable, secure and well tested code. 
  • You take ownership of tasks and problems, clearing roadblocks and pulling in other people to help when needed. 

Our tools and technologies: 

The below are all things that we are either currently using or have found to be a useful foundation when joining our team. Prior knowledge of them is not essential but would be beneficial to the role: 

  • Go (we can offer training for experienced engineers who haven’t used Go before) 
  • gRPC/proto 
  • PostgreSQL 
  • The HashiCorp stack, such as Nomad, Terraform and Vault 
  • Docker 

Other technologies we use include:  

  • TypeScript and Vue 
  • Dart and Flutter 

About Touch by AJ Bell:

Touch are developing a next generation investment platform. We want to use technology to improve the way consumers access financial advice and manage their investments. The majority of existing platforms are still reliant on software and processes that aren’t capable of supporting today’s technology, so we started from scratch, developing a modern platform that is as efficient as possible.

We're building a mobile first investment app that lets advisers manage their clients' investments entirely through their smartphone.

We originally founded the company (then Adalpha Ltd) in 2018, before being acquired in 2021 by AJ Bell, one of the UK's largest investment platforms and part of the FTSE 250 Index, to support the development of their digital services.

About AJ Bell:

AJ Bell is one of the fastest-growing investment platform businesses in the UK offering an award-winning range of solutions that caters for everyone, from professional financial advisers, to DIY investors with little to no experience. We have over 528,000 customers using our award-winning platform propositions to manage assets totalling more than £83.7 billion. Our customers trust us with their investments, and by continuously striving to make investing easier, we aim to help even more people take control of their financial futures.

Having listed on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange in December 2018, AJ Bell is now a FTSE 250 company.

Headquartered in Manchester with offices in central London and Bristol, we now have over 1,400 employees and have been named one of the UK's 'Best 100 Companies to Work For’ for six consecutive years.

At AJ Bell you can expect a friendly working environment with a strong sense of teamwork, we have a great sense of pride in what we do, and this is reflected in our guiding principles.

Our perks and benefits:

  • Starting salary of £40,000 - £80,000 (Depending on experience)
  • Starting holiday entitlement of 25 days, increasing up to 31 days with length of service
  • Holiday buy and sell scheme
  • A choice of pension schemes with matched contributions up to 6%
  • Discretionary bonus scheme
  • Annual free share awards scheme
  • Buy As You Earn (BAYE) Scheme
  • Health Cash Plan – provided by Medicash
  • Discounted private healthcare scheme and dental plan
  • Free gym membership
  • Employee Assistance Programme
  • Bike loan scheme
  • Sick pay+ pledge
  • Enhanced maternity, paternity, and shared parental leave
  • Loans for travel season tickets
  • Death in service scheme
  • Dedicated time for proof-of-concepts and assessing new tech
  • Support to attend conferences, events, and meet-ups
  • Paid time off for volunteer work
  • Charitable giving opportunities through salary sacrifice
  • Calendar of social events, including monthly payday drinks, annual Christmas party, summer party and much more
  • Personal development programmes built around you and your career goals, including access to personal skills workshops
  • Ongoing technical training
  • Professional qualification support
  • Talent management programmes
  • Peer recognition scheme, with rewards including restaurant and shopping vouchers or time off
  • Monthly leadership breakfasts and lunches
  • Casual dress code
  • Access to a range of benefits from our sponsorship deals

Hybrid working:

At AJ Bell, our people are the heart of our culture. We believe in building strong connections by working together. That's why we offer a hybrid working model, where you’ll spend a minimum of 50% of your working time per month in the office. For new team members, an initial period will be full-time in the office to help you immerse yourself in our business and build valuable relationships with your colleagues.

AJ Bell is committed to providing an environment of mutual respect where equal employment opportunities are available to all applicants and all employees are empowered to bring their whole self to work.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, pregnancy, religion, physical and mental disability, marital status and any other characteristics protected by the Equality Act 2010. All decisions to hire are based on qualifications, merit and business need.

If you like the sound of the above, or just want to know more about the company and the role, we'd love to speak to you.


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