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Plain Concepts

A software development company.
Specialists in disruptive solutions based on Artificial Intelligence, Mixed Reality, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, and Cloud, Plain Concepts’ offers customized, innovative and attractive solutions for a wide variety of digital needs, always aiming to incorporate the latest available technologies.

Headquarter Location:
Madrid, Spain

Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Data & BI Developer

Estamos ampliando nuestros equipos de desarrollo, no nos importan mucho el título, pero a este rol le llamamos BI Developer y la clave es la experiencia en análisis y visualización de datos con PowerBI, conocimientos en Azurey constantes ganas de seguir aprendiendo.

Nuestra visión es construir equipos multidisciplinares, los cuales autogestionan directamente de forma AGILE los proyectos, para encontrar y realizar las mejores soluciones????

¿Qué harás?

  • Analizar los requisitos del negocio y de los usuarios para desarrollar modelos semánticos
  • Analizar, consultar y transformar datos utilizando DAX.
  • Analizar soluciones de Business Intelligence.
  • Modelado de bases de datos.
  • Trabajar en proyectos que ayuden a conseguir los objetivos de los equipos y de la empresa, manteniendo la autonomía al hacerlo.
  • Cooperar y ayudar a otros Desarrolladores, ya que todos tenemos los mismos objetivos.
  • Sólida experiencia con PowerBI (visualización, modelado, DAX)
  • Sólida experiencia con modelos tabulares.
  • Dominio de SQL y experiencia con base de datos SQL Server.
  • Experiencia en toma y traducción de requisitos comerciales en soluciones de análisis de datos y generación de informes.
  • Experiencia con Azure Services.
  • Experiencia en pipeliens con Data Factory.
  • Experiencia o familiaridad con tecnologías de Big Data es un plus.
  • Salario acorde al mercado y tu experiencia ????
  • Horario flexible 35 horas / semana (sin reducción de salario) ????
  • Trabajo remoto 100% (opcional) ????
  • Retribución flexible (restaurante, transporte y guardería) ✌
  • Seguro médico y dental (totalmente gratuito para el empleado) ????
  • Presupuesto individual para formación y certificaciones de Microsoft gratuitas ????
  • Clases de inglés ????
  • Día libre por tu cumpleaños ????????
  • Bonus mensual en concepto de electricidad e internet en casa ????
  • Descuento en plan de gimnasio y actividades deportivas ????
  • Plain Camp (evento anual de team building) ????

➕ El gusto de trabajar siempre con las últimas herramientas tecnológicas.

Con toda esta info ya conoces mucho de nosotros, ¿nos dejas que conozcamos más de ti?

¿El proceso de selección? – Sencillo, 3 pasos: una llamada y 2 entrevistas con el equipo ????

Y te preguntarás… ¿Quién es Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts somos más de 400 personas apasionadas por la tecnología, movidas por el cambio hacia la búsqueda de las mejores soluciones para nuestros clientes y proyectos.

A lo largo de estos años, la empresa ha crecido gracias al gran potencial técnico que tenemos dentro y apoyándonos siempre en nuestras ideas más locas e innovadoras. Contamos con más de 14 oficinas en 6 países diferentes. Nuestro objetivo principal es seguir creciendo como equipo, realizando los mejores y más avanzados proyectos en el mercado.

Realmente creemos en la importancia de reunir personas de diferentes ámbitos y países para formar el mejor equipo, con una cultura plural e inclusiva.

¿Qué hacemos en Plain?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. Desarrollamos proyectos a medida desde 0, consultorías técnicas, formación y nuestro producto propio, Sidra????

  • No hacemos bodyshopping ni outsorcing
  • Nuestros equipos son multidisciplinares y la estructura de organización es plana y horizontal
  • Muy comprometidos con los valores AGILE
  • Vivir es compartir, nos ayudamos, apoyamos y animamos mutuamente para ampliar nuestros conocimientos internamente y también de cara a la comunidad (con conferencias, eventos, charlas..)
  • Siempre buscamos la creatividad e innovación, incluso cuando la idea es una locura para otros
  • La transparencia, clave para cualquier relación.

Hacemos realidad las ideas y soluciones de nuestros clientes con un alto grado de excelencia técnica, para más información visita nuestra web:

En Plain Concepts, sin duda, buscamos ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades. Queremos solicitantes con diversidad sin importar la raza, color, género, religión, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, discapacidad, edad, orientación sexual o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Full Stack Developer (.NET)

Estamos ampliando nuestros equipos de desarrollo, no nos importan mucho el título, pero a este rol le llamamos Software Engineer y la clave es la experiencia en desarrollo de software en entornos .NET, conocimientos en cloudy experiencia trabajando conReact, Angular o Vue.

Nuestra visión es construir equipos multidisciplinares, los cuales autogestionan directamente de forma AGILE los proyectos, para encontrar y realizar las mejores soluciones????

¿Qué harás?

  • Desarrollarás proyectos desde cero bajo supervisión mínima y con la colaboración del equipo.
  • Participarás en el diseño de arquitecturas y toma de decisiones en un entorno constructivo y con dinámica de cocreación.
  • Trabajarás bajo conceptos SOLID.
  • Serás pieza clave en el desarrollo de buenas prácticas, código limpio y reusable.
  • Experiencia de al menos 4 años trabajando en entorno .NET
  • Experiencia en diseño de arquitecturas
  • Experiencia trabajando con Azure Services
  • Experiencia trabajando con React, Angular o Vue.js
  • Conocimiento en aplicación de CI/CD como parte indispensable del desarrollo de software
  • Buen nivel de inglés (entorno internacional)
  • Buena interacción y capacidad de trabajo con los diferentes equipos de las oficinas a nivel global
  • Pasión por la tecnología y desarrollo de software
  • Constantes ganas de aprender y habilidad para aprender rápidamente
  • Team player

  • Horario flexible 35 horas / semana ???? (sin reducción de salario)
  • Trabajo remoto 100% (opcional) ????
  • Retribución flexible (restaurante, transporte y guardería) ✌
  • Seguro médico y dental (totalmente gratuito para el empleado) ????
  • Presupuesto individual para formación y certificaciones de Microsoft gratuitas ????
  • Clases de inglés (1 hora a la semana) ????
  • Día libre por tu cumpleaños ????????
  • Bonus mensual en concepto de electricidad e internet en casa ????
  • Descuento en plan de gimnasio y actividades deportivas ????
  • Plain Camp (evento anual de team building) ????

➕ El gusto de trabajar siempre con las últimas herramientas tecnológicas.

Con toda esta info ya conoces mucho de nosotros, ¿nos dejas que conozcamos más de ti?

¿El proceso de selección?– Sencillo, 3 pasos: una llamada y 2 entrevistas con el equipo ????

Y te preguntarás… ¿Quién es Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts somos más de 400 personas apasionadas por la tecnología, movidas por el cambio hacia la búsqueda de las mejores soluciones para nuestros clientes y proyectos.

A lo largo de estos años, la empresa ha crecido gracias al gran potencial técnico que tenemos dentro y apoyándonos siempre en nuestras ideas más locas e innovadoras. Contamos con más de 14 oficinas en 6 países diferentes. Nuestro objetivo principal es seguir creciendo como equipo, realizando los mejores y más avanzados proyectos en el mercado.

Realmente creemos en la importancia de reunir personas de diferentes ámbitos y países para formar el mejor equipo, con una cultura plural e inclusiva.

¿Qué hacemos en Plain?

Nos caracterizamos por tener un ADN 100% técnico. Desarrollamos proyectos a medida desde 0, consultorías técnicas y formaciones.

  • No hacemos bodyshopping ni outsorcing
  • Nuestros equipos son multidisciplinares y la estructura de organización es plana y horizontal
  • Muy comprometidos con los valores AGILE
  • Vivir es compartir, nos ayudamos, apoyamos y animamos mutuamente para ampliar nuestros conocimientos internamente y también de cara a la comunidad (con conferencias, eventos, charlas..)
  • Siempre buscamos la creatividad e innovación, incluso cuando la idea es una locura para otros
  • La transparencia, clave para cualquier relación.

Hacemos realidad las ideas y soluciones de nuestros clientes con un alto grado de excelencia técnica, para más información visita nuestra web:

En Plain Concepts, sin duda, buscamos ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades. Queremos solicitantes con diversidad sin importar la raza, color, género, religión, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, discapacidad, edad, orientación sexual o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Junior Artificial Intelligence Engineer

We are expanding our development teams and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role Artificial Intelligence Engineer.

As an Artificial Intelligence Engineer, you will be part our Artificial Intelligence team developing tailored solutions to satisfy our client's needs. We are looking for a passionateAI Engineer eager to learn and grow in the area.

You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, taking care of the software engineering challenges associated with AI. You will take part in challenging projects using cutting edge technologies.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary teams which directly manage projects in an AGILEway to find and implement the best solutions ????

You will be responsible for:

  • Participating in the design and development of AI solutions for challenging projects.
  • Building production level ML/AI solutions, with solid software engineering and ML/AI principles.
  • MLOps.
  • Automated deployment and monitoring (models and infrastructure).
  • Data analysis (data cleaning, variable transformation, etc.).
  • Developing and training ML models.
  • Putting AI models into production. This means parallelizing, optimizing, tuning, testing the models to deploy in a production environment.

What are we looking for?

  • At least two years of experience in AI / Machine Learning / Computer Science
  • Python and SQL understanding.
  • Experience working with Azure or other cloud-based solution.
  • Knowlege about building ML/deep learning pipelines and models.
  • Experience/knowlege with Deep learning/ML frameworks like pandas, scikit-learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow, etc.
  • Experience with source code version control tools.

Nice to have:

  • Experience/Knowlege with DevOps technology (Docker, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, etc.)

What do we offer?

  • Salary determined by the market and your experience ????
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ???? (1 year trial period)
  • Fully remote work (optional) ????
  • Flexible compensation (restaurant, transport, and childcare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free of charge for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • English lessons (1 hour/week) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team-building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a DNA 100% technical. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, and training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Sharing is caring: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

To know more about us, take a look in our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Presales Specialist / Growth

We are expanding our teams and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role Presales Specialist / Growth.

As an Presales Specialist / Growth, you will be working closely with sales and engineering teams developing tailored solutions to satisfy our client's needs. We are looking for a passionateGrowth eager to learn and grow in the area.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary teams which directly manage projects in an AGILEway to find and implement the best solutions ????

You will be responsible for:

  • Collaborate closely with the sales team to understand client requirements and develop tailored presentations that effectively communicate our value proposition.
  • Design and create professional and visually engaging presentations that align with client expectations and our brand standards.
  • Understand and analyze clients' business models and technological needs to provide insightful recommendations and strategies.
  • Work alongside the sales team to develop a deep understanding of the client's industry, challenges, and goals, ensuring presentations are relevant and impactful.
  • Provide advice and guidance to the sales team on the best approach to pitch presentations, ensuring a coherent and persuasive narrative.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and technologies to incorporate relevant information into client presentations.

What are we looking for?

  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in a similar pre-sales, sales support, or business development role within the IT consultancy or technology sector.
  • Proven experience in creating and delivering high-quality presentations using PowerPoint, with strong design and layout skills.
  • Solid understanding of business concepts, technology trends, and the ability to quickly learn about different industries and technologies.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams.
  • Strong analytical skills to understand and interpret client needs and market conditions.
  • Fluency in English is a must.

Nice to have:

  • Experience working in IT consultancy or technology sales environments.
  • Background in business, marketing or arts is welcome :)

What do we offer?

  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ????
  • Fully remote work ????
  • Flexible compensation (restaurant, transport, and childcare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free of charge for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • English lessons (1 hour/week) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team-building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 500 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a DNA 100% technical. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, and training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Sharing is caring: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

To know more about us, take a look in our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Senior Full Stack .NET Developer (Remote)

We are expanding our development teams and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role Software Development Engineer and the key is having a strong experience in software development in .NET environments, good knowledge in Azureand not afraid to tackleFrontendchallenges.

In Plain Concepts,you and all your teammates will be Full Stack Developers, focusing your expertise in different specializations, but with a constant desire to keep learning and help developing all the parts of the software.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary and diverse teams which directly manage by themselves multiple projects in an AGILE way to find and implement the best solutions for our clients ????

What will you do?

  • Projects from scratch with the latest technologies.
  • Design of architecture and the decision-making process in a constructive environment with co-creation dynamics.
  • Participate, review, help and take care of the projects where your teammates are involved.
  • Work with scrum methodology.
  • Be a key player in the development of the best practices, clean and reusable code.
  • Be up to date with the latest tools and technologies in the market.
  • 5+ years of experience working with .NET.
  • Experience in solution design and architecture.
  • Experience using AZURE services.
  • Experience with testing (unit testing, integration tests, etc.).
  • Experience working with any frontend framework (React, Angular, Vue)
  • Knowledge in CI/CD application as an essential part of software development.
  • Good English level (international environment).
  • Good interaction and ability to work with the different teams throughout our global offices.
  • Passion for technology and software development.
  • Previous experience leading client meetings.
  • Constant drive to learn and ability to learn quickly.
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week???? (no salary reduction)
  • Fully remote work from any city in Romania ????️
  • Continuously internal trainings by our international teams ????????‍????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • 25 days of annual leave????
  • Private medical insurance (Regina Maria) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Support as an regional event speaker ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

Meet the team here:

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Living is sharing: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

We make our clients’ ideas and solutions a reality with a high degree of technical excellence, for more information you can visit our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Technical Delivery Manager (Remote)

We are expanding our Engineering teams, and we don't focus much on the title, but for this role, we call it an Delivery Manager. The key requirements are experience in people management with agile methodologies and technical background in Microsoft technologies.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary teams that self-manage projects directly in an AGILE manner to discover and implement the best solutions ????

What will you do?

  • Manage teams from 4 to 7 software developers.
  • Support high-performance collaborative teams in project management and development.
  • Collaborate with teams to align them with the company's culture and goals.
  • Manage team capacity and size, getting involved in the hiring processes for new members.
  • Assist team members in their personal and professional development.
  • Improve communication among team members and ensure their well-being by considering their concerns and ambitions.
  • Establish a culture of open communication and feedback with team members.
  • Foster an environment where the team feels supported and backed if needed.
  • Work with the team to identify conflicts and propose improvements to practices and processes.
  • Work in an Agile environment.
  • Experience in managing people and software engineering projects.
  • Solid technical background in Microsoft technologies (.NET, Azure).
  • Experience applying agile methodologies.
  • Strong knowledge and interest in good software development practices.
  • Excellent communication and adaptability skills.
  • Ability to motivate and inspire colleagues.
  • Ability to detect and resolve conflicts.
  • Teamwork skills - we are team players!
  • Proficiency in English is a must.
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week???? (no salary reduction)
  • Fully remote work from any city in Romania ????️
  • Continuously internal trainings by our international teams ????????‍????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • 25 days of annual leave????
  • Private medical insurance (Regina Maria) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Support as an regional event speaker ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

Meet the team here:

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Living is sharing: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

We make our clients’ ideas and solutions a reality with a high degree of technical excellence, for more information you can visit our website:


At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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BC & CRM Expert

Plain ConceptsSpain, Remote

Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote BC & CRM Expert

We are expanding our IT team and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role BC & CRM Expertand the key is the experience in design, develop and support of Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC (Business Central) and CRM (Customer Relationship Management)applications, which will be heavily used by the company’s workforce .

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary and diverse teams, which directly manage by themselves multiple projects in an AGILE way to find and implement the best solutions for our clients ????

What will you do?

  • Full lifecycle implementation of Microsoft Dynamics Business Central including requirements gathering, documentation, design, test, train, and support.
  • Identify software or service opportunities for existing and new clients and opportunities that support growth initiatives.
  • Work with users and stakeholders to document business and technical processes, requirements for custom development needs.
  • Assist with application updates and upgrades.
  • Provide on-going support to users including following-up on tickets with appropriate urgency.
  • Should have strong understanding and hands on experience working and developing on D365 platform with expertise in Solution Management , customizing Entities, Forms & Fields, creating Workflows, Business Process Flows, MS Flows, Security related features like Access Teams and Roles , Plugins, Fetch xml, Power Apps and other relevant D365 platform features.
  • Develop custom features by building plugins using C#/.Net /Azure functions.
  • Should have a good understanding of database concepts (Like SQL, or any other relational database) to build well performing applications.
  • Build integrations with various external applications using out of the box API’s and REST based Webservices and tools like Azure Data Factory .
  • Design various functionality using D365 out of the box features as well as customize as needed which are scalable and perform well.
  • Support an enterprise product release cycle of many concurrent versions by collaborating with cross-functional Agile teams.
  • Measure and improve release quality and efficiency and adapt to changing business needs.
  • Should be able to help and guide the team on the Dynamics best practices and always strive to do the right thing.
  • At least 2-4 years managing and supporting Dynamics 365 Business Central.
  • Visual Studio Code and the AL Language knowledge.
  • Should be a developer at heart and have a strong hands on experience working on Microsoft Dynamics 365 product and platform with experience in D365 Security, Solutions Management, Web resources and Dot Net Libraries, plugins and workflows.
  • Should be able to help design applications using the best database concepts and design principles/standards with the right architecture and scalability.
  • Exposure to Azure DevOps or other similar enterprise tools.
  • Good understanding of the CRM business functionality like Lead Generation, Accounts and Opportunity Management, Order and Invoice Management is desirable.
  • Passionate team player who is willing to go the extra mile to achieve the team goals and takes the team along with him/her towards success.
  • Good verbal and written communication skills to be able to articulate technical aspects.
  • Expertise in the following domains is desired but not required: ITIL, agile frameworks (Scrum), continuous improvement frameworks.
  • Microsoft Dynamics 365 BC/CRM Certifications will be highly valued.
  • Salary determined by the market and your experience ????
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ???? (no salary reduction).
  • Fully remote work ????
  • Flexible remuneration (restaurant, transportation and daycare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • Individual English classes ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal.
  • We are very committed to AGILE values.
  • Living is sharing: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…).
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others.
  • Transparency is key to any relationship.

We make our clients ideas and solutions a reality with a high degree of technical excellence, for more information you can visit our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

See more jobs at Plain Concepts

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Senior IA/ML Engineer (Eng/Esp)

We are expanding our development teams and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role Senior Data Scientist.

As an Data Scientist Engineer, you will be part our international AI/ML team developing tailored solutions to satisfy our client's needs. We are looking for a passionate engineer with background in machine/deep learning. You will be training, and deploying models, putting research into production, among other tasks.

You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, taking care of the software engineering challenges associated with AI. You will take part in challenging projects using cutting edge technologies. You will work in an international environment with the possibility of working from home or from our offices.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary teams which directly manage projects in an AGILE way to find and implement the best solutions ????

You will be responsible for:

  • Participating in the design and development of AI solutions for challenging projects.
  • Building production level ML/AI solutions, with solid software engineering and ML/AI principles.
  • MLOps Automated deployment and monitoring (models and infrastructure).
  • Data analysis (data cleaning, variable transformation, etc.).
  • Developing and training ML models.
  • Putting AI models into production.
  • This means parallelizing, optimizing, tuning, testing the models to deploy in a production environment.

What are we looking for?

  • More than 5 years of experience in AI / Machine Learning / Computer Science.
  • Can build an “end-to-end software product” which has machine learning component.
  • Knowledges in applied computer vision.
  • Strong skills in Python and reasonable SQL understanding.
  • Experience in building ML/deep learning pipelines and models.
  • Experience in implementing production ready ML models using current ML/Deep learning techniques.
  • MLOps experience is very valuable for the team
  • Experience in projects with NLP is neccesary

Very nice to have:

  • Experience with Deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch etc.
  • Experience with Big Data projects and tools. E
  • Experience writing RESTful web services.
  • Experience with DevOps technology (Docker, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, etc.)
  • Experience with source code version control tools.
  • Experience working with Azure or other cloud-based solution.
  • Azure Machine Learning: Experience with Azure Machine Learning is a plus, although not essential.
  • Deep learning and neural networks.
  • Expertise in deep learning and high-level neural networks.
  • Experience with one or more of the following: Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, recommendation systems, unsupervised learning, ranking systems or similar.
  • TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow serving y grpc.
  • Unit testing knowledge.
  • Solid object-oriented programming skills.

What do we offer?

  • Salary determined by the market and your experience ????
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ???? (1 year trial period)
  • Fully remote work (optional) ????
  • Flexible compensation (restaurant, transport, and childcare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free of charge for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • English lessons (1 hour/week) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team-building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a DNA 100% technical. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, and training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Sharing is caring: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

To know more about us, take a look in our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Data Scientist

We are expanding our development teams and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role Data Scientist.

As an Data Scientist, you will be part our international Artificial Intelligence/ML team developing tailored solutions to satisfy our client's needs. We are looking for a passionate Engineer with background in IA/machine/deep learning. You will be training, and deploying models, putting research into production, among other tasks.

You will be part of a multidisciplinary team, taking care of the software engineering challenges associated with AI/ML. You will take part in challenging projects using cutting edge technologies. You will work in an international environment with the possibility of working from home or from our offices.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary teams which directly manage projects in an AGILE way to find and implement the best solutions ????

You will be responsible for:

  • Participating in the design and development of AI solutions for challenging projects.
  • Building production level ML/AI solutions, with solid software engineering and ML/AI principles.
  • MLOps.
  • Automated deployment and monitoring (models and infrastructure).
  • Data analysis (data cleaning, variable transformation, etc.).
  • Developing and training ML models.
  • Putting AI models into production. This means parallelizing, optimizing, tuning, testing the models to deploy in a production environment.

What are we looking for?

  • 3 or more years of experience in AI / Machine Learning / Computer Science.
  • Can build an “end-to-end software product” which has machine learning component.
  • Strong skills in Python and reasonable SQL understanding.
  • Experience in building ML/deep learning pipelines and models.
  • Experience in implementing production ready ML models using current ML/Deep learning techniques.
  • Experience with Deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow, PyTorch etc.
  • Experience with Big Data projects and tools.
  • Experience writing RESTful web services.
  • Experience with DevOps technology (Docker, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, etc.)
  • Experience with source code version control tools.
  • Experience working with Azure or other cloud-based solution.
  • English is a must

What do we offer?

  • Salary determined by the market and your experience ????
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ????
  • Fully remote work (optional) ????
  • Flexible compensation (restaurant, transport, and childcare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free of charge for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • English lessons (1 hour/week) ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team-building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Conceptsis made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a DNA 100% technical. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy and training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal
  • We are very committed to AGILE values
  • Sharing is caring: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…)
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others
  • Transparency is key to any relationship

To know more about us, take a look in our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Senior Big Data Engineer

Estamos ampliando nuestros equipos de Ingeniería, no nos importa mucho el título, pero a este rol lo llamamos Big Data Engineer, y la clave es la experiencia en Python o Scala, Spark y Cloud.

Nuestra visión es construir equipos multidisciplinares, los cuales autogestionan directamente de forma AGILE los proyectos, para encontrar y realizar las mejores soluciones????

¿Qué harás?

  • Desarrollarás proyectos desde cero bajo supervisión mínima y con la colaboración del equipo.
  • Participarás en el diseño de arquitecturas y toma de decisiones en un entorno constructivo y con dinámica de cocreación.
  • Serás pieza clave en el desarrollo de buenas prácticas, código limpio y reusable.
  • Desarrollarás ETLs con Spark (Python / Scala).
  • Desarrollarás proyectos en cloud (Azure / AWS).
  • Construirás pipelines escalables con diferentes tecnologías: airflow, data factory,...
  • Al menos 5 años de experiencia en ingeniería de software / datos.
  • Sólida experiencia en Python o Scala y Spark procesando grandes volúmenes de datos.
  • Experiencia en Cloud (Azure, AWS o GCP).
  • Experiencia en la creación de data pipelines (CI/CD).
  • Conocimiento en bases de datos SQL y NoSQL.
  • Experiencia en testing (unitarios, de integración, etc).
  • Experiencia o conocimiento de IaC.
  • Se valorará positivamente experiencia en Databricks y Snowflake.
  • Se valorará positivamente experiencia o conocimiento en Power BI.
  • English it´s a must.
  • Team player.
  • Salario acorde al mercado y tu experiencia ????
  • Horario flexible 35 horas / semana (sin reducción de salario) ????
  • Trabajo remoto 100% (opcional) ????
  • Retribución flexible (restaurante, transporte y guardería) ✌
  • Seguro médico y dental (totalmente gratuito para el empleado) ????
  • Presupuesto individual para formación y certificaciones de Microsoft gratuitas ????
  • Clases de inglés ????
  • Día libre por tu cumpleaños ????????
  • Bonus mensual en concepto de electricidad e internet en casa ????
  • Descuento en plan de gimnasio y actividades deportivas ????
  • Plain Camp (evento anual de team building) ????

➕ El gusto de trabajar siempre con las últimas herramientas tecnológicas.

Con toda esta info ya conoces mucho de nosotros, ¿nos dejas que conozcamos más de ti?

¿El proceso de selección? – Sencillo, 3 pasos: una llamada y 2 entrevistas con el equipo ????

Y te preguntarás… ¿Quién es Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts somos más de 400 personas apasionadas por la tecnología, movidas por el cambio hacia la búsqueda de las mejores soluciones para nuestros clientes y proyectos.

A lo largo de estos años, la empresa ha crecido gracias al gran potencial técnico que tenemos dentro y apoyándonos siempre en nuestras ideas más locas e innovadoras. Contamos con más de 14 oficinas en 6 países diferentes. Nuestro objetivo principal es seguir creciendo como equipo, realizando los mejores y más avanzados proyectos en el mercado.

Realmente creemos en la importancia de reunir personas de diferentes ámbitos y países para formar el mejor equipo, con una cultura plural e inclusiva.

¿Qué hacemos en Plain?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. Desarrollamos proyectos a medida desde 0, consultorías técnicas, formación y nuestro producto propio, Sidra????

  • No hacemos bodyshopping ni outsorcing
  • Nuestros equipos son multidisciplinares y la estructura de organización es plana y horizontal
  • Muy comprometidos con los valores AGILE
  • Vivir es compartir, nos ayudamos, apoyamos y animamos mutuamente para ampliar nuestros conocimientos internamente y también de cara a la comunidad (con conferencias, eventos, charlas..)
  • Siempre buscamos la creatividad e innovación, incluso cuando la idea es una locura para otros
  • La transparencia, clave para cualquier relación.

Hacemos realidad las ideas y soluciones de nuestros clientes con un alto grado de excelencia técnica, para más información visita nuestra web:

En Plain Concepts, sin duda, buscamos ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades. Queremos solicitantes con diversidad sin importar la raza, color, género, religión, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, discapacidad, edad, orientación sexual o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote IT Support (Azure)

We are expanding our IT team and although we don’t care much about titles, we call this role IT Support and the key is working experience with cloud infrastructuresolutions, preferably in Azure.

Our vision is to build multidisciplinary and diverse teams, which directly manage by themselves multiple projects in an AGILE way to find and implement the best solutions for our clients ????

What will you do?

  • Integrated in our IT team to solve incidents in day-to-day company business.
  • Coordinate the governance of the cloud infrastructure for our company.
  • Document and maintain the automations related to the cloud.
  • Manage internal projects related to the cloud, like the Azure Landing Zone and future upgrades.

What are we looking for?

  • Significant experience in roles related to cloud infrastructure development, specialized in Azure and basic knowledge of other clouds.
  • Significant experience (medium-high level) in PowerShell and other scripting languages.
  • Knowledge in Infrastructure as Code libraries like Terraform, Bicep.
  • Microsoft environment certifications are a plus. 
  • Communication skills to explain cloud-related topics clearly to both technical and non-technical teams.
  • Basic Agile knowledge and managing projects.
  • Familiarity with cloud security principles, especially Azure.
  • Strong knowledge of scripting or programming for task automation and system integration in the security context.
  • Experience in managing incidents, from detection to resolution and post-incident documentation.
  • Experience working effectively in multidisciplinary teams and collaborating with other departments within the organization.
  • Good English conversational level (international environment).
  • Team player.

What do we offer?

  • Salary determined by the market and your experience ????
  • Flexible schedule 35 Hours / Week ???? (no salary reduction).
  • Fully remote work ????
  • Flexible remuneration (restaurant, transportation and daycare) ✌
  • Medical and dental insurance (completely free for the employee) ????
  • Individual budget for training and free Microsoft certifications ????
  • Individual English classes ????
  • Birthday day off ????????
  • Monthly bonus for electricity and Internet expenses at home ????
  • Discount on gym plan and sports activities ????
  • Plain Camp (annual team building event) ????
  • ➕ The pleasure of always working with the latest technological tools!

With all this information you already know a lot about us. Will you let us know you better?

The selection process? Simple, just 3 steps: a call and 2 interviews with the team ????

And you may wonder… Who is Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts is made up of 400 people who are passionate about technology, driven by the change towards finding the best solutions for our customers and projects.

Throughout the years, the company has grown thanks to the great technical potential we have and relying on our craziest and most innovative ideas. We currently have over 14 offices in 6 different countries. Our main goal is to keep growing as a team, developing the best and most advanced projects in the market.

We truly believe in the importance of bringing together people from different backgrounds and countries to build the best team, with a diverse and inclusive culture.

What do we do at Plain Concepts?

We are characterized for having a 100% technical DNA. We develop customized projects from scratch, technical consultancy, training.

  • We don’t do bodyshopping or outsourcing
  • Our teams are multidisciplinary, and the organizational structure is flat and horizontal.
  • We are very committed to AGILE values.
  • Living is sharing: We help, support, and encourage each other to expand our knowledge internally and also towards the community (with conferences, events, talks…).
  • We always look for creativity and innovation, even when the idea might seem crazy to others.
  • Transparency is key to any relationship.

We make our clients ideas and solutions a reality with a high degree of technical excellence, for more information you can visit our website:

At Plain Concepts, we certainly seek to provide equal opportunities. We want diverse applicants regardless of race, colour, gender, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

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Plain Concepts is hiring a Remote Technical Delivery Manager

Estamos ampliando nuestros equipos, no nos importa mucho el título, pero a este rol le llamamos Technical Delivery Manager y la clave es la experiencia en la coordinación y gestión de proyectos de desarrollo de software y/o IA, y contar con un sólido background técnico, idealmente con .NET, Cloud y DevOps (y por supuesto, constantes ganas de seguir aprendiendo).

Nuestra visión es construir equipos multidisciplinares, los cuales autogestionan directamente de forma AGILE los proyectos, para encontrar y realizar las mejores soluciones ????

¿Qué harás?

  • Comprender las necesidades y objetivos del proyecto.
  • Gestionar proyectos de manera efectiva, asegurando la entrega oportuna y dentro del presupuesto.
  • Mantener una comunicación proactiva y efectiva con los clientes para comprender sus necesidades y expectativas.
  • Apoyar al equipo en la interlocución con el cliente.
  • Analizar y diseñar soluciones técnicas.
  • Diseño de arquitecturas y análisis.
  • Colaborar estrechamente con el equipo técnico para garantizar que las soluciones propuestas se alineen con las necesidades del cliente.
  • Supervisar y garantizar la calidad de los entregables del proyecto.
  • Realizar análisis de datos y procesos para identificar áreas de mejora y optimización.
  • Proporcionar orientación y asesoramiento técnico a los clientes cuando sea necesario.

¿Qué buscamos?

  • Al menos 5 años de experiencia como Delivery Manager o rol en similar, coordinando y gestionando proyectos de desarrollo de software y/o IA.
  • Experiencia previa en el trato directo con clientes y gestión de relaciones con stakeholders.
  • Muy importante contar con un sólido background técnico en desarrollo de software (con .NET o Python), y muy valorable también en el ámbito de IA.
  • Conocimientos en Cloud y DevOps.
  • Habilidad para manejar y comprender documentación técnica detallada.
  • Capacidad analítica y consultiva para dar soluciones técnicas.
  • Seguimiento de principios ágiles para ofrecer valor a los clientes.
  • Capacidad de resolución de conflictos e identificación de posibles riesgos.
  • Excelentes habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en Español e Inglés (English is a must!).
  • Team player.

¿Qué ofrecemos?

  • Salario acorde al mercado y tu experiencia ????
  • Horario flexible 35 horas / semana ???? (sin reducción de salario).
  • Trabajo remoto 100% (opcional) ????
  • Retribución flexible (restaurante, transporte y guardería) ✌
  • Seguro médico y dental (totalmente gratuito para el empleado) ????
  • Presupuesto individual para formaciones y certificaciones de Microsoft gratuitas ????
  • Clases de inglés (1 hora a la semana) ????
  • Día libre por tu cumpleaños ????????
  • Bonus mensual en concepto de electricidad e internet en casa ????
  • Plain Camp (evento anual de team building) ????
  • ➕ El gusto de trabajar siempre con las últimas herramientas tecnológicas.

Con toda esta info ya conoces mucho de nosotros, ¿nos dejas que conozcamos más de ti?

¿El proceso de selección?– Sencillo, 2 pasos: una llamada y 1 entrevista con el equipo ????

Y te preguntarás… ¿Quién es Plain Concepts?

Plain Concepts somos más de 400 personas apasionadas por la tecnología, movidas por el cambio hacia la búsqueda de las mejores soluciones para nuestros clientes y proyectos.

A lo largo de estos años, la empresa ha crecido gracias al gran potencial técnico que tenemos dentro y apoyándonos siempre en nuestras ideas más locas e innovadoras. Contamos con más de 14 oficinas en 6 países diferentes.  Nuestro objetivo principal es seguir creciendo como equipo, realizando los mejores y más avanzados proyectos en el mercado. 

Realmente creemos en la importancia de reunir personas de diferentes ámbitos y países para formar el mejor equipo, con una cultura plural e inclusiva.

¿Qué hacemos en Plain?

Nos caracterizamos por tener un ADN 100% técnico. Desarrollamos proyectos a medida desde 0, consultorías técnicas y formación.

  • No hacemos bodyshopping ni outsorcing.
  • Nuestros equipos son multidisciplinares y la estructura de organización es plana y horizontal.
  • Muy comprometidos con los valores AGILE.
  • Vivir es compartir, nos ayudamos, apoyamos y animamos mutuamente para ampliar nuestros conocimientos internamente y también de cara a la comunidad (con conferencias, eventos, charlas...).
  • Siempre buscamos la creatividad e innovación, incluso cuando la idea es una locura para otros.
  • La transparencia, clave para cualquier relación.

Hacemos realidad las ideas y soluciones de nuestros clientes con un alto grado de excelencia técnica, para más información visita nuestra web:


En Plain Concepts, sin duda, buscamos ofrecer igualdad de oportunidades. Queremos solicitantes con diversidad sin importar la raza, color, género, religión, nacionalidad, ciudadanía, discapacidad, edad, orientación sexual o cualquier otra característica protegida por la ley.

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