figma Remote Jobs

181 Results


Freelance Graphic Designer | 6037

GenesisUkraine Remote
figmaDesignGraphic Designerfreelance

Genesis is hiring a Remote Freelance Graphic Designer | 6037


Ми — Venture Partnership 6037. Ми будуємо унікальну модель роботи з перспективними продуктами: інвестуємо у проєкти на ранніх етапах, масштабуємо та допомагаємо створювати успішні компанії. Понад 100 млн людей у всьому світі вже користуються нашими продуктами.

Наша місія — трансформувати Україну
: державу-аутсорс у державу-продукт, побудувавши найбільший продуктовий портфель.

Ми будуємо екосистему, в якій щорічно з’являються та тестуються 100+ продуктів та шукаємо тих, хто готовий співпрацювати, експериментувати та допомагати розвивати стартап-культуру за межами Кремнієвої долини.

Зараз шукаємо Freelance Graphic Designer-a на часткову зайнятість, який (-а) допоможе нам створити нові ідеї для рекламних креативів.

Якими будуть твої основні задачі:

  • Створення оновлених версій наших рекламних креативів для просування продукту.

Визначених робочих годин немає — ти сам (-а) обереш, коли працювати. Але нам важливо, щоб узгоджені обсяги роботи виконувалися вчасно.

Що потрібно, щоб до нас приєднатись:

  • Досконале володіння Figma;
  • Наявність актуального портфоліо;
  • Виконане тестове завдання.

Процес найму: тестове завдання → оффер.

Приєднуйся до нашої команди мрійників, інноваторів та тих, хто змінює світ.

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Graphic Designer | 6037

GenesisUkraine Remote
figmaDesignGraphic DesignerPhotoshop

Genesis is hiring a Remote Graphic Designer | 6037

6037 Venture Partnership шукає Graphic Designer

Якщо ти вмієш робити такі віжуали, на які хочеться клікати, тапати та просто дивитись із задоволенням; хочеш створювати комунікацію на весь світ; хочеш не тільки виконувати задачі пов’язані з creative маркетингом, але і разом із командою розв’язувати проблеми у продукті, — ми чекаємо на твоє резюме!


Ми - 6037 Venture Partnership. Ми будуємо унікальну модель роботи з перспективними продуктами: інвестуємо у проєкти на ранніх етапах, масштабуємо та допомагаємо створювати успішні компанії. Понад 100 млн людей у всьому світі вже користуються нашими продуктами.

Наша місія – трансформувати Україну: державу-аутсорс у державу-продукт, побудувавши найбільший продуктовий портфель.

Ми будуємо екосистему, в якій щорічно з'являються та тестуються 100+ продуктів та шукаємо тих, хто готовий співпрацювати, експериментувати та допомагати розвивати стартап-культуру за межами Кремнієвої долини.

Компанію створили у 2022 році. За останній 2 роки вона виросла з 3 до 50+ людей в команді. Наразі більшість наших співробітників знаходяться у безпеці, ми зберегли усі робочі місця, на додаток — продовжуємо посилювати нашу команду.

Наша позиція:

  • Ми проти війни та невиправданої агресії.
  • Ми евакуювали співробітників компанії та їх близьких із зон бойових дій, допомогли в пошуку житла і забезпечили фінансовою підтримкою.
  • Ми продовжуємо стабільно працювати для майбутнього України.

Зараз шукаємо Graphic Gesigner-a, який(а) буде створювати рекламні матеріали для просування наших продуктів.

Тобі точно до нас, якщо ти хочеш:

  • Експериментувати. Ми маємо амбітну ціль через 5 років вийти на IPO усім портфелем продуктів.
  • Брати участь в тому, що цікаво. Звісно, ми очікуємо закриття всіх задач, які передбачає ця позиція, але підходи та інструменти ти обираєш сам, головне — щоб все працювало і давало крутий результат.
  • Професійного розвитку. За пів року роботи у нашій команді можна дізнатися в 10 разів більше ніж в іншому місці. Ми активно ділимося експертизою та сприяємо розвитку команди.

Якими будуть твої основні задачі:

  • Створення статичних креативів для просування продуктів у Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok;
  • Пошук референсів та генерація нових ідей разом із креативним та маркетинговим відділом;
  • Аналіз конкурентів;
  • Генерація креативів разом із креативним та маркетинговим відділом з метою просування додатків.

Що потрібно, щоб до нас приєднатись:

  • Від 1 року на аналогічній позиції, досвід роботи на продукті або в агенції: IT/Gamedev та досвід в performance marketing буде перевагою;
  • Досконале володіння Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma;
  • Володіння плагінами для оптимізації роботи;
  • Базові знання принципів дизайну та колористики;
  • Гнучкість та вміння адаптуватись до цілей бізнесу;
  • Наявність актуального портфоліо.

Буде перевагою, якщо ти маєш:

  • Професійна дизайн освіта;
  • Досвід роботи з ілюстрацією.

Що ми пропонуємо?

  • Можливість долучитись до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни.
  • Ми обіцяємо кинути тобі виклик – творити та бути креативним. Постійно.
  • Ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі.
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей.

Твоя майбутня команда:
У команді маркетингу зараз 16 людей. Найбільше ти взаємодіятимеш із креативними маркетологами та графічними й моушн дизайнерами.

Процес інтерв’ю:
Тестове завдання → інтервʼю з командою → фінальне інтервʼю → оффер.

Приєднуйся до нашої команди мрійників, інноваторів та тих, хто змінює світ.

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UI/UX Designer | 6037

GenesisKyiv, UA Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote UI/UX Designer | 6037


Ми – 6037 Venture Partnership. Ми будуємо унікальну модель роботи з перспективними продуктами: інвестуємо у проєкти на ранніх етапах, масштабуємо та допомагаємо створювати успішні компанії.

Наша місія – трансформувати Україну: державу-аутсорс у державу-продукт, побудувавши найбільший продуктовий портфель.

Ми будуємо екосистему, в якій щорічно з'являються та тестуються 100+ продуктів та шукаємо тих, хто готовий співпрацювати, експериментувати та допомагати розвивати стартап-культуру за межами Кремнієвої долини.

Компанію створили у 2022 році. За останній 2 роки вона виросла з 3 до 50+ людей в команді. Наразі більшість наших співробітників знаходяться у безпеці, ми зберегли усі робочі місця, на додаток — продовжуємо посилювати нашу команду.

Наша позиція:

  • Ми проти війни та невиправданої агресії.
  • Ми евакуювали співробітників компанії та їх близьких із зон бойових дій, допомогли в пошуку житла і забезпечили фінансовою підтримкою.
  • Ми продовжуємо стабільно працювати для майбутнього України.

Зараз шукаємо UI/UX дизайнера на наш пілотний продукт у ніші fashion. Так, ми робимо мільйони жінок стильнішими та щасливішими. Ми розробили мобільний застосунок та вебплатформу, і наразі активно їх розвиваємо.

Long story short - ти будеш впроваджувати дизайн рішення для покращення мобільної та вебверсії продукту, створювати дизайн email-листів для збільшення ретеншену, генерувати AI зображення для надання персонального досвіду користувачам.

Тобі варто про це знати:

  • Нашим продуктом користуються 500 тисяч жінок.
  • За цим стоїть команда стилістів, яка наразі налічує 30+ спеціалістів.
  • За рік наш продукт виріс у 10 разів, і це тільки початок.

Тобі точно до нас, якщо ти хочеш:

  • Впливати на продукт. Ми працюємо з тисячами користувачів і це відкриває величезний простір для експериментів.
  • Розвиватися. За пів року роботи у нашій команді можна дізнатися в 10 разів більше, ніж в іншому місці. Ми активно ділимося експертизою та сприяємо розвитку команди.
  • Втілювати свої ідеї в життя. Ми завжди відкриті до нових ідей та охоче допоможемо в їх реалізації.

Якими будуть твої основні задачі:

  • Генерація зображення аутфітів для мобільної та вебверсії продукту за допомогою AI.
  • Створення візуального контенту для соціальних мереж.
  • Створення дизайну email-листів.
  • Впровадження дизайну продуктових рішень для покращення мобільних та веб продуктів.

Що потрібно, щоб до нас приєднатися:

  • Від 2-х років у графічному дизайні та від 6+ місяців досвіду на позиції UI/UX Design.
  • Досвід роботи з Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • Вміти свідомо працювати зі шрифтами, кольорами та композицією.
  • Вміти редагувати растрові зображення.
  • Розуміти технічні особливості iOS додатків та web платформ.
  • Англійська Intermediate+.

Буде плюсом:

  • Навички ретуші фотографій.
  • Досвід відмальовування ілюстрацій або предметної фотозйомки.
  • Досвід роботи з AI tools (Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, etc.).

Що ми пропонуємо?

  • Можливість долучитися до створення українських продуктів та допомагати економіці нашої країни;
  • Автономну роботу — ніякої бюрократії, швидке ухвалення рішень;
  • Швидку прокачку знань у продакт дизайні – з нами ти зможеш спробувати всі напрями цієї позиції за короткий проміжок часу;
  • Великий простір для втілення власних ідей та впливу на продукт.

Корпоративні бенефіти:

  • Компенсація додаткового навчання на зовнішніх тренінгах і семінарах та Business і Management School для співробітників.
  • Велика електронна бібліотека та доступ до платних онлайн-курсів і конференцій, внутрішні бесіди та воркшопи.
  • Корпоративний лікар та медичне страхування.
  • Ти можеш працювати віддалено, але ми будемо раді бачити тебе в офісі.

З ким ти будеш працювати?
У команді зараз 50+ людей. Найбільше ти взаємодіятимеш із Product Manager-ом та командою продукту.

Процес інтерв’ю:Пре-скрін: коротка форма, яка допоможе нам краще зрозуміти твій бекграудн та мотивацію → тестове завдання → інтервʼю з командою → фінальне інтервʼю → оффер.

Приєднуйся до нашої команди мрійників, інноваторів та тих, хто змінює світ.

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Director, Digital Experience (Web)


GitLab is hiring a Remote Director, Digital Experience (Web)

The GitLab DevSecOps platform empowers 100,000+ organizations to deliver software faster and more efficiently. We are one of the world’s largest all-remote companies with 2,000+ team members and values that foster a culture where people embrace the belief that everyone can contribute. Learn more about Life at GitLab.

An overview of this role

The Digital Experienceteam at GitLab takes a customer-centric approach to educating prospects on how GitLab enables them to deliver software faster and more securely. The team collaborates across the business to achieve results and to find impactful solutions for the company's global web strategy. In this role, you'll mentor and manage a fully remote team and be a part of a building awareness about GitLab. 

What you'll do 

  • Lead the global web strategy as a critical marketing channel to drive awareness, education and acquisition in alignment with GitLab business priorities 
  • Partner across Marketing (including Product Marketing, SEO, Campaigns, Brand, and Events teams), as well as cross-functionally (Product, IT) and senior leadership to shape the online experience for prospects and customers 
  • Own and deliver reporting analysis on performance and business impact, as well as conceiving and executing testing strategies, QA processes and ensuring the delivery of initiatives on time and of the highest quality
  • Accountable for governance of the website and the content management system (CMS), evangelizing best practices including UX design, customer experience and engineering 
  • Guide, mentor and lead a team of team leads, engineers and design specialists, in addition to managing our important vendor relationships

What you'll bring 

  • 12-15 years experience leading strategy and execution of web strategy and design for a B2B or enterprise SaaS company, including 5-8 years leading a diverse team of technical professionals 
  • Skilled in balancing technical needs and requirements with business objectives and parameters and consulting with stakeholders on shaping and scoping key initiatives
  • Deep technical expertise and practical experience in web development and related web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Experience with major CMS platforms, UI and design, analytics and monitoring tools (e.g. Contentful, Figma, Quantum Metric)
  • Experience in fostering a testing and iterative team environment and orientation;  analyzing and reporting on website performance to a range of audiences, including marketing counterparts and business stakeholders, 
  • Extensive team management skills, including career development and coaching engineering team leads and people managers
  • Experience partnering cross-functionally across marketing, internal stakeholders, vendors and agency partners 

Performance Indicators

  • Website sessions, engaged sessions by traffic source; user behavior
  • Usability metrics, site design, navigation, personalization and customer experience
  • Site optimization metrics, e.g. Mobile vs. desktop performance for searchability 
  • Conversion rates, lead quality

How GitLab will support you

Please note that we welcome interest from candidates with varying levels of experience; many successful candidates do not meet every single requirement. Additionally, studies have shown that people from underrepresented groups are less likely to apply to a job unless they meet every single qualification. If you're excited about this role, please apply and allow our recruiters to assess your application.

The base salary range for this role’s listed level is currently for residents of listed locations only. Grade level and salary ranges are determined through interviews and a review of education, experience, knowledge, skills, abilities of the applicant, equity with other team members, and alignment with market data. See more information on ourbenefitsandequity. Sales roles are also eligible for incentive pay targeted at up to 100% of the offered base salary.

California/Colorado/Hawaii/New Jersey/New York/Washington pay range
$169,700$318,300 USD

Country Hiring Guidelines:GitLab hires new team members in countries around the world. All of our roles are remote, however some roles may carry specific location-based eligibility requirements. Our Talent Acquisition team can help answer any questions about location after starting the recruiting process.  

Privacy Policy:Please review our Recruitment Privacy Policy. Your privacy is important to us.

GitLab is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer. GitLab’s policies and practices relating to recruitment, employment, career development and advancement, promotion, and retirement are based solely on merit, regardless of race, color, religion, ancestry, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression), national origin, age, citizenship, marital status, mental or physical disability, genetic information (including family medical history), discharge status from the military, protected veteran status (which includes disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans), or any other basis protected by law. GitLab will not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on any of these characteristics. See also GitLab’s EEO Policy and EEO is the Law. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know during the recruiting process.

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Senior Product Designer

Fortune BrandsSan Francisco, CALIFORNIA, Remote
agilejirafigmaDesignUI/UX designswiftmobileuiscrumUXbackend

Fortune Brands is hiring a Remote Senior Product Designer

Job Description

Yale and August U.S. is now part of Fortune Brands Innovations, where we believe that our innovation and success are fueled by the passion of our people and the strength of our teams. Together, we work to create products and services that add everyday simplicity and convenience to users’ lives. With the ability to control access to what you love the most, we can provide peace of mind through safety and visibility.

We’re excited to be adding a Senior Product Designer to our growing team! This is an engaging and challenging opportunity that plays an integral role in shaping the development of our upcoming Yale and August products. We are looking for a creative, customer-obsessed and results-oriented product designer who wants to live on the edge of technologies that bring software and hardware together, within the connected home.

This position will report directly to the Principal Product Designer. We are seeking a Senior Product Designer to support our efforts in building world-class mobile solutions for our direct-to-consumer products, as well as our business partners. You will play a key role in building smart security products that people love.


This position is eligible for a fully remote schedule with all work performed remotely out of San Francisco, CA.


  • Using your full range of skills (UX design, design thinking, interaction design, prototyping, visual design) to create elegant user experiences that combine the digital (mobile, web) and physical (devices), guided by market and product requirements to solve real problems for real people.

  • Designing independently and taking design ownership throughout the entire product lifecycle, in multiple product areas.

  • Consistently leveraging all available quantitative and qualitative data to inform design decisions and creatively suggesting data sources when they are not readily available.

  • Communicating and closely collaborating with software and hardware product managers, engineers, quality assurance engineers, and executive stakeholders.

  • Advocating for changes, refinements, and ongoing improvements to the user experience.

  • Working across the entire design stack including helping to refine understanding of problems and needs, ideating, iterating, prototyping interactions in detail, and producing high-fidelity visuals.

  • Playing a lead role in maintaining documentation of user experience in accordance with design practices.

  • Facilitating workshops with cross-functional teams and with multiple stakeholders and constituencies. Leading design activities and workshops like journey mapping, design critiques.

  • Planning and leading user testing.

  • Working with ecosystem and business partners to develop user experiences that work seamlessly for people, across multiple physical and digital technologies.


Hiring Pay Range: $130K-$165K

*Actual pay will vary based on qualifications and other factors



  • 5+ years of design experience, with 2 years focused on IoT products.

  • A BA/BS in design, UX/UI, HCI, or equivalent professional experience.

  • Expert proficiency in Figma for UI/UX design, prototyping, and collaborative design processes, along with experience in leveraging Jira for project and issue tracking.

  • Strong skills in developing and applying design systems.

  • Fluency with interaction design, and advanced prototyping, including proficiency with Protopie.

  • Excellent visual design skills for polished, pixel-perfect outcomes.

  • A profound understanding of user-centered design (UCD) principles, with the ability to distill complex physical and digital interactions into seamless, intuitive user experiences.

  • A solid understanding of Material Design and Apple’s human interface guidelines.

  • Knowledge of Swift UI and Jetpack Compose capabilities is a plus.

  • Experience working independently through an end-to-end product design process as a part of a scrum software team (product owners, mobile, backend, and quality assurance engineers).

  • Superior communication and teamwork abilities, proven through experience in diverse, cross-functional team settings.

  • A proactive approach to design decision-making, self-management, and organization, with a talent for identifying and solving complex design challenges.

  • Mastery in thinking holistically about user experiences across diverse product categories and focus on all possible states and micro-interactions (error handling, edge cases, success states) with relentless attention to detail.

  • Expert in developing user models, use cases, and user journeys in close collaboration with product managers within a scrum agile framework.

  • Knowledge of how devices connect to and communicate with each other over the internet, including familiarity with IoT platforms, protocols (such as MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP), and network security.

  • Familiarity with the basics of electronics and an understanding of firmware development processes for IoT devices.

  • Knowledge of encryption, authentication, and secure communication protocols to ensure the privacy and security of users. Understanding of the vulnerabilities specific to IoT device design and how to mitigate them.

  • Advanced command of current design tools and methodologies, with an openness to adopt new technologies and skills essential for realizing cutting-edge designs and prototypes.

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UI/UX Lead

5 years of experiencefigmasketchDesignUI/UX designqac++

Wall Street Prep is hiring a Remote UI/UX Lead

Wall Street Prep is a leading provider of learning content for finance professionals. We are seeking an experienced UI/UX Lead to drive the development of world-class software for our learning experience platform (LXP). This role involves leading UI/UX designers and implementing user interfaces that are clean, intuitive, on brand and easy to use. You will work closely with the CTO and coordinate with engineers, QA, DevOps, and other stakeholders to create a seamless user experience.


  • Implement UI/UX Needs: Work with the CTO to understand the company's UI/UX requirements for the LXP, and implement the necessary designs.
  • Determine UI/UX Strategy: Develop a deep understanding of our product, customer base, and competitor products to identify opportunities for improving the user experience.
  • Lead UI/UX Designers: Provide initial requirements and feedback to UI/UX designers, ensuring their work aligns with company goals and standards.
  • Collaborate with Cross-Functional Teams: Partner with engineers, QA, DevOps, and other teams to ensure smooth integration of UI/UX designs into the LXP.
  • Maintain Design Consistency: Ensure a cohesive design and user experience throughout the development process.


  • Minimum of 3-5 years of experience as a UI/UX Designer, with experience working on development teams involving engineers, QA, DevOps, etc.
  • Strong proficiency in UI/UX design and design tools such as Sketch, Figma, or similar.
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to provide constructive feedback to UI/UX designers.
  • Strong leadership skills to guide and mentor the UI/UX team.
  • Knowledge of HTML/CSS is a plus but not required.
  • Ability to work in a collaborative environment and maintain a consistent design approach across various product elements.

Why Join Us?

  • Contribute to a high-impact learning experience platform used globally by finance professionals and the world's leading financial institutions.
  • Collaborative work environment with opportunities to shape the user experience.
  • Competitive salary and benefits package.

Wall Street Prep is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ancestry, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability, gender identity or Veteran status or any other legally protected status. We celebrate diversity and are committed to building an inclusive work environment where all team members are encouraged to be their authentic and whole selves. 


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Product Designer

InvitaeRemote - US

Invitae is hiring a Remote Product Designer

Invitae is a leading medical genetics company trusted by millions of patients and their providers to deliver timely genetic information using digital technology. We aim to provide accurate and actionable answers to strengthen medical decision-making for individuals and their families. Invitae's genetics experts apply a rigorous approach to data and research, serving as the foundation of their mission to bring comprehensive genetic information into mainstream medicine to improve healthcare for billions of people.

We’re looking for people who are passionate about helping improve healthcare to join us. 

We’re looking for an experienced Product Designer to join our design team. You will collaborate closely with stakeholders, PMs, designers and engineers in designing experiences across our online tools. We are a culture of collaborators with a learning mindset, we have no room for personal egos. 

What you will do:

  • Leading and successfully delivering design projects of diverse scope, ensuring high-quality outcomes.

  • Lead design sessions with cross-functional teams, including clinical experts and product managers, to define and refine experiences

  • Work within Invitae’s design system to maintain consistency, but have the ability to ebb and flow when needed per project with the ability to contribute to the design system

  • Leverage user research insights to inform design decisions and create best-in-class experiences.

  • Employ a user-focused mindset to advocate for the user throughout the design process

  • Responsible for typography, color, layout, graphics, visual effects, imagery, iconography

What you bring:

  • BA degree in Design or a related field or equivalent work experience

  • 5+ years experience designing for web and mobile applications (healthcare or other similarly complex domains/problem spaces are a plus)

  • Experience with design tools such as Figma, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch, or similar design and prototyping tools

  • Has a portfolio showcasing a systematic approach to designing end-to-end experiences that serve user needs and business goals

  • Expertise in conveying ideas and concepts through storyboarding, wireframing, and prototyping

  • Experience collaborating closely with engineering and product partners

  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills, detail oriented and receptive to feedback

  • Self-motivated to prioritize and manage workload and meet critical project deadlines


This salary range is an estimate, and the actual salary may vary based on a wide range of factors, including your skills, qualifications, experience and location. This position is eligible for benefits including but not limited to medical, dental, vision, life insurance, disability coverage, flexible paid time off, Spring Health, Carrot Fertility, participation in a 401k with company match, ESPP, and many other additional voluntary benefits. Invitae also offers generous paid leave programs so you can spend time with your new child, recover from your own illness or care for a sick family member.
California Pay Range
$116,000$145,000 USD

Please apply even if you don’t meet all of the “What you bring” requirements noted.  It’s rare that someone checks every single item, it’s ok, we encourage you to apply anyways.  

Join us!

At Invitae, we value diversity and provide equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. We will consider for employment qualified applicants with criminal histories in a manner consistent with the requirements of the San Francisco Fair Chance Ordinance.

We truly believe a diverse workplace is crucial to our company's success and to better serve our diverse patients. Your input is especially valuable. We’d greatly appreciate it if you can take a quick moment to make your selection(s) below. Submissions will be anonymous.

You can find a detailed explanation of our privacy practices here.

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Content Manager, B2B Marketing (Afterpay & Cash App)

SquareRemote, PA, Remote
5 years of experiencefigmaDesign

Square is hiring a Remote Content Manager, B2B Marketing (Afterpay & Cash App)

Job Description

We’re looking for a powerful pitch creator and storyteller who can bring to life the power of our retail payments and marketing solutions in order to acquire and retain our merchant partners.

This role will be responsible for creating, evolving and maintaining the Mid Market and SMB sales pitch system by regularly enhancing it with compelling data and relevant messaging. 

You’ll partner closely with various marketing, analytics, and sales stakeholders to translate our capabilities into merchant-focused messaging and enable our reps to articulate this messaging with impact. 


  • Lead regular narrative enhancements of our Mid Market and SMB foundational, advanced and other sales marketing materials (best practices, QBR templates, case studies, email outreach drafts, one-sheets)  with messaging that communicates new product launches, merchant success stories, and up-to-date business metrics. 

  • Exercise an editorial and analytical mindset to develop messaging that deeply resonates with retail decision-makers backed by the data that proves it.

  • Use your operational and deck-building prowess to ensure that new content complements our modular content library, building on our existing materials in a way that is easily deployed by sales reps.

  • Support enterprise sales when applicable primarily by creating ux/ui mockups for lighthouse deals.

  • Maintain core sales materials on a quarterly basis to ensure metrics and claims are up to date based on earning results, market changes and competitive intel. 

  • Own the virtual room during enablement sessions by bringing to life our pitch narrative for merchant-facing teams in a way that engages and inspires. 

  • Be a cross-functional connector to proactively gather product, data, and campaign information and masterfully package it into merchant-focused messaging.


  • Minimum 5 years of experience supporting sales or account management teams with pitch materials in a fintech, SAAS, or Mar- or Ad-tech business.  

  • Must have impeccable attention to detail and a sharp eye for content design, including the creation of slides and ux/ui design

  • Experience servicing any of the Top 100 retail businesses in North America is a plus 

  • Adobe Creative Cloud and Figma experience preferred

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UX Research

Torc RoboticsRemote, US
2 years of experienceBachelor's degreefigmaDesignUI/UX designUXc++

Torc Robotics is hiring a Remote UX Research

About the Company

At Torc, we have always believed that autonomous vehicle technology will transform how we travel, move freight, and do business.

A leader in autonomous driving since 2007, Torc has spent over a decade commercializing our solutions with experienced partners. Now a part of the Daimler family, we are focused solely on developing software for automated trucks to transform how the world moves freight.

Join us and catapult your career with the company that helped pioneer autonomous technology, and the first AV software company with the vision to partner directly with a truck manufacturer.

We are looking for a UX Research intern to join our team! The ideal candidate can innovate collaboratively and is an advocate for our end-users. Our Virtual Driver team provides humans and external systems with the autonomous driving system to enable it to drive driver free on highway. You will work closely with our engineers and product team to research and understand behavior of the truck and humans around when engaged with the Autonomous Driving System.

Job Description

  • Conduct research on the behavior of self-driving trucks and their interactions with other road users.
  • Analyze human responses and interactions with self-driving trucks to understand potential challenges and opportunities.
  • Develop user research plans to gather insights on user expectations and concerns regarding self-driving trucks.
  • Iterate research findings to inform the design and development of features that enhance safety and user experience.
  • Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to translate research insights into actionable design recommendations.
  • Document research findings, insights, and recommendations to inform the development of intuitive and user-friendly interactions with self-driving trucks

What you'll need to succeed:

Candidate must be a full-time student currently pursuing a graduate or PhD degree in Graphic Design, Computer Science (HCI), or equivalent 

0-2 years of experience

Basic knowledge in prototyping and prototyping tools (Xd, Figma, Axure, etc)

Basic knowledge in HCI and UI/UX design principles

Basic knowledge in Axure tools

Advanced knowledge in user research and testing with focus on usability and adaptability

Curiosity and positive attitude and enthusiasm for solving problems

Track record of self-leadership and taking up new challenges

Openness to work across different time zones and locations required


Hiring Range for Job Opening 
US Pay Range
$37$45 USD

At Torc, we’re committed to building a diverse and inclusive workplace. We celebrate the uniqueness of our Torc’rs and do not discriminate based on race, religion, color, national origin, gender (including pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, veteran status, or disabilities.

Even if you don’t meet 100% of the qualifications listed for this opportunity, we encourage you to apply. We’re always looking for those that are hungry, humble, and people smart and your unique experience may be a great fit for this role or others.

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Analyste QA

MedfarMontréal, Canada, Remote

Medfar is hiring a Remote Analyste QA

Description du poste

En tant qu'analyste QA, vous jouerez un rôle essentiel en assurant la qualité et la fiabilité de nos produits SaaS et de notre application mobile. Dans un environnement de développement agile, vous serez responsable de réaliser maunellement les tests, de revoir à la fois les tâches des développeurs et des histoires d'utilisateurs, et vous participerez activement aux réunions de planification et d'analyse des sprints.

Ce que vous ferez:

  • Examiner les tâches des développeurs et les histoires d'utilisateurs : Veiller à ce que les tâches des développeurs et les récits des utilisateurs soient bien rédigés, contiennent toutes les informations nécessaires et respectent les normes de qualité. En ce sens, vous collaborez avec l'équipe de développement pour clarifier les exigences.
  • Participer au développement (en mode agile) : Vous serez inclus dans tous les processus, y compris la planification des sprints, les stand-ups quotidiens et les rétrospectives de sprints. Fournir de précieuses indications en matière d'assurance qualité et assurer une communication efficace au sein de l'équipe de développement.
  • Effectuer des tests manuels : Effectuer des tests manuels approfondis sur nos produits SaaS web et nos applications mobiles afin d'identifier les défauts, les incohérences et les points à améliorer.
  • Documenter les cas de test : Créer et maintenir des cas de test complets, des scripts et des plans de test pour assurer une couverture de test étendue.
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec d'autres analystes QA afin de partager les meilleures pratiques, les connaissances et les points de vue; Le tout en favorisant une culture d'apprentissage et d'amélioration continue.
  • Tester les API : Effectuer des tests d'API et valider l'intégrité des données pour s'assurer que nos applications communiquent efficacement.
  • Reporting et communication: Documenter et communiquer clairement les résultats des tests, les problèmes et les observations à l'équipe de développement, afin de permettre une résolution rapide.
  • Optimisation des processus : Contribuer de manière proactive à l'amélioration de nos processus, méthodes et outils d'assurance qualité, dans le but d'accroître nos compétences de test à l'échelle globale.


Qui êtes-vous?

  • Vous avez une expérience en tests manuels dans un environnement de développement agile.
  • Vous comprenez la méthodologie Agile et le rôle de QA dans le cycle de vie du développement logiciel.
  • Vous avez des connaissances techniques de base, notamment en matière de tests d'API, et êtes familier avec les principes de test.
  • Vous êtes familier avec les outils de gestion des tests tels que Jira, Xray.
  • Vous êtes familier avec des outils tels que Figma Postman, Swagger, Chrome DevTools et SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Vous avez de solides compétences en matière d'analyse et de résolution de problèmes.
  • Vous faites preuve d'excellentes compétences en matière de communication et de collaboration.
  • Vous prêtez attention aux détails et savez documenter efficacement les cas de test.
  • Vous connaissez les outils et pratiques d'automatisation de l'assurance qualité et de l'expérience en matière de tests mobiles(un atout).

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QA Analyst

MedfarMontréal, Canada, Remote

Medfar is hiring a Remote QA Analyst

Description du poste

En tant qu'analyste QA, vous jouerez un rôle essentiel en assurant la qualité et la fiabilité de nos produits SaaS et de notre application mobile. Dans un environnement de développement agile, vous serez responsable de réaliser maunellement les tests, de revoir à la fois les tâches des développeurs et des histoires d'utilisateurs, et vous participerez activement aux réunions de planification et d'analyse des sprints.

Ce que vous ferez:

  • Examiner les tâches des développeurs et les histoires d'utilisateurs : Veiller à ce que les tâches des développeurs et les récits des utilisateurs soient bien rédigés, contiennent toutes les informations nécessaires et respectent les normes de qualité. En ce sens, vous collaborez avec l'équipe de développement pour clarifier les exigences.
  • Participer au développement (en mode agile) : Vous serez inclus dans tous les processus, y compris la planification des sprints, les stand-ups quotidiens et les rétrospectives de sprints. Fournir de précieuses indications en matière d'assurance qualité et assurer une communication efficace au sein de l'équipe de développement.
  • Effectuer des tests manuels : Effectuer des tests manuels approfondis sur nos produits SaaS web et nos applications mobiles afin d'identifier les défauts, les incohérences et les points à améliorer.
  • Documenter les cas de test : Créer et maintenir des cas de test complets, des scripts et des plans de test pour assurer une couverture de test étendue.
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec d'autres analystes QA afin de partager les meilleures pratiques, les connaissances et les points de vue; Le tout en favorisant une culture d'apprentissage et d'amélioration continue.
  • Tester les API : Effectuer des tests d'API et valider l'intégrité des données pour s'assurer que nos applications communiquent efficacement.
  • Reporting et communication: Documenter et communiquer clairement les résultats des tests, les problèmes et les observations à l'équipe de développement, afin de permettre une résolution rapide.
  • Optimisation des processus : Contribuer de manière proactive à l'amélioration de nos processus, méthodes et outils d'assurance qualité, dans le but d'accroître nos compétences de test à l'échelle globale.


Qui êtes-vous?

  • Vous avez une expérience en tests manuels dans un environnement de développement agile.
  • Vous comprenez la méthodologie Agile et le rôle de QA dans le cycle de vie du développement logiciel.
  • Vous avez des connaissances techniques de base, notamment en matière de tests d'API, et êtes familier avec les principes de test.
  • Vous êtes familier avec les outils de gestion des tests tels que Jira, Xray.
  • Vous êtes familier avec des outils tels que Figma Postman, Swagger, Chrome DevTools et SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Vous avez de solides compétences en matière d'analyse et de résolution de problèmes.
  • Vous faites preuve d'excellentes compétences en matière de communication et de collaboration.
  • Vous prêtez attention aux détails et savez documenter efficacement les cas de test.
  • Vous connaissez les outils et pratiques d'automatisation de l'assurance qualité et de l'expérience en matière de tests mobiles(un atout).

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Product Visual Designer


Indigo Slate is hiring a Remote Product Visual Designer

Product Visual Designer - Indigo Slate - Career Page

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Senior Product Designer, Home Care

ThumbtackRemote, Ontario

Thumbtack is hiring a Remote Senior Product Designer, Home Care

A home is the biggest investment most people make, and yet, it doesn’t come with a manual. That's why we’re building the only app homeowners need to effortlessly manage their homes —  knowing what to do, when to do it, and who to hire. With Thumbtack, millions of people care for what matters most, and pros earn billions of dollars through our platform. And as one of the fastest-growing companies in a $600B+ industry — we must be doing something right. 

We are driven by a common goal and the deep satisfaction that comes from knowing our work supports local economies, helps small businesses grow, and brings homeowners peace of mind. We’re seeking people who continually put our purpose first: advocating for pros and customers, embracing change, and choosing teamwork every day.

At Thumbtack, we're creating a new era of home care. If making an impact and the chance to do good inspires you, join us. Imagine what we’ll build together. 

Thumbtack by the Numbers

  • Available nationwide in every U.S. county
  • 80 million projects started on Thumbtack
  • 10 million 5-star reviews and counting
  • Pros earn billions on our platform
  • 1000+ employees 
  • $3.2 billion valuation (June, 2021) 

About the Design Team

We're a tight-knit team of product designers, researchers, and content designers working closely with engineers and product managers to research, explore, and iterate on well-crafted user experiences that are innovative, engaging, and delightful. We collaborate regularly through design critiques, work sessions, and presentations to inspire and influence the direction of the product and company as a whole.

About the Role

As a Senior Product Designer on the Home Care Plan team, you’ll work collaboratively and iteratively to turn complex problems into intuitive user experiences. You’ll own projects from conception to launch and measure success through data and user research. You’ll play a key role in roadmapping, feature design, and the quality of our products, and your work will impact both user and business goals. 


  • Design customer-centric experiences with measurable business impact
  • Partner closely with fellow designers, product managers, engineers, and marketers to lead product visions, define strategies, shape the product roadmap, and develop design solutions
  • Use research and qualitative data to guide design and development decisions 
  • Develop a deep understanding of our customers while focusing on key metrics 
  • Rapidly produce multiple concepts and prototypes; knowing when to apply pixel-perfect attention to detail, and when to make low-fi sketches and prototypes
  • Test, learn, and iterate; solve existing problems and discover new opportunities through experimentation

Must-Have Qualifications

If you don't think you meet all of the criteria below but still are interested in the job, please apply. Nobody checks every box, and we're looking for someone excited to join the team.

  • 6+ years of overall product design experience
  • Portfolio with a history of impactful projects that showcase your design process 
  • Demonstrate strong UX, interaction, and visual design skills along with a human-centric approach to designing products
  • Ability to balance high-quality craft and crisp execution with agility, speed to learning, and iterative experimentation
  • A bias for action and understanding of how your work impacts users and the business
  • Experience designing and implementing customer experiences that have led to measurable and sustainable growth results
  • Strong cross-functional collaboration and stakeholder management skills

Nice-to-Have Qualifications

  • Experience with helping set product strategy through methods like design sprints, quarterly or yearly planning, and team brainstorms
  • Experience designing for a two-sided marketplace
  • Fluent prototyping in Figma

Thumbtack is a virtual-first company, meaning you can live and work from any one of our approved locations across the United States, Canada or the Philippines.* Learn more about our virtual-first working model here.


Benefits & Perks
  • Virtual-first working model coupled with in-person events
  • 20 company-wide holidays including a week-long end-of-year company shutdown
  • Libraries (optional use collaboration & connection hubs)in San Francisco and Salt Lake City  
  • WiFi reimbursements 
  • Cell phone reimbursements (North America) 
  • Employee Assistance Program for mental health and well-being 

Learn More About Us

Thumbtack embraces diversity. We are proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, age, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, marital status, military or veteran status, genetic information, disability status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, provincial, state, or local law. We also will consider for employment qualified applicants with arrest and conviction records, consistent with applicable law. 

Thumbtack is committed to working with and providing reasonable accommodation to individuals with disabilities. If you would like to request a reasonable accommodation for a medical condition or disability during any part of the application process, please

If you are a California resident, please review information regarding your rights under California privacy laws contained in Thumbtack’s Privacy policy available at

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Senior UI/UX Designer, KMS Healthcare

KMS TechnologyDa Nang City, Viet Nam, Remote
figmasketchDesignUI/UX designmobile

KMS Technology is hiring a Remote Senior UI/UX Designer, KMS Healthcare

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced Senior UI/UX Designer to join our team. As a Senior UI/UX Designer, you will collaborate with the Business Analyst (BA) and the US-based head of product remotely to build product prototypes and conduct testing to gather customer feedback. Additionally, you will work directly with the engineering team to develop the product once the product idea is validated. You will be responsible for designing and delivering wireframes, mockups, and UI/UX design optimized for various devices (Mobile, Tablet, and Desktop) and interfaces for healthcare applications.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Work directly with the Business Analyst and team to build product prototypes and conduct testing to understand customer reactions.
  • Collaborate with external outsourcing partners as the go-to designer and coordinator to expedite the progress.
  • Design and deliver wireframes, user stories, user flows, and mockups optimized for a wide range of devices and interfaces.


  • An Upper-Intermediate level of English to work closely with the US-based team. 
  • A portfolio demonstrating previous experience in UI/UX design.
  • In-depth knowledge of visual design theory, including typography, color theory, composition, and iconography. Strong analog visual communication skills, such as sketching.
  • Proficiency in modern design and prototyping software, such as Sketch, Figma, Visily, Adobe Creative Suite, InVision, Zeplin, or similar tools.

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Graphic Design Contractor

PodiumRemote, US
Bachelor's degreefigmaDesignGraphic Designer

Podium is hiring a Remote Graphic Design Contractor

At Podium, our mission is to help local businesses win. Our lead conversion platform, powered by AI and integrations, helps local businesses convert leads faster, communicate easier, and make more sales. Every day, thousands of local businesses utilize our review management, communication, marketing, and payments products. 

Our work and focus on helping local businesses thrive has been recognized across the industry, including Forbes’ Next Billion Dollar Startups, Forbes’ Cloud 100, the Inc. 5000, and Fast Company’s World’s Most Innovative Companies.

At Podium, we believe in fostering a culture that thrives on hiring and developing exceptional talent. Our operating principles serve as a compass, guiding daily behavior and decision-making, and ensure we hire people who will thrive at Podium. If you resonate with our operating principles and are energized by our mission, Podium will be a great place for you!

Graphic Designer - Contractor

Location: Remote

We are looking for a temporary Graphic Designer to join our Brand Team with potential for this position to stay on part-time. At Podium, our mission is to help local businesses win. Our lead conversion platform, powered by AI and integrations, helps businesses convert leads faster, communicate easily, and make more sales. Every day, 100,000+ businesses and millions of workers use Podium to power their front office. 

Our creative team acts as the internal agency working to provide thoughtful, strategic, and inventive design to support the entire company, working closely with departments like marketing, product and sales. From digital and print, to event collateral and company apparel, we prioritize standout design in everything we do. 

Role and Responsibilities:

  • Support design for digital, paid social, event collateral, print, ebooks, animations, company apparel, brand illustration and other brand/marketing initiatives. 
  • Assist with the design of brand and product illustration, internal materials/invites/signage, and other similar brand-centric projects
  • Understand Podium’s brand guidelines and maintain consistency across channels
  • Assist the team in developing core brand assets
  • Strategize with internal stakeholders and brand leads to determine projects and priorities
  • Proactively work to reduce friction and contribute to a positive working environment

Qualifications and Skills:

  • Diverse portfolio showcasing a breadth of work in brand design, digital and print design.
  • 3+ years of professional experience, preference working in in agency or tech
  • Experience and knowledge of Figma and Adobe Suite necessary
  • A good understanding for typography, layout, hierarchy, and trends
  • Ability to give and receive feedback in a humble, constructive way
  • Works well in a fast-paced environment that requires flexibility, ownership, and focus
  • Able to manage multiple projects and communicate clearly team members and cross functional teams

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UX Product Designer


Indigo Slate is hiring a Remote UX Product Designer

UX Product Designer - Indigo Slate - Career Page

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Copywriting Manager, Consumer Services (remote)

ExperianCosta Mesa, CA, Remote
Bachelor's degreejirafigmaDesignUX

Experian is hiring a Remote Copywriting Manager, Consumer Services (remote)

Job Description

We are seeking a talented and strategic Copywriting Manager to lead our Direct-to-Consumer copywriting efforts. Reporting to the Head of UX, the Copywriting Manager will lead a team of copywriters, joining UX research as a critical supporting role in the UX design process, orchestrating the creation of customer-centric copy across various digital channels. This role demands a hands-on approach to crafting written content, while also embracing the opportunity to explore innovative content creation methods and a commitment to mastering innovative writing technologies. The ideal candidate will ensure the brand's voice and tone remain unified at every customer touchpoint. A proven understanding of consumer branding and the ability to develop an accessible and persuasive marketing voice is pivotal to achieving success in this integral role.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute a comprehensive copywriting strategy aligned with the business objectives, brand voice and target audience personas.
  • Mentor and lead a team of copywriters, fostering an environment of excellence, creativity, and professional growth.
  • Collaborate with Design, Marketing, Product and Legal teams to ensure a consistent and effective brand message.
  • Drive the creation and refinement of copy for Experian’s public website, emails, digital products, and other consumer interfaces, utilizing both traditional and innovative content creation techniques.
  • Strategically distribute content creation tasks to balance workloads and leverage diverse skill sets to maximize output efficiency.
  • Incorporate strong consumer branding and a clear, approachable and engaging tone into all customer touch points.
  • Stay ahead of industry trends, competitor activities, and consumer insights to inform and enhance our copywriting practices.
  • Regularly review and refine our copywriting processes, tools, and practices to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and scalability.
  • Use data-driven insights to refine content strategies, aiming for higher engagement, conversion rates, and customer satisfaction.
  • Maintain and continuously refine Experian’s brand voice and tone guide, ensuring all content is aligned and up-to-date with our brand identity and messaging standards.



  • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, English, or a related field, with a Master's degree preferred.
  • At least 10 years of copywriting experience, including a minimum of 2 years in a leadership or managerial role, preferably in the financial services sector.
  • A track record of developing and implementing successful copywriting strategies for digital platforms.
  • In-depth knowledge of SEO, content optimization, and digital analytics tools like Google and Adobe Analytics.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead a team of creative professionals in a collaborative and innovative environment.
  • Openness to exploring and applying new content creation and distribution methods.
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills, capable of tailoring content to a variety of audiences and channels.
  • A strategic, customer-focused mindset, adept at translating business goals into compelling content that drives engagement and action.
  • Meticulous attention to detail, prioritizing quality, consistency, and alignment with brand messaging.
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic environment, managing multiple projects and priorities effectively.
  • Expert skills in: Figma, FigJam, JIRA, Confluence, Headless CMS (Content Stack a plus).
  • A good sense of humor and the ability to infuse fun and personality into the team's output, making the creative process enjoyable and engaging.
  • A deep-seated passion for storytelling and content creation, with a belief that work should be fulfilling, impactful, and, most importantly, fun.

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    UX Designer

    TravelstrideAustin, TX, Remote

    Travelstride is hiring a Remote UX Designer

    Job Description

    As Travelstride’s lead UX Designer, you will work with the founder, product manager and a team of developers to create and improve engaging and satisfying user experiences with new platform features for both travelers and travel companies. As the only full-time designer at this early-stage company, you will be responsible for the complete user experience as well as the look and feel of our products. You will help develop new ideas through research and testing.

    You are both a strategic thinker and a tactical doer - eager to roll up your sleeves and do all design work as necessary for both the core product and also to support marketing and other company initiatives

    To thrive in this role, you would possess a unique blend of UX, design, business, and technical savvy; a big-picture vision, and the drive to make that vision a reality with a ‘get it done’ attitude.

    Does lower base salary, big challenges, bigger impact, talented colleagues, high equity and financial bonus upside, and fun team environment sound good for you? Read on!

    On our team, you will:

    • Create beautiful web pages and experiences that delight users and achieve business goals

    • Design wireframes and pixel perfect hifi designs to meet business needs balancing UX, SEO, CRO and other business goals

    • Develop UI mockups and prototypes that clearly illustrate how sites function and look

    • Gather and evaluate user requirements in collaboration with product manager and engineers

    • Illustrate design ideas using storyboards, process flows and sitemap

    • Design graphic user interface elements, like menus, tabs, and widgets

    • Identify and troubleshoot UX problems

    • Proactively speak with users directly and via surveys and other tools to understand evolving needs and suggest future changes and opportunities



    • Have 2 to 5 years of design experience

    • Thrive in a fast-paced results-driven environment with varied responsibilities and challenging assignments that would strike fear into the hearts of average designers

    • Rock design tools like Figma

    • Communicate ideas easily verbally and in writing with engineers and marketing

    • Prefer to experiment with new designs and use data to drive decisions rather than view as an art project

    • Listen to customers, partners, and teammates, and respond well to feedback

    • Embrace Web Usability, User-Centered Design, & Agile methodologies

    • Feel passionate that ‘success is in the details as much as in the ‘big picture’

    • Love managing multiple projects simultaneously and hit deadlines, using the 80/20 rule as your mantra

    • Are known to friends and colleagues as cheerful, with a good sense of humor and a positive attitude

    • Enthusiastically and proactively help beyond the bounds of your day to day role

    • Ship quickly and adjust your process to fit the needs of an early-stage startup, valuing shipping a good solution now over a great solution several weeks from now.

    In a perfect world, you would...

    • Have experience in consumer marketplaces, e-commerce or other transaction-oriented consumer web apps preferred

    • Know SEO and how to balance it with UX

    • Have previously thrived in a true early startup experience previously (from Bootstrap to Series B)

    • Understand and have helped design for online niche communities and/or gaming products

    See more jobs at Travelstride

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    Product Designer (German Speaker)

    BeekeeperPoland Remote

    Beekeeper is hiring a Remote Product Designer (German Speaker)

    As aProduct Designer you will work on how our users experience our product. Starting from a holistic understanding of our problem space and our different users, to discovering different solutions, delivering meaningful user experiences, and making our product and customers more successful.

    How you will make a difference

    • Execute on all phases of the design process, from conducting research and aligning with stakeholders to creating production-ready designs and measuring their impact.
    • Identify and prioritize impactful features through research and stakeholder involvement, operating within the constraints of scaling an existing product.
    • Advocate for simplicity, helping your team steer away from complex approaches, to deliver experiences that our non-tech-savvy audience can easily understand and use.
    • Translate research findings and other inputs into actionable opportunities, helping others see the value and connect the dots between UX and business goals.
    • Partner with Product Managers, Engineers, and other designers to develop viable concepts and ensure design consistency across the product.
    • Break silos by collaborating with Sales, Customer Success, Marketing, and other teams to gain better understanding and get more buy in.
    • Drive initiatives forward with proactive engagement and self-motivation, always considering the broader business context and platform strategy.

    What you bring to the team

    • 3-5 years of professional experience designing digital products for web and mobile, ideally in a B2B/SaaS environment.
    • A digital portfolio that demonstrates a deep understanding of the human-centered design process, as well as UX and visual design excellence.
    • You excel at collaborating and influencing others assertively. Your ability to communicate effectively is essential when collaborating with various stakeholders.
    • You are comfortable with planning, scoping, conducting, analyzing, and communicating research to drive informed design decisions.
    • Fluency in English; working knowledge of German.
    • Eligibility to work in Poland. This is a full-time in-house position.

    Why you will love working with us

    • You will join an international team of product designers where you can grow professionally and contribute to solidifying our product design practices: your voice will be heard.
    • You will impact the engagement and productivity of hundreds of thousands of frontline workers in healthcare, construction, manufacturing, retail, hospitality, and other industries.
    • You will help us develop a deeper understanding of our users’ needs: there is so much we still want to discover and improve.
    • You will take part in a unique challenge for a product designer: our team is trusted to transform the UX maturity at the organization, and everyone can have a big impact.
    • You will have access to modern tools to support you in your job, such as Figma, Notion, UserTesting, Dovetail, Mixpanel, Miro, and more.

    What we offer

    • Competitive salary
    • Phone & Home Internet costs reimbursement up to 80 PLN/month
    • Private health care package with Luxmed 
    • Multisport Benefit card 
    • Creative Allowance – paid as 1000 PLN gross/month
    • Home office set-up reimbursement up to 1000 PLN
    • Personal Learning & Development Budget of 1500 USD/year 
    • Sabbatical Program – 1 month paid leave at 3, 5, 10 year tenure
    • 26 days of annual leave/year
    • 2 Mental Health days off per year
    • Laptop for work purposes
    • Hybrid working model or 100% remote from Poland 
    • Oh and don’t forget about our Beekeeper Stock options!

    Who we are

    Beekeeper believes in the potential of every single employee. That’s why we’ve built the essential platform for frontline workers. We put all company communications and tools in one place, empowering frontline employees to be more agile, productive, and create a safer workplace.


    At Beekeeper, we celebrate diversity! All qualified applications will receive consideration for employment regardless of race, colour, ancestry, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital status, disability or gender identity. We are committed to ensuring a smooth application process for all candidates. If you require accommodations due to a disability, please reach out to, and our team will be more than happy to assist you. 

    Please know that you are not required to share your nationality, age or your picture on the CV. We are looking forward to your application! 

    See more jobs at Beekeeper

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    Web Executive

    Informa MarketsLondon, United Kingdom, Remote

    Informa Markets is hiring a Remote Web Executive

    Job Description

    Key Responsibilities 

    • Daily management of a selection of event and content CMS 
    • Design and implementation of testing and optimisation strategies (including A/B testing landing pages and CTA’s) to deliver personalised web experiences with the support of testing tools
    • Own the look and feel of the sites, ensuring a consistent brand identity is maintained to build creatively, trust and improve UX
    • Ensuring basic SEO best practice is followed and implemented
    • Instrumental in any site migrations and website refreshes, designing wireframes and paginating page content 
    • Creating monthly reports from Adobe Analytics on site user behaviour and offering recommendations to increase engagement on site and optimize user journeys for conversion 
    • Understands customers’ digital behaviour, through continual testing and reporting on channel and campaign performance, in order to optimise plans. This will include using Adobe Analytics or similar to spot issues and opportunities 
    • Works collaboratively with wider marketing team to review and make changes/improvements to digital campaigns to ensure customer engagement and conversion is optimised 
    • Experience, knowledge and curiosity in UX, offering and applying recommendations marketing team to improve customer experience
    • Ensuring websites are responsive and compatible with various devices and browsers
    • Implementing accessibility standards to ensure websites are inclusive for all users
    • Coach wider marketing teams on best practices and latest developments
    • Understanding and managing the Websites’ role in wider marketing campaigns including PPC/Email landing pages feeding page performance to optimise campaigns


    Experience of the following tools highly desirable but not essential 

    • Adobe Analytics  
    • Adobe Target 
    • Adobe Experience Manager or similar CMS 
    • WVO or similar
    • Ahrefs or similar
    • Microsoft Clarity
    • Figma or similar

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