UX Remote Jobs

406 Results


Gestionnaire de Produit (PM) Espace Client

VideotronMontréal, Canada, Remote

Videotron is hiring a Remote Gestionnaire de Produit (PM) Espace Client

Description du poste

***Mode de travail hybride, 2 jours par semaine en présentiel***

Le ou la Gestionnaire de Produit (PM) - Espace Client est responsable de la vision, de la stratégie et de la performance de l’espace client dans ses versions web et applicative. Il fait le lien entre les équipes techniques, marketing et utilisateurs pour s’assurer que l’espace client répond aux besoins utilisateurs et permette à Vidéotron d’atteindre ses objectifs d’affaires.

Principales responsabilités : 

   1. Définir la vision du produit 

  • Analyser les besoins utilisateurs pour comprendre les attentes de nos clients. 
  • Établir une veille continue du marché et des meilleures pratiques pour identifier des opportunités d’évolution. 
  • Identifier les requis en collaboration avec les différents contributeurs. À ce titre, établir des relations de confiance avec toutes les parties prenantes. 
  • Animer des groupes de travail et mobiliser les expertises internes (UX designer, PO, architectes, analystes d’affaires, …) pour déterminer les solutions à mettre en œuvre. 
  • Élaborer une vision claire et inspirante du produit aligné avec la stratégie globale de l’équipe numérique et les objectifs d’affaire. 

   2. Établir et gérer la feuille de route 

  • Créer et mettre à jour la feuille de route de l’espace client et la communiquer efficacement aux diverses parties prenantes. 
  • Prioriser les nouvelles fonctionnalités ou les évolutions de fonctionnalité existantes en fonction de la valeur ajoutée pour les utilisateurs et l’entreprise tout en assurant la rentabilité des portefeuilles d’évolution numérique. 
  • Planifier avec les responsables de livraison le développement des nouvelles fonctionnalités et s’assurer de la tenue des délais. Fournir toute la documentation nécessaire au bon développement des nouvelles fonctionnalités. 
  • Suivre l’avancement des développements et aider à ajuster les solutions et les priorités si nécessaires. 
  • S’assurer de l’adéquation et de la qualité des fonctionnalités livrées. 

   3. Évaluer la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité 

  • S’assurer de la performance de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités livrées et de leur impact sur la performance globale du produit sous sa responsabilité. 
  • S’assurer du suivi de la valeur livrée, avec des indicateurs pertinents pour suivre l’avancement des feuilles de route, des projets, des axes d’amélioration, des risques et mesurer l’atteinte des objectifs fixés. 
  • Engager les actions nécessaires pour rétablir la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité si des actions tierces entrainaient une perte de performance. 
  • Restituer régulièrement la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité et faire la promotion du travail et des réalisations des collaborateurs permettant la réalisation de la feuille de route


  • 3-5 ans d'expérience dans la conception de produits numériques 
  • Expérience avérée dans le développement de projets d’envergure au sein d’un environnement matriciel et agile 
  • Capacité démontrée à établir des partenariats avec les parties prenantes ainsi que des équipes de livraison (équipes de conception, environnement technique) 
  • Savoir valoriser la collaboration en faisant preuve d’écoute, d’ouverture et de considération envers les autres 
  • Oser requestionner l’existant, de manière respectueuse et constructive et savoir faire preuve d’initiative et de proactivité et oser aller au-delà de ce qui est demandé 

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Expert·e interface et système de conception

VideotronMontréal, Canada, Remote

Videotron is hiring a Remote Expert·e interface et système de conception

Description du poste

Le ou la titulaire du poste aura pour mission de concevoir des solutions numériques qui allient performance et expérience utilisateur exceptionnelle en pilotant la conception et l’évolution des principes directeurs de nos interfaces utilisateurs et de notre design system.

Principales responsabilités :

   1. Leadership du UI Design :

  • Développer et maintenir une vision cohérente et innovante pour l'interface utilisateur de nos produits;
  • Concevoir des interfaces utilisateur intuitives et attrayantes en accord avec les besoins des utilisateurs et les objectifs de l'entreprise;
  • Collaborer avec les équipes produit, UX et développement pour intégrer les designs de manière fluide et efficace;

   2. Gestion du Design System :

  • Créer, développer et maintenir le Design System de l'entreprise, y compris les composants UI, les styles, les guidelines et les normes de conception;
  • Assurer l’harmonisation des éléments de design à travers tous les produits et plateformes;
  • Prioriser et coordonner le développement des nouveaux composants ou des évolutions de composants du design system avec les développeurs front end;
  • Documenter le Design System de manière claire et accessible pour les équipes de conception et de développement;
  • Assurer une communication efficace et claire concernant les mises à jour et les évolutions du Design System aux équipes internes;

   3. Innovation et Amélioration Continue :

  • Suivre les tendances actuelles en matière de design UI/UX et d'outils de conception pour proposer des améliorations et des innovations dans le Design System;
  • Réaliser des audits réguliers du Design System pour identifier les opportunités d’optimisation et d’évolution;
  • Encadrer et coacher les designers UI et les membres de l’équipe sur les meilleures pratiques en matière d'UI et d’utilisation du Design System;
  • Organiser des sessions de formation et des ateliers pour promouvoir l’adoption et la compréhension du Design System au sein de l’entreprise.


  • Baccalauréat en marketing numérique, commerce en ligne ou TI;
  • Minimum sept (7) années d’expérience en design UI/UX, avec une expérience significative dans la gestion et le développement de Design Systems;
  • Maîtrise des outils de design (Figma) ainsi que des technologies web (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) et des principes de développement front-end;
  • Capacité à maintenir une vision et gérer une feuille de route;
  • Capacité à gérer plusieurs projets simultanément, avec un excellent sens de l'organisation et une attention aux détails;
  • Grande capacité d’influence et à travailler en équipe;
  • Expérience dans l’industrie des télécommunications, un atout;
  • Maîtrise de l’anglais (parlé et écrit) niveau intermédiaire;
    • L’employé aura à communiquer avec des partenaires externes ou des collègues anglophones se situant à l’extérieur du Québec et doit s’attendre à communiquer souvent en anglais.

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Gestionnaire de produit (PM) commerce électronique

VideotronMontréal, Canada, Remote

Videotron is hiring a Remote Gestionnaire de produit (PM) commerce électronique

Description du poste

***Mode de travail hybride, 2 jours par semaine en présentiel***

Le ou la Gestionnaire de Produit (PM) Commerce Électronique est responsable de la vision, de la stratégie et de la réussite du tunnel d’achat en ligne. Il ou elle fait le lien entre les équipes techniques, marketing et utilisateurs pour s’assurer que le tunnel d’achat en ligne répond aux besoins du marché et permette à Vidéotron d’atteindre ses objectifs d’affaires. 

Principales responsabilités :

   1. Définir la vision du produit 

  • Analyser les besoins utilisateurs pour comprendre les attentes de nos clients. 
  • Établir une veille continue du marché et des meilleures pratiques pour identifier des opportunités d’évolution. 
  • Identifier les requis en collaboration avec les différents contributeurs. À ce titre, établir des relations de confiance avec toutes les parties prenantes. 
  • Animer des groupes de travail et mobiliser les expertises internes (UX designer, PO, architectes, analystes d’affaires, …) pour déterminer les solutions à mettre en œuvre. 
  • Élaborer une vision claire et inspirante du produit aligné avec la stratégie globale de l’équipe numérique et les objectifs d’affaire. 

   2. Établir et gérer la feuille de route 

  • Créer et mettre à jour la feuille de route du tunnel d’achat en ligne et la communiquer efficacement aux diverses parties prenantes. 
  • Prioriser les nouvelles fonctionnalités ou les évolutions de fonctionnalité existantes en fonction de la valeur ajoutée pour les utilisateurs et l’entreprise tout en assurant la rentabilité des portefeuilles d’évolution numérique. 
  • Planifier avec les responsables de livraison le développement des nouvelles fonctionnalités et s’assurer de la tenue des délais. Fournir toute la documentation nécessaire au bon développement des nouvelles fonctionnalités. 
  • Suivre l’avancement des développements et aider à ajuster les solutions et les priorités si nécessaires. 
  • S’assurer de l’adéquation et de la qualité des fonctionnalités livrées. 

   3. Évaluer la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité 

  • S’assurer de la performance de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités livrées et de leur impact sur la performance globale du produit sous sa responsabilité. 
  • S’assurer du suivi de la valeur livrée, avec des indicateurs pertinents pour suivre l’avancement des feuilles de route, des projets, des axes d’amélioration, des risques et mesurer l’atteinte des objectifs fixés. 
  • Engager les actions nécessaires pour rétablir la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité si des actions tierces entrainaient une perte de performance. 
  • Restituer régulièrement la performance du produit sous sa responsabilité et faire la promotion du travail et des réalisations des collaborateurs permettant la réalisation de la feuille de route.


  • 3-5 ans d'expérience dans la conception de produits numériques 
  • Expérience avérée dans le développement de projets d’envergure au sein d’un environnement matriciel et agile 
  • Capacité démontrée à établir des partenariats avec les parties prenantes ainsi que des équipes de livraison (équipes de conception, environnement technique) 
  • Savoir valoriser la collaboration en faisant preuve d’écoute, d’ouverture et de considération envers les autres 
  • Oser requestionner l’existant, de manière respectueuse et constructive et savoir faire preuve d’initiative et de proactivité et oser aller au-delà de ce qui est demandé 

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Conseiller·ère UI/UX

VideotronMontréal, Canada, Remote

Videotron is hiring a Remote Conseiller·ère UI/UX

Description du poste

***Mode de travail hybride, 2 jours par semaine en présentiel***

Le ou la titulaire du poste a pour mission principale de concevoir et optimiser les expériences et interfaces utilisateurs de tous les parcours numériques sous sa responsabilité.

Principales responsabilités:

   1. Analyse des besoins utilisateur :

  • Réaliser des études et des recherches pour comprendre les besoins, les comportements et les préférences des utilisateurs;
  • Collecter et analyser les rétroactions des utilisateurs pour identifier les points de douleur et les opportunités d’amélioration;

   2. Conception UI/UX :

  • Concevoir des maquettes, des wireframes et des prototypes interactifs pour illustrer les concepts de design;
  • Créer des interfaces utilisateur attrayantes, fonctionnelles et conformes aux normes d’accessibilité et aux meilleures pratiques de design;

   3. Collaboration et communication :

  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec les équipes de développement pour garantir la faisabilité et la mise en œuvre des conceptions;
  • Communiquer efficacement les concepts de design et les décisions aux parties prenantes et aux membres de l’équipe;
  • Animer des ateliers de co-création et des sessions de revue de design pour recueillir des avis et des suggestions;

   4. Tests et évaluation :

  • Conduire des tests utilisateurs pour évaluer l’efficacité des designs et identifier les zones d’amélioration;
  • Valider la pertinence des développements réalisés et le respect des besoins transmis;
  • Analyser les données d’utilisation et les résultats des tests pour ajuster les designs en fonction des retours et des comportements observés;

   5. Veille technologique et tendances :

  • Se tenir informé des dernières tendances et innovations en matière de design UI/UX pour intégrer les meilleures pratiques dans les projets.


  • Baccalauréat en marketing numérique, commerce en ligne ou TI;
  • Minimum de cinq (5) années d’expérience en conception d’expérience d’utilisation et en design d’interface;
  • Excellente connaissance des méthodologies de conception UX, incluant les méthodes de recherche utilisateur;
  • Maîtrise de Figma;
  • Maîtrise des concepts de Design Thinking et de Service Design;
  • Expérience dans le maintien de Design System;
  • Capacité à travailler sous pression et à produire des résultats dans des délais serrés;
  • Capacité d’assumer du leadership avec des équipes de travail multidisciplinaires;
  • Avoir une très bonne connaissance des outils d’expériences numériques;
  • Expérience dans le secteur des télécommunications, un atout;
  • Maîtrise de l’anglais (parlé et écrit) niveau intermédiaire;
    • L’employé aura à communiquer avec des partenaires externes ou des collègues anglophones se situant à l’extérieur du Québec et doit s’attendre à communiquer souvent en anglais.


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Mobility Sector | Product Owner

DevoteamLisboa, Portugal, Remote

Devoteam is hiring a Remote Mobility Sector | Product Owner

Job Description

  • Vision and Roadmap Development: Craft and communicate a holistic vision and structured product development roadmap, working closely within the Scrum team to ensure alignment and clarity.
  • Backlog Management: Write sagas, epics, and user stories, prioritizing tasks effectively to ensure the focus remains on delivering user value that fosters the achievement of business goals, while adhering to the product’s vision and strategy.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: Actively interact with users, stakeholders, and development teams to understand business needs and foster a common understanding of product goals.
  • Value Assessment: Evaluate and prioritize product features based on their potential value, ensuring optimal resource utilization and impact.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Coordinate with UX designers, other Product Visionaries, and external teams in scaled environments to ensure cohesive product development and user experience.
  • Continuous Delivery and Feedback: Implement through agile frameworks and DevOps practices an incremental and steady feature delivery, swiftly adapting to feedback and business changes.


  • 5+ years of professional experience in software-related roles.
  • Ability to develop and maintain a strategic product vision.
  • Prioritize user needs and translate them into product features, balancing technical feasibility with user desirability and business viability.
  • You will need to ensure alignment and cohesive product development efforts across multiple channels and stakeholders.
  • Ability to maintain focus and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks, utilizing strong problem-solving skills to navigate complex project challenges successfully.
  • Embrace agile and its implementation frameworks namely Scrum, to make the most out of all its events and work to keep evolving a high-performing team.
  • Be available to be a cross-functional team member by using and developing new skills and enabling a fully responsible team able to cover the whole product lifecycle.
  • Promote a high involvement with the development team, understanding their needs and challenges and supporting them in achieving their best on attaining the product business goals.
  • Create and maintain a product backlog targeting the business needs and goals while supporting delivery excellence.
  • Enable product planning for short, medium and long-terms and translate the results into roadmaps that support business goals.
  • Have a proactive quality mindset by combining product vision, needs and usage to anticipate gaps, unseen behaviours and undiscovered features to deliver a high-quality product.
  • Availability to travel abroad for short periods, as required.
  • Fluent English oral and written skills. German communication skills will be a plus.

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Product Manager, Conversational Design


Agero is hiring a Remote Product Manager, Conversational Design

About Agero:

Wherever drivers go, we’re leading the way. Agero’s mission is to rethink the vehicle ownership experience through a powerful combination of passionate people and data-driven technology, strengthening our clients’ relationships with their customers. As the #1 B2B, white-label provider of digital driver assistance services, we’re pushing the industry in a new direction, taking manual processes, and redefining them as digital, transparent, and connected. This includes: an industry-leading dispatch management platform powered by Swoop; comprehensive accident management services; knowledgeable consumer affairs and connected vehicle capabilities; and a growing marketplace of services, discounts and support enabled by a robust partner ecosystem. The company has over 150 million vehicle coverage points in partnership with leading automobile manufacturers, insurance carriers and many others. Managing one of the largest national networks of service providers, Agero responds to approximately 12 million service events annually. Agero, a member company of The Cross Country Group, is headquartered in Medford, Mass., with operations throughout North America. To learn more, visit https://www.agero.com/.

About the Role:

We’re looking for a Product Manager to drive the definition and development of the various communication channels we use within our roadside assistance platform. Your job will be to work with engineering, operations, data science & analytics, and design to develop features and experiences that enable the efficient delivery of exceptional service to millions of stranded motorists per year. You’ll have a tremendous impact on the product and be able to see your work get to market quickly. We’re looking for a passionate, strategic thinker who can understand the big picture, but also cares about the details.


  • Manage product definition and development of conversational design experiences across interactive voice assist and chatbot feature sets. 
  • Forge strategy of existing communication channels into an era of new technologies, including increased conversation automation and AI. 
  • Partner with multiple stakeholders, including operations, data science, client services, and engineering to understand the needs of our customers and operations specialists.
  • Ask “why” incessantly in order to identify root problems and opportunities that can be solved with platform innovation.
  • Intimately understand the needs and challenges of engineering, factoring technical efficiency and scalability into product requirements.
  • Drive multiple releases per week from conception to completion with a cross-functional team of designers, developers, QA, and data scientists.
  • Own and measure core success metrics of the product and the business.
  • Continuously prioritize and manage the backlog and upcoming sprints.
  • Communicate regularly with key internal and external constituents.

Skills and Experience:

  • 3+ years full-time product management experience
  • Have shipped something that people use regularly
  • Experience with chatbots and interactive voice assist systems; an appreciation for various conversational design frameworks
  • Analytical ability to unpack complex problems, synthesize data, and identify root issues
  • Strong UX and workflow design skills
  • User-centric product philosophy and methodology
  • Can develop deep empathy for a variety of customer types
  • Experience in A/B testing features regularly to validate outcomes
  • Can manage multiple projects simultaneously, handle a fast-paced startup environment, meet deadlines, and manage changing priorities
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills

Hiring In:

  • United States:  AZ, FL, GA, NH, IL, KY, MA, MI, NC, NM, TN, VA 
  • Canada: Province of Ontario

D, E & I Mission & Culture at Agero:

We are all Change Drivers at Agero. Each day, we speak to thousands of drivers and tow professionals across one of the most diverse countries in the world. Our mission to safeguard drivers on the road, strengthen our clients’ relationships with their drivers, and support the communities we live and work in unites us together as one force driving positive change.

The road to positive change starts inside Agero. In celebrating each other’s differences, we lift each other up and create space for innovation and community. Bringing our whole selves to work powers our commitment, drive, agility, and courage - ensuring we are not only changing the landscape of the driver services industry, we also are making a difference in the lives of our customers with each call, chat, and rescue.


To review Agero's privacy policy click the link:https://www.agero.com/privacy.

***Disclaimer:Agero is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment and encourages applications from all qualified candidates. Accommodation is available. Additionally, we offer accommodation for applicants with disabilities in our recruitment processes. If you require accommodation during the recruitment process, please contactrecruiting@agero.com.

***Agero communicates with candidates via text for matters related to submitted applications, questions, and availability for interviews. If you prefer not to receive texts, you can contact Agero's recruiting team directly at recruiting@agero.com.

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UX Writer

Bachelor's degreefigmauiUXc++

Oddball is hiring a Remote UX Writer


Oddball believes that the best products are built when companies understand and value the things they are working on. We value learning and growth and the ability to make a big impact at a small company. We believe that we can make big changes happen and improve the daily lives of millions of people by bringing quality software to the federal space. 

We are hiring a UX Writerto work on a pivotal Federal program that is making a positive impact on millions of Americans' daily lives. 

What you'll be doing:

As a UX Writer, you will play a pivotal role in crafting clear, concise, and engaging user experiences for veterans. You will collaborate with designers, developers, and stakeholders to ensure that our digital products are intuitive, accessible, and meet the needs of our users.

What you’ll bring:

  • Strong writing and editing skills with a focus on clarity, conciseness, accessibility and engagement
  • Understanding of user experience principles and best practices
  • Experience working in a collaborative team environment
  • Ability to adapt to different writing styles and tones
  • Proficiency using Microsoft Word to show changes and ask questions using track changes and marginal comments
  • Experience using UI mockup tools like UX Pin and Figma 
  • Portfolio of previous UX writing work 


  • Must be a US Citizen and able to work domestically 
  • Must be able to attain low-level security clearance 


  • Bachelor's Degree 


  • Fully remote
  • Annual stipend
  • Comprehensive Benefits Package
  • Company Match 401(k) plan
  • Flexible PTO, Paid Holidays

Equal Opportunity Employer/Protected Veterans/Individuals with Disabilities:

Oddball is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against applicants based on race, religion, color, disability, medical condition, legally protected genetic information, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, gender identity or expression, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), age, veteran status or other legally protected characteristics. Any applicant with a mental or physical disability who requires an accommodation during the application process should contact an Oddball HR representative to request such an accommodation by emailing hr@oddball.io 

The contractor will not discharge or in any other manner discriminate against employees or applicants because they have inquired about, discussed, or disclosed their own pay or the pay of another employee or applicant. However, employees who have access to the compensation information of other employees or applicants as a part of their essential job functions cannot disclose the pay of other employees or applicants to individuals who do not otherwise have access to compensation information, unless the disclosure is (a) in response to a formal complaint or charge, (b) in furtherance of an investigation, proceeding, hearing, or action, including an investigation conducted by the employer, or (c) consistent with the contractor’s legal duty to furnish information. 41 CFR 60-1.35(c)


At Oddball, it’s important each employee is compensated competitively and fairly. In alignment with state legal requirements. A range for the included position is listed below. Be advised, actual offer details are determined by job category, job location, and candidate skill level.

United States Wage Range: $90,000 – $130,000

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Senior Java Software Engineer (AWS, Lambda) (USA Remote)

Turnitin LLCDallas, TX, Remote

Turnitin LLC is hiring a Remote Senior Java Software Engineer (AWS, Lambda) (USA Remote)

Job Description

As a member of the Grading and Feedback team, the purpose of this role is to build and maintain services related to grading and feedback functionality. The Senior Software Engineer - Backend Services will be responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining scalable, high-performance backend systems using AWS Lambda and related technologies. This role is critical in developing and optimizing our serverless architecture. Cross functionally this role will interface mainly with QA, Product, UX and Support.


  • Architect and develop robust, scalable backend services with AWS Lambda
  • Design / implement RESTful APIs and event-driven systems
  • Optimize existing services for improved performance and cost-efficiency
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to integrate backend services with frontend applications
  • Implement and maintain CI/CD pipelines
  • Conduct code reviews and mentor junior engineers
  • Troubleshoot and resolve complex technical issues in production environments
  • Continue to grow and learn as a developer



  • 4+ years of experience in backend development
  • Strong proficiency in at least one programming language suitable for AWS Lambda (e.g., Python, Node.js, Java)
  • Experience with AWS services, particularly Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB
  • Solid understanding of serverless architecture principles and best practices
  • Experience with microservices design patterns and event-driven architectures
  • Proficiency in version control systems (e.g., Git) and CI/CD tools
  • Strong problem-solving skills and attention to detail

Tii Elements:

  • Has a growth mindset and leads with questions vs. assumptions
  • Effectively communicates and cooperates with peers, partners, leaders & customers to achieve outcomes. Builds relationships and creates an environment wherein people can naturally work together for the good of the company and our customers.
  • Possesses a mindset of abundance and redefines what’s possible; creates and advances ways of achieving results in new or difficult situations either by appropriating additional resources, or by doing more with less.
  • Shares learning/knowledge with others freely and enthusiastically. 
  • Setting high quality standards for our work and striving for continuous improvement.

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User Experience Design Intern (UX/UI)

TaniumDurham, NC (Hybrid)
agileBachelor's degreefigmasketchDesignUX

Tanium is hiring a Remote User Experience Design Intern (UX/UI)

The Basics:  

In thisgraduate-level positionas a Tanium User Experience Design Intern (UX Intern), you will be tasked with designing best-of-breed products as part of a small and highly agile design and development team. Assigned a 1-1 mentor with a senior member of the team, you’ll experience what it’s like to be a full-time employee in the interface design field while honing your skills in a real-world environment.  

Tanium’s UX team focuses on a strong customer engagement model and feedback process to ensure our products are designed the right way from the beginning. When new products ideas are identified, user experience designers are responsible for iterating and designing the products from the ground up, while continuously iterating with product management, engineering and customers for feedback and input.    

This is a hybrid position based out of Tanium's Durham, NC office.  

The hourly rate for this internship is $45-$60 per hour. This hourly rate is an estimate for what Tanium will pay an intern. The actual rate offered may be adjusted based on a variety of factors, including but not limited to, education, skills, training, and experience. In addition to an hourly rate, interns will be eligible for a housing stipend, 401k matching, and a monthly allowance for communications reimbursement.   

What you’ll do:  

  • Grow in user-centered design processes under 1-1 mentorship on our team  
  • Primarily work with our UX design team helping them to complete their tasks, goals and deadlines--including possibly performing work on new designs.  
  • Perform improvements/enhancements on existing designs. 
  • Create a cross-discipline project designing a new feature/product/workflow/etc., working with an engineering squad, UX designers, as well as potentially project managers and research participants. 
  • Conduct user research to learn about user needs and/or validate designs.  

 Required qualifications:  

Graduate students HIGHLY preferred; undergrads may be considered if they have all relevant qualifications outlined below.  

  • Fully authorized to work in the U.S. now and in the future 
  • Available to work full-time from June 9, 2025 to August 15, 2025
  • Full-time student currently enrolled in a college or university, pursuing a degree in User Experience Design, Human Computer Interaction, Human Factors, Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Science or related discipline.    
  • Cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above 
  • Graduation date of Spring 2026 or Fall 2025 
  • Interest in doing real interface design with our team--not just performing consulting work  
  • Professional communication and organization skills (can schedule meetings and manage an Outlook calendar without assistance, can create and present decks using PowerPoint confidently, can articulate alternative approaches in the design process, etc.)  
  • At least some familiarity with basic web-based applications design  
  • At least some familiarity with Adobe, Sketch, Figma or related applications  
  • At least some experience implementing a user-centered approach to design 
  • MUST have a portfolio and work samples to present to our interview team 

Nice-to-have qualifications:   

  • Previous on-the-job experience in creating interface design 


About Tanium  

Tanium delivers the industry's only true real-time cloud-based endpoint management and security offering. Its converged endpoint management (XEM) platform is real-time, seamless, and autonomous, allowing security-conscious organizations to break down silos between IT and Security operations that results in reduced complexity, cost, and risk. Securing more than 32M endpoints around the world, Tanium's customers include Fortune 100 organizations, top US retailers, top US commercial banks, and branches of the U.S. Military. It also partners with the world's biggest technology companies, system integrators, and managed service providers to help customers realize the full potential of their IT investments. Tanium has been named to the Forbes Cloud 100 list for nine consecutive years and ranks on the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For. For more information on The Power of Certainty™, visitwww.tanium.comand follow us onLinkedInandX 


On a mission. Together.  

At Tanium, we are stewards of a culture that emphasizes the importance of collaboration, respect, and diversity. In our pursuit of revolutionizing the way some of the largest enterprises and governments in the world solve their most difficult IT challenges, we are strengthened by our unique perspectives and by our collective actions.    

We are an organization with stakeholders around the world and it’s imperative that the diversity of our customers and communities is reflected internally in our team members. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive environment where everyone feels they have opportunities to succeed and grow because we know that only together can we do great things.  

Each of our team members has 5 days set aside as volunteer time off (VTO) to contribute to the communities they live in and give back to the causes they care about most. Interns and other Tanium contractors are eligible for VTO after 90 days of employment.  

For more information on how Tanium processes your personal data, please see ourPrivacy Policy 


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Product Management Analyst, ClientSpace - Onsite

SalesMid LevelFull TimeagilesalesforceDesignUXc++

PrismHR is hiring a Remote Product Management Analyst, ClientSpace - Onsite

Product Management Analyst, ClientSpace - Onsite - PrismHR - Career PageSee more jobs at PrismHR

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ProSidian Consulting, LLC is hiring a Remote Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant | IT Effectiveness - Software Engineering & Web Applications [NPS034039]

Job Description

ProSidian Seeks a Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant | IT Effectiveness - Software Engineering & Web Applications [NPS034039] - DPLH Est.: 2080 Hrs. ST | 0 Hrs. OT on a Exempt [W2] Technical Element Basis Engagement Team | Senior Project Manager Labor Category - Mid Level Exempt [W2] Professional aligned under services related to NAICS: 541519 - DPLH Est.: 2080 Hrs. ST | 0 Hrs. OT on a Exempt [W2] Technical Element Basis located CONUS:  Washington, DC, and Reston, Virginia, and the National Information Systems Center (NISC), located in Denver, Colorado. supporting NPS is responsible for managing national parks and other sites, providing IT and telecom services through their National Information Technology Center.


Seeking Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant candidates with relevant Government And Public Services Sector Experience (functional and technical area expertise also ideal) to support professional services engagement for Government And Public Services Sector Clients such as NPS.  This as a Technical Element or Contract W-2 (IRS-1099) Position and ProSidian reserves the right to convert to a Full-Time ProSidian employed W-2 Position.



Provide services and support as a Information Technology Center Support (Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant) in the Government And Public Services Industry Sector focussing on IT Services Solutions for clients such as The Department of Interior (DOI | NPS) | DOI National Park Service (NPS) Information Resources (IR) Directive Generally Located In CONUS:  Washington, DC, and Reston, Virginia, and the National Information Systems Center (NISC), located in Denver, Colorado. and across the  Region.


RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES- Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant | IT Effectiveness - Software Engineering & Web Applications [NPS034039]

Serve as a Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant and provide coverage for swim lane tasks primarily considered in alignment with Task 2.5.2 - Software Engineering & Web Applications related activities to Consult on user experience (UX) design, ensuring systems are user-friendly and optimized.


Desired Qualifications For Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant | IT Effectiveness - Software Engineering & Web Applications [NPS034039](NPS034039) Candidates:

Consult on user experience (UX) design, ensuring systems are user-friendly and optimized.


Education / Experience Requirements / Qualifications

Senior-level user experience (UX) consulting experience in IT projects.

Certification Skillset Attributes | Process Skillset Attributes | Functional Skillset Attributes | Technical Skillset Attributes | Educational Skillset Attributes

Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant Certification Skillset Attributes:

- CompTIA Security+ or CISSP

- Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)

Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant Process Skillset Attributes:

- Best Business Practices

- Change Management

Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant Functional Skillset Attributes:

- Systems Administration Expertise

- Tier 1, 2, and 3 Technical Support

Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant Technical Skillset Attributes:

- IT Service Management (ITSM)

- Operating System (OS) Support

Systems Engineer - Senior -- UX Consultant Educational Skillset Attributes:

- Bachelor’s Degree in IT/Computer Science

- Advanced Certifications


Skills Required

Senior-level UX consulting experience in IT systems management


Competencies Required

Change management


Ancillary Details Of The Roles


Federal government experience preferred


Other Details

Manage IT lifecycle


#TechnicalCrossCuttingJobs #Consulting #ProfessionalAnalyticalSupport #Jugaad

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Lead Product Designer - Developer Platform


Cloudflare is hiring a Remote Lead Product Designer - Developer Platform

About Us

At Cloudflare, we are on a mission to help build a better Internet. Today the company runs one of the world’s largest networks that powers millions of websites and other Internet properties for customers ranging from individual bloggers to SMBs to Fortune 500 companies. Cloudflare protects and accelerates any Internet application online without adding hardware, installing software, or changing a line of code. Internet properties powered by Cloudflare all have web traffic routed through its intelligent global network, which gets smarter with every request. As a result, they see significant improvement in performance and a decrease in spam and other attacks. Cloudflare was named to Entrepreneur Magazine’s Top Company Cultures list and ranked among the World’s Most Innovative Companies by Fast Company. 

We realize people do not fit into neat boxes. We are looking for curious and empathetic individuals who are committed to developing themselves and learning new skills, and we are ready to help you do that. We cannot complete our mission without building a diverse and inclusive team. We hire the best people based on an evaluation of their potential and support them throughout their time at Cloudflare. Come join us! 

Available Locations: Hybrid - Austin, San Francisco, Seattle, New York. Two days in the office.

About our team

The Product Experience team is a diverse group of creative people that love to learn, collaborate, solve large-scale problems, and grow together. We're looking for a curious, user-focused, and action-oriented Lead Product Designer that is driven to design the best product experiences for the Developer Platform.

The Developer Platform is a part of the Emerging Technologies & Incubation (ETI) organization where new and bold products are built and released within Cloudflare. Rather than being constrained by the structures which make Cloudflare a massively successful business, we are able to leverage them to deliver entirely new tools and products to our customers. 

Your impact

As a Lead Product Designer, you will work closely with other designers, engineers, product managers, and stakeholders to drive the best end-to-end experiences for developers. Your work will impact the developer experiences of a growing platform of products including Cloudflare Pages, Workers, R2, Databases, Media, AI, and more. While this is not a managerial role with direct reports, we expect our Lead Product Designers to lead by example and coach the team into doing their best work.

If you're a systems-thinking Lead Product Designer who's excited to work on significant, meaningful, and complex problems with real-world impact, come help us make the Internet better! We'd love to hear from you.

What you'll do

  • Lead end-to-end developer experience design, simplifying complex problems through research, sketching, and collaboration with cross-functional teams.
  • Drive improvements across multiple touch points of the developer experience such as the product dashboard, CLI, documentation, playground, and more.
  • Partner with product managers and engineering to navigate technical trade-offs, contributing to both near-term and long-term product vision.
  • Collaborate with other designers on shared patterns, product vision, and design goals, while refining team culture and exporting best practices across the organization.
  • Facilitate workshops, design reviews, and cross-departmental initiatives, identifying shared dependencies that connect products and services.
  • Drive adoption of new design tools and methodologies, utilizing data to inform accessible service and interface designs, from research to final product.
  • Collaborate with designers and leaders across the company to elevate the overall Cloudflare user experience.
  • Mentor and coach designers, contributing to team growth and scaling design practices through documentation and decision-making frameworks.

Examples of desirable skills, knowledge and experience

  • Strong user experience and visual design skills, this is an end-to-end UX to UI role
  • Proven track record of producing high-quality end-to-end deliverables
  • 10+ years working in professional UX or product design roles
  • A portfolio or comprehensive presentation of relevant user experience and visual design work is required
  • Clearly and effectively formulate direction and strategy for the team to make decisions
  • Deep empathy with, and understanding of users’ needs
  • Effective written and verbal communication skills
  • Technical expertise and an understanding of designing for developer workflows is a plus
  • Previous leadership experience is a plus


Compensation may be adjusted depending on work location.

  • For Colorado-based hires: Estimated annual salary of $192,000- $234,000.
  • For New York City, Washington, and California (excluding Bay Area) based hires: Estimated annual salary of $214,000- $262,000.
  • For Bay Area-based hires: Estimated annual salary of $225,000 - $275,000


This role is eligible to participate in Cloudflare’s equity plan.


Cloudflare offers a complete package of benefits and programs to support you and your family.  Our benefits programs can help you pay health care expenses, support caregiving, build capital for the future and make life a little easier and fun!  The below is a description of our benefits for employees in the United States, and benefits may vary for employees based outside the U.S.

Health & Welfare Benefits

  • Medical/Rx Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Vision Insurance
  • Flexible Spending Accounts
  • Commuter Spending Accounts
  • Fertility & Family Forming Benefits
  • On-demand mental health support and Employee Assistance Program
  • Global Travel Medical Insurance

Financial Benefits

  • Short and Long Term Disability Insurance
  • Life & Accident Insurance
  • 401(k) Retirement Savings Plan
  • Employee Stock Participation Plan

Time Off

  • Flexible paid time off covering vacation and sick leave
  • Leave programs, including parental, pregnancy health, medical, and bereavement leave

What Makes Cloudflare Special?

We’re not just a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company. We’re a highly ambitious, large-scale technology company with a soul. Fundamental to our mission to help build a better Internet is protecting the free and open Internet.

Project Galileo: We equip politically and artistically important organizations and journalists with powerful tools to defend themselves against attacks that would otherwise censor their work, technology already used by Cloudflare’s enterprise customers--at no cost.

Athenian Project: We created Athenian Project to ensure that state and local governments have the highest level of protection and reliability for free, so that their constituents have access to election information and voter registration. We released help fix the foundation of the Internet by building a faster, more secure and privacy-centric public DNS resolver. This is available publicly for everyone to use - it is the first consumer-focused service Cloudflare has ever released. Here’s the deal - we don’t store client IP addresses never, ever. We will continue to abide by our privacy commitmentand ensure that no user data is sold to advertisers or used to target consumers.

Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? We’d love to hear from you!

This position may require access to information protected under U.S. export control laws, including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations. Please note that any offer of employment may be conditioned on your authorization to receive software or technology controlled under these U.S. export laws without sponsorship for an export license.

Cloudflare is proud to be an equal opportunity employer.  We are committed to providing equal employment opportunity for all people and place great value in both diversity and inclusiveness.  All qualified applicants will be considered for employment without regard to their, or any other person's, perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, family care status, or any other basis protected by law.We are an AA/Veterans/Disabled Employer.

Cloudflare provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Please tell us if you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job. Examples of reasonable accommodations include, but are not limited to, changing the application process, providing documents in an alternate format, using a sign language interpreter, or using specialized equipment.  If you require a reasonable accommodation to apply for a job, please contact us via e-mail athr@cloudflare.comor via mail at 101 Townsend St. San Francisco, CA 94107.

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Senior Product Manager, Email

SquarespaceRemote, United States
Full TimeRustagileDesignUXc++

Squarespace is hiring a Remote Senior Product Manager, Email

Squarespace has defined the future of web design and helped entrepreneurs make their ideas and passions an online reality for over two decades. As one of the world's largest domain providers, millions of customers entrust Squarespace with a vital part of their online brand identity: their web domain.

Working within our Squarespace Domains organization, our Email product group manages our Google Workspace accounts which provides customers with access to custom email addresses while integrating with Google Workspace and Google Cloud. As a Senior Product Manager for this team, you will guide the strategic direction and roadmap for Squarespace Domain's email-related offerings.

You will report directly to the General Manager of Domains and have the option of working from our NYC headquarters or remotely within the U.S.

You'll Get To...

  • Craft plans and guide product development—from conception to launch—of the products and product solutions needed for customers to easily purchase a suitable Google Workspace Email plan for their business needs, configure their service, add seats and users, manage permissions, and gain access to purchase other Squarespace products.
  • Define and communicate short and long term product bets that are aligned with the Domains & Email strategy and partner product teams
  • Work closely with external partners on roadmapping, product features and improvements, pricing, promotional and GTM activities. Regular product and business performance reviews to ensure tracking to plan.
  • Develop an understanding of customers by conducting research, data analysis, customer interviews, and usability testing
  • Build relationships with engineers, designers, UX researchers, and product analysts to create extraordinary products
  • Set OKRs for your teams with your engineering and design counterparts

Who We're Looking For...

  • 4+ years of product management experience, managing software products from creation through launch and iteration
  • Experience leading successful products in an Agile environments, including a nuanced understanding of the methods of modern product discovery, product delivery, and user segmentation
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to align different teams around achieving business goals and outstanding user experiences

Benefits & Perks

  • A choice between medical plans with an option for 100% covered premiums
  • Fertility and adoption benefits
  • Access to supplemental insurance plans for additional coverage
  • Headspace mindfulness app subscription
  • Retirement benefits with employer match
  • Flexible paid time off
  • 12 to 20 weeks of paid family leave
  • Equity plan for all employees
  • Pretax commuter benefit
  • Education reimbursement
  • Employee donation match to community organizations
  • 6 Global Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
  • Dog-friendly workplace
  • Free lunch and snacks
  • Private rooftop

Cash Compensation Range: $118,000 - $236,000 USD

The base salary for this position will vary based on job-related criteria including relevant skills, experience, and location, among other factors.

In addition to the cash compensation above (which includes base salary and, where applicable for eligible roles, may include on-target commissions or overtime pay), all Squarespace employees are eligible to receive equity in the company as part of their total compensation.

About Squarespace

Squarespace (NYSE: SQSP) is a design-driven platform helping entrepreneurs build brands and businesses online. We empower millions of customers in more than 200 countries and territories with all the tools they need to create an online presence, build an audience, monetize, and scale their business. Our suite of products range from websites, domains, ecommerce, and marketing tools, as well as tools for scheduling with Acuity, creating and managing social media presence with Bio Sites and Unfold, and hospitality business management via Tock. Our team of more than 1,700 is headquartered in bustling New York City, with offices in Chicago, Dublin, Ireland, Aveiro, Portugal, and coworking spaces in the UK, Netherlands, and Australia. For more information about our company culture, visit www.squarespace.com/about/careers.

Our Commitment

Today, more than a million people around the globe use Squarespace to share different perspectives and experiences with the world. Not only do we embrace and celebrate the diversity of our customers, but we also work toward the same in our employees. At Squarespace, we are committed to equal employment opportunity regardless of race, color, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, national origin, gender, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, citizenship, marital or parental status, disability, veteran status, or other class protected by applicable law. We are proud to be an equal opportunity workplace.

#LI-remote #LI-JP3

Thank you in advance for providing the following details about your work history from your resume! This helps us ensure that your candidate information is accurate and consistent during the hiring process.


Squarespace will never solicit your personal banking information or ask you to transfer money in connection with a job offer or interview. We also will not reach out to you via phone or SMS without your permission or knowledge.

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Senior UX Designer

McFadyen DigitalFlorianópolis, Brazil, Remote
agilefigmaB2CB2BDesignUI/UX designPhotoshopmobileuihtml5UX

McFadyen Digital is hiring a Remote Senior UX Designer

Job Description

We are seeking a highly skilled and experienced UI/UX designer with a strong passion for crafting exceptional user experiences. As a Senior UI/UX Designer, you will play a critical role in shaping the visual and interactive aspects of our digital commerce platform. You will work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including developers, product managers, and other stakeholders, to create intuitive and visually stunning user interfaces that meet the needs of our users and business objectives.

The ideal candidate should possess a deep understanding of the latest design trends and technologies in the world of ecommerce and marketplace. They should have a proven track record of delivering high-quality designs that are both aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly. Additionally, they should be able to work effectively in a fast-paced environment, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and communicate effectively with team members and stakeholders.

This is an exciting opportunity for an experienced UI/UX designer to shape our digital commerce platform. If you're passionate about creating exceptional user experiences and possess the necessary skills, we encourage you to apply and contribute to our business's growth and success.


Top five Responsibilities

  1. Conducting user research and gathering insights to inform design decisions.
  2. Creating wireframes, prototypes, and high-fidelity designs that meet user needs and business goals.
  3. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including product managers, developers, and other designers
  4. Presenting designs and design rationale to stakeholders and incorporating feedback into iterations
  5. Communicating effectively with team members and stakeholders throughout the design process, including providing regular updates on progress and timelines.

Additional Responsibilities

  • Design wireframes, interactive prototypes, and visual designs for e-commerce and digital marketplace interfaces.
  • Participate in workshops, interviews, and design sessions to gather and document business requirements, wireframe UI, and improve work products for clients' applications.
  • Collaborate with senior developers to ensure high-quality website responsiveness.
  • Create Design systems for UX rich project.


  • Good experience with highly scalable applications.
  • Strong knowledge and hands-on experience in Adobe Creative Suite programs (e.g., Figma, XD, Photoshop, Illustrator) to mock-up UI elements.
  • Understanding and hands-on experience in responsive design concepts.
  • Proficiency in designing and implementing microinteractions in UX.
  • Ability to manage time effectively and exceed project delivery commitments.
  • Leadership skills for ideation sessions and fostering creative problem-solving.
  • Familiarity with user research, usability testing, and integrating social actions through APIs.
  • Experience in designing visual aids (wireframes, storyboards, UI flow charts) and staying up-to-date with UI/UX design trends.
  • Knowledge of product development design, website designing, SEO for single-page apps.
  • Practical knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and familiarity with JavaScript.
  • Proficient in Adobe XD, Figma, InVision serving as the primary design tool, and adept with other design/prototyping tools of choice.
  • Advanced English skills are mandatory

Expected ecommerce and digital marketplace interface designing skills:

  • Experience in designing complex user interfaces for B2B and/or B2C e-commerce platforms, including mobile and native applications.
  • Strong understanding of user-centered design principles and best practices in the e-commerce and digital marketplace domains.
  • Knowledge of information architecture and interaction design specific to e-commerce platforms, including product catalogs, search functionality, shopping carts, checkout processes, and payment gateways.
  • Ability to conduct user research, analyze data, and translate insights into actionable design improvements for e-commerce experiences.
  • Familiarity with usability testing methodologies and the ability to gather user feedback to iterate and optimize e-commerce experiences.
  • Knowledge of accessibility standards and guidelines to ensure inclusive design for users with disabilities.

Desired Characteristics in Candidates:

  • Effective communication skills for technical and non-technical audiences.
  • Analytical and proven problem-solving skills.
  • High emotional intelligence (EQ).
  • Embraces challenges.
  • Team-oriented mindset.

Basic Qualifications

  • Minimum 8-10 years of professional experience in UX roles, with a preference for senior-level positions.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in designing and elevating design systems.
  • Exceptional system thinking capabilities.
  • High standards for visual craft and UI design.
  • Effective written and verbal communication skills.
  • Proven leadership in designing end-to-end product experiences, from concept to launch.
  • Ability to thrive in a highly agile and rapidly iterative environment.

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DATA ANALYST (STAGE Janvier 2025) - H/F

Showroomprive.comSaint-Denis, France, Remote

Showroomprive.com is hiring a Remote DATA ANALYST (STAGE Janvier 2025) - H/F

Description du poste

Rattaché.e à la Squad CRM et sous la direction du VP Innovation et Data, nous recherchons un.e Data Analyst qui participera à la mesure de la performance des campagnes marketing de Showroomprive.com.   


Vos missions seront les suivantes :  


  • Soutien aux équipes marketing dans la création d’AB tests   

  • Vérification de la qualité des données  

  • Mesure de la performance et de l'impact des AB tests réalisés par les équipes marketing  

  • Présentations des résultats  

  • Mise-à-jour des statuts et des informations auprès de la Squad  


Vous travaillerez au sein d'une équipe dynamique et collaborative, au cœur de l'innovation et de la stratégie de l'entreprise, contribuant directement à l'optimisation des campagnes marketing et à la croissance de l'entreprise.  



Vous êtes issu.e d’une formation de niveau bac +5 spécialisée en statistiques, data science ou analyse, informatique ou domaine connexe.  


Vous avez une bonne connaissance de l’univers e-business, et idéalement une première expérience professionnelle sur un poste similaire.   


Vous avez une bonne maîtrise des langages SQL et Python dans un environnement bigdata. Une connaissance de Dataiku serait un plus !  


Vous avez de bonnes notions en analyse statistique et êtes en mesure de partager & expliquer votre travail ainsi que les conclusions associées, afin d’en tirer les bons enseignements.  


Dans l’équipe, vous êtes un atout majeur en capacité de travailler avec l’ensemble des métiers selon les besoins identifiés, (marketing, business, data, ux…), vous êtes force de proposition et vous faites preuve de rigueur dans votre travail. De plus, vous avez une bonne communication orale. 

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Showroomprive.com is hiring a Remote Sales Analyst et E-Merchandiser (Stage Janvier 2025) - H/F

Description du poste

Dans le cadre de son stage, le/la Sales Analyst et E-merchandiser travaillera en étroite collaboration avec l’Outlet Manager et le responsable du pôle Stock Management de Showroomprivé, dans l’optique d’animer et écouler au mieux les stocks. 

Le/La Sales Analyst et E-merchandiser aura pour mission d’assister l’Outlet Manager dans la gestion opérationnelle et stratégique de son périmètre et sera amené à travailler avec différentes équipes de l’entreprises (Marketing, Planning, Production des ventes…) afin d’optimiser les performances globales du pôle. 

Ses 4 missions principales seront : 


  1. Business et stratégie : 

  • Analyse et reporting quotidiens des KPI’s de l’Outlet (écoulement, CA, trafic, commandes…) 

  • Préparation de supports de présentation des résultats aux équipes encadrantes 

  • Aide à la prise de décision business pour optimiser les performances 

  • Réalisation de campagnes de repricing selon périodes et objectifs à atteindre 

  • Application d’un plan d’action commerciale, en collaboration avec les services Marketing, Planning et Merchandising 


  1. E-merchandising : 

  • Rotation des produits dans les différents catalogues constituant l’Outlet, afin d’assurer une UX agréable et un écoulement efficace 

  • Pilotage des supports de communication Outlet sur l’ensemble du site, afin d’insuffler une appétence client et un trafic constant au périmètre 

  • Refonte de la page Outlet dédiée, afin d’animer l’offre en continu 


  1. Suivi et gestion opérationnelle : 

  • Maintien de l’affichage correct de l’ensemble de l’offre en front 

  • Vérification du contenu et de la pertinence des boutiques 

  • Test de l’efficacité des règles de merchandising établies 

  • MAJ de fichiers de suivi servant de base au merchandising et au pricing 

  • Tâches opérationnelles ponctuelles, gestion des imprévus 

  • Participation à l’amélioration continue du projet Outlet 


  1. Veille concurrentielle et tendances du marché : 

  • Benchmark sites concurrents 

  • Veille des tendances thématiques de marché 

  • Recherche d’innovation via nos outils partenaires 


Issu(e) d'une formation Bac +5 (M1/M2), orientée commerce / achats / e-business, vous souhaitez vivre une expérience significative dans le secteur du e-commerce et acquérir de solides connaissances du métier de gestionnaire de stocks, e-merchandiser et garant de l’offre. 

Vous êtes force de proposition, rigoureux, organisé avec une capacité d’analyse et savez prioriser de façon efficace vos missions. 

Vous avez une bonne maîtrise d’Excel et des outils informatiques. 

Vous avez un bon niveau d’anglais. 

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Senior Product Manager

Modern HealthRemote - US

Modern Health is hiring a Remote Senior Product Manager

Modern Health 

Modern Healthis a mental health benefits platform for employers. We are the first global mental health solution to offer employees access to one-on-one, group, and self-serve digital resources for their emotional, professional, social, financial, and physical well-being needs—all within a single platform. Whether someone wants to proactively manage stress or treat depression, Modern Health guides people to the right care at the right time. We empower companies to helpalltheir employees be the best version of themselves, and believe in meeting people wherever they are in their mental health journey.

We are a female-founded company backed by investors like Kleiner Perkins, Founders Fund, John Doerr, Y Combinator, and Battery Ventures. We partner with 500+ global companies like Lyft, Electronic Arts, Pixar, Clif Bar, Okta, and Udemy that are taking a proactive approach to mental health care for their employees. Modern Health has raised more than $170 million in less than two years with a valuation of $1.17 billion, making Modern Health the fastest entirely female-founded company in the U.S. to reach unicorn status. 

We tripled our headcount in 2021 and as a hyper-growth company with a fully remote workforce, we prioritize our people-first culture (winning awards including Fortune's Best Workplaces in the Bay Area 2021). To protect our culture and help our team stay connected, we require overlapping hours for everyone. While many roles may function from anywhere in the world—see individual job listing for more—team members who live outside the Pacific time zone must be comfortable working early in the morning or late at night; all full-time employees must work at least six hours between 8 am and 5 pm Pacific time each workday. 

We are looking for driven, creative, and passionate individuals to join in our mission. An inclusive and diverse culture are key components of mental well-being in the workplace, and that starts with how we build our own team. If you're excited about a role, we'd love to hear from you!

The Role

In this role you’ll be a key part of our product management team and a partner to the entire Modern Health tech team as a product leader for Care Delivery which is focused on the provider and operational aspects of delivering care, especially for clinical high acuity and crisis situations.

In an environment where we are increasingly connected to technology, at higher risk for depression, and lonelier than ever, our mission is to create a world where people are happier and more resilient to the stress and struggles of everyday life. We’re looking for an experienced  product leader to help us realize this mission and build the leading global mental health solution. 

You will be responsible for driving the execution of our near term goals but more importantly, helping to set the strategic vision of how we make Modern Health feel personalized for every member and how we recommend the right care for each individual. We are looking for an excellent leader who is highly analytical, has strong product sense for what makes a consumer-grade product great, thrives at building relationships and rallying teams, is user-focused and design savvy, and who is ultimately motivated to positively impact the lives of thousands of people.  If you are looking for a big opportunity at a high-growth organization while making a positive impact alongside a talented team of professionals -- you are a perfect fit for Modern Health.

This position is not eligible to be performed in Hawaii. 

What You’ll Do

  • Vision and strategy: Create the roadmap and vision for the products responsible for onboarding, crisis support, outcomes measurement, and provider matching algorithms
  • Cross-functional collaboration: Partner cross-functionally with departments like clinical strategy, customer success, partnerships, and sales to ensure Modern Health users have a best-in-class onboarding and care experience
  • Execute successfully: Partner with engineering and design to build a strong operating model to execute on complex products and projects
  • Analyze data & understand user behavior: Inform and drive key decisions with data-informed insights and UX research
  • Drive experimentation: When required, run experiments to measure and understand the impact of changes

Who You Are

  • 4+ years experience as a Product Manager
  • Experience working on digital products related to well-being, health, or other related fields
  • Experience translating user research insight into product changes
  • Expertise in experimentation and roadmapping including modeling impact, muti-variate testing, and driving activation and retention at scale
  • Experience with data science and/or personalization of digital products
  • Analytical thinker who can conduct hypothesis-based testing with rapid iterations
  • Can plan and organize work in close collaboration with a team of engineers, product designers, data scientists
  • Passionate about building products that make a positive impact
  • Enjoys hands-on execution and strategic thought leadership
  • Adept at building, measuring and reporting against fundamental business metrics
  • Exceptional written and verbal communication skills at all levels of organization and customers, including the ability to distill complex concepts for a non-technical audience



  • Medical / Dental / Vision / Disability / Life Insurance 
  • High Deductible Health Plan with Health Savings Account (HSA) option
  • Flexible Spending Account (FSA)
  • Access to coaches and therapists through Modern Health's platform
  • Generous Time Off 
  • Company-wide Collective Pause Days 

Family Support:

  • Parental Leave Policy 
  • Family Forming Benefit through Carrot
  • Family Assistance Benefit through UrbanSitter

Professional Development:

  • Professional Development Stipend

Financial Wellness:

  • 401k
  • Financial Planning Benefit through Origin

But wait there’s more…! 

  • Annual Wellness Stipend to use on items that promote your overall well being 
  • New Hire Stipend to help cover work-from-home setup costs
  • ModSquad Community: Virtual events like active ERGs, holiday themed activities, team-building events and more
  • Monthly Cell Phone Reimbursement

Equal Pay for Equal Work Act Information

Please refer to the ranges below to find the starting annual pay range for individuals applying to work remotely from the following locations for this role.

Compensation for the role will depend on a number of factors, including a candidate’s qualifications, skills, competencies, and experience and may fall outside of the range shown. Ranges are not necessarily indicative of the associated starting pay range in other locations. Full-time employees are also eligible for Modern Health's equity program and incredible benefits package. See our Careers page for more information.

Depending on the scope of the role, some ranges are indicative of On Target Earnings (OTE) and includes both base pay and commission at 100% achievement of established targets.

San Francisco Bay Area
$138,500$162,900 USD
All Other California Locations
$138,500$162,900 USD
$117,725$138,500 USD
New York City
$138,500$162,900 USD
All Other New York Locations
$124,700$146,600 USD
$138,500$162,900 USD
All Other Washington Locations
$124,700$146,600 USD

Below, we are asking you to complete identity information for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). While we are required by law to ask these questions in the format provided by the EEOC, at Modern Health we know that gender is not binary, and we recognize that these categories do not reflect our employees' full range of identities.

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Fullstack Developer - C# & React/Angular/Vue

Shift TechnologyFrance - Remote
Full Timeagile3 years of experiencesqlvueuiUXqagitc++.netelasticsearchangularbackendfrontend

Shift Technology is hiring a Remote Fullstack Developer - C# & React/Angular/Vue

The future of insurance starts with AI. To date, Shift Technology's AI-powered products have benefitted more than 300 million policyholders globally by reducing underwriting risk, identifying more fraud, and automating critical tasks throughout the claims process.  Shift harnesses the power of AI to enable the world’s leading insurance organizations to make better decisions. Our products help insurers improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, and deliver superior customer experiences to their policyholders.  Our culture is built on innovation, trust, and a drive to transform the insurance industry by imagining and innovating solutions that impact insurers and their customers - like you! We come from more than 50 different countries and cultures and together we are creating the future of insurance.

Our super-duper Engineering Team lies at the core of the value we offer to our customers. We solve complex problems by working not only within our squads, but also by working collaboratively with other teams across the organization. If you are excited by solving complex technical challenges, this is the right place for you!
What you'll do...

As a Senior Fullstack Engineer, your technical knowledge and autonomy will let you build complete designs for our applications and features. 

You will contribute to the Platform UI Squad: Creating the building blocks of our web application

Performance, scalability and quality are key challenges to solve in order to deliver and review code. You are part of a team and collaborate with your teammates (software engineers, data scientists, QA, UX, product managers) to constantly receive and give feedback and improve the agile development process. 

We work with modern technologies and always encourage our team to explore what’s new in the market. Our main tools are:

  • .Net, C# in the Backend, written with Rider (or Visual Studio + Resharper)
  • React/Redux/ES6/LESS in the Frontend, written with Visual Studio Code
  • Webpack
  • SQL Server and Elasticsearch in the data layer
  • A continuous delivery pipeline that uses Git, Nunit, Teamcity and Octopus Deploy
What you bring...
  • At least 3 years of experience in software development 
  • Solid C# skills 
  • Frontend experience with any JS framework - ideally React but others like Angular or Vue are ok
  • You are atrue fullstack: frontend is part of your job, as much as backend!
  • Your projects are beautifully designed and cleanly written
  • You are dynamic, curious and eager to learn, always looking to expand your fields of expertise
  • You are proactive and take ownershipof your work
  • You want your work to have an impact: rather than a cog, you see yourself as the engine
  • Fluency in English
Recruitment Process
  • 30-minute video interview with our Talent Acquisition Specialist
  • 30-minute video interview with the Hiring Manager
  • 2x 1-hour technical interviews, one with a Backend dev and one with a Frontend dev
  • 30-minute final interview with the another Eng leader


To support our permanent, full time employees at every stage of their careers and lives, we provide a competitive total rewards and benefits package. Here are the global benefits we’d like to highlight:

  • Flexible remote and hybrid working options
  • Competitive Salary and a variable component tied to personal and company performance
  • Company equity
  • Focus Fridays, a half-day each month to focus on learning and personal growth
  • Generous PTO and paid holidays
  • Mental health benefits 
  • 2 MAD Days per year (Make A Difference Days for paid volunteering)

Additional benefits may be offered by country - ask your recruiter for more information. Intern and Apprentice position are eligible for some of these benefits - ask your recruiter for more details.

At Shift we strive to be a diverse and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from and hire people who will contribute to the diversity of our company, without regard to race, color, religion, marital status, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, medical condition, pregnancy, genetic information, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, or other non-merit criteria.

Shift Technology is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in our application and employment process. Should you require accommodation, please email accommodation@shift-technology.com and we will work with you to meet your accessibility needs.

Please be aware of scammers and only trust correspondence that comes from emails ending in shift-technology.com

Shift Technology does not accept unsolicited CVs from recruiters or employment agencies in response to the Shift Technology Careers page or a Shift Technology social media post. Any unsolicited CVs, including those submitted directly to hiring managers, are deemed to be the property of Shift Technology.

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Freelance UI/UX Designer | 6037

GenesisUkraine - Remote

Genesis is hiring a Remote Freelance UI/UX Designer | 6037

Шукаємо Freelance UI/UX дизайнера в 6037 до нашого продукту Title — #1 платформи для шопінгу з персональним стилістом, якою вже скористалися мільйони жінок з усього світу. Так, ми робимо жінок стильнішими та щасливішими!

Ми розробили мобільний застосунок та вебплатформу, і наразі активно їх розвиваємо. Завдяки інтегрованій системі консультацій з професійними стилістами, наш продукт допомагає користувачам створювати унікальні та стильні образи, враховуючи їхні особисті вподобання.

Твої майбутні задачі:

  • Створення зображень для Empty State екрану.
  • Дизайн e-mail розсилки в стилістиці продукту.
  • Дослідження UX-flow або окремих екранів з адаптацією рішень для iOS та web-платформ.
  • Аналіз та обробка результатів user інтерв'ю, а саме транскрибація та картування на борду.
  • Дизайн lending сторінки для розв'язання визначених проблем.

Переваги позиції:

  • Визначених робочих годин немає — ти сам (-а) обереш, коли працювати. Але нам важливо, щоб узгоджені обсяги роботи виконувалися вчасно.
  • Можливість впливати на продукт. Ми працюємо з тисячами користувачів і це відкриває величезний простір для експериментів.

Що для нас важливо:

  • Від 1 року корпоративного або фріланс досвіду на позиції UI/UX Designer.
  • Готовність працювати від 4 годин на день, із можливістю збільшення робочого часу до 6 годин за потреби.
  • Досвід роботи з Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator.
  • Розумієш технічні особливості iOS додатків та web платформ.
  • Вмієш працювати ітеративно та проходити 2-3 етапи правок.
  • Відкритість до здорової комунікації та оперативний зв’язок.
  • Дотримання узгоджених дедлайнів.

Буде перевагою:

  • Досвід у графічному дизайні.

Процес найму:

Тестове завдання → 30 хвилинне спілкування з командою → оффер.

Про нас:

6037 — венчурне партнерство, що інвестує в перспективні продукти на ранніх етапах і перетворює їх на працюючі стійкі бізнеси за допомогою власної маркетингової, аналітичної та операційної експертизи.

Наша місія — трансформувати Україну з аутсорс хабу на державу-продукт, побудувавши портфель з 20+ B2C SAAS продуктів — лідерів у своїх нішах.

Наші цінності:

  • Оптимізм. Ми живемо, щоб бути щасливим і знаємо, що провал більшості спроб - єдиний шлях до цілі.
  • Відповідальність. Ми ставимося до бізнесу, як до власного, та приймаємо й оцінюємо рішення в такій парадигмі.
  • Ретельність. Ми не знаємо абсолютної більшості речей, але маємо енергію і терпіння досконально розібратися в декількох.

Якщо ти не шукаєш роботу, але маєш друзів або знайомих, які в пошуку — рекомендації вітаються. За рекомендацію на цю позицію ти отримаєш бонус $150 + $150 ми задонатимо у будь-який фонд підтримки ЗСУ за твоїм вибором!

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Legal Producer, CAFE

Vox MediaRemote (US Only)

Vox Media is hiring a Remote Legal Producer, CAFE

CAFE is looking for an Legal Producer to work across CAFE’s podcasts, including Stay Tuned with Preet and CAFE Insider

The candidate must have a law degree, some professional experience in the news media industry, and a demonstrated interest in the intersection of news, law, politics, and policy. 

The producer will be responsible for producing episodes from concept to publication, conceiving ideas for special series, assisting with the development of new shows, and contributing content for CAFE’s newsletters and website, as needed. 


Vox Media Studios is one of the leading independent studios producing premium non-fiction and scripted programming for television, OTT, podcasts, films, and brand partners. Vox Media Studios is an Emmy-nominated full-service production studio that works both independently and in partnership with Vox Media’s category-leading editorial networks to extend the company’s storytelling capabilities to the most relevant modern platforms including Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV+, YouTube Originals, HBO, and CNN. Vox Media Studios is also home to the award-winning Vox Media Podcast Network and the Academy Award winning storytelling powerhouse, Epic.

Vox Media Studios is part of Vox Media, the leading modern media company. We guide our audience from discovery to obsession. We inspire essential conversations about what’s now, what’s next, and what’s possible.

As a community of journalists and storytellers, business professionals, creators and technologists, we believe it is a moral and business imperative to amplify voices: to cultivate diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout our organization and media. This applies to our candidates, our teams, our storytelling, our creative work, and our platforms, products, and partnerships.


  • Write deeply researched memos to prepare host(s) for interviews, and draft scripts for hosts.
  • Actively pitch guests and story ideas, book guests, and coordinate logistics for recordings.
  • Oversee tapings and post-production, ensuring that episodes meet CAFE’s production and editorial standards.
  • Write copy for CAFE’s newsletters and social media channels. Generate creative ideas for marketing and promotion, both for specific episodes and the programs overall.
  • Propose ideas for and help produce limited series. 
  • Additional duties as assigned. 


  • A law degree.
  • At least 1 year of professional experience in media and journalism.
  • Strong writing, editing, and research skills, including the ability to quickly parse legal documents such as briefs, indictments, and court opinions for relevant information.
  • Strong editorial news sense and passion for political and legal news.
  • Ability to meet time sensitive deadlines and work simultaneously on multiple projects. 

If you think you have what it takes, but don't meet every single point in our job posting, please apply with a cover letter to let us know how you believe you can bring your unique skills to the Vox Media team or get in touch! We would love to have a chat and see if you could be a great addition to our team. We’ve hired chefs who became editors, DJs who became UX designers, and sommeliers who became writers.



This job is NY, hybrid



This is a permanent, full-time position. This job is benefits-eligible. We pride ourselves in providing comprehensive benefits to support all of our employees wherever they are in life. You can find more information about our benefitshere.



Vox Media is committed to building an inclusive environment where everyone can show up as their authentic selves and create their best work. We recognize that great stories, platforms, products and services come from people with all manner of backgrounds and experiences. We recognize that our commitments require ongoing work and sustained attention, as well as adaptation to new insights and best practices. We keep ourdiversity data publicfor the sake of accountability, transparency and communication. Learn more about our valueshere, and our approach to corporate citizenshiphere

Vox Media is an Equal Opportunity Employer and qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, disability, national origin, protected veteran status, age, or any other status protected by applicable national, federal, state, or local law. Vox Media will also consider all qualified applicants with criminal histories in accordance with applicable Fair Chance laws. We are also committed to providing reasonable accommodations as part of the application process to candidates with disabilities. If you require a reasonable accommodation as part of the application process, please contact our People & Culture team (recruitment@voxmedia.com).



Our recruiting team will go through applications in a timely manner. Please note that our recruiting team will only contact you from @voxmedia.comemail addresses, never via text message. Read more about how our recruiting team operates, and how to protect yourself from recruitment fraud,here.


The salary range listed below represents the minimum and maximum base pay for this position at the time of this posting. Final salary offered to the candidate selected for the position will be based on factors including but not limited to the candidate's skills and experience.

Pay Range
$79,000$88,000 USD

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