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People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Responsable Programmeur(-euse) de la jouabilité (3C) / Lead Gameplay Programmer (3C)

Job Description

En tant qu'ingénieur(e) dirigeant notre équipe de fonctionnalités 3Cs composée d'ingénieurs en gameplay, votre rôle implique la création de systèmes de mouvement des personnages, de caméra et de contrôle de classe mondiale.

As the engineer leading our 3Cs feature team of gameplay engineers, your role involves crafting world-class character movement, camera, and control systems.

Responsabilitiés / Responsibilities:

  • Diriger, déléguer et soutenir les membres de l'équipe tout en évaluant régulièrement leur travail.
  • Fournir des retours constructifs pour améliorer les performances, favorisant une approche continue d'amélioration.
  • Cultiver une atmosphère stimulante en définissant des attentes claires, encourageant les solutions et opinions.
  • Rapporter régulièrement l'état d'avancement au directeur technique.
  • Écrire des codes propres, efficaces et maintenables.
  • Collaborer avec artistes, designers et développeurs pour des fonctionnalités innovantes.
  • Tester, déboguer, profiler et optimiser les implémentations.
  • Rédiger une documentation de conception aux normes.
  • Conduire des revues de code et de conception.

  • Assign, delegate, and support individuals in their tasks, monitoring and reviewing the progress of their work.
  • Provide constructive feedback and clear communications to enhance behavior and performance, ensuring a continuous improvement approach.
  • Foster an engaging atmosphere within your team, as well as ensuring a healthy work-life balance by setting clear expectations and scope of work empowering individuals to propose solutions, and express their opinions.
  • Report status of the work and status of your team to the Technical Director.
  • Write clean, efficient, and maintainable code.
  • Collaborate with artists, designers and gameplay developers to work on cutting-edge features, improving player experience.
  • Test, debug, profile and optimize implementations.
  • Create design documentation according to team standards.
  • Perform code and design reviews.


  • Au moins 6 ans d'expérience dans la production de jeux pour consoles et PC, avec au moins un projet AAA expédié en tant que programmeur(-euse) seniorde jeu
  • Expérience en gestion
  • Excellente maîtrise d'Unreal Engine 5
  • Compétences approfondies en C/C++
  • Solides compétences en mathématiques
  • Bonne familiarité avec le contrôle des personnages et les caméras dans un contexte de jeu multijoueur
  • Capacité à diagnostiquer les problèmes et à prendre des décisions rapides et précises
  • Aptitude à rédiger un code efficace et maintenable
  • Expérience en profilage et en optimisations
  • Capacité à travailler de manière efficace dans un environnement en constante évolution face à des défis créatifs
  • Un sens aigu de ce qui rend les systèmes de gameplay divertissants
  • Excellentes compétences en communication et attitude d'équipe lors de la collaboration avec des développeurs de jeux de toutes les disciplines

  • At least 6+ years of experience in the production of games for consoles and PC   At least one shipped AAA project as Senior Gameplay Programmer 
  • Experiencing managing
  • Excellent knowledge of Unreal Engine 5 
  • Excellent skills in C/C++
  • Strong math skills 
  • Strong familiarity with Character Control, Cameras in a multiplayer game
  • Ability to diagnose problems and make quick and accurate decisions 
  • Ability to write efficient and maintainable code 
  • Experience with profiling and optimizations 
  • Ability to work well in a fluid, changing environment as creative challenges evolve
  • A keen sense of what makes gameplay systems fun 
  • Excellent communication and team attitude working with game developers from all disciplines 

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People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Responsable, artiste technique / Lead Technical Artist - Remote

Job Description

Servir de pont entre les artistes et les programmeurs pour s'assurer que nous obtenons un contenu visuellement agréable qui fonctionne sur les plates-formes cibles. Surmonter les difficultés techniques liées à la création d'œuvres d'art et de fonctionnalités.


  • Diriger une équipe et favoriser une atmosphère stimulante au sein de l'équipe afin d'obtenir les meilleurs résultats possibles pour le projet et le développement personnel des membres de l'équipe.
  • Maintenir la direction artistique et la qualité visual 
  • Créer des matériaux finaux pour les personnages, les éléments de l'environnement et les effets, et prendre en charge les systèmes de matériaux existants.
  • Création de contenu : modéliser des éléments dans des programmes externes ou modifier le code des shaders, expérimenter des éléments.
  • Modifier les ressources en utilisant les compétences en matière de modélisation et de texturation.
  • Aider à améliorer et à affiner la qualité des shaders, des textures et de l'éclairage.
  • Collaborer à la vision artistique et au style avec le directeur artistique, ainsi qu'au maintien des normes de qualité dans l'ensemble du pipeline de développement.


  • Développer des flux de travail puissants et efficaces pour l'équipe artistique.
  • Rechercher et mettre en œuvre de nouvelles techniques et procédures pour améliorer la qualité des ressources du jeu.
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec l'équipe de production sur l'attribution des tâches et le calendrier afin de respecter les délais, tout en assurant un bon équilibre entre vie professionnelle et vie privée en définissant clairement les attentes et l'étendue du travail.
  • Travailler avec les artistes et les programmeurs pour créer des pipelines et des processus qui faciliteraient à la fois la qualité visuelle et la construction efficace des éléments 3D.
  • Fournir un retour d'information quotidien sur l'amélioration de la qualité visuelle.
  • Travailler avec l'équipe pour trouver des solutions et résoudre les problèmes de manière créative.


  • Partage des connaissances et mentorat des pairs.
  • Collaborer avec Tech Art et mener des initiatives de R&D, afin d'explorer de nouvelles techniques et de mettre en œuvre des améliorations aux pipelines et aux flux de travail.
  • Collaborer et communiquer efficacement entre les départements avec d'autres responsables, directeurs et parties prenantes du projet afin d'assurer l'efficacité et de minimiser les erreurs de communication.
  • Utiliser des outils de diagnostic pour examiner le contenu actuel et identifier les domaines à améliorer ainsi que pour développer les outils.
  • Analyser et améliorer les inefficacités des ressources artistiques afin d'optimiser les performances des consoles et des PC.
  • Travailler avec les programmeurs et les artistes pour optimiser la création de contenu et développer de nouvelles fonctionnalités et de nouveaux flux de travail.
  • Procéder à des évaluations cohérentes des performances et des rémunérations des membres du personnel.
  • Mener des projets de recrutement en collaboration avec les RH.
  • Assurer l'intégration des nouveaux employés.


To act as a bridge between the artists and programmers to make sure we end with visually pleasing content that works on target platforms. Overcome the technical difficulties in art and feature creation.


  • Lead a team and foster an engaging atmosphere within their team to achieve best possible result for the project and personal growth of team members.

Maintain artistic direction and quality

  • Making final materials for characters, environment assets, and effects, also supports existing material systems.
  • Content creation-mock up features in external programs or tweak shader code, experiment with features.
  • To tweak assets by using modeling and texturing skills.
  • Help improve and refine shader, texture, lighting quality.
  • Collaborate on the artistic vision and style with the Art Director, as well as maintaining the quality standards across the entire development pipeline.


  • Maintain the production and software pipeline and meet deadlines.
  • Develop powerful and efficient workflows for the Art team.
  • Research and implement new techniques and procedures to improve game asset quality.
  • Explore and help develop new technologies for integration into the asset pipeline.
  • Working with artists and programmers to create pipelines and processes that would both facilitate visual quality and building 3D assets efficiently
  • Work closely with the production team on tasks assignment and schedule to meet deadlines, also ensuring healthy work-life balance by setting clear expectations and scope of work.
  • Supervision of bug fixing and describing R&D case studies in knowledge base.


  • Provide day-to-day feedback improvement to visual quality.
  • Working with the team to find solutions and creatively solve problems.


  • Knowledge sharing and mentoring peers.
  • Collaborate with Tech Art and drive R&D initiatives, to explore new techniques and implement improvements to pipelines and workflows.
  • Collaborates and communicates effectively across departments with other Leads, Directors, and project stakeholders to ensure efficiency and minimize miscommunication.
  •  Identify and resolve pipeline issues without supervision.
  • Use diagnostic tools to examine the current content and identify areas for improvement as well as develop the tools.
  • Analyze and improve art asset inefficiencies to optimize console and PC performance.
  • Work with programmers and artists to optimize content creation.
  • Work with programmers on developing new features and workflows.
  • Conduct consistent performance and compensation reviews of staff members.
  • Conduct recruitment projects with HR collaboration.
  • Conduct onboarding to new hires.


  • Un solide portfolio présentant des travaux de qualité AAA réalisés dans un moteur (Unreal, Unity ou moteur propriétaire).
  • Excellente connaissance des logiciels standard de modélisation et de sculpture polychrome (Maya, Max, ZBrush, Photoshop ou leurs équivalents).
  • Solides compétences en matière de modélisation et de texturation.
  • Connaissance experte de Photoshop, Zbrush/Mudbox, Maya, Substance Designer.
  • Connaissance avancée des défis et des techniques de rendu en temps réel.
  • Expérience approfondie des outils Unreal Engine, des scripts visuels et des meilleures pratiques.
  • Connaissance approfondie des techniques graphiques 3D actuelles.
  • Solide connaissance des systèmes de particules, des effets environnementaux, des simulations de tissu, de l'éclairage et de la dynamique.
  • Compréhension et expérience approfondies des pipelines standards de développement de jeux, des outils et de la création de contenu.Forte capacité d'analyse et grande maîtrise des compétences de résolution de problèmes techniques.Capacité d'adaptation.
  • Capacité à s'adapter et à développer un style artistique, des techniques et des flux de travail spécifiques avec un minimum de conseils.
  • Solides compétences en matière de mentorat, de coaching et de leadership.
  • Capacité à collaborer avec les chefs de service et les différents services pour résoudre les problèmes artistiques et techniques.
  • Solides compétences en communication orale et écrite en anglais.
  • Motivation personnelle.


  • A strong portfolio showcasing AAA quality work done in engine (Unreal, Unity or Proprietary Engine).

  • Excellent knowledge of industry-standard software packages for modeling, high-poly sculpting (Maya, Max, ZBrush, Photoshop, or their equivalents).
  • Solid modeling and texturing skills.
  • Expert knowledge of Photoshop, Zbrush/Mudbox, Maya, Substance Designer.
  • Advanced knowledge of real-time rendering challenges and techniques.
  • Extensive experience working with Unreal Engine tools, Visual scripting and best practices.
  • Strong knowledge of current 3D graphics techniques.
  • Strong knowledge of particle systems, environmental effects, cloth simulations, lighting, and dynamics.
  • In-depth understanding and experience of game dev standard pipelines, tools and content creation.Strong analytical thinking and high proficiency in technical problem solving skills.Adaptive.
  • Ability to adapt, and develop specific art style, techniques and workflows with minimum guidance.
  • Strong mentoring, coaching and leadership skills.
  • Ability to collaborate with department leads, and different departments to solve artistic and technical challenges.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English.
  • Self-motivation.

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People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Lead Online Programmer / Responsable Programmeur(-euse) en ligne

Job Description

Nous sommes à la recherche d'un gestionnaire de talents pour l'équipe de programmeurs en ligne, chargé de maximiser les résultats du projet et la croissance personnelle des membres de l'équipe. Ce poste offre l'opportunité de façonner la vision et les objectifs de toute la fonctionnalité en ligne, ainsi que de concrétiser et de soutenir les composantes en ligne du jeu. Une collaboration étroite entre les équipes de production, d'assurance qualité, PCF Framework, de conception et de ressources humaines est essentielle pour garantir le succès de notre projet.


We are looking for a Talent Manager for the online programming team, responsible for maximizing project results and personal growth of team members. This position provides the opportunity to shape the vision and goals for all online functionality and deliver and support the game's online components. Close collaboration between Production, QA, PCF Framework teams, design and human resources is essential to guarantee the success of our project.


Fonctions principales

  • Assigner, déléguer et accompagner les membres de l'équipe dans leurs missions, tout en assurant un suivi attentif de leur progression et en évaluant l’avancement de leur travail
  • Fournir des retours constructifs et des communications claires afin de favoriser une amélioration continue du comportement et de la performance
  • Assumer la responsabilité d'évaluer périodiquement ses collaborateurs directs, en leur fournissant des informations précieuses pour leur développement professionnel
  • Cultiver une ambiance dynamique au sein de l'équipe, tout en garantissant un équilibre sain entre travail et vie personnelle en établissant des attentes claires et en délimitant les responsabilités, afin d'encourager les propositions de solutions et les opinions individuelles. Se servir de données telles que les sondages de satisfaction pour orienter ses actions
  • Collaborer et communiquer efficacement avec d'autres responsables, directeurs, départements et parties prenantes du projet de manière continue pour instaurer la confiance et travailler ensemble vers les objectifs et les ambitions du projet
  • Suivre les directives/vision du Directeur et les mettre en œuvre. Contribuer à l'orientation du Directeur en fournissant des données pertinentes, en soulevant des problèmes, en sollicitant des conseils et en les transmettant aux leaders de projet concernés
  • Exécuter de manière autonome les tâches et les fonctionnalités en respectant les délais
  • Collaborer avec le cadre PCF pour intégrer et développer des composants partagés, et améliorer la stabilité/les fonctionnalités des modules partagés
  • Travailler en étroite collaboration avec le(s) principal(aux) et l'architecte du projet pour mettre en œuvre des fonctionnalités et un code de haute qualité, et anticiper et résoudre les risques avec l'équipe

En ligne

  • Participer activement aux revues de code pour partager les connaissances et tirer profit de l'expertise des autres membres de l'équipe
  • Se tenir informé des meilleures pratiques et des solutions techniques utilisées au sein de l'équipe



  • Assigns, delegates, and supports individuals in their tasks, monitoring and reviewing the  progress of their work
  • Provides constructive feedback and clear communications to enhance behavior and  performance, ensuring a continuous improvement approach
  • Takes responsibility for  evaluating their direct reports during periodic performance reviews, providing valuable  insights and assessments toward their career development
  • Fosters an engaging atmosphere within their team, as well as ensuring a healthy work life balance by setting clear expectations and scope of work, empowering individuals to  propose solutions, and express their opinions. Utilizes data such as pulse checks and  satisfaction scores
  • Collaborates and communicates effectively with other Leads, Directors, departments  and project stakeholders on a continuous basis in order to notably build trust and work  toward the project’s objectives and ambitions
  • Follows the Director’s guidance/vision and implements it. Contributes to the Director’s  direction by providing important data, raising issues, seeking advice and relays them to  relevant project leaders
  • Autonomously complete tasks and features in a timely fashion
  • Collaborating with PCF Framework to integrate and develop shared components, and  augment stability/features of shared modules
  • Work closely with Principal(s) and project Architect to implement high quality features  and code, proactively identify and address risk with the team
  • Proactively participate in code reviews to share knowledge and learn from other team  members
  • Stay informed of best practices and technical solutions used at the company


  • Ensure the team meets goals for quality, scalability and reliability with online services. Own the process of collaboration with projects and backend teams


Ce que nous recherchons

  • Plus de 8 ans d'expérience dans le développement de jeux sur console / PC, incluant une expérience antérieure dans un rôle de leadership
  • Participation à la production d'au moins 2 titres
  • Capacités avérées en mentorat et en leadership
  • Maîtrise exceptionnelle d'un langage de programmation principal
  • Expertise avec les outils de contrôle de source et de révision de code (Swarm, Perforce, Git, etc.) ainsi qu'avec les logiciels de gestion de projet (JIRA, Confluence, etc.)
  • Connaissance approfondie de l'Unreal Engine
  • Aptitude à travailler de manière autonome
  • Capacité à produire un code solide, fiable et efficace
  • Solides compétences en communication verbale et écrite en anglais​​​​​

Vous avez peut-être

  • Expérience dans le travail avec des services en ligne tels que PSN, Live, PlayFab, Pragma, Steam, et connaissance de l'Unreal Engine
  • Connaissance de Kotlin, Go, Python ou SQL


What we are looking for

  • 8+ years experience working in console / PC games including prior experience in any  leadership capacity 
  • Involved in the production cycle of at least 2 titles 
  • Strong mentoring and leadership skills
  • Excellent primary programming language skills
  • Proficient with Source Control and Code Review tools (Swarm, Perforce, Git, etc.). Proficient with Project Management Software (JIRA, Confluence, etc.). 
  • Excellent Unreal Engine knowledge
  • Ability to work autonomously
  • Ability to write solid, reliable, efficient code
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English

Nice to have  qualifications

  • Experience working with online services such as PSN, Live, PlayFab, Pragma, Steam JIRA, Swarm and Git / Perforce Knowledge 
  • Kotlin, Go, Python or SQL Knowledge

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People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Artiste environnement senior (modeleur) / Senior Environment Artist (Mesher)

Description du poste



  • Créer des éléments environnementaux et des gadgets de haute qualité adaptés techniquement et artistiquement à l’univers du projet.
  • Modéliser et texturer des éléments d’environnement high-poly et low-poly, des accessoires simples aux séquences cinématiques.
  • Collaborer avec l’équipe d’artistes techniques pour apporter des améliorations au pipeline.
  • Maintien des pipelines de production et de logiciels tout en respectant les échéanciers.
  • Proposer des projets de recherche et développement (R&D) et apporter des améliorations au pipeline et au flux de travail.
  • Corriger les bogues et décrire des études de cas en R&D dans la base de connaissances.
  • Partager ses connaissances avec les collègues moins chevronnés.



  • Creating high-quality environment assets and gadgets suitable technically and artistically to the project universe
  • Modeling and texturing high poly and low poly environment assets. These can range from simple props to hero set-pieces.
  • Cooperating with Tech Art on pipeline improvements
  • Maintaining the production and software pipeline and meeting deadlines
  • Providing R&D projects and pipeline and workflows improvements
  • Bug Fixing and describing R&D case studies in knowledge base
  • Sharing knowledge with less experienced peers



  • Cinq (5) ans d’expérience dans toutes les étapes du processus de création de modèles (modéliser et texturer des séquences cinématiques et des accessoires stylisés, modulaires, organiques et à surfaces dures pour une variété d’environnements, en faisant appel à toutes les nouvelles techniques)
  • Expérience d’un titre AAA publié
  • Expérience avec des progiciels standard de l’industrie pour la modélisation 3D, la sculpture high-poly et la peinture de textures (Maya, Max, ZBrush, Photoshop ou leurs équivalents)
  • Expérience avec Unreal
  • Maîtrise de Substance Painter
  • Expérience dans la création d’esthétiques créatives et visuelles de haute qualité et connaissances techniques en la matière
  • Capacité à s’adapter rapidement à un style artistique en particulier
  • Capacité à s’adapter à partir de directives et à améliorer de nouveaux styles, techniques et flux de travail
  • Capacité à utiliser quotidiennement des nuanceurs en PBR et la cartographie normale
  • Excellente compréhension de la théorie des couleurs
  • Compréhension des budgets mémoire et image
  • Expérience dans la création d’esthétiques créatives et visuelles de haute qualité ainsi que des connaissances techniques en la matière
  • Expérience dans la création de séquences cinématiques, d’accessoires, de textures et de matériaux sur les plates-formes de consoles de nouvelle génération
  • Capacité à montrer des exemples d’accessoires et de textures de haute qualité créés pour les jeux de consoles de nouvelle génération
  • Compétences pour équilibrer la qualité artistique et les performances dans le moteur de jeu
  • Fortes compétences en communication orale et écrite en anglais
  • Esprit d’équipe et ouverture
  • Forte éthique de travail et motivation personnelle
  • Indépendance et sens de l’organisation
  • Passion pour le mentorat
  • Passion les jeux vidéo et leur création


  • 5 years of experience in all aspects model creation workflow (Model and texture stylized, modular, hard-surface and organic set pieces and props for a diverse set of environments with use of all new techniques)
  • Shipped AAA title experience
  • Experience with industry-standard software packages for 3D modeling, high poly sculpting, and texture painting (Maya, Max, ZBrush, Photoshop, or their equivalents)
  • Unreal Experience
  • Substance Painter working proficiency
  • Experience creating high quality creative/visual aesthetics as well as technical knowledge
  • Being able to adapt fast a specific art style
  • Ability to adapt with minimum guidance new styles, techniques and workflows
  • Strong skills in using PBR shaders and normal maps on daily basis
  • Great understanding of color theory
  • Understanding of memory and frame budgets
  • Experience creating high quality creative/visual aesthetics as well as technical knowledge
  • Experience creating set pieces, props, textures, and materials on next gen console platforms
  • Ability to show examples of top notch props and textures made for next gen console games
  • Skilled at balancing art quality and performance in the game engine
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English
  • Open-minded team player attitude
  • Strong work ethic and self-motivated
  • Independent and organized
  • A passion for mentorship
  • Passionate about playing and making video games

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Principal Backend Engineer

People Can FlyWarszawa, Poland, Remote

People Can Fly is hiring a Remote Principal Backend Engineer

Job Description


  • Propose, implement and own tasks and features in a timely fashion to a high standard of quality.
  • Provide regular updates to the production for your software and reach out to other parties who will be impacted by your work.
  • Collaborating with PCF Framework to define the direction of the shared components, and augment the stability, features and performance of existing shared modules.
  • Propose, design and implement technical solutions to complex problems presented by the production.
  • Produce highly efficient systems and improve the performance of other systems.
  • Breakdown your own tasks, update your progress, ask questions and raise issues to relevant stakeholders as well as proposing solutions when needed.
  • Work closely with the project Architect to implement high quality features and code, proactively identify and address risks with the team.
  • Partner with leads to define priority management for features.
  • Proactively participate and approve code reviews.
  • Share knowledge with the rest of the studio.
  • Occasionally support leads in recruitment projects with HR collaboration.
  • Define the best practices and technical solutions used at the company.
  • Work with QA teams to define testing requirements for new and existing features.


  • Establish long-term vision and technical plans for ensuring stability and reusability of the backend platform.
  • Advise and facilitate architectural and technological decision making.
  • Design and implement backend services for the PCF Online Services Platform, tailored for online gaming.
  • Provide tools and frameworks for smooth backend service integration with game clients and servers.
  • Implement protective measures against threats and ensure adherence to data protection laws.
  • Regularly refine the performance of online services, focusing on server efficiency and user load management.
  • Resolve technical issues and continuously support and update online services for stable performance.


  • Excellent primary programming language skills.
  • Proficient with Source Control and Code Review tools (Swarm, Perforce, Git, etc.).
  • Good knowledge of Project Management Software (JIRA, Confluence, etc.).
  • 8+ years of experience in the production of high-scalability online services. Domain doesn't have to be video games as long as user numbers are high: scale matters above all else.
  • Have been involved in at least 1 or 2 shipped products or services from start to end including LiveOps.
  • Other relevant domains to look into: content distribution, ad-tech, news, mobile gaming, finance.
  • FAANG (or adjacent) experience is highly sought after.
  • Strong knowledge with Docker, Kubernetes and at least one cloud-native environment (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform).
  • Extensive proficiency in multiple programming languages such as Python, Ruby, C#, Java and Rust/Go/Kotlin.
  • Proficiency in SQL databases (e.g. Postgres) and Redis; both with an emphasis on scalability and resource efficiency.
  • C/C++ skills: intermediate to advanced (not necessarily engine programmer-level; should be able to find, debug and fix their way around a C/C++ codebase).
  • Understanding of client-server methodology.
  • Deep understanding of scalability, security and maintainability considerations.
  • Ability to write secure, reliable, understandable code.
  • Strong mentoring skills.
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills in English.

Nice to have:

  • Understanding of Unreal Engine for game development
  • Experience with OpenAPI and code generation tools
  • Experience with monitoring stacks: Prometheus, InfluxDB, Loki, Grafana
  • Video Game-specific experience
  • Knowledge of OpenTelemetry for application monitoring

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CRM Manager

RyanairDublin,County Dublin,Ireland

Ryanair is hiring a Remote CRM Manager

Ryanair are currently recruiting for a CRM Manager to join Europe's largest airline group.

This is an exciting opportunity to work with one of Europe’s biggest and best digital platforms in a fast paced and challenging environment. From the cockpit and cabin to our state-of-the-art offices in Dublin, Madrid, and Wroclaw we want bright, talented, and enthusiastic people who are passionate, love a challenge and who like to get stuck in.

Reporting to the Head of CRM you will and managing a team of 2 you will;

  • Plan, develop and execute the performance marketing strategy for Ryanair across all customer lifecycles with a goal to drive incremental bookings and upsell of products, while incresing customer retention rates.
  • Coordination of all our diversified comms plan, making sure we have a seamless contact and reduce customer fatigue.
  • Reporting on goals and KPIs of your strategy pillars, measure the success of your campaigns, analyse customer data and report performance insights to recommend improvements.
  • Understand the customer base in detail and use knowledge to execute marketing plans and initiatives that support customer retention and acquisition.
  • Working closely with our media partner to deliver end to end management of performance marketing activity across paid channels.
  • Support team in developing creative briefs that align to brand tone and consider local marketing influences and ensure that marketing campaigns are always topical and relevant.
  • Maximise owned media channels ensuring contactability rates are above industry standards.
  • Work closely with the wider marketing team to optimise marketing strategies.
  • Ensures team growth and career path for its direct line of reports.
  • Master's or bachelor’s degree in a relevant field of study.
  • 5+ years’ experience in customer management or digital marketing activities.
  • Experience with customer marketing planning
  • Experience working cross functionally with other teams and stakeholders. Experience compiling campaign and project effectiveness reports for stakeholders.
  • Strong organisational skills.
  • Strong interpersonal skills.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills based on a data driven approach.
  • Attention to detail combined with creative thinking.
  • Ability to work on multiple tasks and projects in a fast-paced working environment.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
  • Superior reporting and editing skills.
  • Naturally inquisitive mind-set, wants to understand behaviour, look for opportunities.
  • Customer focused, thinks about the customers 24/7.
  • Business driven and action oriented.
    • Competitive salary
    • Discounted and unlimited travel to over 250 destinations
    • Defined Contribution Pension Scheme
    • Death in Service Benefit – Up to 2 times of annual basic salary
    • 20 Days Annual Leave – Increasing to 22 days after 12 months and 25 days after 3 years of continuous service.
    • Option for up to 5 additional unpaid leave days per year
    • Cycle 2 Work Scheme
    • Unrivalled career progression

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CRM Executive

RyanairDublin,County Dublin,Ireland

Ryanair is hiring a Remote CRM Executive

Ryanair are currently recruiting for a CRM Executiveto join Europe's largest airline group.

It's an incredibly exciting time to join Ryanair. Each day, across Europe, we carry over 500,000 passengers, operate over 3600 flights and have millions of interactions across our digital products. By 2034, we plan to scale our business to carry 300m+ passengers a year. This is an exciting opportunity to work with one of Europe’s biggest and best digital platforms in a fast paced and challenging environment. From the cockpit and cabin to our state-of-the-art offices in Dublin, Madrid, and Wroclaw we want bright, talented, and enthusiastic people who are passionate, love a challenge and who like to get stuck in. So, if you are passionate about transforming and defining the future travel experience for our customers, we want to hear from you.


  • Support the Head of CRM in the delivery of marketing initiatives which run across Ryanair’s owned media platforms – primarily on-site, Email and Push.
  • Be responsible for the planning, delivery and reporting of sales and marketing campaigns to aid in achieving commercial goals
  • Use data and insights to inform on future campaign ideas and strategies  
  • Create and maintain the promotion schedule for Ryanair in order to increase load factor, bookings and intent to purchase
  • Responsible for using the email channel (Adobe Campaign) and push channel (Swrve) to promote Ryanair flights, driving ROI for the tool
  • Responsible for understanding the Ryanair customer base to ensure only the most relevant promotions, sent through the most effective promotional channel, are delivered at the most appropriate time to customers
  • Ensure that all assets go live with correct copy, without truncations or over-crowded text and that accurate localisations are delivered in a timely manner
  • Confidently report on what campaigns are delivering for the business, reviewing on a daily and weekly basis
  • Propose hypotheses for improving engagement and conversion on promotions - then create, launch and report on tests designed to prove their effectiveness, utilising control groups or AB testing.
  • Ability to work collaboratively with cross-functional teams, including marketing, product, brand and insights.
  • Ensure relevant daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly deadlines are met with superb attention to detail.
  • Support in the delivery of the overall CRM team objectives, not just those specific to your channels
  • Coordinate with the creative team to develop compelling visuals and design elements for marketing campaigns, providing creative briefs that effectively convey the desired message and brand image.

    • Strong ability to work under pressure and consistently meet deadlines in a fast paced, high-pressure environment
    • Strong understanding of CRM principles and experience in developing and implementing effective CRM strategies.
    • Familiar and comfortable with using CRM tools like Adobe Campaign and SWRVE
    • Ability to interpret and analyse data to derive actionable insights and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
    • Strong copy writing and proofing skills
    • Ability to think creatively and confident in bringing new ideas to the table
    • Proactive and initiative-taking attitude
    • A growth mind-set with a passion for making a real difference and getting the job done
    • Highly organised and an effective communicator
    • Familiarity with customer segmentation strategies and experience in implementing targeted marketing approaches.
    • Knowledge of A/B testing methodologies and experience in conducting tests to optimise marketing campaigns.
    • Experience in the airline industry or a similar travel-related field would be an advantage.
    • English native.
    • Competitive salary
    • Discounted and unlimited travel to over 250 destinations
    • Defined Contribution Pension Scheme
    • Death in Service Benefit – Up to 2 times of annual basic salary
    • 20 Days Annual Leave – Increasing to 22 days after 12 months and 25 days after 3 years of continuous service.
    • Option for up to 5 additional unpaid leave days per year
    • Cycle 2 Work Scheme
    • Unrivalled career progression

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Passenger Service Manager - Dublin Airport

RyanairDublin Airport,County Dublin,Ireland

Ryanair is hiring a Remote Passenger Service Manager - Dublin Airport

Ryanair is currently recruiting for a Passenger Service Manager to join Europe's Largest Airline.

The successful candidate will be based in Dublin Airport to support our largest ever Summer schedule!

  • Management of all front of house activities to ensure the highest standards of customer service and punctuality are maintained.
  • Managing a busy check-in crew to ensure that duties are carried out in an efficient, professional manner.
  • Rostering adequate numbers of staff to work in check-in, ticket desk, boarding gates and arrivals.
  • Supervising the operation of check-in, arrivals and the boarding gates with regard to staffing, facilities and operational procedures.
  • Ensuring our high customer service and grooming standards are upheld.
  • Assessment, monitoring and training of all staff under your supervision in the performance of their duties, customer service skills, motivation and personal development.
  • Ensuring that the appropriate baggage allowances are observed and all relevant excess baggage fees are collected.
  • Monitoring the collection of all relevant additional fees and charges.
  • Ensuring that no passenger or their baggage is accepted for travel unless the passenger answers the mandatory security questions satisfactorily.
  • Ensuring that staff observe and adhere to all relevant security regulations.
  • Ensuring all relevant operational information is passed on to CSAs, e.g. flight delays, cancellations, etc.
  • Monitoring that check-in closes at strictly STD-30
  • Ensuring only appropriate baggage is accepted for travel and all security procedures are adhered to.
  • Monitoring and supervising the Arrivals department, Ticket Desk and Boarding Gates.
  • Ensuring that passengers are kept updated as soon as possible during any disruptions to our service.
  • Assisting CSAs with queries on passport/documentation requirements and ensuring all passengers travelling possess the required valid documentation.
  • Answer passenger queries.
  • Ensuring all relevant documentation and signage is displayed at check-in and the boarding gates

  • Minimum of 2 years relevant experience is required for this position.
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Full knowledge of Requirements
  • Ryanair Policies & Procedures
  • Capable of working on your own initiative /be a quick thinker / problem solver
  • Strong leadership skills
  • Work well in a pressurized environment
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work to deadlines

Competitive salary, Performance bonus & Airline Benefits!

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Kindbody is hiring a Remote Director, Verification of Benefits & Financial Navigation

About Kindbody

Kindbody is a leading fertility clinic network and global family-building benefits provider for employers offering the full-spectrum of reproductive care from preconception to postpartum through menopause. Kindbody is the trusted fertility benefits provider for 127 leading employers, covering more than 2.7 million lives. Many thousands more receive their fertility care directly from Kindbody throughout the country at signature clinics, mobile clinics, and partner clinics. As the fertility benefits provider, technology platform, and direct provider of care, Kindbody delivers a seamless, integrated experience with superior health outcomes at lower cost, making fertility care more affordable and accessible for all. Kindbody has raised $315 million in funding from leading investors.

Founded in 2018, CB Insights recognized Kindbody as one of the world’s promising health companies. Kindbody was named to Inc.’s Best In Business list of most admired companies, Forbes Best Startup Employers, Fast Company’s Brands that Matter,  2023 Linkedin Top 50 Startups list, and Fierce Healthcare named Kindbody to its Fierce 15 list of 2022, which recognizes the most promising healthcare companies in the industry world. Kindbody was named to the 2023 CNBC Disruptor 50 list for revolutionizing the way fertility care is delivered in the U.S.

About the Role

As an experienced Director, VOB, Per Cert and Financial Navigation reporting to our VP, RCMyou will be working in a fast-paced, rapidly growing environment where you will be relied on for your expertise, professionalism, and collaboration. This role is a full-time remote  position with occasional travel to HQ and other offices.


  • Develop and implement policies and procedures for verifying patient insurance benefits, including accurate and timely verification of coverage.
  • Train and educate staff on insurance verification procedures.
  • Ensure compliance with (pre) certification requirements for various healthcare services with payors.
  • Collaborate with physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals to gather necessary documentation for certification.
  • Monitor and track certification timelines to ensure timely renewal or reauthorization.
  • Stay updated on changes in certification requirements and communicate updates to team members.
  • Develop and implement strategies to assist patients in navigating the financial aspects of their healthcare.
  • Coordinate with financial counselors to provide information and resources on payment options, insurance coverage, and financial assistance programs.
  • Collaborate with revenue cycle management teams to optimize reimbursement and minimize denials.
  • Stay updated on healthcare billing and reimbursement regulations.
  • Recruit, train, and manage a team of benefits verification specialists, pre certification coordinators, and financial navigators.
  • Provide guidance and support to staff, ensuring efficient and accurate performance.
  • Conduct performance evaluations and provide constructive feedback to team members.
  • Foster a positive work environment that promotes teamwork and professional development.
  • Develop and maintain reports on key performance indicators (KPI’s) related to benefits verification, certification, and financial navigation.
  • Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations, privacy laws, and billing requirements.
  • Collaborate with internal auditors and compliance officers to address any identified issues and implement corrective actions.
  • Develop automations and provide guidance to Kindbody Technology Team/KindEMR on technology features to improve the verification of benefits, certification of services or financial navigation process


Who You Are

  • Bachelor's degree in healthcare administration, business administration, or a related field (Master's degree preferred).
  • 7-10 years of experience in healthcare revenue cycle management and patient engagement (verification of benefits, pre-certification, financial navigation)
  • Familiarity with certification requirements for various healthcare payor services.
  • Strong leadership skills with the ability to effectively manage and motivate a team.
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Detail-oriented with strong analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Proficient in using healthcare software and electronic medical record (EMR) systems.

Perks and Benefits

Kindbody values our employees and wants to do everything to ensure that our employees are happy and professionally fulfilled, but also that they have the opportunity to be healthy.  We are committed to providing a number of affordable and valuable health and wellness benefits to our full-time employees, such as paid vacation and sick time; paid time off to vote; medical, dental and vision insurance; FSA + HSA options; Company-paid life insurance; Short Term + Long Term Disability options; Paid Parental Leave (up to 12 weeks fully paid dependent on years of service); 401k plans; monthly guided meditation and two free cycles of IVF/IUI or egg freezing and free egg storage for as long as you are employed.

Additional benefits, such as paid holidays, commuter transit benefits, job training & development opportunities, social events and wellness programming are also available.  We are constantly reevaluating our benefits to ensure they meet the needs of our employees.

In an effort to protect our employees and our patients, Kindbody strongly encourages all employees to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.  However, some states are requiring that all healthcare workers be fully vaccinated.  Candidates seeking employment at Kindbody in the following states will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of your COVID-19 vaccine prior to your start date of employment: New York.  All other states are exempt from this requirement.  If you cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccine because of a qualifying legal reason, you may request an exception to this requirement from the Company. As this is a remote position, the requirement would not apply.

Please note that Kindbody interview requests and job offers only originate from an email address. Kindbody will also never ask for bank account information (including routing or account numbers), social security numbers, passwords or any other sensitive information to be delivered over email or phone. Always reference our career site, careersatkindbody, to see if the position that you are applying to is legitimate. If you receive a scam issue or a security issue involving Kindbody please notify us at


Kindbody is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. We strongly support the principles of equal employment opportunity in all of our employment and hiring policies and practices and believe that a more diverse and inclusive workplace will benefit our patients, care partners, and Kindbody employees. We administer our employment and hiring policies and practices without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, citizenship, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, medical condition, military service, military or veteran status, genetic information, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law.

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Kindbody is hiring a Remote Enterprise Financial Navigator

About Kindbody

Kindbody is a leading fertility clinic network and global family-building benefits provider for employers offering the full-spectrum of reproductive care from preconception to postpartum through menopause. Kindbody is the trusted fertility benefits provider for 127 leading employers, covering more than 2.7 million lives. Many thousands more receive their fertility care directly from Kindbody throughout the country at signature clinics, mobile clinics, and partner clinics. As the fertility benefits provider, technology platform, and direct provider of care, Kindbody delivers a seamless, integrated experience with superior health outcomes at lower cost, making fertility care more affordable and accessible for all. Kindbody has raised $315 million in funding from leading investors.


Founded in 2018, CB Insights recognized Kindbody as one of the world’s promising health companies. Kindbody was named to Inc.’s Best In Business list of most admired companies, Forbes Best Startup Employers, Fast Company’s Brands that Matter,  2023 Linkedin Top 50 Startups list, and Fierce Healthcare named Kindbody to its Fierce 15 list of 2022, which recognizes the most promising healthcare companies in the industry world. Kindbody was named to the 2023 CNBC Disruptor 50 list for revolutionizing the way fertility care is delivered in the U.S.

About the Role

As an experienced Enterprise Financial Navigator, you will be working in a fast-paced, rapidly growing environment where you will be relied on for your expertise, professionalism, and collaboration. This role is a full-time remote position.


  • Support all work streams related to operationalizing Kindbody’s Benefit Products and Programs
  • Maintain key documentation and workflows across COE, virtual, and pharmacy product lines
  • Support Implementation and/or Carrier Integration through testing and launch readiness process 
  • Support all employer group onboarding processes including building, testing, QA/QC 
  • Serve as a subject matter expert on Kindbody’s benefits configurations
  • Support CX and billing with respect to enterprise accounts
  • Identify and understand benefit plan requirements to ensure Kindbody systems and collateral accurately reflect plan designs
  • Execute all protocols to ensure the Kindbody Benefit product is achieving operational excellence
  • Own post launch maintenance of eligibility, plan design, benefit utilization, claims, and reporting 
  • Problem solve and provide issue resolution guidance and support for eligibility, benefit utilization, and claims blockers
  • Maintain account data integrity through collaboration with Customer Success, Product, and Eng
  • Own post go-live audit and support Finance reconciliation as needed
  • Collaborate cross-functionally to resolve key issues that may arise
  • Be the eyes and ears for gaps / changes to improve workflow efficiency
  • Recommend process / procedure updates in order to enhance performance and better meet future customer requirements and / or carrier integrations

Desired Skills and Experience:

  • Bachelor’s degree required, healthcare and/or benefits experience strongly preferred
  • Tactically oriented and possess strong problem solving, operational, and decision making skills
  • Strong communication skills via face-to-face meetings, conference calls and written correspondence
  • Self-starter mentality: ability to make informed decisions, find creative approaches to difficult challenges, and deliver on commitments
  • Flexible, adaptable, and able to respond under the pressure of a fast-paced company
  • Experience supporting healthcare benefits strategies for large employers
  • Independent learner; must be able to work independently in a manner to achieve goals, objectives and productivity requirements.
  • Effectively utilize Microsoft Office tools (Excel, Word, and PowerPoint)


Perks and Benefits

Compensation Range: $24.00-$26.00
(The base salary range for this position at the time of this posting is indicated below. Individual compensation varies based on job-related factors, including location, business needs, level of responsibility, experience, and qualifications. We offer a competitive benefits package. While the published compensation range is a good faith reflection of the targeted compensation level for the position, Kindbody reserves the right to pay outside of the published salary range.)

Kindbody values our employees and wants to do everything to ensure that our employees are happy and professionally fulfilled, but also that they have the opportunity to be healthy.  We are committed to providing a number of affordable and valuable health and wellness benefits to our full-time employees, such as paid vacation and sick time; paid time off to vote; medical, dental and vision insurance; FSA + HSA options; Company-paid life insurance; Short Term + Long Term Disability options; Paid Parental Leave (up to 12 weeks fully paid dependent on years of service); 401k plans; monthly guided meditation and two free cycles of IVF/IUI or egg freezing and free egg storage for as long as you are employed.

Additional benefits, such as paid holidays, commuter transit benefits, job training & development opportunities, social events and wellness programming are also available.  We are constantly reevaluating our benefits to ensure they meet the needs of our employees.

In an effort to protect our employees and our patients, Kindbody strongly encourages all employees to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. However, some states are requiring that all healthcare workers be fully vaccinated. Candidates seeking employment at Kindbody in the following states will be required to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and provide proof of your COVID-19 vaccine prior to your start date of employment: New York. All other states are exempt from this requirement. If you cannot receive the COVID-19 vaccine because of a qualifying legal reason, you may request an exception to this requirement from the Company.

Please note that Kindbody interview requests and job offers only originate from an email address. Kindbody will also never ask for bank account information (including routing or account numbers), social security numbers, passwords or any other sensitive information to be delivered over email or phone. Always reference our career site, careersatkindbody, to see if the position that you are applying to is legitimate. If you receive a scam issue or a security issue involving Kindbody please notify us at



Kindbody is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer. We strongly support the principles of equal employment opportunity in all of our employment and hiring policies and practices and believe that a more diverse and inclusive workplace will benefit our patients, care partners, and Kindbody employees. We administer our employment and hiring policies and practices without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, citizenship, national origin, ancestry, age, disability, medical condition, military service, military or veteran status, genetic information, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by federal, state, or local law.


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